Newspaper Page Text
Hkm principled and Southern interests!
Hn should he sustain the chivalrous Sout'n-
IKinian; for in the maintenance of those prin
-9 and interests, Mr. Calhoun has staked all
9° j ear t 0 man—fame, honor, fortune, power
H v life itself. We defy the editor to produce
Individual who has ever hazarded as much
HL g o uthern people as Mr. Calhoun. Who,
9 1820, has given the whole energies of his
Kty mind to arrest the progress of that ini-
Sj? system, which was sucking up the pro
|X of Southern labor to ? latten Northern ca-
Hsts, while the hypocrite Jackson and the
Kite Van Buren were strengthening the cords
■ bound the Southern States as vassals and
Btaries of the northern monopolists 1 John
Ealhoun. Who stood forth in defence of
Hhern property, while Van Buren and his
Hnidons were sustaining Rufus King in his
K our i crusade, and at a later period endeav
or to interfere with the question of slavery in
Eida? John C. Calhoun. Who by his
Hptaess and energy arrested the steps of
Eew Jacksou, when in 1818 he was tram-
E the Constitution of his country under foot,
Kazarding its peace by putting at nought
H a wofnations? John C. Calhoun. Who,
Eg on the wise dictates of an experienced
■merit, guarded our exposed maritime fron-
Kvith walls <if defence against foreign inva
■ yhik* sycophant Van Buren was cn-
B-d in dirty intrigues to ruin the reputation of
HlVitt Clinton and to shuffle himself into no
li John C. Calhoun. Who, in these tem-
B times of profligacy and corruption, when j
Is ofs 100,000 and high offices were offered
len in Washington to betray virtue into the
Braces of vice, stood forth against the fearful
Bof servility and corruption, and stayed its
Inti John C. Calhoun. Who, when An-
I Jackson, betraying the confidence oi his
Itry, and throwing himself into the embraces
llien and Sedition Law Federalists, issued
■ infernal Proclamation, which struck at the
I foundations of American liberty, boldly
Id forth in the defence of a violated Consti-
In, and roused the people of the South to
lin support of their outraged rights i John
I’alhoun. W T ho, when the Bloody Bill hung
■he halter and the sword before the eyes ot
Hnjured and insulted'people, and basely aimed
lab at the vitals of the Constitution, the sove-
Inty of the States, and the lieves and liberties
Be people, fearlessly defied the menaces of
Bant, and boldly asserted the independence
Be States and the rights of the citizen! John
BCalhoun. And is it lor these tilings that
B seven principles” is endeavoring to injure
lin the estimation of the Southern people 1
It because Mr. Calhoun would not follow
■example, and, degrading himself by a.servil
■that would make the slaves of an Eastern
■rap blush, meanly betray the rights of the
Itcs and the people, and play the part of a
■tor to the Constitution of his country 1 And
■ the denunciations of such an editor, disap-
Bnted in his scheme of power, injure the rep-
Btion of any man ! No—the poison of his
gue will return to be bis own food, and the
th he designs for another will be found knock
at his own gate. IVe shall see. — J. Times.
From the Canton Courier of March 2.
Loss of the ship Mentor. —We have been fil
ed with the following account of the loss of
American Whaling Ship Mentor, upon a reef
he Pacific Ocean, in May last. Captain
rnard has arrived at Canton, and we hope in
next number to lay before our readers some
iresting particulars relative to these remote
nds; meanwhile we print this statement of
loss of the ship and part of the crew.
The ship Menter of New Bedford, under my
nmand, was lost on the Pelew Islands, on the
it May, 1832, and eleven of my crew were
lat the time, in attempting to leave the ship
Dne of the boats, viz:—Thomas M. Coles
rthy, Ist officer; Peter O’Conner, 2d do;
njamin F. Harkell, James M. Fisher, David
ikins, boat steorcrs; Lewis Burgoin John
iley, James Blackniore, Thos, Taylor alias
ncs Holiday, Wm. Jones, Seamen, and the
)k, a black man. The remainder of my cre w
ived at Pelew, on the 24th May, in latitude,
eg. 41 min. North: the ship was lost on a
f, in lat’ 8 and, 18 m. and long, nearly 185 hast.
! remained on the Island until ?he 23d day oi
vember, when the natives gave us 3 canoe
1 a whale boat belonging to the ship with such
visions as the Island afiorded, with which we :
in hopes of reaching the Island ofTernate,
iny other of the Dutch settlements. We
at Pelew as hostages, James Meader, Cal
-4!. n ., ®f“j H°ratlo avis, taking with us
Chiefs and one man, natives. On the 29th
vember, the canoe sunk in a squall. After
ing the men into the whale boat, we continued
voyage, until the 6th December, when at
light we discovered Lord North’s Island, the
Vis of which came off in canoes, and made
ill prisoners, broke the boat in pieces, and
pped us of all our clothes, but otherwise of
:<1 us no violence.
iVe remained with them until the 3d of Feb
ry, 1833, when the Spanish ship Sabina,
ptain Somes, from Calcutta, hove in sight
en myself and B. J. Rollins, succeeded in
ting on board, leaving Horace Holden, Mil- 1
Hewlett, Benjamin Nute, Charles Bowket,
Hiam Sidden, and Peter Andrews, with the ;
ee Pelew men. Captain Somes being short,
irovisieos, could not wait to get the rest on
ird, not knowing how long ho might have
detain himself, and the natives not wishing
part with us. C-apt. Somes has done every
ig in hie power to render our situation as
nfortable as possible during our stay on board
Sabina, for which I beg to return him my
i( grateful thanks.
We may attribute our kind treatment at Pelew
the presents they received from the British
ivernment, for the kindness and hospitality j
iwn to Capt. Wilson, when he lost his ship
the same Island; and no doubt the two Chiefs
:ompanied us in the canoe expecting a reward
mthe American Government, for taking care
us, building us a canoe, &c.
Bivcn under my hand, at Macao, China, this
h day of February, 1833.
The ship Hamiltonhas arrived at Boston from
Liverpool, whence she sailed on the 6ih July.
—Tho intelligence, which she brings has been
anticipated and is of not much interest.
An ineffectual attempt was made by the Car
lists at Madrid, on the 22d of June, to raise a
The Paris papers of the evening of the 2d
mention that Ibrahim Pacha was retreating to
wards Egypt. It was rumored that the crew of
the vessel in which the Duchess of Berri em
barked, had mutinied.
The Cholera was raging with great fury at
Lisbon, w here 10,000 persons had fallen victims
to it.
The Cabinets ofßussia, Austria and Prussia
have determined to make decisive demonstra
tions of their desire to bring the differences of
Holland and Belgium to a decisive settlement.
This step will put a stop to the hopes of the
Dutch King in regard to any assistance from
the Northern powers.
The Packet ship, Ontario, arrivedatN. York,
brings London dates to the evening of the 9th
July. She left Portsmouth on the 10th.
The only intelligence of particular interest
relates to the- Pedroite expedition which recently
made a descent in the Province of Algarves.
According to accounts received at Falmouth
by the steamboat‘’City of Waterford” to June
30th from Lagos, the prospects of the expedi
! tion were extremely flattering. The following
are extracts.
“Eveiy where the people came forward and
hailed them with enthusiasm ; gifts of money,
horses, and arms were made, and numbers of
the people have joined the expeditionary troops
as volunteers. In Villa Real Don Pedro’s
troops found 30 pieces of cannon, and 5.0001 in
the military chests, with some hundred stand of
arms, plenty of ammunition, &c,
“It is calculated that he had already been
joined by upwards of 2,000 men, the greater
part of whom are regular troops.”
“Letters have been received from Faro of
the 27th June, and from Lagos of the 30th,
which state that the expedition from Oporto had
met with the most favorable reception, being in
both places hailed as a deliverer and joined by 1
the militia, and the regular troops in the vicinity
and there was no doubt that in less than a month
the flag of Donna Maria would be floating over
every town in the Province Algarve.”
We are authorized to announce John D.
Fields as a candidate to represent Lumpkin county in the
Senatorial branch of the next Legislature.
(£/=■ We are authorized to say that Ilenry
Lewis, Esq. is a candidate for Justice of the Inferior Court
of said county, to fill the vacancy of Wm. Dean removed.
WE will sell at public outcry on Tuesday the 24th
September next, a number of Lots—laid out on
Lot No. ‘JB4. 12 1, adjoining Lumpkin Court-house;
many of which are well situated for business, and others
for private residences. Terms liberal, and made known
on the day of sale.
A plan of the survey, shew ing the relative situation,
size &c. of each Lot, may he seen at our office in Auraria,
and at the Clerks Office at Lumpkin Court-House.
A. B. & H. holt;
aigents Jar the Proprietors.
August 31. —21 —tds.
Cherokee Town Lots for Sale.
WILL e sold on Monday the 30th day of Septem
ber next, the Town Lots at the county Site of
Cheroin', county, upon Lot number 167, in the 14th Dis
trict, 2nd Section, it being at the place geneaally known
as Jack ITriglit’s old place. Sale to continue from day
to day. Terms made known on the day of sale.
WILLIAM B. KEY, j. i. c.
August 31. —21—3t,
To the Editor of the Western Herald.
I see in your last paper, a notice published for the sale
of the town Lois in Cherokee county, with my name ap
pended to said notice, as one oi the Justice’s of the Inferior
Court. You are hijaeby notified to strike my name from
said advertisement, and tocease any further publication
of the same, upon the responsibility of the Inferior Court
of Cherokee county. It is true that I assigned the said
advertisement, and it is equally true, that I never gave
any authority for its publication, only through the Chero Intelligencer, the Editor of which, i notified not to
publish saw advertisement; and had I have known that
any individual intended to assume so much responsibility
upon him or themselves, as to snatch up a paper connect
ed with a matter which was not matured, and send the
same, blazingforth to the world, under the semblance of
official authority, I would have contiived to inform you,
| before the said notice had gone to press, as I did the Edi
>r of the Intelligencer, in order that the public mind might
l< ’ ‘- a .moment bo mislead. It is true, that a majonty
n ttui Mor Court of this county were upon th eve of
ot tne tnte. 9 ;te upon Lot No. 229, 14th District,
ocatingthecm’" l y rearing , he papers accordingly,
2d Section, and we P, *£ at s he Colirtffiou e could be
when it was ascertain- „ ui)f upon No> 167> 14th Dis _
placed with safety to bj c h I have ever deemed,
tnct, 2d Section; the place i. * member of the Court,
both as a private individual, and as. which a lar<?e
far the most eligible and proper, and e “on w c 1 a
majority of the people are desirous that a
is true that I was about to give iny sanction to 13 Demg
located upon 229, as a second choice. I n °w ,
have an opportunity with two other members of the court,
oflocating the county Site, at the place known as Jac,£
Wright’s old plaee, upon Lot No. 167, 14th District, 2d
Section, which I believe will further the ends of justice
more, and give, pretty much, general satisfaction. Ido
therefore, protest against the county site being located
upon 229, 14th District, 2d Section, and declare mysclt
for frights old place, through thick and thin. The Edi
tor of the Western Herald, will please do me the justice
to publish the above. I attribute no improper conduct to
the Herald, for publishing the said natice, nor do I deem
it the least unkind—The “Recorder and Telegraph, will
please do so likewise.
v WJLLIAJU B. KEY, j. i. c. (
Cherokee Court House, Aug. 2 6, 1833. •
ABOUT One Hundred LOTS of L.L\'D, some of
which are offirst quality. Also, about the Same
number of GOLD LOTS, many of which arc very valua
bl The aboveLANDS, if not disposed of at private sale,
will be sole at AUCTION, to the highest bidder, at Mur
rysville, Hall County, on the 2nd Monday in September
next, when I will attend for tliat purpose.
Titles indisputable. For turther particulars, apply to
JOHN MARSHALL, Auctioneer.
August 31. —21 —St
ALL persons arc hereby cautioned against crediting
myVife Mary Day, on my account as lam deter
mined to pay noneof
Newton county, August 31. —21 It
WILL sold on the Bth day of October next, the town
Lots at Pleasant Grove, Paulding county. The
undersigned, in making u selection for their county town,
have endeavored to please the fancy, and suit the coiiven
icnce of all, and none who have seer, the Pleasant Grove,
will pretend todouht for a‘momcnt,thal Iheyjtiave not been
wanting in attempting either. The sale will be conti
nuedfrom day to day, till all the Lots are sod. Terms
on the day of sale
JOHN BROOKS, j. i. c.
GREEN CARNES, j. i. c.
August 31—21—tds.
\j® TjlLOJtf the subscriber about the last of Fc- ‘
JT binary or the first of O/arch last, a Ne- !
yjjl gro man named-Squire; said negro is rather
small of stature, and sofnewhat inclined to be
ifjVl round shouldered; with full eyes, round full
head, and walks with his feet turned out. It
is expected he may have been enticed away ;
and that he has taken the direction of cither Alabama or
Tennessee. Whoever will apprehend said negro, and
Lodge him in any safe jail, shall, on giving information
to the subscriber, be entitled to a reward of twenty-five
dollars. GREEN R. DUKE, of
Jackson County.
Aug. 31— 21—4 t
The Journal, of Alabama, and the Knoxville Republi
can, Tennessee, will give the above two insertions each,
and forward their accounts for payment.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned against trespass
ing on Lot No. 1095,2d District, 2d Section, either
by digging gold, or in any other way, as the law will in
everv case be e nforced against persons thu3 trespassing.
Jackson County.
Aug. 31.—21—2 w.
TWENTY Days after date, application will be made I
to the Honorable, the Inferior Court of Newton j
county, when setting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to
sell the Negroes belonging to the Orphans ot Joseph
Howard, dec’d. THOMAS /.GRAY, Guard.
August 31, —21—3t,
TBIAKEN up by the subscriber at Leather’s Fold
JL Lumpkin county, on the 28lh Jnst. a dark Chesnut
colored horse, about four years old, with one white iiind
foot, and one small white spot on his forehead and three
small saddle spots, no brands and without shoes.
August 31.—21—3 t,
f Lumpkin Saerilf s Stales.
■TttTILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Oc
w W teber next, at the court-house in Lnmpkin
county, within the usual hours of sale, the following prop
erty, to wit:
Lot No. 539, 12th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as Ihc property of Thomas Higginliotliain, lo sa
tisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justices Court of Richmond
county, in favor of John Coskery, vs. said Higginbotham
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 379,13 th District, South half, Ist
Section; levied on as the property of Thomas Arnold, to
satisfy a fi. fa. from Washington Superior Court in favor
of Morgan Brown, vs. said Arnold.
Lot No. 1030, sth District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of Joseph G. Johnston, to satisfy
a fi. fa. issued from a Justices Court of Bibb county, in
favor of'fowns&Riley, vs. said Johnston. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 775,12 th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of M. Smith to satisfy a fi. fa. in
favor of Hogan O. Smith, vs. said Smith.
Lot No. 110, 12th District, Ist Section; le
vied on os tho property of Henry Holcombe, lo .atioly a
fi fa. in favor of Benjamin Hash.
Lot No. 37, 4th District, Ist Section; levied
on as the properly of Stephen iVi’Dermot, to satisfy a fi.
fa. in favor of Luther & Cos, vs. said M’Derinonl.
Lot No 66,12 th District, Ist Section; levied
on as the property of Thomas Mann, to satisfy a ti. fa. in
favorof David Stitson, vs. said Mann.
Lot No. 482, 13t!i District, Ist Section’
South; levied on as the property of Bryan O’Neal, to sa
tisfy a fi. fa. in favorof Burwell Russell, vs. said Bryan
Lot No. 792, sth District, Ist Section; le
vied on os the property <4 Martin Relish, to satisfy a fi. fa.
in favor of Thomas Camp, vs. said Relish. Levy made
and returned to mo by a Constable.
Lot No. 310, 4th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of John A. Hogg, to satisfy a fi.
fa. in favor of E. Bird, vs. said liogg. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 337, 13th District, Ist Section,
South half; levied on as the property of Samuel Knox, to
satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Joseph Smith, vs. said Knox
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1254, 11th District, Ist Section;
levied on as the property of Joshua Grace, to sattsi’y a fi.
fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Hancock county, in
favor of Eli Champion, vs. said Grace. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 44, 13th District, Ist Section* north;
levied on as the property of Lewis Mihun, to satisfy a fi.
fa. in favor ofR. M. Richards & Cos. and other fi. fas. vs.
said Mihun. Levy made and returned to me by a Con
Lot No. 732, sth District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of Isaac Tate, to satisfy a fi. fa. in
favor of William B. Snclton, vs. said Tate. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 249, 13th District, Ist Section,
South; levied on as the property of Alfred W ebb, to sa
tisfy a fi. fa, in favorof John Choice& Cos. vs. said Webb.
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 49,12 th District, Ist Section; levied
on as the property of Jonathan Gray, to satisfy a fi. fa. in
favor of John Choice & Cos. vs. said Gray. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 408, 15th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of Thofaas James, to satisfy a
fi. fa. in favor of John Gordon, vs. said James. Levy
made and returned to me by Constable.
Lot No. 575, sth District, Ist Section; levied
on as the property of James Dunaway, to satisfy a fi. fa,
issued from a Justices Court of Lincoln county, in favor
of Lewis Parks, V 6. said Dunaway. Levy made and re
turned to me ny a Constable. .
Aug. 81. SAMUEL JONES, Slffij^
Pumpkin postponed sheriffs sale”
On the first Tuesday in October next.
Lot No. 253,12 th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of William Leverett, to satisfy a
fi. fa. in favor of William H. White, vs. said Leverett.
Lot No. 76, 4th District, Ist Section, of ori
ginally Habersham, now Lumpkin county; levied on as
the property of James Carter, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in
favor of William B. Shelton, and others, vs. said Car
ter. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1003, 12th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of Eli Champcon, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from the Inferior Court of Hancock county, in 11
favor of Bachelder & Cos. vs. said Champion.
Lot No. 412, 13th District, Ist Section; 1
South- levied on as the property of Basel Gowen, to sa
tisfy o’fi. fa. in favor oi P. J. Murray, vs said Gowen.
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 297,12 th District Ist Section; lo- ,
vied on as the property of Alexander Lambert, to satisfy j
a li. fa. in favour of Jolrn Flanagan, vs. said Lambert. I
Bevy made ami returned to die ay a Cons table. i
August 31. SAMUEL JONES, Sn’lC
— —fax’
Gilmer SlieriflPs Sale.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in
October next, before the Court House door
in the town of Elijay, Gilmercounty, within tho usual
hours of sale, the following property, to wit:
Lot No. 167, 12th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of John M’Canless, to satisfy a
fi.fu. issued from a Justice’s Court Habersham county, in
favor of Thomas B. Cooper, and John R. Stanford, vs.
I said M’Canless.
j Lot No. 71, 9th District, 2d Section; levied
| on as the property ofHezekiah Finley, to satisfy two fi. favor of J. H. Cooper & Cos. vs. said Finley. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 51, 12th District, 2d Section; levied
on ostlic property of Jesse Meckini, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
i sued from a Justice’s Court of Habersham county, in fn
jvorofT. B. Cooper, vs. said Meckini. Levy made aud
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 138, sth District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of ’A illiam Goodman, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from the Court of Common Pleas of Augusta, m
Favor of Alexander Williams, vs. said Goodman.
Cherokee Sheriffs Sales.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Oc
tober next,at IheCourt-huusein Cherokee, coun
ty, vitliin the usual hours of sale, the following property,
lo wit:
Lot No. 264, 22d District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Thomas Green, to satisly three
fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Washington coun
ty, in favor of ’’arris & Solomon, vs. said Green. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 924, 15th District, 2d Section; le-
I vii-d on as the property of Samuel PowcL, to satisfy sun
i dry fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Stewart coun
-1 ty, in favorof William Crocker, vs. said Powel. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 327,3d District, 2d Section ; levied
on as the property of Thomas ’Willis, to satisfy three fi.
fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Bibb county, in favor
of V. S. Townsley, vs. said Willis. Levy inado and
returned to me hy a Constable.
Lot No. 404, 21st District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Henry Ligon, to satisfy three
ti. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Talbert County,
in favor of Marcus Vandcver, vs. said Ligon. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 21,4 th District, 2d Section; levied
via as the property of Charles Kaple, to satisfy two fi. fas.
mailed from a Justice’s Court of Taliiaferro county, in fa
vor of Jacob Johnson, vs said Kaple. Levy made and
relumed to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 797, 2d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Eli Eberhart, to satisfy three fi. fas.
issu-d from a Justice’s Court of Oglethorpe county, in fa
vot L. B. Hopper, for the use of J. H Hopper, vs. said
’- berhiirt. Levy made and returned to me by aConstable.
Lot No. 64, 2d District, 2d Section; levied
on asthe property of Jam-us L. Lawless, tosatisfy a fi. fa.
issued from a/ustico’s Court of Lumpkin eounty, infavor
of J. J. Logan, vs. said Lawless. Levy made and re
turned to me hy a Constable.
Lot No. 905, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of John Folkner, to satisfy a fi
fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Troup county, in fa
vor ofElbot Heed, vs. said Folkner. Levy made and re
turned to me by aC’oustablo.
Lot No. 467, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on asthe property of William Trammel, to satisfy
three fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Columbia
county, in favor-t Thomas Lyon, vs. said lTammel. Le
vy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 700, 21st District, 2d Section; le
vied on asthe property of James 1). Randall, ’o satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from thcSiipcrior Courtof-Newte, couniy,in
favor of Harriet Jack, vs. James B. Randall and Robert
L. Edwards.
Lot No. 347, 3d District, 2d Section; levied
on as tne property of John S. Head to satisfy sundry fi.
fas. issued from a Justice’s Courtof'Gwmnett county, in
favorof Mathew /StricKiand, vs.said Hoad and Nehemiah
Summerlin. Levy made and returned to me by a Con
Lot No. 764, 15th Districted Section; le
vied on as the property of Wiley S. Allison, tosatisfy sun
dry fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Butts County,
in favorof John R. Cargik. vs. said Allison. Levy made
and returned to inc hy a Coustuhl *.
Let No. 684, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on ns the property of Tho'oas Cameron, to satisfy
sundry fi, fas. issued from a Justices Court of Upson
county, in favor of John A. White, vs. said Cameron. Le
vy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 733, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on ns the property of Robert S. Pounds, to satisfy
sundry fi. fas. issued from a justice’s Court of Columbia
eounty, in favorof James Ca-tledge and otht-rs, vs. said
Pounds. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 403, 3d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of George H. Owens, to satisly a fi.
fa. issued from Hull Superior Court, in favor cf Tho.oaf
J Reed, vs. said Owens.
Lot No. 637, 15th District, 2J Section; le
vied on as tho property of James H. Barton, to satisfy a
fi. ta. issued from Franklin Superior Court, in favor of
illiam Flackett, vs. said Barton.
Lot No. 803, 3d District, 2d Section; levied
on as tiie property of Angus M’Cormack, to satisfy two
fi. fas. issued from a Justices Court of Hall county, one
in favorof William M’Kinsy for the use of John Epperson,
the other in favor of Jonathan Betts, vs. said M’Cormick.
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Let No. 1205, 21st District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Mathew Stevens, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Habersham coun
ty, in favor of Fountain .Moss, vs. said Stephens. Levy
made and returned to uic by a Constable.
Lot No. 34, 13th District, 2d Section, levied
on as the property of Burwell B. Bartlett, to satisly a fi. fa.
in favor of Robert Bird, vs. said Bartlett.
August 31. JOHN P. BROOKS, Sh’fF.
Cherokee Sheriffs Sales.
WILL be sold on (he first Tuesday ia Oc
tober next, at the Coiirt house :n Cherokee
county, within the usual hours of sale, the following prop
latp, to wit:
r Lot No. 748, 3d District, 2d Section; levied
01 as the property of William King, to satisfy a fi. fu. is
sued from the Inferior Court of Elbert county, in favor of
John King, for the use of William King, vs. said King.
Lot No. 102, 13 th District, 2d Section; le
vied o las the property of Riley JVI. Willingham to satis
fy a fi. fa. issued from a Justiee’s Court in Coweta county,
in favor Samuel M’Junkin, vs said Willingham. Levy
nude and returned to n.o by a Constable.
Lot No. 981, ?d District 2d Section; levied
or. as the property of Riley M. Willingham, to satisfy a
fi.fa. in favor of Samuel M’Junkin, vs. said K’illinghar.i.
Levy made and returned tome by a Constable.
Lot No. 987, 2d District; 2d Seclior ; levied
onas the property of Gritfan Owen, to safi ~f, f, j s .
sued Justice’s Court of Walton county',,, favor of Sam'l.
M’Junkin, and others, vs. said Owyn/ Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 401, District, 2d Section; le
vied onas the property of Henry Niles, to ati fy a ti. fa.
‘in favorof John ’j, Hawkins, v*. sakl Niles! Levy tnado
and returned to me by a Constable.
i Lot l\o. 559, 15th District, 2d Section; 1c-
Iviod onas the property cfE. C. Hatcher, to s: jy!y a fi.
| uxytti la.or cfFraucia v . ‘‘t*i ljuli.ior. iS
and futurnui to mu U'j fc Col*. • aUv#
Lot No. 349.2d District, 2d Section ; levied
on as the property of j.'sias B. Beall, to all. fa. :.i
favor of iainuel M’Junkig, vs. Beall.
Lot No. 1109,215 t District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of-vaumei Miller, to satisfy a
in favor of Samuel A/’Junkin, vs. said Miller. L-- ‘■*
made and returned to me bra ConstaMe.
Lot No. 609, 15ib District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Edward Jackson, Amos Jack
son, and B. F. Miller, to satisfy a fi. f;i. in tr.vor ■ f'/.r-.e'.-
ariahKeytle, vs. saiddefe-iidant ‘. la y made m:d re
turned to mo by aConsfHdc.
Lot No. 967, 2d District, 2d Section; levied
oil as Hie property of Car, in otou Knight, to .-ntisfy a fi.
fa. in favor of Samuel MPJ’.tnkin, vs. soi.l K night.
Lot No, 900, 15th District, 2d Sicliuii; le
vied on as the property of Drewry Roach, to set inly a ti.
Ct. in favor of James Adams, Adm’r, of Kiehard Cannon,
de eased, vs said Roach. Levy made and return,-d :•>
nr- hy a Constable.
August 31. JOHN W. LEONARD,I>. SMT
Pauli?i2*£ Sheriffs Sale.
VXUILIi he sold oa the first Tuesday ia Oe
Paulding county, the lollowing properly to wit:
Lot No. 294, 2d District, 3d Section ; levied
on as the property of lehom Laws, to satisfy a fi, ftfc is
t-ncnl from a Justices Court, of Newton county, in favor cf
Shaw &. Banks, vs. said Laws. Lew made and xetnrc
ed t'j me by a Con si able,
I.ot No. 583, 21.-t District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the property rtf Green Y. Thornton, to satisfy
a fi. fa. issued from a .tiis-tice’s Court of Newton count'-,
in favorof John Horton, bearer, vs. said Thornton. Lcvv
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 640, 19th District, 3d Section; le
vied on asthe property of fWniei Johnson, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from a Justi'-e’s Court of Newton eounty, in fa
vor of Jacob Reynolds, vs. said Johnson. Lew made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 510, 3d District, 3d Section; levied
on as the property of James Trussell, to satisfy sundry fi,
fas. issued from a Justices Court of Jasper county, vs. said
Trussoll. Levii-d on and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 406,21 si District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the property of William FFheolys, to satisfy
three fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Meriwether
eounty, in favor of James H. Hill and others, vs. said
Wheelys. Levy made and returned to me bv a Consta
Lot No. 1113, 19th District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the prop tv of Daniel Stewart, to satisfy two
fi. fas. issued from a austiec’s Court of Hall count}", in
favor of Henry “unn, vs. Daniel Stewart. Le vy made
and returned :o in; hy a Constable.
Lot No. 661, 3d District, 3d Section; levied
on as the property of E. M. Callaway, to satisfy four fi.
fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Henry county, in fa
vor of O. W. Cox, and others, vs. E. M. Callaway. Le
vy made and returned to me by a Constable.
j Lot No. 763, 19th District, 3d Section; le
-1 vied on as the property of John Washington to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Henry county, in
j favor of John Dayley, vs. John Washmgton. Levy made
’ and returned to me hy a Constable,
i August 31. WILLIAM S. HOGUE, SUfli
Paulding’ Sheriff’s Sale.
be sold on the first Tuesday in ’ Oc
, * Hb r next, within the usual hours of sale, o'l
i the place of holding Courts in Paulding Countv, the tvl
’ lowing property, to v.-it :
Lot No. 220, i9th District, 3d Section; le
| vied on asthe property of Stephen Cole, to satisfy a ti. fa.
t issued f n a Justices Court ot IFaltou county, in favor oi*
| J. A. Corknate,
i . E°t No. 188, Ist District, 4th Section; le
: viad on as the property of Smu< I HeaM. to satisfy a fi
fa. issued issuer’ from a Justices Court of Walton county”
m favor ot Samuel Ai’Junkin, vs. said Heald. * .
Lot No. 82, ISth District, 3d Section; Je-
VI-d on ns the prep, rty of Hosey Camp, to satisfy a fi. fn
isstc and from a Justices Court of Waltou county, in faVcr
ot .Samuel M’Junkin, vs. said Camp.
Lot No. <sl, 20th District, 3d Section; le
vied on asthe property of William O. Neal, to satisfy a
h. ta. issued from a Justices Court of Walton county,’ iu
favor ofSarnuel M’Junkin.
Lot No. 557, 20th District, 3d Section; fr
vied onas the property of John Brown, to satisfy a fi. ta.
issued from a Just.ce’s Court of A allot! County, in favor
of Samuel M’Junkin, vs. said Brown.
Lot No. 817, 2d District, 4th Section; levied
on os the property of William Freeman, to satisfy a fi. fa
issued from a Justice’s Court of Walton county, in foVor
of Samuel M’Junkm, bearer, vs. said Freeman.
Lot No. 183, 20th District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the property of R. s. Scroggins, to satisfy a
h fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Coweta county, iu
lavor of Samuel M’Junkin, vs. said Scoggins.
Lot No. 788, Ist District, 4th Section; le
vied on as the property of Hiram FFilliams, to satisfy .
“■ fa - la,,lefl fr o.n a Justice’s Court of Walton couirtri
favor ot Samuel M’Junkin, vs. said Williams.
Lot No. 499, 2d District, 3d Section ; levied
on as tv property of Wright Shiper, tosatisfy a fi. fa. is
sued from a Justice’s Court of G'owcta Countv, in favor
ot Vi’Jimkin & Perry, vs. said Shiper.
Lot No. 360, 2d District, 3d Section ; levied
on ns the property of J. D. Danby, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
sued from a Justice’s Court of Walton county, in lavor of
Samuel i’Junkin, vs. said Danby.
Lot No. 272, Ist District, 3d Section; levied
on as the property of William Washam, to satisfy a li. fa.
issued from a Justice’s Court of Butts county, in favor of
John K. Cargil, Vs. said Washam.
Lot No. 688, 20th District, 3d Section; lei
Vied on as the property of John Dickinson, to satisfy a fi.
ta. issued from a Jus;ice's A'ourt of Hancock county, ir
fa\orof B. L. Lat<j sto. vs. said Dickinson. * -
August 31. JACOB PARLIER. D. 8.
JUST Received and now offered at verv low piice- at
Lumpkin Court-House. * ‘ ?
1 lolland Gin,
Juinaica Rum.
Cojsfnwc Brandy,
Rye Whiskey,’
Cordials assorted.
Claret, Madeira, Tenenfi; and .Valaga M ines.
Porter, Ale and Beer,
Boda and Seidlit Powders,
Lemon Syrup,
Cheese, Beef. SausagesanJCrfo kf'i-.
Rice and Raisons,
Candles and Tol>ar'_.,
Cocoa and Bra-',j Xut's,
AlmondsHazlt Auts,
ScpUh nd A!. HnutK
A general assortment of Patent Mcdici-r.
Cigars Spanish an', commo-.
Short Black, Pas*- and Liquid,
('olognenml ruber IVrfouia.
Fancy Cak j, a n 1 B.di Soil;.,’ ’
Sugar ard CoiTzo,
Fire Crackers, Starch, Peail A-h v,-
general assortment h. T ANARUS;
Ai.gust3l.—2l— if. “ ‘ *•
at this mu-*,
, two smart active Isds as-nr
P™'*- * tithe printingbusine-sp^A’
plication must be cri; (r,.:u,rt .f i.
Auraria. August i.,—at’ ~ •