Newspaper Page Text
entitle them to an exemption lrom the au
nty of the State in which they reside any
ore than the poorer regulation of the Tusca
rag should protect them, if both were iu
oendent nations.
\\'c allude to this subject, to show howquiet
this act of oppression on the part of New
,rk is submitted to, by those who felt or pre
nded to feel such indignation towards the
ate of Georgia. And why this difference!
ainly because the one affords no prospect of
, excitement to favor the advancement of
olitica! speculators. Rochester Republican.
Jtoanolc Railroad. —A coirespondent who
is recently visited the Petersburg and Roan
tc Railroad, writes to the Richmond Compiler
i follows :
.. The Locomotive Engines travel at the rate
20 miles the hour, with case and with a train
10 to 12 cars, all loaded—some with passeu
, r3 and others with produce of every descrip
on, staves, lumber, &c. The whole line of
e Petersburgh road presents a scone of cheer
dness and industry not to be seen on any oth
■ road in Virginia.—Plantations that have
sen abandoned are now resettling; houses re
aring, and fences of the best kind, erecting,
i the bodies of wood, through which the road
uses, workmen are employed—some ge'ting
aves, some sawing,and oth rs clearing, and in
ct cn the whole line, there is a spirit and ani
istion that is delightful to behold.”
An affair of houer took place near this town,
u Friday evening last, between J. Hemphill,
|sq. Editor of the Sumpter Gazette, and Cap
lin M. M. Levy of this town. VVe are
appy to say it terminated without any serious
ijury to either of the parties. Mr. Hemphill
as slightly wounded in the pistol hand. Mr.
[’j pistol was not tired, the jar of his antago
ists ball having let down the hammer.—Carn
al Rep. 3 d inst.
The Cholera. —lt is stated in the Portland
Courier, on the authority of a respectable
hip-master, recently arrived at that poit from
iuba, that while the cholera has rageu with
reat violence on the sugar plantations all over
be Island, no cases are known to have occur
ed on the Coffee plantations. Even where a
loflee plantation was surrounded by sugar
ilantations, the former would escape while the
utter would be swept of a large portion of their
aborers. May not this fact lead to some
liscovery as to the nature of the disease, or of
i successful remedy?
The most of our mills have suspended ope
ation, and in all probability as soon as the pres
•nt stock of cotton is worked up, the rest will
iiscontinue. The stoppage has originated from
he rise in cotton, which is now some 6 or 7
cuts per pound higher than it has been since
1522. Paterson Courier.
The packet ship Liverpool, Capt. Barstow,
irrived at Boston on Friday from Liverpool
rhence she sailed on the 12th ult. bringing
.ondon papers to the 11th They contain little
ifimportance. Parliament was to be prorogued
in the first of September. For a great many
cars past there has not been so abundant a
larvest as at present.
In the House of Commons on the 7th August
Mr. Lvall presented a petition from merchants
tad brokers of London, for the continuance
>f the usual facilities to transmit letters to the
United States of America, otherwise than by
Post office Packets’ when opportunities offered.
Sir James Graham replied that there was every
disposition to comply with these wishes of the
merchants, if a practicable mode could be
suggested that would secure the revenue against
fraud and injury.
The British and French cabinets have
firmaily signified to the representatives of Don
Pedro, their wish that he should withdraw all
pretensions to the Regency of Portugal. • One
ground of this proposition is, that the Ex-
Emperor i3 personally obnoxious to certain
Sovereigns, whose consent is required to the
final arrangement of the Portuguese question.
It is not thought, however, that Don Pedro will
relinquish the Regency.
Preparations were making at Paris for the
departure of Donna Mam for Portugal. It
was not known certainly whore Miguel was, or
where ho would take refuge- The last report
we have of him is, that during the battle before
Oporto, and the attack on Lisbon, he went to
a house on the road from Lisbon to Oporto,
with his mistress and two Spanish priests, that
on receiving news of the complete overthrow of
his party, he set out for Coimbra, with intention
to join the Spanish Prince Don Carlos, and sail
with him in the vessel sent by the Spanish
government to convey the exiled Prince to
Mr. oiiliyer has withdrawn Ki3 motion re
lative to the repeal of the stamp dutv oi.
papers, but expressed his determination to bri,? e
it forward at the next session. The Marquis
of Westminster has given notice that at the
next session be should bring forward a motion,
calling on Peers to forego the privilege ol
proxies. _ . . ,
The eldest son of Admiral Napier received
five severe wounds in the battle ot Sf. \ inceii.
Ho was the first person ’ who boarded the cn-
eroy. ~
Madrid, My 29,-rWc are assured that
Zea Bermudez had recourse to every means,
in order to pegmade the King to interfere in
favour of Miguel, lie told him, among other
things, that he might rely on the approbation,
and oven support of Russia and the Holy
Alliance, To this his Majesty is said to have
replied: -r-* ! Hotv little thou knowest the present
situation of Portugal! That count y is circum
stanced as Poland was at the time of its revolu
tion. France and England bore the greatest
interest to tha children of Warsaw, ardently
wished tor the success of their cause, were
incessant in their applications to the Cabinets
of Europe on their behalf, and- that was all.
When they wore defeated, the French Ministry
declared itself satisfied, because order reigned
in Warsaw; Don Miguel is now in the saftie
predicament. All the Northern Cabinets are
interested about him, and wish well to his cause;
but, as soon as events shall have decided the
struggle, should the Pedroits be victorious, you
will see order nlso reigning in Lisbon in the
columns of the Augsburg and St. Petersburg
Gazettes, that nobody will fire a shot for him,
and that our interference might, perhaps, be the
cause of a revolution in Spain,” M. Zea, who
certainly did not expect such an answer, ab
ruptly took leave of his Majesty.
Madrid, July 29.—Intelligence of the capture
of Lisbon by Ihe troops of Don Pedro was
received by this Government yesterday. On the
night of the same day M. Addington, after a
conference with M. Zea, sent off a courier
with despatches for this Government. When
the issue of this long-pending contest shall be
generally known here, a strong sensation is
likely to bo produced; for as the prospects of
this country depend in a great measure on the
state of things in Portugal, the downfall of Don
Miguel must raise the hopes of the more liberal
class of Spaniards’ in the same degree as it will
embarrass the views of the Apostolicals.
Pa ris Jlug. 7.—W e are most anxious to know
here whether, as in the case of Italy, you will
allow the French to take the initiative in the
affairs of Portugal, and to lose much of the
consideration and influence which would of
right belong to you in that country, for your
conduct respecting it, pending the struggle
now supposed to be over.—Up to this moment
the French Government has been profoundly
silent on the subject, but I have just now been
informed that something decisive will be de
termined on ere the departure of the King for
Gherburg, now fixed for Saturday next; indeed,
that Queen Donna Maria will be formerly j
acknowledged, and received by King Louis I
Philip, on Friday 9th instant-
I write this at noon of Wednesday, 7th 1
August. On Friday the'2d instant—that is,
five days ago, the French Government received
information by telegraph of the arrival of the
Marquis de Louie at Brest, with intelligence of
: the occupation of Lisbon by the Constitution
ialists. Yet from that mo went to the present,
not one additional word respecting him or his
despatches if he had any, has been published in
anyone of the Ministerial Journals.
The silence of the French Government above
noticed, proves its embarrassment on the sub
ject. It adds strength to rumoured remon
strances and threats of the three Northern
Powers, should France take an active part in
the struggle between the two
and Miguel. • * ‘
It gives rise to reports that before taking
the start of you in acknowledging Donna Maria
this Government wishes to secure your support
against the Northern Despots. Depend upon
it if you do not look sharp you will be out
The reported insurrection in Switzerland,
which yesterday produced a sensation on
Change, turns out to have been a renewal of
hostilities which, during the last two or three
years, have existed between the inhabitants
of the city and those of the country of Basle.
It appears that their honors, the Bourgeois,
planned an incur-ion into the canton by a route
through the wood, and that the Chopsticks;
aided by the poor Polish refugees, to whom
they had afforded shelter and with whom they
had divided their bread, formed an ambuscade
and so peppered the citizens and burgesses,
that they fled incontinently, leaving two pieces
of artillery in the hands of the conquerors.
This affair as veil as tha* of the canton of
Schweitz, now also going on are well vv orth
scanning sely.They are ascribed to Austaiu
interference. A civil, war in the Swiss con
federation is said to be a favorite project of
Prince Metternich, because it would appear to
call for Austrain intervention, and Austrain
intervention would place the strongholds of
Switzerland in the hands of one of the dead
liest enemies of France and of freedom.
I, being informed through different sources
that some envious persons are trying to circulate
a report, stating that my lot on Cane (.’reek, was
fraudulently drawn. 1 have thought proper to
avail myself of the privilege which the law of
nature dictates, viz. to show the public and my
accusers, that the report is nothing more than a
fabricated scheme laid by designing individuals,
to try to do me an injury. They first state, that
my dear departed husband was a tory in - the re
volutionary war, but after being instructed bv
some person who had more sense than them
selves, that that was too notorious a falsehood
to build upon, they could be so easily detected
in it, they have thought proper to drop that ac
cusation’and fly to another refuge of lies, more
base in its nature than the former, viz. charging
me with being the concubine of old Mr. Riggins,
who they say had another living wife, and was
not lawfully married to me. Wonderful to tell,
alas, what shall I say to those bold presumers,
to tiiOSe harbingers of lies, who for years past
could fellowship me in the Church of Christ,
without a murmuring word. If I have imposed
on the state, why do they suffer it, not for any
love they have for me of course, neither is it for
want of malice in them, but the fact is, it is for
want of proof; for the God of heaven knows it
is false, my own conscience knows it is false, and
they themselves g know it is a lie, for I defy all
the combined powers of earth and hell, to pro
(juc:c testimony to convict me of either ofthe above
. hflrsres. if *hey keep truth on their side. But
nowl wili proceed to s how d> e public and rm
. ,I^,i s Tn common, with*
accusers, where the p?'Q *=>• - , 7^
the rest of mankind these Very accuses have
met with some disappointment; they havc
been permited to crow lot according t 0
their calculations, they have net become the m
heriters of my lot, comparitively speaking, for
an old hat. No they havc remaiued at home
(I hope in peace) to cultivate their chinquepins
and cards, so they may be ready to make spec
ulations in the fractions when they come into
market. But as it does not gratify me to see
any person in suspense, I will just observe that
I do not ofli r my lot for sale, and they need riot
Iflve thmselves any further<fouble to try to pre
ludice the minds of the people against it. I
have an agent on it who manages it to my satis
faction. Any person whistling to become more
acquainted with my mind on the subject, will
apply to my agent on the lot or at his own house I
near the fork store ilall countv.
Wl sold at, oh Satunlay 12th iust. 1
ale to commence al tO o’clock, and to be con- i
tinued a “r candle light ( Mould the whole of the Goods
not he sold in the forenoon, the balance of the Stock of
Dry Goo s. Clothing. Shoes, Trunks, Fancy articles.
&c. &c. Also, a first rate wire twist, double barrelled
Gun, Percnsheon Lock and Silver mounted.
One Horse good under saddle or harness, belonging
to the subscriber, opposite &. Son’s Board
; mg House, and within two doors of the Post Office, Au
rana. p, MARLOW.
■ Oct. 5. —26—2 t
To Post masters and the public.
FOR the future all letters intended for persons al ,
Lumpkin Court House, and its vicinity, should be
directed Lumpkin Court House Georgia. All letters in
tended for persons at Nuckollsviile, Harbin’s store Aura
ria and its vicinity, should be directed Auraria,TLrtnpkm
county, Georgia/ POST MASTER.
October 5, —26 —6t—
HAVING recently removed to Auraria, ofiefs his
professional services to toe people of Lumpkin,
and the adjoining counties.
Oct- 5. —2G—Gt —
Wli tire undersigned Justices of pielr.firior Court of
said county, protest against the proceedings of
; the Justices who have locate.) the county site n this coun
ty, as we were not present at the doing thereof. Ist B -
I cause it is not a central-situation. 2d. Boca jse it is not a
| suitable placa for a town, aad no pains will b spared on
ourpari, to have it removed to a in jrc suitable and central
Oct. s.—2G—2t.
WILL be Sold on the second .Monday in October
next, on Let No. 27J, in the 9th nistrict, Ist
•Section, the Town Lots for'Union county. Iho sale to
continue from day to day until all tlie lots are sold. VV hich
Town when laid off will be the neatest situated p’see in
all the up countiy. Those who wish to sett'e in the
most healthy countrv in the state, are invited to come and
seo before the day of aale. Terms of sale one fourth at
Christmas, the balance quarterly.
JOIIN'BUTT, sen. 1. 1. c.
JOHN THOMAS, j. i. c.
JOHN SANDERS. 1. 1. c.
Oct. 5,-26—2t
The Cherokee Intelligencer, will please give the
above two Insertions and Übrwaid their accoun to Ihe
Clerk of the Inferior Court, of said county, for payment.
AGREEABLE tp an order of the Inferior Courts o'”
Campbell and Lincoln counties, will lie sold on the
first Tuesday in February next, in the Town Tulonega,
Lumpkin cou.-itv, between the usual hours of sule. Lot
No. 944, 12th District, Ist Section. Sold for the benefit
of William and Kesiah Jeter, Orphans &e.
WESLEY WHEAT, j fiuard '’
Oct. 5.—2G —tds—
FROM a Cherokee Indian, on ti e 23d of September
last, livin'* near the Big Savannah, in the 15th dis*-
trict, Ist Section, a bay stud Pony, about fourteen hands
hi<*h, (bur years old, three white, and the left fore foot in
clined to be roan, and has on his right side.a roan or white
spot; a star in his forehead. Any person giving infor
nlation tome, living at New Bridge, Lumpkin county,
will be compensated for their trouble.
Agefit for Lumpkin count)-.
Oct, 5.--2G—lf, _
WILL be sold before the Court-house door in Lump
kin county on the Ist Tuesday in December
next, Lot No, 1033, ISt'i District,lstSection.
Oct. 5.— 2f--tf ’toitTON .V BI RCH.
Bumaa* g
V* Lumpkin SlicvHTs Sales.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in No
vember next, at the court-house in Lnmpkin |
county, within the usual hours of sale, the follow tnff prop
erty, to wit:
Lot No. 91 3, 4 th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of David M. CrockeU, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from a Justices Court of W alton county, in
favor of L. Bissell k Cos. ye. said Crockett. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 185,4 th District, Ist Section; le
vin,l on as tiie property ol William Kilgo, to satisfy a fi.
f a in favor of Richard Butler, vs. saidKilgo. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
I,of No. 75J, ,2th District, Ist Section ; le-1
viedon as the property of William Mullens, sen. to sa-;
lisfv a fi. fa. issued from a Justices Court of A alton coun
ty, m favor of Richard Butler, vs. said Mullens. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 774,12 th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of John J. Smith, to satisfy a fi.
fa i-sued from a Justices Court of Butts county, m famr
of John °mith &. Son, vs. said Smith. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
At the same time and place on the first Tuesday
in November next.
Lot No. 337, 13th District, Ist Section,
Smith half; levied onas the property of James It. Smith,
t 0 satisfy a li. fa. in favo. of Samuel Knox, vs said Smith.
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1254,11 th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of Joshua Grace to satisfy a ft. fa.
ssued from a .Justices Court of Hancock county, in favor
of Eli champion, vs. s*l Grace. Levy made and re
turned to me by a Constable.
i ot No. 370, 13th District, Ist Section,
e n, j,,. | levied on as the property of Thomas Arnold,
“t'lt’Sflm Washington Superior Court,
Gilmer Sheriff’s Sale*
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in
November next, before tho Court U"***
of lilijay, Gilmerpou-.ty, wu.iin tho usual
rty, towit:
I.„, No. 242, m jygafc
SfStOSBtA £&&
| vy myde and returned to me by a Loas.ablc.
Lot No. 160, 27th District, 3d Section; le
\ oh as the property of H. Perry, to satisfy a fi.
i'* u from a Justice*Cotirt of Walton county, in fi
• of ; Jirhj and i i.tler, vs. said Perry. Levy made and
i t-r*e. to n eby a Constable.
Jet. j B. B. U.UILL AIN, r >- Sh’ff.
iierokeu heriff .
I %M J ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in No
! * vein bur next,at the C out t-ho use in Cherokce,coun
i ty, vithin the usual hours of sale, the following property,
to wit:
Lot No. 322, 4th District, 2d Secti >n; le
vied on as the pioperty of William *v . Oats, tr. satisfy a
ft. fa. issued from the Court of Common Pleas of the city
of Savannah in favor of Voung S. Pickard, vs. said Oats.
Lot No. 1026, 3d District, 2d Section; le
vied on a9 the property of Henry J. Valloan, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from a Justice’.* Court of Chatham county,
in favor of George Jh'illcr: Levied on and returned to
iiie by a Constable,
Lot No. 465, 21st District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of John M. Dcgounor, to satisfy
two fi. fas. is :r and from a Justice’s Court of Chatham
county, one .i favor of George Miller, the other in favor
of Jasper P osry, vs, said • Voounor, Levy made and
returned to me by u Cons'ab’e.
Lot No. 278, 23rd District, 2d Section ; le
vied on as to * property of Richard D. Clinton, to satisfy a
ti.fa. issued from a Justice Court of Crawford county, in
! favor of Paul i . Rogers, vs. said Clinton. Levy made
and returned to me by a Coustable,
Lot No. 165,23 rd District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the pop rty of John Chancy, to <a:infv foil- fi.
fas. issued from a .: ustices Court of Hous’cn coun I y, u
in favor of Amo** Brown and the other two i. favour of
Amos Brown,and the other two in favor of Mathis &
Brown, v-. sai’ Chancy. Levy made and returned to
me by a ConsuVe.
Lot No. 664, 15th District, 2d Section; lo
w *'* on as the property of iiy Barber, *o satis, j a fi. fa.
issued from u Justices Court of Franklin cuuoiv, in fn o;
of Job Hammond, vs. said Barber. Loyy made an and re
turned to me by a Constabh .
Lot No. 55, 2d District, 2d Section; levied
on ns the property of Isaac r own *, to satisfy three fi. fa
issu. and from a Justices Court of Wan cn county, in L or
of John Snider, vs. said Downs. Levy made and e
turn- and tome by a Constable*.
Lot No. 1147, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the pr.;*erty of Andrew Stewart, to siti- y
three fi. fas, issued from a Justices Court of H\tvnn
county, in favor of William Shivere,jun. vs; saidSt'wa *
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1114, 2d District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Thomas Hanks, tc s itisfy a fi
fa. issued fVom a Justices Court of Jasper county, in fr.voi
of • illiiim Kecey, vs, id Hanks, y mad*? and re
turned to me by a Constable
Lot No. 695, 15th District, 2d Section; Ic
.L*ii ita as the property of George Green, to satisfv two
li. fas. issued from a Justices Court of Wilkes ecu *fy, n i
favor of Abner Wellborn, vs. said Green. l evy made 1
and returned to a Constable.
Lot No. 316,215 t District, 2d Section; levied
on os the property of Gabriel Ca; era, *o satis'V a fi. fa. is
sued from tlie Superior Court of Bibb county, in favor of
Scott’ roy, vs. said Capers
Lot N0.550 21st District, 2d Section; levied
on its property of James Garribcll, to satisfy a fi. is
sued from a Justices Court of Lincoln county, in favor of
Abner Wellborn, vs, said Ganibell. Levy made and re
turned to me by a Constable.
LotNo, 929, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of i! xander Holebrooks, to sa
tisfy two fi. fas. issued from a Justices Court of Rabun
county, in favor of John E. Biown, and Benjamin Adcll,
vs. said f/olebrook. Levy made and returned to mo by a
Constable. e
Lot No. 552, 2d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Milton Cooper, to satisfv two fi. fn e .
issue and from a Justices Court of Madison county, one in
favor of John Allbright, for the use of John £cott, tlie
other in favor of Abraham Whitaker, vs. Cooper. Levy
made and returned tome by a Constable.
Lot No. 699, 2d District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of John IJieks, and Toliver 1,.
Hieks. to satisfy two fi. f:s, issued from Coweta Superi
or Court, one in favor of John W. Turner, and the other
in favoi of George Ncwhall, vs. Toliver L Hicks and
John vlcKnight.
Lot No. 141,14 th District 2d Section; levied
v:od on as the property of Joseph Smith, to satisfy two fi. 1
fas. issued from a Justices Court ofCoweta counly, in fa
vorofJ. L. Abrahams, vs. said Smith. Levy made and
returned to inc by a Constable.
Lot No. 967, 21st District, 3d Section; le
vied onas the property of Ja nes Sallis, to satisfy three fi.
fas. issued from i Justices Court of Warren county, in
favor of Jeremiah Butt, vs. saitl Ballis. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 510, 3d District, 3d Section ; levied
on as the property of Wilburn Hunt, to satisfy a fi. fa.
f issued from a Justices Court of Clark county, in favor of
Richard Butler, vs. said Hunt. Levy made and returned
to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 301, 14th District, 3d Section; Ic
, vied on as Ihe property of Silas Sliirce, to satisfy sundry
I fi. fas. issued fiom a Justices Court of Washingtonxoun
: ty, in favor of William Fish \ Cos. vs. said Sliirce. i-evy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 292,13 th Districted Section; levied
on as the property of Patrick Gray, to satisfy sundry fi.
fas. issued from a Justices Court of Chatham county, in
favor of Samuel J. Brvan, and others, vs. said Gray. Le
vy made and returned tome by a Gonstablc.
Lot No. 804, 3d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of’ Jeorgo 11. Owens, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from Hall Inferior Court in favor of Thomas J. .
| Reed, vs. said Owens.
i Lot No. 130, 14th District. 2d Section; le
vied on as the property Hamilton, to satisfy a
! fi. fa. issued from a Justices Court of IPulton county, in
: favor of Littleton R. Brewer, vs. said Hamilton. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1050,-2d District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the properly of illis Baba, to satisfy three ti j
fas issued from a Justices Court of Gwinnett county, in
favor ofCharles Gates, and others, vs. said Bobo. Levy
madeandruturnedto me bv a Constable.
Oct. 5. G. W. JONES, D.
Clicrokcc Sheriff’s Sales.
WILL be sold on tho first Tuesday in No
vember next, at the Court house in Cherokee
county, within the usual hours of sale, the following prop
erty, to wit :
Lot No. 102, 13th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Riley M. Willingham, to satis
fy a fi. fa issued from'a Justices Court of Coweta county,
in favor of Samuel Jtfc/unkin, vs. said ‘ Yillingham. Le
vy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 981, 2d District, 2d Se tion; levied
on as the pronrrtvof .iieyrt/. illingham, to satisfy a
fi, fa. issued from'a Justices t ourt of Cowed* countyj , n j
favor of Samuel McJ unkin, vs. said V, tlVuigham, Levy j
made and returned to'roc by a Constable.’
5. O. W. JONES, D. SldE
WILL he sold on the first Tuesday in No
vember next, within the usual hours of sale, at
tho place of holding Courts in Paulding County, the til
owing prop rty, to wit:
Lot No. 60C, 3d District, 3d Section; levied
on as the property of Jamos Bentley, lo satisfy a fi. fa i
- from a Justices C ourt of Jackson county, in lavor a
James Dorris, vs. said Bendy. Levy made and returned
to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 336, Ibth District, 3d Section; le
vied onas Ibe pr*l ‘rty of ?. C. Parker, to satisfy
twofi. fas. issued !.x>iri a Court of Jackson coun
ty, one in favor of Jurot-” l*i rd, ami the other irr favor of
Sylvanus Ripley, vs. s-iti iatker. Levy made and re
turned to rnc by a Coust.Jdc.
Lot ivo. 1208, 18h District, Ist Section; le*
1 on as the property of Jcrfin Ficrcnc*., to #ati?fy a ft.
issued f.Tjrn a Jura ts (..'our t of Lincoln county, rn
favor *Mer Lain.**-, copartner ot Stovall
i>amar vs L>ryy iuu ta . and returned to
me by a CensUib. J.
Go’ No. 24A, 2<\ District, 4t!> .St clion; Ic
vn-d on as the pr, A,Jowdao. to satisfy a li.
ta. issued irom a Juaticcs Ov.d‘i ‘ * county, in
favor of Dudley M, Jom s. vs. saw* Jor-rd. Levy mace
•iru! returned to rnc* by a Constable.
Not No. 811, 19th District, 3d Section ; lc
i’i<vl on as the pvopcitv <.? .arris Cilliurjc, to a ti.
fit. m favour of/, it. Caririi p ,vs. said Giiliane.
Oct 5. VvTLLIAJtf S. HOGUE, Sh'ff.
Panl-Uurj S’ erift’s Sale.
SjK T ILI, he sold on the first Tuesday in No
*▼ uni her nrx’, t Ihe place for holding Courts ii
•'Tnirf;.'gcni’ntv t!’ f .lloaing property to wit:
Lot No. 078, 20th District, 3d Section; !e
----. . and on as the p opr-rty of John Dickerson, to satsfy fonr
li. fas. issued rom a Justice’s Court of Hancock eouW/,
in favor of 13 I. Cato , Cos. vs. said Dickerson.
Lot .No. l l9th District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the pr, •* r 1 of Hugh Colterd, to satisfy a fi. fa.
isstieiJ from a .lustj.--'s Court of Chatham countv, in ta--
vor ot >i ieliar-i l\ a hgrast, \s. saitl Cui ru. LtvvmaJc
and returned to m • V a Constable.
Lot No. 21 29th District, 3d Section; levied
on as the proporfv oflddo Ellis, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from Putnam Stipe ior Court in favor of Cook & Vail
V/agnnn, vs. s id Ellis
Lot No. 527. 2 I District, 3d Section; levied
on as tlie prop.. \ yf Jan r, Ann it ahull, to satisfy a fi. fit.
issued from a Justices Court of Chatham Countv, in favor
of T. Sr M. Pettd f g-ast.
Lot No. 454, 1-t District, 4th Section; le
vi- ■on as tin proper!„( Frederick Cullens & Sons, to
sat isfy a fi. fa. issued the Superior Court of Wash
ington -ou ty, in fav . .-.f Michael Pendcgrast, vs said
Lot No. GlB, lSlh District, 3d Sfcction; le
vari .n as the property at Thomas W. Cooper, to satisfy
sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justices Court of Cliatham
ou’’ in favor of John L. Keeling vs. said Cooper. Lc
■■ - u ah an : returned to meby a Constable.
’ oi No. 354, 21st District, 3d Section; le
don ns thepr-irertyof John Hubbard, to satisfy a li.
.ssuedfrom a Justtca’s Court of Chatham county, in
favor of John B. Gawry, vs. said Hubbard.
ar.dreturned to meby a Constatile.
Lot No. 62, 19th District, 3d Section; lc
'v don as the r.ropettv of Thomas Morgan, to satisfv
ja ft fa. issu and f -out a justices Court of Wilkinson count v,
! a: favor of James Shui'din, vs. said Morgan. Levy mado
I and -eturned to me hv a Constable.
Lot No. 661; ,3d District, 3d Section; levied
i on as the property oft u-orgf J Tipperer, to Batisfya fi.
fa. issued front a Justices Court of Chatham countv, in
; favor ofMichael Cunningham, vs. said Tipperer. Levy
made and returned to me by aConstable.
! Lot No. 585, Ist District, 3d Section; It
vivjfi on ns the property of Curdnard Howard, to satisfy a.
• fi. fa. issued from a Justices Court of Chatham county in
favor of J. ‘ cC.uddergust, vs. said Howard. Levy madi>
and return and to inc by a Constable.
Lot No. 667, 18th District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the property of Reiccson Callahan, to satisfy u.
fi. fa. issued from n Justice’s Court of Dooly county, in fa
vor of Janies F. Smith, vs. said Callahan. Levy made
and ••!urred to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 218, IStli District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the property of ‘ W illiam L. Burke, to satis! v a.
fi. fa. issued f om a Justices Court of Morgan county
favor of Richard Butler, vs. said Burke. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 532, 3d District, 3d Section; levied
on as the pror erty of JonathinßuiTlngton, to satisfy aC.
fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Cambell countv, i.r
favor of Gilbert Coffv,
Lot No. 158, District, 3d Section ; levied
on as the property of John Pitmon, to satisfy a fi fa. is
sued from a Ju-tices Court of Henry county, in favor ot*
, John 11. Cargile, vs. said Pitmon. Levy made and re
turned to me hy a Constabl-.
I Lot No. 979, 2d District, 4tn Section; levied
on us the i* opei ty of George D. L ster, to satisfy a fi. fi,.
issued from Jackson SuperiorCc.urt. in favor of* Samuel
Ila v, vs. said Lest***-.
Lot No. SOO, 2d District, 3d Section ; levied
on as the property of Jeremiah Milner, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from a Justices Court of Franklin county, in favor
of W. Dumas, vs. said Milner, Levy made and return
ed to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 607, 19th District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the properly of William Miller to satisfy at:.
fa. issued from a Justices Court ofdiathari county, in fa
vor P. Howard, vs. said Mill r. Levy made and return
ed to me bv a Constable.
Lot No. 550, 18lh District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the property Charles R. Cosby, lo satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from a Justices Court of Walton county,'in fa
vor of Johnston D. Gann. vs. said Cosby, Levy mauo.
and returned to nic by a Constable.
Lot No. 319, 19th District, 3d Section ; le
vied on as the property of Absolcin Hopson, to satisly e.
! fi. fa. issued from a Justices Court of Walton county, iu
favor of William Darn Is, vs. said Hopson. Lew made,
and returned to mo by a Constable.
Lot No. 497, Ist District, 4th Section; Jc -
vied on as the property of William Vines, to satifv a ti.
fa. issued trom a Justices Courl of Coweta county, in fit
vor ol Samuel AleJ unkin. vs. said Vines. Levy made,
and returned to me by a Cc nstablo.
Lot No. 1050, 2dDistrict, 3d Section; levied
I on “hi© property of John King, and Henry King, tosa
! ti-fv a fi. fa. issued from a Justices Court of Wash
j ii.fiton county, in favor of John H. Newton, vs. said Kine.
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 584, 3d District 3d Section; levit?li
on as the property of Williani Smith, to satisfy a ti. to
issued from Ilw Superior-Court of Newton cuuiitv, in fii
vor of Robert F. Poe, vs. said Newton.
Lot No. 1027,215 t District, 3d Section; Ic—
vied on as the property of S. P. Tessur, to satisfy a fi. fii.
issued fpom a Justices Court of Burke countv, in favor of
A. S. Jon S, vs. S ii.l Tessur. Levy made ana returned
to me by i.Constable.
Lot No. 143,2d District, 3d Section- Je
vied ,m as the p>.merry of Wilson, and Thome..
Grantham, to satisfy a h. fa issued from a Justices com r.
ofScnvc, county, in tsvor of W’illia.n Smith, vs, said
(M ..dan s. Levy made ud returned to me by a Con
stable. 7
1,1 - A
i Union SfeeviJTs Sale.
A W r l LL bo sold on the first Tuesday in Xo-
I v-.n'vrui A,between thuusnal hours of s.i’ at
the lions oi l.u k Itutts, the- place of holding Courts,’ i.,
L’mon onuiity, Hu following property, to wit .-
Lot No. ?30, 1 7th District, Ist Section; le
vied Oil ay b- : . of Abram Grovson, to satisty a:
fa. issu I fr>, n I, alton .'tmerior Court, in favor of Lev
ai dßi is; U, vs, aid Grci son.
Lot N<>. 32, 17th District, Ist Section ; le
vied on us th prop, rty of Paschal H. Sauford, to satislv
-1.n.1n fi. las. m favor of James Orr, and others. Lei v
made and to maby a Constable. J
(ul ■ “ JASIES CROW. Sh’t.c