Newspaper Page Text
Tolattil Was laakl* tm Aaawar.
Once In Moscow, neur the Borovltrh-
skala Rate, Count Tolstoi mw a per
sistent lieRKar, asking alma, who ox-
ilnlmeil, “A little penny, brother, In
the name of C'hrlat!"
A police officer approached. He waa
young, marllal und wrapped In the rog
illation sheepskin. At sight of him the
licggnr lied, hobbling away in fright
Mini haute.
"Is it iMiaalble," Maid Tolstoi to him
self, ‘‘that people are forbidden to auk
charity, In Christ's name—in a Chris
tian land?"
"Brother," lie said to the police, "can
yon read?"
"Yea," said the officer politely.
"Have yon rend the Hlble?”
"And do you remember Christ’#
orders to feed the hungry?" And he
•dted the words. The policeman was
evidently troubled. He turned to his
questioner and asked;
"And you, sir—you can read?"
"Yes, brother."
"Anti have you read the police regu
"Yes, brother."
"And do you remember that begging
In the main streets Is forbidden?"—Suc
How fkalptar* Walk Is 1
The artist nvtkc# a flkodel first, not
always life size, but ahnont nonw at
them actually does the rotting In the
marble. This work is Intruwtwd to high
ly skilled artisans, who do» the work
under ttudr direction, and ffce sculp
tors superintend all the finishing
touches aud even occasionally do some
of the rutting on the face aud bands.
The actual cutting of the stone Is a
most difficult process and reipilres
great expert skill. In case a full sized
model Is made the sculptor sends It to
a professional marble cutter, who
roughly shapes the block. The general
shape Is often given to the block lw»-
fore It leaves the marble yard to save
the extra freight. The rough carving
Is then done by the marble cutter, who
mo Hha|s>s the block u» to give It the
general outline of the figure to be re-
prodtieed. He drill* * series of holes
lu the block, the depth 1 ofeach of which
corresponds to an external polut of
tho statue supposed to- (>• Inelostsl in
the stone. After a sufficient number
of these holes have l>eetv made In the
stone lie removes the entire perforated
portion, and what remains gives the
broad lines of the statue;
Halit In fllnoA.
The Winter palace of the czars was
limit lu blood. Almost every stone of
the walls and every square yard of the
plaster lining them cost a life. Nlch
rilas bail given the order that the pal
ace must lie rebuilt In a year, and
what was human life against the des-
pot's will? Nix thousand men were
kept at work day and night, with the
palace heated at ,'l»l It. to dry the walls
rapidly, while the temperature out
side was often fit) degrees below zero
It. The men could only work with lee
packs on ilicli - heads, and, experienc
ing a dally change of do degrees, they
died by the score every day. By the
end of (lie year Hie dentil roll was
some thousands, but the palace was
finished. To understaud the full mean
ing of Ibis achievement It should lie re
iliemlicred dial Hie Winter palace Is as
large as Buckingham palace, Kenning
ion palace and tho National gallery.
I.ondoii Ololie.
In III I nun* Knm 1 ml Inn I’lnnta.
Tpwnrtl >>f sixty species of Hast In plaids, mostly of Hie fern family,
with a goodly sprinkling of grasses
and creeping vines, are luminous, and
II Is said Hint the sides of the moun
tains in the vicinity of <’yreo are
nightly Illuminated by the pale, white
light which they emit. The resit stock
Mf a plant from the Ooragliutn jungle,
near I.aykl (supposed to lie an orchid),
possesses (In' peculiar properties of be
coming luminous when wet, while when
dry It Is quite lusterli'HH. One Jointed
plant, supposed to he a member of tho
rush or cane family, emits a tlery red
light from Its leaves, a pale white one
from Its stalk, while Its tlowers give
out capricious Hashes, like that of our
"lightning bugs."
4'hllrnn* Wmr Overcoats Indoor*.
"In Santiago, tho Chilean capital,
where I have Itcen residing for some
years, It Is common to hoc people put
on their overcoats when they enter-a
house and take them olT upon going
Into the street," said a visitor to the
"Tho cause of this Is that the at
mosphere on the outside Is wanner
than within the residences. The
Chileans do not hoat their domiciles
to any extent, and they are construct
ed of sin'll thick walls that they are a
good deal on the'order of refrigera
tors." Washington Post.
Ilorara In Hattie.
Arabian horses show remarkable
courage lu battle. It Is said that when
a horse of Ids breed Units himself
wounded and knows Instinctively that
lie will not ho able to carry Ids rider
much longer lie quickly retires, hear
ing Ids master to a place of safety
while he has yet jmlliclent strength.
Hut If, on the other hand, the rider Is
wounded and falls to the ground, the
faithful animal remains beside him, un
mindful of danger, neighing until
assistance is brought.
The Head of More.
When the wine and witty Sir Thom
as More was boheadi'd his head was
stuck on a pole on London bridge,
where It was exposed for fourteen
days, much to the grief of his datigh
ter, Margaret ltoper, who resolved to
secure it. “One day," says Aubrey, "as
she was passing under tin* bridge, look
ing at her father’s head, she exclaim
ed: ‘That head has lain many a time
In my lap. Would to Hod It would fall
Into my lap as l pass under!' Stic had
her wish, and It did fad Into*her lap.”
Probably she had bribed one of the
keepers of the bridge to throw It over
just as the boat approached, and the
exclamation was intended to avert, the
suspicion of the boatmen. At nil
events, she got possession of it and
preserved It with great care lira leaden
casket until her death, and It is now
Inclosed in a niche In the wall of her
tomb in St iMiiistau's church, Canter
bury. Notes and tjiterles.
lot ill* lit «>r mill Worldly Snrrwii,
i "Spoil kimt of liiUKhtor, 1 havo often
wondered If the laughing man and the
laughing woman really gel. along bet
ter in the world than the man and
woman who do not laugh, or If they
laugh at all merely grin at some
amusing thing," said the observant
man. "I do not know, I am sure. Of
course you will lind that men and wo
men of both types probably In your
own acquaintance have been able to
get along fairly well in tin' world.
Laughter is no dould good capital lu a
great ninny Instances. It is equally
true that the grim face, the sour look,
I may say, has often proved a valuable
asset. The which would seem to Indi
cate Unit there Is a time to laugh and a
time not to laugh."—New Orleans
Times 1 lemoeral.
Do you want to live where the climate is mild the year round—
where labor is never oppressed by stress of weather, and where
animal vitality is never lost by mere conflict with cold?
Do you want to live in a region where the resources are more
varied than in any other equal area in the world, where the division
of great ranches affords a fine opportunity to get a small farm that
will assure you a competence?
Do you want to live where, with a minimum of labor, you can
71 grow profitable crops of grapes and small fruit, oranges, lemons,
olives, prunes and almonds, alfalfa and grain, where crops are sure,
business is good and capital easily finds profitable investment ?
Then go to California, where both health and opportunity await
your coming.
The Chicago, Union Pacific and
North-Western Line
is the most direct route to the Pacific Coast, and there are two fast
through trains daily via this line, over the famous double-track
railway between Chicago and the Missouri Riven. One-way Colonist
tickets are on sale daily, March i to May 15, at
the rate of $33.00 from Chicago, with corre
spondingly low rates from all points, give you
an unusual chance to make the trip.
These tickets are good on daily and personalty conducted
excursions, on which a: double berth in a Pullman tourist
sleeping car from Chicago costs, only S7.00. Round-trip tickets
are always on sale from all points at reduced r.atea via the
Chicago & North-Western, Union Pacific and
Southern Pacific Railways.
P. T. M. C. & N.-W. Ry., Chicago,. Wk
(Deate mall free to my aililra-t, California buaWcta, maps and full'
naiuutlara. mwicavaing aud tra.a;
4 mild 11 nil tin* tli*i'r«ll».
"Cupid is 0110 of tho host recruiting
officers that Undo Sam has," confided
one of the sergeants attached to tho re-
erultlng headquarters. “Back of near
ly every enlistment there is a woman
In the ease. Lovers’ quarrels chase a
lot of line lads into (lie service. Your
romantle youth gravitates to the re
cruiting either after u serious break
with Ills sweetheart as naturally as a
duck takes to water. It seems to him
the most fitting way In which to sacri-
, ee himself when love’s young dream
is apparently dispelled. Way down in
his heart lie nursed the idea of making
Ids erstwhile Inamorata sad, and it’s
the army or navy, with the possibility
if death In battle, for him. Again,
other first class material Is reerulted
by the desire of young fellows to sport
a uniform before their girls, lu such
eases t'upld does his recruiting through
vanity. But in both ways he manages
to fill up big gaps in the ranks of l’n
ele Sum’s fighters."— Philadelphia Bee
Cabbage Plants & Sea Island Cotton Se d
Cabbage Plants for sale, and now ready for delivery. ‘‘Early Jersey WaKefi 1‘"
and "Charleston Large Type Wakefield", two earliest sharphead varieties.and in
rotation as named. Succession." "Augusta T rucXor" and" Short Stem Flat Du h "
Its Causes. C. W. C. Its Cure
Tile alarming inerease of this disease, the
appalling mortality resulting from it, and the
awful suddenness with which it lays the hand
of death on its victims in every walk of life'
from president or king to the humblest subject
in the realm, irrespective of age or local rendi
tions, has aroused the whole medical world to
urnest research and investigations, todtseovor
if possible, the cause of this disease and Und for
it some efTechigra remedy.
Eminent Physicians ha-re shown that
the malady is largely traceable to indigestion,
which produces a peculiar form of constipation
that effects the ascending colouj or upper bow-
1, causing the dreaded obstruction which has
to lie removed by thesurgeon’s knife.
The ordinary purgative acts on the lower
bowel only, ami physicians everywhere hav
r’ “ rs rsj The Western Bailway ot Alaban
knife. There is a remedy, however, known ns
the a best flat-head varieties ami head in rotation as named. Prices: Single thousand, 11.1 h,
100 and over *1.25 per 1000; 10,000 anil over. *1 per 1000. Terms: Cash witli order; or plants X
o. D., purchaser paving return charges on money. Our plant beds occupy 36sores on Bout
ollna Sea Coast, ami \vc understand growing them in theopen air; tough and hardy; they , ill
Stand severe cold without injury. Plants crated for shipment weigh 20 lbs. per HMD and wi *vo
special low rates for prompt transportation by Southern Express Co. I know of other plan roll
call buy cheaper than mine. I sell good plants. No cheap "cut rate” plants shipped frommy
I guarantee those that l ship to he true to type and name, and grown from high grade sent
chased from two of the most reliable seed houses in the United states. I w ill refund pur
price Ui any dissatisfied customer at end of season
Our-Cotton Seed- Lint oi our Long Staple 1 variety of Sea Island Cotton sold In
In Charleston on Dee. 2. at 82* per pound. Heed *1.25 per bn.; lots of to bu. and over *1 p
My specialty ; Prompt Shipment, True Varieties, mud .Satisfied Customer*. I have he
plant, oils!
ness for thirty-five years.
Wm P PFDITY “ The Cabbage-Plant Mao”
™ Will* lu ttLun I ly Postand Telegraph Oftioo
or r
i ho
Youngs Island, S. C.
Atlanta & West Point Railroad Co.
c. w. c.
That Cures Appendicitis
Direct Lines Between North, East, South and Southwest. U. S
Mail Route. Through Palace Sleeping Cars. Dining
Cars. Tourist Sleepers to California.
The Sagnrlnna Stnleautan.
"Art* you sure you know all about
that subject you are going to make a
speech on?"
"No," nnsweri'il the sagacious states
mnu. "1 have put in my time collect
ing epigrams ami aiiei'ilutes. The sur
est way lo make ail uninteresting
speech is to make u thorough study of
your subject."—Washington StHr.
He W*a Immune.
"I suspect," said the fair maid who
liail talked for fifteen consecutive min
utes without permitting him to get a
word in edgeways, "you are tired of
Bearing me talk."
"Not at all," replied the gallant
young niau. "I get shaved at a bar-
tier's und am used to that sort of
thing."—Chicago News.
An Empty Title.
Little Willie- 1 say, pa, what is au
empty title? Pa- An empty title, uiy
son, Is your mother's way of referring
to me as the head of the house when
there are visitors present.—^Glasgow
I will be at the following named
places on dates opposite, for the
purpose of receiving State and
County tax returns:
Senoia, Tuesday April it
Haralson, Wed. April 12
Turin, Thursday, April 13 a.m.
^harpsburg. Thur. Apr. 13 p. m.
Moreland, Friday April f-j a. m.
St Charles, Friday Apr. 14 p. m.
Grantville, Saturday Apr. 13
Wynn’s Store, Monday April 17
from 10 to 12 a. m.
Daniel's Store, Monday April 17
from 2 to 4 p.m.
G. Iv. Crawford’s Monday night.
April 17.
Coweta, Tuesday, April 18 a.m.
I’almetto, Tuesday April iS p.m.
Cedar Creek, Wed. April 19 a. m
Roscoe, Wednesday April 19 p. m.
Sargents, Thursday April 20 a. m.
Welcome, Thursday April 20 p. m.
1 Handy, Friday April 21 a. m.
1 Corner Branch 3rd Dist. Friday
April 21 3 to 5 p. m
Newman, Saturday April 22
Stayed the Surgeon’s Hand.
For tali years I hail » severe stomach and
bowel trouble, mid could not eat enough to.
keep me going. I tried all the known remedies,
anil many of the best physicians, without ob,
twining any results, growing from bnd to worse
until fulminating in what my family physician
(pronounced "Appendicitis," und Hint, my
only course to save my life wns mi operation.
Before submitting to an operation, however. I
was induced by a friend to try Camp’s Wonder
ful Cure, for Indigestion and dyspepsia, which
I eagerly took scoording to directions, t am
now convinced that the symptoms that wor
ried me so were caused from indigestion of
the stoumeli and bowels, as they began gradu
ally disapocitring from Hie first dose of O. W.
C ,aud soon left me entirely.
There must lie many sufferers from alleged
'apnendieitis," whose troubles are due to tile
same cause mine were, and to them 1 would
say Don't submit to ail operation, lint take a
few doses off. W. C. us l did, and see how
readily your "appendicitis” will leave you
Once tried and you w ill never lie without a
hot tie in vonr house. Since I began tho use of
C. W. C. I mil glad to sav that I can eat any
thing 1 wish. mid have had to further trouble
in digesting whatever I eat. i give this testimo
nial in tile interest of others who may suffer
88 ' dW ENOCH S. LYLE.
Carrollton, Ga.
No 40
No 34
No 36
No 38
Leave Arrive
No 35
8 flip
4 12p
No 371N -')
No 3#
8 Ifip
12 40a
S 2T»ft
1 2T>p
8 lBp
12 40a
Lv Mobile... - Ar
7 main id
2 60n| ; .7
n ifip
12 15p
11 06p
Lv Pensacola Ar
4 OOp
5 00.11
5 00n
4 OOp
5 00ajLv Salma Ar
11 30pM e
9 15s
Id 06*
10 30m
1 :mp
1 27p
2 .">2p
3 Sip
6 30p
7 l ip
" 32p
H lip
6 55 a
12 35 p
Lv Montgomery Ar
Ar Milstead Ar
Ar Chehaw Ar
Ar Auburn ^ Ar
10 55a
0 57a
0 4 hi
9 J0a
12 30p
9 20p| "
7 45pj
ft 2<lp
-» 23p
5 Olp
4 27p
12 »P
\) LV)])
Ar ....Columbus - Ar
11 25a
4 30p
S 25 p
l) 0*2 P
H :17a' Ar Opelika \r
1U2h Ar— West Point Ar
•\H :r?a
7 -Via
s ; $ |i;:
4 15])
3 30p
1 12 5 Ip
; 1 58p
, - J "r
1 it (k)p
| 8 20 p
11 59 p
0 00p
6 28p
7 o5p
7 :»p
0 37 p
1(1 27 p
i i hop
0 37(1
10 35a
Ar - La Grange Ar
Ar -.Newuan Ar
Ar— Kairburn Ar
Ar East Point Ar
^ Atlanta - ....Lv
7 Ma
0 ;Mh
8 04 n
f) 30a
0 22pL'j
1 5 aopjii 11
12 6fip
1 !9p
to s; p
i 9 45a
10 52a
12 Ml
| 0 3|
0 15p
11 25 p
2 36j
| 6 13a
6 42s
8 00a
10 15a
12 43p
Ar Wash i ngton I.v
Ar Baltimore L\
Ar — Philadelphia Lv
Ar ....New York.. Lv
11 16a
6 17i
3 451
12 lOt
i 10 44>pi-—
I 0 16p --
| 6 56p
1 125p —
| -Meals
Above trains daily. Connections at New Orleans for Texas, Mexico, California. A;
I )or Tuskegee. Milstead for Tallahassee.
Lalirange accommodation leaves Atlanta daily, except Sunday at 5:30 p. m. ?•'
leaves LaGrange at 5:50 a. m. arrives Atlanta 8:15 a, m.
Trains 35 aud 36 Pullman sleepers New York and New Orleans. Through coach - w
on and New Orleans.
Trains 37 aud 38 Washington and Southwestern Limited. Pullman sleepers. ioap
ars. observation aud dining ears. Complete service New York and New Orleans,
Train 97 Uuited-Hte.tes fast mail. Through day coaches Atlanta and New Orleai
Write for mips, schedules aud information.
D. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. G. P. A., Atlanta Gi.
Pres, and Gen Mgr., Atlanta. Ga
The combination of vegetable and essent ial
oils in this marvelous cure is such that the en
tire alimentary canal, as well a* the region of
the appendix, is kept strong, vigorous and
pure. C. W. C. will oorSeot any difficulty
that may exist, and make it absolutely impos
sible for the appendix to become congested — ____________
or diseased. ,
c. w. c. should be i-i every household, it a sincere reformer first converts
i> worth its weight in gold, but eagj be nought , . . ,
at Holt A Cates, Newnart, Ca., at 50c nimseil.
anil f 1.00 bottles.
Carrollton, Ga
Life is what we make it, not the
way we take it,
Keep your bowels regular U t e use
of Chamberlain's Stomach an Liver
Tablets. There is nothing h-:w For
sale by Holt & Cates, Drug:-'* Now-
nan. Ga.