Newspaper Page Text
SlicrilTs Sales.
be sold on the tirst Tufidav in Scp
-1 * tomher next, at the court-house in Lnmpkin
county, within thc usual hours of sale, the folfowmg prop
erty, to wit: .
Lot No 657, 12th District, list Section, of
uV..v Ch rokce, now Lumpkin county; levied on as
iliepropcrty of John Mo’-\.icl.a.l,to satisfy a h. ta. issued
frmii liis;i.t Superior Court, in favor ot Zenos Bronson,
vs. said Me’Miciiuet. _
lot No. 413,1 3th District, Ist Section, South,
-fnrimualty'cherokcc, now Lumpkin county; levied on
•is the property of Felix Luncy, to satisfy an. ta issued
lust ice's Coon, of Chatham county, in favor ot
.Trose Sanderlm, vs. said Luncy. Levy made and return
ed to m by a C ‘os’ ule.
Lot No. 3U4, 12th District, Ist Section, leve
st on as the or ipert v of .loan , Holbrook, to satisfy a
and fa. issuSf'o.n a Justice’s Court of Franklin county,
Levy aide and returned to me by a Consuiblt.
Lot No. 235, 13th District, Ist Section,
said Lew is.
10, .Vo 1223,11 th District, Ist Section, ot
oHctihllv Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as
prop tv of John Bull, to satisfy ah. fa. issued from Cliat-
Lm - uperior Court, in favor ot James Sanderlin, vs. said
Lot No. 35, 13th District, lstSection, south;
!vie.l on .S the prop Tty of John C. Willingham, to sa- •
t,sfv sundry ti. las. issued from a Justice’s Court ot \V ai- |
ton County, in fevor of G. T. Symcesik. Cos. and L. is.
Beall vs. said Willingham.
Lot No. 596, 4th District, Ist Section, of or
i.inalU Clwrok e, now Lumpl- m county; levetd on as the
cropetiv of Seaborn Whitaker, to satisly two fa. tas. issued
from a J usttee’s Court, of Franklin county, one m tavorof
John R. Stanford, toe oilier m tavor of! hennas T. \\ lute,
vs. said Vhi taker. Levy made and returned to me by a
Lot Vo. 311,13thDistrict, IstSection. North,
©f originally Cherokee, new Lumpkin county; levied on
ss th. proper! v of Jerse Dupree, to satisfy a h. la. issued
from a Justice’s Court of Houston county, in favor ot
Hu.’li A’iggins, and others, vs. said Dupree. Levy made
and r turned to m by a Constable.
Lot No. 923,12 th District, Ist Section, of < ’herokee, now Lumpkin comity; levied on as
the prop rtv of Jonathan Baugh, to satisfy a h. fa issued
fro a Justice’s Court, of Jackson county, in favor of De
ter C.anev, for the use of Talbert Strickland, vs. said
3aui’ . Levy made and .eturned to me by a Constable,
Lot No. 825, 12th District, Ist Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as
the prop Vt. of Thomas J. Powell, to satisfy sunury fi. fas.
tamed from a Justice’s Court, of Rabun county, m lavor
of Thomas B. Cooper, vs. said Powell. Levied on an
returned to nae by a Constable,
Lot No. 320, ISth District, Ist Section,
Vorth, of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, lev
ied ni vs the property ot Libert Fry, to satisfy sundry h.
tas 1 from a Justice s Court ofOampbell county, in
livor of Ha ta. tt, o lark, vs. said Fry, Levy made and
retunud to in' 1 by a Constable.
Lot No. 434,15 th District, Ist Section, of ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; lowed on as the
property of iVilliam Griffin to satisfy sundry fi. fas tssu <1
from a Justice’s Court, of Washington county, in favor of
John Wicker, vs. said Gnffin. Levy made and returned
rt> me by a Constable.
Lot No. 834, 12th District, Ist Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; leveidonas
the property of L.onard P ck, to satisfy sundry fi. fas
Ls icd fro n a Justices Cour of Hancok county; tn favoi
of .Via. K Par. field, vs. said Peck. Levy made and return
ed to ni Ly a V ....-table.
Lot No. 163, 13th District IstSection, North,
of originally (’herokee. now Lumpkm county; levied on
to satisfy a"fi fa. issued from Hancock Inferior Court, in
fkvorof HuiF, adiur. &c. vs. Mgehell Bullock, &
Samuel B. Foster.
Lot No. 482, 13th District, Ist Section,
iNorth, of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; lov
ed on as the property of Bryon Oneai, to satisfy sundry
;i. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court, of Morgan county
in favor ofCuok, & Jinnings said vs. Oneai. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable,
Lot No. 390, 12th District, Ist Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Lumpkm county; levied on as
(heproperty of William Dunn, to satisfy sundry fi. fas.
i.=ucd from a Justice’s Court of Henry county, in favor of
J. Jones, & Johnson, and others, vs. said Duun, Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 174, 11th District, Ist Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on to
satjsfv a fi. issued from a Justice’s Court of Dooly county,
in favor of J Powel.Com. &c. vs. Carney W. Brock, Jer
emiah Lainkm,&. B. G. Pollit. Levy made and and re
turned to me by a Constable,
One Negro man, by the name of Moses, lev
ied on as the prop.rty of J. Madtn, to salisfyafi. fa. iseued
from the Court of Common Pleas, of the City of Augusta,
i u favor of Webster Parmcilc, &co.
July 30. SAMUEL JONES. Sh’ff.
Lot No. 962, sth District, Ist Section, of or
iginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, levied on as the
property of Bartlett W horton, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
ttom Gwinnett Superior Court, in favor of Jeffrey Pittman.
Lot No. 628, 12th District, Ist Section, of
orisinally Cherokee, now Lum | kin county; levied on as
the'property of Elijah Calhoun, to satisfy sundry fi. fas.
lesued from a Justice’s Court, of Henry county, in favor
of Shaw s. Banks, and others. Levy made and returned
to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 761, 12th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the prop tv of tVilliam Roberts, to satisfy a
tl. fa. in favor of Lew is Peacock, adm’r. of Darnel Pea
cock, deceased, vs. said Roberts
Union Sheriff's Sale.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Sep
tember next, between the usual hours of sale, at
*he housa of Jack Butts, the place of holding Courts, in
Union county, the following property to wit.
Lot No. 322, 10th District, Ist Section, lev
ied on as tho property cf Reuben S. Hatcher, to satisfy a
6. fa. issued Irani Wilkerson Superior Court, in favor of
Thomas James, for the use of William Lucas, vs. said
1 latcher.
Lot No. 158. Bth District, Ist Section, levied
on as the property of Juba! E. Watts, to satisfy a fi. fa.
irsued from Morgan Inferior Court, in favor of Edwin
Pave, vs. Jubal t. Watts, fit David B. Butler, Delfts so
Vriling, Stokes, Security on stay.
Lot No. 19, 10th District, Ist Section, levied
on as ihr properly of William L. Burke, to satisfy sundry
:i. fa“. issued from a Justice’s Court of Morgan county,
ill favor of Thomas Grant vs. said Burke. Levy made
and rerumud to me by a Constable.
Let No. 296, 10th District, Ist Section, ?ev
ied on as the property of John Glen to satisfy sundry fi.
fts. issued from a Justice’s Court, of Drkalb county, in
iavor of W illiara Gilbert, and John A. D. Childers, vs.
=aid Glen. Levy made and returned to me by a Consta
Lot No. 250, 10th District, Ist Section, lev
red on os the property of John Love, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
sued from a J ustice’s Court of alton county, in favor of
S. Me Junkin, vs. acid Love. Levy made and returned
to me by a Constable.
Lo: No. 252, 16th District, Ist Section, lev
ied on is the p operty of James Hall, to satisfy sundry fi.
I -,*, i sn© 1 from* justice’s Court, of Gwinnett county, in
favor of S. Me’Junkin, vs. James Hall. Levy nude and
roturned to me by a Constahle.
Lot No. 268, 9th District, Ist Section, levied
on us the property of Nimrod E. Pucker, to satisly sundry
fi. fas. issued from a Court, of I tension county,
in tavor of Watson, & W atren, vs. wild Pucker. Levy
made and rcturiuxl to me by a t unstable.
Lot No. 165. 6th District, Ist Section,levied
on as the property of Theophtlus Hill, to •M*J’ *>•
is,led from a Justices Court, of ‘ . ashtngtoii county, in
favor Edward •• hok. vs. said HtlL Levy made and
returned to me bv a Constable,
Lot No. 27, Sth District, Ist Section, levied
on as the property of John 8. ttailord, & .Malctffin Nich
olson, to satis v two ti. las. tu tavor of Henry 6. Jones,
Adnir. of Halt Jones.
Lot No. 266, 11th District, Ist Section, lev
ied on as the property of William Holton, to atisfy ah.
fa. in favor ot Daniel Me'da, Indorsee, vs. said Holton.
Lot No. 264, Sth District, Ist Section, levied
on as the property ofjames Crow, senior, to satisfy two
fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court, ot Hall county, m
favor of Kellog, St Sanford vs. said Crow . Levy made
and roturned to me by a Cons’able.
July 30. JAMES CROW,Sh’ff.
; tinier Siieriifs Sale,
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in
‘u'ptember next, before the Court House door
in the town of Elijay, Gilmer county, within the usual
hours of sale, the following property, to wit :
One Saddle and Blanket ; levied on as the
property of Harry Dawnin, lo satisfy a ti. fa, in favor ol
f*. J. . urray, vs. said Dawnin.
Lot No. 288. 10th District, 2nd Section,
levied on as the property of John Smith, to satisfy a fi. la.
issued from a Justice’s Court, ol Coweta county, m *■
of Alc’Junkin & Perry, vs. said Smith. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 102, 9th District, 2d Section, levied
on as the property of Turner Drake, to satisfy a ti. ta. is
sued from a Justices Court, ot Madison county, in tavor
ofjames Lon®, vs. said Drake. Levy made and return
ed to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 209, 6th District, 2nd Section, lev
ied on as the property of *v Rauflhton. to satisly a
fi. fa. issued lroni a Justice’s Court, of \\ asliington coun
ty, in favor of John H. Newton, vs, said Raughton- Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable
Lot No. 211,27 th District, 2nd Section, lev
ied on as the property of v\ llliam Joines, to satisly a fi. fa.
issued from a J nstice’s Court ol ashington county, in
lavor of John H, Newton. Levy made aid returned to
ine by a Constable-
Lot No. 177,8 th Dictrict, 2nd Section, levied
on as the propert - of Stephen Titshaw, to satisfy Three fi.
fas. issued fioin a Justice’s Court of \\ alton county,in fa
vor of Samuel .vic’Junkin, vs. said Titshaw. Levy made
and retm ned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 16, 9th District, 2nd Section, levied
on as the property of Parnal V ines, to satisfy two ti. fas.
issued from Iroma Justice’s Court of A alton county, in
lavor of Samuel Me’Junkin , vs. said Vines. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable
Lot No. 97, 9th District, 2nd Section, levied
on as the property of Sarah Bacheiur, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
sued from Jf’alton Snpciior Court, in tavorof Samuel
.tfc’J unkins, vs. said Bachelor.
Lot No. 51, 12th District, 2nd Section, levied
on as the property of Samuel *\ illiams, to saiisfy a fi. fa.
iissin and from a Justice’s Court, of Jtfadison county,in favor
of James Lon®, vs. said Williams. Levy made aad re
urn ed to me by a Constable.
Lot No 238, Sth District, 2ml Section, lev
ied on as the property of Lawrence Baggett, to satisfy
two fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court, ofCoweta coun
fv, in favor of J. L. & A. D. Abrahams, vs. said Baggett.
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 111, 11th District,2nd Section,lev
ied on as the property ofjohn V’ iggins, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from Campbell county, in favor of J. L. Aorahains.
vs.said iv iggins. Levy made and returned to me by a
Lot No. 262, 11th District, 2d Section, lev
ied on as the property of Thomas M. Harris, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court, ofCoweta county, in
favor of Jacob L. Abraham, vs. said Harris. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable,
Lot No. 152, 25th District, 2nd Section, lev
ied on as the property of James Wilson and Thomas
Grantham, to satisfy a fi. fit, iu favor of vVillium Smith.
Four head of Horsc-s, and stiil and stands, ail
taken as the property of Harry Downin, to satisfy a fi. fa.
in favor of P. J. Murray, vs. said Downin.
[ July 30. B. B U.UILLIAN. D. S.
iJaer.tkee ueril’f’s saits.
WILL be sold on tin first Tuesday in Sep
tember uext,at the Courl-liouscin Cherokee,coun
ty, vitliin tire usual hours of sale, tho following property,
to wit:
Lot No. 699, 2nd District, 2nd Section, lev
ied on as tlie property of . ohvtr L. liicks to satisly a ti.
fa.issued from Coweta S unci lor Court, in lavor ofGeorge
Newhall, vs. Toliver L. Hicks, Sc John Vc’ivnight.
Lot No, 1247, i Ist District, 2nd Section,
levied onus me property ol illiam . etgen.-oii, to satisly
a fi. fa. issued from Elbert fcupeiior Court,.in-favor ofJohn
S* ikon, endosee, vs. said K. rgcrscu David Caar.
Lot No. 651, 15th District, 2nd .Section, lev
ied on as the property 01 tv...iel 1 tier , lo satisfy a ti. fa.
issued from a Justitc’s t ouit of Ric uuonu county, in fa
vor of . illiam Kibbc vs said ■ arker. Levy made and
relumed to me by a Constable.
Lot No. -1271, 3rj District, 2nd Section, lev
led on as the property of Thomas Cot man, to satisfy a
ti. fa. issued from the Inferior Court of Richmond county,
in favor of John Rees, vs. said Coleman.
Lot No 986, 21st District, 2nd Section, lev
ied on asthe property of Henry Ki Her, to satisfy a ti. fa.
issued from Coweta, Superior Court, in lavor of Uemy
Lot No. 895, 3rd District, 2nd Section, lev
ied on as the property of Robert F'aser to sausfy a ii. fa.
issued from Lincoln Superior Court, in lavor of Jewett
Abel, & co. for Edward Ballard vs. said Fraser.
Lot No. 453, 2nd District, 2d Section; levied
on as the proprty of James H. Ferry, to sails/y an, tu,
issued from a Justice's Court of If alton county, in favor
o/Richaid Butler, vs. said Ferry, Levy made and return
ed to me by a constable.
Lot No. 444, 3rd District, 2nd Section, lev
ied on as the property of John Aic’-rticheat, to satisly a fi.
fa. issued from Jasper Superior Court, iu favor of Zenos
Bruson, Bearer vs. said Me’ Vlicheal.
Lot No. 141, 14th District, 2nd Section, lev
on as the property of James Smith to satisfy in, li. fas.
issued from a Justice’s ‘ V.urt, <'oweta comity, in favor of
J. L. Abrahams, v -id S’ nith- Levy mad,, and return
ed to me by a ( o is able.
Lot No. 161, 4* v District, 2nd Section, lev
ied on as the property ot John Dean to satisfy’ iv-ili. fas.
issued from a Justice’s Court of Cow ‘county, in favor
of Jacob L. Abrahams, vs. said Deem Levy inadc and
returned tome by a Constable. i
Lot No. 182,3 rd District, 2nd Section, levied
on as the property John Robertson, to satisfy a ti. ta.
issued from a Jnsuce’s Court uf.’oweta county, in favor
of Abrahams, be Penticost, vs. said it ebertson. Levy
made and returned tome by a C istah’ .
Lot No. 967,2nd District, iiid Section, levied
on as tlie property ofCanington Kiugfil, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from a JusUce’s Court of Car, oil county, in lavor
of Jacob L. Abrahams, vs. said Knight. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No 825,15 th District 2nd Section, levied
on as the property of Porter Faulk, to satisfy two fi. fa?.
11; sued from a Justice's Court of W dkmsgß county, in la
vor of John Upton & others, vs. said Fanlk. Levy made
and roturned to mi by a Constable.
Lot No. 292, 13th District, 2nd Section,
levied on as U.c property ofTatiick Gray, lo satisfy .tufa,
issued from aJusticc’s Court, ofCliathaiu county, m lavor
of Samuel J. Bryon for the useof James bppinger. C<vy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 957, 21st District, 2nd Section,
levied on as rho property of James Sellers, to satisfy three
ti. fas. issu. and from a Justice’s Court ol urren county,
in tavor of Jeremiah Butt, vs said Sellers. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
I Lot No. 382, 21st District, 2nd Section,
levied on as the property of Zackariah K • Hamilton, to
satisfy two fi. fas. issued from a Just cc’s Court ot Craw-
I ford county, in favor of Samuel & J. L. Colburn, *•>“
I Hamilton” Levied on and returned lo me by a Constable.
1 Lot No, 795, 15th District, 2nd Section,
levied on us the property ol WilliamJwcn, to satisfy three
fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Hall county, ill fa
vor of Jones & Simmons and others va. said Owen. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
; Lot No. 958,3 rd District,2nd Section,levied
i on as the property of Mcrriinon A. Franks, to satisfy sun
dry fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court, of Franklin conn
! tv, in favor of Samuel Knox. vs. said franks. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1220, 15th District, 2nd Section,
levied on as the property of James Cosset, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from a Justice’s Court, of Hall county, m tavor
of Jones, & Simmons, vs. said Gosset. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No 807, 15th District, 2nd Section,
levied on as the property of Phillip Thurmans, to satisfy fas. issued from Lincoln Inferior Court, in favor ol
Hefiry Richardson, for Dennis Mahoney.
Lot No. 762, 15th District, 2nd Section,
levied on as the property of ilks E. Chuppel, to satisfy
a fi. fit. issued from a Justice’s Court, of \V alton county,
in favor of Richard Butler, vs. said Cbappel. Levy made
and returned to tne by a Constable.
Lot No. Mo,3rd District, 2nd Section, levied
on as the property 01. W illiam Hcwit, to satisfy a fi. fa.
in favor of Richard Butler, vs. said Hewit. Levy made
and returned to me by a-Constable.
Lot No. 897, 2nd District, 2nd Section,
levied on as the property of Janies XI. Perry, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court, of A alton county, in
favor of Richard Butler, vs. said Perry. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 669, 21st District, 2nd Section levied
on as the property of Peter Herrin, to satisfy n fi. fa. issued
from a Justice’s * ourt ofCoweta county, in favor of V ill
iam Hitchcock, vs. said Herrin. Levy made and return
ed to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 804,15 th District, 2nd Section levied
levied on as the property of William Sneed to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from Franklin Superior Court, in favor of John
R. Stanford.
Lot No. 403, 2nd District, 2nd Section, lev
kdon as the property of Thomas Holcomb, to satisfy a
fi. fa. in favor of Henry Peopels, vs. said Ilolcomb. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 301,14 th Disttict. 2nd Section, lev
ed on as the property of Silas Shree, to satisfy sundry fi.
ifas, issued from a Justice’s Court,of Washington county
in fvvor of Wiliiain Fish, &co. Levy made and returned
to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 613, 15th District. 2nd Section,
levied on as the property of Sarah Tanner, to satisfy two
fi fas in favor of Turman Walthall, vs David Dawson,
& Sarah Tanner- Levy made and returned to me by a
Lot No. 251, 2nd District, 2nd Section, lev
ied on as the property of John Stwart, to satisfy three fi.
fas. in favor of Jnel Bailv, and others, vs. said Stwart.
Levy made and relumed to me by a Constable.
, July 30. JOHN P. BROOKE, Sh’fl.
Ciiei''k.e SliciiiTs Sales.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Sep
tember next, at,lie Court house in Cherokee
rounty, within the usual hours of sale, the following prop
erty, to wit:
Lot No. 408 3rd District, 2d Section, levied
on as theprop"rtv of George H. Owens, to satisly a fi. fa.
issued from Hall Superior Court, in saver of Thomas J.
Reed, vs. said Owens.
Lot No. 220, 2nd District, 2nd Section, lev
ied oil a? the property of ‘alumni! Ilarp. to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from a Justice's Court of Hall county, in favor of
Joseph Guyton, vs. said Harp. Levy made and returned
to me by a Constable
Lot No. 11,13 th District, 2nd Section, lev
ied on as the prop rty of Axiom Alfred, to satisfy three fi
fas. issued from a Justice’s Court, of \V arren county, in
favor of Ransom R. Lee, vs. said Alfred. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
July 30; JOHN W. LEONARD, D. S.
Paulding- Sheriff's Sale.
he sold on the first Tuesday in Sep
tember next, at the place fo r holding Courts in
Paulding county, the following property to wit:
Lot No. 852, 19th District, 3rd Section,
Paulding county; levied on as the property of James Mal
let to satisfy a h. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Han
cock county, in favor of Jesse Mallit, vs. James Mallit
Levy made and returned tu me by a Constable.
Lot No. 845, 2nd District, 4th Section, lev
ied on as the property of Ahn r Jordan, to satisfy a fi. fa.
iss cd from a Justice’s Court of Franklin eaunty, in favor
of Dudley . Jones, vs. said Jotdan. Levy made and
returned to me by a Gonstable.
One Negro boy twelve or thirteen years of
age, levied on as th< property of John Mc’Bnde, to satisfy
afi. fa. issued fromCarroil Superior Court, in favor of
Reuben Phillips, vs. Hodge, Rabon, & John Mc’Bride,
July 30. WILLIAM S, HOGUE, h’ff
Panlrilng .Sheriff's ale.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Sep
tember next, within the usual hours of sale, at
the place of hooting Courts in Paulding County, Lite fol
lowing property, to wit:
Lot-No. 713,19 th District, 3d Section, of ori
ginally Cherokee, now Paulding county, levied on as the
property of Richard ‘ peuke, to satisfy sundry ft. fas. in fa
vor of John 11. Ca gile. vs. said Spcake. Levy made and
ldturn- and to me by a Constable.
Loi No. 495, Ist District, 4th Section, of or
iginally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on as the
property of Walker Fitts, to satisfy sundry ti. fas. in favor
of John R. Cargile, vs. said Fitts. Levy made and return
ed to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1022, 2nd District, 3rd Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding county, levit and on as
the property of John J. Smith, to satisfy a small ti. fa in
favor of John R. Cargile, vs. said Smith. Levy made and
returned tome by a Constable.
Lot No. 1034, 20th District, 3rd Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding ci . iy levied on as
the” property ot Robert K ilci case, to salts y an 1 Execution,
issued from Putts Supeiier Court, in favor of Ricltard 15:u
1 fcy-
Lot No. 1139, 19th District, 3rd Section, of
originally Cherokee, now ."auloing county; levied on as •
the property of Robert Kilcrease, to satisfy a ft. fa. issued
from Putts Superior Court, in favor of tire’ Officers of said
Lot No. 1208, 18th District, 3rd Section,
levied on as the property of John Florence, to satisfy a It.
fa. in favor of Peter Lantar, survivetng copartner, of Sto
vall, and Lamar.
Lot No, 191, 2nd District, 3rd Section, lev
ied on as the propertyof Richard Keeling to satisfy a ti. fa.
in favor of Peter Lamar, vs. said Keeling.
Lot No. 851 ISth District, ord Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding county. evied on as
ffienropeity of Edward Isu.ns, to sattsfya h. fa. mfcvor
i,(\. ivic’Brayer& Eubanks, vs. said Isums. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 759, 21st District, 3rd Section, ol
originally Cherokee, now Paulding county, levied on as
Sic prop/rty of John l’ortwood, to satisfy a Ii fa. issued
froma jltsjce’s Court, of Henry county, in favor of O.
W. Cox, vs. aid Port wood. Levy made and returned to
me by a Constable.
Lot No. 923, 2nd District, 4th Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on as
tile”property ofjames M. Smith, to sat.sly sundry fi. fas.
issued from a Justice’s Court ofCampbell county, m tavor
of Thomas A. Latham, vs. said Smith. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 522, 3rd District, 3rd Section, of or
iginally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on as
the property of Jonathan Buffington to satisfy a fa. la. m
suod from a Justice’s Court, of Campbell county, in tavor
of Gilbert CofT y, vs. said Buffington. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
| Lot No. 163, 20th District, 3rd Section, of
1 originally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on as
the property of Archibald Mc’Crady, to satisfy a fi. la. ts
; sued from a Justice’s Court, of Madison county, in favor
of William Maroncy, vs. said Mc’Gtady. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 188, Ist District, 4th Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on as
the*property of Samuel lb aid, to satisfy a fi. fa.
from a Justice’s Ci urt of W niton county, tn favor of Rich
ard Butler, vs. said Heald. Levy made and returned to
, me hy a Constable.
Lot No. 782, 20th District, 3rd Section, of
c neinnlly Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on as
the property of John Kelly, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from
a Justice’s Court, of Washington county, in favor ofjohn
H Newton, vs. said Kelly. Levy made and returned to
me by a Constable.
Lot No. 811, 19th District, 3d Section, of
origmaliy Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on as
rho Property of 1 larris, to satisfy a fi. fa, in lavor
of John R. Cargile, vs. said Gilliane. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No 148 3rd District, 3rd Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on as
the property of John Pittmon, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor
of John R. Cnrgile, vs .- aiil Pittmon. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
July 30. JACOB PARLIER, D. S. f
WILL he sold on Friday Gth September next, at the
late residence of Jesse M. White, deceased, the
whole of the personal property h longing to said decea
sed. Terms made known on thc day. Sale to continue
from duy to dav, until ah is sold.
July 16.—15 —tdfl
AGREEABLY to an orderof the InfeiiolCourt of Ra
bun couunty, wil, he sold on the first Tuesday in
(ictoher next, at the Court House, in Marion county,
Lot ofLand No. 36, Ist District, of originally Muscoge
now Marian county, sold for thc benefit of the heirs and
creditors of James Stravvlher late of Raburn county, de
JAMES HENSON. ) A(l , lir , a
July 23, —16—tds
AGREEABI.Yto an order, of the Honorable Inferior
Court of Newton County,when sitting for ordinary
purposes will he sold on the first Tuesday in October next,
within,the legal hours of sale, at the Court House iu
Morgan County, the one half of Lot of land number 30,
one in the 19th District of originally Baldwin now Ivlor
gan County, it being part oftlie real estate of IFilliain G.
IFright also at Gainsvillein liuil County on
the first Tuesday m November next.
Lot No. 138, in the 12th Disiriet,of Hall County, sold
for the benefit of the heiro of said di ed. Terms” inadc
known on the day of sale.
July 30th—17— tds.
{uardian*s Stlc.
AGREEABLY to an order of tlm Honorable, the In
ferior Court of Newton eornty when sittin® for
ordinary purposes, will be sold on the Tuesday in Oc
tober next, within the houis of sale, at the Court
House in the Town of Covington Newton county : Two
tracts ofLand, (numbersunknown,) situated witninl 1-2
miles of Covington, adjoining lands owned bv Cary Wood,
l. Hannon and others. Sold forthe benefit of the orphans of
T. T. Curuton, dcc’d. WILLIAM WN f Guar.
FOUR Months after date application will be made, to
the Honorable the Inferior Court, ol Newton Coun
ty, when setting as a court of Ordinary, for leave to sell
the whole of the real estate belonging to Walter Poole,
late of said County dec.
May 21. —7—4 m
FOUR months after date application will be made to
the Honorable the Inferior Com tof New n County
when silting as a Court of Ordinary, for said County, for
leave to sell the whole of the R cal Instate bel ..gin; lo Jes
se M IFhito deceased for tlie benefit of the creditors of
said deceased.
July 16—15 —w4m.
Prudence Capehart, 1
vs. > Libel/or Divorce,
Plenri Capehart, )
hi the Superior Court of Hall County.
I T appearing, by the return of the Sheriff, that the tie.
fondant is not to be found, he is therefore hereby no
tified to appear at the next Superior Court, for Hall coun
ty, and answer to the said case, or the sa nc will proceed
expaite as to him, and Judgement will be entered up
against him. WILLIAM H. UNDERWOOD.
Sol pro Libellant.
THE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends, and
the public generally, that he has opened a House
of entertainment, at the Allatooney Gold Mines, in Cass
county, the above place is a handsome and healthy situa
tion, witli the advantages of good spring and well water,
i and the pleasant Mouatain breeze, and is surrounded with
j a romantic forest, in thecentre of the Gold Region, Alla
! tooney, is 45 miles from the Carroll Mines, 70 from Au
raria in Lumpkin county, and on the direct road leading
: from Auraria, to the Carroll mines.
1 N. B. the post, office is removed from Sanfordville to this
July 9, —14—ts
The Editors cftlre Georgia Journal, Columbus En
quirer, Augusta Chronicle, Macon Messenger, will please
, publish the above twice a month for six months, and for
ward thetr accounts U> the subscriber at Aiiatooncv tor
i P a >'cnt. J. da SON.
Dfi. John H. Thomas, having settled himself in Au
raria Lumpkin County, respectfully tenders his
pr- ssional services, to the Citizens of this and the ad
joining counties. From his experience as a practitioner
of twelve years in the middle part of this Slate, and with a
promise ol charges in proportion withthetimes, and strict
atti nticn to calls, he hopes to merit a share of public pat
Auraria, May 21.—7—ts
fMTiE Undesigned, grateful for the patronajr
■ has been extended to him since he has had th c ,
agement oftlie above Establishment, respectfully
his friends and tne public generally, that the HOTy
now open, and will continue so during the summer im
all times and all seasons, and pledges himselfthatS
ertions shall l>e to render the accommodations of th,
tablishment inferior to none in the city.
The Stables are amply supplied with an abundant.,
good provender, and under the management of a®
and experienced Ostler.
July 2,—13—4t
rSTHE undersigned, takes this methodts,
■ * form thc Public generally, tiiat lis J
|Leijßt taken the House, recently occupied bv £
targette,& Cleghorn, as a Tavern,atthejj
latoona Mines, in Cass County; and 13 now readytj
commodate as many as may find it to their interest tog
it this interesting, Golden Region of country, fg.
oilers who stop to rest, will find his Table supplied,,,
the very best the country will ailord, his Stables wellfr
mailed with provender, and attended by a first rate (Hfe
and no exertion wanting on Ins part, to comfort eonstc
Boarders, or render agreeable the situation of the tig
sienf visitor. E- R. Mc’LAIS.
July 2,—l3—tf
THE undersigned respectfully informs the publicli,
he has opened a house of Entertainment at &
Court blouse of Lumpkin county, and is non p,
pared for the reception of boarders and travellers Teg,
mg to the efforts which he will make tn give general eel
faction, he deems pledges and promises as altogetW
useless—suffice it to say, that he hopes none uil| E
away dissatisfied. His charges will be as moderate
circumstances will allow.
July 2—13-ts
rjUU IK Subscriber respectfully informs lit
I5 • -l public, that he has opened a House a
1 11 iKi® ENTERTAINMENT at Huntsville; th
( ; o i r | Mines in Paulding county. This pic
is in a healthy situation,with the advantages ofgnodspn.-;
water, pleasant mountain breezes, and surrounded wi
a romantic forest, and betler than all, m the midst of lie
Gold Region. Huntsville is twenty-five milts horn fe
Carroll mines, and twelve miles from the Alatuna mirn
in Cass countv,and on tlie direct road leading fromoneli
the other. ‘ JACOB PARUEU.
May 23.—8—ts
( Jluraria , Lumpkin County ,)
Subscriber still continue
[ijjf ik -®- *° occupy bis Old Stand, on
JjJLiJgSc Main Street, a few doors above the Cook-
riff j| ouse> Having his improvements
ho is now prepared to accommodate in more conifortai* 1
stvlo, those who may favor him with their pntronac..
Re ady access to I\ hips, Diagrams, &c. can be na<l at u?
time, and no exertions will be spared to give tothtTrci
eller in pursuit of information, the h at knowledge of ti#
country, which his means of information will affiir*.
Grateful for the liberal patronage already received, i;j
continuance is respectfully solicit< and. :
Aurari.a, April 6 —l—ts
\ fTf!’ IK undersigned lias taken the Louses.
i * 31 p merly occupied as a Tavern, by Mk
Paschal &. Sons. Tht house Living unde
gone a thorough repair, he is now aMe ‘j
persons disposed to patronize him. Mifk*
ble will be supplied with the very nest that tlie eouni;
affords ; his Stables with plenty of provendt r and an ac
tive ostler; his bar with the best of liquors; and ever
possible attention shall be rendered on his part, to ensure
a share of that custom, which he intends to merit.
AurariaJunc 3, —11—ts.
TANARUS! 1E Subscribers takes this methoil of infonningte
friends nnd the public generally, that their flow
is completed and furnished in a style inferior to none a
the upper Comitry, and they Ilatrer themselves that®
Mail of family or the fashionable visiter will Hind it on’
nfihe most pleasant summer retreats in the upper coun
try. They hope by strict attention to merrit a continu
ance of that patronage heretofore so liberally bestow
WILEY F. BIT-lior.
N. B. Tho Copartnership of A. &\V. N. Bishop**’
by Mutual consent dissolved on the IstJau. last, ar.l
the establishment is now conducted by.
A. fc W. F. BISHOr.
July 30—17—3 t
THE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends Mi
the Public in general, that he is now opening “
House of entertainment in Cassville, Cass county, where,
from his knowledge of business, he hopes to shear a rea
sonable portion oftheir patronage.
July 9,-14 —
The Southern Banner, will please g vc the above three
Insertions and forward their account for payment.
M. J
enter mijrjuEjrrT
TH E Subscriber begs leave to inform his friends, and
the public generally, that lie has opened a housed
Entertainment at the
in Cherokee County, and hop's by using his best exfr
tions, to have his house and stables supplied plentifully,
with the best of every thing necessary that the Country
affords, to merit a shn re of public patronage. His char
ges shall be moderate as the times will admit; and bn
fare the best he can procure. He therefore will be than!"-
ful for a share of public favour.
August, 10—18—4 t.
To Gold Miiie Speculators.
THE Undersigned tenders his services, as an Expe
rienced practical Miner, to examine and test any
Lot in the Gold Region, disbelieveing inauv certain theo
ry until proven by practice, he will warrant his opinion
when given to be correct, his price for examining and giv
ing a vetbal, or written opinion, as may be required of any
Lot, will be twenty five Dollars Letters enclosing that
amountin Cash, will be strictly attended,and all necessary
information given, he may at all times be found at Leath
er’s Ford or in Auraria Lumokin county,
Augnst 10.—18 —ts,
A MAN expcrcnced m the Mining business who can
give the best references for his character and abil
ities, wishes to gel , mploymcnt in a mine, vein or deposit.
Enquire at this Office.
August, 10 —18—ts.