Newspaper Page Text
tEffls Olcaircjtu lU^.diiu ^dei\caplf mxtx Jcuu-iud
at sly upon tnjf ftrrivfil, taken iii hand by
| that prince of good fellows, Mr. M.H.
Morton, who is well known in Maoon for
.. his genial good nature and never tiring
r am | devotions to everything that is
■■■■■■BMW portM
i'*|»tiirc or Nnm 'IiicU. (lie >ol>
ontlaw. Nun’ll*y Alternooi
The country can breathe easier.
Muck is in jell! Bo much has boensaid I He is the most popular
• about thi. IndiTiduut that in a ebort white dWrict, and everybody lootoop to
1,0 _ . him ns a leader worthy to be followed.
he would have become as famous as the Coring my three days’ sojourn it wnt my
James boys. Every simple act of uis was pleasure to be present each day at divine
magnified into a danng deed, and every I services at Pine Ilidge Primitive Baptist
h. uttered wu a bold pnmuuoto.
meuto. Tybaa, tto locality in whioh Bam member of the Unpti.t Ctraruh, .armed to
sometime, roved about at midnight, bo- I bo untiring in his effort, to nuke them
came ae a banntod house, no one dering to conjforteble. Ou eaoh day be epread a re-
... . . i a tt in past that would bring a blush to the oh—ks
go into it after dark. But Bam is in Jail, of aomeof oor iI.ooio.Urer., and on.Uut
and this is how it came about: 11 would venture to say would do honor to
On Sunday aflernoon Chief Harley ro. ‘'Dt-lmouico.'’ Tire meeting »m « grand
ceired .nformatlon that Sam tod tom .hot ruJTromt^a'”^^
and wound'd, and wns then hiding in a I Jesus. Everybody seemed hsppy and
bouse in iybee. Knowing his desperate well oontenL More feeling was manifested
chsraMer, and remembering his oft-re- than old Jones has experienced in years,
pasted vows to die before he would be ar- The eminent divines that officiated are iu-
Hm-ley took with lum Lieu.1 deed subjects of congratulation. The sing-
ten '“ t °®“ r * Mosely, McCailerty 1 ing was splendid, and as the congregation
and Ooldeu, and Jaiier Foster, and pro- poured forth their soul-stiring strains to
ceodod to iybee. The officers did not know | Him who created them, it made one feel
whioh house contained 8am, and were as if oor Divine Lord was in our midst.
~ pompelled to go to several bdfore striking The meeting was brought to a close Sunday
the right one. This they did by inquiring evening. All went away well pleased, and
forth® msn who was shot on Saturday I sounding the praises of the good men who
n &m7 .. . . . T . I lent them eld in the good work. Foremost
When they got to the right boose, Lien- among those spoken of for their kindness
tenant \\ yhe and Officer McCafforty went I and consideration to the strangers preeen
to the gate, and seeing a man standing In was mine host Mr. M. H. Morton. At 6:2
the door, asked for tlie wounded man. lie
replied that he
With Tint hoy-
A l»»y at l mil Hu iNprlng-lIow tlio
Hojs Aro UellliiK AlmiXi Klc.
McIntosh, August 23.—Whenever an ex.
cureion headed for Atlanta they used to
tone up Ponce de Leon Springs with a new
keg of nails and a fresh bag of asafeetida,
and the most extensively-traveled summer
resorter couldn’t tell the water from the
beat on eartb, or rather out of the earth.
Bat there isn’t any chance to doctor the
water of Indian ^Spring. The stuff—I
mean the water—triekles odt of a solid
rock, and if anybody tampers with it thero
must be a cave under the rock. I looked
for it, because any water tliat tastes like
that is suspicious.
I’m not going to tell yon what it tastes
like. It snita some peoples' palates, and I
have their word for it that they like it, bat
one thing is morally oertaln, I haven't any
fondness for it. I might be indnoed to
drink it if anything like a glittering in.
ducement was held out, but I don’t hanker
after it worth A cent.
They tay it is sulphur water, and that a
man can come here as one of the most
prominent and distinguished dyspeptic* of
the nineteenth century, and after he
drinks it a week, he works up an appetite
i api
—ked i
. the whistle blew and your bumble | And after he drinks it two weeks, he won’t
**•*-• . . ... -» - the snap of his fingers whether the
that would make him eat a oooked mule.
- „ was l |j® *“® n *jis servant took the train and arrived at homo , «,,o . uni , W i m> .
f a i? 8am ¥eutenant V\ ylio much pleased with his trip to Haddock’s, mule is cooked or raw.
tojd him to come out, that he was wanted Taixuiah. Now if it will make a m&n eat raw mule,
5®"" rfiAte 4 1 !? Qld ’ pr0Tlde< ! h ® it must be a good appetite whetter. Thank
would not be injured, lie was guaranteed I a Monument for Mr. mil. heaven! my appetito never needs whettiui
guffM & Z *. n ™
’• Tb® desperado wa* Buffering from | P®ople are justly famod for their high and never suspect it’s being in forty
W. Ie«. which ewollen, font I morel qualities, qnelltiee handed down I m»M <rt yorL’”Tto'Mte“^MVut‘ora
!|5SiSnS2LfiljHt ,rom generation to generation, for eliarity, IttUe bit of . creek in a rook, and if you
an «rro.t. They o.pecte/ to"have a blj lH»r«litjr and m.gnamimlty We her. SfSFtto toJtatato
fli/hU in wliichoneor inoreof the officers seen them exhibit these virtues when | w iiioh it trickles. Seems to mol could
* ^re-rei°f». 0r wotmded * I places and floods end famines visited this wipe it all up with my handerchief; but
‘ h '“ I do "> roorth and other oonitrie., and bnt recenUy, they tell mo it ran. a gallon a
f,.a^n vo. . n f r ‘ In ,fon . t °} when the ruler ot our common country, minute, and it runs just aa much no* as
!* r *® cr ° wd °\ °°|; I tiioush elected by the party of a section I it did a hundred years, and that it is not
>0e ^ 00 ^° r ^d I which had once met os on toe battle field. I affected by the seasouv. running just as
^ d tht , y rfi ) r! Upa iH?i/ r i >nirt ? T e anD ?k 00m .® in was stricken down, our people appreciated sell in wet March as in dry August There’s
SiViStS. APr-ypy”* i 08 ? 4 !!®' w ?%. a his manhood and the whole South sent jast as much sulphur in it now as when the
,«,?»ra« n !^ r T7. h »?f 0 u 0W !i th 2 Iheir messages of sorrow to Washington, I Choctaws—I reckon they were the Choo-
4^ 1 Mack and when death claimed him, no truer ex- Uws-used to danoe the green corn danoe
strain i , # 8 7I® a Vf n P®® I P’essions of sympathy for the dead Presi- and kick np Beelzebub by the
tt? *L U . BBy "5 d fol,ow ®? dent emanated from any section of the fires, and before tho pals face
-«i W . iu” W k* takon I Union than from the South. If we oould I their hunting grounds and pli
ll ? 4>0 *i.i .i, I be thas generous and magnanimous to broad seal of civilization upon the country
K * A 5 i?„r ° T ler , I strange re, can we not, when the opportuni- and sold beer at twenty-five cents a bottlo.
m i« er M. Sji 1 r?° r ^ r ‘ fy oocurs in the death of our own civic It must be good water. By accident I
®, SPA** "°,l ou i? d an ,?, rdlI ? Rp 1 ^ hero, Bon Hill, fittingly show onr ae. stumbled ou a man-and just such a man
S n n nfi« !? n8 °, U J5.® fl °° r ’ Wt f P h , alf knowledgment of bis many virtues that you always find ii& around these
copiplaining have been so faithfully exerted in behalf of kind of springs—who told me that it was
of his wounds, ibis is tho statement he I hi* State and people, and erect by means possessed of more ourative powers than
I of small contributions from all parts of the any other water in the South. To get rid
so much of the Roman spirit that dieting-
m/7 l Q i*heJ Mr. Hill, lead the way in attesting I came hers sick with rheumatism. I
J£i *, 8(1 1 toeir love of patriotism and of him who il. it so bad that they had to tote him
thr«“ol. ra :!“ hUclSbo".?^'h^“f I «-“W «• * V - I !“»««* he ben,. »nnff e
had my pistol and shot it off over bis
bead and I got away. I heard afterward
that the ball hit him in his finger. That
was the only trouble I ever get into, and
that’s been a year and a half agt ""
havo got me down for trying to _
riot. That was on one 8unday when
, *fL Th ®y I " "7 ~ _ . I pray for death, site came hero* to this
g« up a Prmsnuao, Vs^ August 18.-Aa I find , prinfft ^ now ^ meningitis (or what-
sn I said I myself here in dear old Virginia, my heart I ever it was) has never troubled her sinoe.
OLD VIItGIXXY.*» | think he said, and the had It for a
number of years, had consulted doctor
A Macon lj»«ly*e.Trii* to Virginia and doctor, traveled everywhere, and just
Thereabouts. I u eho was about to give up in deepiir and
1 Virginia, my
nos. i nai was on ono nunaay when l said myself
something about it being a shame to arrest I. u ” . Q # ^ ' on . I And I could have listeued to these rsmark-
KMin d . 14,00 T 1 , haT0 , ? Art? 4*7 ufltZSs * bl ® cw «‘ tlU 1WM bald * but 1 tore myself
hiding away. Sometimes I sleep in the | tlon, and I feel as if I would like to add loo## frQm him M L w ’ ould trom n # w i Jd
sometime* against
on a porch, under a house,
anywhere I oould get. *
Loxdum, August 21.—Admiral Hewitt
j telegraph* from Huezus follows: “Yestcr-
I day Capt. llaUirg*, with seamen and ma-
from tho gunboats Sea Gall and
I/Ondox, August 20.—A dispatch to Reu- | Mosquito, nsnUted by 200 Highlander* XEOItO COXSPittACY I V ALA-
ter’. Tetegrem Com,,>n, from Ooo.tmti- ; nn.U.'.S I n "’ 1 IHSWSUKU.
nople says it is said that Atsym I aaha has I qJj Q f enemy strongly entrenched be-
prepared a draft for a convention embody , hind the station. The English forceland«d | M onnj . *i a Anmil -i _tn
in* mntu.l conce»lon. by England an 1 1 and dele d. d then., taking for,,.Ii» ,„i. ; ‘j*’^ nu, ' f ^
Tnrknv. Tl,e ... nMtaet.ill ba.nbmit- oner,.a .null euuwn and a qu.ntitg at f" l ;V.A«A.«tT»ea<la, I . Mb met-, a
T !“ " ,W S**™ ,M ZZ ammunition and .tor«/ n onr iSTK tandUol papera. diactoVing ilZtZZZ
tod> to Lord Granville and afterwards to Highlanders orowned and two seamen lied plot among the nogroe* to kill the
the Saltan for ratification. It is thought wounded. The enemy’s loss was about 100 tJra “, lUntl ... .
probable that the conference will meot!^ ®“ d wouuiled,. The bank of the|VjV hlt ® Population of that county,
again on Monday. The Italian represent-
fresh water canal at Shalof was cut by the found near ono of their rendezvous, by two
enemy, but has been repaired. It is now gentleman. The matter was laid before
nti.. hM obtain^ th. signature, ot in. | ^ brt®^ reoonno tored tofore. y,, Mlioitor . , )n w«lnred„, th. l«h,.
I *««**»»»»*, Auguat Si, OdB r. M.-O... “oetlng ot tho citizen, of Mount Klerling
International protection of the Suez Canal. Wolscley telegraph* the', there has been a end Botler was called at Butler, to eon-
Lord Dufferin, in signing, reiterated his slight skirmish at lamailia. It is just an- aider the be*t mode of suppressing the in-
proviout reservation as to the elacse which nounced from Ramleb that the enemy are ton!-*! nnibprtb . n .i tL.,
Provide* for non intorfereaoe bv the na- moving op trains to Kafr El Dwar, prob- toc, f d oatbreak and After dia-
provtdes for non intoriereaoe by the na ab , wUh tho intentlon of withdrawing «»w‘ou, it was agreed that the
tional polioe with military operations. A their troop# from there. following Hnglesders-Jsok Turner, !’,
commission of naval offloers of all London, August 21.—A dispatch to the I P* Baraev, Jesse Wilson, Pe-
the states concerned will meet at Port Said I Newa from Alexandria says : Art - tor Hill. WilUs Lyman, Aaron Scott
i n .n™.,ini ani i m .k.>,«. . .. n bi Pasha Is oonatructlng extensive earth- I ™ Range. West, to whom had been as.
to superintend measures necessary for the I wq^, j n tho direction of Abonkir. I fltfned the duties of leading squads to But-
protection of t)ie canal. I The correspondent of Reuter’s Telegram I ‘ er * Mt. Sterling, DeSotoville, and other
London, August 20.—The Eastern Tole- Company at Alexandria telegraph* that I P}'***, and killing all the whites alcapH
irrsnh I'nmnnnv fttinoniffw that Port Rnid I ^ Khtdiv®, in thedecree charging Cheerif V'laoe, should be arrested and lodgei-ni
graph Company aunonnccc that l ort Said | P<uba with ’the formation of a miniatry, Their arreat was effecttil on Thurs-
was oecupied at 3 o’el: 3k this morning by I *ajs
the English foreea. At 2AJ th.e afternoon i ont the direct acUoo of the sovereign aa-1 The same day a mass meeting of
earthworks had been thrown np between thority should become more sensible and ptisans of all classes ws* called for Satur-
the European and Arab quarters of the manifest. I shall therefore use the right to I to decide tbo fete of the prisoners,
town. Seventeen transport* and five men- assemble the council of ministers under my 1>b ® Plot has been in existenoe since 1818,
of-war are at Port Said, and Admual Bey- presidency as supreme chief of the J5gyp- £*> d th® oonspiratom now number four
Ui-war are n. rort oaia, auu auimrai oey- pr< sidency as supreme chief of the E:ryii- *wu .tne oouspirators now number four
inour and General Sir Garnet W olaeley tian forces. I also intend to render my hundred. They have powder, shot and
were both them. This morning IsmaiUa command effective, without, however, re- K?™. They think themaelree soffl-
wns also occupied by the British, and Ara- strioting the power which tho minister of ciently strong to accomplish their
hi’* troops were driven froos Neflch. The war holds from me.” fiendish designs. On Sunday night,
British have poewealon of the telegraph London, August 21.—A telegram to the to® 17th of September, had been appointed
hue from Port Said to Suez. I Exchange Telegraph Company, from Port M to® date for its consummation. Tho
„ London Augu.t 20.—A dispatch from Said, dated 3 o’clock this evening, says: P«pera farther showed this day was selected
Port Said to the Exchange Telegraph Com- **Tfc» last transport has now eutored the because then the white people would bo at
panv, dated 7 a. m., eajre : “Sailors are I Suez Canal. The vessels are now stetming ® cftop-meetlng, unarmed, and could then
landing and are disarming the natives, who slowly for Ismailia.” ofl ® r resistance. The meeting called
offer no resistance. Several transports and London, August 21.—Admiral Seymour tor Saturday brought together about 700,
they had insisted upon llio < v iiniuati
facts entirely outsido tho indictment
then pvooeeded to review the circum-l
attending tho ex[>odition ot tho sUr s<
on various routes, and to justify the i
i-sued by Brady. Concluding hi
yiew_ and analysis "f »»•• -• rout.
Mr. Totten declared Unit the
deuce whatever of n <iont*|
tlie defendant*. He theft re* _
length tho ttimony of John A. Wal-h,
■ . in I 'V i- liiW-.rthi ..I Ih lit f,
and oloaed with su eloqueut pt ror .tior. h
which he instated that apon the evidence
the jury mu*t find n verdict which would
bring joy to the hen rts of tho defendants,
instead of filling thorn with weeping n
After the roce-*, Mr. McSweeny, of
counsel for the defense, addressed the jury.
He said he was not an orator like the
Philadelphia Bruti. He was a plain, blnnt
mau—rotskilled in words to raise tho
stones of Romo or stoat from men their
judgments There had been much flippant
talk on a p«rt of the prosecution They
’t this look auspioious, end
prove their iunuocuoe.'' On
loose, disconnected, caro-
i >f r r
somewhat m elntwra-
) jury tho differenco be-
1 civil trial*. Ho laid
d carefully the proposi-
well and Roach at „
At il^O o’clock the com: t^
After reoeee, Mr. Urgml
argument, which was oonc
He was followed by R. It. 1
more, of oounsel for tho prb
will not be fdven to th
men-of-wsr arc anchored hero and a fleet I telegraphs from Ismailia to day thatlNofich I ®*n°ng whom wero about ItO negroes,
numbering seven is oomtng in. Tho gun-1 was occupied without oppcsiUou, the en-1 ®fter hearing the pai>«rs read, decide**
boat. Dre'.nd Don hareinSnd tha «utL 1 1 | that Jbok Tbroer".aaa a' tnrbnlant and du>
It is said that Rear Admiral Hewitt has I Alxxandbia, Angu*t21, r. m.— 1 The ff®roas character, a regular firebrand in t 1 ®
stopped the canalTraffic." __ | transporta Greooe, Ludgato Hill and City of community, and that the public w.-'‘ n ®
*' Yoi* *•* ' " ‘ —
aueraoon aiong wo aienmou-ip. m., says: “It Is reported that Arabi diatarbsneo closed. Everything u I
h jr to® Thirty-eighth, Forty- Pasha will conoentrate his foroes at Dam- Bjtprday aight The other primrW. 1
mty-flfth and Seventy-ninth anhour, aud that he has an entrenched I Bti ‘l in jail t j await farther devoh -i,’
The enemy kept within his I C smn at Tantnh. to which nlsce ha will ro-1 ««vm *'*?.
ALtiANnzii, Anmt X-Tbt lroo» K, w tork Hilnl Hit to-d«,. Brerithins d.m.ndod hU dnth. JfUf
landed from the traneporu which arrived at the front. • accordingly hung at about 1:15 <B«rf
to dsy were immediately sent to the front London, August 21.—A dispatch to tho toe presence of the assembled nf rir ''
TBff®. • reconnoissance in foroe at 4 | Exchange Telegraph Company, dated 6rf» The orowd dispersed and all elg**! 1
o’clock this afternoon along tho Mshmou-1 p . m aays: “it Is reported ’—’ 1
dleh osnul by *• -'» *-*-*-*■—*- 1 r - ^
ninth, Sevenjb ■■■^■1
• , .. tegiments. The enemy kept within hie I oamp at Tantab, to which place he will ro-■ nsxnuiwriTn. vm
.'.red U- —I -rre ^Mnnauon I
writtent?ReT?Admiral ilsiittTpratest | tljfrSSUxfSS^StZI «* ived • *•]•£»» troxn toe Governor
LUNHNirCd.1 rO'TNT t Joots. Vt . Aug. 23.
The trial of h. ft.
Addison was re*^:r.“d tnls
the court wn* willed to order,
Finch, of Mecklenburg county,
the d' ft-nse. H began by *ay-
PPjfJ-Mr. 1 tjlor, of iis'.tiinore, and
:*burg, hud
ry A. Hinton, of Tet
oyedby the Addisc
tors. The, spe
/. as this case might pc
•preire Court of Appeal)
Jr- • ■ 1 t > 1M'..«> L« re to prose-
P io the pri-om r fur th« g »IU of tho
ally—for blood money. In thi* cou-
~ ■■il. Mr. I . ■ .bulge iin.ton
■d Mr Taylor had the right to i ut their
legal talent up to the high> *t t.idder for
blood money, bnt this war thi first timo
■Vr.ioo to- in . 1 ! 1 ” )>'-!■.ry of Virginia tkat
. imm w- , .. rVu.., n | A ... ....i . ,.r
■•,■' i '. f ...
the marioe I
• State had
? ” , , _ , AL.x.zDiu.7 AnitMt'21.—The ontpo.1. ?,',d.rel"t'o nTJS^d .tonre S Urean," to™ ''SS’n.U tSJSoS ll " lJ ■■-■■V. lib V r. r
nXn°S’ 1 T« T h"andSd P, 2S5 “ » h^Sh ^ .““TS
■ •' W era I I 0 ®^er at Brown* villa ha* been roqieetod to I in Mat«uora* and Brownsville this city “J"• {?V p ?
Tho Itff5!s*nl communicate with him immediately npon I enforced a strict quarantine against those I t jSS*SiSSSS? ,,,1.1“ «
rein* iiijJS ..‘Sro hU » rriTnU A revenue cutter will nieet dtiee and vicinity, and also request*!
pt iwi ilSSSL*®® BUfl 1 m0T ® to ttaml#l1 ^ Bargeon Murray at Galveston and will con- Laredo and all placce on tho line £2ft!ffitrfiSu -V ™ r F ’ , f, 1
puan morrow. vey him to BrownsviUe. Dr. Murray will of the Texas and Mexican railway, running {fJSMP f'.Skn? o? t , r , n !
nalTompaiy,and their feiegraph offloe Is London, August 23.-A private telegram ^d^it^a^JTmStJthe^f b °* plt<l1 S2lStinSfSSd£to , }; U Th? ~ anable to SSJlo, Sinns. 1 for h" P ?or
d*. ”S“ -There 'i | SSftyfeSS**
in it have been seized. Tho bombardment toe Nile is rising rapidly and will soon I were thirty-five new esses of yellow fever I ell communication between
of th. Obemileb fortillonUon. will prob.. I orerfloir iU bank., Th. innodnUon of | I Sft .*>»..««■*. of J*
bly take place to-day. The British man-1 i ow point* has commenced.
of-war Tourmaline entered the canal this |
tree, I something to the interest of our daily I beast.
uu 'bTi °F I paper. I knew as well as he that it was good
. .. - woraed at I . . . . water ard that it would effect marvellous
SSpfik SSSS, R ? d 5° m on p,ao ®? , My ,oot " t * p# , h»J® torned in pleasant CUfMt bot x dldQ . t want to be bored to
outside of town and mads some morey. I places since* I left Macon, and to those death just at tliat time. We all have our
S2t T ? y ® ho still lingering in the busy hum of choice of the timo when we would like to
°s?»®- J Ut ® 00 f°® rth • lr S® t * ?P- onr ho-* eltT it i.. ba - (itsasuro to ® hn ®® ofl toe ooil, and mine U peculiar,
pocite O’Hars’e store. I knew when th* onr "° m ® ctt J* 11 b ® a P»®®*® r ® 10 j | # f t bi m and strolled off with a girl
polico were after but I watched them I know something of what is going on in the w h Q had either a stone-bruise or a stocking
1 \ 1T®? 4 t ® rm ® d * but ®®|®^ I outer world. wrinkle on her heel, I don’t know which,
carried bnt ono pistol. 1 could have killed 1 A Be eker after heslth or pleasure rarely Ever stroll with a girl who had an ailing in from the restli
several policemen when they came after I , A oe ®“ r »K®r neaiui or pieasura rareiy 1 . j “ben don’t you do it.
me, but 1 wou dn’t. Oa Saturday eight 11 * more delightful and varied route I Strolling is fashionable, you know, at
*'® Dt to sleep on the ground on the side of 1 than through Virginia and Tennessee. The watering places, and I followed the stylo.
tonrSon iSlSft 1 JC ® n!o <***!* (fraud and inspiring. 8h®™» uot m pretty as some girl# I have
junction. About 12 o clock I was woke up w„„,*4iu -uh "trolled with, but at a resort where there
by hearing a shot, and I fell the shot strike I After ptsstog Atlanta aud Knoxville, witn 1 bQt one . fl t)
r.'?£fv , .r. th,r ' llh “• «“ bo *‘ ^ (to^rd.£i ass 1 '!!® xsii „
n isss B ssr st stear-rMrifs a ar Th0 w “ thet “ I |
^tCs Egyptian infantry then*ad-1 to® ®*j®® distant from there. The disem- SSJ* Urowu ®^ 11 ® off large number* of refugee* {h Se\°thS? Addison dil not .tinv t|,U
d to withm about 800^ Vardk Thev barksUon of troope and munitlooe il is I ™ J® pf , UrB ® Jb® £ n l T itnm coming this way and of mors from Tam- iffJJSn! 1 Af r ,, ', y J5S
coming froun Kafr el Some ®xp®cted will be completed to-morrow. I was K. 8. Jones, who. after Mint examined I | eta ament After readiag. aud comment-
,<..ry also appeared from the direction! A®* x ^® a,A » August The Austrian |
,u Aboukir. Tho Egyptian lines were most ffnboat Nantilus, bound from Port t*aM t
irregular^and *>me of the men apparently I Al®* Rnd, l" ,pa **^ d Aboukir on Monday.
unarmed. The 0 ivalry were also confused I I land ought not to be tried for murder, but I
evening tb« 1 10 po*»®»ion o?S»e British, and sent a boat I 5!att2aSThIsvsu£n?to S31 An aDtw * r fM "® nt to-day by the eor-1 5©rd? o^hTe ooun’d
a car? wlUia I ne ^ read to an officer and twelve men, who I }*^ p cf^ deceased IhUrttattona to that I ot the marine hospital, as [ M aroumen
forty jioander, detached and sent about ***• m»de Prisoners by t:.e Egyptians. rS?^7oro^the W 2»ort ?’SSa? hL ww ^V. 5 , ESSSt ! 01090 fL P I eeei. pSSm 1
of their
jAbout five o’clock in tho L
British ironclad treinsent out
by bearing a ehot, and I felt the shot strike A,ier P»»mg auiqm aua sumavuiwt bnl Qno lf , tQ #ye forty t>ov8, one can’t
me. 1 got jp atd thought maybe my pistol I their live and busy surroundings, we emerge I b# too fsstidioas. Wo walked acroM a
ondenvored to execute a Haul
went off and shot me, but I seen a man I into one of the most beautiful and pictur-1 i ODB stretch of grassy plain in the
.going off with a gun, and^ I wirike^ff to j esque part* of the country. The wild and | broad open sunshine, and she had
1 the one hand, con-
one of these size-of-a-postage-stamp para-
I vole lined inside with red fhtnnel or some
other red cloth. We got into tho wood* 11-
l a Place whor» I could get the blood I mountaiuous region, ...
Iwwkto as>y »»««’• Jww» tfMU toutilall, with a prettyfl.ld, lying | j ta(K i wi th rei fllnnel or mow
in (WkJ ,toii|i.-.| iuw t n th. rallo, n«.r by, and ttw» w.nd- mh., tw j tv 0 K0 t iota tho wodU. tl-
Ab mt daylight 1 wrnt to 80ml Maw* Ing tbetr w.y or loit«nng D ,i, r Ul0I1 fl OI down npon th.
in I>cw« t nnd tbera I atoppMl nntil thn po. anil than to gran or drick from a Itttl. I ground to gn.h and brep a .h.rp lookoot
lioemen came up. 1 wanted the i>oliocmeu I rivulet whi :h has found its way down tho I tor soorpions. We gushed until tho spring
to como and take me. I was tired of living I side of th* hill. We pass ou by oot and I water notified ns th*t onr appotites were
like 1 was. I knew all they could' do with I hamlet, a quiet town or railroaJ station, I r i M . Then we strolled back in the vast
mo was to put me to hard work, and liard I until we reach Lynchburg, which is oue of I expanse of hot sun again, and I turned my
work won't hart n>. ; I haven’t don. any- th. growing oiti...of Vlriitohb It ha. gtrlwith th. Um. hrll ov.r toanolhar lot
thing to be arrested for, but shootingl when I largo tobacco Interests, nnd is noted Mow.
Mr. Avaot tried to arrest me, ami then 11 for the cultivation and refinement I These summer resorts are great lsveler*.
didn’t try to hit blin.” of Its people. Petersburg, the place The youngest mentor of the Cadets^vm
(m inquiry, wo could not find any war-1 of my destlnatioo, is assuming a rather i a st as big a men at this place as Oartaiu
nuts sg.uuat Ham. It is soli that there is I more thriving spi>earanco than wh« 111 was Hardemnu. nnd Caotain Uimlemsu was
one fur a * mill with attempt to murder, I h* re last, altbongh it will take the labor I jaret as young a mau as the cadet. Then
aud one for iuciuog n riot. He will re* I of many years to blot out the trace# of the | there wu Rev. Mr. Winchester. One of our
mnioiujnil on these warrants and await I war’# cruel and umslenting hand. One pared and beat minister^, rector of Christ
tri#L I may yet soo tho fortifieatiou# aed ottor I church, and .yet I founu him with hi#
TTiere ha# been great rivalry between 1 relice of the late unpleasantness, but a# w* sleevis ro.led up rolling tenpin# with th*
Lieutenant Wood’s and Lieutenant Wylie's I go from Petersburg to Norfolk, thence to I boys! There ttoy were. Uughing and
3 u#J« o# to which would get the credit I Old Point Comfort, the Uygeia, Fortress I j >kinir with each other, riming away In thu
motorlog Mm. Tu Li.ut.n.nt Wyll.'. M jnro. .nd lu .ornionJiDg. «nd u. tho h.^th(tlL<urcUr,limt y»t tho,«
squad b. long# the praise, t »ffioers Moaoly, blue and grey mingling in frleodly inter- forgot fora second tluit lie was a minister.
McCefferty a d Golden, under Lieutenant course, we hear of the war a* tome old I They had found in him a genial geutle-
Wylie, made tho arrest, and braved every | legend, or tradition of antiquity. The | an whom they coaid ba social with.
Tens, this afternoon, elating that there I was effected, a number of
dimlure ThiBritWitafutnrna nudUa.nnd»reretrretiog In dbottlre to- NS?****'»*“ft” JfifIT® 1 ". “* - . .
while'fired* frurn tlielr.ntr.nchiu.tiU, c.t«- I ward, Hoflgnziff. Th. Indian c.v.lry will I I »•« filty-fonr now enmw nnd loir dMth. I .ml tho u.unl ooimi..;: .
’ng greit lo~Thlt of tta topHnn ciilK ■»«*>>»“ bet..' 1 .bjyt^ md » yiyteMtrf djrent.lQB.ret. I[om Hl „ w (t „, dBO# repotl- , hM , . ..
It tEm^ESnS. ttutnutn. IfPtff:. Th.,p°° r t flo.lly .nld It woald«; | BnowMTtiu, Angtut war. U.ntiun nuremblKl T. D.
fiihtfngM«Mdat .airt. Lonioii.'AiuntfiA-ll. Trevelyan,chief {{Subpoint!*“■Sfiia?8«5Ste3e«I5rS nywenare of jaUawfererto-day Wiaoonaln. wuielected ptuidei
Advice, from Cairo report all quiet tbar. .ecretary for Ireland, arrived in Balfut to- .cinniad of reatnaU for to ,K I ““ to Sl d-aUw—ail ^oi th. Utter Melt- | yiM-prulJent fiom«vrh Btoto
up to tho sixteenth. I day. The **•* l - :
London, Augnst 2i.—The Exchange Tel-1 address of weiwiu* mw »A^n»gw i «*:—■■■ —v~ ~~«r.~~ — ,— ; r~
egraph Company’s dispatch from Alexsn-1 lire of the residents to strengthen hie! I Matamorasto-day. Tlievear* butfew new | tion and his conversion to
danger in doing so.
.. - ■ mmvm wuwhI they •
ashinif Wtmpmoot. * h om they could
I i ln °* d ®® times, the 44 i M t I went to dinner, it wa# ono of
kuighte errant or the day, and keep np the tj0i6 md-foahioued dinners, with old-fash
preetig® of our eountry as it wa* in onto loo#a surrounding*. There was none of
UUum day*. Time is rapidly wiping out th u flopping down a lot of little dishes th*
On the arrival ot the train from Savon- L a, aa Jff Th? HeoSTfe &1m3 W bl1 # «»• wMfer brought to plates and
„ . „ ... n in • ♦!«• naisenoer de- I ff™® 41 . 0D ®® rt ®; llj ® “/*•»• ta to®®® 1 * dtahas of well eooked food, and plenty of
nah on Sunday evening, tn# paaaenger ue* I worthy it* naoie, if comfort in every par-1 ^ And what reminded me most ofthe
pot was crowded to overflowing with coL I licolar contributes to this sad. I he most j g^od old Uveins was a number of little
ored people of both sexes, awaiting the ap-1 feetldiou* could sotreely oompUin of its girts, black as tar, with longing eyes and
of th. Colqollt Blcoe, . colored
military company from Savannah. I4 ad-1 passed, the bathing excellent and th# mem* 1 yo;*, w ben we have oined at the
dition to the crowd, the Bibb County Blue*, I of the table as fine as one can see. AU olden Umo country taverns and the picci-
onder Ooph Morelry. were to "«“■ ^Tv^toT J Thi ^ tto 8w”m 1 , *T1^2Sh^:
and presenting really a fine Appearance. I building accommodates oue thousand I W bere I filled my nortlv Dnunch. keeps ud
Sre of itoiMS. “ "■ y oaooontored no etrooff billow,, eon, of After dtooor I torowl my oiteotioo to
mDteko. *Vh»*lb.trMn'rolicd toTttaSI I I v.otor. toM, tltetoo. mill
was a clutter of <
crowd, and soon
lever went off from
r behaved totter. The
csD Drotruded from lhi I *° perwa^yus in iat mte war, auueu I members are young fellow#, but few of
«i-a-aatrUdl will, I 10 tb * iotcreet of our trip. A view J iboq, ont 0 f their toen*. and thev are as
tto tadVrtfSd? rrom tha towwrof too Uyffeto irapre-red ITof »lLdhto iffrHriS uoST£
*mri.tohteM^tu7biiart,roifflie.t ™wlthlho omoiiotenw of tho Itetty. bot to oil their mirehievooe prank, end
into « ivanzia «nn •». ua i n . ,. np I How by the worJ of ilia power, I capers, not one of them hv moved one
rice plantation hands you ever saw tn your | made the land, the water I A... «#
, filed out th# oar, Jr*»sd in th- regula- gbov^ The |w^ VifdL^Tlik? i^tltSfr
ia costume of an unlit cigar stump and a w =?,««to 4»- ^ a / a4 ?®!, Uiem :
afternoon tl.o bov# lutda
r#iu/lS£d bto. in the^rSSd edtMMral^reroKkrt tort thodrillin*
5;ioVnMrrf{^onrolteo*»U»lto?lWv y® 0011 -h^kiytto to threttootog *1- |l 1 !Jw»e > todMd , »*S!Sl|ihm?u "o'mto*
SI I W*I TuiopiaiUoftb. boy. mvy wa
SSsSnSi k*i» t l7? JETSi 1 NSSipa end SSSy repito. yir,
no tw j , . I . .dike. They m»rela .1 oot
r»od i from home, miuiy of them tor the firet
Mt of g2i*> 1 '?, u oh-illioffly tom toy fare Unu , ut nh My that hot ore of item hM
^to^Ut-mfwhre Er^SSj-Mh. to tored ore.,f 1^rli^^^
liVriformeTto'lmi; W took I toraf al”So*oret Mye!”from wrederingon I
^“.S'prco...too file.l.p-t to Brreo » ^.‘l.trtetdMplioe. 5
.*> good capt tin and
Brt^tlSorewae noticed Sent diff.nmre U 001 * wU1 ' “toaretooopUreUk^hotoc.' ’ UofMrfoleoafdly of girie here,
botwren the Lnaioyof Bavanniheipl Me-1 M.UW. | no t to apirelo oore where the.-e were i
oo n. The former was a fins looking*—*"
picnic once
girls and no boys, and it «•* the dullest
. *“• 10 * c “' nmod,U “ Ck "*- oh.r wept freely, the
to .Mias Addiron Mnt to^av bvthc«ur. ®°t ®PP«renUy mpua J.y Uw i-
tsro shells upou the
iwards I Unted States ia support of their claims to I !^ ,n l lltd , .? r l ^®, ? e f? n ^^?, k ® d ^i 4 ^!
I d(m "urround Brownevtll^^revenl
^ I the city. There will b* no
I anything bnt
SS5- IH®fartnyrehhr.totemreju I HTML'S I SKSOTSSTStouSt"^^ II momemo,coyfarm,
Kafr* .7 Dwa'rTTtoTkreStoSte USmSSSnaiSSSiaS'.£naaitim£ o^reVv £r£r\£\m S!SZLJi Cncaoo, Ao^.t 23,-Th, Nat;
with a shell which first I London, August 23.—A dispatcii to Rou-1 J a ®^“ r /P rl?at ® 1 *' 1,1,1 ^ 00,1,1 wottW 001 1 when Brownsville is In veiled. Hospital I hibitiou Convention awembl
totweeu the train and engine. The traiu C^unlel for the defense then asked that
argument the
L. prisoner left the ooui
, J«U I® charge of tbo sheriff sc
Sty for and enrrying in hl» lim»*l
{tents will bo sent.”
i, firing. During toe retreat another *** yertertUv, emye: “Since th# engage- 1 “J WasuiNoxoN.-A™t22.-Sorgm>tUlen. pr^ent, some I
xpIodM near the train, between the I *0®“! ®t Shaluf toe enemy havo left tteff ,rid Hlftllfto received a telegram from I very largely aud
raUe." tr.|a flially Mind wilhoSi poeHloii the, hMdhototeen Bore and I*. | | AeUo« Ooitootor Ooodricb, at UrywoevUl., | M a nolat all.
About three hundted dohg i
States beitag ■■ q >
some of tl.o more
A tmnpurarj
... TS. iSSTriSud him wiih an 7h. ^2r.t uaiTTK re . T k ®.‘™®^“ 1 '®
u#t 21.—The Exchange Tel-1 address of welcome and expressed tho de-1 ** P • I oellent health. ITiere v
HI ay’s dispatch from Alexsn-1 sir* of th* residents to strengthen hit* Judge Hinton of counsel for the rroc* I Malamorss to-day. -~r^—* - -
dria says that U i* rumored that Arab! baud, in bis onerous duUeTjft. Tnjvel- out.onfarguing tor iS?SSifiI bJfoTO **" 1
Pasha’s ontrenchmonU will be attacked on yan, in reply, sold it woukl be idle to deny coJJJ { a the afi>enee of the jury, said if the I urLa * *"• ZEwXtZJSZl!!*' I ShSifi •! t h vS! J‘
Monday morning at six o’clock. | the existenoe of personal danger in the jTVy tJ* lieweoi ton nrivonerwenttothe scene I tmuabuond teiau I *d until to-morrow, \arioti - nn
UI>inix>n, AaguRt 21.—W, Leigh Smith task of governing Ireland. The remedy conflict wlto a wilful, premeditated I LiNcwNiraa, August 22.—The coart de- lemporsno* people will b« held t
and other member* of t he crew of the I / gainst outrage# wu to have a trihuual ^t^tion to murder, he la gnlliy of murder I Lvered itocbarif* to the jury intho Garland I stab boctb tniSM.
Arctio exploring steamer Kirs have been whioh oould be Uusted to do hwtl®® I [ u the first degree; but he (Ulotoa) would I murder ease this morning. The court In- Waswuwton, August . -In
rescued. I without fear, \4ben the Irish P®°pl® I not ask thst£i prisoner be hanged, be-1 -trooted the jury, 1st, that if they'believed I CAJlc ,*to-day Mr, IIiSa.. n
London, August 30.—A dispatch from) are convinced that they have a tribunal I i, m! 1 Ivyn^vnL »5» I frcmtbe evldeiiee that the waned .wratto 1•• •
Alexandria to Rcutei
»ny* ^thu intootioo 1
was°a rurc,°cr wo/ abandoned at toe la«t J suddenlv OMae, be sa3^» were sxpeoitog I iooon2rd4Ncree!.' W Cottosel*for^theTdefonse I d ®* ^th® first d*gree. I humorous, ........
nvirnrnt. The fleet and tiansporis went to | impoeeibilitiee. The fixed policy of _tt^’ I asked the court to tustnnt tho jury that I Fvery botnietde is pronono*y«l by the I nil-diary ciion theevid dccm.1 tin
Atwiikir Saturday afternoon, but a*. 3 Uororament UtodIstingu‘*hbotwe#;icris;-1 ^|J|||| ni . 0 f Addison wa* a jaatlfiaWeand I ,aw fob# murder InUte second d#gr*#,and I of 4 t, f r , ,-u lM !.-
clock at night quietly ateaned eastward, luai and political acta. They uui not care 1 *x Cusl l| ) i,rhomi C ide. Mai. Ilculersou Lee,1 in ordfr to elevate the offeu#et«i i.m; !■ in w i t y, iUostnUive i.n « . . >.i A i.„
At.kxandnia, Augnst 30.—It appears that | to oon««rn tlmmselve# wiih political reset-1 oouiJei tor th# defense, spoke to the In-1 lb ® ftrit »I«ff r ®® lh ® burden of tiroof Is oa I icd bristling with quotation E
ren the general* commanding brigades | iug*. bnt against outrages they were deter-1 •troetionn. nftwr which the judge said be I tb ® commonwealth, and in order to redoes I J. i;t d tha tbn t I> »i
ero not informed of toe intended move-1 mined to wage an uudjing and unrelent 1 woaW ^lJj h is opinion In the morning, 1 11 *° manslanghter th# burden of proof le of character, rianding
...... Ufitofooort^nmd. v™ .... •«« . P’-Ui
mrent on l'wrt Said. Major-General Sir I ing war.
Edward Uamly had been ordered to sni
iort th* bombardment of the Abouki
lorts by a flank attack from Ramleb, and
to eup- I were r eceived with cheer*. Flags were
Aboukir | displayed on hoq*** and oo veMtl# in the
harbor in
i until he ope usd I secretary.
honor of the visit of the chief I na j c ourl to ^
tun iron aoDTaTiAin. I That If they believed from the evl-1 C1U .
Wasiiinoton, August 21.—In the Criml-1 j®?®®.^® 1 the sooused wroie on Uw Mh of where bis good conduct had pi
down iron
celved. Ths reoonnoisaanoe made by .
armed train this afternoon drew fire from
the Egyptians fifteen oontimetre Krapp I c , r , Cr | ap nominated tor Cengi
cun, bat the aim wu bad. The British tll# limiot.
forty-pounders in the armed tram replied I and Mcwnser
sod silenced the enemy. The fortifies- I Special Telegraph and Meeeenger.
lion# at Ratnleh are being strengthened by I Bastwan, August —h—Th# Congressional
Arab laborers. | convention of the third district met at 121 evidence
July, 1MJ, a letter couched in tha follow
ing language“ JuespA Addl*m—Yon
throw himaelf into an
dirty, .cnmI off-M.i
■■I 1. I frere Biznizrtk to Tosgre Htk.
j wm noy h. Mid.«i—vtld. ot p,
nuTl receiv-
hirh ho
11(100* U»r ttii-AHUUU 4*reU H'll IITCH . i ... I ., , L . «W|, n > I lluu * WWW mvimuuf
prove*) fraudulrut. tim charge that fal*e I ®d by the de f® n4 ® d 00 0 hi® f 9f? 1 #d the frank, o|*u way
»m invite ouiwroiiig tire .tuck reamd Golf, »«d thrt lb, ta .J”’’ llore., h.J oomlacted l
h«fi not lM»o .luteinoil, nnu no I J®;ore of nor hra Lif I “° D *, Prnieea eomo ■ r I
eviilenoo had been fnmbhel | <®*|. tn . ** id __. _ I regulations, qnoted
adopted. Hon. 0.1 with regard to the time, terms or nature I rtha*"£*"**??*.^“r®? 4 order >j . .bring
>nu!o #ret unot. I »*»h® •3u»re» oonep!««7. a. ««- hy»"5.*»■°!iE?LE! ,r S^..22_15r
ve.tenl.v 1 1 ho 'ot® ’iraul, i:tup J3, Julm H.Bu
(or iii" nilVanc.. CoimuenJor IM.arJ., I h'ofire couni,’. J.k.nU. ivto~-j to.,
with boat* of the squadron, daring the • it Ia. t
night occupied the euml, taking posses*
Brady's star
WWWWPhi* statement was antra*. The I »nd t "U > ®fy^®*. , o® l ,S*l I the defense tn toeway of giving/
story of Walsh, sven if true, did not afleot I JJWjjjh ^V^ord.fof I a good fight. Bofsmug
U» oofeodute. In no point ots*rtl«Ur ““ '5"^25 , .?SSfa^ SLSfitaSdte Sf¥»!
sion of t'*e dredges, bi
upled Kan tars.
—irfsx occupied
Fitxroy, of the Invincible,
>11 OMt nod toreo WM no dimcnlt,. I lKtin( $15 quo from tbo UoUteUn. I th.rmon
Itluu SlIUtoirS! .bleb won th. <
vd. Three hudrad arJ tort, nu- U>o drn.lnfi of
riure ora oo bouil tho «onbo«t IkVMtinf In lottori tld»u nt lnUrvoU
Dm, rend, tobOMnl to reinforre C*pt. dunn, » vf»r, Md b»donrebefore itmek Mr. WillUmowM fallowed b,Mf.Tot-| WUlnitomretkii
ITiUro,. Oa# .hip la Mhore in tb. canal. I u for ,100. II, prerented bit to-moom! for Bred, Md Tonrer, who <*U«® tnm lb.
!?, t .’,*^‘_?!i? l *t.z rh ?re , _ hll 2.. wl re.Ai I M J WM pven » dte« tm tbo I oodMvocwl to IropreM npon tbo hr, tho | mMtlii« of lbt d
, bargee, etc., and also A lirniu rungur perevr. to# defendanfi. In no pototor particular I gentlemen would be to. ee* nuo next m ^ oy ^ would cot nil W *i -h a
Wm : M ‘ Martin, an IntelUr^ |Sd UtoUdto show that Brady waliroc. morning; “ d 11,1 r jU wa * d r* y * U ' :r , l< ur "" 1
n* 4 Cant. I colored man, a resident of Bangor, Mlcb., corned in a eotu-piracy as to the nineteen 1 aridnoo# that thw^acooscd _<m »b®.»®y |a liar and |alth®iii>tatpcUt .-on,, from
iucibls, held Lmailla. | c^me to this city for the purpose of col-1 routs* embraced to th# indictment. For-1 g 0 ” 11 *** d 5i y ,.l .*«■ ° » *L® ®®di*mee. . He than pro**. • <!••«! to .ii»w,
■■■■■riiialll^H^MWromlb* Louisiana Stale I thennore, Walsh was a eorropt schemer, a I H°®®b. armed
ny, duo him ft* the holder perjuror and nu atteepted blackmailer.
lekrt No. 85.01X1, (Mass G., Mr. William# ch/*ed by expressing hU I «»*•
repiui mire of *jawu m Ef.aj’S" asi-fcMd 1 iks! *<
LraJ? "L:,. " h^ra.'l“ I -tit..! »*» u- pinnirte of honor «d re-1 ^iretoj
plenty of |»r
t—(fawny to knonlrtaa idcai
higher than a kite." 1
detail. luiit ttinu
in which it given, and
(the way in which '
mirel H.J moor and Urm Sir Oonwt y.w Ulmu Nuioonl llonk for tbo lull.
NVoUeley or^jcard aie in #ight» ^ J ^ funds lie Invested in j cordanoe
or ad to lmpreas apon toe jury toe
,t, of renrertnie Vrerdiot tn to-
----—. - 4 . - 4 . , -. r .M...., tug .HUM* »• .» ■ ~.~~reO* with the *vtdenec bearing npon 10®®«f ®J®®po" TJ
. .fr” yry.**“?*££: I two bill, of exehzni, on Now York. He th. rpreifia erim.ehorgtd in tire indiet- hr «”•*
Cf« S J^of^U^tr^reHSTA P™!**^ toonUrp »nd refit hu trerber ~®t- Kto£Ud£uS
— tete^K, ftoJ ItoS iwd M?; - td pert of the -oner.but
ship Hrrapis and some of the gun-1 decided on the investment of the remain-1 u( eonxpirwey iJJd wot been proved. Be-1 4. That if
here •Irred,octerod tboonul with der. IIe,bowe«r, remtrkrel, “l will rer-1 (o „ , h . l iuotla,ioo of hi* nrgnmonl, tbo I *
boeti nave aireeoy euieveu um muuu wun i
troope. _ j tsinly
London, August 30.—A dispatch from *
Constantinople to Reuter's TelegramCom-
tt to a food t
-New Or-
I W * A. Johan A Co. have,
unable to accept the Turkish proposals for 1 haftdeoma advetUscmeni slsewber*, to
of men in ohorea of l!«pt Bow; ud r * CvnHtlM. pieoiopowaonld areronp. Tb. irirl, were
IJ, MvVW. irter,bo:h wuU-formrel I »Uoo», Aogret II, im-Sdifor* T-fr- worud fretful uj pouted •" da,. Ilot
aud Ulbah otfirere, white tho Coon* w.r. I proph oad Vauvjcri In ,our nr, inter- “• f «? rU -
I&^ifSSditeL 01 trami " wilh jesting article on toe late Elam Alexander, | fiMTsiS^ri
^ CooH! wero^esrorted to the Blocs' | Too made one mistake, which I do not | And it wasn’t a good day for mashes
a military convention even in their
form. Naid Fs#ha and * ” ‘
nnder*t>jd to be #‘
uudt-rstaudiug with
)b*t the aa
• I eonrt ndioornod. " I tba vinnlt, d tl
I night clothing. Tha lore and Ituurenre I
Ur. OB lmu*n. | JO«munfeatedO.
with the purpo*
L A ^ , , difficulty if deee
whioh we call attention. They carry a I Uons were submitted to the tariff oommla* I atftriogise for ai
m to throw rhiu ulo • i Wuinh'i
said thfl w>le i • -form inc« wa*
fare#. After preeen 1 - i hu-
ietur* of MseahUt - *
ittiug on l><us Brfcs :md
the ruins of th« '••ipitML ruin*
le to cna extra h-»r «.n tho
and Tongue river route* Ur*:
r reritsd more poetry, and moMal
torical eulogy of l» r ■ ,.who, ho
he peer ia heoesty a - ,
n with whom he «s>n-«»rt« >i in the
is of his coontry’i
iderstandiug wtto Eugland. they are headquarters
London, August 2L—A dlspateb to the | #
A Card from Hr. PaUereow.
tstton from Turkey of moU* for
1/111 Bmikw, Aagoat ai.-CommnnlM-1 dtOrelt, I
•in* Wire .ubmitted to tha tariff oommU- 1 >r u|g k .ire . ..
■otetoato.ktn.illire.«nd only Mk* !*«»»*»».,*
il!iL!S-22i2-l2-21 , .Sia-IT!5Lg l * 1 fc^T^T^^^gp^SHM
, his argument to-iu
oax, August sh-Jf
nrmare, wh-re lb. welcoming ■prech wm think ought to remain nncorewtod, e.pec- ^
m?^i, L ’-' i u^ufion WM formed of th. IUU, »kW # h M »fi* Ik* Mdy to **• | Id TSi"
7^?.' , i^“-l*tl < b2ffjton*y> I ®*?® ”» ft I will bare tbrtr foo.gtri. ot no girl*. Md
ra-. I ore- t‘n Drindial »tr«u, ahowtoo- P* woutdh*v# foaodit bred to fo nn^valho v uld*nre tfavwnr other bo, Ivu to lie n
.£2ddiUli5ra!llre wuTof tliklio ptrecmwho ^Idroboid ljorth (Srolin* h*ndh.rehtef on k'. arm and pU, f.mate.
, gooddnliiPg on ure pnrt re to. | . , he of , xloc hi. n.l». iiuu, and I l m<t UreKg. Colliar tor. after dionar
thruit You know U»trge, of course. 11c is or.e of
done by the c-mus. fbe sidewalks were 1
crowd wisesumaUd at 2JAX). i r rn ,_
wavtend-^d t^cSf^rUa^IlIu^n | Notn.-W# wsr# ted into this mUUke by
Cotton avenue, and wc ham tost the boy* one whom WU thought knew of hi* uatlv-
had quite a goo-i time of U. They leave I ity. We cbetrfoUy give place to the eor-
for l.oai. thi. rooming. , ‘ “'*“
Sevaaneh ."h mid e«nd the Colquitt
Bl e- np .*io. They fun.l*1» ae much I r*r ttm iMClulaiure.
fun as a cir<
Editor* Ttbgrapk a*l Meumjrr ;—Al-
rrtp t®i »i »®t i.M-n*#. j low me toroogn toe medium of y«mr popo-
good for- 1 Ur and pru^mstve paper to aug.'cst a #uit-
. ■ Mr_ -i» u-I I^L-, j able mom bar of the Is>aislAtare from Bibb.
tun* ou U: Friday ti U*ddocftai|. .. w Mr. Patterson hi
Tour revltr* no douhi all know | s^.TJdUlentifted with toe ms-
of iii 1 iock’s. It is sit.»tcd oo the Ma-| ferial i^ereet* of our oty -
n» l # fro a ah» J< r.nee. vity, whieh j ftgft,|iiir<t a reputation • e an orator whteh
by the u .J u toi • . uer of this |* e oiwn-anu ti’.J the ht*U.
gtof Mue oU E*upira .iU t, I fo-: .4 the
country along the route prosperous, and
He and Whit arr getting their slu
resorters at to* MeL tosh Uons*.
| To enjjv mjr cigar, I sat down on a beooh I
Dear the Spring to watch the comers and
goers drinking wrer. 1 hoped from my
Inmoet soul that the water was doing them!
good, bet < didn’t eovet their lore of il
While blowing wreaths and circles of
smoke into the air. I beard a scrambling
■■■HHH^^Hl^jotited in toe
Dr. Cakttng. of UawiuaevUte, wee ow o
Editor* TtUgraph and Uaunqtr:— I
....; Gen# J. IL Y
ts of the eighth V
ator Wood, by the I
tenth Indiana district: J
. kill
d Transportation Company, of I accused guilty ol
KL Itwl, MinursoU, lu the interest of Cm I Br ** ( B inc* th* i
manufacture of angar from rorghum an 11 d«fe:>#e for kil
the adjustment of the rates of duties oo I ctaneee. , . 4 . . ,
wm. -- __ angar and syrup. I 5.'that if the jury believe from the evi-1 rM | p u(ttf „ , irr ,__— - T
mg tiwt Turkey will S* hell responsible author of ttl* too flattering mentlonol me, of tCgmtesI arnot^ of. good ^tette | encounter with .firearms,,ujd thorm
tor heavy damages. | and to the many partial friends who have I p®®^ 1 , DQ “? € , r ^; i
• : Charles A. hi
encounter with •firearm*, and tho result oi l
which eneoonter was the death of the de-1 1
MVM<1 from . ptetol jhot w modiofiteUd
ft etSFfiRBftSp KSiBES u
Maw Oauuna, Auguri33h —Th
th* new crop of cotton to c.ii
fley thi*
•j«,u Vi t
mulcted, bot tboM who remitted wuold to I ^ MM '^,', <luliflreliot>. for th. pcitton
trotteJ u retoU. Tto Brilteh h»v. *vua- b , tto .rev. trepoortWIUU. Mtutod to i'
.ted the otficM ot tto auul eompon,. Tto | ■ . M i ,r.t. cuidulM, oo ray port wool-, , .
I»A« of tto uuul will to oat, tempjreriif talprov. M^wtbXrff'v.'. z-L, to wtov. J^ld
,u.p.ul«l,w Older to ^tow the Britkih ugl. ( Mt u, UmJ." Yvt w«re ttd. dte- • W0 " U1
V.M.U IO pm., Tto ramput, hu nfoMd I wtthto re, greop, I wuwld to fur
ot wr.r. | p, rvtrerd it m k latar, wtdeh eoold
tov I jSi? &rst
toltomkite.- . ... . Ipreu. “rto Uw to* iMlow.mtetrere.'
IIU Utn All, J
for the suneosn,
scramble. In a short time we w*;*
eUrring the daet in the big red
roei, with George Collier cm the top of tie
.«». among tn*m ooe timl
wa. sopareoUy cold, bit which in r,n*.itj
wue the esnni
waraMt in the M, eoi viuch
evoked from a couple of fair looker mm
the remark that they “didn’t tell good bye
worth a ceaV and then the witelteou fan
Warv'e engine Mew oo brakes to Me trai
and to Uke carted. B. ft.
mluUterof fomgn
T-rkuh repremateUvee abroad a strongly | thouMud Southern indi-tns# uhich
sordsu d«i.Ul of the report of acU-(.hu# buidinz into life oficrabro "
UABdi.l.rtoooreu.torte. B. .itrttote. Sd^S&JSESlfJVildS^to«?lto
Um report*of toe existenoe of the germs of
■1»# -rtter 10 toe nulevelant Infleieeeef tor-
is exactly what Is csknlsted to.
Many inhabitante havespprised
to» VotU ot ap,/relun#t*NM
a/r.»al of two Bohan wsr v
Lmxdc*. Augusi 21.—A
Lloyds from the Forte eats fhs& entry
to* Soex canal le ferUddeo by the
heft at both cods off the canal.
To alt of the above 1
row aad"crooked putoe which are at pres-1 Lshoo^who U»*d five’udUe eeM of Ude I thV hgT^**
reitrruwdwlb, tto jctltoc politieteix o(|rei,~Md wt>. tod tomroireto.forthre.1“* w ’
restate d>re.wu diMOVMwd ireterdiy, with two! M toWW... .
I do trot wteh lo to wwhretood u tola. I >um« mm who todtoMwortto. fuvhiml *• T^.^^1°??*
mporelotlo. Tbo patriot took, on!, to|*UUte.of Item kimdfuldwl ud ttoir I ■“.“wLrettohw^^lf ’.tool U
the rrrliff lHtamlff. aw* 1 * « w - • — -— - - v. toremwre ul J. 1 -'***•' ‘ *
the good iw-n-te of Btbb
uhealasy that the g
owl, to I reU ttoM of tMto tdiodfukkd ud “f*5^J|^
tov. tb. I throwt* cwt froo, m, to |mr. Do «m I*
ao.«d b -ff!S37l k ~" fc ' ,h " w ^ i"5rsrs.
. _ should—stay at b