Newspaper Page Text
The State Press
E. C. & A. M. ROWLAND.
Two Dollars per annum in advance, or Three Dol
a-s al the end us the vear.
One Dollar per Square for the first 1 inwertfbtl, and
F.fty cents fur each subsequent insertion. Liberal
r.*iigements will be made with those who advertise
by the year.
Having a new and beautiful supply of job type and
,ue of Gordon’* celebrated Power Presses, we are
• repared to do any kind of work in this line with
nr. it»vas/accuracy and dispatch, at moderate prices.
Strauss is a second Orpheus, w tender
movi.ig, spirit-stirring, love kivs.iig ums.c c<m
q.ucrs the must i ven Cerate enemy oi i vrpsiciiore;
wnose magic sounds soothe hearts, sill signs,
dry tears, tame wild and m .ve the "tones
She.uselves. Strauss has writvii waltzes that
are more tojne than many operas, in seven ol
his measures there is oiten nu»ru meiodt than
in as many heavy scores of outer musician.".
What a fullness of syren beauty, what a rich
mine of poetry, what an inexhaustible fount oi
ever-gusiiiiig melody' And not the melody
alune—the rythin also with a magical miiu
ence seizes the brain and viitefo the heart. —
His violin is a talisman by widen he draws
from the depths of the human soul br-igidu&t
joy and deepest woe, and iniughur then* witu
master-band. The bow with which he draws
tfhese inmiy colored tunes horn his instrument
pj a magic wattdy winch- touches the g. iei-turn
sun I with- the liuahng balsam ui joy, and lends
her wings to mount up into the heaven ol
peace. There are waltz-compositions as rich in
melody, but few as rich in melting rythm as
those of Strauss —by turns skipping, humming,
waltzing, gliding, and dancing, so inviting, so
irrusistible, that no dancer can withstand their
w»iu*bing influence. He is the idol of woinex.
*n every house, on every in Vienna, lie
Strauss' waltzes. He has written oVer two
hundred; all Jure .favorites, all are sung and
(rilled, and played throughout Europe. Cob
bler and dandy hum and pipe them ; orchestra
and barrel-organ play them. We bear them in
the street, at the ball, in the garden, and at the
theatre. The dancing Viennese carry him on
their shoulders and shout ” Strauss forever.”
This Strauss, this waltz hero, loved the
daughter of a count. Sophie was her name.—
Her eye was bluer than Italy's heaven, and
softer than the sweet light of the evening star.
Grace and beauty were in every motion, and
music in every tone. In a word, Sophie was
beautiful. He would have given worlds to
win but one glance of love ; but she was cold
and .stern. Madness, indued, for a poor musi
cian, with nothing but his violin, to dar-u to
love the high-born Sophie, who had as many
noble ancestors as he iiad w altzes.'
"Impertinent,” said Sophie; and w hen he
eame to give her brother a lesson on the violin
she scarce designed him a look. Shortly after
wards Sophiv was betrothed to Count Kobs-rt.
Lord Ciia'iiberlain, who litul indeed as many
proud ancestors as- Sophie, but beyond these
and his titles, hud nothing of w hich he could
One day when Strands chanced to be alone
wi.h Sophie, be sank upon his knee' before
her, and with burning Words declared his love,
and besought her to give him but one word or
look of loveerb he was ipiite dritum to despair.
Jhit neither tears nor protestations moved her
-she was cold and unfeeling as marble. " 1
am an atliam-ed bride,” she said- li'Uightdy,
‘• and if 1 were not, think ymi-l would become
the w ife of a |>oor musician f” She turned
scornfully away, ami left Idin alone in his griel
and despair, lihurupentum o w hielnsoon aw oke
in th« hear? of Sophie unhappily came too late.
The bridegroom and her lather hastened the
marriage—in eight .days she would be the wife
of Count Kobert. The ceremony was to be
performed in the great saloon of the city, and
t>he Count called on Strauss to request him to
lead the orchestra on that occasion, and to
honor bis bride with the composition of a new
Straus, the most miserable man in God's uni
verse, promoted-him bo«h. "lie wishes to
wound- more deeply;” said the unhappy
man to himself— but 1 forgive him ; and may
she be happy—may she never repent her
He addressed himself earnestly to Ids work.
This waltz should be the interp eter ol Ids pa—
siou and his grief to bopliie. It should chal
lenge at least her pity, if not her love. When
all the great city slept, Strauss took his violin,
opened his window, and gazed out into the cohl
mght, and improvised and-moaned forth Ids sail
tale of wo-to the sweet stars above that looked
kindly down on the desolate and In.-art-ste’ii'k--
The day of the wedding came at last. This
fierce agony of love had given him a waltz, ev
ery measure of which spoke a longing sorrow,
W wiiilhivy wo.. The hall glistened and shone
w ith bright jewels, and brighter eyes; but So
phie was more gloriously beautiful than all.—
The richest gems lent their charms and their
lustre ; the pern myrtle wreath bloomed in
her golden hair, and the rare and costly bridal
veil shaded-her beautiful features from the full
gaze of the adoring crowd. Strauss, a haggard
emaciated man, with brilliant, piercing black
eyes, sharp, strongly marked features, dressed
tVnti head to foot in black, as though he had
assumed this mourning livery tortile bride now
dead to him. stood sad and silent in the galle
ry above, directing the movements of the or
chestra. Sophie danced, now with one. now
with another of the wedding guests; and as
often as she paused after the giddy whirl of
the dance, she turned her eyes towards the
pale, grief stricken Strauss, in his robes of sor
row and mourning, und met bit piercing look
of despairing love.
It was more than pity she felt—it was re- -
morse,, its was kindling love. A terrible pain
awoke in her heart, like a swelling streapn
growing ever wider and deeper, oe
overwhelm and destroy her quite. Gladly slit
would have w ept, but she dared not. It sound
ed twelve o'clock and Strauss gave the signal
fcr the performance of the new waltz. The
gay dancers stood up. Sophie on the arm of the
happy bridgroom. All stood spell-bound with
the wondrous w itchery of those magic sounds.
They forgot to dance, they gazed wondering)*-
up at the pale man in black, whose grief torn
■oul breathed out its wo through the sounding
strings of his instrument. His bow moved,
with his heart went his spirit. The bridegroom
led oft'—they dance and dance. Strauss follows
the Hying pair with tearful eyes —torn heart.
They dance, and dance, and dance, an-1 wilt
never cease. Strauss played and play ed-iuid will
never stop this wonderful waltz, which so fear
fully affects both him and them. They dance
and dance; lie played and play«l— suddenly the
E of his violin snaps, and in that moment So
phie falls dead upon the floor.. Violin and bow
falls from his trembling hands..iuu) wifcli a cry of
horror he shrieked, “ Sophia I” and fell fainting
on the ground.
Since Sophie's death the waltz is called by
her name; Strauss loved her till his death.-
He too, is now dead, but his charming Sophie's
▼ site lire* y»t.
.State lJri'ss.
Grain Cradles;
GRANTS wire braced Grain Cradles, 5 and 6 fin
gers, warranted bkdes for sale by
may fit NATHAN W I-1.1 •
BEST Sliver Steel Scythes, S y the Sheaths; Scythe
Sharpeners, Grass Houks, Sickles for sal*' bv
n».iy 20 NATHAN WEED.
MERY’S Celebrated Overshot Wheat Threshers,
Brown's Virginia Threshers with Straw Separa
ruturs for sale by NATHAN WEED,
mat 20
Horse Powers.
SI NCI.AIR'S Seven Horse Powers, Whitman’s
Virginia Lever Powers, Emery’s Rail Road Horae
Powers, in Store and for side at manufacturer's
prices by NATHAN WEED,
may 2
RANT’S Celebrated Fan Mills, Clinton A Son’s
T Fans, all sizes, from 20 to '■■■’> dollars, for sale bv
Oat <Titters.
SELF-SHARPENIN’ Straw and Shuck Cutters, Sin
clair’a Patent, Georgia Cutting Boxes, fur sale bv
Grain Sieves.
\\7 IRE Cloth. Rakes, Leather and Rubber Bands;
5 V Corn Mills, Corn Shelters, for sale bv
may N \TII.\N VVHJW'
Bolting Cloths;
BOLTING CLOTIISof all numbers and of the best
anchor brand, It sale bv
may 2<> N A'HILA N WEED
Cotton Avy’iiflt l , Macon, Lu.
1 ii'
Sugar Mills, from 330 to §l5O.
I.'HIOM New and' approved I'at terns. and Castings
und Machinery in general june xvii-ts
>S a place of great ultra* tioti to all lovers of the
Remit iffil “At hrr<- reigns supreme,” and the
hundreds of handsome and lovely face* on exhibition
show not only the skill of the Artists, but makes it
one of the most pleasant resorts in Macon. None
sbutdd fail-to pm a visit to this well known und cele
brat <d< I'AIMFk OF ART.
Th»» astonishing low prices at .'hich Portraits are
taken at this Gallery. and the beautv they possess
is wonderful.
From Ilaguerreoty pes ot deceased persons taken as
well us from life.
At low as at any other Gallery and of superior qual
ity < 'all a'i'l june 3
Bargain! Bargain!!
subscriber offers for sale his Plantation. Saw,
1 Grist, Flouring Mill and Wool Carding Ma
chine, situated live miles south of Knoxville, Craw
ford comity, and eight miles north of the South
Western Rail Road. The plantation contains seven
hundred acres of land, well watered and well tim
bered. located in one of the healthiest portions of
Crawford co., surrounded bv excellent society, with
the facilities of a church atuLschool within one mile.
The Mills—Saw. Grist, Flouring ami Wool Carding
Machine, have been recently re-built, and are in ex
cellentcondition. situated on a never failing stream.
On the plantation there is one hundred and fifty acres
of cleared land in a high state of cultivation, with a
comfortable framed dwelling, and oilier necessary out
buildings. Attach ’d to the premiers is the privilege
of saw Timber on Buo acres ot land, for the use of tin*
Saw Mills, Any person wishing to make a profita
ble investment would do well to call on the subscri
ber on the premises. JAMES E BRI CE,
Crawford co., Ga.
scheiht.i: fok I’.\ss+:m;kr thai.vs.
On and after Jul? 15th.
T EAVE Macon 11.45, p. in., and 9.45, a. m.; ar
1> rive in Columbus 5.35, a m.. and 3.45, p. in.;
Leave Columbus 4 a m. and 3.45 p. m. Arrive in
Macon 9.50 a. m. and p. m.
I .ewe Macon a. m. Arrive at Albany 4.0 Sp.
in. Dawson 5.20 p. tn.
Leave Albany 3.« hi, p. m., Dfcufeon 1.40 p. m.—
Arrive in Macon ‘.♦.l s , p. in.
Tri weekly Accommodation Down, Monday. Wed
nesday ami Friday. Up—Tuesday, Thursday and
1 zcaves Macon 7.12, a. m. Arrive at Dawson 5.2”
p. in., Albany 4.31, p. m.
Leave Albany 6.2”, a. m., DavOofl*- AVrive at
Macon 3.13, p. in.
Mhil Stages to and from Tallahassee, Thomasville
and Bainbridge, Ac., connect with regala" ttrvtiM
ui Albany. Also from Dawsen* tri-w eekly to Cuth
bert. Fort Gaine.*,
A< Mbcon connects with Trains on Central and Ma
con A Western Rail Road.
Passengers from Columbus and the West for
South-Western Georgia or Florida should tnke the
4., a. m. train, at Columbus. Both trains run on
FARE from Albany x ia Savannah to New 1 ork by
Steamships in Cabin, $24 25. Ticketscan be procur
ed from Kail Road Agent, Albanv.
July xv Superintendent.
Notice to Shippers.
Soitu-Westekn R. R f
Macon, July 12,1838. |
--Xi -, r rn..~Z-4> , -z.
a ~ T *'.
SOUTH -WESTERN Rail Road is now completed
and in operation to Brow n’s Station and Daw
son. Passenger Trains passing over it inconnection
w ith Albany Train daily. Freight Train, at present,
between Macon and Dawson, tn weakly.. Rote of
Freight between Savannah. AunnMtH Mheon and orti<-
er points, and Brow n’s and Dawson’s, will be the
same as between those places and Albany.
All GmHis for Cuthbert and places West of Dawson,
should be shipped to Dawson.
X v GEO. W ADAMS, Supt.
•-«*“ City papers copy.
HAVE removed to their new Store in Washing
ton Block, Mulberry Street where they are
now prepared to exhibit their Fa and Winter stock
of Clothing and Furnishing goods.
Their stock comprise every article necessary to a
gentleman's Wardrobe of the latest styles and best
manufacture, and by weekly importations from New
York will be kept constantly complete during the
Also, Youth’s and Boy’s Clothing. Trunks, Va
lises, Carpet Bags. Umbrellas, Ac. Their facilities
are such as to enable them to have special orders for
garments filled within a space of 10 to 14 days, with
tit guaranteed and style unsurpassed by any house
oet 90
MACON. GEORGIA, Tlll liSbAY. AI GI ST 12. 1858.
Crockery, China,
I WOULD most respectfully inform the citizens of
Macon and surrounding country that 1 have a
food stock of China Dinner and Tea vetts and‘Granite
tinner and Tea setts.
English China Tea setts from $3 50 to $8 per
sett. A large lot plated Castors, ranging from $4 OU
each to*s3.uo. "k*a setts from $35 uu to
Ice Pilchers, Ac., Ar? A fine lot China Vases. Sev
j oral setts tine French Gitas. Bureau setts for tables.
Fine Bohemian Cologin s, Plated Butter and Sugar
Dishes Cigar Stands, Fluid Gas Lamps for standing,
suspending; side and Billiard Lamps, Camphene
Lamps, side and sus|»cnding, u common and tine ar
ticle, Kerosene Lamps, common l.ard Lamps, Brass
Ginmdotes, Plated Knives aud Fo ks, Tea and Ta
ble Spoons, common Black Tea Puis, Brown Stone
Tea Pots, Brown Spittoons, China Spittuns, China
Toilet setts, common Toilet setts, a large and well as
sorted stock of Glassware. 1 have about BtH> dozen
common Tumblers for Merchants and 3«*‘dozen Gob
lets for Merchants, also a large stock of Granite and
common Earthen ware. As 1 import my stock of
Ware and buy my Glass principally for cash at Auc
tions in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Ac., I think
I can sell here at New York prices and give my cus
tomers satisfaction.
Thankful for past‘patronage, I now presume to so
licit the same in future. R. P. McEVGV.
As I have a great many calls for ('bandoliers for
Churches, it i.-» probably best to let the world know
that I have never made any profit out of anything for
' a ('hurcli, hence all or ers fur Lamps for <’hurelics
should be sent at least 5 or 6 weeks before ibex need
I them, so as to e.table me to get them from the Facto
'■ ry. Ido not intend keeping stock on hand for that
i trade, but will as heretoronrget them out at Factory
' prices for Churches. R. P. McE. 2'.'
fV r E are offering and intern! to offer for a season.
> V the most extraordinary inducements to those
desiring to purchase
for the Cash. (*»ir stock is large, and selected with
the greatest care, ami to cash buyers we would say,
give us a call as we intend to make it to vour inter
est. The low figures at which we have bought eur
second Spring Stock, enable us to promise this with
perfect confidence.
may K-tt» W. W. PARKER A CO.
Matting!. Matting!!-
FFO those who find their carpets rather warm fbr
1 the season, we would say, call at Parker's and
you w ill find a mo.-t desirable article of- Malting, all
widths and at very low prices.
Land and Negroes for Sale.
(xNE Plantation in Worth county, lying on “Jones’
/ Creek < about 16 miles from Albany, ami 12 from
Wooten’s Station S. W. R. R., ■ containing acres,
about 300 cleared and in a fine state of cultivation.
Also, the following it n imwcu'cti lots, some of which
join the Non. 131, 15 >. 156,14?; 150, It»l. 1?4 and
r.« 6, all in the 15th Dist., und lot 275 in the 7th Dirt
Worth county. Also, 173 in Ist and 2”s in the 14th
Dist. Lee; also, 47. >2 ami 355 in the 12th Dist. Early
county ; also lot 21 M ‘ in 3d Dist. and 4th section Cher
okee ; also, lots 3 and 4 in Block H city of Albany ;
also half acre lots No. 3 ami 6 in 5 acre range city of
Brunswick, ku«»wn as Acmbimy lots, i Also, several
families of very likely young negroes Terms accom
modating. Apply to A. J*. Xt»A<*\KTin .
•M ix fix ts Al'i.U'x Gh
W-ll bo taken for a short time
Ts wanted by the Dbzen,
Superior Photographs
coloiiei). a rm ill other stills
4 Large business with small profits iawhat we
J \ wish; we do not expect to get rich in one year,
or three years, but are content to work and wait, and
by still taking better,cheaper, ami more picturesthan
anv one else wvlinpe finally to stiocecd.
('all at the old stand. Triangular Block. Our rooms
are newly furnished, and are cool and pleasant and you
can while awav an hour in examining our numerous
specimens of fine ami beautiful Pk'Ti kes.
june x-ts
Kennedy's Family and
\ / Family and Excelsior Flour. 3<"' sacks other
brands Superfine and Extra Flour. Just received
and for sale by McCALLIE A
I mar •ts
Arthor’s Cans and Jars.
lI’ST received a
large lot of Ar-
thor's Tin, Earthen ami
Gla*s Jars, for preserv-
ing fresh fruits, vege-
tables, tomatoes Ac., at ■
I louse F u r n is H i it g* . Jp
Store. Cher ry St rev t, £ tv
Macon, Ga. //. S
Just Received.
C’ILVER Forks. Table and Tea Spoons. Berry
S >” ip a<'_ Ac. Ivory Handle
Platod on Steel, Table Cutlery. IL C. Silver Lex t
Watches, Mathematical Instruments, Land Chains,
; june 3-ts
IRAN’S of Linen Ac., wholesale and’retail; a large
lot. Travelling Satchells. Baskets Ac. For sale
.by june 3tf E. J. JOHNSTON A CO.
City papers copy.
(YNE Solid Silver Tea Service of Elegam
/ Design ami Finish, Silver water Dippers. Ac.—
J ust received by E. J JOH NSTONACO.
; jnne x*'i»-
Just Received,
1) EFRIGERATORS of all kinds
1 Ire Pitchers Bratania and Plated,
Messer's Ice Cream Freezer,
Austin • “ “
Water Coolers. also. Ice Picks.
Plated Castors, Spoons and Forks.
Autber’s Self Sealing Cans, Glass, Earthen and Tin,
of all sizes.
Upright. Plunge. Shower and other bathing appa
ratus, on hand and ready for use.
Brooms, Brushes, Baskets. Tubs, Buckets, Trays,
and innumerable variety of fancy and useful articles,
cheap for cash. mwy xix-."m
Sugar Cured Hams.
CASKS Chandler A Co.’s celebrated Sugar Cur
») ed 4 Canvassed llarnx,
50 do choice Tenn, clear Sides. Just recriv ed‘by
july one McCALLIE A JONES.
Tennessee Hay.
HpIIIRTY Bales Prime Tennesse Hay. just- received
1 and for sale by McCALLIE A JONES,
mar 25-ts.
195 Broadway, N Y
I ) ARTICULA K attention gi \ en to the execution of
I orders for Rail Road supplies and equipments.
Being agent for the Manufacturers of nil the leading
articles, he can furnish them at the Factory prices
free of commission. References.
New 1 ork—E. Whitehouse. Esq., Banker; Messrs.
Henry Coit A Son ; ( has Pay, Esq.
Macon- T. R.. Bloom. Esq.; Dr. Robert Collins.
Savannah Wm. Duncan, Esq.
june 3-ts
SIXTY days after date application will be made to
the lion, the Ordinary of Crawford county for
leave to sell the real estate of James A vara, deceased,
late of said county, (the widow* dower excepted. »
This July 6th. HUM. ELIAS D IXJSSEY,
july xv Administrator
WHERE a second installment of Elegant Gems in
all kinds of Goods are being opened at such-
NiuHsh down Pauiti Prioe*'
as Vi create sueb an influx of trade as Leretofluc un
paralleled in Macon If Novelty oi design, Ele
gance of style. Dural ihty us Fabric Unparalleled
and Cheapness, constitute au inducement fur trade
and patronage then their reputation is established
upon a firm and substantial basis.
To enumerate what they have would be an endless
task, therefore, come, see and examine for yourselves.
Remember their store on Cuttuu Avenue, Macon,
Geo upi
1/H HI " 1 ' '* *"’ a: ofontire new de
1 ' H " ' tdgn, comprising every Shade and col
or. cun be found at
_aprjy RO.«. CtILMAN A KO"."’
Mantillas, Mantillas!
I VERY Style us the above article, at prices to suit
purchasers, can be obtained at
MARrfl ILLES, TALMAS AM' < \l >, fin Nlmm
apt 2?
Cmifrrred upon the Ladies by w*earing Roys, Colb-
m \ x A ROM*
With the
1 PATENTED April 14th, 185 s, and first grand pre
miurn awarded to the Manufacturers, Dewglas A
Sherwood, and which has been dccid»Ki by Medical
men the most beneficial garment sever introduced fer
ladies’ use. the weight brunt only 12 onnctjr Call and
see them at ROSS, COLEMAN A ROSS,
apr 2V
Dry Goods
| ADIES ami Gentleman of Macon and the sur
> rounding country, were you aware that we have
just returned from New York with the tecond tlock of
At a discount of thirty j>er cod., on all kinds of Good*,
from prices twenty days back* If not call, sec and
I examine; for instance we wish to show you our Ele
gant fast colored Jaconet Muslins, at from 1U toll l . t
vents, English Prints 9 to Diets., Gents’ Linen Hand l
kerchiefs, 18 to 2d cts., Rich Silk Dresses, new styles
i»t oo a pattern Handsome side Striped Dresses.
12 yard* patternwAiod fast colors at $ I.2s;.Beautifhl
M<»urning*Muslins at from Into and in fact
; every thing bought from Boston merchants and as
| signees sale so cheap as to astound even the jobber*
I ofNew York themselves. These facts can be sub
stantiated bv calling at
apr2'.‘ nahiMß Cvtlos kwamia; Mmm Ga.
H'AVING spent u portion of three successive years
in this city, during which time he has limited
his practice almost exclusively to Snrgeiy, now re
"peelfully oilers hi<* set * ires to the citizens of Macon
ami the surrounding country . in all tlie branchesof
his profession. Office on the South-east corner us 3d
and Cherry streets, over Asher Ayres’ new Grocery
Store. ’ dec 311*
Tennesse Bacon and Lard.
l ' , ii T\ THOUSAND Pounds Choice linms. Sides
I ami P’k’ges No. 1 Ixraf Lard, in
"ton- and to arrive. f>rsalebv
m;ir 2 • ts Met’ALEfE A JB*HCS.
Ga. Planter's Pure Corn
•) * M Brls. Ga I’l.ini pure Corn Whiskey.
'bit* Pikes’Jc'" iimn»- and other Brands.
Now recot'XMl direct from the Manufacturers am! for
sale low b> Mc( A LLIE AJ ON ES.
11l iv
Bolting Cloths.
I UST received the celebrated Dutch anchor Brand,
ej all numbers at low prices In
tuny « J. li. A W. A. BOSS.
lender Ralston'* Xcw Concert Hall.
4t RE nnw offering a Splendid Stock of GoodsCß
in their line, consisting ot the following :
Spring Silk Hate.
“ Black Gassimere Hats.
“ Pearl •• ••
Soft Felt
Men’s Blue. Brown ami Black Silk and"vMvrt Caps.
“ Hihen and Grass Check Hats.
“ Panama i Extra Finei •*
•• East India Fnew article- “
“ Extra Izeghorn and Floridas.
Boys’ Straw C*p s « Fancy Leghorns and*Ffoo-t'!«»du*
(Fine, i
Youths' Leghorn, cheap and fine
Straw Goods for Children, from 2“ cents to $3,00. |
Men's and Boys’ Palm Leaf Hats, by the dozen.
'Phcse (roods are all of the latest variety ami style,
and will be mM du ap. .spr rv
Fluid Gas Lamps.
I II AVE just received a lot of the above Lampa-eon*
sisting of Hand Lamps, Suspending Lamps. Par
lor Lamps, ami Billiard Lamps. It is unnecessary
fur rm- to say anything about this Lamp, as the Press
ot our city has *ai<i all that I couhl say. It I* also
suitable for running through Houses or Naottiries, on i
the same principle as Gas.
u]»r it R. p McEVitY
8100 REWARD,
\ \ T ILL be paid fur the apprehension and delivery
V V to me. of one Wilson Galloway, who was at ,
the MhHi term of the Superior Court of Twiggs
county , sentenced to five years imprisonment in the
State Penitentiary, fur an assault with intent tu mur
der Andrew J. Smith, on the seventh day of October ’
Inst, ami who made his escape from the jail of this
county on the night of the eleventh inst. Or, I w ill
pay fifty dollars for his apprehension ami confine
ment so that I can get him. Officers generally arc
requested tu keep a diligent look out for the scamp.
JOHN RAILEY, Dep. Sheriff
Wilson Galloway is uliout forty years of age, and
| about five feet eight or ten inches high, thick set and
square shoulders, weighing alwmt l*>o or 6«» pounds,
high cheek bones and grey eyes, of a yellow complet
ion, somewhat resembling a Mexican, is a brick ma
-1 son by trade, and sometimes works at carpentering
lives w itli a woman that he calls his wife, by the name
of Angelina Humphries ami-haw two children
JOHN II AILEY. Dep. Sheriff
Marion, Twiggs county, Ga., April 12th, IHSB-U
SIXTY TIKH SASII lb». Choice Tenn. Hacon,
Ham., Sides and Shoulders.
S,‘wm< lbs. Jowls. In store and lor sale bv
, may >; M \ 111.1 E A J<IN KS.
Has been said of
A NEW and splendid patent Soda Water Appa
rat us. is now in perfect operation at the Drug.
Chemical and Perfumery House of George Payne’s,
where the choicest Syrups are used, made with best
fruits, also the justly celebrated* ’Cream Syrup,” pre
pared every morning with fresh Cream richly and del
icately flavored.
This apparatus is of the last and l»est improvement
, of the age, it is perfect, and not to be compared with
the old *rr|e in the preparation of genuine Soda Wa
ter, free from impurities, no lead or copper pipe used
in this apparatus, and always cold. ami no toner es
tablishment anv where, in thia or anv other couutrv.
May nth, 1858.
Paper Dolls! Paper Dolls!
VT BOARDMAN’S"Washington Block Building,”
a large assortment of Paper Doth*.
Ga. Pi ters’ Corn Whiskey.
(\NE HUNDRED Barrels Ga. Planters’ White
f Corn Whiskey.
50 barrels Smiths. Old Bourbon, Robertson county
1 and other brands whisker, for sale bv
Fashionable Hair Dresser,
At the Redding House, Macon, Ga.
THE Subscriber respectfully informs the eftizena
of Macon and strangers passing through the
city that his well known establishment is still m op
eration at his old stand, where he is ready t«» accom
modate his customers with Hair-trimming, Shaving,
Shampooing and everything else in his line in the
best style of art. He otters lor sale. Good Bay Rum,
Progle’r’s Hair Invigorator, Knifthfw celebrated
Hair Restorative, Fine Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Ra
zors, and all similar articles needed fora gentleman’s
toilet. Hot und Cold Baths can be had at the reduc
ed price of 35 cents. Also, wigs and Toupees made
to order on short notice. He solicits a continuance
of the liberal patronage which be hits heretofore re
ceived. M. LOH.
jr4y 0 Bai
Congress Water, Burning Fluid,
Patent Medicines. Chumphene.
Medicine Chests, Saddle Bags,
I-jMruments, Dye Stuffs,
Glue*; Paints,
Putty Hops
And Medicines-of’all kindefur planthffbn snd'fam
ily use. Physicianworders will receive careful a’ren-
MB apr 22
fKlice in Mash i tig ton
Medicinc Uwes and Books on Domestic Practice
f<»r sale. j l *!?* >-8m
I’JARENTS, Gaankans, and the public generally,
visiting the city during commencement, are re
spectfully invited to call at PUGH’S FINE ART
GALLERY, Thianui lak Block, andvxaininc his Pic
tures. Those desiring anything in the way of a Por
trait, can be accommodated here with any style they
choose; and every likeness will be warranted to
please and will be taken cheaper than at any other
gallery in the citv. None should be without like
nesses of their friends.
Seize the shadow ere the substance fade.
Let nature supply that which nature made;
And if you’d have it'done to nature true,
Ba sure that vou-calLon J. A. PUGH,
inh 8 tt
Ik now receiving a large and entirely new stock of
To which he invites the attention of th* public.
ata xa
Straw Hats at Cost.
\ ’ OU will find ewcry quality and style < ,f r"B
1 Straw Hats for Youth Gents at
C. B. STONB’S Hat Store,
july 8-im Opposite the Lanier House.
Royal Bengal Plaid Hats.
I I’ST received, something entirely
Gents. Also, Fashionable Black
and Silk Hats, to suit the most fastideous, at
C. B. STONE’S, opposite the
july " im i.anici ih.ii-,.-
CURIS. l». ri.XhI.AT.
o 9 oc~»y< oe oak h
i s
r FMIE Proprietors of this establishment would re
1 apectfully call the attention of those contempla
ting the erection of Mill?, for Sfiu itui and
or for any other purpose whatever. The
superiority of the work has bean, and will be, a suf
ficient guarantee fur an extensive and increasing
patronage. Our Workshops and superior outfit of
Tools, Patterns and Machinery , afford facilities f»r
the expedition of work possessed by no other estab
lishment in the Slate Our and terms will
compare favorably vrirti that of any first class North
ern establishment. The following comprises a list of
Machinery, Ac., for any fiortion of which we will In*
pleased to receive orders, viz ;
Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mill Machinery . Circu
lar Sbw». Mill Gearing, Mill s hnncs. of best qual
ity for Corn and Wlieat, Water Wheels, a
great variety. Gin Gear, all sizes,
Iron Railings, for Cemeteries,
public and private Build*
ingxv «bo.. of Wnmtght
und Cast Iron em
Strennth with nf
Suipxr Miliband Syrup Boilers, all sibc<. ( 'himnsfur
Stores, (’hurches, Ac., Ac., (iohl Mining Machine
ry. with Double and Single acting Force
and Lift Pumps of any required size,
Shafting with Turned Puliies, from
the smallest size to nine feet Di
ameter, Cotton Press Irons,
Cotton Screws. Mill
Screws and
England's Celebrated self-acting Car Couplings, and
other Rail Road Castings. All w ork wa< imnted tube
equal to the bust made elsewhere.
oet 17
HAS just opened a full assortment of most beauti
. fill and recherche Gn nadine and quaralle Barege
Robe* a-quille, Black Spanish Mantles, Cloaks and 1
Mantillas of French Lace. alsu a choice assortment of
mourning Goods, such as Dresses. Mantles, Thread
Lace Capes, (’rape Collars and Sleeves. Ac., also
travelling Gw»d« together vritti a full stock of Em
broideries. Ribbons, Dress trimmings, and all other
Goods in her line, and will be happy tv see the Ladies
at her store*; Triangular Block, next door to Bostick
A K« in > Store. imtr 2**-tf
Corn, Meal, Peas, &c.
I’HVE 111’N DR ED Bushels Tennessee White Corn
1 100 “ Cow Peas.
b'H “ Frosh Ground Meat
100 •• Ohts. For sale tlv
Silver Ware, Fancy Goods,
Piano Fortes, Violins,
VI rE ARE offering our entire stock of the above,
▼ > with an innumerable variety of other new and
desirable Goods, of. the lx*st qualify, nt lower prices,
for cash, than ever befute sold in ‘this market, until
the Ist of March next.
UT Our stock is very large, and well selected, and
well worthy the attention of all those who wish fine
and good Goods at exceedingly low prices.
N. B. All those indebted to ua will will more than
ever oblige us bv an earlv settlement.
Macon. Jan. 21. ’5H— ts
More Light.
JUST Received, a lot of the beat and latest im
provement in FLUID GAS LAMPS, decidedly i
the best light yet invented Call and see them, as I
thev are only to be seen to be appreciated.
june !<'• Next te Mrs Dessau's
(.i (>R4.IT.U 1 <>« COUNTY.
Present tho Honorable Henry G. Lamar Judge of
s»aid Court.
Archibald Hobbs, )
vs. > Libel f»*r Dteoree, Ac.
Lenora Ann Hobbs, f
I T appearing to the court by the rethm oPthc Slier
-1 iff, that the defendant docs not reside in this coun
ty, and it further appearing that she does not reside
in this State, it is on motion, ordered, that said de
defendant appear and answer at the next term of
this court, or that the case be considered in default
and the plaintiff allowed to proceed, and that this or
der be published in •vine public Gazette in the State
for four months before the next term ot this court.
JAMES T. MAY. Att y fur Libellant.
A true extract from the Minute" <d Taylor Supe
rior t'ouit, April term, 1858.
may -. Im J \Mi:s T HARMON, Uli
j >• EORGIA, Crawford <'omit).
\ I Whereas, Giles M. Chapman, Administrator on
the estate of Samuel Chapman late of said county,
deceased, applies to me for letters dismissory from
his said administration. These are therefore to cite
and mlmonisli all and singular, the heirs an<l creditors
«f said deceased. Io be and appear at my office within
the time pre"cril>ed by law, ami show cause, if any
they have, why said letters should not br granted.
Given under my handaud official signature tin* 6th
o( \piil, i".’." J'AM-FIS J. KAY.
apr xv .in Wrduiary.
/ ’ EORGI % < rau ford County.
\ T Whereas, Thomas Stripling. Administrator «?«
boHM non with the will annexed of Samuel Com
mander, of said county, deceased, applies to me fur let
ters of dismission from said administration as afore
said. These are therefore to cite ami admonish all and
singular, the heirs and creditors of *aid deceasriL to
be und appear nt my ofti*e within the time prescrihed
by law. and show cause, iCany they have, why said
letters disinissory shonld'noi be granted to the said
applicant. Given under mv hand n< office this lltb
May 1 <»*. ’ JAMES J. KAY,
may sir Ordinary.
/ i EORGIA < ntwford County.
\ I Whereas, William Lockett and Rebecca Lock
ett, Administrator, and'Administratrix on the relate
<»f James Lockett deceased, apply to me for lettere-uf
dismission from said estate.
These are therefore to cite and all and
singular the heirs and creditors of said estate to be
ami appear at my office within the time presented
by law. anil show cause if any they have, why said
letters diamissory should not be grunted.
Given under my hand at mv office 11 Feb’ry 15.".».
feb xviii JAMES J. RAY, Ordinary.
(> EORCbIA ( rawlord < onnty.
I Whereas, Mrs. M. Dickson, applies tome for
letters of Administraton on the estate of her de
ceased- husband, Joseph N. Dickson, late us said
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and crediu>rs of said dec’d to
show -cause at my office within the time prescribed by
law why said letters should not he granted.
Given under n»y haml und official signature; this
June 301 h, 1858. JAMEXJ. RAY,
july b-1f Ordinary.
/ ’ LORI.I X <» raw lord! nunti,
v I Whereas, Henry N. Britt applies to m* for let
ters of Administration on the estute of Mason Miller,
late of said county deceased.
These are therefore to cite ami admonish all and
singului the kindn d and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appear ut my office within the time pt*e
scrilwd by law and show cause < if any they have) why
*«»»! letters "Iw-uld nut be granted.
Given uud< r my bund at office, this 9tl*dav of Ju
ly, I*sß. JAMES J KAY,
July xv Ordinary
8188 siii kii j si! i:.
\\’H II” ! ‘‘ , l‘l mi the hrst Tuesday in Sep next.
\ > before the Court 11 oust* doer m tin- city us
Maron, between the Usual huwrof sale the follow ing
property to-w it :
(hie H<'U"< and LoVin theuity ofl.Mooon fronting on
fifth or Bridge Street adjoining thelots-ufJos.Keiiudly
on one side, und Janies Gavin on the other; levied
on as the pn»perty of Dominick Garuughty to satistv
one ii fa in favor of John W. Babcock v s Dominick
Garaugluy, property pointed out by Plaintiff'.
Also, ut the same time and place, u House and Lot
tituated on the Houston road about one and*a huif
miles from Maoou, adjpiiMiig the lands of George
Wood and others, containing about fixe a<M*es moiv
or less, and being the place where Mrs. Bassett nuw
lixes; levied on as the propertv ot Eiias Jenkins to
satisfy a fi fa from Bibb Superior Court in favor of
Howell Cobb. Governor Ac , vw. Elias Jenkins prin
cipal andGabrel Parker security. Property |>ointv<l
out bv T. W Montfort, Sol. Gen’l.
july 29 KD. G. JEFFERS, Dep. Sheriff.
Le vid before tin* Court House, in the city
> V of Macon, Bibb county, on the first Tuesday in
Oct. next between the usual hours of sale, the follow
mg property to-wit
All those Lots or parcel of land situated, lying ami
b<*ing in the city ot Macon, Bounty of Bibb,’ State us
Geoigia; known an t distinguished in the plan us
said city Survey, as lot No. two, (2) in square fifty
nine, <s?> being one third of an acre more or less.—
Alsu, lot No. one 1 i in square No. twenty, i2”> also,
luts No. sex en and eight. 7 am! s •in square No. twen
ty-six i2<»i. .flso, lots 5,6, 7, and s , square nine
tV known as lots bring and lying in the southwest
ern range of said city. All lex ie<l on to satisfy a mort
gage fi fa in favor of Martin Hall vs. T. W. Brantly.
Property pointed uut in said mortgage.
july 2y * L. D. WRIGHT, Coroner.
11 r ILL Im* sold on the fir-t Tuesday in Sep. nast.
' > before the Court Houso door in the city of
Macon, Bibb co., within the usual hours of sale the
fNlloxxing property to wit :
All tiiut tract or parcel of Land about one and half
miles from the city us Macon, on the cast side of the
Houston road, adjoining the landsui Hezekiah Thom
son, Elizabeth Taylor, Henry Bali and utbera, it be
ing the place wbereuu Mr. Ross<*r miw lives; levied
on to satisfy a Mortgage fi fa in taxor of Poe, Greii A
Poe, use Ac., vs Nancy B. and James S. Dukes
trustee, property pointed out in suid Mortgage fi fa.
july 2V ED. G. JEFFER.S, Dep. Sheriff.
\V ILL be ><>ld on the first Tuesday in Sep., bc-
\ y f<»rv the Court house door in the city of Ma
con. Bibb county, Between the usual hours of sale,
the following pr»q erty lo w it :
Two and a halt acres of land, more or lean, being
part <»f lot N*». 65, Macon Reserve, lying on the west
, >ide of the Ocmulgee rher, adjoing on the east the
I land of Miller Clark, on the north Zacbariah Rodgers,
i <>n the west Talbot Combs, and on the south Charles
j Usher—levied on as the property of John Cunuing
-1 ham to satisfy a ti fa issued from the Justice Court
| ot Bibb county in favor of Jonathan Wise, Adminis
trator on the estate of Burrel Wise, deceased. Prop
erty pointed out by the Plaintiff.
Lev ied on by Washington Jackson, Constable, and
returned to me. W. K. BUSBEE,
july 29 Dep. Sheriff.
8188 MlEKil 1 s \li:.
A ATILL be sold before the Court House door in the
V y city of Macon. Bibb county, on the first Tues
day in Sep. next, between the usual Lours of sale the
following property to wit.
The interest of Frederick B. Brown iu. being one
undivided halfof, that lot or parcel of land lying about
' one ami a half miles from Macon on both sides of the
Houston road, and bounded on the north-east bv the
lands known as the Dr. Gorman place, on the east by
said Gorman lands and Dow Wright’s Grocery Store
and premises, on the west and north-west bv the old
Blansett place and running far enough to the South
of the road to make fifty acres more or less ; levied on
by virtue of a ti fa from Bibb Superior Court in favor
of A. T. A R. F. Moir vs. said Brown. Property
pointed out by Plaintiff’s Attorney.
Also, at the same time and place all that tract or
parcel of land lying in the third district aboriginally
Houston now Bibb county, adjoining the lands of
Mrs. Freeman. Samuel McArthur and others, and be
ing the place where K. A. Benson now lives, number
not known ; levied on ns the property of Richard A. ,
Benson, trusty- Mrs 3 E. ißiwm, to sadsfv atifa .
from Bibb Inferior Court in favor of Willis Wood vs
Richard V Benson trustee. Propertv pointed out
by Plaintiff. T. W RAILEY,
july 29 Pep. Sheriff. I
8188 SIII KII I 8 U.E.
A1 TILL be sold before the Court House d »or in the
y y city of Macon, Bibb countv. between the usual
hours of sale on the first Tuesday in Sep. next, the
following property to-w it:
Five acres of land more or less, the interest of C.
R. Pay ton, said land about 3 or 4 miles from the city
of Macon, on or near the Forovth road, adjoining
McDonald, Adams, and Rdev ; levied on to satisfy
three Justice Court fl tas in favor of M.S. Thomson
Property pointed out by Plaintiff. ’
Levy made and returned to me by John P Harvey, i
Constable T. W BRANTLY, i
july 21 Shenff
M’MBEK 43.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in September
next, in Knoxville, in said county,within the usual
hours of sale, the following property, to-w it:
.-111 the interest ot James M, Harper in ntid to the
East half of lot of land No. sixty-one, (GDin the sec
ond district of originally Houston now Crawford
bounty ; levied upon by v i’rtue of n cost ti fa from the
hoiMM able Superior Court nf Baker county, in favor
us 1 onjamin .1. Tharpe and Jllen A. Tharpe vs. said
James .M. Harper. JACOB LOWE, Dep. Sb’ff.
july 29
i GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable tl •
1 \ Ordinary of Crawford county, June Term,-185 s ,
will be sold before the Court House door, in the
Town of Knoxville, on the first Tuesday in Octo
ber next, the interest of John Criichfield deceased,
in and to a certain house and lot, lately occupied by
Thomas Cruchtield as a Grocery ; the interest of said
dreeuseu being one half us said*house and 101. Sold
for the benefit of the Leii-s and creditors of said John
Crutchfield deceased. Terms made known on day of
sale. Julv 22nd. 1858-ts
T<ncH«IELD, Admr. on
the Estate of John Cmelitield, deceased.
/ ’ EORGI A ( lau ford Comitv.
“ I Whereas, Griffin (L Oneal and John W. Atwat
ter, apply to me for letters of Administration on tha
Estate oi Griffin Oneal late of said county deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to be and uppenr al my office within the time pre
scribed by l.iw, and show catr«e, if any they have,
why said letters should not be granted the said ap
plicant*. Griffin G. Oneul and John W. Atwatter.
Given under iny hand at office. July ivth, 1858.
july 22 JAMES J. RAY, Ordinary.
For Sale.
r TMIE Subscriber offers for sale, the Central Rare
1 Course. I<»cated two miles and a half from the
City of .Macon. It comprises about two hundred
acres of land, i* in excellent repair, and is provided
w ith all the usual buildings and appurtenances of the
Course. Tl • huMWinn is pleasant and would inake »
healthful country residence; though the Proprietor
w ould prefer that if should be sold to some individual
or Companv who would keep it up as a Knee Course.
It will be sold on reasonable terms.
apr 2V-tf H. T. POWELL. Proprietor.
For Sale.
A PLANTATION and tract of Laud in Glyna
county, contiuoing about 4,500 acres, situated
ut the head of Turtle River w hich is navigable to this
point for ' cssck of lo<» tons. The Plantation is well
"•■tiled and consists of about 500 acres of cleared ham
mock, and ns much n.ore uncleared. The remainder ia
Pine Land valuable for timber and wood, convenient
to the river, ami uot more than 16 miles from Bruns
wick The tract is capable of being advantageously
divided into two or even three parts, and >*» itfteraeeV
cd by the Brunswick A Florida Hud Hoad. Thia land
may be b**»glit per acre. Apply to
■MM 27 ••m A. M. SPEER.
r F T HK Ladles and Gentlemen of Macon and adjoin-
r ing counties are rcspectfullv invited tn cal) and
examine my stock nf China, Oiass and CBoo»Rr
W?UB. noxt door to Mrs. Dessau's on Second Street.
1 intend to keep at all times a good stock of Goods,
mid will sell them lo.v as they can be Imugbt auv
where in the citv. A liberal share of patronage is
respectfully solicited* K. K. HUTCHINGS.
papers copy. may 20-ts
1 I ’JLL be sold on the first Tuesday in September
v v next, bet'-r ■ the court house door, in the City of
Macon, that tract or parcel of Land, situate, lying and
being in the City of Macon, county of Bibb, State of
Georgia, being according to the plan of. said city, a
part us lot number four <4j, in square nuindor aav
•»ntv*n 17 i. and being that portion of said lot inclu
ded within the following bounds, to wit: coruiuenc
ing ut a point on Fourth Street, t thirty-live feet from
the allev and running along said Fourth Street < une
hundred and fixe feet, thence running in a direct line
one hundred ami five feet to the rear of said lot, thence
• one huudit-d and five feet along the back of said lot
towards the all»*x aforesaid, aud thence running in a
direct line oner hundred and fiw feet*to the sturting"
point on Fourth Street, so as to include the Dwelling
House occupied by Alexander Richards, and the
kitchen, smoke house and other out-buildings on said
lut appurtenant to said dwelling; levied on au the
property us the defendant, Alexa’rder Richards, to
satisfv two mortgage fi fas issued from the May term
of Bibb Superior Court, in favor of Wm. S.’Willi
ford« Treasurer, Ac., for the use of the Bibb County,
Loan Association vs. Alexander Richards.
Also, at the same time ami piano, that portion or
parcel of land situate, lying and being in the UifTut
Macon, and county of Bibb, and known and distin
guished in the plan of said city us part of lot number
' 1 4!. in square number sex •uieen »17 •, being that por
tion of said lot contained in the following.described
bounds, tu wit : commencing at the mouth of the
alley which divides said lot from the Presbyterian
Church, and running thence thirty-five feet front on
Fourth street, thence one hundred and five feet back
to the rear of said lot, thence thirty five feet in a di
rect line to the alley aforesaid, and thence along said
allev, one hundred and five feet to the starting point}
I Said propertv levied on ns the property of lite defend
ant. Alexander Richards, to satisfy* one fi
sh issued’fh»m Bibb Superior Court, in favor <»1 W
S. Williford, Treasurer Ac., for the use of Bibb coun
ty Loan Association, vs. Alexander Richards.
Also, at the same time and place, that tract or par
cel of land Ijring. being and situate lu the city ot Ma
con. Bibb county, know n and distinguished in ths
plan of said city as lot number three <3>, in sqnare
sex enteen (17 *. and further known as the Mansion
House lot. containing unc-lialf acre, more orlwss ;
levied on as the property of Alexander Richards to
satisfy two mortgage fi fas issued from Bibb Superi
or Court in favor of Edward J. Stowe, Treasurer, Ac.,
vs. Alexander Richards.
Also, at the same time and place, that tract or par
cel of land Situate, lying ami being in the city ol
Maron and cuunty of Bibb and known and distin
guished in ths plan us »aid city as lots No. three und
four 3 und 1-, in square number seventeen (17), with
«»o the improvements (hereon ; levied on as the prop
erty us the dcfemlunt. Ah xander Richards, to satisfy
one mortgage fi fa issued from Bibb Superior Court,
in favor of \Vm. s. Williford, Treasurer. Ac., vs. Al
xander Richards. T. W. BRANTLY, Sheriff,
t-june 3
ON and after Thursday, July 15th, the Trains
> ill be run as full jw* .
Leave Savannah 12.15, p. m„ 11.45 p. m.
Arrive in \ugusta 7.30 p. in., »j. 30 p. in.
Arrive in .Mucon, 11.00, p. in,, 9.00, a. in.
Arrive in Milledgeville 1.10, p. in.
U-ave Macon 10 45. a. m , WAK 1 , p in.
Arrive in Savannah 7.2'\ a. m., '.».30, p. ta.
Artirein Augusta?.3o. a. ni., 6.30, p. m.
I A rare in Milledgeville Lio. p. m.
Leave Augusta, 15, a. m., 2.45, p. r~.
Arrive in Savannah 7.2«', a. m., 0.30, p. tn.
Arriveiu Macon. 9.00. a. m., ll.O?, a. m.
Passengers for points beyond Atlanta, on the Wes
tern A Atlantic Rail Road will leave Savannah on the
12.15 train, ana.arrive in Atlanta at 7,15 next morn
ing. Pa.vscngers for Milledgeville and Ektluatou *'i(l
leave by the 11.45 train.
Both trains connect at Macon with the Macon A
Western Road for Atlanta, and with the South-wes
tern Rail Road to Albany, Americus, Culumbus a«4-
Montgomerx-, and at Millen with the Augusta and
Sa van nali Rail Road for Augusta aud tho North.
juh 20 KM ERSDN FOOTE. Gen J
is the time lor those who intend visiting the
Watering Places and attending the various
Commencements to bur Dbess Goods, cheaper than
thev ever saw them. W. W. Parker A C<*. will sell
at COST their entire stock of Svmmbr Dki sa Goods.
which contains cverv variety of the most fashiona
ble Stvles. and said to be. by tar, the Handsomest
Smck in Macon, (fur facilities enable us to buy as
low any <»thei House in the trade, and the present
Stock having been purchased at exceedingly low
rates, the public may retv on getting bargains.
We are not iu the habit of constantly advertising.
Goods at Cost, and as we intend what we say we feel
insured that su *h an opportunity is now presented,
as may not occur _
june xvwi W W PARKER A CO