Newspaper Page Text
The State Press
E. C. & A. M. ROWLAND.
Two Dollars per annum in advance, or Three Dul
ari at the end of the year.
One Dollar per Square for the first insertion, and
fifty cents for each subsequent insertion. Liberal
arrangements will be mad# with those who advertise
’ ear ’ JOB WORK.
Having a new and beautiful supply of job type and
one of Gordon’s celebrated Power Presses, we are
prepared to do any kind of work in this line with
neatness, accuracy and dispatch, at moderate prices.
(for the state press.]
Beware, now I warn you, beware of the girls
Whose brow’s areo’ershadowed with dark chestnut
Whose shoulders and neck, and the back of whose
Are lavishly covered with brown waving tresses;
As they wave in wild beauty their helical curves
Tothe gazeof your eyes—how it shatters your nerves;
How you tremble and shiver and shake ;
How you thrill! How you quiver and quake !
Yom’re entranced’. By the Powers, you’re complete
ly unarmed.
Oh the brown chestnut cu Is—o the dark che t Hit
From ev’ry volute of its rich rolling masses,
The spirit of passion her banner unfit! Is,
And Cupid (the rascal i wherever he
Around pud about through their soli undulations,
Plumps a keen polished dart
Direct through your heart.
Which sets up a series of hard palpitations.
When Jacob at night
Jn a dream of delight
Saw a ladder extending from earth into heaven,
And the Angel of love
Calling come up above,
To have followed the r bidding all earth he’d have
twaa nau hl out a qui/.f cal lalluciuation -
The real compounded with imag nation;
When he’d parted with Rachel the wit«h of a girl
Had cut from her tresses a long chesnut curl,
Which be took to console him while oft’on his trip
And often it passed from his brpast to his lip,
3o before he lay down on bis hard stony pill w
He hung up the tress ip full view on a willow,
Haifasieep, haii ua . e. ui t .e de, thsuf the nig t
The dew pea Is, a long the curls,
.'shone in hispyes, wtjb sweet surprise,
v'.jle the willow* waved hi the pa.e moo: light;
knd that’s the whole story
Which I got from a hoary
Old wandering .lew,
»s ! gi' <! it to you.
F t* story of Babel, he said wa* a fable -
That a roa l did mri round its outer walls
la asor vl whorl to it t» 4 »m »*t h ill,
And dm reach from earth to heaven;
A maiden did dwell in a castle of j ea: I
And he hi .-it hid that same bright cacstnut glow.
Su the brains of the me i she kept in a whirl
As she glowed up above and they gazed far be'."W,
While their hearts with dispair were riven,
Then in gr«*t eun.usion, with curbing and swear
With weeping and sighing, and pitching and rearing.
They left the girl m her tower of pearl.
And spreading about far over the wide extended
They reached the uttermost parts of the earth never
to return again.
There’s my friend Brown, with Smith and Jones,
If 1 had the power I’d break all their bones,
They assert their opinions with fulsotn parade
That there’s prettier hair of a different shade.
That magpie Jones -the contemptible dandy
Likes the twist and hue of molasses candy ;
The bld toper, Smith, with a sardonic grin
Says if he mutt tell what is passing within,
That chestnut curls, if speak it he must,
Are like cork screws covered with iron rust.
The horrid brute! and would you know’ why
In the heat of the moment he thus did let fly,
What each of us thought was the direst sarcasm
And spread through our souls like sickly miasm?
Would you see his eye sparkle, hispulscsbcat quick
Just set in his presence a full flask of liquor—
He will jerk from his pocket a ring full of keys
With a cork screw among them, an I brisk as a breeze
The cork will fly out and the wine in full flow
Will descend down his thioat to the regions below;
The cork screw thought was the best he could bring
When his fancy would soar on its maudlin wing.
And Brown we would think from a pure sense of
Would have stood by the color or changed his own
name ;
He said—but I think that on further reflection,
I’ll banish tfieso worthies from my recollection.
But would you feel happy * Then sit if you please
On the portico steps, m the closing twi-light,
While the full moon is shedding its pale misty beams
And changing the earth to a region of dreams—
She is sitting beside you, a spirit as bright
As the fays that now sport on the freshening breeze;
In a wild sportive mood should it rise to a gale
And blow from her brown hair that snowy white veil,
Should a long ourl come sweeping along on your cheek
0 twill ninxe you so happy for many a week
We had wandered together one day
In a rocky dell where the waters were rushing,
O'er pebbles and stones in idle play
And springs out of cool mossy banks were gushing.
Singing their murm’ring lay
As they quietly floated away ;
Long boughs of spirea flowers were trailing
Their ends in the stream as it gently did flow,
If you touched but a leaf, they would drop and go sail
I broke a long sprav.
And as I bore it away
I bent it around in a circlet of snow—
Ou an old grey rock was sitting there.
The flecks of light that stole through the trees
When their foliage was moved by the summer
XVrre glancing about through the folds of her hair—
In a moment of transport, in b ddne*s ' flung
The wbitji tiuweiy chaplet aronn I o’er her head ;
O that vision of beauty ! how ten ler they c'ung
Mid the silky luxuriance and cumberous rolls;
A Boreal crimson <»f blushes o’er spread
Her checks and her brow —the hot glowing coals
Were thrown on my heart from the altar of passion.
Then the words madly broke from my lips in this
lashion :
“O lady be mine —be light of my home—
Be the star of my night—thou can’st warm up my
Like a tropical zone—be my idol -my wife.’’
To mv vine covered cot come awav, lady, come.
’Twas a cold night wind stealing
It’s presence revealing
Alone by the chill of its damp icy flow.
Her lip scarcely moving
In a tone mild and smithing
Fbe whispered that small fatal syllable “ no.”
- .. ■ ■■■■ i -■■II . . .'■■i..!.Xß!!!g.L . ■ „■»
Ait c '
Oraiii (J rad les.
(■> RANTS wire braced Grain Cradles,s and 6 fin-
I gers, warranted blades for sale bv
Ik EST Silver Steel Scythes, S y the Sheaths. Scythe
) Sharpeners, Grass Hooks, Sickles lor .*ale by
m-' J .X \ Tll \XV. 1. 1.1•
! TT’MERY.’S Celebrated Overshot Wheat Threshers,
I I Brown’s Virginia Threshers with S raw S
| rators for sale by NATHAN WEED.
i may 20
Horse Powers.
SINCLAIR’S Seven Horse Powers, Whitman’s
Virginia Lever Powers, Emery’s Rail Road Horse
Powers, in Store and for sale at manufacturer's
prices by NATHAN WEED,
may 2
Wheat Fans.
(~1 R XNT’S Celebrated Fan Mills, Clinton Son’s
I Fans, all sizes, from 20 to 35 dollars, for -*ale bv
may X A 1 11 A X WEED. ‘
Oat Cutters.
SELF-SIIARPENIN Straw and Shuck Cutters,
clair’s Patent, Georgia Cutting Boxes, for side by
may 20 " NATHAN WEED. 1
Oram Sieves.
\\ f IRK Cloth, Rakes, Leather and Rubber Bynds,
V v Corn Mills, Corn Shelters, for sal.* bv
Halting Cloths.
1 >(>LTING CLOTHS of all numbers and of the best
1 > anchor brand, for sale by
| may-2" X A Tll \XV, i:E I».
Cotton Avenue, JI aeon, Gu.
I ".'-e
1’ . ' ,
. and Macdiaeiy mge
I S a place of great attra lion to all lovers 4 the
Beautiful. ’ A here rei supre m an I Uh
I hundreds of handsome and Igv< ? faceaonex bit in
I afiow m»t only the MUI oi •• . it makea it
one of the most j le.i'aui - irb in M icon. None <
1 should fail to pav a vm.i t<» tins well-known and ceie-
I bratvd i AL At E Ob’ ART.
! The astomUiimz l”W price- a* hich Portraits are
I taken at this Gallery, and the beauty they possess i
is wonderful.
From Daguerreotypes of deceased persons taken as
well as from life.
; As low as at any other Gallery and of superior qual
ity . Call and see. jui
Bargain! Bargain!!
' subscriber otl'vrs for>ale his Plantation, Saw,
1 Grist, Flouriug Mill and Wool Carding M.i-
i chine, situated five miles smith of Knoxville, Craw- 1
' ford conntv, ami eight miles ■> irth of the South
Western Kail Road. The plantation contains seven !
' hundred acres of land, well watered ami well tim
i be red. located in one of the healthiest portions of
Crawford co., surrounded by excellent society, with
I the facilities of a church ami >chool within one mile.
I The Mills Saw, Grist, Flouring and Wool Carding
i Machine, have been recently re built, and are in ex-
I cellent condition, situated on a never-failing stream. ,
On the plantation there i- <me hundred ami fifty a< re>
of cleared land in a high state of cultivation, with a
comfortable framed dw uiling, ami other necessary out
buildings. Attached to the premises is tin* privilege 1
of saw Timber on MO acres ot land, for the use ot the ,
Saw Mills, Any person w ishing to make a profita
ble investment would do well to call on the subscri
ber on the premise*. JAMES I BRYCE,
apr 2‘J-tf Crawford co., Ga;
0a and after July 15th.
I EAVE Macon 11.4‘, p. m., and 9.45, a. m.; ar
rive in Columbus .'... .A a. in., ami 3.45, p. ni.;
Leave Columbus 4a. m. and 3.45 p. m. Arrive in
Macon 9..50 a. m. and 9.18 p. m.
Leave Macon 11. p. in. Arrive at Albany 6.25 a.
m. Dawson 6.0 Ua. m.
Leave Albany 3.00, p. m., Dawson 1.40 p. m.—
Arrive in Macon, p. m.
Tri-weekly Accommodation Down, Monday. Wed
nesday and Friday. Up Tuesday, Thursday and
Leaves Macon 7.12, a. tn. Arrive at Dawson 5.20
p. m., Albany 4.31. p. in.
Leave Albany 6.20, a. m., Dawson— Arrive i»t
Macon 3.13, p. m. *
Mail Stages to and from Tallahassee, Thomasville
ami Bainbridge, Ac., connect with regular trains
as Albany. Also from Dawson tri-weekly to Cuth
bert, Fort Gaines, Ac.
At Macon connects with Trains on Central and Ma
con A Western Rail Road.
Passengers from Columbus and the West for
South Western Georgia or Florida should take the
4.. a. m. train, at Columbus. Both trains run on
FAR from Albany via Savannah to New York by
Steamships in Cabin. $24 25. Tickets can be procur
ed from Rail Road Agent, Albanv.
july xv Sunerintendent.
Notice to Shippers.
Soi th-Western R. R. I
M ICON. July 12. I>5S. I
CTT.-#* *'• *
*tf=*rf* j.-- <•
C'-lUTH-WESTERN Rid i< now completed
on to Bi 'o’ - Station and Di
. * son. Passenger Train* passing over it in connection
with \lbanv Train d tilv Freight Train, at present,
between Mac-m atu| Dawson, tri weekly. Rate of
Freight lie’ veeu < \utfiista. Macon and oth
er points, ami B own < id Dawson s. will bp tin*
same as b<*tw cn th -r ’ t •<*< 11 d M!>anv.
Ml Go f.»»• Cut’ih ’ and •e- M est of Dawson,
should be shipped to Daw--
jnh- xv GEO. W. M)AMS,Su;'t.
: Uitv ’ apprs cor v.
i. J|. BL\< KSIIEAB A co.
nA VE removed to their new Store in Wa«hina
ton Block. Mn’berrv Stret’ where ther are
now prepared to exhibit their Fa and M inter > f| ck
of Clothing and Furnishing good*.
Their stock comprise »••. ery article necu-«arv to a
gentleman’s War Irohe of the latest styles and best
. nianufacture, and by weeklv importations from New
York will be kept eonstantly complete during the
Also, Youth’s and Boy’s Clothing. Trunks. Va
lises, Carpet Bags. U nbndlas. Ac. Their facilities
lare such as to enable them to have special orders for
garments filled within a space us 1«» to 14 days, w ith
fit guaranteed aua style unsurpassed bv env house.
ect 20
Crockery, China,
I WOULD must respectfully inform the citizens of
. Macon and surrounding country that I have a , 1
good stock of China Dinner and Tea setts and Granite 1
Dinner and Tea setts. ■ I
English China Tea setts from $3 50 to $s UO per , i
I sett. A large lot plated Castors, ranging from $4 00 j •
each to $3.0", Tea setts from $35 00 to slu" 00. i '
Ice Pitchers, Ac., Ac. A fine lot China Va>es. Sev-
' era! setts line French Glass. Bureau setts fur tables. 1
; Fine Bohemian Colognes, Plated Butter and Sugar I
Dishes, Cigwr Stand'', Fluid Gas Lamps for standing, ‘
suspending; side and Billiard Lamps, Camphene (
Lamps, side anil suspending, a common ami fine ar- (
tide, KeroM-iH* Lamps, common Lard Lamps, Brass t
Girandoles, Plated Knives and Fo ks. Tea ami Ta
ble Spoons, common Black Tea Pots, Brown Stoire
Tea rots, Brown Spittoons, China Spittons, China
Toilet setts, common Toilet setts, a large and well as
sorted stock of Glassware. I have about KOo dozen
common Tumblers for Merchants and 3«a» dozen Gob
lets for Merchants, also a large stock of Granite and
common Earthen ware. As I import my atoek of
Ware and buy my Glass principally for cash at Auc
tions in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Ac., I think
I can sell here at New York prices and give my cus
tomers satisfaction.
Thankful for past patronage, I now presume to so
licit the same in future. R. P. McEVOY.
As I have a great many calls for Chandeliers for (
Churches, it is probably best to let the world know
that I have never made any profit out of anything for
a Church, hence all orders for Lamps for Churches i
I should be sent at least 5 or 6 weeks before they need
them, so as to enable me to get them from the Facto
ry. Ido not intend keeping stock on hand for that
1 trade, but will as heretofore get them out at Factory
prices for Churches. “ R. P. McE. y
apr 29 i i
PA RK i:ius
A \ T E are offering and intend to offer for a season,
V A the most extraordinary indneemonts to those
desiring to purchase
for the Cash. Our stock is large, and selected with
the greatest care, ami to cash Olivers we would say, j
give us a call as wp intend to make it to your inter
est. The low figun-a at which we have bought aur
second Spring Stock, enable us to promise this with -
perfect confidence. I
Matting! Matting!!
r ] M O those who find their carpets rather warm for i
1 the season, we would say, call at Parker’s ami 1
| you will find a most desirable article of Matting, all !
i widths and at very low prices. t
nwy ' ’f ' ' W. W. PARKER A CO.
Land and Negroes for Sale.
ON E Plantation in Worth conntv, lying on *‘Jones’
Creek 1 about 16 miles from Albany, and 12 from
‘ Wooten’s Station S. W. B. R., i containing soo acres,
i about o«» cleared and in a fine state of cultivation.
Also, the following itHiniprortd hits, some of which
! join thi* above, Nos. 1!I, 1, 1’>6,149. 15”. 1 1,1 ; and I
1 i all hi the 1 th Dist., and lot 27 > in the .th De t.
! Woi th conntv. Aino. 1 in Ist and 2” in the I th
i Di>t. Lee; a’<i, 4.’. S 2 and -• in 11m* 12th i>iat. Early I
• . .u-o lot 2. , ’iii->'l Dint, and 4th section Cher
i .:•-.»•< ;.« - lots and 4in Bb>ck 11 city of Albany ; 5
i also half acre lots No. and 6in acre range city • t
; Brunswick known as Academy lots. l Also, several ’
families <>t ve> v likelv voung ne”?'oes. T<-i m* :u'r on
modal ng. kpjdi t A. J. M YCAK ill ■ .
xix ts Alba \ ;
Valuable Lands.
l> l .rv COL’.XTY.
' ' BAKER.
th dj 1-. ,
loth do ,-i •*.’ \
■ 7th District-Nos. I_l, 44. ■, 525
i 1 th do 11,12, 55.
I loth du 26, 2\ ; ■- '9.
I Ist District—Nos. B O. IGo, 165, HC.
sth do 4, s 4, 181.
14th du 35, 77. 144, 198.
■ 1 th District—Nos.*., vl, *.’4.
27th du. I‘.’3,
; 25th du. S(> s .
I lltli do 12s, 2".
I 12lh do I.**'. 2<H.
, 1 th District No. 75.
sth District—Nos. In? 212.
, 6th d > IS bi.
j "th do 144.
| luth du 245, 249,
7th District —No. 11'7.
1 12th District -Nos. 2"9, 221, 222, 22°., 224, 225, 257,
2-’9, Joi, *.>••», •>»*>, .>96.
13th do “ 6, I*4, lie 28, 36, 76, 391, 392, 31'4.
14th District—Nos. 1-
i 27th do. “ 190, 216.
sth District—No. 337,
i Ist District —Nos. 7, 2'»s, 211, 212, 213, 214, 221, 22_’,
223 224 ** *5 2’**< **27 2‘*'
I-d do. “ 152,’ 237.’
I 7th do. “ 211.
. '.ith do. “ 11V.
Ist District—Nos. 141, 143, 144, 145, 157, 161 162, <
Ist District —No. 2>L
' 2d District - Nos. 54", 541.
' l"th District- Nos. 65, 67.
12th District No. 19.
13th do. h 5, 87, 88, lu7, 108.
1 Ith d«. 63,64,153.
15th do. 28, 65.
16th District —No. 40.
sth District—No. 242.
6th Dictnct- No. 21-*.
Sth District —No. 102.
12th District— Nos. 35, 116, 117. 165,166, 167, Hg, 194, '
' M, 2.51, 290. 291, '4?.;, 302, 346, ,
3a", 356, 357, 358, 359, 380, 3SU, 1
41S 444, 515.
13th do 86, 96, 122, 137, 146, 159, 391, 392,
437, 462 465, 469.
Ist District Nu. 97.
2d District—No. 27.
3d District No. 7.".,
Ist Ih-trict, Ist section—No. 421.
3rd du “ do 216.
9th do “ do 51.
4tli do 2nd do 10’.
sth du “ do 11.
9th do “ do 110.116,148.
10th do “ do 58.
12th do “ do 25.3. .
13th do “ do 171.
14th do “ do 61.
Ith do “ do 214.
2 th do “ do 65.
2''th do ‘‘ do 58, 158,203, 226.
2. th do “ do 41. 50, «.y t 3is.
6th do 3rd do 126,219.
Bth do “ do 91.
9th do “ do 270.
16 th do “ do 38.
17th do 44 do 799.
2'‘th do 44 do 536.
23rd do 44 do 52.
’.lth do “ do . 131.
4th do 4th do 225,323.
•th do “ do 314.
i 6th do “ do fls, 72.
7th do “ do 946.
9th do “ do ]57
• Dth do “ do 6. 33,35,40, 42, l<rt, 11O‘
131, 2<>4, 208, 21'7.
11th do “ do 34.
» 14th do “ do 242.
r Ith do “ do 48,153.
1 19th do “ do 28,81,95. 126.127.
For sale by T. K. BLOOM,
■ A ng. 12tb, 1853. Macon, Gs.
li 1 A 114 OF s' ISHIOA.
WHERE a second installment vs Elegant Gems in
all kinds of Goods arc being opened at such
Smash duwii Panic Prices
as to create such an iytlux of trade a> heretofore un
paralleled in Macon. If Novelty ot design. Ele
gance of style, Durability of Fabric Unparalleled
and Cheapness, constiiutv an iiidm enn-nt h r trase
and patronage then tl eir n?ptit4ttion is established
upon a firm and substantial basis.
To enumerate what they have w mid be an endless
task, therefore, come, seeand examine for yourselves.
Remember tbeir store on Cottun Avenue, M icon,
' • _ . ftpr 29
T 1 Pai.-i»o1h of entire new dc-
JJIUUU s>gn, comprising every Shade and col
or, can be found at
Mantillas, Mantillas!
I A \ ERY Side of th.-above article, at prii es to suit ,
I j put chasei - can be obtained at
apr 29
II I < l.ill.
Conferred upon the Ladies by w. aring Ross, Cole
max A llo>s’
With the
(PATENTED April 14th, and first grand pre
miiun awarded to the Manufacturers, Dougins A
Sherwood, and which has been decided by Me«li< ul
men the most beneficial garments ever introduced fur
ladies’ use, the irciykt b. < only 12 onn -x Call and
see them at ROSS, CULEM A N A ROSS.
•’ j
Dry Goods
I ADIES and Gentleman of Macon ami the sur
rounding country, we you aware that we have
just returned from New York with the tecond of
At a dix'-ouht of thirty ptr <■> nt., on nil kinds of Goods,
from prices twenty days back? If not call, see ami j
examine; for instance we widi to show you our Ele
gant faU colored Jaconet Mullins, at from lo to 12’ . I
cents, English Prints ’. to !• cts,. Gents’ Linen Hand- ;
kerchiefs. Is to 2" cfs.. Rich Silk Dresses, new styles
at $9,"0 a pattern. Handsome side Striped Dresses,
12 yards patterns, and fast colors at $1.2 ; Beautiful
Mourning Muslins at from ]<itol2’ .j cents, and in fact
every thing bought from Boston merchants ami as
signees sale so cheap as to astound even the johfjtrn
of'New Y’ork thems<dv< s. These facts can be sub
stantiated by calling at
apr29 Fashion. Cotton Avenue, Macon Ga.
U'A YING spent a porti<n of three successive years
. in tins city, during w hich time lie bus limited
his practice almi st exc!iisivc!y to Surgery, ro w re
sj cctfullv oi!o - h.'s m-m ice.» to the citizen- of Macon
ami the surr.-umlmg C( ,.miry, iv all t! e
his prole- -;i»n. Otli p oil the ■ uuth-east corner of- d
1.1«< Chei t i .-'. vets, owi Asher Ayres’ new Grocery
a i
Tennes.-e Bacon an- Lard.
1 ami Shoulde r. -1 • I ar» X .1I t.h I:id, in
stori- ami to ;.i >'i •«. to* - • ! ■
m ir 11
Ga. l v miefe I'pre Ccrn
.Xoa < i\co d.ii-ct from tin- MmniCu tiirers ami tor
sale low by McCALLIE A JUNES.
Bolting Cloths.
I UST r . -•■•.ved th.-ce!. *■ Hod Dutch anchor Brnml.
*/ all nu.iibers atk.wi ices bv
mav • J. B A W. A. ROSS.
Un <lt r L‘<t Inf inf x Ne tr Co nce r t I fol J.
\RE now ottering a Splendid Stock of Goodsf - ®
in their line, consisting of the following : ‘
Spring Silk Hats. j
•• Black Cassimere Hals.
“ Pearl
Soft Felt “ “
Men’s Blue, Brown ami Black Silk am! Velvet Caps. ;
14 Linen and Grass Check Hats.
“ Panama Extra Fine* “
“ Ea-t Italia new aT' nle “
“ Extra Lo.-lmrn and Floridas
Bovs’ Straw Caps, Fancv L ’Ji ns ami East India
Youth*’ L 'rliorn. cheap and fine
Straw Go.>ds for t.'hildien, t'rom 2" cent* t«> $
Men’s ami Boy.*’ Palm I ".ii Huts by the dozen.
These Goods are a!! of the latest variety ami style,
ami will be s*>ld cheap. apr xv
Fluid Gas Lamps.
11l AVE just reeeiv cd a lot of the abo\ e Lamps con- j
sisting of Hand Lamps. > ending Lamps. Par
lor Lamps, and Billiard Lamps. It is unnecessary
for me to say anything about this Lamp, as the Press
us our city has said all that I could say. It is also
suitable fur running through Houses ur Factories, on
the same principle as Gas.
apr2 ts RP. McEVOY.
3109 REWARD,
y 1 r ILL be pan! for t!.r appr< ’;i :i*. n ami b iiwry ,
the March term of the Superior Court of Twiggs
county, sentenced to five years imprisonment in the
State Penitentiary, for an assault with intent to mur
der Andrew J. Smith, on the seventh day of October
lust, and who made his escape from the jail of this
county on the night of the eleventh inst. Or, I w ill
pav fifty dollars for his apprehension ami confine
ment so that 1 can get him. Otiicrrs generally are ,
requested to keep u diligent look out for the scamp.
JOHN RAI LEY, Dep. Sheriff.
Wilson Gall • is about forty years of age, and
about five feet eight or ten inches high, thick set and
square shoulder*, weighing about 150 or 6" pounds,
high cheek bones and grey eyes, of a yellow complex
ion. somewhat resembling a Mexican, is a brick nia
son bv trade, and sometime* works at carpentering
lives with a woman that h<* calls his wife, by the name
of Angelina Humphries n .1 has two children.
JOHN HAILEY. Drp Sheriff.
Marion, Tw ggs county, Ga., %pril I ttn, I
3,0 »" lbs. Jowls. In store and for sale bv
may S M 1 \LLIi: a .dim s.
Has been said of
P;i Viie'-s
\NEW ami spb .I ;• -..nt S<»da Water Appa
ratus, is now in pcrfcei operation at the Drug,
Chemical and Perfumer* House of George Payne's,
where the choicest Syrup* are u*ed, made with be t
fruits, also the justly cch bratad “Cream Syrup.” pre
pared everv morning with fre-h Cream richly and del
icately flavored.
Tin’s apparatus is of the la<t ami best improvement
of the age, it is perfect, and not to be compared with
the old style in the pr«p<iruii..n <»f gen nine Smla W.;
trr. ft ee from impuniles, no id or cop'>er pipe used
in this apparatus and always cuLi. anti no finer es
tablishment auv where, in this or any other country.
MuvJ.’tb. 1
E*a{»°r Poll*! Paper Dolls!
\TBOARDM \N’S “Wa-hingfon Bl akßuilding,”
alaige a**ortment of Paper Dulls.
mar xi ■' M • I»G.\ li!*Nl AN ■
Ga. Pl’ters’ Corn Whiskey.
ONE HUNDRED Bartels Ga. Planters’ White
Corn Whiskey.
50 barrels Smiths, Old Bourbon, Robertson county
and other brands whiskey, tor sale by
mar 25 ts McCALtIE 4 JONTS.
3VL. non
Fashionable Hair Dresser,
At the Redding House, JI aeon 9 Ga.
r Subscriber respectfully inform a the citizens
1 of Macon and strangers passing through the
city that hi* well known establishment is still m op
eration at his old stand, where he is ready to accom
modate his customers with Hair-trimming, Shaving.
Shampooing and everything else in his line in the
' l»e.*t stvlu <>f art. He otter* fi»r sale. Good Bay Rum,
Progler’s Hair Inrigorator, Knight’s celebrated
Han Restorative, l ine Soaps, C »mbs, Brushes, Ra
zors, ami all similar article*needed fora gentleman’s
toilet. Hot and Cold Baths can be had ui the reduc
ed price us 35 cental. Also, wigs and Toupees made
1 to order on short notice. He solicits a continuance
ot the liberal patronage winch he has heretofore re
ceived. M. LOH.
july *-3m
Congress Wat<-r, Burning Fluid,
Patent Medicines. ChampT.enc,
Medicine Cheats, Saddle Bag*,
Instruments, Dye Stuffs,
• Glass, Paints,
Putty Hop.*.
\n 1 Medicines of all k ind* fi r plantation and fam
ily use. Physicians orders will receive careful atten
. tion. apr 22
ITO NIC Elbvn I.
Office in Washington Block.
Medicine Cases and Books on Domestic Practice
for sale. julv *-~m
Is now receiving a large and entirely new stock us
To which he invites the attention of the public.
>'■ '
V / fo’e f' CO OCC. 6 . a ?&tJfc 9 < F -•-5 s *
A r ~” " 7 —r ~r ’ 1
: c j
r I'MIE Pr q rictui s I this o*tab!i*hnient would re
1 spectiully '"‘H fl" 1 attention ■ t those contempla
ting the erection us Strain Milin, tor and
, ///•</«/’// .ort< rm s other purpose whatever. The
i superioiity oi the work hat l»ecn, a;. 1 will be, a suf
ficient guarantee fur an extensive and increasing
1 patronage. Workshops ami superior outfit 4
Tools, Patterns and Machinery. afl’or<! facilities f»r
tin expedition us work p«»ss<*s.*« d by nu other e.*tab
li*Lim nt in the >.nte. Uur pricv* ami term* will
11 art* favorably with of any first da** North
ern «■ ;ab!i.-hment. The following comprises a h*t of
• •
plea-ed to receive orders, viz :
Steam Engi;<«-, Boiler*. Saw Mill Machinery, Circu
lar S _■ - i ; qual-
ity fi>r Corn and Wheat, Water Wheels, a
g.i-al vara tv. Gin t>« ar, all sizes,
Iron Railing*, fur Cemeteries,
public ami private Build
in g*. Ac., of Wrought
a.ul Cast Iron em
St re •• th with Hoiuty of
Sugar Mills ami Syrup Boil r*. all *iz»**, C dumnsfiM
Stores, Chiirchc*. A - ., Ac.. Gold Mining Machine
ry, with Double aid Single acting Force
and Lift Pumps of any required size,
Shafting w ith Turn’d Pul lies, from
the smallest size to nine feet Di
ameter, Cotton Pre*-- Irons,
Cotton Screw*, Mill
Screw, and
England’* Celebrated self-acting Car Couplings, am!
other Rail Roud Casting*. All work warranted to be
i equal to the best made e’.'i where.
oet 17
HAS just opened a full assortment of most beauti
. ful ami recherche Gr nadine ami quaralle Barege
R •be* a-quillc. Black Spanish Mantles, ('leaks and
Mantilla* of French Lace, also a choice assortment of
mourning fb' ds, such a* Dre-se-. Manth *. Thread
Lure Ca; <•*. Crape Collars ami Sle ves, Ac., also
■ travelling Goods t< gut her with a full stock of Em
broideries. Ribbons. Dress trimmings, and all other
Goods in her line, and will be happy to see the Lade s
i at her store; Triangular Block, next door to Bostick
A Rein’s Store. mar 2'-ff
Corn, Meal, Peas, &c.
I'Y’VE HUNDRED Bu.*li<l* Tennv*-< u White Corn
' l».j Con- I’ens.
I'M) “ Fresh Ground Meal.
. I’o “ Oats. For sale bv
-• P ' ’ L’.- A
Silver Ware, Faisey &oo<ls,
Piano Fortes, Yiolins,
6U!fs, EtW. FBBTE MOM &[.
11 r E AKE ottering our entire stock of the above,
\ v w ith an innumerable variety t f other new anil
desirable Good*, of the best quality, at lower prices,
fur ca.*li. than ever befuiesuld in this market, until
the Ist <’f March next.
; f'7“Our stock is very large, and well selected, and
well worthy the attention of all those who wish fine
and good Goods nt exceedingly low price*.
N. B. All those indebted to us will will more than
ever oblige us bv an cariv settlement.
Macon. Jan. 81, *sß—tf
More Light.
J UST Received, a lot of th.’ best and latest im
provement in FLUID GAS LAM PS, decidedly
the best light yet invented. ( all and see them, as
1 thev are onlv to be seen to be appreciated.
juue xvii Next to Mrs. Dessau’s.
For Sale.
\ PLANTATION and tract of Land in Glynn
conntv. containing about 4,.MH' acres, situated
at the head us Turtle River w hich i * nuugabletu this
, point for vessels of 100 tons. The Plantation is well
, settled and consists of about s<»o acres of cleared hum
mock, and as much more uncleared. The remainder is
Pine Laud valuable for timber and woo 1, convenient
to the river, ami not more than l‘» miles fiotn Bruns
wick. The tract is capable of being advantageously
divided into two or even ti.r. «■ j art* am! is intersect
ed by the Brunswick A Florida Rail Road. This land
ma' be bought at $ ' nvr acre. Apply to
I may 27-3 m A. M. SPEER.
SIXTY day* after date application will be made t >
the Hon. the Ordinary of Craw ford county for
leave to sell the real estate of Janies A vara, deceased,
late of *aid county, (the widow s dower excepted. ’
, Tlii- July 6th, 1858. ELIAS D. DOSsRY’,
I july xr Ailndnistratcr.
Kennedy's Family and
/ \XE HUNDRED AXD FlFTY'Sacks Kennedy's
1 / Family and Excui -iorF! >ir. < - i. k* other
brands Superline and Extra Flour. Just received
and fur sale by AIcUALLIE A JUNES,
mai 2’ ts
Present the Honorable Henry G. Lamar Judge of
said Court.
‘ Archibald Hobbs, |
vs. > Lil/el for Di Force, Ac.
Lenora Ann Hobbs. |
I T appearing to the court by the return of the Sher
-1 iff. that the defendant dor* nut reside in this coun
ty, and it further appearing that she does not reside
j in thi* Slate, it is on motion, ordered, that said de
ilefendant appear ami Hiistcer at the next term of
, this court, or that the ca&o bu ournddered in defattll
and the plaintiff allowed to proceed, and that this or
. tier be published in some public Gazette in the State
for foul months before the next term ot this court.
JAMES T. MAY Att’y for Libellant.
A true extract from the Minutes’of Taylor Supe
rior Court, April term, 185 s.
ts Ho .1 UtES T i: \!:\;ox. (Tk.
/ a EORGI CrawfbrdCaantir.
1 I Whcrea-. t.iie* M. Chapman, Administrator on
the estate of Samuel Chapman Into of said county,
I deceased, apj lies to me for letters dismissory from .
• his said administration. These aie therefore to cite ,
ami admonish all am! singular, the heirs anil creditors
of said deceased, to be and appear at my olliee w ithin
• the tune prescribed by law, ami sbo v cause, if any
i they have, why said letters should not be granted.—
Given under my hand and official signature this GtU
day of April, 1858. JAMES J. RAY.
apr xv-6m <)j<!h
/ 1 EORGI X < rawftMrd < ouaty.
V I Wherca*, Thoma* Stripling, A Iministrator <7*
Lunix n", with the will annexed of Samuel Com
mander, of said county, deeeaserl. applieato me for let
ters of dismission fr»m said admini-lration as afore
said. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular, the he ir* and creditors of said deceased, to
: be ami appear at my office within the time prescribed
' by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said
letters ili*nu**ory should not be granted to the said
applicant. Given under mv band at office this 14th
May I*s*. ‘ JAMILS J. RAY,
may xix Ordinary.
/ 1 EORGI X < raufoid < Outily.
1 I W hereas, William Lockett and Rebecca Lock
I ett. Administrator, and Administratrix on the estate
j of Janie* Lockett deceased, apply to me for letters of
dismission from said estate.
These are therefore tu cite and admonish all and
singular the heirs and creditors of said estate to be
ami appear at my office within the time prescribed
by law, and show cause if any they have, why said
letters <lismi*sory should n<»t be granted.
1 Given under my hand at mv office 1! Feb’ry 1858.
feb x\ i.i JAMiiS J. RAY, Ordinary.
r WILL be sold b< fore the Cuurt llou-e dour in La
layette. Walker c Minty, Georgia, on the first Tues
day in October. I -', Lots of Land No. (55 fifty
five, < -56 > fifty six, (*•) eighty-nine, am! ninety,
all in the *th eighth District and 14th• fourth Sec-
! tiun of Walker county, Georgia, containing < 64" 1 six
hundred and forty ..ere.-; 2 •" two hundred aud fifty
acres, of which are well improved and in n high state
of cultivation. These luts of Lund li • in Deal ini
; valley on the road leading from Ringgold to L -.fav
ette, and adjoins A. J. Leit’s farm, and is one of tne
l best and most desirable farm* in Cherokee, Georgia.
| This farm is well watered with excellent springs ami
t his good * ihstantial buildings. Residence, Negro
• Houses, and all necessary oiith. uses.
Sold under an order of the Court of Ordinary of
' Cato '*a county, a* the property of James Simpson
deceased, tor the benefit of neirs and creditors.
MARX’ A. SIMI’SO.N, Administratrix.
\ I ■:-! th, :
IHBB mierm l 8 XLU.
W ’ ''
V ' bcfii: the <’< urt Hi’ij* -d< <>r in the city of
Macon, between the usual h-urs of sale thcfolluwiug
; ' property to w if :
One HoGseand Lot in tin’city of Macon fronting on
i fifth or Bridge Street adjoining the luts us Jos Kennelly
I * on ut.-e side, uml J.miv* Gut in on the other; levied
■ on a- the property of Dominick Garaughty tosatistv
I one li fa in fav«»r < f John W. Babcock vs Dominick
Garaughty, property puintetl out by i’laintifl*.
Ai*o, at the sam-’ time m.d place, a House and Lot
situated on tue Houston roa 1 about one und a bait
u.iles from Mi.con, adjoining the lands of George
Wood irtid others, containing about live acres moie
ur less, and being tin’place w here Mr*. lW*tl now
4 live*; let ied on a* the property of Elia* Jenkin* to
satisfy a fi fa fi mi Bibb Superior Court in favor of
• Howell Cobb, Governor Ac., vs. Jenkins prin
cipal and < rabrel Pa.’ ker sevuntt. Property pointed
1 out by T. W. Montfort, Sol. (Jen I.
\ I ML!. I-- -dd In fui e the < nt House, i:i the city
Oct. next between the usual hours of sale, the follow
ing itroperty tu-wit:
• All those Lotsur parcel of land situated, lying and
being in the city us Macon, count} of Bibb, State of
Georgia; known and dislmguisht d in the plan of
I said city Survey, as lot No. two, <2« in square fifty
nine, » •■. being one third of mi acre more ur loss.
Also, lot No. onu 1 m square No. twenty,- *2U) also,
bus No. sc’, cn am! e.ght, .un I ,in square No. tiven
ty-*ix <2‘>’. zll*o. lota 5,6, 7, and *, square nine
■i known as lots being ami lying in the aouth west
ern range of *a I ci:v. All Iv. ie<i on tosidi-dy a mort
gage fi la in favoi of Martin Hall vs. T. W. L’rantiy.
* rrupcrtv pointed out ill »md mortgage.
I jnlv 29 L. I). WEIGHT, Conner.
A 1 r ILL be *old n th■ -t Tuesday in Sep. next.
\ » before the Court House door in Hie city of
r Macuii, Bibb co., within the usual Lutirs of sale the
* fallowing property to-wit :
All that tiucl or panel of Land id>out one and half
miles from the city of Macun, on the east Bule of the
Houston roiul, adjoining the lands of Hezekiah Thorn
* n, Elizabeth Taylor, Henry Bali and others, it be
ing the place h hereon Mr. Kossee now lives; levied
on to satisfy a Mortgage fi fa in favor of Poe, Greir A
l‘ue, uh- Ac., vs Nancy B. Ro*see and James S. Dukes
trustee, piq city pointed uut in said Moitgng< fi fa.
july 2 > ED. G. JEFFERS, Dep. Sheriff.
YY r ILL bi’*'>ld on the first Tuesday in Sep.. !»<•-
V T !<■! • the Court buu*e d -r in tile city ot Ma
con, Bibb C •unty, between the usual liuurs of sale,
’ the follow ing property to-wit:
Twu ami a huff acres of land, more ur les*, being
part <>f lot No. Macon Reserve, ly ngon the wc*t
side <>f tin Ocmulgee river, udjoing on the east the
land of Miller Clark, on the north Zuchariah Rodgers,
on the west Talbot Combs, arid uu tin south Charles
I her levied on a* the prupeity oi John Cunning
ham to satisfy a ti fa issued from tb<’ Justice Court
oi B:15> eouni \ n; (hvor of Jonathan Wi--.*, Admini*
tiittor on thu e.-taU* of Burrei Wise, deceased. I’rop
j erty pointed out by the Plaintiff.
Levied on by Washington Jackson. Constable, and
j returned tu me. W. k. BL’SBEE,
july 2*9 Dep. Sberifl.
I r
\Y r ILI. ! ■ -uhlbefu!' the ( art House door in the
X V city of Macon. county, oii’the first Tues
day in Sep. next, between the usual huursof sale the
following property to wit:
The interest ot Frederick B. Brown in, being one
undivided halfof, that tutor parcel of land lying about
one ami a half mile* from Mr.cun on both sides of the
lii-ustou road, ami bounded on the north-east bv the
lands known as the Dr. Gorman place, on the east by
*aid Gorman land- and Dow Wright’s Grocery Store
* and premise*, on the west and north-west bv Hie old
I’daiisctl place and running far enough to the South
of the road to make fifty acres more or le*s ; levied oil
bv virtue of a fi fa from Bibb Superior Court in favor
us A. T. A R. F. Moir vs. said Brown. Ihoperty
pointed out by Plaintift’s Attorney.
, Also, at the same time and place all that tract or
j parcel of land lying in thetbiid district of originally
* Houston now Bibb county, adjoining the lands of
I Mrs. Freeman. Samuel M .’Arthur and others, and be
. | ing the place where R. A. Benson now live*, number
i 1 not known ; levied on as the property of Richard A.
[ ' Benson, trustee Mrs. E. E. Benson, to satisfy afi fa
. from Bibb Inferior Court in favoruf Willi* Wood vs i
Riel ard A. Benson trustee. Property pointed out
. by Plaintiff, T. W. KAILEY,
> • 1 Dep. Sherifl
8188 MIERII’F >AI.::.
1 Y Ml.!. Im -old before theCmirt House d mr in ti e
r hour* of sale on the first Tuesday in Sep. next, the
• follow ing property to-w it:
Fixe acre* of land more or les*, the interest of (’.
R Pnvton, land a’siiit •”> or 4 miles from the city
<»f Macon, on or near the Forvvth ro:ui, adjoiuiug i
McDonald. Adams, and Riley : levied on n. satisfy
three Justice Court fi fas in favor of M.S. Thomson. '
Properly pointed out by Plaintiff.
Lev v made and returned tv me bv John P. Hhtvpv,
Constable. T. W. BRANTLY.
* inly 2'.' Sheriff.
r IWO Rooms o. c;' nu store suitable for < ffee*.
1 da- X.a L L. STROHECKER.
M MBER 45.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in September
next, in Knoxville, in said county, witbin the usual
hours of sale, the following property, to-wit:
.Hl the interest of Jan es M. Harper in and to the
East halfof lot of land No. sixty-one, (61,) in the see*
ond district of originally Houston now Crawford
county ; levied upon by virtue of a cost fi fa from the
honorable Superior Court of Baker county, in favor
of 1 enjamin J. Tharpe and Hllen J. Tharoe vs. said
Jame* M. Harper. JACOB LOWE, Dep. Sh’ff.
july 29
XD.HI 'rixTK A TOK’S • XI.I!.
\GKEEABLY to an order of the Honorable the.
Ordinary- of Crawford county, June Term, 1858,
will be sold before the Court House door, in the
Town of Knoxville, on the first Tuesday in Octo
ber next, the interest of John Cruchfield deceased,
in and to a certain house and lot, lately occupied by
TbouiftS CruchflVld as a Grocery; the interest of said
d» eeasra being one half of said house and lot. Sold
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said John
Crutchfield deceased. Terms made known on day of
sale. July 22nd, 1858-ts
the Estate of John Cruchtield. deceased.
/ 1 BOBGI X ( rawfbrd County.
’ I Whereas, Griffin (». Oneal and John W. Atwat
ter, apply to me fur letters of Administration on the
E-tatu of Griffin Oneal late of said county deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
Angular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appear at n v office within the time pre
scribed by iuw, and show cause, if any they have,
why fetters should not be grunted the said ap
i plicants, Griffin G. Oneal and John W. Atwatter.
Given under u.y hand at office. July 19th, 1858.
july 22 J AMES J. RAY, Ordinary.
11 ’’ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in October
1 » next, by virtue of an ordef ot the Court of Or
dinary of Burke County, before the Court House door
m Nashville, Berrien county, between the legal hours
■’l sale four hundt d and ninety (490) acres of Land
; No. 4u, and lOth District.
Also, on the day and time, before the Court
:'J\. f< ur hu ml red
4'.'" acre* «»f hind. No. 355, and 7th District. Sold
for the benefit of ti e heirs and creditors us Civility
Bunn, of Burk county, d<‘cease<l.
Turin - made known on dav of *a!e.
ang xii-td* MATTHEW W. BUNN,
11’’ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in October
X A next, before the court house dour, in the City us
Macon, that tract or parcel of Land, situate, lying and
b ing in the City of .Macon, county of Bibb, State of
Georgia, being according to the plan us said city, a
part of b t numlter four f 4 , in aquare number sev
<uHv< n 17 . and being that portion of said lot inclu
ded within the following bound.*, to-wit: commenc
ing at a poiut on Fourth Street, i thirty-five feet from
the allev and running along said Fourth Street > one
hundred ami five feet, thence running in a direct line
one hundred und live feet tothe rear of said lot, thence
one hundred and five feet along the back of said lot
towards the alley afure-aid, and thence running iu a
direct line <-ne hundred und five feet to the starting
point on Fourth Street. *o as to include the Dwelling
House occupied by Alexander Richards, und the
kitchen, smoke house und other out buildings on said
lot appnrtenaut to suid dwelling; levied on as the
pro| erty of the defendant, Alexander Richards, to
s . i-fv two mortgage ti fas issued from the May term
of Bil l» Supci ior Uuui t, in favor of Wm. S. Willi
told. Tieasuier, Ac., f« i the u-t oi the Bibb County,
Loan Assoeiuti ui v.*. Alexander Richards.
Also, ai the same time and place, that portion or
parcel ot land situate, lying ami being in lhe City us
Macon, and county of It Lb. and know n and distin
guished in the plan ..f raid city as part us lot number
1 .in -qu.ii i.umbel *«”• nUeu< i7 . being that por
tion oi -aid lot contained in the following described
bound*, tu wit : et.nnueuciiig at the mouth of the
:dhy which divides said lot from the Presbyterian
( binch. and running thence thirty-five feet front on
Fourth sheet, them e one hundred and live feet back
to the rear < f *;.i I lot, them • thirty five feet in a di
rect line to the alley aforesaid, and thence along said
nll« v, one hundred ami five feet to the starting point.
•*ai<l propertv b i ied on as the property of the defend
ant. klexnndvr Richards, to satisfy one mortgage ti
fu i-*u» d fioLi Bibb Sn| ei iot Court, in favor of W.
S. XX illiford. Treasurer Ac., furtl.e use of Bibb coun
ty Loan Association, vs. Alexander Richuids.
Al*o. at the same time and place, that tract or par
cel ot lying, being and sHuale in the city of Ma
con. Bibb county, L iown and distinguished in the
plan of said city us lot number three < 3), in square
seventeen ' 17 .ami further known as the Mansion
House lot, Containing one half acre, more or less ;
lex .< 4 on as tue property of Alexander Richards tu
*at;-fy two mortgage ti fas issued from Bibb Superi
or Court in favor of Edward J. Stow e, Treasurer, Ac.,
vs. Alexander Richards.
Also nt the same time ami place, that tractor par
ed of land situate, lying ami being in the city o*
Ma • n and county us Bibb, and known and distin
guished in ths plan of said city as hits No. three ami
f< in -uni 4. in square number seventeen (17), with
i ' the improv vmeiita thereon , levied on as rhe prop
erty of the defendant, Alt xander Richards, to satisfy
one mortgmre fi fa issued from Bibb Superior Court,
n favor of \Vm. S. Williford, Treasurer. Ac., vs. At
x.-.nder Richards T. W BRANTLY. Sheriff.
iejune 3
For Sale.
r rM!E Subset i! er otters for sale, the Central Race
1 Cour-.-, located two miles and a halt' from the
City of Mac*.ii. It uoiiiprises about two hundred
u•- of land, is in excellent repair, and is provided
w uh all li t iiMiai buildings and appurtenances of the
Cour*e. lie locution i» pleasant and would make a
I. adhful c. unti v n-idci ce; though the Proprietor
would prefer that it should be sold tusume individual
or Company who would keep it up as a Race Cuuree.
It will be sold on rersonable terms.
1 QWI i 1.. Pl Opt i »-T r
r |’H!E Ladies and Gentlemen of Macon and adjoin
-1 mg cuunti- * are rv*pectfully invited to call and
• ' .imine my *t< ck of Cmxx,»» und Ckockehy
Wake, ne.x door tu Mrs. Dessau’s on Secund Street,
I i:.t« ml to k'‘»p nt all times a good stock of Goods,
and w ill sell them as low as they can be bought any
where in the citv. A liberal share of patronage ift
resp.’ctfnllv solicited. R. R. IICTCHINGS.
J y/* City papers copy. may 20-ts
ON and alter Thursday, July Jstb, ths Trains
will be run as follows: ’ a
Leave Savannah 12.15, p. m„ 11.45 p. m.
Arrive in Augusta 7.3 V p. in., 6.3 U p. tn.
Arrive in Macon. 11.00, p. in., 9.00, a. m.
Arrive iu Milledgeville 1.10, p. m.
Leave Macon 10.45. a. m., 10. W, p. m.
Arrive in Savannah 7.20, a. m., 9.80, p. m.
Arrive in Augusta 7.3". a. m., 6.30, p. m.
Arrive in Milledgeville 1.10, p. m.
Leave Augusta. 15. a. in., 2.45, p. zr.
Arrive in Savannah 7.20, a. m.. 9.30, p. m.
Ai rive in Macon. 9.0". a. m., 11.00, a. in.
Fasten.? r.'t ; hits bey ond Atlanta, on the Wee
tern A Atlantic Rail Road will leave Savannah on the
12. train, ana arrive in Atlanta at 7.15 next morn
ing. Pa** ’Hsrers for Milledgeville and Eatonton will
leave by the 11.45 train.
Both* ti.-in • connect at Macon with the Macon A
Wv.’ti-ru Read for Atlanta, and with the South-Wes
tern Rad Road to Albany. Americus, Columbus and
Montgomery, and at Millen with the Augusta and
Savannah Rail Roud for Augusta and the North.
fflJffl OS GBBBS
X”OW is the tiii’e for th<»*e "ho intend visiting th
\\ l ering Places ar d attending the varioua
Commencements to bnv Ihtr*s Goons, cheaper than
tliex ever saw them. W. XV. Parker A Co. will sei.
at ( OST their entire slock oi Si mmek Orbs* Goovu,
which c- i.tains ery .variety of the most Fashiona-
ble Stvlrs. and said to be. by tar, the llandsonwSt
' Stock in Macon Our facilities enable u* to buy as
low auv othei House iu the trade, and the present
s.ouk having been purchased at exceedingly low
rates, the public may relv on getting bargains.
We are nut in the habit of constantly advertising
Goods Ht Cost, and a* we intend w hat we say we feel
Ks*ui-e<l that su'h an opportunity ia now presented,
as mav n*»t occur tfgaip, xviii W. M . PAR KER A CO.