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■M Sw^-toto-MOMC
Clljc. (He.cri:ctra 11Tc cIil rr CL clc^cipf?. nnfc ^ouctrol & Mc^r^ug^.
fArmen or tne county, anu Riving « are**
deal cf attention to sheep raising. In a
word, ha U a solid wan, with a level head,
capable of forming correct opinions and
capable or lorniing correct opiuiwun nui
fully able to maintain them, either in pri
vate conversation or in public debate. No
ie doubts that ho will prove a worthy
presontative of «mr county. Of the
r nominee, W. M. llawkes, it af-
forda me special pleasure to speak
lie is oue of the boys, and waa the
men's candidate. He is a young lawyer r*
promising futnre. With capabilities of
superior order he unites the modesty of
to Nevin’s Opera House to unite in the fu
neral ceremonita that had been prepared.
The hushed solemnity, the appropriate
decoration, the fitting words of condolence
offered by those who addressed the meet
ing, the tears and the throbbing hosrts ren
dered it indeed “a house of won ruing.
There was nothing absent but the cata
falque and the coffin. The church bells
continued their tolling until eight and the
city clock sobbed a reqniera for twenty-
four hours. And so It ia throughout
State. It means simply that Ben Hill
a great man and that Georgia kuew it.
, comforts and do-
AuovaT, 21.—Mr. John Bush, whose wifs
died a few weeks sgo, will be buried to
morrow afternoon in the Gordon oemetery.
1 hey leave four orphan children.
Mr. Isaac Jessup, an aged gentleman of
Twiggs county, was out riding with Rev.
iffln J u 1 “—
city clock sobbed a reqniera for twenty- William Griffin one day last week, when
four hours. And so it 1* throughout tho Mr._Orl«ns>hors*ktekej•Jf'-jJjW*
maiden. Hi* candidacy was the revolt of
the desire of his frieods to see him pro
moted. He sought not the office before
the aunounoemeut of his name, and his
success i« mainly due to tho disinterested
efforts of friends. It is a clear case of the
office peeking the man. He will prove an
honor to nnr county. His clear conception
of parlinneutary law and his ready
grasp of ary question brought to
.... such
ndorn the S tnker'a chair.
Nomination in«»*u« electioi in^ oui
county, so look out for a brilliant rK^jri
made by Hm ; . W. M. Hawks, of Surator, in
August 22.--Our city treasury received a
a deposit yesterday to the amount of twen
ty or twenty-five dollars from a little mis
understanding. Go it, boys; we caft soon
pay for that engine at these licks.
Home of our farmers say they made corn
enough to do them three years, and it
seems they intend keeping il from the way
the price keeps up. A farmer with a
crib full of corn in u model of indepen
dence, but what's the use of being oat of
the fashion? We like to sse it. Hurrah
for all the iudepeudents on that plat
form !
Our merchant* are expecting a good
trade this fall, from the preparation* they
aro making. They have already bought
several bales of the uew crop, and business
ib beginning to look up.
Our railroad depot was entered la*t night
by a novice of a buiglar. Ue made a very’
futile effort to break open a money drawer,
ami succeeded in.only breakiug tho east-1
iron handl> and making a tew indentation*
Methodist church has been organ-
ized at Snow lldi, about seven mile* north
east of thi* place.
Itertielor* Hill.
HacochtSI.'“Traveling on the East Ten-1
nesute, Virginia and Georgia railroad with
tho handsome Capt. Adie, as conductor,|
is a p'easurethat imprints itself indelibly
upon the inlnd^djafMMjjroji|ffi|M|M
Ho i* so attentive to _
.,courteous in nil his actions
the esteem of all. The strangest
thing is that ho remnius a bachelor at the
tender age of thirty-seven. The rente i*
studded with uumistak-ible evidences of
thrift in the little villages, vim and me
ets* in the iniumnoth l»i*pi ntine and mill
ing cuter; rises along the line of the read.
Prom Eastman to the Florida line tin
corn crop is exceedingly tine, and is now
bt-yond injury from bligli ing drought
Coti *» is severely injured by rust, in some
instmi ca to the extent of decay aud death
to tho plant.
We would like to know of the irrepressi
ble Gentry what his present opinion is of
Jt-sup hop beer. We dislike to give him
AIBUV llllt rnniiot Mill *‘f HAU thfl
rora twelve to fifteen dollars.
There is a vast amount of siekneaa in
Montgomery county, mostly typhoid fever.
iJuiKuwery wuhuvj. iuusii| q>uuiu lever.
■ Mr. Dent, who has cuarge of Mrs.I
Wayne's fsrm in Laurens county, s*ya that
the poor, half fed dogs around him have
Bpzbta Sunbram: Farmera complain of
rust ie cotton. Well, gentlemen, if every
stalk waa loaded down with silver quarters
you would growl because they were not
dollars instead.
Mb. J. It. Ct'MMDiQHAH was out hunting
near lhomasville an Thursday last, and
hile he was loading his gun it was ncci
Capt. J. P, Imuodkn, It is said, drove a
span of horses from Dalton to Dahlonega,
eighty miles, over one of the worst moun
tain roads in the State, in a day, reaching
h U dr killed OH the .Ido of hU d«d. He died immedi-
sl iu bio fiel.'
It is almost reduced to a certainty that
Mr. John li. Wolfe, the nominee for the
Legislature, will have strong opposition.
Dr. J. T. 1 happel is being strongly urged
by his friends to make the race.
in Deoember.
IV tint the I'eoule think anil Do.
Hbotbeb Watebman says: "Forsyth
seems to be lagging on the baseball idea."
We are glad to know it for the sake of For
syth. There are very few things in this
life better to lag on than baseball.
0 iLuunuH, aooordiug to the Timet, is
Camilla Clarion :
pie in
„ . peop]
Georgia are now wanting Bon. A. O.
con to beoome -a casdidate for United
States senator before the next Legisla
ture. Many of Mr. Stepheus's .warmest
supporters favor the movement.
Jackson Herald: When "Unele Jos'
was in Athens during commencement, he
that city, four of which oontained a ten-
dollar till. Of these letters only one
reached its destination, the one without
the money. Government detective* are
on tho track, ai.d the circle of the suspect
ed is rapidly being narrowed dowu.
Gjiumuu* Timet: A few mornings
since Mr. William Thompson, of this
county, killed two wild turkeys at ono shot
while out hunting near his place, north of
this oity. They were large and fat, weigh
ing twenty-one pounds ca. h.
James Clegg, of the Columbus Iron
Works, had the ore csrriage, which weighs
a ton or more, to run over his foot.
Three bales of cotton will be rallied in a
few days.
Tub I’ott-Ajfpeat is rejoicing because
this is "the era of Liberalism in Georgia."
It says the signs of the times herald the
"breaking np of Bourbonism and the
emsnoipation of voters from the despotism
of caucus and the terrors of the party
lash." Ard, farther on, "this is pare Dem-
oornoy—this is paro Republicanism."
We have always been lead to suppose that
pure Democracy and pure Republicanism
ware things widely apart.
The Ennuirer thinks the Columbus water
works will be completed in fonr weeks.
A little white girl at Columbus was re
cently knocked down by a sixteen j cur-old
negro, who threatened to brain her with a
r -
save Nprlng.
Apocst 1.—The citixcna here regret
very nine's to lose their fnithfnl and effl-
ci*. - I, Mr. P. I. King, principal of
thi lit .rn r.-»!e school. Homo of Mercer’s
Ot bleat j; ri duates of late yeara were once
.-!•« Hr from heie to Shelby,
.. C. M . 1 cyter, of Alabama, a young
• 1 rted by the trustee* to fill tho
. us ed by the resignation of Mr.
Oarvlllnca was quite lively a few nights
ago. In r 'ilion to n due apecclulelifered
by 11 m. £ uburn Wright, of Horae, Inde
pendent c: .bdstefor th* Legislator? from
I-'if.yil coa *./, tiiriu whs n lively dance
at the hotel hi d ''
iog countle
•♦VS sl o'.
Julsy »iba •
the oicasl
Tins s»nd fi
JOjjS* OVi
sla.» ha«l
| othor. Hu
taught and showed many the value of tiue
government, and around the sound doc
trine proclaimed rallied tliagood and pa
triotic, who overturned the false aud greedy
hordes thathu-.g on to |<owor only to feed
ffienirdv- .
Notes oa the Situation" inspired many
heart with new hopes ami fresh courage,
and lurnishod many voices and pens with
arguments tho trnth ami strength of which
convinced and aroused a nation.
let every lover of truth, peace and good
government pay his tributo to tho dead
statesman. Mr. Hill had oouviction*
strong and tree, and he had the oonrnge to
utter them an few ever spoko. Rome of
I i* pciods stand almost nurivullcd in the
English language. We ns a peoplo elevate
ir-clvea by houoringhim.
Ytt it is mid, long ero death took him,
that cliques \nd ring*, bosses and liencri-
men were inar*liaUir>g their fert-us to seizr
(lie high place lie held I do not vouch lor
rumors, bot repeal what every i
who read* the r.ew.-q*a,crs, I*
Is the Democratic parly of
to bo pocketed by romo low politi-
? I mu n<» gri-st |K'l»tic*Mi, Out 1
oo;ivinln>ns of rigiit
asu'ly bee
dsstii. Uo
dvortsr, 1
Wadlsi, at
\V*J i .:
D«r lUuii ir
la a suoi
dlrari cun.
ofty and b*
paper the
• .nr, ll,my llill.
i.o e .i Hops to hi
• lion wnli yonr iM-antiftii
> . bl*it to gt-i ><*nr vnluah'o
L.S d/iy it is printed lu (be
luiaLUmo hJ along Tom llurney. C.
ArorsTt .— Mr. T. J, Bush, of the firm
ef tiurh t<i ., o.i the evt side of the river,
1 *p;4nt<l I .the mistortnne of having hi*
rrl. ly mutilate 1 iu a gin on Hatur-
thal in
< was removing some
i on a Hoard underneath the
s iASwhi'c (he gin was in motion, when
l.i li <nd c u.** in contact with the saws,
c.i ti g tw lingers almost entirely off end
otl • rai o nitiiitf and lacerating his hand.
a phjSictAM %m* railed at once, and afn
au ei-.ioit /iiiu founa that the two fiuior
wrro Ml . I * J i*y small piroes of skin
lluy «rr» need iu |»ositiop, tlie wounds
dri. c*l, 1 .1 holes are er.tertaiued that
t .u, wi.l i a U> and tlmt lie msy not lose
th* •
bu , are
i of our town met yesterday
1'HMni les .lutluus inkcuor
t ri- nator lli.l.
veu ca-es of measles in the
l>. G. iUCorinu k.
t.rought In another bale of
i.U tuorniLg.
. Wild ms hud family, of AI
■ visit to friends here. Mr.
- .piss a 1 rge space in the
j of kfawkiusville, he
> J t, re as pastor of the M. E.
,M7 to 1H.H).
r re u ui; laming of too mnch
k in cotton. Hiotn.
To Hi
iavi air.
of our ti
rvsc, > i
, r ovo
■fllency Alfred //. Colquitt,
ma—Utxn Bib: four
r.t euU lie funeral obsequies
.ted llill, I am sorry to tsy,
a »n-h a dice I was uuable to
i..l white I pen you this short
.on. 1 believe i ajc-ak tbes-u
ihii . niirw constituency of the
■'/rial district in expressing
t It K»rrow at the demhe of the
. and illustrious Senator, who
■ ay u bis prime, with a spotless
'« urilliant future, snd to-day all
t.dof die nobis henator is laid
,l.e silent tomb, ami white we
jmimihtei with the bereaved.
WS hurt t’.e knowledge of the fact that
i;r.< t .c i his eternal gain.
1 nap :o of ntino would be inadequate
i. 'this rre was communicated that our
beuato IliU was no more—that life had
oa-sed ./ and tbs grim monstrr death
•iff in thenoondty of bis greet
And especially would I reuder
tit sympathy of ourtu'ira
> hi* good family in this their
t i tilioiion. and may a bright re-
us ou the shores of a blissful
Lemuel Joaaaoa.
l .—From a gentlemen who has
. d from Canton, I learn that Dr.
•- * rousing speech there on F.l-
* 1 rge and enthusiastic crowd,
ounlvis oue of Dm Doctor'
I., tend hi
H tho wood aroun 1 tho lock. He left,
without getting anything, from what mm
can see. He also paid our dming-ro t
visit, and it oar city was a portal
entry wo could spot our man. Mrs. D.
s:»y» tho old man mast lx* getting near-M
sigli't-d, or lie examined the material very
closely, ns he only took two of her spoons,
I: box of matches, and a churn of butter-
a.Ik, which ho took into tho back yard
; id distributed to his oiew on a trash-
b nch in regular old sojor style. lieimnde
in is capture without firing a gun. Wo will
robably hear from him from tho poit of
Itlanta soon Arabi must look to hifl lau-
Irels ns Ben is on the warpath for more
spoons. This incident reminds u- of the
first field tight in the late unpleasantness
at Bsthol church, below Yorkt^wn. VH., I
where a young man. a Mr. Wynt', of
Greenville, N. C . was killed, be being tl.o
first man killed ou our ride in a field fight.
I We make this statement for the benefit o!
(hose making inquiries for Die first one
killed. The last one kilted was jn»tuiour
rear between Raleigh and Uri en boro.
We did not wait or stop to learn bin nnuic.
away, but cannot resist, and "I say the
tale ns 'twas raid to HI
"I know >ou know the jolly Gentry, of
the 1'Ei.eoBAt‘ii and Merhenukb. Like all
men of cultivated tots, he appreciates a
glass of good lager. Well, a shorMlmo
Itelia . 1 Should like t j li
R|M Rk O .1 tO
f tin
, and n
for i
r Siu
who i
I/M r
August Si.—Cotton coulmues to oome in
briskly, nud already onr street/ are begin
ning to assume n businoss-like aspect. I
is sirango what an effect the fleecy slapl<
has ui^n the feeling* of tho prople. All
duilug the long, tidloos rumnier month*
dullness reigns supreme both upon the
pi .
street- and Hi the hearts of onr country
men, but let the seasons advance, the cot
ton bloom, nnd soon tsjung'o change '*
peochnnt, and that there
some home concocted lager of
tho moat villainous taste that over
offended mortal lips, n crowd invited him
to go rmd partake of a glass of floe lager
‘i us. Tho g'.ns«e* were fillrd, andO.
the first to take hold He swallowed a
mouthful, mid, with pallid face writhed
luto coutortious, he gasjtod: "Well, g n-
tlemen, parde n mo, bat 1 have a very bad
ta te, or that ain t gcod lager, and I cat “
go any more." He wa* assured that it w
hop bitter* that ho was driokinif, when h<
again sciz d tho glass and with a feeble
smile exclaimed: "I kntw I could not bo
fooled on lager, but ns to hop beer, it is
something new to mo, and I doubt not it hi
promised the boys that if Aleck secured
the nomination bo won'd talk against
Hpeer ia this district. Now, it is stated
that Aleck will not speak in tliia district,
but that clever Tom Hardeman will bate
to come np and do the talkisg for the
Eatonton Mettenger: Prohibition is
now in effret in forty-three eonaties in
Georgia. If this keeps np, Georgia will be
a prohibition htate in a few years.
Mr. J. A. Ouslet, a former Maoonite,
has had the courage to deo'iue a candida
ture offered as a representative of Lowndes
county in the Legislature. Ue was certain
of being elected^too.
Messrs. H. A. Jenkins and R. 0. Uum-
b-r were nominated by the Democrats of
Patnarn county to represent them in the
next session of the Georgia Legislature.
Jasper county haa established a poor
house farm two miles Loin Monti.ello.
Madison Mmlitonian; If it will be nec
essary to appoint a Senator in place of
Hou. Benj. Hill, deceased, we urge the fit L
neesof that noble r.nd lofty statesman,
Hon. Joe< Abbott Billups, f»r this high po-1
sition. His eminent qualifications for any
K dtion of trust aro well known by every
Georgiin—coupled with his lifelong devo- iTu*.q»(m»d'thJre ^ a iT*>ZL <M «kJ!L l •**' purgative, alterative »«’-t
tions to the distinguished deceased, render I !» |1 |L£XS^ * 1 U thr ®° handred Thereircd, »p,n•
his claims peculiarly snperior to thoae of ‘l k® 1 ®** and does n*»t Interfere with bu t.u. .s ,.e
Dahlonega at fi p.
Tna railroad from Gainesville to Dah
lonega is rapidly progressing. It will
|reacn within ten milts of the latter place
within tho next two mouth*.
Georgia {■ moving up to her proper po-
sition. Bbefs now placed thirteenth v. u
the roll of States and Territories in the
matter of railroad construction, and is set
down on the list as tenth in agricultural
Impurity of the
I’b/oil, I'Vvcrand
Ague, Malaria,
ami all Diseases
caused by De-
", Dowels and Kidneys,
Tna Fort Valley people are looking for
an iirtea an flow every day. They have
agreed to be taxed, aud tliey think the wa
ter ought tooonie right away.
Atlanta Herald: The roller-chair is laid
np for repairs at Orawfordville. Its route
has not yet been mapped out. bat It is safe
i"* ‘ ,vv “ “."rr™ v»m, uui h ii
to Miame that its captain will steer clear
of the waters in which Felton and Bpeer
have sank their ominous torpedoes.
The Albany Newt and Adverther in an
able article reviewing the death ot Col.
Wad ley ard the probable future ot the
Centril rndroad, nrges the election of Capt.
nppctite; Dowels
• dull an
Bad Breath: I'a
pain U felt under the Sh/.ultle
Kheumatism; gcucntl Ion i
« It troubled with pain,»» turn »,
with coMiderable lou of memory, accompanied
with a painful tenution of leaving uu<ione totnething
which ought to have bcea done; a tiight, dry cou^h
and Nuahcd face is tometimet sa attendant, often
mistaken for contumpti^n; the patient comp>ains
t f weariness and debility;
feet cold or b.irnin*, surm-t. - . - ,
of the skin exists; spirit* are low r.nd tlespci
and, although satisfied that exercise wtx;Ui be
facial, yet one can hardly summon up fbrtiti
try it—in (act, distrt— aMMMadl
ol the abi
si’.jr startled;
of the above symptoms attend the <iiv
have occurred when but few of th
v/out-rei inurunu, urges tuu fu cuun oi uapi. , eM inination after death has sl.uwn the li„r,
J 1 " 0 ?! t ^ th ®e P k®* idW L < 3 r, .j ThU U j ? Bt What *“*• bcc “ extensively deranged' k
two thirds of th« stockholders would say if |
perinitltd to speak on tho question. It | It should b« used by all pentom
would l>c a shame to turn th ■ *oorperntion
over to an administrat'on of stock water
ing and stock jobbing and speculation.
Itiv. 0. M. Beckwith has undertaken to
cure tho habit of swearing in Atlanta. It
ia a hoped
Bam W. Small, Esq., one of the editors
of that sprightly paper, the Atlanta Ece-
nimj Herald, proposes to publish the trib
utes to the memory of heuntor Hill, in
bookform. It will contain about 10) pages.
New Holland Spkwos are to be owned
hereafter by a stock company and will be
greitly improved.
Tnxua is to be a State prohibition con
vention held early in Reptember, at which
young, whenever any of the alK-ve
symptoms appear.
Persons Trnrpllnjr or Giving In Un
healthy Localities, * ''— J -
healthy Localities,Tiv taking a dose occasion
ally to keep the Liver in heal.hy action, will avoid
all Miliaria, Dillons attacks. Dirtiness, Nau
sea, Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, etc. It
will iuvigorate like a glass of wine, IsOt is no in
toxicating beverage.
If You have eaten anything hard ot
digestion, or fed heavy after meals, or sleep
less at night, take a dose and you will be relieved.
Time and Doctors* Dills will he
by always keeping the Itegn.:
In thr House!
Fsr, whatever the sllmet
ious staff.
August 21.—It seems that tbe windows
of hntveu have been opened daring tho
present j ear aud that blessings of every
kind have fnll.-n tqtou oar people. Fat-
nnin claims to he tho banner county ot tho
Rtato, <;nd we fool that sho has just claim
th a proud pre eminence among her sis
ngh r
.ml his roiirngo to
f«tiK>J alone aur*i g
U iii. U riin'lh, of nil Goor-
„ . nr.>. ahiuo f tight that hi .t
upon Air oilcan vDtUsiitun-ltlp kn
tlio ••aleotorel cj ' * *
plv, aft-.T ItH had
f sonlli Georgia, who sevtn to Imvu iuniu
forgot tin as fir pt-sible in the distribution
f public ufficoa and honoi^, come to tho
fiout nud put one mail in the Uuit« d *t*t>
Senate that cauuut be ittimidatoil t
bought. Ukoroian.
Clay twunly.
Auoust 22.—Heavy rains continao to
ty, rendering it
in thi
tv gathering,
cotton. H. vt rnl
w l*en received
selling from 'en
Did. With those
ri p our plant* s
> a much llnnor
tn tliey have f*
ne pi nk in th
* (ample I
wrought. The spirit of ennui gives place
to feelings of joy and elasticity, a broad,
opt-n muilu wreathes the oountenanoe of
the business man, moucy nere:t»roro locked
aud securctl in Uie vaults nud coffer* of the
treiftunes begins to circulate, the languid
pti'se revives, nod soon the whole country
in jubilaut nud j nous over the approach of
the royal monarch. King Cotton. It is not
strange, for U it ho a'.on* that holds the
magic key at whose touch tae djor.t of
money vaults fly open ; It is ho alone th .t
can approach successfully the heart of tho
hunker, the merchant end
speriiiator; it is ho a'.one that
quicken tho roigli y apTiiigsof trade ard
H'tun; it is ho alone tha:
spia« l.w aud looms of our - .
keep the whole wor d nohy will; t.*»e hum
in.d n nr of bnnineM. Marie,
ir.ighty cotton. Wo hull then king of the
,*r»d, thou child of royalty nud power!
Waynesboro is» eginoing t* sg»t. te the
...1f»tan well subi.ct. 'I his is euiucntiy
proper nnd wise, for there is no question of
yrmer importance that can po>s:bly exer
cise the mind of oor citizens and shii 'n
thropists. '1 hesicknts*, *-» which reference
was made in a fc m*r letter, is duo in n
gri st measure to the impurity of our wat« r.
It i* slaost animiK** bility to preserve u
hoallhy ooo muuity, whuro the wat*r
is obtained n* it were just
at tho surfnee of the ground. The very na
ture of the soil in thi* section pr« eludes tho
possibility of obtaining water nt the me -u
depth of tnirty-llve or forty foot. 1 he nd-
visaoility and c-oa nece-stty of such aa
euVrpriso rhoold la* seriously (>oiiJtrci!
by those of cur citizens who lu> cl nun to
the affections of the people. I shall hail
witli joy and ple .suro the day that
gives to our city an artesian wtlL
.Miss \ Mercer, n dunning young
lady of tho neighboring will ige of ll.-phzi
bah, was married this nion.iug to Mr. ll«r
uvy Frost, of LaGrang**. Thte will
qaile a rurpi
ter counties. We have had soal-stirring
nnd soul-saving revivals all over the coql-
ty, the churches have a>l beon revived and
Jilun a hundred and fifty uien an.
woni'-n have enlisted for the wliole war oul
derlheb .nm r of Christ. We aro glad to
LeGbamob Iteporter: Mr. Gsorge M.
Traylor informs os that he will erect, at au
early day, a large tobxcoo factory at Henry
Court House, Virginia. Mr.Trsylor already
takes the products of a whole factory. Ue
has n monopoly of tho tobacco trade of
this section.
Melvin Gcrkne's sol boat, Minnie Lee,
has bet.n repainted .,ud will be launched at
the old river bridge next Monday, where a
small party will embark up the OhntUhoo-
chee as far os IcaviUe, near Atlantv Thv
party will p«s' the time in fishing, bnntiwr
etc., and expect to he gone about a weo^
or ten days.-La(Jrange Iteporter. This
itsm will threw the Atlanta custom house
into a flutter of excitement. The ohargo
that At lunta is not a port of entry can
longer be sustained.
The LnOrnnge Iteporter tells of th*
suy Hint the new converts consist of the
bmt people ot the county. There is
hirky sold or givon away
one thought tor
>.» not be stops-
hi uvy grain crop
• be • neonngiHl—
•. Tu
rill ex
to an
that <
I belte
1 unless romcouu
mm the fait— |
> rr|»»u*d
light we w'mj
ed year, and im
uents to supply n
an a v ncuunt < J
auters, who have
oats, are much
Old N
former than the
a ho prepare t* eir
icox:** than those
te in preparing
it long to tbe last
liud them cf the
h d ing at all, is
lfilh lost., on
ten to the C-u
ud unanimously
of Hon. Il
r from
-tiich 1 hear no
,iev« l.e will he
fcU) delt-gn'xs
aTcntion of the
i.esn-d a prefer-
nd fellow town*-
lu'.ievrt nod tru*t
il in b jth couven-
lilt-ir, we are to >
o split, nn-1 too
e outy trail h* is
giKnl men, who
»1> riprtseut u*.
H HHPHBHbIi they could all
be accommodated, and tho greatest troub-
honldgo whtuso
in thi.-. county. Wo feci safe ia any ing that
ritate history has not recorded another cat e
similar to ours. The sale of whisky wan
voluntarily ahandoued by th* sutler in
this e..u;ity after paying three thousand
dollars for the privilege of f-clling it A
strong, healthy, religious sentimeot per-
vide-* etiry grade of society and we sin
cerely trust that this mon*ter, which lets
lie-troy id so many of ourprombing young
men, has b.U us an eternal lareaeli. We
rcfolvfed tint we will never eg.iiu
wait to meet this enemy at our
hearth-stones but we wilt meet him nt
the door sill and combat from our
borders aud our te tides, or pull down the
pill.its cf the structure mid ouveh.p him in
a comm m ruin. Onr farmers are rejoin
ing with all their might, aud their chid,
happy f cesnte pteuant tp behold. We t
may they "rejoloe nnd be exceeding glad, “
for ueiueniiid or.t crop met the short com
crop of .'art year with cn stretched arms.
Tbe best com crop sinoa the war shorn of
iis foliage speaks of a plenty and to spare
for the commg year, aud the coltou stalk,
lenvy with its precious burden,
hangs its hoid from >h»er inability to
c my its load. Nominations for Ike Legis
lature by tho district plan took plsoe hero
iHewa* drivirg for Colonel Bromes, of
LaGrnuge, and attempting to cross Hillo-
bee creek after a heavy rain, he lost his
own life, nnd drowned two horse* valued
at %'Ut0, ami rftectaally damaged |
Tin /day last and revolted as follows
R. C. HiimiIh r, I /; J. B. K lfiq 11. A.
Jenxin*, l.'7; M. A. Gosky, 27; M. Found,7.
The iwi'Uty-eighth Boiiaturial < istrict con-
tion n et persunnt to a ealitromJ W.
_ . sion at tUindy Date on Saturday last.
Hon. Frank Leverett, of Futuarn,was made
p» im'ineiil ebiiirm <ii of trie oonveution,
aud ilon. Calvin George, of Morgan couuty,
i iminuted.
many admirers at this place, to whom
rerrive the fart, stero it will prove the
kn. ll of unroerous quond un ho(wt.
Our Dierelmnis are anticipating a heavy
fall trade, aud ccn»queutty nre putting iu
heavy stocks. I only hope that th y will
not be forced to "curry them over." The
prospects ar*. beginning to brighten, nud
soon we will have regained our wonted
oheerfoinece. J. B. IL
Jot* <
August 23.—Bnpertor Court is in session,
Jad.e T. J. Him mans presiding ia the
place of Judge ill.Iyer, and Col R. T. Dor
sey, acting solicitor for B. H. llill, fi
civil docket will be clvare t t >-Uny, and to-
a orrow tho couu will enter upon th* trial
of criumml eases. Daly one case of iuter-
est 1 • on thu docket. I refir u» Uie o>M
gaiuat B nrlMirongh for killing a negro.
Cisteral Oanrell Is the leading counsel for
August !SL—Another railroad boom has
struck Madison. Delegate* from the
counties of Clarke, Oconee and Morgan
uitt on yesterday at Watklnsville, to do-
vise meau* for building a railroad from
Athens to Madison. The route was sur
veyed sevtral years since, and it was then
■ I/ist night, Buck Dorsey, a noiro of no
toriously oodafa———
buggy. HI* death was attributed to his
iguornnee of the etream, and not to drink-
ing or caretessners.
The KyivanU Telephone pnhlishes a let
ter from Conyree>m-i4 black announclua
his itnp:oved health,a..d hie intention to
ho a candidate for renomiuation. It in-
dotses him w iriuly.
Eastman Timet ; Every effort Is being
made on the part ot cfficnl* and i«eoplu
to arrest and bring <» justice every imp
wh» participated in tha lato riotous pro
ceedings in oor town, which resalted in
tho lurrihlo murder of poor Jimmie Har
vard—an inoffensive young mau who war
visiting friends here that day, him! h .d
neither done nor snid a solitary thing to
exoite the mob. Committing court* were
he'd every dvylast week, anil twenty-two
ol the motley crew wero bound over and
lodged in jail to answer the charge of mur
der, in Dxigo buptrior C .urt—a special
term of which eouv^uud ou Thursday last
for tbe purpose of trylug there outlaws.
HreAEiao of Licke's invitation to stump
the State with Cot Thus, liar Journo, the
Timet s »y s : '\vo doubt Mr. Loeke w ml 1
like to give his party the appearance ot
respectability by conducting the eauipaigu
in mutest with soch a man ns Mr. Harde
man, bo. Mr. Hardeman has P*o much
sense, self-res|»eot snd res-./ect for the par
ty whieh nominated him to enter into any
such arrangement."
Tub Eastman Timet cautions the drug
stores of that pUoe ngainn selling whisky
to riotous negroes on Sunday.
Tub Jouesboro AVux comes oat In favor
of the present convict sysieni, nud says:
"It eosts us as much to board criminals iu
jail till th*7 are sent-nced - nd convicted
os wo wish to invest in that business, with
out ooarding them in huge briek hoosce
for ten years, or a life time."
Maa. J. W, Smith, near Rome, ie dead.
She was an eiotlient woman.
LaFatette has given Hon. Jnd Clements
a torchlight prooes-ion. A rooting vote
th'» fall will be better.
any other gentleman in the ritate. Colonel
Hillups wil make an exalted representa
tive of a pore and patriotic constituency.
We hope he will be appointed.
Auousta Chronicle: Though a very re
served man Lbout hie bosiness, Mr. Wad-
ley was a very oompanionable man in his
leisure hoars. The appearauce of his com
manding figure on enr streets in April,
11HHI, will be remembered in Anguata for
|many years. He was the focus for rail
road men and newspaper interviewers.
When not in actual communication with
railway officials about nuy of hia pet leases,
l -- was engaged in making evasive replies
[city Editors nnd stock brokers. He wns
|thoroughly a master of the one set as
I proved a mystery to the others. He
was as Indifferent to the temptntion of 1
speculation aa he was independent of the
praises of the pnblie prints. The
writer remembers approaching him in vain
several time* (tending the lease of thel
Georgia railroad. Before the prelimlLai
ries were arranged lie was as quiet at
a sphinx, but at the oonoludon of tho are!
rangement* a Chronicle representative who
lo lled upon him at his room in tbe Flau^
I terV Hotel, wns ino»t cordially receivo Jl
Fatigued by five days of the most, arduous
work, Mr. Wad ley had concluded his la
bor* bjr assuming a heavy responsibility.
Throwing hts giant form upon ho bsd, he
I conversed most pleasantly of the people
aud of tho prospects of Augusta, aud told
of his plans aad of his hopes for her fu
ture. Ho had flanked every syndioato and
outgone!tiled every competitor, but there!
was nothing of haughtiness in his manner
ior boastf dnese in his talk. He seemed
then in Uie hoar ct bis triumph, jait as ho
appeared in tho middle of his couteite—the
calm, redoubtable, self-reliantmaq of bos-
| Hon. Rurva K. Lurraa, of Bavannah, it
is stated i:< tlie Da'ien Timber Uazette, is
favored by the McIntoshcoanty delegation
to thu ('ongressional convention, which as-
Isemblis in Bavannah on the <».h proximo.
■SxvANNAn Newt: The majority of thel
delegation ot the Irish Jasper Greens, who
[left on a visit to Indian Spring on tiro
li, have returned home, end the remai
■r are expected here this morning and
[to-morrow. They had, It is stated, a very
ploareut time, and enjoyed the trip greatly J
Democrat? now tarn to tbe file of the old
Atlanta Sun and guide their action by the
rules laid down by him in the Greeley cam
The Sparta Sunbeam, speaking of the
. J eiiarautcr, was being carried
to the jaii by deputy sheriff lie i. Uion
reaching the jsit yard, Doreey hurled Rea
asidre aud um .e a break for liberty, follow-
* d by m.'^ bullet- f rum Rca's pistol. Tbe
oouuty if3k* wore gotten out, and put
troek. They ran him several hours, fol
lowed by urea mounted on swift horses,
tnt llu» regro escaped. One of the
to this place is ouly twenty-eight miles,
and tbe e-lcuUtion* show tn»t the io.kI
can be Guilt and equipped for $1 D.UX). If
seouie opou Ue negro, as lie
fin and Madison rnilror d will both be built.
The future of our city is bright and prom -
is ng. Onr merchants and business nu-u
ne inducement for
aunty. If any of
>de among a peo-
•lie men they coed.
l l^as always givea him u
Banks Alexander, Charles J.
-mn n li. Head and Cyru4
. jreytb, i assed through Ihs city
to v
ti*. •
! whieh to Duke
do strangers, come
texture in »«cDr
ill have no letters
riende and r.-ls-
> write something
have a taste for
one of the other
i way, I wdl.
ruefcio Niagara Fait
. Prey 'serechnprroned by Mr.
I ricx end 1 dy, of the same
r. Milec G. Dobbins, Jr., of liar-
. xc- uip'Uied them also. We
. . plets/int trip.
.r i ,:i;i year* ago a young man,
: . y or fiiends, was forced to
MxnetU to CArtersvilie, not
. .t.eut means with which to pny
*1! fare. lie ia new a proprietor
: Dm largest dry goods establish-
1 • th* ci;r.
- i< Jk. Pride, of Tennessee. U vis-
Im .Vi Items,of thte place.
■ -:»**• Starling, of Sumwereilie,
:»\ : il to tbe lamily of Colonel It.
ArocsT 21.—Rockdale Superior Court 1
convened to-dxy. Judge Stewart ie presid-
■ able and ex-
rand jury, lie sail
h was committed iu
Dtl er county in tbe
I fee
ittributable to thel
iliug hbo(M. ■■■
i. W. W. CUrke, J.
oD«ck, of Coving-
impey, of Atlanta,
declared himself an I
independent Democratic cmdiitatu for
Senator. At the recent Senatorial ecu-1
Ivcotioo, held at Social Circle,
* i*rice, ooe of owr most popular
.left a few days ago, to visit
.Grange. J. O. D.
executive committee
» returns to-day
It: Hawke*, 4(J2;
JB7-, Feagiu, 272.
A. Wilson nr
tie aevjn.
thereupon the defegation from Rockdale
withdrew from the convention. Dr. Brew-
art will make a thorough canvas* of the
district and will be hard to beat.
Uncle Johnnie Treadwell, father of the
Messrs. Treadwell of Atlanta, and Mr. F.
ri. Treadwell, oar county treuaorer, is quite
n» expwcvsu so uv« very lot g.
Mire Lais Kiltebrew, of CbuksvUle,
Te n, a very attractive young lady, is
vtelUng Rockdxls, the guest of Mi*« Sue
nt Femnn, ti
■Saab ire«,
August 22.—The cjtton boll worm ha*
made its appearance in this section. Tbe
c-iUoa on rich spots and on new and L*w
Undsaill no doubt U greatly damaged.
Many planter* predict nearly total do-
Acou't 22. — c n
n MUrday, while tbe
dud Menaior filled the
generally stand a« high aa any in the
State, aud tho enterprise and intelligence
of our eit'xone cannot be questions:!.
Whenever the Athens snd Madison rail
read is built our city will move forward to
a proud position iu 'he ris'erbood of cities.
Mr. Firry Raley, of Bibb county, died
nt the residence of Mr. D. I*. Evans, of
this county, on test Thursday, of hemor
rhagic fever.
Mim McKenzie, of Greenville, Ala., and
Miss Burney, ot Rome, Ga., after a ( le-*s-
oi/t viiit to relatives here, have returned
M<m Avery, of Quitman, Miss Bpeer, of
Griffio, Mias Call!* Va*on, of Albany, and
Mtes Leila Ecboi*,of Covington, are among
our latest arrival*.
At the district Senatorial convention,
held at Shady Dale on last Saturday, JmLe
Calvin George, of his county, received the
nomination for htate Senator.
August 23,4 JO r. m.—Between tha dual
employments of local (olltics and iirepnra
tion for tbe business season, which prom-
isea to be a little tardy iu opening, tbe deni
zens of the town aro kept quite actively
employed, with the chanonLra favor of the
latter job for remuneration and profit.
Time will sooths the differences and pacify
tho disappointment! of losing candidates
at the ballot box.
The county convention meets at Zabnlon
next >htnrday to nominate two candidates
for Renre»entativr*. John F. UtdJiog,
K«q., will be nominated on th- firct ballot.
As to who will receive the other honor,
it ie hard to tell.
As the money season approarhea the
voice of the irrepressible drummer te beard
in the land. For thepa»t few days onr
town has had its fall quota. To-iloy W.
IL Cotter, formerly cf I/sGrange, may be
seen running about the street* with an air
of earnest indifference and a look of fa
tigue, but he te getting in hie work in busi
ness cirelt-s all the same.
Our city fathers have dtcided to
get in the street Ux astne year draws to
aa cud. After growing a fine crop of
grass, weed*, briar*, etc., in the sewer*,
edges of tbe pavvment and streets, and
o;oo the commons, they pot on a foil force
of p ows and the prucre* cf subsoiling has
been wt.l accomplished aad the proj ect
for the next crop is good, unices we have
1st* fronts next spring. The city park,
lying south of the warehouses in Main
street, has been cleared of rubtteh, stumps
•nd brash and tha same placed in Um*
centre of the principal tborcwgbfar*. If
man or breut take fright at night from tha
obsUnetioo, edher will get bodily hurt
from be tag onset la the grase, weed*,
soft, newly ploughed ground
Colonel J. A. Hunt, cf kterneaviFe, a
enrsc* yoni g lawyer aad ooe of the best
I advocate# at the bar of the Flint Circuit,
I was in town thte morning on | refer tonal
banoeaa. Mourn Hopeiri-.r Court
iuu#th. ..... .... .
•" e tuck badly beaten abont tha head.
The Middle Georgia College oprned the
second week with more than one hundred
ftadeats, and others are earning in daily.
Iho Fiu Sigma Bx-iety (young Iodise) of
the co,lege will hold a public me.ting in
college hall next Frid-ty afternoou. An at
tractive programme will be presented, and
an address te promised by an ehqoent gen
ii man oonoected with tbe court.
Judge Simmon* ia winning golden opin
ion* from everybody. Tbe rapid dispatch
of business surprise* and pleases onr peo
ple. Judge Simmons drives right abet *
and those farmers who war ted aa adjoui _
meat find that all the bn incm will have
beon attended to an t court udjonruod be
fore thev can get their petition in stupe.
Sam Small la here, known and liked by
•very man in the county. Bug Ybk.
Lai* range.
August 21—A large number of our peo-
£ le attended tbe funeral solemn! :ie* of
Ir. Hill. It waa here be apent tna
enrly life aud won much of that famo
whieh will live in history. He was better
understood in Troup than elsewhere, for
tha re*son that he was better known. Here
his popularity never waned. It mattered
not wh«tr there might avy of him, be waa
understood here and hia motives and pa
triot!* a never questioned. Hi* great, warm
heart ever beat for the friends of bis youth,
sud th-ir* wrre ever true to him. Hia
power before the juries of Troup county
was wonderfnL The writer can never
forget hia defense, a few years
since, of a mag iu thte county charged
with per jury. Tbe evidence waa stroeg and
convincing against tbe prisoner. Many
thought a conviction certain. The State
wa* repres-uud by some of the ablest
?tierce, a of the circuit. The*r words were
stout against the defendant. Mr. Hill
cunclndxd for his client in a two hoars'
speech. It was night and the court house
was packed, and aa he arose to address the
court nnd jury all eyes were upon him.
Hi* active brain during the dny was now
more active; his ohceka were pate aud bte
voice musical and slightly treuolons.
Htep by *tep he advanced, analysing
each strand of the testimony and un
winding tbe coil from around his client.
Boon the prosecutor was made the real
defendant. Boon tbe sympithy of the
rroed waa with him. Ills face grew wbi er
and whiter, whiLt hie eyes glared like
halls of fire. "Uie thought* b eathed and
|bte words burned." Now his dominion
ov«-r the jury was com plete, and be knew H.
Ue felt that his c tent waa innocent. Ue
con denied by telling the jnrw to write their
verdict: “We, the jjry, find the deferdant
not guilty, and that the prostcatioo te
txalieUma." In a few momenta the verdict
waa returned jo-l as be had dictated.
I trust tbs i-oopte of Georgia will taka
the matter in baud aud erect a monument
tohte memory. Tree, be rttdL* no such
monuice'.t to i erpetuate hte name Hie
life w.vk te his own memorial. Thte he
ha* Wt u»—»hi cr than marble and more
coda ring than granite.
sad heart of Atlanta, the ettirvM of j tease heat aad its *eppiy *
'»i* rtspome to a procUmatkm of 1 drawing to a do*e to the i
Acocar 23.—In the eastern Portion of
Mowtg imary county, on tbe sep^ red line
of the eonung railroad from ft* vat nab to
C.tsmbws there te a etas* o4 tartan tine
At Bummerville, reir Rome, a rascal
by the namo of VV. B. Ungby obtd'ied
tiermterion to spend the night with Mr. J.
W. MndJux. Itagby left early, taking
with him Bixty tlve dollar* belonging to
Mr. Maddox. The scamp te in the Rome
■ Rome’* forger who. under the names of E.
R Condon and W. W. B.ure has been vic
timizing the unsuspecting RomanitM.tarn*
out to be one W. M. Ford, ot Bibb couuty,
Ala., whose life bu been one of crime ro
since the war.
■ Aosta the name of Stephen* conic*down
from the masthead of the Pott-Appeal.Mm
ha* been sailing under two flag*.
Mb. J. W. Wooleole waa elected captain
of the Columbus City Light Guard*.
The dwelling of Mr. Philip Dimon,
about five miles east nf Columbus, wee de
stroyed by fire on Iasi Saturday^^ro
about %I,b00.
□Mas. Hntr Pask died In Columbus on I
Saturday last. She waa a noble, faithful,!
Christian woman.
■ lax Jenkihs, colored, was sent to jailH
Augusta for whipping unmercifnlly hi* I
step-aon, about five year* old, because the
boy would not fight.
■ It te almost settled that the Banday-
•chool convention now in *«*»ten at Tuila-
|homa,Tenn.,will locate theBontbern Cbaa*
taa ms, at TalluUh *allt. Mr. R. U. Itej '
pard. of Savannah, te president ana W,|
Wind by, of Atlanta, secretary.
Bomb te blddicg lively for tha erection I
of the ihope of the Ea*t lenneme, Virginia
and Georgia railroad in her midst. Macon
is the beat point, and so far as we can
[Irani has made the most liberal offer
■cure tbe ahopa.
A Mim Wood, of Chattooga county, on
Thursday last, committed suicide by cut-|
ting her threat.
Major Bam Mobgaw, who was injured
Nne time ago in Ibraie, has been carried
Cincinnati for medical treatment.
Berrien County Uazette : Meat hogs
are very scarce in our settlement, bot we
tun good crops and oan make good bog*
out of our pigs. Greet corn te much bet
ter to fatten hogs than dr/ com. Hogs
should be kept separate as much as possi
ble to prevent their dee traction by obolera.
Larxai, In CMhoss county, h*a shipped,
up to U«t Saturday, fifty-eight bate* of
new oolton' moat of it by Captain Boyd.
The Hartwell Sun, fully organized, says
tbe convention in the eighth fail* u
nominate either Reese or Black for Con
gress, a popular plan bu been sugg. sted,
which te "for th* convention to adjiarn
India Black and Reeae piaee tnea/eUea
liafnni lha rubUkl. " an.I ulit. •••hi.
w* would not mourn over tu hi..
I Uaetwall Sun: A prumine t farmer,
known jm'gmeut. says that a bate of eot-]
ton to the acre will be made tLis year ro
land that o-u-illy makes a tale to two
khree acres, if no accident h*( (eus.
■ Died, i - Hart county, ou tna 15th inst.l
old Aunt Peony Dooly, colored, aged one
hundred aud fifteen years. She was al
harme-a, inoffensive old lady. She waz
liked by all who knew her, and wse a oro
ftetent member of tin M. VL ChurcU _
Cuke*-bury for fifty years. She bed greatl
ptshfiaad dttUraa^m
Tub Jfouroe Adreriitrr te of the opini<>u
•hat "Mr. Stephens’* fodower* cannot de
nounce Gen. Us nre U."
Twa death of Mr*, halite Cabanias How-L
ard te uuwRVte te the Monroe Adeertiter
V Mfiksd«teihnroBromaHroB
Covington campmeeting, pay* the folio*
ing tribute to Bishop Pierce: On Tuesdny
Bishf.p G. F. Pierce entered the pulpiu
With a mighty effort ho shook off the in
firmities of age and with a voice that waa
bom to command silence, he addressed tha
vast assembly bafore him. The old-time
flaah of hia eye returned, while hia ringing
.ni.. .till...I t LI. 11 .1—5
voice stilled the suffering of his throat
gave expression to thought* that were born
of itaniratioc. The vast multitude before
him listened with batted breath. It seemed
av though some supernatural power had
with n magic touch withdrawn the infirmi
ties of age and suffering and tuned into
life again tbe old-time eloquence thatonco
converted worldly assemblies into shoot*
ing multitudes. Tho Bishop's theme was
sanctification, and hia effort on that occa*.
tion will bloom in the memory of those
who heard him long after ho ha* faded
into eternity.
Tna Augusta Newt demand* that esnai-
date* for the Legislature from Richmond* *
county mast *how their hand, to aee if Al
fred 1* written inside.
Louino Pahiia, late of the Khedive'
vice, is the vemtation in Atlanta now.
Tua Southern Express Company, of Au-
gnsln, will move into new quarters in lha
elegaut new buildiug opposite tho Confed
erate monumen'.
Captain W. G. Raoul has been elected
preeider t of the Mobile nnd Girard rail
road. and ought to be elected president of
The spring* are becoming very popular,
nud bo h hotel* are crowded.
Uubbb oouuty ha* a (mail baud of deter
mined prohibitionist*.
Thebe aeem* to be a bad state of nffuini
in L .urens county. Last Saturday irigM,
Mr. Tbomo* Grant, an excellent <*pUen,
narrowly »scaped Mstssinnthm while in
bad, tne ball entering the wall ja*t an inch
the Central, and would be if the directors
took into account hi* eminent fitness for
that poflition.
About twenty counties in the State have
so far nominated prohibition candidate:!
for tho Legislature.
Pa*. W. Small lectured last night on Uie
character of Benjamin H. llill at James'
Hall, in Atlanta.
Dan Rountbee, Esq., is to represent
Brooks couuty in the next legislature.
Quitman tVee Proas; That cotton ia an
uncertain crop te again verified th* prt sent
season. A few wet k* ago the prospect for
afi eerop of the fleecy staple wns never
more favorable in this section, bnt now tbe
field* look aa if a fire had swept through
them Jhst terrible scourge, rust, ha*
(•lighted and killed thousand* of acre* of
growing and luxuriant oottoo. It te now
though: that the crop in tala section i« cut
off at least one-third, and in some places n
two shove his tired. Last Tuesday
ight Mr Skipper's asw and gnat mill wan
destroyed by fir 1 ;. It ia supposed to have
I bran ihe work of two negroes with whom
Sk iq crhn l previously had a difficultyr
Th* Dublin Uazette thinks seme promp
measure should taken to stop such
Marion Jackron, of Webater county
eloprd with a Mis* Eberhnrt, n sister of
Sasun KtM-rhnrt. who wav hanged. Jsck-
sou leare* a wife and two.childreu. They
were heading for Texas.
Geo B. Tiiomm hw refused to run for
attornf/.uencral on the left wing of the
Republican party.!
■Four Vallkt Mirror: The inventory of
the State rosd is said to be mtesinr Lot
the executive department. It te said th
amount to the value of the road. What |
startling announcements.
■ Oa last Saturday a primary election was I
held in Sumter county for candidates for
the Legislature. It seem* that Hawke* an.I
| W ilsop are the favorite*, so far as heard |
■ Atlanta 1* moving every stone and nr k l
ing every promise to induce tbe authorities
of the East ienneesee, Virginia and Geor-
gia railroad to loe-ita their shops in that
city. Maoon te ahead, up to our last ad-
□Atlanta Pott.Api*al: GcnTToombaH
not Mr.
Stephens. He expriasev the op.uionthat
Uartrell will beat him in the gubernatorial
race. |
JFobt Vaixbt Mirror: Not many mile*I
from Fort Valley live* a family, tbu
dreo of which havo remarkably i
name*. It aeema that during th# first tu!
year* after the parents war* married th*
children born to them died. After a time
th* bereaved father and mother were in
formed that if they would give their future
children tiro name* of wild animals, all
would Uvs to a good old ag*. The result te
that in thte family there are four healthy
children, named respectively, Rabbit,
Coon, Fox aud i’ureom.
uetii oi tne county, was ran over oy a
Western sad Atlantic freight train a few
nights ago at thte p'.aee, end bad hie foot
•o badly crashed that amputation aa far
Uie instep waa necessary.
Tub correspondence in th* Tblb'ibaf*
and Mehmenoeb cn "What burned my gin-
house" te being copied extensively in the
State pw m. It te a subject of interest *
every planter.
J. D. Alvxandeb, of the Thonaston
Timet, ha* been appointed county judge
a* hi* reward for fidelity to ring dictation
Ue will make a good judge for all thit,
th* good book eaye, "he that te feithfni
that which i* least will aho be faithfdl
that which te mnch."
Tmb following i* tbe deliberate opirion
of the Dalton Citizen: The party that
will triumph in the future will be the ooe
that tackles taxation c-nd thefnternol reve
nue system with that energy that will make
a aobetautial reduction in the one and
wipe out the other. Let tbe Democracy
take the boll by the borne on that line
cotumne, of whieh th* foliage te perfectly
black, and tbe peachee also black until
half size, when they change into white.
Tbeee peachee are now ripe, aud are n->*
anlike ether white eli gatonee. Tha trees I
war* bought from a North Carolina nur-
very for early Amedt-n June, but likeB
rr is purely teoetahiii
And has all th« power a
Quinine, without any of the injurious aftar ki.'
A Governor'* Teat i ninny.
Simmons Livar Regulator haa been In in my
family for s.-*me time, and I am Katisticd it U n
valuable addition to (he medical science.
J. Gill Shortbr, Govciucr of Ala.
Ifon. Alrxandrr II. Mcphcna, of Ca.,
•y«: H-ve derived some benefit from ihe use of
Simmon* Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a
■ay*: Huve derived some b
Simmons Liv* " 1 ‘
further trial.
"TTie only Tiling that never fnt.'s t„
It«ll*ve."— f have used many remedies. Ibr Dys
pepsia. Liver Affection and Debility, but never
hive ftmnd anything to benefit me to the
me Lhrer Regulator haa. I sent fi-im Min.
to Georgia for it, and would *eod further tor
such a medicine, and would advise all who are situ.
"arly affected to give it a trial as it seems the ouly
ting that never fails to relieve.
P. M. Jaxney, Minneapolis, Mina.
Dr. T. AV. Mason aayai From actual ex*
erience in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in
ty praetteo I have been and am satisfied to ut«
end prescribe it as a purgative medicine.
faOTTake ""If the Grnulnr, which always
has on the Wrapper the red Z Trurio-ALtrk
and Signature of J. n. ZUILIN & CO.
ot Kentuoky Univcralty,
iriLfirn n. bmitu, Prrax uznereii mr.
r»U»i Mtlwaho
to Ualine 1Jmi!'-i< Sf Xcwc,
•sprrtMiiy af lu Chim a h jij awl Traiala*. u
Wool U Helling in Albany at oente por
ponn-i, instead of 20 ceuir, s* we quoted a
r.wtosrls* a—SkterUs.
arlUwtote. CmumvcUI Lav, MrnsatU* tUrf*
Iwlsilis Twill—o. lilts, SUIhu-ry aal Board IS • >w4
ktetf atom pL hshsk «f UI* railm taa nu>4 Uo
.ah.rCU.ffM m Us Calmstty oodrr to (r.v.,n U I
rear Frrr of vkorg*. Vkit I to am Mt«r Osuli'T a
rsdtottoa «r at «o mk oot's fsliln «|| to odr, TM
S«wm.r RrNito has waaini.1, tot Mistrial* tototvwt »• f 1
W. McKAY, Principal.
d*}* ago.
The temperance qntation 1* work!: g nt*
*11 S-mih ueor.ia, and candidate* for the
Legislature are Liking aide* ou the ques
Tua Sdvannnh Newt remarks, in a
guarded wav, "A colored wo
nrrcato i last taight tor larceny and wns
tnkrn to the barrnoh* " There is an air oi
iiiyute ry about thi* which tho public will
Mainly indeavo »o diesipite. I* Is pomi.
Lie, we may ray, by way of a little gut**-
eork, th »t the '^colored individual" whs n
plain darby, liowaver, tho matii-r inu.-t
xw.ail future duvelopme ts.
i lia following items are from the Bavau
imh Newt: At the ntoting of the Haiti t it 1
Mutual Loan Aroniatiun laat evening ib,-
(XJOwe eaold at?«l per can . premium
Extous'V* nr range meats nre being made
l>y H.av.inuah li-b de*ter* fur th«< ahippin^
and packing business thte oeaeqn, and otv-
tralhtve put np fioh house* at Cudxr
Keyr. #
Maa. Maby Tattnall MacwJXLa, wife of
F. Neufvilie, K«q., ot B*vaonah, and
daughter of Commodore Joaiab Tattuatl,
died reeeutly iu llaberaham county. Bbe
te repreeonted, by ttoee who knew her, a*
being a lovely woman.
A dbu.iken man, with a fractured leg.
waa picked up, recently, on the streets of
Atlanta. If tna lvg* of old topur* ware
the only thing* that were broken by their
habit* of diaoitaii'in. tm.uaaud* »f homta
would be filled with rejoicing. Drunken
ness break* heart* often.r than leg*. There
te neither joy, nor *unehino,nor buppino**,
in it* desolate wake.
Atlanta te going to have more light on
the question-electric light, at that. More
light te what Atlanta needs.
Onn negro boy shot another near the En
terprise factory, in Augusts, on Tuesday
morning. The ahootiog te elaimei to be
accidenttl; still the shorter ha* bem ar
rested, to await the result of tho wound,
which U quite serious.
Ponce db Laon and *he calaboose were
ell patronized In AUant* on Tuesday.
A First-Chna Inititnto for Prp.ctlcal
BuiineM Initi notion. Book-
keepihflr fcto.
Endorsed ly tk Ltadbg Bb.4«i Mm.
Students Can Enter at nny Time.
•VNltculars sent free.
•nil rlgrwtv
Ths Brown
made Uil* season, with Uo brush belli
and all the lateit ImproyemcnU, l
ready for Immediate ablpmeut. Any *4
Uie regular *lz|)i shipp'd the day the c
•l«r te received. No delay, ' Pr!«$ n»
beretefore published. Fend f >r circular
They work well in doable harness.
Thy Scott & Bowne’s Soluble Beef fur
•mips. You will find It palatable as well
as very nutritious. It also makes de
licious beef tea for tbe sick. For sale by
druggist* and grocers.
Cnu.DHKx are very fond of Scott Jk
Bowne's Soluble Beef sprinkled ou bread
aud crackers, and as It coutalns all nr tbo
nourishment of the miaf, te very deairshte
for them. For sale by druggista and gro>
Popular Monthly Drawing of lie
lnthetitvot Lev* ■ u
These drawing* occur n iL'-art*
excepted) unduv (>rovi i »n
General Aemmb.y of Ken-
The United h tatre Olrm it O - ri ,oc M arch
Jl. rendered tne following derirkn*:
let—That the Common wealth Dtetribu-
tion Company te logaL
2d—Iu drawings are filr.
N. B.—Tbe company ho
funtL Read
Now Xrtimlou, Conn.
Have on hand a sleek of
We also niauuf«c‘.ure
Gwathmey’s Improved
Eclipse Gin,’
with Double Hollar Hulling AtUchr* I
and all of tbe very latest Improvemente.
Solid 12 Inch saws, patent brush, strong
iron frame, made under tho framed ate
supervision of Richard R. Gwzlbmty, the
patentee. The Bilipse Gin Is designed
for hulling trashy cotton, but with the in-
provrinenla we have recobtly added it car
be used to great adventa;; > in all public
giuuenee aud J* £•! p'.Aidailutis.
Tend fur circular and prlca list*
The Brown Cotton Gin Co.,
A. B. FABQUHAU A CO., A; mte,
• Macon, Ga.
Univorsuy of Gvot,
they were represented a* they well could J JS^riSTfor the
1 Pnae | 20, r » o
I eerefally the list
IT Prise...J
10 Prises flJJOOeeeh...,
■ Prises UO each.
100 Frizes ICO each
20U Prizes fiO aaeL
eno Prize* Melt, V. D., Chur, liar
THKelfhty-secondsi i.'uof lh«Jf|>ertRer.M
at AUmmm, Ga. vU: Into Alla Uollcg*. Mate
«uiti'Kc ef Agricelture and Mcchanie Art* and
Law m-huol will oy«a We*tnv*«isy, 4th ottos**
uraL Fail CSMUSC* Of lsMrartbrti iu UUlOU!#,
liMx) I
Ilr/B. W. J. Ifownra he* epuaaated to rx«s |
froUto lyisteisre from Hseroefa eoaW 1
Tire admirable appearance of the Alba
ny .Yrtrs awl AdrertUer, since Ihe new
press went into operation, makes it one of
the r.eato*t v M it hs«always been one of
the best papers in tlie State.
Ms*. I». MircHELL ar.d her d.ioihfsr.
Mi-* Cbittie, of G.ifffn, have g me to Itii-
rope. I hey icflNsw York Lvt Sdarday. JWhtai ■ each
Tmb Griffin Sun h*» put up a nee C»mp- j
“ZSl: S o,d broUier \ _I£— » — - -
exiled on a week e>e -» ago ia one ot onr I (afi prim
tu I.U lu Md WkobTkluU,*X
hi.l-l-. ul.tulh. ..ll: -O.kI ImJ,. jj T^t«U, |S). ir,'f ici-f, A
bkw tottm «. .IU Va mm Ibntllawin But Ur.ll 'a Uil..,
and two or tare* outer member* of thus ^ tend ts Fir raw DON”! V t
^erch forvocteg tbe wet tckeL Aoren." HEGISTEttED LETTER O* PUHT-G/.
aud asked. "Is that ell y -a hav* to sag r - r«uns. cos be rest at our ntiamee
->-i»tit F* intteMting by bteqeenioo that gidSwaU^Stre te •
• K. M. MU.1DMAM,
diea* the UawciM. at 4
Si)Utlie;ii r m ..: C !
LAGRANGFL <ii. *.P*U f
\ v 11
s D»partai*KU,eyi
tor I
the same with ms
L k.
Onroiev Jeeiasi, Loetevilte. Ky,
or same pt-.. •* ..
july UwU- entitsk
s-d PACK. 0, CU.S, H';?S ALL
KIND3, iron Plft. FITTINGS,
ENCI'.E GOVE-i DM. It. Cirri T:,r
421 Mail ilr.-l, ICL..'..LLC. KI.
» .
ito -.i ■
i iu. \