Newspaper Page Text
Local Happenings
fraternal Lodge No. 37 F. & A. M.
Regular communications of Frater
nal Lodge No. 37 F. & A. M., meet
Ist and 3rd Friday nights in each
month. All duly qualified brethren
fraternally and cordially invited to
meet wth us.
Fred Leguinn W- M.
Thos. J. Patterson Sec.
A regular communication of
Pine Grove Lodge No. 177 F. &A. M.
will be held at the Masonic Hall,
Hampton, Ga., every second and
fourth Tuesday evenings at the reg
ular meeting hours. Visiting breth
ren cordially invited.
W. W. WL3K, ' W.M.
R. H. MOORE, Jr., Sec.
Mr. Asa Lemon made his usual
week-end visit to McDonough,
Miss Annie Nolan spent Satur
day in Atlanta.
Miss Marie Dupree, of Jenkins
burg, came up Friday to spend the
Mr. A. N. Brown mide a busi
ness trip to Selma Alabama last
Mr. Edwin Rape was a week
end visitor to his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Rape.
Mr. Murray Copeland, of Ogle
thorpe, University spent Sunday
in the city.
Mr. Rob Townsend and daugh
ter Elizabeth spent the week-end
with the family of Mr. J, T, Weems,
Messrs D. T. Smith and Frank
Newman, of Atlanta, were visitors
to homefolk Sunday.
Mrs. Rosser Ward, of Stock
bridge, was a visitor to our city
Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Partridge
accompanied by Mrs. J. T. Weems
motored to Atlanta Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, H. J. Copeland,
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Copeland
motored to Atlanta Wednesday.
Miss Katie Scarbough, of near
Mt. Zion, spent iast week with her
uncle and aunt, sheriff and Mrs.
W. A. Ward.
Misses Mary Joe Smith aud
Katbeleen Hulin spent several
days in Macon during the past
On Wednesday of last week Dr.
J. G. Smith was called to the bed
side of his brother Mr. Parnam
Smith, of Chattanooga Term.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Oglesby will
make Atlant i their homu. They
have the best wishes of the Week
ly for a successful career.
Mrs. Clarence Scarbough and
little daughters, Evelyn and Louise
of Cedu tovvn, were the guest of
her sister, Mrs. W. A. Ward, last
Rev. and Mrs. L. D. King and
little daughter, Anna wc nt to Atlan
ta, Tuesday to attend Atlanta
Presbytery which is iieid at Gor
don Soeti CiiurtiJ.
Miss Eilene Neal returned Thurs
day to her home at Rome after
spending several days with her
aunt, Mrs E. M. Smith.
The many friends of Mrs, trank
Setzer are giad to know that she
lias returned home ticm Wesley j
Memorial Hospital .and is much j
improved in health.
Mr. Bob Rivers spent the week
end with relatives near here. Mr.
Rivers wasspnce in business here
an d his many' friends vveie nl td to
see him home again.
Misses Annie Howell, Annie
Weight and A. A. Howell, of Jack
son, were visitors in McDonough
Friday evening.
Messrs T. J. Horton, W. G.
Thompson, E M. Copeland, Misses
Irene Varner, Katheleen Hulen
and Blake Bunn, Mr. and Mrs. J-
A. Partridge, Mesdames Eulee
Russell, Olin and Charlie Kimbell j
attended the Western Division of
the Henry County S. S. Associi
tion at Hampton Sunday afternoon
Spring picnics are seasonable
again and quite a party of young
people took advantage of the holi
day Friday and hiked to Dailey’s
mill. A delightful day was spent
in fishing, gathering wild flowers
and in consuming the delicious
luncheon prepared for the occasion
, A Cures M ilari.i
i* Chills, and Fever,
Ifi all m i or Bilious
Warnermaker Cleveland 2 year
old cotton seed for sale. Price
$1 50 per bushel. Robert Brauan
Route 2 McDonough. Ga.
Lost or Strayed from the
pemacies a Jersey milk cow,
Monday, March 26th. Finder
please return to Mr. M. P. Glass,
WANTED—Beef Hides, 6 cents a
pound McGarity & Rodgers, Mc-
Donough, Ga.
Why does Austin sell goods so
cheap? Because he buys for cash
and sell for cash.
SLOAN sells for CASH but he
sells cheaper.
If it's a good milk cow you want,
see Johnie Branan.
You will find good flour it
McGarrity & Rodgers.
40 in. Fancy Voiles 20 cts. yd. at
Austin’s 10 Cent store will sell
you 2 yds. of Lace for 5 cents.
Good quality 27 in. Ginghams 20
cts. yd. at SLOAN’S
Rooker cotton seed for sale.
A. C. Eiliolt, McDonough Ga. R 2.
Everfast Suitings colors guaran
teed 50 cts. yd. at SLOAN’S.
50 bushels nf good ’orn for
sa ! e, T. B. Reshear, McDonough,
Ga. R 5.
Go to Austins 10 cent store for
soap aud washing powders.
666 quickly relieves Colds a i
LaGrippe, Constipation, Bilious
ness and Headaches.
For pumps, oxfords and other
low *cut shoes go to SLOAN’S.
You will find a good line of
fresh meats at McGarity and
Go to Austin’s SO cent store and
call for what you want, they have
| it.
New line of millinery just re
ceived at SLOAN’S.
StaDle and fancy groceries
priced right. McGaritv and
Ri-jgt rs.
Best yd. wide Sea Eland sheet
ing 15 cts. yd. at SLOAN’S.
\Ve want your beef hides at Gets
per pound. McGarity and Rod
Two pair of Lile hose at Austin’s
10 cent store for 25 cents Satur-!
d iy.
If you want to buy Lace go to
Austin’s 10 cent store Saturday.
rat* l \
l sjl iciii ut oda it/Uiil
dwelling. Apply to Mrs. M. P.
50 cent black silk hose for 35
cents Saturday at Austin’s 10 cent
Wanted—Lumber, Peas, corn
etc. Will pay highest prices for
them on accounts.
Planters Warehouse and Lumber
Blue shirts 75 cents at Austin’s
10 cent store Saturday.
Ferris Strain, heavy layingS. C.
White Leghorn eggs, sl. 00 for 15.
$6 00 for 100. H. J. Turner.
For Sale—One new six volt
battery and a new 32x4 G )od Year
leasing Will exchange for corn.
E. C. Floyed McDonough, Ga. R. 3,
Go and see what Austin’s 10
cent store has to show you
New goods at Austin’s 10 cent
store for Saturdav.a Bargains.
Pure Bred single comb Rhode
Island Red eggs, for setting $1 00
per (15) Charles Jefferies
McDonough Ga.
We have a few buggies, wagons
and live Stock tor sale. Come to
see us tf you want a bargain.
Stockbridge Mercantile Co,
Lost, Strayed, or Stolen,—A
blue spotted male hound about
nine months old. Finder please
notify, John Gilbert, Stockbridg'.
Georgia, R, F, P- 3,
Children’s hosiery from 10, 15
and 25 cents at Austin’s 10 cent
store Saturday.
Pure Bred single Rhode Island
Red eggs, for setting, SI.OO per 15.
$1.25 post paid. C. E. Jeffares,
McDonough Ga.
Monuments and Tomb
Stones. Prices right. See W.
G. THOMPSOn. Agent.
Best overalls $1.50 a pair at
Austin’s 10 cent store Saturday,
For Saleb-Porto R|co ?eed and
eating potatoes. Eating potatoes
kiln dried and a nice size, W. C.
Hailey McDonough, Rt. 3.
Mind and Body
are both nourished and strength
ened by the judicious use of
high grade meats.
That is the kind of meat we sell, •
and you pay no more.
> ■ -t ms. '
The Quality of Bread and Pastry
i 3 governed to a great extent by tae quality of the
flour from which it is made. Thu is one reason
why so many people insist upon hiving our
CE-RES-GO brand of flour. It produces the
desired result in every case when properly used.
Everything we sell in foodstuffs is of the same or
der of merit. 1
«-sc* ■«
PHONE NO. 10 3 rrsr—
Lori — On lueMerry road, bt
tween G. W. Cathey’s residence
and Union Graded school, one
Overland crank. Finder please
return to G. W. Cathey, McDon
ough Ga., and get reward.
NO FEAR OF EVIL suiting from
change of diet, water or climate,
concerns those who take on *he short
trip, summer vacation or iong journey,
Ready for emergency - night or day.
Pure bred Barred Rock Imperial
Strain eggs for hatching SI.OU per
setting of fifteen. Splendid Bar
red Rock cocker ds $2 50. Mrs.
F. B. Strawn, McDonough Ga.
Ri. 4.
For sale —A second hinded
McComtnic Binder also tegistered
Polland China pigs, J. M. Chafin
McDonough, Ga. Route 6
For Tombstones see or write
me, Jinkinsburg, Ga. We will
give you the best material at the
Best Prices of any firm in Georgia.
See us before you buy and com
pare prices.
W. W. Hooten.
W. W. Hooten will tune your
piano for you, W, W, Hooten,
Jinkinsburg, oa,
I am requested to announce
that Mrs. Shirley E. Kellev has
Ferns most all kinds for Sale and
most a!i other Flowers, Just
reedy to Pot out,
She wants to sell them lo be
able to buy more Testaments,
and for other Mission work.
Mrs. Shirley E Kelley,
McDonough, Ga.
is a Prescription for Colds, Fever
and LaGrippe. It is the most
speedy remedy we know, prevent
ing Pneumonia.
causes bloating—gassy pains that
crowd the heart—constipation.
Alwayt find relief and comfort In
No griping—no nausea— only 25 cent*
ssftrsnssft!!.".!! sssnss «!nr
Tuesday afternoon McDonough
High Baseball team defeated the
fast Jackson High Team on the
new atheletic field to the tune
of eight to two. Last year Jacks* n
High won both games and Mc-
Donough is very anxious to make
it two straight witn them this
McDonough High has won the
last six games played and every
game played except the first game
with Jonesboro High.
The main feature of Tuesday
game were the pitching of Pullin
for McDonough making eighteen
men bite the dust "t home plate,
and the two base hit of Robert
Harris with two men on scoring
the two men neccessarv for the
winner of the game.
Coach Adams has not had time
to have a practice with the boys
and we wonder what they would
do with some sure enough hard
drill practice.
Friday afternoon the team goes
to Covington for a game with the
Covington High.
The teams McDonough has de
feated this season are Jonesboro
one game and lost one, Hampton
twogamts, Conyers one game,
and Jackson one game.
Line up for Tuesday game.
McDonough High,
Upchurch, 2b. 4 12
M'vo, $ S, 4 11
Adams. C. 4 3 1
Puilin, P. 4 11
Harris, L. F. 4 2 1
Rogers, R. F. 4 0 0
Rankstom lb, 4 0 0
Turner, Cf. 4 0 |
Forbes, 3b. 4
9 9
Jickson High.
Howell, S S. 4 11
Merk, 3b. 4 1 O
Smith, Cf. 4 11
Turner, C. 3 0 0
kooks, P. 4 10
Dodson, lb. 4 10
Jameson, Rf. 4 0 0
Burford, 2b. 4 0 0
Wood, Lf. 4 0 0
5 2