Newspaper Page Text
vo\. t
the messenger,
. t , h „ t dollars a year, in advance,
„ f w ,r diiUais if not paid withm the
• ,ei !w nrH.emr.ts wilt be ‘-.sorted at
“, rv-r,vK cents per S ,aore. tor
L jirst insertion, ud rail cents
for each continuance. A,,nenis
limited when handed in, will be
a„,ted till forbid.
and Notice of sales of land ami
rce.ues'bv Administrators, Kxeeutors,
“ r (inardiens, are required by law, o
be jdvertised in a public
previous to the day of sale.
‘Notice of tiie sale ot personal pro
perty must be given in like manner
Lu, days previous to the day of sale.
J Notice to the debtors and creditors
of‘an estate must be published lor
fovt'i days. . ... ,
Notice that application will be made
t 0 the Court of Ordinary for leave to
, e ll land, must be published for nine
subscribers have opened a
J Store in Macon, Bibb county, di
rectly on the bluff, near the ferry, in
the store of Dr. Ingersoll, where they
offer for sale, low for Cash the follow
ing articles, —viz
2000 lbs Iron, 1000 lbs prime Bacon
400 bush. L. P. Salt,
10 bids prime Pork, 10 do Whiskey
3do Gin, 6 hogsheads Whiskey
5 hhds N. O. Sugar, 2 do Molasses
2 bbls Jamaica Sugar
1 do loaf do, 10 bags Coffee
2 chests Tea, 2 kegs D. P. Powder
20 bags shot, 6 boxes Candles
4 boxes Soap, 4 kegs Tobacco
2 casks London Porter
7 do Nails, assorted
Plough Moulds
Madeira, Teneriffe & Claret Wines
Jamaica and Northern Rum
Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin
Pepper, Spice, Copperas, Saltpetre
Bar Lead, Plow Lines, Bed Cords
Trace Chains, Brade’s patent Hoes
Pad, stock, and closet Locks
Cotton Cards, Curry Combs
Crockery Ware, assorted
Horn, tortoise, bone anil ivory Combs
assorted, Pins and Needles do
Pearl, mould and metal Buttons do
Pen, pocket, and Spanish Knives and
Forks, assorted
Ladies morocco, leather, and prunella
Shoes, do, Gent's Shoes & Bootees
2 cases gentlemen’s beaver, imitation,
and msi ino Hats, assorted
Rose Blankets, Blue Booking
Green Baize, Cassimeres, Oznaburgs
Flannels, assorted
Cotton and linen Shirting do
Irish, Russia, and cotton Sheeting do
Long Lawns, Domestic Plaids
Apron Checks, Bed Ticking
Russia Duck and Drill
Ladies and gent’s Hose, assorted
Childrens do, Ribbons, assorted
Linen, cotton, and mabury Thread
Tapes, cotton Cord, Bobbin
Ladies and gent’s Gloves, assorted
Linen and cotton Cambric do
Calicoes and and Ginghams, do
Seer suckers and printed Muslins
Furniture Calicoes and Chintz
Cambric Dimity
Mull,book, and jackonet muslins
Merino, Valencia and silk Slialls
Cotton and Cassimere assorted do
Valencia Scarfs, Inserting Trimmings
Muslin Dresses, Tamb’d Muslins
Caroline and imitation Plaids
Bombazettes, Union Stripes, French,
Nankin, and Yellow do. assorted
Black Sinche ws,
•Scarlet and green Florentine
Nankin and Canton Crapes
I'lag and Barcelona liandk'fs
‘'ilk Umbrellas
Rriganby and Turkey Red Shalls
Valencia, Toil’t & Marseills Vestings
Ceiulemen’s Cravats
1 ogether w ith a number of other ar
ticle <, too numerous to mention.
A liberal price will be given for Cow
Hides, & c . ike.
dno—For sale by the subscriber,
‘•ie following tracts of LAND.
■Nit. 137, ‘Jtii Dist. Houston 202$ acr.
214 5 “ Dooly 202$
13li 7 “ “ 202$
; 7G l “ “ 202$
2)2 (j “ Henry 202$
h” 20 “ Daily £o2s
Due second hand COAUIIEE, Har
ness, am| HORSE, which will be sold
August 4. . stn2o
GiWcspie &. Wirdsong,
HAVE just received, and are now
opening at the corner of Bridge
and Mulberry-streets, (Shorter’s build
ing) a general assortment of
Dv\ Goods, Vateut A\ed\-
4) I
Ward-Wave, ernes,
SiuWevx, Cvockerx, *
Shoes, Glass-Ware,
Wats, aod
Bonnets, G voce vies.
All direct from New York and Charles
ton, which they offer for sale.
Macon, 7th July. 16—ts.
f. .\ ’vv,iv r. \ \ \\ li vv,
John C. L aster,
Aug. 4. 2w20
rpwo good 40 saw Cotton Gins
1 lor sale.—For further informa
tion, appiy at this office.
Aug. 4,4823. tf2o
4 GREEABLY to an order of the
xl of the Inferior Court of Bibb
county, J Fill be sold,on the first ‘Tues
day in October next, at the house of
John Keener,
‘3 Aegroes, Viz.—‘2 Fel
lows, Joe and Moses, and Laney, a
Woman, being the property of John
I). Williams, late of said county, dec.
and to be sold for the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of said deceased.
Adm'r with the will annexed.
July 31, 1823. tls2o
Georgia,'Wilkinson t ount\.
PERSONALLY came before me,
Benjamin Mitchell, Justice of
the Peace, R. S. Hatcher, and being
duly sworn, saith, that he received an
order from Jeremiah Smith to James
Hatcher, for twenty dollars, dated the
2d or 3d of July last, and the said or
der is lost or mislaid, so that he can
not command it.
Sworn before me this the 4
30th of Julv, 1823.
B. MITCHELL, J. P. J 3w20
Georgia—B\hib County.
44)6 r James Pearson applies
y V to me for letters ot administra
tion on the estate of Geo. Y\ ilson,late of
said county dec.—'Hiese are therefore
to cite and admonish all and singular
the heirs and creditors of said dec. to
be and appear at my office within the
time preserbed by Taw, to shew cause,
if any they have, why said letters
should not be granted.
Given under my hand, this 2nd day
of August, 1823.
I}. S. 800 TH, c. c. o-
August 4. 4w20
G eorguv—WtY)l) County.
WHEREAS Elizabeth Bagby ap
plies to me for letters ot administration
on the estate of Thomas Bagby dec.—
7’hese are therefore to cite and adinon
ish all and singular the heirs and cre
ditors of said dec. to be and appear at
mv office within the time prescribed by
law, to shew cause, it any they have,
why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, this 2nd day
of August, 1823.
D. S. BOOTH, c. c. o.
August 4. 4w20
Georgia—\Jihh Counts .
WHERE AS Alexander Meriwether
applies to me for letters ol administra
tion on the estate of VN right R. ( ole
man, deceased.
Thess are therefore to cite and
admonish all, and singular the kindied
and creditors of said deceased, to be
and appear at my office, within
lime prescribed by law, to shew cause
if any, why said letters should not be
granted. _
Given under my hand this 2d day ol
August, 1823.
D. S. BOOTH, c. c. o.
August 4.
Vov sale at iWis Office.
OFFERS for sale a general assort
ment of
Groce vies, Dr\; Goods,
Crockery, Hats, Shoes, Castings,
Iron &c. which he will dispose of low
for Cash only.
On Consignment.
10,000 lbs. prime Bacon
10 bbls. Fork
10 “ Mackerel
50 “ Whiskey
20 “ India point Gin
4 “ Rum
30 “ & 2 hluls. Brown Sugar
6 “ Loaf Do.
15 “ Flour
20 Bags Coffee
1 Tierce Rice
10 Kegs Dupont’s Powder
10 “ Nails, assorted
50 qr boxes Spanish Segars Ist qual.
100 sacks Liverpool Salt
1650 lbs. Grindstones
A small lot of Cod-Fish.
New Tow n, May 12th B—ts.
HAVING lately commenced the
Mercantile business in this place
have on hand a general assortment of
Among which are
Superfine CLOTHS,
Also —Straw BONNETS ; Men’s
and Boys fine and coarse HATS; —
If Uh an assortment of
All of which they will sell low for
May 12. Btf
Georgia—defferson Connt\.
\ ‘I ‘HEREAS David E. W hitaker
Y J applies to me for letters of ad
ministration on the estate of Benjamin
E. W hitaker, deceased.
‘lhese are therefore to cite and
admonish all and singular, the heirs
and creditors of said deceased, to file
their objections in terms of the law, in
such case made and provided, if any
they have, why said letters should not
be granted.
Given under my hand this Ist day
of July, 1823.
J. G. BOSTICK, and. c. c. o. j.c.
July 28, 1823. 19—6 w
WILL be sold oil the first ‘Tues
day in September next, in the
town of Louisville, agreeabl e to an or
der of the Intnurable court ol Ordinary,
of Jefferson county, nine hundred ai <1
thirty-six acres of land, lying in the
county of Jefferson,on the waters ot Dry
creek, adjoining lands of Win. Mar
shall, and others: It being the real es
tate of Benjamin Davis, dec’d and to be
sold for the benefit of the minor heirs
of said deceased. Also two hundred
and two and an half acres, lying in
the county of Wilkinson, known by
lot No. 7, in the 16th district of said
countv, belonging to the subscriber. —
Terms made known on the day ol sale.
Elizabeth Dams, Adm'x.
June 20, 1823. 15—60d.
CITOLEN from the stable of the
subscriber, on the night ol the
26th Julv, a bright bay Mare, with a
very small white star in her forehead,
long tail, about 5 feet high, and 8 years
old. On the right fore loot just above
the hoof is a small rising, and part of
one of her teeth, on the left side is bro
ken away. Any person who will re
turn said mare, or give notice to the
subscriber (at Camp Hope, two miles
from Fort Hawkins, on the Millcdge
ville road,) where she may be found,
shall be well rein riled for his trouble.
John McDonald.
August 4. 2w20
NINE months after date, applica
tion will be made to the honorable In
ferior court of Jefferson county, when
sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave
to sell all the real property belonging
to the estate of Capt. James Meri
wether, late o r Jefferson county, dec’d.
Dec. 20.—no* 30. Executrix.
John G. Bostick }
vs. f ßill in Equity foil
Edwin Whitedeadf Discovery.
& Charles Watson }
IN this case the sheriff’ having re
turned that the defendants are not
to be found in this county, on motion,
it is ordered,that a service of ti e said
bill be perfected upon the defendants
by advertising this rule once a month
in some public Gazette of this state,
until the next term of this court: and
it is further ordered that the sai l de
fendants do appear and answer the
said bill at the next term of this court.
A true extract taken from the min
utes of the Superior court of Jef
ferson county and state of Geor
gia, this 20th May, 1823.
15] JOHN G. BOSTICK, Clerk.
4 LL persons having demands
against the estate of John 1). Wil
liams deceased, by note or otherwise,
arc requested to present them within
the time prescribed by Law.
Timothy Matthews, adm’r.
with the will annexed.
July 10th, 1823. 19 —6w.
Sheriffs Sale.
ON the first Tuesday in September
next” will be sold, at the house of
Major John Keener, (the appointed
place of holding court for the county
of Bibb,) between the usual hours of
sale, the following property, to wit:
Three negroes, Amvv a
woman about 25 years of age, and her
two children, CHARLOTTE, a girl
about 5 years old, and EBBY, a girl
about 4 yUrs old.—All levied on as
the property of David B. Culberson,
to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Reid,
Woodruff, & Cos. vs. said Culberson.
Property pointed out by the defendant.
Terms Cash.
July 23d 1823, 19—tds
List ol Letters
REMAINING in the Post Office
at Louisville, on the Ist day of
July, 1823. Those not called for be
fore the Ist October next, will be sent
to the Gen’l Post Office as dead letters.
Joseph Allen Lewis Lodge
Silas Arrington Aaron Lanier
John H. AlaxanderW illiain Long
Wiat Alford Hardy Morgan
Mathew Haley James Mason
Elijah Brown Mrs Easter Martin
Fleming Bates Allen Page
Win. Bowen Jacob S. Powell
George Brown Allen Pearce
Samuel Bigham Redding Pate
James Britt Mrs Patsey Pearce
Mrs Jane Bigham James Rogers
John Chasoti Esq Jejse Robinson
E. H.Callaway esq.Jouathau Ross 3
John Cook Esq. Jona. Robertson
John Coleman Benj’n J. Ryan
Miss Mary Caroth-Mrs. Jane Ross
ers Stephen Swain esq.
Mrs Sally Coley Kustis Sudstill
Rev. ‘/'li. Darley 2 Allen Sutton
Wm G. Dekle Rob’t Shelman esq.
Dennis Dardens J. W. Stillwell
Elisha Davis Frank —man, care
Joel Darsey ot John Silly
Owen Fountain Fanny Span 2
James Fleming Mrs. Judith Sande-
Miss Sarah Fowler fer
John W. Green Mrs. Ann M.
Thus. Granberry 2 Schley
Joel Gay Mrs. Eliza Sim-
YVilliam Hurd mons
W illiain Ham John B. Terrel
John Jordan Blass. Ziminas
Charles C Jenkins Samuel B. Z'arver
Thomas Kenedy Capt. llenry Z'ur-
William Little 2 ner
Andrew B Lawson Thomas Whigham
llenry Lindo James W asden
30] J. HOST W ICK, P. M.
A(\mm\slvi\\ov*s Sa\e.
ON the first Tuesday in October
next, at the Court House in the
town of Marion, will be sold,
Two \\a\l s(\iVcvros ol \am\,
being part of Lots No. 43 and 65 in
the 28th Dist. (formerly Wilkinson,
now) Twiggs county —it being part ol
the real estate of Jesse R. Wall, de
ceased. Terms made known on the
day of sale.
July 7th, 1823. 19—2m*
\v\lovuvd\\on Wanted.
VNY person or persons having
knowledge of JAMES HAR
VEY WASHBURN, (a native ot
Massachusetts) within ti e space ot 12
vears past, will confer a. great tavor
iiv enclosing anil forwatdiog in a let
ter such information, pei mail, to
Telfair County, Geo. 15
SFKW ® Qt<D3>3*
<r r , HE subscriber is now opening,
” near the Ferry, in the town of
Macon, a very handsome assortmentof
Groce vies,
Ward-Ware, and
Domestic Goods •
Which will be sold at the most re
duced prices for Cash. ’Those wishing
lor articles of tins description are in
vited to call and judge for themselves.
Macon,July 28, 1823. 4w 19
LOT No. 76,2d Dist. Henry county
“ 199 5
” 231 5
“ 53 G “ “
“ 198 “ “ “
“ 91 7 “ A
“ 289 9
“ -38 10
“ 69 12
“ 194 14
“ 278 16
” 286 18
“ 136 3d Hist. Monroe Cos.
jo 7 *
“ 132 8 “
“ 198 “
“ 13 7th Dis. Houston C.
“ 183 “ “ “
” 238 13
“ 142 14
“ 97 15 “ “
“ 114 16
“ 8 7th Dis. Fayette Cos.
“ 12 14 “
“ 26 7th Dis. Gwinnett
“ 289 6th Dis. Early Cos.
f ‘ 363 26
“ v 17 6th l)ist. Dooly Cos.
For terms, which will be liberal, ap
ply to tli£ subscriber, near the F< ny.
Macon, July 28, 1823. 6w!9
Administrator’s Sa\o.
A ILX. be sold on the first Tues-
T V day in October next, at the
couri-house in Marion, Twiggs county,
TlVirtN-three acres of Land
being part of the real estate of Will
iam Pearce, deceased. — Terms made
known on the day of sale.
Ch \RLOTiE Pearce, Adm'x.
Tiieoph. Pearce, Adm'r.
July 24, 1823. 2m 19
Guardian’s Sa\o.
ON the 2 5th day of August next,
will be sold at the house of James
Wright, of Jefferson county, by virtue
of an order of the court of Ordinary of
said county, two negroes, named SAM
and RACHAEL —As the property of
the minor heirs of Robert Pior dec’d.
Terms made known on the day ot sale.
MUND GROCE, Guardian.
July 7th 1823. 17—40d
For sale by
April 21
47“ We are authorised to announce
Dr. S. M. INGERSOLL,a candidate
for a seat in the representative brancli
of the next legislature, for Bitlb county.
JUT* We are authorised to announce
C. W. RAINS, Esq. a candidate for a
seat in the Representative branch of
the next legislature, for Bibb county.
We are authorised to
announce Timothy Matthews
esq. a candidate to represent thin
county in the Senatorial branch dt
the next Legislature of this State.
Stephen Wittiams a
candidate to represent*this county in
(the next Legislature of this State.
We arc authorised to
announce Capt. Charles Bul
lock a candidate to represent this
County in the Senatorial branch of
the next Legislature of this State.
We are authorised to an
nounce SPENCER RILEY a candi
date for the office of Sheriff’ for this
We are authorised to an -
candidate for the oilice of Sheriff f°.
this count v.
•Vo. ‘2l.