Newspaper Page Text
L-nnjAiu SiierltTsSw I s *
be sold on the first Tuesday in No
fl vrinlin next, at the curt-house in Lnmpkin
flinty within ‘.he usual hours of sale, the follow ing prop
ort\, to w it:
Lot No. 913,4 th District, Ist Section; le-
on us the property of David .\l. Crockett, to sat,sty a
ti. fa. issued from a a usticcs Court ot alton county, in
favor ofL. Bissell x Cos. vs. said Crockett. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. ISs,4th District, Ist Section: le
vied on as the property ot William Kilso, to satisfy a ti.
fa in favor of Richard Butler, vs. said Ktljro. Levy made
and returned to toe by a Constable.
Lot No. 751, 12th District, Ist Section ; le
vied on as the property of William Mullens, sen. to sa-
Usiv a ft. fa. issued from a Justices Court of W alton coun
ty. m favor of Richard Butter, vs. said Mullens. Levy
Ciadc a id returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 774, 12th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of John J. Smith, to satisty a h.
Ta.issued from a J ustices Court of Betts county, u tut or
of John Smith & Son, vs. said Smith. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. S2O, 4th District Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of Janus Hogan, to satisfy a fi. fa.
igaue i from Habersham Superior Court, in favor ol Bar
risen & Kakle, vs. said Hogan.
Lot No. 296, 15th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of Peter Stanth-id and J. M. Cruise,
to eati fv a 6- fa. issued from if Justice s Court of Newton
oountv, iu fhvorof Obediah Ward vs. said Cruise and
Stanfietd. Levy made and returned to me by a C onsta
t4e. ,
Lot Nt). 255,13 th District, Ist Section, north;
-levied on as tneproperty ofHenrv Mann, to satisfy a h.
twin furor of John Choice & Cos. vs said Marm. Levy
inadc add returned to me by a t onstable.
Lot No. 1013, 11th District, Ist Section;
levied on as the property of Claiborn Uriel, to satisty a fi.
fi. is U ed from Camden Supenor Court m favor of George
;a illen.vs. said BrieL
* Lot No. 1016, sth District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property ot William B. Dean, to satisfy a
ti fa. issued from Habersham Supenor Court in favor of
Thomas Wynn, vs. said Dean and others.
Lot Npi 37,13 th District, Ist Section, north;
hrriedon as the nroperty of Ferdinand .Vann, to satis
fy two fi. fas. one mfavnr of George 8 Peekard, and the
other in favor ofßichard S. Gibson, adm’r. ot Joseph R.
Gibson, deceased, vs. said : ann.
Lot No. 1118,12 th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property ot ‘A itliam C. Stewart, to satisf;
a (i. fa. issued from a Justices Courtot Cow eta county, in
(kvor of Samuel McJunkin, vs. said Stewart. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 804, sth District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the prope tv of Robert H. Weston, to satisty
a fi. fa. issued from a Justices Court of W alton county, in
fkvor of James Austin, vs. said W eston, plain, and Sam 1
McJunkin and James Furgason, security on stay ot ex
ecution. L-vv made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1113, sth District, Ist Section;
levied on as the property of Jesse Teal, to satisfy a ti. ta.
issued from a Justices Court of Coweta County, in favor
nf William Pcgg, for the use of Samuel McJunkin, vs.
said Teal. Levy made and returned to me by a Consta
Lot No. 691, sth District, Ist Section; le
* iod on as the prop-rtv of John A Dcnsler, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from a Justices Court ot Chatham count), in ta
vor of Y- S. Pickard, vs. said Densler. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable. „.™ s
6ept. 28. SAMUEL JONES, Sh ff.
On the first Tuesday in November nt-rt.
Lot Nc. 825, 11th District, Ist Section;
levied on as the property of Thotiias j. owed, to satisfy
sundry ti. fas. issued from a Justices court of Rabun ,
county, in favor of Thomas B. Cooper, vs. said Powell.
Levy made and returned to me by a C onstable.
Lot No. 320,13 th District,lst Section,north;
levied on asihe property of Gilbert Frv, to satisfy sundry
fi. fas. issued from a J ustice . ourt of Campbell countv,
m favor of Hartnet &. Clarke, vs. said Fry. Levy made
und returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 17v Hth District, Ist Section;
‘evied on asfhe property of Carney V.. Brock, to satisty
in. fa issuodfroma Justices Court of Dooly county, in
f„vo- of J. Powell & Cos. vs. said Brock, Jeremiah Lump-
Kin and B. G. PoUct, Levy made and returned to me by
a Constable.
Lot No. 428, 15th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of W iiliam Jackson, Harman H.
Howard and Robert Coleman, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from Bibb Superior Court, in favor of Isaac B. Rowland,
vs. said defendants.
Lot No. 337, 13th District, Ist Section,
South half; levied on as the property of James Jt. Smith,
to satisfy a fi. fa. in favoi of Samuel Knox, vs. said Smith.
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1254, 11th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of Joshua Grace to satisfy a ti. fa.
t:s3U and from a Justices Court of Hancock county, in favor
ofEliChampion, vs. said Grace. Levy made and re
urne and to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 379, 13th District, Ist Section,
South half; levied oil as the property of Thomas Arnold,
to satisfy a fi. fa. from Washington Superior Court, in
favor of Morgan Brown, vs. said Arnold.
Sept. 28. SAMUEL JONES, Shfi
Lumpkin Sheriffs Sales.
WILL de sold on the first Tuesday in No
vember next, at the Court house in Lumpkin
county, within the usual hour, of sale, the following pro
jiertv, to wit :
Lot No. 149, lstu District, Ist Section;
levied on as the property o f William Crockett, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from Butts Superior Court, in favor of Ebar
Lmpkin, vs. said Crocket
Lot No. 896, 4th District, Ist Section; levied
on as the property of Labom Whitaker, to satisfy two
tl. las issued from a Justices Court of Frankli i county,
one in favor of John R. Stanford, and the other in favor o
Thomas S. White, vs. said Whitaker.
Lot No. 428i 6th District, Ist Section;
levied on os the property of Philip Hancock, to satisfy a
11, fa. issued from a Jusuces Court of Oglethorpe county
i a favor of Lewis J. Dupree, adm’r. of Samuel Strange,
Cocosed, vs. said Hancock. Levy made and returned to
me by a Constable.
Lot No. 408,15 th District, Ist Section; le
i ied on as the propert y of Thomas James, to Satisfy a fi.
ft. issued from the Superior Court of Elbert countyin fa
vor ofChark'S W. Christian, vs. said James.
Lot No. 748, lltii District Ist Section; le
:’d on as the property of Clement Currol, to satisfy two
ti fas. issued from a Justices Court of Franklin county, in
favor of Lewis Barton, Vs. said Carrol. Levy made and to me bv a Constable. ?s S.\ VII7FL TATE, D Sh’fE
Giimci S erlff’t
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in
November next, before the Court House door
in the town of Elijay, Gilm. rcounty, within the usual
Lours of sale, the following property,’to wit:
Lot No. 242. 25th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of W ilkes E. Cliappel), to satisfy
B fi.fa. In favor of Richard Butler, vs. said Chappell. Le
\y made aud rcturnc * to me by a Constable.
Lot No 168, IHh District. 2d Section; le-
wed on as the property of Edward Johnson, to satisfy
three ti. fas, issued from a Justioes Court of \\ alton coun
ty, in favor of .Samuel McJunkin, vs. said Johnson. Le
vy made aud relumed to mo by a Constable.
Lot No. 31, 6th District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Thomas Bartlett, to satisfy three fi.
sos. isMutNi from a Justice’s Court oi W ashington county*
in favor of Harris fc. So’.omou, vs. Bartlett, i-evy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 104, 9th District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property ofSeth G. Threaders ft, to satisfy a ti.
fa. issued from the Sujwriut Court of Chatham county, in
tavorof Witliam Cnig f vs. saidThreaderaft.
Lot No. 201, 25th District, 2d Section; lev
vied on as the property of William Daniel, to aatisty a ti.
fa. issued from the Superior Court of KnuMtud county, in
favor of K. L* Gamble, VS. said Daniel.
Lot No. 242> 25th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of \N ilkes t. Chapel, to satisfy a
ti. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court ot AV alton countv, in
favor of Samuel \lcJunkin, vs. said Chappef. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 140,6 th District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Sidney Farbues, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from a Justices Court ofH II county, in tavor ot
Richard Butler, vs. said Forhuee. Levy made and re
turned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 79, 10th District, 2d Section; levied
on asthc prorerty of VosesKcy* s . to satisfy a fi. ta. is
sued from a Justices Court of V* alton county, in favor ot
Samuel McJunkin, vs. said Keys. Levy made and re
turned to ine by a Constable.
Lot No. 77, sth District, 2d Section; levied
on aa the property of John Wistcr, to satisty a ti. fa. issued
from a Justices Court of Coweta county, ui laVot ot Sa
muel McJunkin, vs. said Wister Levy made and re
turned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 234, 27th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the proparty of Lunceford Long, to satisfy a h
fa. Issued from a Justice’s Court of W alton county, in
favor of Samuel McJunkin. vs. said Long. Levy made
and returned Jo me by a Constable.
Lot No. 32, sth District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Joseph Ledbetter, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from a Justices Court of Clark county, in favor of
Joab Jones, Vs said Ledbetter. Levy made and return
ed to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 160, 27th District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the property of James H. Perry, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from a Justices Court of Walton county, in fa
vor of Richard Butler, vs. said Perry'. Levy made and
returned to me bv a Constable.
Oct. 5. ’ B. B. Q.UILLAIN, D. Sh*
Cherokee Sheriffs Sales.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in No
vember next,at the Court-housein Cherokee,coun
ty, vitnin the usual hours of sale, tlie following property,
to wit:
Lot No. 322, 4th District, 2d Section; le*
vied on as the property of \\ iiiiam .Y.Oats, to satisfy a
ti. fa. issued trom the Court of Common Pleas of the city
of Savannah in favor of Young S. Pickard, vs. said Oats.
Lot No. 1026, 3d District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Henry J. Valiean, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued fkmi a Justice’s Court of Chatham county,
in favor of George A/illerv Levied on and returned to
me by a Constable,
Lot No. 468, 21st District, 2d Section; le- j
vied on as tile property of John M. Degounor, to satisfy |
two fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s CoOrt of Chatham i
county, one in favor of George Miller, the other in favor i
of Jasper Rr.sey, vs, said Degounor. Levy made and;
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 278, 23rd District, 2d Section ; le- !
vied on as the property of Richard D. Clinton, to satisfy a
fi.fa. issued from a Justices Court of Crawford county, in
favor of Paul T. Rogers, vs. said Clinton. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 165, 23rd District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of John Chancy, to satisfy four ri.
fas. issued from a Justices Court of Houston county, two
in favor of Amos Brown and the other two in favour of
Amos Blown,and the other two in favor of Mathis &
Brown, v . said Chancy. Levy made and returned to
me by a Constable.
Lot No. 664, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the prop .rty of Wily Barber, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from a Justices Court of Franklin county, in favor
of Job Hammond vs. said Barber. Levy made and re
turned to me bv a Constable.
Lot No. 55, 2d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Isaac “own , to satisfy three fi. fas.
I issued from a Justices Court of arren countv, m favor
lof John Snider, vs. said Downs. Levy made and re
turned tame by a Constable.
Lot No. 1147,15 th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Andrew Stewart, to satisfy
three fi. fas. issued from a Justices Court of Warren
county, in favor of William Shivers, jun. vs. said Stewart.
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1114, 2d District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Thomas Hanks, to satisfy a ti.
fa. issued from a Justices Court of Jasper county, in favor
of William Recey, vs. said Hanks. Levy made and re
turned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 695, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of George Green, to satisfy two
fi. fas. issued from a Justices Court of Vdikes cou ity, in
favor of Abner Wellborn, vs. said Green. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 316,215 t District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Gabriel Caper*, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
rued f-m the Superior Court ofßibb county,'in favor of
! c .ti . roy, vs. said Capers.
Lot N0.550 21st District, 2d Section; levied
nn as the property of James Gambell, to satisfy a fi. is
sued from a justices Court ofLincoln county, in favor of
Abner Wellborn, vs. said Gambell. Levy made and re
turned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 929, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Alexander Holebrooks, to sa
tisfy two fi. fas. issued from a Justices Court of Rabun
county, in favor of John E. Brown, and Benjamin Adcll,
vs. said J/olcbrook. Levy made and returned to me bv a
Constable. J
Lot No. 852,2d District, 2d Section; levied
en as the property of Milton Cooper, to satisfv two fi. fas.
issued from a Justices Court of Madison county, #ne in
favor of John AUbright, for the use of John Scott, the
other in favor of Abraham Whitaker, vs. Cooper. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 699, 2d District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of John Hicks, and Toliver L.
Hicks, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from Coweta Superi
or Court, one in favor of John W. Turner, and the other
in favorof George Ncwhall, vs. Toliver L Hicks and
John McKnight,
Lot No. 141,14 th District 2d Section; levied
vied on as the property of Joseph Smith, to satisfy two fi.
fas. issued from a Justices Court ofOoweta county, in fa
vorof J. L. Abrahams, vs. said Smith. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constohte.
Lot No. 957, 21st District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the property of James Salih, to satisfy three fi.
fas. issued from a Justices Court of Warren county, in
favorof Jeremiah Butt, vs. said Sallis. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 510, 3d District, 3d Section ; levied
on as the property of Wilburn Hun', to s *isfy a fi, fa.
issued from a Justices Court of Clark countv. in favorof
Richard Butler, vs. said Hunt Levy made and returned
to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 301, 14th District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the property of .Silas Sliirco, to satisfy sundry
h. fas. issued from a Justices Court of Washington coun
ty, in favor of William Fish & Cos. vs, said Shirce. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 292,13 th District, 2d Section; levied
on es tltc property of P&trlck Cfray, to satisfy sundry fi.
tV issued uotn a Justices Cod# of Chatham county, m
javor of Samuel J. brv an, and other., vassal Gray. Le
vy made and returned tome by a Cos .static.
Lot No. 804, 3d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the properly ofGcorge 11. Owen.,*, satisfy a ti. fa.
issued from Hall Inferior Court in favor of Thomas J,
Retd, vs. said Ow ens. , _ .
Lot No. 130,14 th District, 2d Section; le
vied on os the property of Eleazar Hamilton, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from a Justices Court of IFalton county, in
favor of Littleton k. Brewer, vs. said Hamilton. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1000. M District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property <rf V, illis Bobo, to satisfy three fi.
fas issued from 0 Justices Court of Gwinnett county, in
favor of Charles Gates, and others, vs. said Bobo. Levy (
madcandiulumCdtomeby aConstablc.
Oct. 5. G. V- JONES, D. Sliif.
Cherokee Sheriffs gales.
WILL bo sold on the first Tuesday in No
vember next, at the Court house in Cherokee
county, within the usaal hours of sale, the following prop
erty, to wit:
Lot No. 102, 13th District, 2i Section; le
vied on aa the property of Riley M. “Willi off haw, to satis
fy a fi. fa. issued from a Justices Court ot Coweta county,
in favor of Samuel Jtfc/unkin, vs. said Willingham. Le
vy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 981, 2d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Riley Si. Vv illingham, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from a Justices Court of Coweta county, in
fav..r of Samuel McJunkin, vs. said V illingham. Levy
made and returned to'mc by a Constable.
Oct. 5. G. W. JONES, D. Stiff
Paulding Sheriff's Sale.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in No
vember next, within the usual hours of sale, at
th place of holding Courts in Paulding County, the All
owing property, to wits
Lot No. 606, 3d District, 3d Section; levied
on a? the property of James Bentley, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
sued from a Justices Court of Jackson county, in favor of
James Dorris, vs. said Bently. Levy made and returned
to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 336, 18th District, 3d Section; le
vied onas the-property of Stately S. C. Parker, to satisfy
twofi. fas. issued from a Justices Court of Jackson coun
ty, one in favor of James Dorris, and the other in favor o
Sylvanus Ripley, vs. said Parker. Levy made and re
turned to me by a Constable.
, Lot No. 1203* 18th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of John Florence, to satisfy a fi.
fa. isssued from a Justices Court of Lincoln county, in
, favor of Peter Lainar, surviving copartftcr of Stovall &
Damar, vs said Florence. Levy made and returned to,
me by a Constable.
Lot No. 243, 2d Dtstrict, 4th Section; le
vied on as the property of Abner Jourdan, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from a Justices Court of Franklin county, in
favor of Dudley Jf, Jones, vs. said J ordrn. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Not No. 811, 19th District, 3d Section *, le
vied on as the property of .iarri9 Gilliane, to satisfy a fi.
fa. in favour of J. It. Cargile, vs. said Gilliane.
Oct 5. WILLIAJtf S. HOGUE, Sh*.
Paulding Sheriffs Sale.
WkriLL be sold on the first Tuesday in No-!
w w vember next) at the place for holding Courts in
Paulding county, the following property to wit:
Lot No. 678, 20th District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the property of John Dickerson, to satisfy four
fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Hancock county,
in favor of B. L Cato fcCo. vs. said Dickerson.
Lot No. 185, 19th District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the property of Hugh Cullen, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from a Justice’s Otfllrt of Chatham county, in fa
vor of Michael Pendigrast, vs. said Cullen. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable*.
Lot No. 24, 20th District, 3d Section; levied
on as ihe property of Iddo Ellis, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from Putnum Superior Cottrt in favor of Cook & Van
Wagnon, vs. said Ellis.
Lot No* 527, 2d District* 3d Section; levied
on as the prop-rty of Jana Ann Rabun, to satisfy a fi. ta.
issued from a Justices Court of Chatham eounty, in favor
of J. & JH Pendegrast.
Lot No. 45-1, Ist District, 4th Section; le
vied on as the property of Frederick Cullens & Sons, to
satisfy a fi.fa. issued from the Superior Court of Wash
ington county, in favor of Michael Pendegrast, vs said J
CullensSi Sons.
Lot No. 618,18 th District, 3d Section; le- :
vied on as the property of Thomas W. Cooper, to satisfy
sundry fi. fas. rasued from a Justices Court of Chatham |
county, in tacor of John L> Keating vs. said Cooper. Le- |
vy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 354, 21st District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the property of John Stedbaril, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from a Juatieo’s Court of Chatham county, in
favor of John B. Gawry, vs. said Hubbard. Levy made
and returned to meby a Constaßle.
Lot No. 152, 19th District, 3d Section; le- ‘
vied on as the propettv of Thomas Morgan, to satisfy
a fi. fa. issued from a justices Court of Wilkinson county,
in favor of James Hayden, vs. said Morgan. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 661, 3d District, 3d Section; levied
on as the property of George J. Tipperer, to satisfy . fi
fa. issued from a Justices Court of Chatham Ccumv, in
favor of Michael Cunningham, vs. said Tipperer. LcVy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 685, Ist District, 3d Section; le- j
vied on as the property t>r Curdnard Howard, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from a Justices Court of Chatham county in
favor of J. McCruddergust, vs. said Howard. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 667, 18th District, 3d Section; le
vied on as thy property of Reiccson Callahan, to satisfy a
fi.fa. issued from a Justice's Court ofOooly county, i:i fa
vor of James F. Smith, vs. said Callahan. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable;
Lot No. 218* 18th District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the property of William L, Burke, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issuod from a Justices Court of Morgan county,.in
favorof Richard Butter, vs. said Burke. Levy made and
returned to me by a Cbnstable.
Lot No. 632,3d District, 3d Section; levied
on as the property of Jonathan Buffington, to satisfy a fi.
fa; issued from a Justice’s Court of Cambell county, in
favor of Gilbert Coffy.
Lot No. 158, 3d District, 3d Section ; levied
on as the property of John Pitmon, to satisfy a ti fa. is
sued from a Justices Court of Henry county, in favor of
John R. Cargilc, vs. said Pitmon. Levy made and re
turned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 970. 2d District, 4th Section; levied
on as the property of George D. Lester, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from Jackson Superior Court, in favor of Samuel
Hay, vs. said Lester.
Lot No. 800, 2d District, 3d Section ; levied
on as the property of Jeremiah Milner, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from a Justices Court of Franklin county, in favor
of W. Dumas, vs, said Milner. Levy made and return
ed to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 607,19 th District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the property of William Miller to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from a Justices Court ofChathaiu county, in fa
vor P. Howard, vs. said Miller. Levy made and return
ed to ine by a Constable. j
Lot No. 550, 18th District, 3d Section; !
vied on as theproperty Charles R,Co-’, v l T” ’
fa. issued from a Justices Court of Walter- ,
vor of Johnston D. Gann. vs. said C C0 T unt y> ,n i
and returned to me by a Connie, LcVy ,
Lot No. 319, r.fp 3(J Section ; lb- 1
viod on 89 the property of AbroUm Hopson, to satmfy a I
fi. fa. issued frorna Justice. Court rs Walton <“*'
favor of w iiliam Daniel., vs. .aid Hopson. Levy mat.e
a:.d returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 497. Ist District, 4th Section; le
vied on as the property of William Vines to ,
fa. issued from a Justices Court of Cow eta county •>“ ;
vor of Samuel McJunkin. vs. said Vines. Levy ma , ,
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1050, 2dDistrict, 3d Section; levied
on a. the property of John King, and Henry Kinfttoaa
tisfv a fi. fa. issued from a Justices Court of Wash
ington county, in favor of John H.Ncwton.vs. said King.
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 584, 3d District 3d Section; levied
on as the property of William Smith, to satisfy an. m.
issued from the SupcnorCourt of Newton county, in ta
vor of RobertF. Poe, vs. said Newton.
Lot No. 1027,215 t District, 3d Section; le
vied on aa the property of S. P. Tessur, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from a Justices Court of Burke county, in favor of
A. S. Jones, vs. said Tessur. Levy made ana returned
to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 143,2d District, 3d Section; le
vied onas the property of James Wilson, and Thomas
Grantham, to satisfy a fi. fa issued from a Justices court
of Scriven county, in favor of WFilliam Smith, vs. said
defendants. Levy made and returned to me by a Con
Oct. 5. JACOB PARLIER, D. Sh*.
Union Sheriff’s Sale.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in No
vember next, between the usual hours of sale, at
the house of Jack Butts, the place ofhulding Courts, in
Union county, the following property, to wit:
Lot No. 233, 17th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of Abram G reason, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from IFalton Superior Court, in favor of L -on
ard Bissell, vs. said Grceson.
Lot Nc. 32,17 th District, Ist Section ; le
vied Oil IIS the property of Paschul H. Sanford, to satisfy
sundry fi. far in favor of James Orr, and others. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Ocl. 5. JAMES CRO’ ‘, Sh*.
HAS opened the Central Hotel, in the extensive Fire
Proof Brick Buildingjrccently erected in this City.
The Location is central to the business of the place, and
die House is conveniently arranged for the uccommoda
tion of Families or single pcrsons,either as regular or tran
sient Boarders. The Beds and Furniture throughout,
are new and superior. The Table and Bui will always
be furnished with the best the Market affords, and no
pains will be spared by the Proprietor, to render comfor
table and agreeable, all who favor hnn with their custom,
and lie hopes from his long experience, and the satisfac
tion heretofore rendered the community, to merit from his
friends and the public, a liberal share of patronage. Ex
tensive and convenient Stables are attached to the Hotel.
Sept. 21.—24—1f
Lumpkin Court-house, Georgia.
THE undersigned respectfully informs the public
that lie has removed from his former rcsideriee, a
halt mile south from Lumpkin Court house, to this place,
and has opened a House of Entertainment at the sign of
the Indian King & Queen. Where be is now prepared
for the reception of Boarders and Travellers. To such as
have heretofore patronised him, he relies tor recommen
dation on the satisfaction which he may have been able to
give, and from those who have neither proof or the testi
mony of others, on which to rely, he respectfully solicits a
call. The Table of the Indian King and Queen, Will he
bountimlty supplied with the best the country affords;
pr--Dared he trusts, in a style which will be satisfactory to
appetites the most fastidious—his Liquors will he of the
best quality, and stables, which are in superior order, af
fording the utmost security as well as comfort, will be at
tended by the best ofOstlors. Grateful forth-; patronage
with which, in his old station, he has been so liberally fur
i furnished, lie solicits a continuance of it at his n -w stand,
I where he hopes to be able to administer successfully and
j satisfactorily, to the various Wants and appetites cf his
- guests. JOHN O. BRACKEN,
I ‘ Sept 28.—25-ts.
TH E Subscriber respectfully informs bis friends, and
the public generally, that he has opened a House
I of entertainment, at the Allalooney Gold Mines, in Cass
■ county, the above place is a handsome and liealthv situa
! tion, wit 1 ’ tile advantages of good spring and hell Water,
and the pleasant ’ .ouatain breeze, and is surrounded with
Ia romantic forest, in the centre of the Gold Kegion, Alla
tooney, is 45 miles from the Carroll Mines, 70 from Au
! raria in Lumpkin county, und on the direct road leading
1 from Auraria, to the Carroll mines;
N.B. the post office is removed from Sanfordvllle tttthis
! place. JOHN DAWSON.
July 9, —14—ts
r ■ undersigned, takes this method to in-
ImiS!'*- JL form the Public generally, that he has i
taken the House, recently occupied hv Lcs
targette, it C leghorn, as a Tavern, at the Al
latoona Mines, in Cass County; and is now ready to ac
commodate as many as may find it to their interest to vis
it this interesting, Golden Region of country. Trav
ellers whb slop to rest, will find his Table supplied with
the very best tne country will afford, his Stables well fur
nished with provender, and attended by a first rate Ostler,
and no efcertion wanting on his part, to comfort constant.
Boarders, or render jgrceuble the situation of the tran
aien* visitor. £. R. Mc’LAIN.
July 2,-13 —ts
THE undersigned respect frilly informs the public tha
he has opened a house of Entertainment at the
Court House of Lumpkin county, and is now pre
pared for the reception of boarders and travellers. Trust
ing to the efforts which he will make to give general satis
faction, he deems pledges and promises as altogether
useless—suffice it to say, that he hopes none will go
away dissatisfied. His charges will be as moderate as
circumstances will allow,
July 2—l3—tf
KtnriK Subscriber respectfully infdrins the
iHiitfl. JL public, that he has openeo p libuse of
jjjjUgt ENTERTAINMENT at Huntsville; tb u
Gold Mines in Paulding county. This place
is inahealthy situation, with the advantages ofgoci spri’l
water, pleasant mountain breezes, and surrounded
a romantic forest, and better than all, in the mid„t 0 f j
Gold Region. Huntsville is twenty-five |> o m the :
Caircl! mines, and twelve miles from the Alatuna mine- ’
in Cass county,and on the direct road loading frome- “ 1
the other. JACOB PA u ”
May 23.—8-ts -.UER. ;
minkb- IIALI ; —-j
fjTilfea -E undersigned hastaken the house for
-4 merly occupied as a Tavern, by Mrs.
Paschal & Sons. The house having under
gone a thorough repair, he is now able to
all persons disposed to patronize him. flisTa
ble will be supplied with tlie very o'st that the country
affords ; his Stables with plenty of provender and an at
tive ostler; his bar with the best ofliquors; and evety
possible attention shall be rendered on his part, to ensure
a share of that custom, which he intends to merit.
Auraria June 9,ll—ts.
The Governor on the itiformationof
Henri Ligiitfoqt Sjms, f
Michael Everett. J
Gilmer Superior Court, August Term , 1833.
IT appearing to the Court by the return of the
of Telfair county, that the defendant in the aUi!
stated case, is net to be found in said county.and it final
appearing by the affidavit of the Informer, that he doo
not belivc that the said defendant resides in the stale - It
is therefore ordered,that service of said Sci Fa. be effeeted
by publication, and that the defendant do appear at th
next Term of this Court, to be held on the Thursday afo!
the fourth Monday in February next, to answer to mud
suit, and thattliis Rule be pubhshed once a month for
three months, in one of the public Gazettes of this Stale,
True extract from the minutes of the Superior Court J
Gilmer county, this 2‘Jth dav of August 1833.
Sept. 14,—23 —m3m.
Court of Ordinary, September Term, 1833
THE petition of John Webb, Administrator of Wili.
Cowart, deceased, respectfully shewed), that ha
has fully completed the administration upon said Estate
and prays letters of Dismission therefrom. Whereupon jt
is ordered by the Court, that all personshaving vallld ob
jections to -said Webb, administrator as aforesaid
being distnissed from the further administration of said
Estate, be and appear at the next Tcrhi bf this Court
which shall sit next, after the due publication of this rule
then and there to make them, as in default thereof, thii
Court will then and there proceed to grant letters ofDt
mission to said John Webb, administrator as aforesaid
agreeable to the statute in cases made and provided’ and
that a copy of this Rule be published in one of the Pubia
Gazelles of this State, once a month fer six months.
A true extract from the minutes.
L. HOPKINS, c. c. o.
Sept 14.—23. —m6m.
Prudence hast, )
vs. > Libel for Divorce,
Henrt Capehart, }
Jr. the Superior Court of Hall County,
ST appearing, by tile returnofthc Sheriff thalthedt.
fondant is not to be found, lie is therefore hereby u,
tilied to appear at the next Superior Court, for Hall com.
ty, and answer to the said case, or the sane will proceed
exparte as to hitri, and Judgement will be entered™
against him. WILLIAM H. UNDERt\ COD,’
Sol pro LiitCei/i
J uly 2, —13—m3in
The Governor on the information of “l
Elijah Hulset, i p
vs. (
Jacob Farmer, I
.Murray Superior Courl, September Term, 1833,
IT appearing to the Court that the defendant, Jacob
Farmer resides without the State of G rorgia, on mo
tion, ordered by the Court, that the defendant appearand
plead at the next term of this ourt, and that this rule be
published in one of the public Gazettes of tills state, in
terms of the law, and that said publication be deemed tut
fident service of this case.
A true extract from the minutes.
Sept. 21. —24. —mam.
The Gcvernor on the information of j
William Martin, I
vs. (
Fyent E. Jackson, J
’ Cobb Superior Court, Seplcmbrr Term, 1633,
IT appearing to the Court from the return of the Sheriff
that the defendant is not to be found, and by the at
tidavit ofthc informant, that he believes that the ddeo
dant dees not reside in the state, it is therefore ordered ty
. the Court, that serv ice be perfected by tiirce months pub
lication of this rule in one or inure of the public Gratia
of this state.
A t:ue extract from the minutes.
Sept 21.—21—m3in.
AGREEABLY to an order of the Inferior Court of
Habersham County, When sitting for ordinary pur
poses, will he sold to the highe st bidder on the first Tu’
day in November next, at the Court house in Lumpkin
county, Lot Number one hundred and eight, in the fourth
District of formerly Habersham, now Lumnkin county,
belonging to the I'stole of Cunningham Ellison, dec’d.
Sold for die benefit of the licirs and trcditors of said do
! ceased. Terms made kdfewnon the day of sale.
Augtist 24.“—20*—Ids.
4GREEABLY to an order granted by diebonorfiii
the Inferior Court of New ton county, when eittin?
as a Court of ordinary* will be sold on the first Tuesdtvu)
December next, at the Court house- in Sumpter count',
Lot of Land, No. 145, in the 32d District, of oririnillr
Lee, now Sumpter county, belonging to tlie Estato
of Elizabeth Hudson, deceased. Terms made known
on the day of sale. „ ~ ,
Sept. 14.—23—tds.
WILL be sold on Tuesday Sth of October neftltlj*
late residence of Jesse M. White, deceased, t-t
whole of the personal property belonging to said deo
sed. Terms made known on the day. Sale to conknue
froth day to day, until all is sold.
JOHN SMITH. A dun's*
July 13.—13—tds _
AGREEABLY to an order granted by thrhonor*
thelnferior Court of Newton county, when
as a Court of ordinary, will be sold on the first 7
in December next, at the Court-House door in the to
of Covington, Newton county, the Lot of Land w-Mra”
John Norton formerly lived; situated in the 16th uis
of originally Henry, now Newton county, Ij ,n 6® .
waters of V cllow River, W'.',h good improvements tne
Sold for the benefit of the heirs anil cred’’ ,
Norton, deceased-. Terms made k- i
sept. u- 23 ge T~ oE n* HAMILTON,AdB ''’
FTER the expirationofsixty days, application*,
i -tm. be made to t’„ e Honorable the Infenor toan
I Lumpkin CQiro/iv whcn set tin g f or ordinary pwpo**".
leave to -'AI a U the negroes, belonging totheesta
Kobe j Ligon, sen late of said county deceased.
Sept. 29.—25—60 -
AGREEABLE to an order of the Inferior Court*
Campbell and Lincoln counties, will b® “
first Tuesday in February next, in the Town
Lumpkin eounty, between the usual hours olGjj
No. 944, 12th District, Ist Section. Sold tc‘
of Wiliiam and Kesiah Jeter, Orphans &c.
Get. 3.—26—tds—
A FEW Copies of the Rules of Court, which cl>
on had application.