Newspaper Page Text
(Tire Worst'd Slccliln \icieaop!)c ante 3aucnai & Mcasjwigfcc-
\ / *i i:ijOi)iE8
• ~ .‘ f« aih“ v
ho lived In her
■tanco, hit former remarks, which only in
tensified the I'M «ion that was already at
fcTir heat Tho chairman then taid he
from Terrell and Randolph counties. Or-
K lzed the convention of the elerenth
atorial district by electing B. F. Bor-
nett, of Olay, at chairman, and H. 0.
Beall, of Randolph, as secretary. Too
r'j.-n^oes* waa to agree npon a basis of
r . . Jlation—that is, as to how many
rotes each connty was entitled to, anti
rules for tho government of tho conven-
v rT«!!nlri k «ftnr viin'vo 1 .1 , ^ V t on. Clay intitted on equal ropreaento-
v. i i.rohablv ol«l people tol^* J . and demonstrated her claim on form-
\v» ; V-' . «i the "old woman who lived InfSc tbe, p? vedents and rules prevailing in this
mere aro those who doclt
And insist that the hard didn’t trifle with
ivrl.p.p they don’t b’Heve Jonah swallowed a
Or that ^rs. Lot turned to salt in her
rhey ramble the skeptic who laughs in his
At tf.o time-honored tales of old Crockett and
Who sneers at the story of Adam and Eve,
aii*1 doubts that a cow ever straddle* the
iarh uoodlcs as be, I Imagln ?, would sneeze
a . me j - pular fact that the moon is a cheese.
Very wdl! very well!—Sally, reach me my
1 am fond of tho weed In a pulverised
'fhose’.ikeptirs will run arainrt trouble
la their eiTorts to pilfer
two votea for
tbs lower
Ira.ain these larger conventions, I
and kKour^ on ;;nfair to allow ns less in
this. l>ndol ( v’ "g the largest county,
it wt^dmedX 0- ^ delegates that they
L ’ ‘ nr.trocte(P> acthe moss mat ting
■■ u to onrebremraU-
p voting'--.* ‘01111100, and
of compV**#, it was
•In*4:01.1-1 esKubiS votes,
“ , ’findolph eifc^- . The
read of and is as cold as the North pole.
Borne fsw JrUeraonians thought that the
nomination of Mr. Stephens would create
a good deal of enthuslssna, but it don t en
thuse worth a cent. If the “fires are not
lit on the mountain top" pretty soon thero
Will not be warmth enough in the cam
paign to boat up Mr. Stephens’* little sil-
jr skillet. .
The organization of the party in this
oounty isn’t worth the flip of your finger.
Hast Saturday was the day set apart by the
executive committee for the diction of
delegatee to the oounty convention, to
nominate a candidate for tho Legislature.
Borne districts refused to elect any dele
gates, while others, or one at least, al
lowed negroes to vote for tho delegates,
without questioning them as to their Dem
ocratic principles. The result will be that
no nomination will bo made, and every
body will be turned loose to do as they
please. T.
agreud that
11 rretl eeveu
ummittce to i
been referred,
for ten consecutive fa
nation was made, that n
come obsolete, and thi
to prevail in lien of i
(i twine fr«m my eye* the eraotloual drop
A-cha* * While I live I’ll Insist that U’a truc-
Thcre was an old woman who lived In a-shoo!
jnr.j W4TJTmnr.D
Ifpinnin 2.—Cotton is
Idlj, which
burin.,* i. betflnniog to p«
partmeat of tradr.
By to oar local p»i
that that. ha, b»*D “blood
moon" hers for Mt.raldan, »H
co! of the fact that aome lady f
Jaigo D. B. Harrell atw propar
hiiasoxeflower.,adilrc*wdto "Tbo’
pis’, candid.*. for CongrOM> Tbo
publican pnbltahed tho .tatomeat that tbo
flo.cti emo from a “yellow girl," which
brought on a oorrotnoad.aao fall of por-
aonal blttoroMv The end probably la not
yet. Oar pwipto generally are optMMOd to Harrell politically, bat In hU per-
aoafl coadoct the bulk of ppbllo aenti-
rnent in atronsly in hi, la.or, bocaaio it i,
or nerally nnaer.tood that tho Oowon wort
r.i t by tom. ladle who aland well la oar
oommunity, and tbit no "yellow girl” had
anythin, to do with tho acadlai or deli?-
Tho affair to deplored on another aoooent
—it U considered a strong card for Uarroll,
and is catcnlated to work injory to tho
tUdaoy of dodge Crisp,
rt'okee that f riaad Story, of tho Itrcorxlrr,
off.r, to treat if wo will come np and tell
i .boat the pKwpeotir. marrlagee In oor
' hot today, friend Htory, bat if the la worth anything, we will add
that ooe of the ouoplea toon to be married
willltavoatOBoa for l’aria.
Urs. F. A. Barrett, a mast worthy lady,
and mother ol Mrs. J. H. Coker, died yes-
^Thero la now a good deal of eickneee In
oor city, bat Tory little of a serious nature.
BirmiH 4.—Tbs oon rent Ion to nomi
nate aSeaetor for th* sixteenth district
was held i* Wrigbtovlltfl on the 2nd. And
Col. C. 8. Guyton, of Laorens, was nomi
nated by r.ceUmaUon without opposition.
The executive nommlttos appointed for the
district is L. Eolmcs, J/inreua oounty.
A. F. Daisy, Johnson, and Hon. Neil
McL*o4. or Liwaausi.
Wo had a prvtasded jeweler hers that
compromise bo-
majority role,
should prevail
ilo should bc-
,jty rule was
I llktblrds. The
saving clause in favor of the majority ru
was rejected by tho convention, anil the
balloting oommenoed. Clay county being
entitled to the Senator under the rotation
rnle, her delegate* presented thenamoof
Mr. D. tJJW nru-, who had been tuceees-
fuUy w*-Jp our mass meeting and
’a choice. The name*
and Judge Graham,
iro at Uiosume tidio
friends from
' '^indoipb. The
promineat yonng merchant,
«, c.sq., il
left tnl«
The Baicbridte Democrat bos the fol-1 A raniiow down in BrooK* oounty claims
lowing by way of encouraging the orators to have recei tly killed a wild oat that
that aro so much troubled about the pros-1 "measured six foot in length and weighed
nects of Mr. Turner. We take ploasjrein ; twenty-four pounds.*’ The story is all
believing in tlm verity of what the /*»no- right, but the cat must have been awfully
crul rays: “Next Tuesday _Hon. U.^0. | “thin.**
Turner will bo renomina’ed, and in No
vember ho will be ro-eleeted."
Tna Bamesvtlie (taeette gives ns the fol
lowing creditable report, which we respect
fully refer to the old bachelors of the Etc-
nina Newt: “Three young ladies not *
great distance from Barqesville, lost week
sold their crop of dneir peaches. And
what do you suppose they received for the
same? Simoly *£K) in yellow gold. Now,
boy h, here’s your chance. These are busi-
ness women. By their own labor they
gathered the peaches, i« a!td and dried
them. They loaded up their wagon, drove
the team to town and received in
gold for ’.heir work. This is i-.otualiy bat
ter than five bales of cotton in nlittlo more
than one month’a time. Who can beat
Mabsual Westasook. of Albany, fired
five times at a cow thief. His uniform
mi 863 entitle him to a high station in
tue ranks of the American shooting team.
Ip Gen. Gartrell could only be elected
Governor, we guess the Maoon Tei.eo*apb
aej> Mesnemoeb would have a very large
c owing rooster at the head of each col
umn. But tho old aunty will likely pro
duce a sick chickea when Mr. Stephens
get* bis sixty thousand majority.— Middle
Georgia Times. J. Dorse is growing child-
I am much better pleased with tho can
didate than with the workings of the rota
tion rnle. It don’t rou o^inuch in tho
western part of tho district (Clay), but
moves easily and well for tho eastern part.
It gives them as much as it does tho other
two counties.
What good will rotation do us if tho will
of tbs eouuty is to be disregarded ? W «►-*
best knows tho wishes of Olay, her own
citizens, or her neighbors ? Whenever we
depend on our relatives and friends to liar-
vest the grain it will not be done, and when
nominations are to be made for os by our
neighbors, it will very likely result in favor
of thtir neighbors instead of ours. W.
Up .
Seftemdee 4.—Consolidated vote for
Democratic candidates for tbe Legislature
from Hauoock, nominates Hon. W. J. Nor-
then and Ool. J. Jordon. Gapt. Memo
only one vote behind Ool. Jordan.
, ri ,
morning to join the excursion from At
lanta to Cincinnati. He will represent
Miluer in the grand pageant.
■A lawn party, supper an^top will be
EoJnSh Miss Douglass isa young lady of
rare accomplishments, and l»y her bright,
sunny disposition and attractive manners
has made many friends, and perhaps aom
oonqnctts. Mis* Mattie Wood, of Macon,
arrived this merniag and will spend some
time here visiting friends. She is the
guest of Miss Lodie E. Cauthon, which is
h sufficient guarantee her stay will bo
most pleasant one. _ , 1
The camp-meeting at Bind Springs
its under good headway, the session
began Friday nnd will adjourn Thursday
evening. Aboai »,000 persons attended on
last Sabbath. A number of Methodist
divines have been constantly on hand,
amongst them Messrs. Dighnm, Davi«v, I
Ijowo, Uausou and McFarland. There is
n much better attendance of our best, most
popular and much sought after society
IVbellee than usual; only a few, however, of
’0Ej9 shining lights are noted—Misses V ir
I Reeves, Estes nnd Cautboo, of Milner;
’•see Bwatts and Tyler, of Bsrnesvills;
Amc* K aud F. Gibbs, of Goggansrilie;
y <es Baker, Mitchell, Taylor and others,
western Pike.
•uring each interval politics was dis
ced with warmth Hnd interest, and it i*
HP curtain last tho legislative nominees,
John F. Redding, Esq., and Dr. J. 0.
Beauchamp, will not have s tilt with Inde
pendent candidates. It is stated on good
authority that Gapt. Ii. J. Powell is reri-
onily displeased with bis defeat in th^
convention. It is believed ho will run is-
Idependent This the writer doubts, but it
is positively stated he will furnish fund*
for the Independent race and a strong
candidate who can best John F. Redding,
Esq. But it can’t be done at any rate or
in any event. The people will sustain Mr.l
Redding, and such a course will certainly
giro him votes nt home nnd victory
his opponent.
ittiurod_ the peaches, pealed and dried Oh aa wall^ ridlookmh 'it tCTfinur
ouAtiE were disposed to reioiee in oither
event, in the way indicated, it would prob
ably place tbe eat of a dilapidated old gen
der at the head of its columns, if it
rhoald do so, its readers wonld say: “Why,
hello! the Teleobaph and Messenoku has
gone and pat the photograph of J. Dorse
Alexander the Great at the head of its
Fhb whole political body is full of war- ^
rimr sod discordant members. The Car- w VT 3
tersville American : “Mr. A. P. Wof.
ford, vi ho was nominated by tho last con
vention, has withdrawn from tho race, and
there seme talk of an Independent can
Tub Albany Neios and Advertiser puts
the matter thus; “The Augusta Evening
News and the Columbus Times were the
ordy two papers to suspend for Thanks
giving. The remainder of a* thought a
BUBiieneion would not have stimulated
thankfulness in the communities wo serve.’*
John Watbbmam is still ironical. Just
read this, now: “1 he gnat* have returned
after the cold weather, with their accus
tomed vigor." "After tbe cold weather**
is good. John knows there has not been
any oold weather since tbe gnatacame.
- tha old darky said, he is merely talking
left or the night of the I!ad Inst, and cur
ried oil e good many things not his. He
calls himself Thomas Coleman. Its took
a small boat from tbs ferry and went
down tlis river. He is about five feel aud
eleven in'-hrs, slander built, long mous
tache and no beard. He is stoop should
ered, wears a oap and a long, red, pwJo,
Roman nose, has a wife and s littw^boy
with him; and in order that he not
swindle other prop’s like he has there,
1 think best to pass him around.
lion, a Malian, of Montgomery oounty,
is into tbs turpentine business.
Business in Dublin is sssamlng on air ot
life. llano a.
Psttemdee 4.—On Thursday last it was
annm i.oed through tbe press and by cir
culars, that, owing to tbs heavy rain* that
bad fallen. General (Jsrtrell wonld not be
tble to r - *- his HylvanU appointment,
*nd that Ha would address th* citizen* of
llarke, at Wstnesboro, on Saturday, the
2nd. According to promise, the General
arrived and registered at tbe Arlington Ho
tel. v. hen the boor for th* speaking ar
rived, hews* escorted to th* impromrtu
stMiUbal had been erected noon the pur
lie sqsaro, and was in trod seed by Got Jn
D. Ash too- When be began his add re**,
wbioh lasted about an hjur and a half,
there were but tew present; but as he pro
ceeded the crowd began to gather round,
and when he oloesd he was eurrounded by
quite a throng.
I >.« ; teeb it*elf was simple both in ex
pre-eion end delivery. 1 mean by that,
the* it was entirely free from passion,
abase end aggression. It was s tilaiu
•t.vcmet.t of the censes that had injured
In in to make the race, • dispassionate re-
vicw of p-.ibUe characters and events in
Georgia, and an unostentatious definition
or Us own position upon the important i*-
■ cf the d r. Of oouise be handled th*
record of Mr. Stephens end showed, from
his standpoint, that his "distinguished and
venerable competitor’* was even a greater
i(nlr(>*ndeat than htmsslf. Us referred.
roof of this position, to the celebrated
•t.v.v letter,** to bis defiant status wtvru
he >i:d *‘I etand for Congress,'’ to the
s t .f. r telegram*, and Mr. Btepbeoa's iu
dor sc incut of that gentleman and Dr. Fel
ton, and fin Uy couclcded by etlling him
M n political flirt.” Ilia entire remark*
-yo* the record of Mr. Stephens were
ebnetsriMd by • conapieoon* absence of
abure, and a manlincas worthy of com-
nicmUtion in this degecerate age, when
those wsapena are mads the only means
of attack by rival candidates upon th*
Tbs speech eooelnded, every one repelr-
I to Gray’s Hall, where met the Demo-
monk discuss on, and has given rise to
uy. ijpon mouon or tuiooei
if* H. U. IVrry was made per
Mtirmaa, vnd J. H. Mackenzie,
Upon taking the chair, Judge
The meeting was called io order by tha
ehairman of the executive committee, Cip-I
tain Kklgely. Upon motion of Colo
Jobss, Jud:« IL IL 1*i
maneut chaii
secretary. Upon
Perry .uted.tna brief manner, the object
of tho tt eetirg, which was to elect dele-
ga»(»to tbi Congreseioeal and Senatorial
oi.. • '. •jus, and alooJo nominate a ticket
for tMi LegisUtere, ifih* meeting deemed
it %e to make any nominations. Mr.
11<ax» . ! Pal sear, th* floor having been
yi-1 > 1 by CoL Jones, rose to make an an-
i. i « nL He hall been authorized by
Dr. E. \. PerUaa to state that, while he wea
grmtefal D Ms kind friends for tha kind
m am.' r in whieh they had spoken of him in
connection with tbs Senator*hip, he could
not, under the circumstance*, allow his
n. is to go be fore tbs convention. He,Dr
Kilos, Md heard with regret of Uw dlvia-
iona that would probably atieod the nomi-
r n ocof a Barkeojunty man, and while he
w«- .-CIOTS of hi* own etrsagth, he
would, for the sake of "peace and har
mony,'' withdraw his name entirely from
tbe race. Mr. Jones took the floor a^On,
and ► be had a proposition to make.
For ooe. he was tired o* allowing men who
bed never abided a nr-mination, and who
had ever been iidep.-ndent. a participation
.h th. * i„' '.inf. D eras in favor of
potting an end io it and for that purj^e
lie \ - \ r-c-1 that oil Democrats in that
• meeting, and those wbo would abide nomi
nation, come over to his aids of tbe
Tin* ptoeieding fell like a fire-brand at
th*; Get of many, to whom it was as un
ci i~. * si as tt waa shocking. Immediately
the h Hi*<» became ilivideJ, about twenty-
K his invitation to “come” and
4.—'The colored excursion to
the "big moetin** at Valdoeta, yesterday,
was remarkable. Only two negroes were
knifed—ono seriously—by West, a.col
ored barber, who joined the exeursiou at
Wayeroae. West now takas "free lunch”
with the sheriff at Valdosta. On the return
one was ejtcted from the ears and left be
hind without iniary.
Ws regret to write that our billiard room
was Lhe anena of n difflaaltv a few even
ings sines, in which ono engaged waa very
ptiafully hurt over tbe head with a heavy
billiard cue. The proprietors wars in no
way responsible for it.
Mr*. B. E. Darling, being sroueed ono
night last week by tbs popping of fire hu rn-
ng hsr kitchen floor and wall, envoi her
home from deatruotion. The rervact, who
elstned out the stove in the evening, left
the box of ashes and coats on the floor.
S. G. Nichulla aud lady have re
turned from Indian Spring.
Rev. Mr. Jenkins, whose pastorate in tlio
Baptist church espires this month, will re
turn to north Georgia. We regret to lo*s
Cotton is opening rapidly, and "cotton
picker* I** Is the cry of the farmer. *
New sweet eans, and very fiss, is on sate
in oor market.
Mr. W.J. Acosta, of Psneaoobi, writing
to his father here, at I o'clock in the night
lost week, said th.t ha nn^ sanding out
three months' suppliM to bis horns on the
ridge, preparatory to abandoning the city
till winter. Tbaesisst.
Bettvxue* ft,—The delegate* of tho
Dsinoorntle party met in convention
this morning, to nominate a ' can-
didst* to represent the people of Tor-
roll county in the legislature. Capt.
IL F. Simmons is the nominee. His nom
ination gives universal satisfaction, ned
no doubt he will make n useful member on
th* rolls of the Legislature of Georgia.
The leading men of both inrtlee seem to
he pleased with th* nomiaction. He l* a
lawyer of "modest ability," n profound
thinker and a skillful worker. \yhit* there
will be no torch-light proceesion over tha
nomination, etiil Terrell’* oap of lay will
be filled to overflowing should the good
people elect our gallant, fluent and pol"~
lion. J. E. Parks to the Senate, and U.
Simmons to the House. \\
Hi iTXMiisn 4.—A negro nsmod Henry
Smith was arrested yssterdsy and placed
iu jail, charged with the offense of rapo on
tho person of a jotiog white girl named
Miss Weldy, aged seventeen, at Woodard’s
mill, above Eastman, in this county. The
grand jury was in session and found a bill
against him. He will be pnt on trial this
evening. II* has oonfeesed his gnilt.
The fivo rioters tried Saturday and Mon
day wfro found guilty of nmrdsr, and re
commended to imprisoament for life. I
'Their naoscs are Goorge Friok, Robert
Parrish, Henry Carmichael, Jim Griswold
nnd Stafford Foster. This completes the
number arrested—twenty-two—andrai
were convicted of mnrder. Six ni
tumg, the balanoe go to the penitentiary
for life. Cobseutondent. p
SzpTEacBta ft.—At a meeting of the elti-
zsns of Ward’s Station district on Saturday
last, for tbe purpose of Meeting delegates
to most inCnthberton the Oth to nominate
a candidate te represent Randolph county
ia the next Legislature, the following
named gentlemen were selected: Hon. H.
f. Crittenden, Dr. U.E. Bridgcman, Messrs.
M. K. Tison&nd J. T.Jay.
We have had several heavy rains for tho
peat few days, which have damaged tho
ootton materially. * If
ffAlrm t riurcti, CrnwforU iounlj,
Senzxncu 4.—As your paper is read ex-
tensively in this sretion, I suppose an item
from this place would not be smiee. Po
litically, the outlook hasctiangcd consider
ably since tho gubernatorial nomination,
Yon can acarocly find a man in our neigh
borhood that is going to vote for Mr. Ste
phene. Tbe main reason to that he is
physically unable to be a governor, and,
also, he was not nominated by the two-
thirds rnle. I «m satisfied that Crawford
oounty will go for Gartrell for governor
by a handsome majority. Stephen* is
taiuly losing grosud every day.
W'e have a ringing school at this place,
ooe darted by Prof. Brand, of Taylor
county, and by the way, a flue musician
Crop* were never better. Colton is
opening rapidly, fodder is eonsd, and
everybody iu good spirits. A. B.
Barr bums 4.—'Tha store breaker entered
Mr. A. P. Urqubnrt’* store last night with
apparently the same tool he entered Mesore.
i'eacoek a Cherry’s aome time ago. He
took from Mr. Urquhart's, flour, pistols,
Tiif. Amoricus Recorder ssys: "Eight or
ten ot the druggists of Eastman have been
indicted for the illicit sale of whisky.”
How hs small a place as Eastman comes to
have "eight or ten druggists” is what puz
zles us. There must be some mistake
ubont the matter.
Tuet go from afar to teat the virtues of
Pouco do Leon water iu Atiauta. West
trh. d it, and how ho an ‘ceeded is thus told
by the Gamming Clarion .* "A man by the
name of West, living at or near Martin's
Grow Ruadi, in tills county, hauled a load
of riiicktni and eggs to Atlanta lo«t week
nnd Hold thorn, realizing between fifty and
sixty therefor. That night he got
drunk and ’took in the uity.' Hext morn
ing when ho nwoko ho wa# minus his chick
en and o;g money, having been robbed by
somebody, lie knew not who. It is s:iid half
th* money belonged to another man who
had sent a number of chickens and eggs by
him to sell, lie will not get on another
‘tare’ in the * ity.”
The Sitvannnh Recorder dots not "love
darkness rather than light,” and so It
brt-nks forth into rejoicing over the pro-
>oscd removal of the naphtha lamps from
‘ streets of Savannah.
The Macou young men wear reJ hats.
. vt hoi>e it is not bccnn«e it ia in keeping
wit!) their noses.—Ealonton Messenger.
Sonny, how did you make that discors-y ?
" is evident that the small boy of the Mes.
u'jrr hasn’t a very well-read ncse, or he
would not have permitted himself to bo
imposed on so ingloriously.
Does the TixEOiurn and Memenosb de
sire to *ee the Democracy defeated in
|State rather than seo Stephens governor t
iin y* a pertinent question. Will our es-
teemed contemporary answer it ?—Ho nth
Georgia Clarion. The Txi.kgbaph and
MrssKNOEB hasn’t a single political pniss-
tion or aspiration isn’t a* truly Dem
ocratic as that which characterizes tho
Clarion. It is timo that an end was put to
ttio assumption of superior excellence nnd
honesty Hint pervades the columns of tho
Clarion end cortain other Democratic pa
pers, as compared - ith th* Tklboeafii and
Meohesuer. This paper simply seeks to
drive Mr. Stephens to tike a stand upon nn
•un and avowed "organized” Democratic
at form. If be refuse* to tako such a
stand, fealty to Democracy docs not de
ni nd that lie be supported. The insinua
tion that this pvper desires the triumph of
ludopcDdcutiom is gratuitously insulting,
sad could bo ontortaiuud and uttored
a weak-minded po.itical l’harisce.
There can bo no doubt a* to what ought
b»* doue with "Frinoe Coleman.'* The
South Georgia Clarion thus relate* ono of
his littl© diversions: “Prince Coleman, a
negro who ha* served one term in the pen
itentiary, caused some little excitement on
streets last Saturday night by shooting
negro man and woman several lime*.
Ho hit the woman in two place* and grazed
tho man’s face, burning him with the pow-
dor from tho pistol, ilo also presented the
pistol iu the face of littlo Joe Butter, a son
of Mr. D. K. butler, and threatened to
shoot him if ho moved one step further.
From whnt we can loarn, there was no
muse for this action other titan the fact of
being a notorious bai character uud influ
enced by whisky."
A festive young married friend tells
that the fool goe« to Lake Douglas and
4.—The Democratio party
mat in boavsntlon Saturday end nominal
ed U. K. Russell sad J. O. Faruell as can
didstes fbr the Legislature. There wer* a
good wasy Candida Uw for tha nomination,
eonseqsently there is now eonaidersb;
burning in tbe store.
We are dry, very dry. No rain of any
mreqacnco for a month and plenty all
a round as in sight aud our wells going dry,
News nomiuol.
SrrxEXBBE ft.—On yesterday James H.
I'inckard, after passing * very ereditable
examination, was admitted to the her.
Th* plaee known a* “Editor’s Home,"
vned by James V. Harrison, and now «c-
tupivd by Cob J. T. Watermen, was sold nt
R ablio oetory to-day for Rev. 0. G.
rnith being the pnrehnser. After Mr.
llarrUon sod before - Mr. Waterman,
“Editor's Homs" was occupied by U. U,
Caban is*.
A revival at the Methodist Qhuroh here
i* being conducted by the pastor, assisted
by Dr. W. H. PoUsr.
Hon. O. J. Orr spoke here to-day on pop
ular sJucatioo. The Honorable Gorntn *.
sioner said hs wool J ask the ssxt Legisla
tor* to appropriate t2,0iX) to double Die
work of ht* tesehers’ institutes, and would
urge upon the legislature th* propriety of
establishing a normal sohool for the edu
cation of teachers.
Our Superior Court is slowlr clearing iu
dockets. The graud jury have recom
mended the abolition of th* County Court.
After a tedious trial of three and oue-
hslf days, th* case of David liusketh
vs. the Csutnl Railroad sod Bankisg
Company-suit for f10,000 damages— tbe
jury, after remaining out about three hours,
returned a verdict in favor of th* plaintiff
for #1,7J0. The case will doubtless go
th# Supreme Court. The phintiff i
represented by Judy* R. P. Tripp and
D. iiammeml. of torayth, aud Hulsey
McAfee, of Atlanta; Uit railroxd by Judge
Uali, of Griffin, and CabsnUr and Turn**-,
of Forex th. In this ca*o Hon. E. W. Buck,
of Grifiln^reslded, Judge Stewart being
At a meeting of the county Democratio
exesnttve committee to-day, it was decided
to nominate oan-fidates for tbe Legisla
ture by a convention, each district in th*
county to bo represented by three dele
Till: UEOnutA MESS.
Wbnt tbe Peoulo rbtuk a ad l>o.
The Bulletin s
tory is about flai
Step* ere being taken to establish aGsr-
mau school in Colombo*.
Mb. GsaDasr Moose, of Rome, died
that city, on Banday, of wonsumption.
Ma. J. B. PocnBEtxn, of Augusta, died
on UsS Sunday eve sing. He was a useful
Thebe reeme to bo trouble, w* are eorvy
to say, in tbe Democrat * camp in Putnam
Tna Entptirrr-i’un calls for the use
buckshot on the chicken thieves that
fest Columbus.
Me. Jakes 8. Pieckabd, having passed
creditable euminaUoo, was at
the bar on Monday, in Forsyth.
Tu A martens Recorder reports thodmth
of Mr. John P. Market, "on* of Sumter's
oldest sad most respected citizen*/*
Tut Enquirer Sun reports the sodden
death of SnlnerJohns too, from eongtetion
of th* brain. He was a bright and gen-
nate next Saturday.
Gen. Gartrell speuke here on the 7th, and
unless Air. Stephan*arrays himself s<iasre-
!y against Independsntism, will undoubt
edly carry thl* county by a Urge majority.
Ws ore having too mush rain to suit tbo
Cotton is briugiug a good pries, mid
dling selling for from UK to osnlx
per pound.
Tbe kteal option men are beginning to
stir themselves nnd will be felt In tbe pres-
cot campaign for representative*.
There has been considerable sickness
in oor city daring ib* past month—chiefly
slight fever*. It Is now disaepearing.
A self-endowinert associstiou yclept the
Cotton States, has been organized hsao.
nmllb’e mile.
4.—Cotton is opening very
rapidly and the yield promises to hs a
Laed that last year and year before oriy
produced four or five bushels of traihy
per acre will this vear make f
to twenty-five on the tonus gtoi
then it must be remembered tint Jasper
maty has suffered more from drought in
is last few years than any county iu mid-
The United Baptist Association convened
with Bethlehem Church ln*t Saturday and
organized by electing Rev. I. J. Uvere’t
moderator. 1 here were but fsw delegate*
from other churche*, and -sly two presrh-
ere, except the regular pastor On Sondsy
“ • was a very
is generally
prevailed than isunal in so largo a congre
gation. The United Baptiste are rather a
peculur set. 1 hey have no written artie'e
of faith, no written discipline, believing if
they did they would be adding to the writ
ten word of the Bible. They preach fruit*
meet fo.- repentance, aud baptum for the
remission of sins.
Mies Josie Line, of Mzrou, who h\*
beeu spending rout time with tbe faintly
cd Mayor A. W. Lane, leaves for home to-
Mi*« Mary Bznke, of Pike count/, is
ertndin* a month with Mire Mollie Irvin.
W. a Dozierand A. C. MiUen,
ace, are baiidtng a large and coin-
store bowse et Indian Spring eta-
the Macon and U.-nuswu-k exten-
d will open for borint** about the
first of October.
From eight to twelve drummers visit...
village every week. Macon is generally
well rsD'erented.
Yo.fu.WJ your corrup-i-J.OU from
*? UJ» (riMMMm hiri««.7ll S. i whttbrt A iW'liwHlf "iwliilllil w
■ uiOUdiwp tklamgr tka yo. mt with Itopuiw. la UU
iKjni xrom^ine ancinr^wnuoino wire mai
anii lint* with the girl io a pinlc drees.—
Bainbridge Democrat. We do not wish to
bo considered as indorsing the course ot
either "the fool" or "tho wise man," as re
lated by Ben Russell in the above para
graph. We are not obligod to toko a pub
lic position on such questions. We re-
rint Ben’s observation merely to warn
im that ho is getting too old to be young
and wicked.
BAiNnutDOR Democrat: The colored peo-
. J« of Dcestur are gutting along well. Wo
nutioe thn’. many of them are nccumnlut-
ing properly, and their crops aro good.—
Tns following incident is not a very
nsunl one, we im*pect, evon for Romo,
though the Bulletin state* tbe bare faet
without omment: "A whito woman from
down tho river camo to town ye-lerday
and while In tho city stepped into a bar
roum and inquired If they kept a good
nrticto of whiAky. The proprietor- an
swered in the ntUriuative. 8h« wished to
test it for herself, lie produood a sample
which shg t isteJ, then swallowed tho con-
tout* o! the glass and bought a demijohn
full and paid for it."
The Savaouah Reconhr tuu the follow-
"There is appsroutly asokhrr revival
columns!” That distinction, taken in con*
ncction with his judgeship, would surely
make the old fellow hnppy.
"It is said that the Atmosphere of Atlanta
is fatal to brass bands,” *r ys tho MUldle
Georgia Times. We publish the rumor out
of consideration tor the fact that it is high
time some’hlog good was said about that
particular atmosphere.
Quite a number of papers speak favora
bly of Col. Sam Hall for a cost on the Su
premo Bench. He would carry a vigorous,
well stored aud well traiued mind to that
high station.
Tne Sunday school man of th« Columbus
Times is responsible for the publication of
the following able-bodied snake story.
Horae peorlo may be disposed to doubt iu
truth, but the indorsement of the Times,
from which we toko the noeount, will guar
antee tho atory a patient consideration:
"Mr. Pete Cosby, between Bsstick and
Howard Station, killed a rattlesnake Fri
day that will m*ke all other snake stories
or this season dwindle into insignificaaee.
While repairing the road he unearthed a
wriggling mon-ter oeven feet long, with
fourteen rattles and n pair of horns
sevep iuohea in length. As will
presumed, it required some time nnd
trouble to make way with this snake. The
snake wn* between two cross tie«, in the
ear'h. aud when hs wav nncovered and
struck with a railroad axe he struck at Mr.
Ccsby, and missing his mark, be buried his
' rai in one of tbe orose-tlee. The cross.
)gan immediately to swell np until it
exploded and tore up one hundred yards of
the railroad. The snake was blown np
with the rails nnd oross-tios. about two
hundred feet in the air, and when ho camo
down, he fell on his hesd aud sunk his
horns in a hickory stump. Mr. Cosby, reo-
| the snake at a disadvantage, took nn
and severed th* head from the body,
killing the snake instantly. This adven
ture will prove at once that Mr. Cosby is a
man of nerve and fortitude, and should be
appointed captain of the next ship that
starts for tbe discovery of the North role. 1 '
Mb. Tnoxzs PniNiztE.of Monroe oounty.
was thrown from his buggy last week and
had uis leg broken.
Mbs. Keys and Mrs. Blalock, of Pike
county, have started an anti-amoking
society for boys under fifteen years of
Mb. G. Babbktt, of Pike county, had —
E his hnnds almost cut off, last week, by n
knife in the hand* of an infuriated negro.
The latter escaped.
Toe Savannah polloo put in some good
work on Inst Saturday and Sunday. There
were about eighteen arrests. The cause
may be given in one word—liquor.
Tub News rejoices in ths fact that Toccoa
is to have "a fall llvdgsd circu*. menngurio
and aquarium st Inst/’ Tho oditor seems
to have been really pining for such a visi
Tim Griffin Sun says that but little inter-
it* section—the people not having*time
spare from grumbling over tbe excess
Mn. H. 0. Pabkkb has be :n unanimously
nominated for Senator In the second dis
trict, oomposed of Mclu.^sh, Liberty end
intnnll counties. This is in pleasing con
trast with th* wrangling and variances that
prevail in soma other districts. Democrats
should nominate true Democrats, and then
abide the result
thrm, white many claim that the prices
will go higher. Mr. (iso. W. Lamar, the
broker, who ii purchasing them here, say*
ttist he doos not know why thero is such tx
demand for Diem, as ha is only pnrcuKjieg
*;r a party who wauts them. There
several solutions ot th» problem ofiered by
other brokers, but none aatisfactory, how
Ttraoio fever prevails to an alarming
extent in many sections of the SUte, ana
appears to he unusually virulent.
We must not be too aan mine, bat from
tbo prreeut outlook Ool. Candler will sweep
the district by a majority of between 2.CUU
and ;t,000.—Banner- Watchman. V*e sbrii
ho grntitted if snob should be Pie result,
bow nraeh soever Gen* and his big ootuin
might mourn over tlie vjsalL
Tne Conyers Weekly reports the death
of Mr. John Treadwell, rm old uud valuable
citizen of Rockdale oounty.
Ir sixteen drains make nn ounce, there
were several fellows in town Wednesday
night that would weigh a ton eaob.— Con
yers Weekly Low is that ? W# thought
Rockdale w.m a prohibition oounty.
Tub li t .er-Watchman has this to say
of Mr. Stephens's speech: “Two hundred
thousand uopiee of Mr. Stephens’s Atlanta
spvech wilt be printed end circulated
aroo'id ths Stats. It is highly spokes
by gentlemen wbo heard him. Thera is
fri-u ring in bis spped for Democratic
The* issue ot the Enquirer-Sun is _
handsome, well-illu-lrated. eighteen page
pater. It abounds in important informa
tion oonesrmng it* city and seutiou, and '
worthy of being preserved as a “book
Ou a friend th* Quitman Fees Press
J ive* the fubjoined conclusive reason tor
avoring the election to the Senate ot Col.
Lastingtr. Old soldiers wilt appreciate
the point: "Laey Lastingcr wns n drum
mer boy iu oar regiment, and Twa* he,
who, in the "we# sm* boor*"—aye, ami
aotosUmts in ihs “rtilly night'
wake or from pleasant dreams of home
with his rub-t-dab-dub, summoning
revill* or calling the sleeping Twenty*
nlu?h to battle. Since which time,
have bad a grodgw against raid t.acy,
w* now desiih to see him disgraced by
log made Senator. Wbo coo blame ns
Bats tbe Free Press: "The taxable
property of Brooks county amounts to fitt
Tub Quitman Free Press, also, has _
snake »iury. If Brother Whit* had read
the Columbus Times, before the
cams oat, it ia reasonable to thint
would not have contained any reference i
and wiU probably die. It is not
Ws are gratified at the evidences ■■
prosperity In Quitman. Ssys th* JVre
Press: “Never before in tbe history of ■■
bee there been to much business o«_
many evidence* of thrift and prosperity
a* now. Onv business home* aro crowded
with goods and oar strntli wi'h wagons
bringing cotton and prodace from lh|
country. Many new budding* are
course of erect on, and everything shows
that, in a small way, ww aran prosperous
and should be a happy people.” h
Tun last M »nr02 Adrertiscr cJHi
manly tetter from Mr. A. J. Phinaze* ■
tbe political situation* in which be speaks
ol tu n,U. of tu mw u acliu tu
tin, i.Wof tu bom. Mr. Ww. u
>o «M« w . furtw. worth, ritlxo
11,500 PO' F«»' con m cully mode at
homo working for E. G. Rideout & Co.,
10 U.relay .treet, New York, Send for
their catalogue and full particular,. ly
Clad Tidings for Mothers
Who woo'd escape tha paio. and danoera
of child-birth, Bent free. Also Duuskh c
Men, for men only. Addreae,
cep OdAwlt. Atlanta, Ga.
healthy I.nralUi... Ly utiu . dw
JJr w t«* 0*. Uw In Udthy .clioo. wiU a.Jd
.U Malaria, UllUu. attack., Itiitinc,,. Nau.
wa. Ltrowooci, Dw-fmton of Spirio, etc. It
will lanrocau like . ,U„ ri wine, but I. no In-
toztcating b«venigc.
T) m ,UITO <*aten nnytlilng hard ot
digestion, or fed heavy after meal,, or sleep
less st night, take a doss sad you will be relieved.
Time and Doctors' Dills will be saved
by always keeping the Regulator
In tho Ilonse I
For, whatever the ailment may be, s thoroughly
**fe purgative, alterative and tonic can
never be out of place. The remedy is harmless
—* tore, nor Be rarm, one ol which 1. on a pleknrre! 1 '“* r '” r ” wKh or
creek aw.tnp io a high atato of oultlyalioh: „
ft good dwelling house, gin houao «nd nil , , , 1T I, s Ittthl-V ykgetAISLE,
other oothoow. in grinl ropftirj clot, to "
ehurehe.,.chool htuSettond m«rk.ta. For Q ‘ T “ r ° f **“
further partioulnra apply Io Mr. Slog Sac-
darn, of Gordon.
Land (or Sale in Wilkinson C.unty,
Close to Gordon.
T WO hundred nnd ninety acres, about a
three horse farm, one of which is on a
charge for collecting when parable with
exchange New York correspondent Mer
chants National Bank.
Wanted—100,000 Conlederato bonds and
laud warrants. sug24dlaw&wlamly
A suburban farm of ono hundred acres
—forty acres in original forest and remain
der in a high state of cultivation. Has n
snog oottnge residence, and ia within half
mile of the poblia square of Forsyth. At
~ big bargain. Apply to
sep8-sa*wed4t Forsyth, Go.
Tub Atlanta police are displaying extra
ordinary vigor. They have arrested nine
of the gang of railroad thrives that ply
thrir trade in that city. Wiley Redding is
still nt Urge, however.
The True Citizen says that Barks connty
hu had the Sanator bat two years ont of
twelre, nnd invlrt* that the delegates to
the Millen convention should insist on the
rights of Barks to tho nominee.
Tubbs were only fourteen deaths in ths
city of Savannah last week. This is xe-
markabte, in view of the intones preva
lence of disease in other and heretofore
moru favored sections of the State.
Tna Vindicator reports tho death nt
Mrs. Martha Sainmerford, of Vienna, in
th* frith year of her ago. It ntao report*
the denth of Mrs. Wesley C.Uhoan, Mi te
Carrie Joiner and little Biddle Milton.
Tus True CHUc.t report* lint Burke
oounty wss visited lost week by a terrible
rain storm. Dams and bridges were washed
sway, a negro girl tin kilted by lightning
and tho love to the fnrmers is said tj
smonnt to thousands of dollars.
Att.*!ita has a supposed young "hero”
who claim* to have received twonty-#ix
rat* with n razor while defending th* pro
perty of his employer from tho hands 'd
two full gram robbers. Joe Harris wilt
trubkbly umboim in vurwi tho supjo;c>-.l
heroin deed of this yonug mm. *
Tun Sun is disposed to boast of the pro-
flebney ot thn CritUo' bavebalt club. Wo
are snro Griffin has something better Unit
that for provoking Dm gratification of iu
«ditors. Boseb.dl dab* ought to be re
1'ilred by law to take oat heavy 1‘ocnscs
ike cireasva nnd other similar evils.
Toe Lampkin Independent mentions the
eaee of a negro women who volantarily
broke Into jail and took quarters there, that
she might be able to gut something to set
without working for it. The vagrant Uw
tits jast each eases nioeiy, and U should be
vizoronriy applied.
J udub Twioos, as the Independent car
Mate, te now the most prominent snbjecl
-f discussion in polities! drcles.—Keening
Sews Twiggs Is much more prominent
now than he will be after tho election.
Seab Recee can get him n clerk's place,
and he will probably do so.
Tub Pike County News says: "A promi
nent physician of the oounty gives it as ins
opinion Mint il the boll worm gets s* nn
msrous in ell parts os they are reported ir
Mr. Bush's crop in another place, they will
be th* cans* of a great deal of sickness.
He says tbs add analog from the decaying
boll* is more poisonous toon malana.**
And now ‘.be p litien! enemies of Mr.
Stephens accuse him of having been a
Know-Nothing. Mr. Hteptu as was one of
the strongest opponent* of that party, as
history will abundantly attest.—Hartwell
Sun. Well, not all of them. The man
who doesn't know that Mr. Stephens fought
the Know-Nothing party with great bitter-
res is bcdly posted on Georgia politics.
Haetwexx .Van; Mr. Major Lewis's
little child, just beginning to toddle about,
fell Into s new well being dag on his piece
last Monday. Tbe wall was about right feet
deep and ksd soma rain water in it. For
tunately thn ehild was rescued without
other injury than a slight bruise on its
face. Mre. Lewis was badly excited nnd
frightened nnd jumped in after hsr child.
Tun following items nr* dipped from
the Darien Gazette: Th* Independents in
thn first district are few and fax between.
— Tt* people ot McIntosh oounty take
but little iaterset in polities. The Re
publican Senatorial convention is squarely
down on th* Independents. It is raid
that Thomas oounty has seven candidates
forth* Legislature. Nevarthelees, about
half n dozen will be left in tbe October
For Dyspepsia,
Igur, Main
n«l all Diseases
ausetl by De-
f Liver, lUmeUiad Kidneys.
w baft: Psiu in Ukc Side, tomrtimet ths
tsda U tell under the ShouMcrAAsde, rat.taken for
RhcumaUim; general loss of appetite; Bowels
Eteerally cotttve, » metises alternating with Isx;
Of Jtesd Is trouhted with pain, is dull sad heavy,
with considerable loss of meriory, accompanied
» painful sensation of leaving undone something
wMch ought to have been dome; s slight, dry cough
awl Hushed fees Is sometimes an attendant, often
mistakes for consumption; the patient complain
cf weariness-and debility; nervous, easily startled;
feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation
°» ‘ he * kin »pirits are low and despondent,
and, although t«titfied that exercise would be ben*-
Sclal, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude to
*7 tec*, dktrusta every remedy. Several
of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases
have occurred when but few of them existed, yet
examination after death hat shown the Uver to
have been extensively deranged.
It should bo used by all persons, old and
young, whenever any ot thn above
symptoms appear.
Persons Traveling or Living In Pn-
Ionisian Stata Lctterv Comcnn7.
Incorporated in lafid lor ‘in years by t J, s Leg*
Itiature (or kduuaUmisl sn<t rhurnabie pur-
tvwrve tuna of hra sture be* u added.
My an overwhelming popular vote lw (raiu-hlse
was made a part ol die prouut Mate CuiisUtu*
lion adoptei! DecemberZd, A. U , IK/V. *
Ths ssfjr Lottery ever voted on and endorsed
by the people t\f any *tate.
It ara. r scales or postpones,
its Grand single S timber Draw-
inti* tal:r jdarr •lantflltJ. _
X Hft.t-.XiHJ> s>pp,steTVXITT
LEANS, TUESDAY, Sent, itth, jMfr-
HHth Monthly Drawing.
I.oak ntt/ic fellouiny scheme, un-
dor tha exclusive supervision and management
Gen. tt. T. Ilvaurcnard. of I.a„at\>t
Ucn.Jubnt A, Furly, of 1 Irutnla.
who manage all the drawhiRS ot Dux Company.
l«'th ordinary nnd semi-annual, anil
attest the correctness of tho published Offlcia
Capital Prize. C7D.OOO.
1CO.OOC Ticket*nt Five Dollar* Esclx
Freedom*, In Flftlin In preporlh-n.
1 CAITTAL pSS!.!“!:... 175,000
A Oovernor*s Testimony.
, “v;—J** Drar Regulator has been In at in my
famdy for smns time and I am satisfied it Is s
valuable addition is the medical sdeace.
J. Gill Snoirrxa, Governorsf Ala.
lion. Alexander II. Ktenhens, of On.,
rays: Have derived soms benefit from the use ol
Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a
further trial.
W*\7 h< ’ " nl 7. T1,ln * «»*t nevsr falls to
Jvrllsvr.”—I have used many remedies for Dys-
repsia, Liver Affection and Debility, but rarer
have found anything t# benefit me ts tbe extest
Snamonn Liver Regulator hat. I sent from Min-
Besots to Georgia for It, and would send further for
such a medicine, and would advise aU who art tin-
iUrty affected to fire it a trial as it teems ths raly
\«g that never foils to relieve. 7
P. M. Jamnky, Minneapolis, Mina.
T. YT. Mason naysi From actual »•
perience in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in
my practice I have been and am satisfied to uss
sad prescribe it as a purgative medicine.
fiQTTake only the Genuine, which alwsyx
s on the Wrapper the red 7. Trade-Mark
and Signature of J. II. ZEILIN A CO.
WE call the attention of the public to tho
fact that we keep the
Laeoest and Best Selected 8too* or
Rut doe* not
We have in store and on ths road
16 Pianos and 21 Organs.
—- OR——
Hill’s Hepatic Panacea
Mann fact a rail by
W. H. BARRETT, Druggie
Augusta, Georcia.
that have for A CENTURY beam sueccrs
fully used for th* removal of Bil* frost ths
system, correcting the irregularities of the
Stomach, sad parifying the Blood.
This medicine is well known in man:
places in Georgia and South Carolina, se
hns been recommended by ths most learn
ed of th# medical profession for
where scratches and simple cats became
asnoying and aggravating sore*. It ‘
op in larger bottles than other ob* <
preparations, and retails for fiO cents a bot
»e#f Colic in
p7 • MAOO::. 1EOROTA.
No Cure, No Pay.
Dr. T. B. Little,
Thomnsvllio, Ca.
Tf i treatment is almost painlens, rnrely
i.l chcmlcri. No arssnie! No pot-nh!
No acid* 1 It float not eat the e racer, hat
stop* the circulation. Hence, becoming a
foreign body it soon separatee and sloughs,
even to IU roots, leaving the sound flseh,
which with attention readily heals. Tbs
treatment is harmtefw, not in the least en-
daxigering life.
Uuvo You (i Cnncor?
If so. answer tbe following questions
What U your age? Health7 Appetite'
The rise and location of your cancer, and
of bow long standing 7 How it made its
first appearance 7 If with sharp, born in
pains? is ths surface raw end running 7
I do not propose to cure cane-re in nil
stage*, for when they enter the vitals they
cannot be eared. So oooeult me before it
is too Ute, that is iu its incipient, or in an
sdvmoedstate, providedU ts notin the
vitals. Preachers, doctors and the poor
treated free of charge. Doctor* need not
sxy in this day that canoe re cannot be
eared. Only bring to your eases and esc
for yoarself. This is my own discovery,
the result of long experience in medicine*.
I make u specialty of Ulcers, Worts, Can
cers and Cancerous affections. Have
treated great numbers—have never failed
to oar*. I bare proofs and certificate* be-
yond contradiction. Cancers cared; nc
cure, no pay. For farther particulars ad
dress Dn.T. B. LITTLE,
eepldlawAwfismCm Tbomsvllte, Go.
I Tub Americas Recorder says; "Judge
Harrell, Independent candidate for Con-
grass, having announced that he would ad
dress the people at Lumpkin on Tuesday!
next, over u hundred citizens of Stewart
county united in u request to CoL L G|
Simmons, of this city, to speak oa thJ
Mute dry in behalf of Judge Crtep. Tbe
Cotooet bos accepted, and will make the
| people a rousing speech oa that day."
In the estimation of aome people, it is
impo*sib>e for on editor to gat more ont
of bis place than when be wUbea to show
up otiI deers.—D»t,ltn Gazette. Right,
Brother Ware; but that fart doesn’t justify |
an editor in “holding his peace." T he pu-
p«rs should not spare evils, either in high
places or iu low pUtss. It is a good sign i
when a bowl comes up. Bocae evil doeJ
k.. been struck.
Tn Dablin Gazette report* the follow I
log: -irattlMiiftk.ftbwt ffra Im. I-M(
ut with Iwtooftt ud , hftlf tocfaM iMg,
bit ft mot. belonging »•» Hr. Hub bmttti
on lb. right tor* l.g Jut .bor. tfe. ku.
i-.iftt. lb. riftl. Int i ulj .fa.bou.
.fur bring bitten. Atlhoagh tb. lukj
.uoinmsrmou.iiu, h. b^wigtm
rnttlu. Hr. Hrnitti «u riibrng tb. n ‘
ia tu rirer KU>p »Un it » J bitwn.'
JPopuInr Monthly Drawing of the
• Approximation Prises
[ Eunra.
1907 Prizes, amounting to 00
Application for r-itcz u» club* shuuM be
ile only to the office of tlio (rinif-uuy lu New
For further Information write clearly, rivitig
full addren. Bc.ul onlcrs by Exf-rgw^ Jh-v!x-
tered Letter or Money Order. addru*M*l only u>
M. 4. u tt pntx.
Xrtr Orleans, Let.,
t St. A. DA rPitts.
fW7 Bcrcmth * t„ Washington, /J. C
N. B.—Orders nddrinsed to New OrDztu will
receive prompt attention. _
107 Third St, ttaeor. 0a.
Hardwat e
r, . V,
Sporting Good, and Fubitig Tukle.
Parker Breech-Loading Gnus,
Lifter (old) action in stock—top snap last'
of August.
Agents for
Buffalo U. S. Standard Scales.
In ths Uitv or L uieviUe* on *—
Tbr-e drawing, oooor tt j rr'l
«rt»pUd) and*, iimri.ion •
' AMembty of Keo'n
| Th. United HUtM Olroalt Ooi- ri ,on Uftrob
:IJ, rendrred th. following dri-ltloo. t
w—That tho Common.with Dteiriho*
tiun Compftny I. Dgal.
M-ludrairingt art fair.
N. It.—Tho cotupanr haa now on hand a
largo nurro food. BMd oarefnlly Ui. ILtl
of oriw. for tha
I Yrito *
Il Prl»t «!«xl
tol*riua£1,000each..... U/,tr>i
NoPrhu. COD; tryXX)
100 l'rlzoa ICO each 10,000
an Prize, to wli iozjoo
•J00 Prizoi 80 M.h R’,000
l,(XX) l’rir.i . 10 taoh 10,000
» Prize. 800 etch, tn'rox prize. 8,700
0 Print 800 each do do LUO
0 Prize* 100 oaoh do do n o
IWOO Prize* *ll8,10f,
Whole TfckcU, ,2. Ralf
87 Ttekete, ^v). UTiebeti,
Remit Hone, or Bank Draft in IMSm,
for Knd br EzprtM. DON-1* SEND P i
t [OR ORDER. Order, of |3 and upward
hr KtprtM, can b* Mat at our,
AddroM all order, to
Comlcr-Joamal, Uml.Tillu, Ky,
Mini per'.rn Mm.dwav.N 1,
Fiveiusic Books
Of a very superior character, for us* during
the ensuing Fall and Winter.
Thfi PrevisM 81K0IN0 SCHOOtft. (Prico
lnoiwncis. 73c.) A n#Wt au ,| 0Trry
way derirnblotiraok, with abundant material
forth© ofklualnir « Imrsu*. aud for
social sluglug^^ W. o. Perkins.
ro* COMMON ScnoOLS. (Price
uUUEDClu. co cents,) Has hnd a year’s trial,
with univenml approval, iu a muHltudoof
•rhoola. Largs variety of wide-awake #ont«.
By L. O. Emerson.
I j.j.f end fir* FOR SUNDAY SCHOOIA.
lAgni 10a LUC. ( p rIc# 85c.) Great has
•'tended ibis exceptionally Duo collection;
which hasJwvn I*©for# tho pohtio but a few
Tin Cbonl Choir. TO *^©?S1RE. 0W -
(Price tl ) It Is the compantou Imnk t«u»o
•’Pecrlras," ia larger and haa a much
number of pieces for choir*. The singing clras
courae Is the mine as that In th* tmKllcr book.
By W. O. Parkins.
Thffelsst CteuMfihff'SS?*
though nt reftnt tame, hs* reins to •>« nwanl-
c«i as a standard book for
sclmols. By W. H. Til len.
Any book malted, post
Li tho higher
postfrej, for the retail
OLIVERDIT80B ft CO, Eoitlz.
C. HTDITHON ,L Ol KU Uru 1 Jwzy, h t
. tSAsrxEDV AEbsrsacvBEpoa
BUnd or Bleeding Piles, Hemorrhoids,
Sores, Ulcers. Tumors. licking of the
Parts, Fistulas and all Kindred Dis
eases; also of Bums, Corns, Felons,
Feter Sores, Scald Ueail, Tetter,
Sore Nipples, etc.
Atlanta, Oa., Aug. a, 1177.
After an experience of twenty-flv* yuus U
elllng this ointment, and during that time
having closely watched its efforts, and having
lljr fur all forma of Plica.
Jiu:ai>tiiktkstdiomai.s *L
■ This U to certify that I have tried Pryor's PUe
Ointment in a cnee of pile*, and state that It I
gar* more relief than anything I have ever
tried. I further state that ae a remedy lor
I t*anu It fo unparalleled. I also * used tt lor a
rase of tetter In my feet, of twenty years’ stand
ing, and any that It te the first thing that 1 hart
lteved from that distrusting dUcas*. m
H^^H^^raJtiiiN v. ncwiox.
Troupe Count) , : a.
listing UtnofUcted for tsu yenis, et Inter-
vafo, with that ftumraiug maiadv, the piles,
and after many lneOcct’-al trials of tit* rente
dies in _ _
ago to nee four file Ointment 1 experienced
Immediate relief. From the relief experienesd
la my case, as well as from the reputation
rapidly areulred by your Ointment In this vl-
cinltT, I hare no hesitation In expressUm th
opinion that Ufo the mens efficient remedy ft
pika ever Invented. o A. BULL.
LaG range, Ga.
honied rapidly. After tbe flnc appltcntlun e
the otataaenC (be patient soitered no pain
the box she was entirely recovered.
The Brown
Now London, Coiiu.
' Hnvs on hand n Block ol
undo tills eezxou, with two brash belts
end all tbe latent toprovaments, boxed,
ready for ImmedUto sblpmenL Any «if
tbs regular lizcs shipped tbs <lay tbe
der Is raeetred. Vo delay* Frarj
bereteforo published, tend f»r
We *1*. > n.a.. ,f*c
Gwathmeyidffn proved
^Prpse Gin,’
wilb Doubls Roller Hnliinj Attachment ,
stul sit of tbe very latest Improvements.
Solid 1J Inch saws, patent bruab, stxoiJg
iron frame, mule under the lmm*d sic
supervision of Richard IL Gwathmty, ths
patentee. Tbs E, Upxs Gin bdesigi:ed
• ' '• .'*••• . ' »*••; ' -V .1..
provemenU we have recently folded it car.
beosedto :r-u’. adrst.txjs in all
gtDDerics i
•end f.
1 price lit
The Erovvn Cottoii Gi.i Co,,
That terrible itoorpn, ftttr za
•nd it. roDgener, MUoa. retclttr .
aide, affictton. of tk«itomzrh, liter aad, prodozttl by mlatmztlc zlr tr..!
water, are both .radinrenl and prtfcriUil
by tb. iu. of Hottriter*. Stotnizb Brtunj
a portly tigttzbla elixir, tndorwd by
pblixizot. aod nton uw,) a.
a ri-m-dy for tb. zbore clzu of dli^rdriz,
az well zz (or mzzy chert, ihtn any
Medirin. of tbo a;,. Tot tale by all
druggUtz sod dealers generally.
irely rernven
This b to eertlly that I have used rnrsv’s rn*
OUtmenu and my that it U. tu my opUion. the
tom remedy for piles ever prratntod to Uw pub
lic. f say Otis from a praitire appUretfoa of
the re* wly oa my own pvrena.
_ 1* os. A xoKGAN, Troop Cmnty,Os.
For mk vg ait dentere Iu mmtktoe. Fites,
FlfncLt'IKKBUX. ferttmr mall on
cstpt of pricu
as* I
id Uta jvu-uj Q .
Pric-: st. W.W. DILLINGHAM A CO.
421 Main Street, LOUISVILLE. KY.