Newspaper Page Text
tCftteggfrfffr m%ix jbmtwtA \V 20,
A Nundny Menrcli fur It, and Ui«
TiuuLSc It Caused.
Yon know it au well as Ido tbit some
time* trifles light m air worry us a heap
more than the death of a president or
some other bis calamity. I’ve seen people
howl over a splinter in their finger, and yet
chopped off.
MR. Ill nuts, OF T! Vinos, I ho wm affected, and hastened his lamented
J death. It will be difficult to fill the void
iMMBiele Slocsxac the Dera«erim« ; that death has created. Our young friend
*in<i<tnrd-llearcr or the Twenty-first and Louisianian, a son of Mr. G.T. Kaool,
Ncnntorlel District. | of Uric city, ta the only one to whom the
•11.0 toll corro*pond«ifls toll, «- j S^oSSSfCtU$ “ *
ilaiusitielf: I ■ -
Oouas. Wiuumox Cotnm. Ga., An- TMIK EAST MAX RIOTERS.
Iran, *».—Jir, uwiir'j iii, iim'jii'x, vrjJtT- J ——
ivnrille, Ga.—D aamSta: At a convention Etsvoaof Them In IronsPoasTIurotUKn
' J — L,J * *—* “■**** # — 1 Haro a.
Yesterday afternoon the Macon and
Mfniir on their way to the Dade county coal mine*.
mBttsjcm I They w0le » n charge of Mr. W. H. Tomer,
* ' * 1 trareling guard of tha State penitentiary,
who took them to Atlanta last night
The gang is composed of Robert Stitb,
Robirt Rest Robert George, John Kellnm,
Jaek Knowles, Henry Howard, Wm. Mc
Rae, Dan O’Bryant, James Oliver CopeweU,
j Frank Adame and Gns Gillie. These wore al
sentenced to the penitentiary for life.
1 hey take their aentenoo ooolly. and as our
reporter looked upon them yesterday, they
were laughing and chatting as if they were
on their way to another campmeeting ex
cursion instead of going "down in a coal
mine underneath the ground.”
One old negro in the riot has participated
in other riots. He was in the riot at Gor
don several yean ago.
Mr. Turner, the guard, said that aa the
train reached Cochran, a large crowd of
people gathered around the car, but as a
precaution ho let down all the windows and
locked both doors of the oar while the train
I stopped for dinner. He was fearful lest
iryj"'” ” some hot blooded man should propose
it there are | . bat fortunately nothing of the
kind was attempted.
There were five negroes on trial yeeter-
I day, and as the evidenee is strong, it is
thought they will soon follow these eleven.
The six rioters, ineluding the woman, who
are to be hung, will probably be lodged in
oar jail for safe keeping. The Kastman
The Only Witch faotoiy IRELAND SjJ8®2
j. in the south.
of adversity assail btu, he can fiud reel, and
sympathy, sod comfort. A soft, cool hand to
smooth the wearied hmw, s warm, womanly
besom to imi ms head upon, a low voice to
lure him away from the uolse. and Jar, and
turmoil of life. The most nnrumantlr man In
the world has thsse dreams. And romance,
after alt, is a very beautiful thlug. It smooths
away many rough places; It makes unlovely
tMugs lovely. It nukes life fair where other
wise U would lw bleak end desolate."
"And are you Uitu so very romantic, my
sweet T* Harold asks, drawing the girl closer
to him aud kfaslnt her tenderly.
"You know I am. damme." the girl replica,!
tapping with her rldingwnip the pretty foot I
that peeps coyly out from beueavh the dark
blue dress.
Mn elopement would be very romantic'."
says Harold.
The face of the girl lights up with a radiant
Patronise i
of Kentucky University,
JSfttfVss essKsssis*
rust ^.-J/r. Dudley’ M.^lujhe*, Jefftr-
;his day held to nominate a candidate for
Senator of this, ths twenty-first Senatorial
district, we tin idea < «l to aay you received
the nomination, and aa a oomm ,M ~* *“
pointed to notify yon of the same, i
request youi acceptance. Rea pec
James It. Van
Axdbew Chas
E. G. Gam.
Macon. Ga., September 1.—Messrs. Jos. I
II. Van Hurta, Andrew Chamber* and E. I
C, drier, Cordon, (.'a.—Qebtleme* : Your
communication cf the IWth nit, informing
me of the action of the Democratic Bena-
torial Convention held at Gordon, received
to-day, stating that I was seleeUd by the
convention as the nominee of the Demo
cratic party for Senator of the Twenty-
first district
I have never placed myself before the
people for any otlics. I have ever desired
the position of a quiet citizen, and my full
energy has been in my occupation—that of
a farmer.
In r o manner,!orm or shape have I sought
the honor eonferred npot me, and should
I oonaoit my own wishes and interests, I j
should decline the honor and return to my
accustomed field of labor, far preferable to
me. individually. But I ™ iU; tU.- .
times and circumstances under whioh indi
vidual interest should be ignored, and
whenever duty calls ns, nuhsaftaiingly, we
mast meet it and perform it with a motive
unselfish, with n heart conscientious and a
will determined, I do not feel that I could
be a true citizen of my district and loyal
to the Democratic party and reject the ac
tion of the convention. With a fall appre
ciation of the high trust aa standard-bearer
of lbs Democracy of the twenty-first dls-;
trict. I accept the nomination, and,
if elected. shall labor diligently
aay nothing if the firger
Mow, when the old lady and children
went North th e summer—they went as far
north as Forsyth—I never whimpered; bat
lest Sunday when I went to lookfor my ra
zor strop I made enough noise for a politi
cal convention. Next to the razor, I think
the strop is one of the beat tilings for shav
ing that a man can strike.
Heretofore I had allowed my facial ter
ritory to be soaped and scraped by the
barber; but on that particular Sunday 1
took an economical fit and concluded to
shave myself. By scratching around I
found the razor, but the strop waa not in
ita accustomed place. Thinks I the razor's
sharp enough anyhow, and the search waa
not continued. The shaving a ap had van
ished, bnt I s lived up a lather of bar soap
Dr. John F. Hancock,
late President of the National Phar
maceutical Association of the United
States, says:
F*r« til*' mid- ™ |flfl fl
dleman’r profit*. fl fl Hi
. and buy direct from tho® fl H'
tlfiltwMAMACTOEEH to
xTK ^ Bend for Illustrati
'ftllAltfct Price Ll*t, d
fJelaton’s Favorite Pill.
wwwn a inn* Jiiner* HIM S
kesvy tale, l« conceded to U a fins
tome | ths character of the wanu-
beturvr* it » voucher for It* purity
tad msdkliul excellence."
Dr. Joseph Roderts,
esident Baltimore Pharmaceutical
u nitdudltt,
Ndlaton’s Fa
acaasmkal Wr die*.
*•■*.*••1 Rude from
K»>-l *>tta hair sad
fad* Tu’mn'a Hair
fchem la highly ea-
tecnad everywhere
reliable a. a .trerptf^ing t«de!
fr~ from akohoU *
Dr. J. Paris Moore, Ph.
D., Professor of Pharmacy, Balti
more Pharmaceutical College, aayss
" **"**’• I«*n Ritters ii a safe
and reliable Medicine, positively
free from alcoholic poisons, and can
U recommended sa a tonic for u««
amoag thoae who oppoaa alcohol."
Dr. Edward Earyckson,
Secretary Baltimore College cfllux.
macy, aays>
** I indorse It aa on erceflmt
medicine, a good digestive ---t.
and envelot>ed my chin in tho white foam.
It only required one pull with the razor to
oonvinoe me that if the strop was in the
house it had to be found.
Nioe fix for a meek and unprofane man
like me to be plaoed in. Tbs old lady ha 1
packed up everything and stowed them
away in closets and trnnka and drawers
preparatory to her leaving, and then took
her affidavit that every article I would
reed had been left oat and could be easily
gottonat It was about ten o’clock when
1 oommeooed the search, and I prayed that
I might get thoroughly shaved before din
ner; but I looked and looked in every
plice where I thought it possible a razor
strop could be concealed.
Did you eves stoop down and try to pull
AGtNISVVas-fcl H'^SaBIWea
\ : 'r:ii' —i. if
A Sapvialiv, Hultk tadSIrtifh Rutarar.
If yoe are a meditate er f«wr, worn out wfik
owt v otk or a mother run down ty frmily cr hod*
boM duties try Parkbe’S CiNsaa Tshic.
If you area lawyer, mlskwr orbunawamaan.
Kiuited by rwr.ul strain or sntieMcartadsaot taka
ici.-..iuatij2*uiiiitaau,butuee farkar’s Ciager Tsoio
Dowoa, wooa or nerves, you caa M cured try Park-
u'aU>Ka.To«ic. lllail-CwalawHwifPaaaaa
All He Sul til Sweat Cei|k Can Cm OaU.
Dr. Richard Samnctox,
one of Baltimore's oldest and most
reliable physicians, says j
"All who have lued it traits h«
standard virtues, eml the well,
known character of the house which
■“••J* •• * sufficient guarantee
of its being all that is claiRwd, for
diey are men who could not be in-
A Druggist Cured.
lU-Wa, Hi, OtL ,ah.
Bn..’, 1^ Hi,.
«~«I “•«<„« Wl .tuck oT
J'-" »“! fullne,, |. lb. ,|om.
Kk. Having lo«d I, I uk. pUu-
u,e in ncowMMdiu it to my cm.
k~m..od» i.givm
aatfre sadsfhciion to sK."
Eastman for some tiasto oomo.
trouble. He has a habit of dropping into
He wuu»ie n Touaorlitl Outnt from a I °° r ssnotnm every night on his way home,
Qrlfflu A hop and M* I pa. I just long enough to swap eigars—for bsisn
From all aooounts, Jos Parker, alias I
Wm. Fields, a colored Maoon barber, is a
bad man—a very bad man. About two’
years ago, so Bill Savage, the well-known ]
Fourth street barber, tells ns, he was im-1 prehens'iveanxiel
plicated in the murder of a negro boy in I L^t U;
Americas. Tho boy was ibo’, his body I ** arm, hit
, I a total absence of weii-bzys-wbat’s-opto-
^•PP^ jp l* » >h> * i ^ * | night «jr ao nsoai with him._ J5T wwlksd
and one of them gc
itentiary, while Jos
Boms time after <— ..
Maoon and worked for Savage when h<
was keeping at Dick LoyalTs
Popbtr street. Bill went escority for Joe’
akipped, leaving
two weeka’s bash wm. ■ w »iw»wu»»v *, ua*u^ *»<•
Nothing more was heard of Joe natil I where between Maoon and the river, I
back suspender buttons off and knocked
and twisted the drawer half way oat the
strop was nowhere to be seen. Mad as a
wet hen, 1 put both knees against the
drawer to shove it in. My foot slipped,
and tha first Udtg I knsw mir
noao was banging over the month
of the pitoher and piuco by pieoo was drop
ping the astonished fragment* of < f aor
ta* n-dollar toilet set. I palled up and
most inveterate smoker—and ask for the
freshest news morsels. He Is as weloome
as a sunbeam and he knows it, hence he is
-Imost Uks ons of ths guild, and when he
dls to pat in an appearance wa feel an ap-
rehenalvo anxiety.
Last night be earns in with a face aa long
-- 7™ -r=, his eyes moist, and thtre waa
I a total absence of well-boys-what’s-op to-
churoh. There were several in the scheme, I slowly up to the town news man’s desk and
— J * ‘^m got four years in the pen-1 and in a tone of voioe spiked with sadness,
*) Joe and one other escaped. I said:
..’Ur this trouble he earn# to I “I’ve lost my dog V*
77.1^ hr SiTzrs when he I Mow those who know the affection be
at l>iek LoyalTs plaoe, on I tween Captain Tom and kia dog, oan ap-
a. wkwu -w—.. Bill went escority for Joe’s I pedate the sorrow that brooded over bis
board, bat Jos got into more trouble and I soul ss be gave utterance to that remark,
akipped, leaving Bill a legacy of an unpaid I **I was eendingthat dark setter of mine
only mJurud frossooTTSBHniotBft&Ano-
kv rates, im, for no ttnyn only ro hnrr
thin bvuuttfnt iifrirn* Introduced.
This Is now, hy far. tho yreittent bn run in
i ever offered tha musiral public Unpn«udaut-
od iticcoas I Tremendous demand for this stylo
Order at once.
This Plano will be sent on 15 days test trial.
Please rend refrrentw It you do not rend money
with ofrio* tush *«tf »rlf/» order trill
bo reniwffrd mi if freight ehnrgrn
\ t ,nldhy um both imu* 1/ Rhino Is
ootjiimt am repremrnted. Several other
•iwcfil Bargains; fin non. IfM up. Ow
lkooe In use, and mo# oue dlmmatlmkrd
nttrehnaer. lllnstiatcd fid*
neared, ilashiux into and cur™ down tha fly-1
I«K Infantry, Ueneral KusmU's horse was shot I
under him, but he seised another and kept I
with his man. When tha haul# ended a scant I
of wild confusion ensued. Homo guns still I
tired. I'mllts of Infautry kept up a fuslladc.
Meanwhile our Infantry bad had a hot time.
Hundreds of shells burst In th* confined space.
The shelter of trenches afforded but poor pro
tection. Th# Egyptians cam* on with much
1 ground, whan tha rear I
and rear, followed by
proved too much for!
neat they thought only I
Ask your Druggist for Brown's
Iron Bitters, and take no other.
One trial will convince you that it
b just what you need.
couldn’t sea why any respectable razor-
strop should get up in suoh a place aa that.
I looked among ths preserves in ths pantry,
tors all tha things out of the trunks, want
through ths book case, fumbled around
among the Chins** curiosities of th* par
lor, and then never found it. I swore one
of ths biggest swear words of my life and
gave np the search.
Bytbistioia the lather had dried, herd
and looked ths features of my fees into
such a hard knot that I couldn’t imilo,
even if I had funnd it. 1 gathered the
razor and whetted it for a spell on my
shoe, than, relatheriug my chin, i scraped
away, polling hair and bido. Whin I
washed op and looked in the glass my
beard looked as though the moths had
gotten in it, and made a fearful bad job of
it at that.
This occurred today a week ago.
Rod I pledge you my word ss a man, mod a
man of family, that my face harts yet from
of guns on their
the rush of caval
I hem. From that
of flight.
aaow tbs Parsow Fired their Zeal. I
Boston Herald.
The pastor of a lore* church In Avondale,
one of tho suburbs of Cincinnati, recently de
termined to stimulate tha seal of his rather
lukewarm congregation in a new way. He
u<?cordlng1y placed a box at a convenient point,
aud Invited bis people to drop Into it during
tt.a week questions upon any subject which In
terested or perplexed them, promising lo an
swer their Inquiries as best be was able al the
Wednesday evening meeting. Tha night came,
the questions were read, discussed and an-
swered, to tha manifest pleasure and Instruc
tion of three present. The exercise was repeated '
ou several successive Wednaaday evenings, tha
questions showing a singularly thoughtful sad
inMIig rut Interest In spiritual subjects. Attest.
<M(.Broilin', ^Tci'RVttag
■Swinging I In •‘■t J>. iu-vc- i'!e
Hneqnalcd In Msierlai. In Flnlrli. a .1 |«
‘‘Deration. Manufactured Y>v >
Isaac a.sheppard^co.b^,
MO. J. OUT Ml. h jZerreti’r ’ - •
Piano fully warranted V
LOOOrho*, pieces sent I
JHjK.% #>k tJiMUUA
Janwoow locnagly
Foo Choo’s Daliam ol Shark's Oil
PoilllT.I, KMUI - —
Produce Cnmmitslon Merchant*,
l04Warron 8t., Now York.
Wa soliell eonaignmenls of
Poalllvely lUstores tho Hearing aod
la Only Absolute extra far
IlMsfneaa Unows
This Oil la atatrectrafrom ppswMse sped** O
small n'h/feShnrh. maSHit In ths Yellow
•aa, known as CisctfAwbOon KoADKumt. Kv
Flying Horse Machines,
Veloriprdr*. A Toyt.
Unddh 1st Frieet about toa year 1110. lw cures
were an numaroos and many no meaning- !
ty ntlmetilmum, that tha remedy wasoD 1
dally proclaimed over the entire Empire. Ita
us# became so universal that for over Boo
yearn no Urafnemm nnm csluted
mnony the t’hlneme people, dent,
Ch«ggg pfgpgbf. tn»nf»AAr*mnlil per Lottie.
Ilenr Wlint tho Donf Say.
It has performed a miracle In my case.
. I have no unearthly noises m my head and
hear much batter.
I have been greatly benefited.
Mr deafness helped a great deal-think oo-
nilu, will ...m m.
Of all kinds. Our long experience enable*
os to hamlts to tha Uat odvantage all
gmlehtf of dried Faxes sat, Armas, Bn-
at as, PhaaaiKa, 1’lvms, Kto. Libernl ad-
va#o*a made, on eooaignmsota. Corra-
1 §poodsoee tottotted. jozuSwtHu
tr« hruwd. im ta. Body Hobart.
Wot circulars, addi
, ..v v w« ”— i true way to im man up is iu go* unucri —- - -■ -
i„J in lb. UranUow tebnr .hop tham iutowl ol »bo« thorn- o do now to rich. Political b»uIm
or co nnd*r tho oamo of t iold *, | thing tor them. Hu, In both chorch ud I MMlUh Prm,. th»t | gut, mo not hHfCO auhne to olnnt, tho I t.o war, of fljhtliw « j
world aa they art to have ths world elevate I battle. Ons Is to fee* th* |muas presented by I * out me
Tha Apoortanitisa for true great-1 the advenary or the questions which nil th# j the con
nww |io thick HI .ronBd u—-tho poor ud I public ■'** JS"5 l?«hold. I lliU »-
EfSStidSnoru?oS'{ , h’.t , «'^idd?S affluiaSSuIlfSl“ithSTtfS
-* *?*• “I bon# that wa might not I mem, and undertakato divert attention I weight
b* doing something for some poor mortal. | ty a blare of trumpets on side matters. The I ptdliy <
It may be a great arose to com* dawn to I Qnt exhibit* Conscious power and right; the I i.i
some work required of ns, but ws are to | second hesitation, weakness and distrust. I ,
taka position In ths kingdom of God ao-1 ■ — . I
conltiLr to what wa have dona tot God. I Bacalls an Anecdete. i
For circulars, nddreaa with stamps, Jas.
M. Uaanawav, Milner, Pika county, Gaor-
gia. auglflwly
. Ath».*v Oa., Ktb. .vd, 1ITV (
i ita—My child, five yean old. bad'
symptoms of worms. 1 trie<l Calomel,
and «Hher worm medicines, but felled j
to expel any. Having Mr. Ita las' cerilfl-'
cate, 1 got a vlsl of Hmitn.b Worn Oil,/
and the Aral diwa brought Ct worms.l
and Uie second doM so many were peas-*
)ad 1 did not countthem. fl. H. ADAMH.
p ^ 4b ”
The Lata Colonel W. )l. Wiulley.
.Vote OH tan* State*, Amend 20. I
On ths s«m* day and at ths same place
when and where our lamented friend, W; I
M. Lovy^eloaad kls earthly career, another I
erointut citizen of tho Southwest yielded I
np o soul and life upon which our section, I
peopls and a large eirols of frieoda bad sai I
their highest estimate of his great n«tful-1
neM and value as a gentleman of rare I
qualities s^ul virtues. This was Colonel W. I
M. Wadlsy, of Georgia, who is well re-1
msmbsred in this community and I
throughout the South for his wonderful en
ergy and organizing talent* in ths man
agement of great railroad enterprise*. j
In 1H67, Mr. Janies Robb, president of
ths Mew Orleans, Jackson and Great
Northern railroad, attracted to Mr. Wad-
ley by lb* fame of his high qualities aa a
manager, secured h is at trice* la tho man
agement of our only large railroad.
His management was an eminent suc-
c*#s and pished our great railroad on a
firm and solid Seri*. Next, aa a branch and
adjaoct to ths M. O h J. and G. N., Mr.
WitiUar took charge of tha Southern rail
road, and uml.«r hw aaparvision tha axtao-
Now Cdition, 118,000 Words,
f 3000 iu»i« than any other KesLsh Mctmimry,)
Four Pages Colored Piutcv, BUCK)
Engravings, (nearly throe t;in-* »!.•• n-inii^r
I n any other Dtet'y.) sli-otymtain* sBiograph*
i'i 1 i y.) al ••i-.i'ii-i '.-i.Dlograph-
leal Dictionary i-m: Mr f ivta
concerning over 9100 notod persona.
Kcrotnmendtd bv Htate flupt’e of Education In
36 Htata*, ari l I y 50 CoU*n» Pr.-,i |. nfa.
0.4 C.MERRIAM 4 CO., i'uL'r*. Kj rmgfleld. M*mb
Mooday ln October next by )2 o'clock why I
lettan of administration should not balmoed I
to J. W. Jack, clerk Saparior Court Crawford I
Witness my hand officially. Angust 23, URL I
aagrtwtd V1RU1LS. HOLTON, Ownary. I
D. Mathews, executor of last will and testa-1
went of Mlrajah Mathews, lata of sold county I
dscstweel, has m»la apnllcatum to me far an
order to seUsUiha real property belonging to
This is b» dta all concerned to show cams U
aay they have, by the lint Mooday In October
next, why sold application should not be
Wluirist my hand officially Angus! as. IMS. 1
Mfffewbl YIKUII. fl. HOLTON, Ordinary.
D. Mathews, extrutor of but will and tost*-
ment of tos h Mathews, lata of sold county
I daocaaed, has tiled his application la mr office
for an order to sell all the real property belong
I ,n * u>,h ? csM * 01 lb# said Kaoch Mathews,
I This Is therefor* to ettaaUpafsotuiooneanMd
I to show causa If aay they have, by tha trot
I Monday In October nest, why said application
I should not be granted.
I Witness my hand officially August 23. IMS.
| tferld VttUJlL S HOLTON, Ordinary.
Grand 31 ltlMummcr
Ask y our 8 tatloner
I or send to cents ^
I Jn stamp# for* ,JL
box contain*
Ing two
dozen /W
Piano* anil Orgnns nt Rock
Muttom (Mh Mm Ice, with
Easy l arms for I'nyaneni.
We beg to aaaooflee to ths mercantile I
community and traveling pnblio of Allan- I
U that ths. East Tsodssm. Virginia and I
I Georgia railroad. Georgia Division, is now I
prepared to racsivs and forward business I
from Atlanta to Macon, Brunswick, Bavan-1
oak, and all points in southern Georgia I
and Florida. Tbs East Tennessee, Vir
ginia and Georgia railroad being th* abort-
e»t runt* to th* points named, shippers are
especially reminded that they con obtain
through rates and bill* lading to all availi*
ble iKHnta in Florida, thus affording facili-
I ties for traffic to that territory not hereto-
| fore enjoyed. Trains, both freight and I
I passenger, are now running doily (Bun-1
I data exospted).
I Ws shall at an early day be pleased to
| announce ths completion of a still farther
I extension of oar line north from Dallas to
I Route, connecting at that point with ths
I Vi. 'I’---. rt 1 — , |_ T
her pocket
> Berlin paper says that thus far atreum has
i c5 «rod v. Ter hi royalties tram his “Mer
ry War.”
I Mr. Lawn nee Barrett began his dramatic
r al^f GILT,
^ "f A—rl.d T..«-
terna. In » Nirkcl*
Jw ykhsmAlm
.Jr loM by all Btattoocra.
7 ;.i( Tr,:.r 1 Co.,
: • I K AliT.M Vi.HK.
TTtZZ ”• »> Eoft Uurun,
M. Ds Halnt Hasn's new opera, "nenry VIII,"
I will open tho autumn season at the Grand Op-
i era House, Paris.
Maurice Gray will have two companlto of
r reach singers under hts control bt Ibis eouu-
-Ex President Brown, of Hamilton '
eg*, will be a professor la Dartmouth this |
IU UrrUKIUNilY Thousands of mnaical families through-
— I out the Booth ere ie tending to purchase
gia Plantations lor S»le. iw. ■■uiu.^b. id 1 ;.,
umoUm ud ml, jillSaUaM I „,! toli.n the l-ii’f, hot nn/er niur'lM
d ud nt Ldl7’ W * -‘to*. 1 - 1 ” I with mu.lo, ud mit, th. “Iluv^t Home"
dand easily soceaaible torsa feorf jojfni. rt*o aumo-rr finds as
I w,,!l *••"'k Iretowul* «
. a* ■M’.IMtof*" I .1 oar .SINK BRA! CH
HOUSHLM.W eoooiUM tod
d wl!Si£tUnSS.IlSXZeXSSa
?a 1 fall » It «“Ust bo so’.d. It will be. Cu*b
house*, stcu I Liters will want nmr.y iuetrumsn'a. In-
.ju,, -1-- — I* beytre will tskn uvks, std ihore
fortK? tiSLStar? iP 1 1,1,0 K| 1 W* un »* ut »»» r CAUHOt cop
^Hho close of the war Colonel WaJIcy
i 11 e intorretuf the CVutr-il
' k»Uii And was A-iticitcd l i
V..1 that great rood. tS .frinrtr.'*
^^fl . \e s»a bad left it nrt almost
Xk. and it% stock bad sank to
fche ea-nt of Us origin tl
11 Haaroepte^^^^&idsnfy of this road
and of the bcr.Uri^^tectLd with it, on
oo-Jiti-/R lh»tboch^fl^M/e latertere<1
with. Us rebuilt this its innu
merable bridge*, depots, aZM^n placed
lUv. Lawrence W. Scott, who l*c-1 ■ *
I here last spring, has ordered a toat from I » A PVS1LY TS01TA1
re origin of the devil, I A sore and speedy e
• flie -Buueitl mlu H of Mr. Cor-
labrtwedmlnd In X«w Tort, tl hkte I ChllU.DtairW.nwn
U nMf U et u cod, tl U theutht ih.le I Cholera, Hammer Cot
nbonuuttmlierGeald.UdnerDinenl HwtdRcho.WoHWtlgtH.1
aattttr ■»“ s
it in first rate order *t t \ l- ;-i
nets by the purchase and lea ta otsh>ncc,-.
ing roads until it became the largest end
taeat productive railroad iu ths southwest.
Further to augment Us boat new, be inau
gurated and organized the at amehip line
be wetn Harounoh and New York, built
fire first s'.ass ships, at Roache'k ship yard,
Philadelphia, of over two thousand tons I
burden. This lino ws* connected with the
Central railroad company.
There are three other steams Lips of
Midsummer Special Offer.
JtU t'lNN ISO II .V OA AVI.tXtr.
Ard ths balaere November I*» u*xt, with-
out or e ocitl of Interest. Oo interest or
ml ratio* to price. If 1 ihw can’t be laid
In the fall, lougtr time will be given, with
| a is*amiable inerts** of price. All ♦natru-
mtntacf every grade end prirr icdnded in
this sots. Tail your musical friends of it
Write os for Catalogue*, Free# Ud», Ctr-
enters and full p*rtintUr*. TbU sols
cteeea October 1,1HKL Early porch*** se
cures cash pries* and stay term*. Addiaas
Loiitii i Hites' Swilheni Hose lloon
e a belonging to retata of Harris Gresham,
of said coiiuty, drex-sred. AugiMt IS, IMZ. I
i SOg22wtw !
M. P. Ht<m«-. admlnUtratrix of tha estate of
a n If. SOW, feta ef seht county, dscrasret.
toed* sj-u'.l* *tt"!i for leave lo mil »U Um I
I real satata Ulnoglng to said estate, for the pur-
pose of a division among* the tudrs.
thleK therefore, to rite and admonish all
penow concerned to be and appear at the
court of ordinary ef said county on the flm
Mticday In Udobrr next, to shew can*#. If aay I
they bar*, why mid application should not te
Witness my hand and official signature this
September 1st, ItoL J. A. McMANL’fl,
Llbol foiDivorce.
( I HR acratiok COOT. APR1I. TERM |
pieS. Amaada Baser a. John Bore Hep
oriog to the court by the return of thatber-
' that the defendant, John Bose. I* ru* to be
and la thk county and tt further swearing
at ha doss net reside In this Mate. Ordered,
nt service he perfected ou said John tUm If
sblteatteu In th* Telegraph ami Messenger
ice a mouth for lour mouth*. calHmr oo sold
tha Rose to be and appear at sold Iwmto
sort pet renal l y or by attorney oo the tth Mou I
ay In tXtober next to answer your UU-lteat'
Diaplainl. By Umremrt. t
Hcythla. which arrived here;
, ing. was John Fender, M. I 1
anrral telegraph eompanice,
oodhot a lereer Intsmc ta t
Th drul Pirn ut Orp» Dipl iflh talk
OtLl). IRVINE ACO, VUcon. Gv
gborgIa. kibHt&t'hV
persnas concerned to lw end appear at Um
court et ordinary of said county »** the first
Monday In (tetober next, to show cause, If aay 1
they have, why said application shoo'd not ha
I gnsated-
Wttmns my Kami and official sfenatare this
ftepteuber 1st, tol J. A. MiMAXl'i,
sep2 hi Ordinary.
CoNBTiPATiux U a dlsstss-toakf and
1*1* Ut indigestion, add sC/xwneb, beort-
burn, fevers, bilioosares, sick Lcadacbe,
i torpidity af the lim, colic, Inflammatory I
iHseascs, ncrroushcea, loss cf appetite, otc.* can ell be removed by tbs use cf
Halits’* Solia* Aperient.
WILL te, or mU oft communion. Al
| > Mn Nrn Wt ul Sill
'mn:i snaU PRBK their Cats-
tltborbo J,
• luslihyasasy
aU all or ports, a
tip. Mas. J. H
Dr. O. W. Collins, Tipton, Ind
I “I used R in osrvota dsbtlity, km
by overwork la wins weather, wl
Notice L<
’HO hare % surplus of aote, wheat c
edjtetigrain and deeire to hold tc
IniafennSi Rsssflfkflyflhn
tented. Os er too pages. Address
'.^-IhJ Lri Mm St 200-204 Rasfe-pe tl