Newspaper Page Text
mt claim is now down
10,000. The original
the neighborhood of I
The Iteteville and
bob a majority of tie ;
ftwrow oex. -
iant eBort, it we may
SB cloalng <entene«:__
icement with mem-
of tbe Northwest,
a* bids the dew-
* lutnrs + or 0 + distance
©apprehension of
l of the moccasin,
iab o! the French
wn „. lnb la „ and -_ d
thi pulse of , our ac-
will feel tli© tfcrob
echanlc movement
s* Place , *T your ear to
n your dawning centenary emi-
66,‘aad 16 f Chaos and old night
away before an auroral splen-
far-sinking into splendor with-
Sisters of the North-
Li As one not altogether anfamil-
Iphyotfr terrltorry ond its ab-
one who lias in the genera-
by endeavored to champ-
tfteted welcome tbe cotn-
titati* upon your southern
,na*ve w
U 1 not be
onto the «■
egm, advan-
r guortfiteee
the Olympian race In
about to start upon
Of continental empire!
promise of your superb
ad may it be glorious to
favoring auspices
; your destiny that
r race and polity
ond the imagina-
rihuttiieysuf- 380$
V ’’''
drink and women to rice. Nine o«t
ten of the people ho ve not a room
of their own, and are only living on
sufferance of their charitable
The condition of those
in tents is worse, five or six
cook on one stove out of
or three saucepans. The wash¬
of clothes is impossible under the
The children arc
it going to destruction. The boys
d girls, 14,15 and 16 years oioge
eleft to their own devices. A great
my of the people are so discour-
e<J, being put off from day to day,
s.t they are growing reckless, and
iven only knows where it is going
end. It is much easier for a
ung girl to fail than it is islor her
regain her whole life.”
Deafneas Can’t be Cured
,55aaggari^fti» local application, a* they cannot rewh
«mtd you have a rumbling sound or im-
(caus^ by eat^h,) that
“■ - t | gsa»fe..T » to ,o.
The Favored Classes.
Boston! Herald (Ind.)
Editor Taylor gets Gen. Johnston’s
lace as commissioner of railroad
ccounts, and Editor Cooper gets
Philadelphia collectorship. The
is almost as lucky as the near
You Know Your Fat*.
If yon continve to suffer with indi¬
you will never know what
fate may be, and it must come
tee will or later. Dyspepsia system and after di- a
wear your and will • be
festive organs yourself away and you obnoxious
others- Begin immediately to
the evil by taking Westmore- greatest
Tonic, tbe and
known blood, for tfc a will torpid liver the liver
work, purify the blood and give of
to the whole 50 system. Buy fl.00 it
druggist for cents and
For sale by E. R. Anthony.
The Truth for Tanner.
New York Time* (Ind).
by Mr.'Tanner thatjall
f his actions is “mere
ngsgate,” andthat it
8 ______™______because directed to him he is the
‘representative” c_ of thesoldiers, „ ...JMPHB is and at
probably ah impudent 9b downright downright uonuuipuuu, assumption, and and
a con-
falsehood. Tanner It is should hardly believe possi-
t j, a t Mr.
veterans of the war, as brave as
any and with honorable records,
hate him because he represents
and yet he knows that
there are thousands of such men
w | 10 utterly disapprove of his con-
duet and who inspire despise the it. demagogic He knowB
motive that
S5i5SJSft.5S5& , 3a
not ^ men w j lt) are not en .
injury to honorable soldiers,
f B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm.)
If you try thleremedy you will »ay as many
others have said, that is the best blood puri-
der and tonic. Writ*Blood Balm Co., Atlan¬
ta, j, Ga., for book of convincing testimony.
F. Davie, Atlanta, Go. (West End),
■write*; "l consider that B. B. B. haa perma¬
nently cured me of rheumatism and sciatica.”
R, ». R. M. Saulter, oaniier, Atnens, Athens, Gft., un., says: b»,vb; “B. d. B. a. B.
cored cured me me of of as an ulrerthat nicer that had had resisted resisted all all oth¬ oth-
er treatment. writ**:“My “My
£. (i. TinBley, Thisley, Columbiana, Columbiana, Ala., Ala., writs*: throat
mother aud sinter had uVcerated sore
Jacob F. Spoucler, Newnan, Oa., writes: “B.
B. B. entirely cured me of rheumatism in my
shoulders. I used six bottles.”
Cbas. Reinhardt, No, 2026 Fountain Street,
Baltimore, SSai'St!,#"' Md., writes: “I suffered with bleed-
cured me. I had been troubled several fflfiSSt years.”
B. cured my mother ofulceratril sorethrOat,”
Their Present Ambition.
Boston Globe (Dem .)
Nearly all the small boys who had
intended to be Presidents have now
changed their minds and derided to
become Sluggers. The pay The is higher small
and the fame greater. both
boy. though, will outgrow ara-
me so bad I could notwrflk, leg badly
swelled, of purple color, with erup¬
tions so bad that blood would ooze
out if I bore my weight on it. I was
The Chief Smm for the great mm
MM of Hood’* Sarsaparilla n found to the
article Itself- Jtl* merit that win*.and the
fact that Hood’* Sarsaparilla aetnally as-
eompllsbe* what 1* claimed lor It, Is whrt
has given to this medicine a popularity and
tale greater than that of any other aaraapa-
Merit Wins 2U-‘KUS:
Hood's Sarsaparilla earn Scrofula, Salt
Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Me*
y r«m«riie Biliousness, overcomes That
, Appetite, rtrength-
Tired Feeling, create* an
etu the Nerves, build* up the Whole System.
Hao4>* itNMsrnia 1* *oldby aUdrug-
giste. gijslxlorgS. Prepared by 0. X, Hood
• Co, ApoUiecarles, Bowen. Mas*.
iKScSKansr*' 8. The Seietiflc Department.
4. The Department of Theology.
TCmON FBEEi’n the Department of Lib-
lC 2 f?afcilog^ »*v. A. bUNNALpi, D.
Double Daily Sleeping Car Service
Cincinnati and Jacksonville. ^
Solid trains between
Chattanooga and Jacksonville,
connecting with double trains
with Pullman Sleeping Cars
to and from
Memphis, Nashville, Kansas Ciiy
and the West and
Knoxville, Washington, New York
and the East.
Atlanta and Jacksonville, '
Atlanta and Savannah,
Atlanta and Brunswick,
Atlanta and Macon,
Atlanta and Rome.
For rotes, Time Cards and other
zs’S’is this amende -1
Court wing
An franchise* Ordinanc# the granting ■(■(■■■■(PHI Brash certain Electric righi Con
to — nnd , . .
of Cleveland, Ohio, it* successors as-
BICUH ordained the Mayor
Section 1. Beit by Griffin, Griffin, Geor- Geor¬
and ■ “*• City Connell of ^— the city ,4 “ of ->f
gia: That the Brash trash Electric Electric Comnany, Comnany, of of
Cleveland, ________be Ohio, be and and is is ‘ hereby ~ ---‘ authorised
to Construct, istract, maintain, maintain, repair i-,----- and operate
upon, or or under under the the public public streets, streets, alleys, alley*, 1 and
other public places in the city «. ol — Griffin .— ,jh JS^r
and during the term „ of five (5) (5) years from
date of the passage c.* of this 77 ordinance, — a line
or line* of wire, or otht.-------- Bther electric feeders* .conductors
together with all necessary saary feed* and ser-
^j|,.... ires, nW or nfhap other olootnic electric conductors, POP J to be
need for »the thetran*missionol transmission of electricity ele for the
purpose se of of furnishing furnishing light light lines .and .am of power.
Bec. 2. Said line or
placed upon poles erected in said streets, a)
leys, or public places, or under ground, Thu o
both, at the election of said company.
the poles be erected under supervision am
direction of the street committee, Burim
said term ofyearssaid company shall furnlsl
good electric lights, both arc and iucandee
For two year* I Iir.d
icumalism co bad Cult
. disabled moforwcik
nd cocflned mo to r.'.jr
ed nrbig for a whole year,
which tftnc I
onld not even raise my
and* to my heed, ami
» 8 months could not
EidBced mve myself In flesh In bed, first
W to SB lbs.
F syi in
-18 VU-
Central Railroad of
Freefrom the heat and dust, Incident t?AB-
Go East b, Sea and You'll not Re jrel It
the Agent at your station or to
mine the question J II or shall
not be issued by s purpose
sss&sar. iferas,*,
denomination of 11
bear interest at ^
annum sMg&Sg- and payable semi-annually, ou t
Raid election «
in accordance wi
approvedOctoti There shall be,
lot* of those vol
the words “For i
opposed “AieaJnst Against to is*
1 ifmnii iSHnine
jnlyl.rim T.
v* l r'i
17 «j «*. fmsmm
■ ,. :V * v-x p
ert,Wwch letter* of Dismission shou
t 6asf r ** t< E.’w. HAMiCQJSp. Ordinary
Notice of Loral Legislation 1
!■ SSS&&&8 '&**«j*
adjourned session
nous and malt 1
Teamon Baptist in Cabins district in
Notice ofLocal Legislation
Notice of Loral Legislation
Notice of Local Legislation
Notice is hereby given that application will
jm .....■ i v 7-
-— .
South, with a largaand intelligent samrea
lug population and ■ extra facl littes for di
trlbatton. ' '
»* ' ■»