Newspaper Page Text
The State Press
E. C. & A. M. ROWLAND.
Two Dollars per annum in advance, or Three Bol
ars st the end of the year.
One Dollar per Square for the first insertion, and
Fifty cents for each subsequent insertion. Liberal
arrangements will be made with those who advertise
by the year. W<)RK
Having a new and beautiful supply of job type and
one of Gordon’s celebrated Power Presses, wc are
prepared to do any kind of work in this line with
neatness, accuracy and dispatch, at moderate prices.
ar oaonas n. raaxTica.
The trembling dew-drops fall
Upon the shutting flowers, like souls at rest,
The stars shining gloriously; and all
Save me are blest.
Mother. I love thy grave!
The violet, with its blossoms blue and mud,
Wave o’er thy head, when will it wave
Above thy child*
’Tie a sweet flower, yet must
Its bright leaves to llie morning tempest bow ;
Dear mother, 'Sis thine emblem ; dust
Is oo thy brow.
And I could love to die ;
To leave untested life's hard bitter streams,
Hy thee, as erst in childhood lie.
And share thy dreams.
And I must linger here,
To stain the plumage of my sinless years.
And mourn the hopes to childhood dear,
W ith bitter tears.
Aye, I must linger here,
A lonely branch upon a withered tree.
Whose last frail leaf, untimely sere,
Went duwu with thee!
Oft from life’s withered bower,
In Mill communion with the past, 1 turn,
And muse on thee, the uuly flower,
In memory's urn.
And when the evening pale.
Bows, like a mourner, on the dim blue wave,
1 stray to bear the night winds sail
Around thy grave.
Where is thy spirit flown ♦
I gate above-thy look is imaged there!
1 listen, and thy gentle tone
Is on the air.
Oh, come, while here I press
My brow upon thy grave, and in those mild
And thrilling tones of tenderness,
Bless, bless thy child.
Yes, bless your weeping child :
And o'er thine urn, religion s holiest shrine,
Oh, give his spirit, undetiled ;
To blend with thine.
Valuable ILands.
1 at District—Nos. 60, 97.
Tib Di.trici—No. 383
yth du 18, 328, 329, 333, 369, 378, 379,
406, 408, 410.
10th do 45, 46, 47
7th Diatrict— Nos. 124, 449, 525
15th do 11,12,55.
16U1 do 26, 27, 31,239.
Ist District—Nos. KO, 160, 168,196.
1 13th do 4, 84, Hl.
’ Hth do 35, 77. 114. 198.
13tb District -Nos. 87, VI, 94.
27th do. 193.
28th do. 80s.
llth do 128, 250.
nth du 198,201.
18th District—No. 75.
sth District—Nos. 57, 107 212,
6th do 18, 83.
kill do 144.
10th do 248, 249.
7th District —No. 197.
12th District—Nos. 209, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 257,
259, 337, 375, 376, 396.
13th do “ 6, 18, 19, 28, 36, 76, 321, 392, 394.
14th District —Noa. 130.
27th do. “ 190, 246.
Bth District—No. 337.
Ist District—Nos. 7, 208, 211, 212, 213, 214, 221, 222,
223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228.
2d do. " 152, 237.
7th do. “ 211.
9th do. “ 110.
Ist District—Nos. 141, 143, 144, 145, 157, 161 162,
Ist District—No. 284.
2d District—Nos. 540, 541.
10th District—Nos. 65, 67.
12th District—No. 19.
13th do. 85, 87, 88. 107, 109.
14th da. 63, 64,153.
13th do. 28, 65.
16th District—No. 40.
Sth District—No. 242.
6th Dictrict —No. 214.
Sth District—No. 102.
12th District—Nos. 35, 116,117, 165,166,167,182,194,
195, 251, 290, 291. 293, 302, 346,
347, 356, 357, 358, 359, 860, BS6,
418, 444, 515.
13th do 66. 96, 122, 137, 146, 159, 391, 392,
437, 462. 468, 469.
Ist District—No. 97.
2d District—No. 27.
3d District—No. 73.
Ist District, Ist section—No. 421.
3rd do " do 216.
Sth do ** do 51.
4th do 2nd do 107.
Bth do ** do 11-
9th do “ do 110.116,148.
10th do ** do 58.
12th do •• do 253.
13th do “ do 171.
14th do “ do 61.
15th do “ do 214.
25th do ** do 65.
26th do •• do 58, 158,203, 226.
27th do “ do 41, 50, 89,318.
6th do 3rd do 126,249.
Bth do " do 91.
Sth do “ do 270.
16 th do “ do 38.
17th do do 759.
20th do ” do 536.
23rd do “ do 52.
24th do “ do 131.
4th do 4th do 225,323.
Sth do ” do 314.
Sth do •• do 68,72.
7th do ** do 246.
Sth do •• do 157
10th do " do 6,33,35,40.42,108,110'
131,204, 208, 297.
llth do “ do 34.
14th do " do 242.
15 th do •• do 48, 153.
19th do " do 29, 81.95,126, 127.
For sale by T. It. BLOOM.
Aug. 12th, 1858. Macon, Ga.
To Rent.
THE House at present occupied by the subscriber.
For terms 4kv, apply to G* A DURE,
aeg lii-tf
Stat c ife** 1J rtM
Grain Cradles.
Gt KANTS wire braced Grain Cradles, 5 and 6 fiu-
I gers, warranted blades for sale by’
BEST Silver .Steel Scythes, S ythe Sheaths, Scythe
Sharpeners, Gruss Hooks, Sickles for sale bv
may 20 N ATI!A NW E Eb.
I?MERY’S Celebrated Overshot Wheat Threshers,
J Brown’s Virginia Threshers with Straw Separa
rators for sale by NATHAN WEED.
Horse Powers.
SINCLAIR’S Seven Horse Powers, Whitman’s
Virginia Lever Powers, Emery’s Rail Road Horse
Powers, in Store and fur sale at iniiniifacturer’s
prices by NATHAN WEED.
may 2
Wheat Fans.
(■'l RANT’S Celebrated Fan Mills, Clinton A Son’s
I Fans, all sizes, from 20 to 35 dollars, for sale by
may 20 NATHAN WEED. ‘
Oat Cutters.
SELF-SHARPENIN’ Straw and Shuck Cutters, Sin
clair’s Patent, Georgia Cutting Boxes, for sale bv
may 20 NATHAN WEED. ‘
Grain Sieves.
\ \ T IRE Cloth, Rakes, Leather and Rubber Bands,
y V Corn Mills, Corn Shelters, for sale bv
inn tO N ATI I kN WEED.
Bolting Cloths.
BOLTING CLOTHS of all numbers and of the best
anchor brand, for sale by
| may 20 N A TIIA N WEED.
Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga.
Sugar Mills, from 330 to $l5O.
I ’'ROM New and approved Patterns, and Castings
1. and Machinery in general june xvii-ls
IS a place of great attraction to all lovers «4 the
Beautiful. “ Ail here reigns Mipremi•,” and the
hundreds of handsi n e anti lovely faces on exhibition
show not only the skill of the Artists, but makes it
• one of the most pleasant resorts in Macon. None
should fail to puv a visit to this well-known and cele
brated I A LACE OF ART.
The astonishing low prices at ..Inch Portraits are
taken at this Gallery, and the beauty they possess
1 is wonderful.
From Daguerreotypes of deceased persons taken as
well as from life.
As low as at any other Gallery and of superior qual
ity. Call and Me. June 3
Bargain! Bargain!!
r TMIE subscriber offers for sale his Plantation, Saw,
1 Grist, Flouring Mill and Wool Carding Ma
chine, situated five miles south of Knoxville, Craw
ford county, and eight miles north of the South
Western Rail Road. The plantation contains seven
hundred acres of land, well watered and well tim
! bered, located in one of the healthiest portions of
J (’rawford co., surrounded bv excellent society, with
the facilities of a church and school within one mile.
The Mills—Saw, Grist, Flouring and Wool Carding
Machine, have been recently re-built, and are in ex
cellent condition, situated on a never-failing stream.
On the plantation there is one hundred and fifty acres
of cleared land in a high state of cultivation, with a
comfortable framed dwelling, and other necessary out
buildings. Attached to the premisesis the privilege
of saw Timber on 30” acres ot land, for the use of the
Saw Mills, Any person wishing to make a profita
ble investment would do well to call on the subscri
ber on the premises. JAMES E BRYCE.
apr 29-ts Crawford co., Ga.
0.1 and after July 15th.
1 EAVE Macon 11.45, p. in., and 9.45, a. m.; ar
rive in Columbus 5.35, a. m., and 3.45, p. m.;
Leave Columbus 4a. m. and 3.45 p. in. Arrive in
Macon 9.50 a. m. and 9.18 p. m.
Leave Macon 11. p. in. Arrive at Albany 6.25 a.
m. Dawson 6.00 a. in.
Leave Albany 3.00, p. m., Dawson 1.40 p. m.—
Arrive in Macon 9.18, p. m.
Tri weekly Accommodation Down, Mondav, Wed
nesday and Friday. Up—Tuesday, Thursday and
Leave’s Macon 7.12, a. m. Arrive at Dawson 5.20
p. m., Albany 4.31, p. in.
Leave Albany 6.20, a. ni., Dawson — Arrive ut
Macon 3.13, p. in.
Mail Stages to and from Tallahassee, Thomasville
and Bainbridge, Ac., connect with regular trains
at Albany. Also from Dawson tri weekly to Cuth-
I bert. Fort Gaines, Ac.
At Macon connects with Trains on Central and Ma
con A Western Rail Road.
Passengers from Columbus and the West for
South-Western Georgia or Florida should take the
4., a. m. train, at Columbus. Both trains run on
FAR!- from Albany via Savannah to New York by
Steamships in Cabin, $24 25. Tickets can be procur
ed from Kail Ruud Agent, Albanv.
Gto. w. ADAMS,
july xv Superintendent.
Notice to Shippers.
Socth-Wf.stern R. R. I
Macon, July 12,1858. (
SOUTH-WESTERN Rail Road is now completed
and in operation to Brown’s Station and Daw
son. Passenger Trains parsing over it in connection
with Albanv Train daily. Freight Train, at present,
between Macon and Dawson, tri weekly. Rate of
Freight between Savannah, Augusta. Macon and oth
er points, and Brown’s and Dawson’s, will be the
same as between those places and Albany.
All Goods for Cuthbert and places West of Dawson,
should be chipped to Dawson. ,
j u | v X v GEO. . ADAMS, Supt.
ity papers copy.
HAVE removed to their new Store in Washing
ton Block. Mulberry Stree 4 . where they are
now prepared to exhibit their Fa and inter stock
of Clothing and Furnishing goods.
i Their stock comprise every article necessary to a
‘ gentleman’s Wardrobe of the latest styles and best
1 manufacture, and by weekly importations from New
I York will be kept constantly complete during the
Also, Y’outh’s and Boy’s Clothing. Trunks, Va
lises, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, Ac. Their facilities
are such as to enable them to have special orders for
garments filled within a space of 10 to 14 days, with
I fit guaranteed and atyle unsurpasaed by any house.
Crockery, China,
I WOULD most respectfully inform the citizens of
. Macon and surrounding country that I have a
good stock of China Dinner and Tea setts and Granite
Dinner and Tea setts.
English China Tea setts from $3 50 to $8 00 per
sett. A large lot plated Castors, ranging from $4 00
each to Tea setts from $35 oo to SIOO 00.
Ice Pilchers, Ac., Ac. A fine lot China Vases. Sev
eral setts tine French Glass. Bureau setts for tables.
Fine Bohemian Colognes. Plated Butter and Sugar
Dishes, Cigar Stand*. Fluid Gas for standing,
suspending; side and Billiard Lamps. Camphene
Lamps, side and suspending, a common and fine ar
ticle, Kerosene Lamps, common Lard Lamps, Brass
Girandoles, Plated Knives and Foiks, Tea and Ta
ble Spoons, common Black Tea Pots, Brown Slone
Tea rots, Brown Spittoons, China Spittons, China
Toilet setts, common Toilet setts, a large and well as
sorted stock of Glassware. I have about 800 dozen
: common Tumblers for Merchants and 30<» dozen Gob
lets for Merchants, also a large stock of Granite and
■ common Earthen ware. As I import my stock of
: Ware ami buy my Glass principally for cash at Auc-
I tions in New York, Boston. Philadelphia, Ac., I think
' I can sell here at New Y’ork prices and give my cus-
I lomers satisfaction.
Thankful for past patronage, I now presume to w
licit the same in future. R. P. McEVOY.
As I have a great many calls for Chandeliers for
Churches, it is probably best to let the world know
j that I have never made any profit out of anything fur
■ a Church, hence all orders for Lamps for Churches
' should be sent at least 5 or 6, weeks before they need
, them, so as to enable me to get them from the Facto
ry. Ido not intend keeping stock on hand for that
trade, but will as heretofore get them out at Factory
prices for Churches. R. P. McE.
apr 29
\ \ X E are offering and intend to offer for a season,
V V the most extraordinary inducements to those
1 desiring to pm chase
for the Cash. Our stock is large, and selected with
’ the greatest care, and to cash buvers we would say,
! give us a call as we intend to make it to vour inter
' est. The low figures at which we have bought eur
] second Spring Stock, enable us to promise this with
I perfect confidence.
Matting! Matting!!
j those who find their carpets rather warm for
; 1 the season, we would say, call at Parker’s and
i you will find a most desirable article of Matting, all
widths ami at very low prices.
! may 6-ts ’ W W. PARKER A CO.
Land and Negroes for Sale.
ONE Plantation in Worth county, lying on “Jones’
Creek (about 16 miles from Albany, and 12 from
i Wooten’s Station S. W. K. R , containing 8oy» acres,
about 3(H) cleared and in a fine state of cultivation.
Also, the following lots, some of which
join the above, Nos 134,155, 149. 150, I‘d.lmand
196, all m the l‘ th Dist., and lut 275 in the 7th Diat.
Worth county. Also, 17” in Ist and 2”s in the 14th
Dist. Leo; also, 47, 82 ami; s’, in the 12th Dist. Early
county ; also lot 21M> in -d Dist. and 4th section Cher
okee also, lots 3 and 4 in Block H city of Albany,
also half acre lots No. 3 and 6 in 5 acre range city of
Brunswick, (known as Academy lots.) Also, several
families of very likely y oung negroes. Terms iwcom
modating. Apply to A. J. MACARTHY,
may xix-ts Albany, Ga.
Will bo taken for a short time
If wanted by the Dozen,
Superior Photographs
\ Large business with small profits is what we
wish ; we do not expect to get rich in one year,
I or three years, but are content tu work ami wait, ami
, by still taking better, cheaper, and more pictures than
[ any one else we hope finally to succeed.
I Call at the old str nd, Triangular Block. Ourrooms
' are newly furnished, and are cool and pleasant and you
can while awav an hour in examining our numerous
i specimens of tine and beautiful Picti kes.
! june x-ts
Kennedy’s Family and
\ / Family and Exct Dior Flour. 300 sacks other
brands Superfine and Extra Flour. Just received
and for sale by McCALLIE A JONES.
; mar 25-ts
Arthor’s Cans and Jars.
I UST received a
ej large lot of A i -
thor’s Tin, Earthen and .
Glass Jars, for preserv
ing fresh fruits, vege
tables, tomatoes Ac., at
b. a w isE s /Sb
, House Furni shi n g / 1
Macon, Ga.
j UU « bt n
Just Received.
OILY’ER Forks, Table and Tea Spoons, Berry
Plated on Steel, Table Cutlery, H. <?. Silver Lever
i Watches, Mathematical Instruments, Land Chains,
I 4c., 4c. E. J. JOHNSTON 4 CO.
I june 3-ts
I .''AN’S of Linen Ac., wholesale and retail; a large
lot. Travelling Satchclls, Baskets Ac. For sale
, by june 3-ts E. J. JOHNSTON A CO.
, city papers copy.
ONE Solid Silver Tea Service of Elegan)
Design and Finish, Silver water Dippers, Ac.—
Just received by E. J. JOHNSTON A CO.
j june xvii
Just Received,
•W. J. TVE’EHiTtO-y’S
1 REFRIGERATORS of all kinds,
k Ice Pitchers Bratania and Plated,
Mass(*r’s Ice Cream Freezer,
Austin s “ “
i Water Coolers, also, Ice Picks,
• Plated Castors. Spoons nnd Forks.
j Author’s Sell Sealing Cans, Gloss, Earthen and Tin,
I of all sizes,
Upright, Plunge, Shower nnd other bathing appa
. ratus, on hand and ready for use.
Brootns, Brushes, Basket**, Tubs. Buckets, Trays,
: and innumerable variety of fancy and useful articles,
.•heap f'.i . a-h. may xix-”m
Sugar Cured Hams.
i CASKS Chandler A Co.’s celebrated Sugar Cur
r) ed Canvassed Hams,
j s<« do choice Tenn, clear Sides. Just received by
julv one McCALLIE A JONES.
’ - ■
Tennessee Hay.
r VHIRTY Bales Prime Tennesse Hav. just received
1 and fur sale by McCALLIE A JONES.
mar 25-ts.
n k.vkt vo\<;i:,
195 Broadway, N. Y.
1 > \ RTICULAR attention given to the execution of
I orders for Rai) Road supplies and equipments.
j Being agent for the Manufacturers of all the leading
articles, Re can furnish them at the Factory prices
. free of commission. References.
New York —E. Whitehouse, Esq., Banker; Messrs.
Henry Coit A Son ; Chns Day, Esq.
Macon—T. R. Blo< m. Esq ; Dr. Robert Collins.
Savannah —Win. Duncan, Esq.
| June 3-ts
the IL n. the Ordinary of Crawford county for
I leave to sell the real estate us Janies A vara, deceased,
! late of said county, (the widow’s dower excepted.)
I This July 6th, 1856. ELIAS I). DOSSEY,
july xv Administrator
WHERE a second installment of Elegant Gems in
all kinds of Goods are being opened ut such
Smash down Panic Prices
as to create such un influx of trade as heretofore un
paralleled in Macon. If Novelty qt design. Ele
gance of style. Durability of Fabric Unparalleled
and Cheapness, constitute an inducement for traAe
and patronage then their reputation is established
upon a firm and substantial basis.
Tu enumerate what they have would be an endless
task, therefore, come, see and examine for yourselves.
Remember their store on Cotton Avenue, Macon,
Geo. apr M
L* IMI W k ” r, h °l Paragol' ut entire new (!•■-
nplvW sign, comprising every Shade and col
or, can be found at
apr 2V K'»SS. COLMAN A
Mantillas, Mantillas!
TT'VERY Style of the above article, at prices to suit
1 J purchasers, can be obtained at
Marseilles, i almas and cals, f..i mimm
apr 29
Conferred upon the Ladies by wearing Ross, Colk
max A Ross’
With the
1 PATENTED April 14th, 1858, and first grand pre
mium awarded to the Manufacturers, Douglaw A
Sherwood, and which lias been decided by Medical
men the most beneficial garments ever introduced for
ladies' use, the weight bc-in*/ only 12 ouuct* Call and
see them at ROSS, COLEM AN A ROSS.
apr 29
Dry Goods
J ADIES and Gentleman of Macon and the sur
j rounding country, were you aware that we have
just returned from New Y’ui k with the Mco*d of
At a discount of thirty per cent., on all kinds of Goods,
trum prices twenty days back ? If Dot call, see and
examine; for instance we wish to show you our Ele
gant fast colored Jaconet Muslins, at from 1" to 12 l ■>
cents, English Prints '.‘to lucts., Gents’ Linen Hand
kerchiefs, 18 to 20 cts.. Rich Silk Dresses, new styles
at $9,00 a pattern. Handsome side Striped Dresses,
12 yards patterns, and fast colors at $1,25; Beautiful
Mourning Muslins at from 10 to 12^cents, and in fact
every thing bought from Boston merchants and as
signees sale so cheap as to astound even the jobbert
ol New York themselves. These facts can be sub
stantiated bv calling at
upr-j'j Fa-hion, Cotton Avenue, Macun Ga.
HAVING spent a portion of three successive years
in this city, during which time he has limited
his practice almost exclusively to Surgery, now re
, spectfully offers his services lo the citizens us Mauen
and the surrounding country, in all the branchesuf
bis profession. Office on the South-east corner of 3d
and Cherry streets, over Asher Ayres’ new Grocery
Store. * dec ; 1
Tennesse Bacon and Lard.
IT'IFTY THOUSAND f’uunds Ch< ice Hams, Sides
and Shoulders. 40 P'k’gcs No. 1 Leaf Lard, in
i store and to arrive, fur sale bv
m.r 25-ts MeCAI.I.IE 4 JONES.
Ga. Planter’s Pure Corn
») Hr!... G.i Planters pure C. r > Whisker.
uObrls. Pike Je-'.umnc and other Brands.
Nuw received direct from th«* Manufacturers and for
1 sale luw by McCALLI E A JON ES.
| may »>
Bolting Cloths.
JUST received the celebrated Dutch anchor Brand,
all numbers—ut low prices by
may 6 J. B. A W. A. ROSS.
Under Ralston » Xew Concert Hall.
\RE now offering a Splendid Stock of Goods CM
. in their line, consisting ol the following :
Spring Silk Hats. *-*-•
" Black Cassimere Hats.
“ Pearl “ “
' Soft Felt
Men’s Blue, Brown and Black Silk and Velvet Caps.
“ Linen and Grass Check Hats.
“ Panama (Extra Fine) “
“ East India ( new article) “
“ Extra Izeghorn and Floridas.
Boys’ Straw Caps, Fancy Leghorns and East India
i Fine )
Youths’ Leghorn, cheap and fine
Straw Goods for Children, from 20 cents to $3,00.
Men's and Boys’ Palm Leaf Hats, by the dozen.
These Goods are all of the latest variety and stvle,
and will be sold cheap. upr xv
Fluid Gas Lamps.
I II AVE just received a lot of the above Lamps con- i
sitting of Hand Lamps, Suspending Lamps, Par- j
lor Lamps, and Billiard Lamps. It is unnecessary i
for me to say anything about this Lamp, as the Press ,
of our city has said all that I could nay. It is also ,
suitable for running through Houses or Factories, on
I the same principle us Gas.
apr 2 1 .'-tf R. P. MeEVOY.
8100 REWARD,
1 XyiLL be paid for the apprehension and delivery
Vv to me, of one Wilson Galloway, who was at
the March term of the Superior Court of Twiggs
county, sentenced to five years imprisonment in the
State Penitentiary, for an assault with intent to mur
der Andrew J. Smith, on the seventh day of October
, lust, and who made his escape from the jail of this
county on the night of the eleventh inst. Or, I will
pay fifty dollars for his apprehension and confine
ment so that I can get him. Officers generally are
. requested to keep a diligent look out for the scamp.
JOHN RAILEY, Dep. Sheriff.
Wilson Galloway is about forty years of age, and
I about five feet eight or ten inches high, thick set and
square shoulders, weighing about 15U or 60 pounds,
high cheek bones and grey eyes, of a yellow complex
ion, somewhat resembling a Mexican, is a brick ma
son by trade, and sometimes works at carpentering
lives with a woman that he calls his wife, by the name
of Angelina Humphries and has two children.
JOHN RAILEY, Den. Sheriff.
Marion, Twiggs county, Ga., April 12tn, 1858-tt
SIXTY THOUSAND lbs. Choice Tenn. Bacon,
Kams, Sides and Shoulders,
3,000 lbs. Jowls. In store and tor sale bv
Has been said of
VNEW and splendid patent Soda Water Appa
ratus. is now in perfect operation at the Drug,
Chemical snd Perfumery House of George Payne’s,
where the choicest Syrups are used, made with best
fruits, also the justly celebratad ••(’ream Syrup.” pre
; pared every morning with fresh Cream richly and del- ;
J icately flavored.
i This apparatus is of the last and best improvement
' of the age, it is perfect, and not to becompare«l with
the old style in the preparation of genuine Soda Wa
ter. free from impurities, no lead or copper pij»v used
' in this apparatus, and alwavs cold, and no finer es
tablishment any where, in this or any other country.
May 13th, ISSB.
Paper Dells! Paper Dells!
4 T BOARDMAN’S “Washington Block Building,”
a large assortment of Paper Dolls.
bmh .1 M BOARDMAN’
Ga. Pi ters’ Corn Whiskey.
ONE HUNDRED Barrels Ga. Planters' White
Corn Whiskey.
i 50 barrels Smiths. Old Bourbon, Robertson county
and other brand, whiskev. tor sale bv
mar 35 ts McCAIIIE 4 JONES
Fashionable Hair Dresser,
At the Redding Hou«*e, Macon, Ga.
r pilE Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens
1 of Macon and strangers passing through the
city that his well known establishment is still in op
eration at his old stand, where he is ready to accom
modate his customers with Hair-trimming, Shaving,
Shampooing and everything else in his line in the
best style of art. He offers for sale, Good Bay Rum.
Progler’s Hair Invigorator, Knight’s celebrated
Hair Restorative, Fine Soups, Combs, Brushes, Ra
zors, and all similar articles needed fora gentleman’s
toilet. Hot and Cold Baths can be had at the reduc
ed price of 35 cents. Also, wigs and Toupees made
to order on short notice. He solicits a continuance
of the liberal patronage which he has heretofore re
ceived. M. LOH. I
Congress Water, Burning Fluid,
Patent Medicines, Champhene,
Medicine Chests, Saddle Bags,
Instruments, Dye Stuffs,
j Glass, Paint-*,
; Putty. Hops.
And Medicines of all kinds for plantation and fam
ily use. Physicians orders will icceire careful atten
tion. apr
Office in Washington Block.
Medicine Cases and Books on Domestic Practice
f>r sale. july B*Bm
I B ARENTS, Guardians, and the public generally,
visiting the city during commencement, are re
apectfullv invited to call at PUGH’S FINE ART
GALLERY, Triangular Block, and examine bis Pic
tures. Those desiring anything in the wav of a Por
i trait, can be accommodated here with any style they
, choose; and every likeness will be uarienlcd to
; please and w ill be taken cheaper than at any other
gallery in the citv. None should be without like- '
uesset of their friends.
Seize the shadow ere the substance fade.
Let nature supply that which nature made;
And if you’d have it done to nature true.
Be sure that you call on J. A. PUGH,
julv -ts
, Is now receiving a large and entirely new stock of
To which he invites the attention of the public.
•pi xv
0 ——_—|
I r ■"'HE Proprietors of this establishment would re
.l spectfully cull the attention of those contempla
ting the erection of Steam Mill*, tor Sawing and
. tlrinding, or for any other purpose whatever. The i
, superiority of the work has been, and will be, a suf- j
ticient guarantee fur an extensive and increasing |
patronage. Our Workshops and superior outfit 01
’ Tools, Patterns and Machinery, afford facilities f n
the expedition of work possessed by no other estab
' lishment in the State. Our prices and terms will
■ compare favorably with that of any first class North- i
ern establishment. The following comprises a list of
Machinery, <kc., for any portion of which we will be
pleased to receive orders, viz :
Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mill Machinery, Circu
lar Saws, Mill Gearing, Mill Stones, of be<t qual
ity for Corn and Wheat, Water Wheels, a
great variety. Gin Gear, all sizes,
Iron Railings, for Cemeteries,
public and private Build
ings, Ac., of Wrought
and Cast Iron em-
Strength with Jh aaty of Design.
' Sugar Mills and Syrup Boilers, all sizes. Columns fur '
Stores, Churches. Ac., Ac., Gold Mining Machine- !
ry, with Double and Single acting Force
and Lift Pumps of any required size,
Shafting with Turned Pullies, from
the smallest size to nine feet Di
ameter. Cotton Press Irons,
Cutton Screws, Mill
Screws and
I England's Celebrated self acting Car Couplings, and
other Rail Road Castings. All work warranted tu be
' equal to the best made elsewhere.
HAS just opened a full assortment of most beauti
ful and recherche Gr. nadine and quaralle Barege
: Robes-a-quille, Black Spanish Mantles, Cloaks and
; Mantillas of French Lace, also a choice assortment of
mourning Goods, such as Dresses. Mantles, Thread
, Lace Capes, Crape Collars and Sleeves, Ac., alsu
travelling Goods together with a full >tock of Em
broideries. Ribbons, Dress trimmings, nnd all other
Goods in her line, and will be happy to see the Ladies
at her store ; Triangular Block, next duur to Bostick
a Ke n'e Store. mar 25 ts
Corn, Meal, Peas, &c.
I''IVE HUNDRED Bushels Tennessee White Corn
L 10U “ Cow Peas.
IGO “ Fresh Ground Meal.
100 •* Oats. For sale bv
_ ,na l?L tf McCALLIE A JONES.
Silver Ware, Fancy Good*,
Piano Fortes, Violins,
IVE ARE offering our entire stock us the above,
▼ V with an innumerable variety of other new and |
desirable Goods, of the best qualify, at lower pi ices, j
for cash, than ever before sold in this market, until
the Ist of March next.
Our stock is very large, and well selected, and
well worthy the attewtion or all those who wish fine
and good Goods at exceedingly low prices.
N. B. All those indebted to us will will more than
ever oblige us bv an earlv settlement.
Macon, Jan. 21, *sß—tf
More Light.
TUST Received, a lut of the best and latest im
provement in FLUID GAS LA MI’S, decidedly
the best light yet invented. Call and see them, as
they are only to be aeeu to be appreciated
june xvii Next to Mrs. Dessau’s.
For Sale.
k PLANTATION and tract of Land in Glynn
x B county, containing about 4,500 acres, situated
j at the head’of Turtle River which is nav igxble to this
point for veaaels of 100 tons. The Plantation is w ell
settled and consists of about 500 acres of cleared han -
mock, and as much more uncleared. The remainder is
Pine Land valuable for timber and wood, convenient
to therver, and not more than 16 miles from Bruns
wick. The tract is capable of being advantageously
divided into two or even three parts, and is intersect
ed by the Brunswick A Florida Kail Road. This land
' may be bought at $.3 per acre. Apply ’<»
may 27 A A M SPEER
Present the Honorable Henry G. Lamar Judge of
said Court.
Archibald Hobbs, |
vs. > Libel fur Divorce, Ac.
Lenora Ann Hobbs. )
IT appearing to the court by the return of the Sher-
. iff, that the defendant dues not reside in this coun
ty, and it further appearing that she does nut reside
in this State, it is on motion, ordered, that said de
defendant appear and answer at the next term of
this court, or that the case be considered in default
and the plaintiff allowed to proceed, and that this or
der be published in some public Gazette in the State
for four months before the next term ot this court.
JAMES T. MAY. Att’y for Libellant.
A true extract trom the Minuteaof Taylor Supe
rior Court. April term, 1858.
max 6-im .1 \MES T. HAKMdN. Ul’k.
/ 8 BORGIA, Crawford County.
\ T hereas, Giles M. Chapman, Administrator on
the estate of Samuel Chapman late of said county,
deceased, applies to me for letters clismissory from
his said administration. These are therefore to cite
and admonish nil and singular, the heirs and creditors
of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within
the time prescribed by law. and shu.v cause, if any
they have, why said letters should not be granted,
(.liven under inv hand and official signature this 6th
day of April, USB. JAMES J. RAY,
ap! x\ hn Dull! ; ;
/ ’ EORGIA ( i.t'.i/o’ ! ( on.'K.
\ F Whereas, Thomas Stripling, Administrator
i bonl* non with the will annexed of Samuel Com
mander, of said county, deceased, applies to me for let
' ters of dismission from said administration as afore
said. These arc therefore to cite and admonish ail and
singular, the heirs and creditors of said deceased, to
be and appear at my office within the time prescribed
by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said
letters dismissory should not be granted to the said
applicant. Given under niv hand at office this 14th
May 185*. ’ JAMES J. RAY,
may xix Ordinary.
/ i EORGIA ( r.iutmd < (»niifi.
VI Whereas, William Lockett aud Rebecca Lock
ett, Administrator, and Administratrix on the estate
i of James L<>ckett deceased, apply to me fur letters us
dismission from said estate.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the heirs and creditors of said estate to be
and appear at my office within the time prescribed
, by law. and show cause if any they have, why said
letters diamisaory should not be granted.
Given under my hand at mv office 11 Feb’ry I*sß.
1 ’■ .! \MES J. RAY. O.dH.,< .
(8 BORGIA (. rawiord County.
I Whereas, Mrs. M. Dickson, applies to me for
letters of Administratun on the estate of her de-
I qpaaed husband, Joseph N. DicKSon, late of said
' county.
The»e are therefore to cite and admonish all nnd
j singular the kindred and creditors of said dec’d to
' show cause at my office within the time prescribed by
law why said letters should not be granted.
■ Giten under mv hand and official signature, this
J une 30tb, 1858. ‘ JAMES J. RA Y,
j’dy "-ti OrdhMMy
/ ' EORGI V Crawford County.
‘.I \\ bereas, Henry N. Britt applies »o me fur let-
I ters of Administration on the estate of Mason Miller,
late of said county deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singulai the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
I l<» be and appear at my office within the time pre
■ scribed by law and show cause (if any they have > why
said letters should Dut be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 9th dav of Ju
ly. 1858. JAMES J. RAY,
8188 Mil HU I SILK.
\\ he S(»ld on the first Tuesday in Sep next.
v ▼ before the Court House door in Ihe city of
, Macbn. between the usual hours of sale the following
’ pro|M»rty tu-wit :
One House and Lot in the city of Macon fronting on
fifth or Bridge Street adjoining thclotsofjoa Kennclly
, un one side, and James Gavin on the other; levied
on us the property of Dominick Guruughty to satisfy
one li ta in favor of John W. Babcock vs Dominick
| Garaughty, property pointed out by Plaintiff.
Also, at the same time and place, a House and Lot
, situated on the Houston road about one and a heif
miles from Macun, adjoining the lands of George
Wood and others, containing about live acres mute
i or less, and being the place where Mrs. Bass et now
| lives; levied on as the property us Eiias JeuKins to
, satisfy a fi fa from Bibb Superior Court in favor of
Howell Cobb, Governor Ac., va. Elias Jenkins prin
-1 cipai ami Gabit-I Parker security. Property pointed
j out by T. W. Muntfoit, Sol. Guu’l.
ju'y l.» ED. G. JEFFERS, Dep. Sheriff.
8188 MORTG \(.!l s ttE.
\ \ r ILL be sold before the Court House, in the city
V V of Macon, Bibb county, on the first Tuesday in
Oct. next between the usual hums of sale, the fulluw
-1 iog property to-wit:
All those Lots or parcel of land situated, lying and
being in the city us Macun, county us Bibb,’ State of
’ Georgia; known and distinguished in the plan us
said city Surrey, as lut No. two, (2) in square fifty
nine, 1 5y) being one third of an acre mure or less.—
I Alsu, lot No. one < 1) in square No twenty, (2'b also,
lots No. set cn and eight, (7 and 8) in square No. twen-
I ly-six (26). Jlbo, luls 5,6, 7, and a, squaie nine
■ ? i known as lots being and lying in the southwest
ern range of said city. All levied on to satisfy a moi t
gagu fi ta in favor of* Martin Hall vs. T. W. Brantly.
Property pointed out in said mortgage.
july 29 L. D. WKIGHT, Coroner.
8188 MORTGAGE snilKll’F SALE?
\T T ILL be sold <»n the first Tuesday in Sep. next,
v v befure the Court House door in the city ot
Macun, Bibb co , within the usual huuis of sale the
[ fallowing property to-w it :
All that tract or par cel of Land about une and half
miks from the city of Macon, on the cast side of the
1 Houston road, adjoining tl clandsot Hezekiah Thom
son, Elizabeth Taylor, Henry Ball and others, it be
ing the place whereon Mr. Kussce now lives ; levied
on to satisfy a Mortgage fi fa in favor of Poe, Greir A
Poe, use Ac., vs Nancy B. Kossee and James S. Dukes
ti ustee, property pointed out in said Mortgage fi fa.
july 29 ED. G. JEFFERS, Dep. Sheriff*.
8188 M! ERIFFS tLE.
11 r ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Sep., be-
11 lure the Court door in llie city of Ma
' con. Bibb county, between the usual hours of sale,
the following prui ei ry to w it :
Two and a half acres us land, more or lews, being
, part of lot No. 65, Macon Reserve, lying on the west
sideuf the Ocmulgve river, adjoing on the east the
land of Miller Clark, on the north Zuchariah Rodgers,
un the west Talbot Combs, and on the south Chai les
Usher—levied on as the properly of John Cunning
ham to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Justice Court
of Bibb county in favor us Jonathan Wise, Adminis
trator on the estate of Bum! Wise, deceased. Prop
erty pointed out by the Plaintiff.
Lei ied on by Washington Jackson, Constable, and
returned to me. W. K. BUSBEE,
' july 29 Dcp. Sheriff.
be sold before the Court House door in tht
▼ V city of Macon, Bibb county, on the tirwt Tues
: dav in Sep. next, between the usual hours us sale the
following property to-wit:
The interest of Frederick B. Brown in, being one
undivided half of, that lut or parcel of land lying about
I one and a half miles from Macon on both sides of the
Houston road, and bounded on the north-east by the
land’s known as the Dr. Gorman place, on the east by
said Gorman lands and Dow Wright’s Grocery Store
and premises, on the west and north-west bv the old
Blausett place and running far enough to the South
of the road to make fifty acres more or less ; levied on
bv virtue of a fi fa from Bibb Superior Court in favor
of A. T. A R. F. Moir vs. said Brown. Property
pointed out by Plaintifl’s Attorney.
Also, at the same time and place all that tract or
parcel of land lying in the third district us originally
Houston now Hibb county, adjoining the lands us ,
Mrs. Freeman, Samuel McArthur and others, and be
ing the place where R. A. Benson now lives, number
not known ; levied on as the property of Richard A.
Benson, trustee Mrs. E. E. Benson, to satisfy afi fa
from Bibb Inferior Court in favor of Willis Wood vs
Richard A. Benson trustee. Property pointed out
by PtaUril T. W. RAILEY.
july 29 Dep. Sheriff. ,
MTTILL be sold before the Court House d >or in tl.e
\\ city of Macon, Bibb c<>un’ v. between the usual
hours of sale on the first Tuesday in Sep. next, the
following property to-wit:
Five aui-es of land more or less, the interest of C. ;
R Pavton, said land about 3 or 4 miles from the city
of Macon, on or near the Forsvth road, adjoining '
McDonald. Adams, and Rilev; levied on to satisfy
three Justice Court fi tax in favor of M.S. Thom sou.
Property pointed out by Plaintifl.
Levy ’made and returned tu me bv John P. Harrev, j
Countable. T. W. BRANTLY.
july 99 Sheriff.
be xolil on the first Tuesday in September
next, iu Knoxville in said county, within the usual
hours of sale, the following property, to-wit:
„James M. Harper in and to the
East hall of lot of land No. sixty-, ne, (61,) iu the sec
ond district of originally Hous.on now Crawfotd
county ; levied upon by virtue of a cist fi fa from the
honorable Superior Court of Baker county in farer
of I enjannn .1. Tharpe and .fllen .1. Tharpe vs said
James M. Harper. JACOB LOWE, Dep Sh’ff
July 29 r
\GHEEABLY to au order of the Honorable the
Ordinary of Craw ford county, June Term, 1859
will be sold befoie the Court ilouse door, in the
town of Knoxville, on the first Tuesday in Octo
ber next, the interest of John Cruchficld deceased
111 and to a certain Louse and lot, lately occupied by
I l ' (''.'cht.f.d as a Grocery; the interest of said
deceaaeo being one half of said house and lot Sold
or the lieueht ot the bens apd creditors of said John
< rntcbjield deceased. Tertffe made known on dav of
sale. Julv 22nd, IsW-tf J
the Estate ot Jehu Cruchfield, deceased.
/ ’ EORGIA < rawford < ounty. ,
A « "tierea , Griffin <L Oncal and John W.Afwat
ter, apply to me lor letters of Administration on tbs
Gneal late of &aid county deceased
I lieae are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased
lobe and appear at inv office within the time pre*
scribed bv law. and >how cause, if any they Laie,
why said letters should not be granted the said au
piicante, Griffiu G. Oneal and John W. Atwattcr.
Given under niy hand at office. Julv luth, 1859
J ll '.'-- JAMES J. KA I’, Ordinary.
II *'ll.l. be sold on the first Tuesday in October
? ’ "J 1 !!' r ‘ ‘rtueofan order ot the Couel of Or.
dinarv of Burk County, before the Court House door
(U Nashyil.e Berrien county, between the legal hMrs
Ot sale tour huudr J and ninety yUO) acres us Land
No. 40, and 10th District.
Also on the same l ie and time, before the Court
House door m Isabella, Worth county, four hundred
(690) acres of land, No. .;w. and 7tli District. Soti!
tor the •x-i't'tit of the heir* and creditors of Civilitv
Ifiinn, of Burk county, deceased.
Terms made known on dav of sale
aug xii-tds MATTHEW W. BUNN,
\\ ”•!* be s .‘’ld on the first Tuesday in September
> v next, before the court house door, in the City of
Macon, that tract ur parcel of Land, situate, lying and
being hi the ( ity of .Macon, county of Bibb,’Stale us
Ueorgiu being according to the plan of said citv, a
part of lot number four (4>, in square number sev
enteen ■ L , and being that portion of said lot inclu
ded within the following bounds, to-wit: commenc
ing at a point oh Fourth Street, (thirtv-five feet from
the allev and running along > aid Fourth Street) one
Lundred and five feet, thence running in a direct line
-me hundred arid five feet to the rearof said lot, thence
; one hundred and five feet along the back of said Jot
towards the alley aforesaid, and thence running in a
direct line one hundred and five feet to the startix»g
' point on Fourth Street, so as t„ include the Dwelling
House occupied by Alexander Kicbmde, snd the
kitchen, smoke hor.-e mid other out-buildings on said
I t appurtenant to said dwelling; levied on as the
proj erty of the defendant, Alexander Richards, to
tmortgage fi ta> issued from the Mav term
r Dibb xiperior Couit, in favor of Win. S.’Willi
ford. Treasurer, Ac., ft r the use of the Bibb Countv,
Luun Association vs. Alexander Richards.
Also, at tl.e same time -n< j p| aee . that portion or
parcel us land situate, lying being in the City of
Macon, and county of Bibb, and known and distin
guished in the plan of said city as part of lot number
4i, in square number seventeen (17), being that por
tion ut said lot contained in the following described
bounds, to witcommencing ut the mouth of the
alley which divides said lut from the Preabvteiiau
v Lurc J'’ ftn<l runni,, K thence thirty-five feet front on
r< urth street, thence one hundred and the feet back
to ihe rear us said lot, thence thirty-five feet in a di
rect line to the alley aforesaid, and thence along said
alley, one hundred and five feet to the starting point.
Said property levied on as the property of the defend
ant. Alexander Kichaids, to satisfy one mortgage ti
ta issued from Bibb Supcri« r Court, in favor <>( W
I S. A illifurd, Treasurer Ac., for the use of Bibb coun
ty Loan Association, vs. Alexander Richards.
Also, at the same time and place, that tract or par
cel us land lying, being and situate in the city of Ma
con. Bibb county, known and distinguished in the
plan us said citv as lot number three (3), in square
seventeen 117), and further know n as the Mansion
House lot, containing one-half acre, more or less ;
levied on as tl.e property of Alexander Richards to
satisfy two moitguge fi fas issued from Bibb Superi
or Court in fovur us Edward J. Stowe, Treasurer, Ac.,
vs. Alexander Richards.
Also, at the same time and place, that tractor par
cel us Und situate, lying and being iu the city oi
Maeon and county of Bibb, and known and distiu
giiishvd in ths plan us said city as lots No. three and
four 1 3 and 4>, in square number seventeen (17), with
all the improvements thereon ; levied on as the prop
el ty us the defeudant, Alexander Richards, to satisfy
one mortgage fi la issued from Bibb Superior Cuurt,
n favor of Win. S. Williford, Treasurer. Ac . vs. Al
, iiander Richards. T. W. BKANTLY, Sheriff
j ejune 3
( EM R AI. R.t< B €Ol RNE
For Sale.
r p , HE Subscriber offers for sale, the Central Racu
1 Course, located two miles and a half from th©
City of Macon. It comprises about two bundrt-d
acres us land, is in excellent repair, and is provided
with all the usual buildings and appurterances of tl.e
Course. The location is pleasant and wunld make •
healthful country residence; though the - Proprietor
would prefer that it should be sold to some individual
or Company who would keep it up ns a Race Course.
It will be sold ou reasonable terms.
apr29-tf H. T. POWELL. Propriet r.
'■MIE Ladies and Gentlemen us Macon and adjoin-
1 ing counties ore respectfully invited to call and
' examine my stock < t Cbixa, Glass and Crockckt
\\ Alix, next dour to .Mis. Dessau’s on Second Street.
1 intend to keep at all times a good stock of Goods,
I and will sell them as low as they can be bought anv
wbeieinthe city. A liberal share of patronage is
• respectfully solicited. R. R. HUTCHINGS.
City papers copy. maT oQ-tf
rsyw\ ;.r AjX
**Ar*’ f " - -i' * ,r 2 ■ ‘
ON and after Thursday, July 15tb, the Train*
will be run as follow#;
Savannah 12.15, p. m,, 11.45 p. in.
Arrive in Augusta 7.3 up. ni., 6.C0 p. m.
ArriveiuMacun, ll.'*u, p. im, 9.UU, a. nx.
Arrive iu Milledgeville 1.10, p. m.
Leave Macon 10.45, a. m., 10.0’, p. m.
Arrive in Savannah 7.20, a. m., 9.30, p. in.
Arrii e in Augusta 7.30, u. ni., 6.3 V, p. in.
Arrive in Milledgeville l.b», p. m.
Leave Augusta, 15, a. m., 2.45, p. rr.
Arrive in Nuvannah 7.2<), a. m., 9.30, p. m.
Arrive in Macon, 9.0”, a. m., 11.00, a. to.
Passengers fur points beyond Atlanta, on the Wes
tern <k Atlantic Rail Road will leave Savannah on th©
12.15 train, ano arrive in Atlanta at 7.15 next morn
ing. Passengers for Milledgeville and Eatonton will
leave by the 11.45 train,
Buth trains connect at Macon with the Macon A
Western Road fur Atlanta, and with the South-Wes
tern Rail Ruad to Albanv. Americus, Columbus and
Montgomery, and ut Mdlen with the Augusta and
Sa\ annah Rail Road for Augusta aud the North.
i'dv 2" EMERSON H’uTE. (sou l Sup t.
COSO? 11
"VyOW is the time for those who intend visiting the
. x Watering Places and attending the various
Commencements to buv Dress Goons, cheaper than
they ever saw them. W. W. Parker A Co. will sell
at COST their entire stock us Summer Dress Got ds,
w Inch contains every variety of the most Fashmna
ble Stvle*. and said to be. by tar, the Haudsomest
Stock ni Macun. Our facilities enable us to buy as
low any utbei House in the trade, and the present
Stock tiuving been purchased at exceedingly low
rates, the public may rely on getting bargains’.
We are not in the habit of constantly advertising
Goods nt Cost, and as we intend what we say we fee!
assured that su'h an opportunity is now presented,
as mav not occur aguin.
juoe xvuj W. W. PARKER b C*.