Newspaper Page Text
WE are now receiving our New
Spring Stock of Clothing, Shoes,
Dry Goods, Notions, Underwear,
Hosiery, Hats, Furnishings, Etc.
Are the leaders in style, because made
by the creators of style.
—In fit, because made
form lasts.
perfect foot*
We have a good stock staple
dry goods.
Ginghams . 5c, 8c and 10c
Chambry and Percales
10c and 12\c
Lawn . 10c, 15c and 20c
Dimities and Nainsook
. . . 10c and 15c
Linen Suiting 12 l-2c,
/ . 15c, 20c, 25c and 50c
Flaxon . 15c, 20c and 25c
Souisette, Queen Silk and
Poplin 25c
Sea Island,
Bed Tick,
Table Cloth
and a great many
other things.
We invite Dry Goods
buyers to stop at this
Warner’s Rustproof Corsets
l.OO, 1.50 and 3.00
We have just received a fine
stock of low cut shoes, for
men, women and children.
Ladies'Low Shoes
1.50, 2.00,3.00 and 4.00
Mens’ Low Shoes nn
1.50,2.00 3.00, 4.00 & 5.00
Misses’ and Boys Security Low
1.50, 2.00, and 2.50
Children’s Shoes 1.00 to 1.50
Babies’ Shoes 25c, 50c and 1.00
Almost anything
you want in this
line. Stop here for
Easy Shoes for Tender Feet
—In wear, because made of the best
leather, by the best shoemakers in the
p world.
Your satisfaction with the American
Lady Shoe is vouched for by its millions
of wearers in every part of the country.
Come in and see how easy it is to be
perfectly fitted in an American Lady Shoe, and how quickly you can
please your fancy from our fine, new stock of Fall and Winter styles.
We call special Attention to
this line Clere Clothing Co.
Fine suits for men
15.00, 17.50 and 20.00
Cheap suits for men $10, 12.50
We have fine line of Boys
4 to 17 years 2.00 to 8.00
We ask all the boys to come and see this line
of fine suits.
We carry the celebrated Mayfield pants
One lot Mens’ Suits sizss 33 to 36 to close
■ cheap. Look at these.
Keystone and Fast limit Overalls
$1.00 and $1.25
At the beginning of Winter, many shoes
seem alike—'but at the end of Winter
•how their hither quality by thk stylish shape that they still hold,
and the wear that they still have.
The American Gentleman Shoe is always the best in the long run.
Come in and see how easy it is to ha perfectly fitted in sn American
Gentleman Shoe, and how quickly you can please your fancy from
r fine, new stock of Fall and Winter atyles.
I Ave.
When You Want Anything in Our Line Come to This Store,
J. W\ Adams Co.