Newspaper Page Text
Georgia, Henry County.
Sarah Daniel having made appli
cation for twelve months support
out of the estate of Henderson Dan
iel, deceased, and the appraisers ap
pointed by the court having made
their return, all persons concerned
are hereby required to show cause
before the Court of Ordinary of
said county on the first Monday in
May, 1923, why said return should
not be allowed and made the judg
ment of the court.
This 3rd day of April, 1923.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Twelve Months’ Support
Georgia, Henry County.
Annie Eliza Turner having made
application for twelve months sup
port out of the estate of L. W.
Turner, and the appraiser appoint
ed by th • Court having made their
return setting apart a years sup
port, all jiersons concerned are
hereby required to show cause be
the Court of Ordinary of said
County on the first Monday in
May 1923, why said return shnnld
not be ullowid and made the judge
meet of the Court
This sth day of April 1923.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Court of Ordinary of Henry
County, Probation for probate of
■will in Solemn form.
In Re Merritt Weems.
To E. F. Weems heir at. law,
Merritt Weems having applied, as
Exeontor for probate in Solemn
form of the last will and testament
of Mary E. Weems of said county,
yon as one of the heirs at law of
Said Mary E. Weems, being a non
resident of this state, are hereby
required to be and appear at the
Oonrt. of Ordinary for said Connty
on the first Monday in May .1923,
■when said application for probate
•will be heard, and show cause, if
any you lmvi or can, why the
prayor of petitioner should not be
had andallowed.
This April 5, 1923
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Bankruptcy Sale.
Georgia, Henry County.
By yiture of an order of the
Hon. Jho. J. Hunt, Referee in
Bankruptcy, there will be sold to
highest bidder for cash, before
the Court House Door at Mc-
Donough, Georeia, at 10:00
o’clock a. m. on Friday April 27th
1923, the following described as
sets of the H. Amis Company
Bankrupt, to-wit.
Promisory Notes and Mortgage
Notes against various parties in
the aggregate sum of about
$9832 32 15 shares Henry County
Milling and Ice Co. Stock, par
value of same $20.00 per share,
$300.00. Open account against
various partiea, in the aggregate
sum of about $2187.24, Also
Notes and accounts and execution
end unpaid checks in the aggre
gate sum of $1156.76.
A complete list of said notes,
accounts, executions, etc., may be
inspected bv calling on J. B. Dick
son at his office.
This April 16th 1923.
J. B. Dickson,
Trustee, of H. M. Amis Co ,
Georgia, Henry County.
Will he sold before the Court
House door, in the city of McDono
ugh, in said County, between the
legal hours of sale, on the First
Tuesday in May 1923, to the high
est bidder for cash, the following
property, towit: All thatorparoel
of land in the 12th landdissrict of
Henry County Georgia and being
tv part of land lot no 64 and con
taining 32 acres of land more or
lees ar.d bounded as follows : North
by lands of Mrs. J. W. Brown,
Easst by lands of Mrs. W. E.
Crumbley, South by ladds of W. L.
Wilson, West by land of H. B.
Said Property levied on as the
property ot Sam Thomas to satisfy
an tax execution issued from the
T. C. of Henry County in favor of
Wyatt Rowan againat Sam Thomas
Tenant in posession notified.
Levey made by Lewis Hightower
L C. This 4th day of April 1923.
\\V. A. WARD, Sheriff.
District Court of the United States
Northern Disrrict of Goorgia
In Bankruptcy
In Re Chatin and Callaway,
Said Bankrupt’s assets con.*isting
of Store house and notes and ac
o Hints will he sold to the highest
bidder between the usuhl hours of
Hale, for cash, at. McDonough. Ga ,
>n the 3rd day of April 1923, unless
objections to such sale are filed in
my office by a creditor before s :id
day of sale. Notice given this
22nd day of March 1923.
in the District Court of the united States
For the Northern District of Georgia.
in re James N. Ward Bankrupt in
Bankruptcy, No. 8542.
A petition for discharge haying been
filed in conformity with law by aboved
narned bankrupt, and the Court having
ordered that the hearing upon said peti
tion to had on April 28, 1923. at ten
o'clock a. m , at the United States Dis
trict Court room, in the city of Atlanta,
Georgia, notice is hereby given to all
creditors and other persons in interest
to appear at wild time and place and
show cause, if any they have, why the
prayer of the bankrupt for discharge
should not be granted.
O. C. Fuller Clerk.
In the District Court of the
United States, for the Northern
District of Georgia.
In re Mile,* D. Cunningham,
trading as The Stookbridge Drug
Co., Bankrupt. No. 8714 in Bank
A petition for discharge having
been filed in conformity with law
by above-named bankrupt, and the
Court having ordered that the
hearing upon said petition be had
on May 12th 1923, at ten o'clock
n. m., at the United States District
Court room, in the city of Atlanta,
Georgiy, notice is hereby given to
all creditors and other persons in
interest to appear at said time and
place and show cause, if any they
have, why the prayer of the bank
rupt for discharge should not be
Georgia, Henry County.
Whereas, on the First day of De
cember, 1902, A. F. Bunn executed
and delivered to The Georgia Loan
and. Trust Company his deed, un
der Section “3306 of the 1910”
Code of Georgia, to the lands here
inafter described, for the purpose
of securing a debt referred to in
said deed, which deed is recorded
in the Clerk’s office of Henry
Superior Court in book 55 of deeds,
page 305.
And Whereas, in said deed,
said grantor gave to said grantee
and assigns the power to sail said
lands in ease of default in the
prompt payment at maturity, of
interest or principal of said debt.
Now, Therefore, by virtnre of
the power so vested in the under
signed, which is more accurately
shown by reference to said deed
The Georgia Loan and Trust Com
pany will sell at public outcry to
the 1 igliest. bidder, tor cash, on
May Ist. 1923, during the legal
hours of sale before Henry County
Court House door at McDonough,
Georgia, the lands described in the
aforesaid deed, to-wit:
One farm consisting of One Hun
dred fifty (150) acres of lot of land
No. Seventy four [741 oeing all of
said lot except fifty (50) aores off
the east, side, same being |in the
Sixth [] land district of Henry
County, Georgia, and bounded as
follows: North and east by lands
of W. V. Foster, south by lands of
Lon Alexander R. W. Exnm and
Alioe Exuni, and west by lands of
Mrs. M. C. Conkle.
The said deed first above men
tioned, was executed and deliver
ed to secure the payment of his
certain promissory note for the
snm of SSOO. dated December Ist.
1902 ami the principal debt, bear
ing interest at the rate of six per
cent. per annum.
Said principal debt is now past
due by the terms thereof, and so
declared to be due for default in
payment of interest due December
Ist 1922. The total amount of
p? incipal and interest that will be
due on the date of sale is $548.15
Free simple titles will be made to
the purchaser at said sale and the
proceeds of such sale will be ap
plied first, to the payment of said
debt with interest and expenses of
this proceeding, and the remain
der, if any, will be paid over to
said A. F. Bunn or his legal repre
Dated this 29th day of March
The Georgia Loan and Trust
Company, By H. M. Fletcher, its
attorney at law.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
Mrs. Carrie B. Touche having
made application to me in due form
to be appointed permanent admin
istrator upon the estate of J. A.
Fouche, late of said county, notice
is hereby given that said application
will be heard at the regular term
of the Court of Ordinary for said
county, to be held on the first Mon
day in May, 1923.
Witness my hand and official sig
nature, this 2nd day of April, 1923.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Georgia, Henry County.
Whereas, Miss Tommie Pair, ad
ministratrix of Miss Adella Pair, de
ceased, represents to the court in
her petition, duly filed and entered
on record, that she has fully admin
istered Miss Adella Pair’s estate.
This is therefore, to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors,
to show* cause if any they can, why
said administratrix should not be
discharged from her administration
and, receive letters of dismission on
the first Monday in May, 1923.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
D. T. Carmichael having made ap
plication to me in due form to be
appointed permanent administrator
upon the estate of Harriet Tomlin
son, late of said county, notice is
hereby given that said application
will be heard at the regular term o\f
the Court of Ordinary for said coun
ty, to be held on the first Monday
in May, 1923.
Witness my hand and official sig
nature, this 2nl day of April, 1923.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
D. T. Carmichael having made ap
plication to me in due form to be
appointed permanent administrator
upon the estate of Handy Tomlin
son, late of said county, notice is
hereby given that said application
will be heard at the regular term
of the Court of Ordinary for said
county, to be held on the first Mon
day in May, 1923.
Witness my hand and official sig
nature, this 2nd day of April, 1923.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
A Few Items Receiv
ed this Week.
A seasonable merchandise in our dry
goods department. A number of desira
ble, bright, dress patterns in Ginghams.
Several pieces of new “Sun-Tub” farbrics.
Our stock of Paisley voile and Sprt
Ratine will afford you a selection to please
the whole family.
We are continually receiving new num
bers in Ladies ready trimmed hats.
For the men, we are showing the latest
styles in straw hats, sport shirts, silk hose,
crepe ties, and all styles of both soft and
stiff collars.
After May Ist. we will close our store
at 6 o'clock p. m. every day except Sat
urday, through the Summer months.
Copeland-T u rner
Merc. Company
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
Sarah Daniel having made appli
cation to me in due form to have R.
L. Turner appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon the estate of Hud
son Daniel, late of said county, no
tice is hereby given that said ap
plication will be heard at the regu
lar term of the Court of Ordinary
•for said county, to be held on the
first Monday in May, 1923.
Witness my hand and official sig
nature, this, 2nd day of April, 1923.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
Mrs. R. J. Williams having made
application to me in due 'form to be
appointed permanent administrator
upon the estate of R. J. Williams,
late -of said county, notice is hereby
given that said application will be
heard at the regular term of the
Court of Ordinary for said county,
to be held on the first Monday in
May, 1923.
Witness my hand and official sig
nature, this 2nd day of April, 1923.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Hastings’ Seeds /
1923 Catalog Free
Write today for Hastings’ new 1928
catalog. You will need the information
It gives almost dally—the most valu
able and useful seed book ever publish
ed. It contains 100 pages, picturing
and correctly describing the beet and
most popular vegetables, flowers and
farm crops for the South.
How and what to plant In your yard,
garden and field for every purpose.
How to beat the boll weevil, bean
beetle and other poets. Full natural
color pictures of the best Roses, Glad
ioli and other flowers. How to get 5
packets of seed of beautiful flowers
free. How much seed is required to
plant a row or acre, when and how to
plant and cultivate. Why it pays to
plant good seeds and how to get them
as cheap or cheaper than common or
ordinary seeds.
Just write tor this handsome new
1923 Seed Book. It’s a beautiful book
and you’ll be mighty glad to have It
In your home. It Is absolutely 'free,
for It today.
J? , H. O. HASTINGS 0%
ffljU;. Atlanta, Gi. ; _ i
A The New
Goodyear Cord
i f j i with the
A7l l?/ I /leveled
J AH-H eather
% I rea^
them knows
the quality of Good
year Tires. Ho knows
the greater mileage
they give is a part of
Goodyear quality.
He knows their fine,
troublefree per
formance is only
another phase of
Goodyear quality.
And he has learned
economy isGoodyear
Quality and Good
year Service.
As Goodyear Service Station
Dealers toe sell and recom
mend the new Goodyear
Cords with the beveled All -
Weather Tread and back
them up ivith standard
Goodyear Service
of V rl a ,'Th ° laim f x? r ! ;- rkl system
of ( atarrh or Deafness caused by
Catarrh. J
sists of an Ointment which Quickly
fh, T V nf o t e i C ‘l, ta l rhal irfl ammation, and
tne Internal Medicine, a Tonic which
through the Blood on the Mucoul
mal conditions. to restore nor-
Soid by druggists for over 40 Tears.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.