Newspaper Page Text
Federation of Warehouses Will
Facilitate Holding Campaign.
New Orleans Selected Permanent Haad
quarters of Cotton Committee of
National Farmers’ Union.
Bebee, Ark.—At a meeting of the
board of directors of the National
Farmer’s union arnd the national cot
ton committee relative to the hand
ling of the cotton crop for next year,
planning, in brief a federation of
warehouses, was approved by the
board of directors. New Orleans was
chosen as the permanent headquarters
of the cotton committee,
The report of the committee, in
part, follows: “Our efforts to hold
1,000,000 bales off the market has met
with much favor among the members
of our union and we have received
pledges for thousands of bales of cot
ton to be held.
“We have perfected a plain in
which the next crop can be handled
through union channels, that is, the
federation of warehouses, which plan
and by operation in Mississippi dur
ing the past year and embodies the
feature of the new plan.” ‘
President Barrett has called statei
meetings and will be held as follows:
Oklahoma, January §; Mississippi,
*January 12; Arkansas, January 14;
Texas, December 21; Alabama, Janu
aly 16; Georgia, January 18; Louisia
na, January 18; South Carolina, Jan
uary 20; North Carolina, December
.16; Florida, January 22; Missouri,
January 25; Illinois, January 27; Kan
:sas, January 29; Colorado, February
1; California, February 7, |
Cruiser Gelderland Raises Dutch Flag
Over the Alix,
Wilemstad, Island of Curacao.—The
Dutch cruiser Gelderland came into
this port towing the Venezuelan coast
-guard ship Alix, witl/ the Dutch flag
flying and a Dutch crew on board.
The Gelderland captured the -Alix
-off Puerto Cabello. The Alix was ly
ing close in shore, and, notwithstand
ing the threat which the Venezueian
government had made to fire upon
-any of the Dutch warships committing
a hostile act. the Gelderland steamed
at full speed towards the guardship
and sent in a launch‘to seize her.
“This they did without resistance, and
T[WO }lo] Oy} WOJJ dWed . S}oYs ou
iand. ¢
. The crew of the Alix was put
.ashore and the Dutch officer and ma
rines remained on board, the Gelder-
Tland finally taking the Alix in tow
and steaming away with her prize.
* The~ seizure of the Alix was in ac
<cordance with the plans of the Hol
land government, when instructions
were issued to the three Dutch war
:ships now in these waters to make
a demonstration off the coast of Ven
<zuela and to capture any Venezuelan
ships of war or guard - vessels .that
they might find. The arrival of the
Gelderland at Willemstad was greet
“ed with unbounded enthusiasm by
those who noticed the cruiser’s ap
.proach and soon the entire popula
tion was down to the water’'s edge to
‘welcome the return of the Gelderland,
Matter Will Be Pressed at This Ses
sion of Congress,
Washington, D. C.—Determined
that the dignity of the United States
shall no longer be jeopardized by the
failure of this government to provide
suitablé buildings for its diplomatic
and consular deputies abroad, advo
cates of an immediate —appropriation
to begin the construction or purchase
©of suitable buildings have decided to
press the fmatter at this session of
congress, Representative Nicholas
Longworth of Ohio will lead the fight
again this session, as he did last,
The members of the committee on
foreign affairs have agreed to stand
behind the Longworth bill, introduced
at the last session, authorizing the ap
propriation of $1,000,000 annually for
the construction or purchase of em
bassies, legations-and consular build
dmmediate Results From Conserva.
tion Movement,
Washington, D. C.—Acting under in
structions of President Roosevelt, the
secretary of the interior has with
«drawn from entry all public lands con
taining phosphate rock, pending ap
propriate action by congress,
MThis action has been taken as the
result of facts brought out at the re
«cent meeting of the National Conser
vation commission in Washington,
when it was shown that national
available supply of phosphate rock in
the United States will last only about
fifty years,
Died Without Friends—May Lie in
Potter's Field,
New York City. — No one has
claimed the body of Willlam Hanra
bhan, a hero of the Boxer outhreaks,
who died in a Newark hospital ard it
is expected that he will be buried in
Potter’'s Field, Hanrahan was one of
four men who volunteered at Tien
Tsin to go under the walls of the city
during a heavy fire and remove the
dead and wounded,
Among his effects were found let
ters from John D. Long, former secre
tary of the navy, and from Major
James Regan, of the army board of
awards, both of which C¢ommended
him for bravery in action.
President-Elect Will Inspect Work of
Washington, D, C.—William H. Taft,
president-elect, contemplates a visit
to Panama before his inauguration.
This *visit is approved Ly President
‘Roosevelt, While it has not been
finally determined upon, Mr. Taft has
announced that it was his inclination
to go. Should this be his final decis
fon he will leave the port of Charles
ton, 8. C., the last week in January
for a trip of twenty days.
Different Ways in Which the Govern
mant Spends its Millions.
Washington, D. C.-—The secretaryl
of the treasury has trausmitied to
congresss the book of estimates of ap-|
propriations required for the service
forthe, fiscal year ending June 40,
1910, .
The following shows by depart
ments the estimates for the fiscal
year 1909, the latter including the de
ficiency, miscellaneous and permauent
annual appropriations:
/ Estimates ations |
Objects— for 1910 for 1909.
Legislative .§ 13,178,178 § 14,142,586‘
Executive .. 415,510 440,610 |
State depart- |
ment ~ ~ ,4,320,395 4,413,469
Treasury de
ment .. .. 190,896,645 235,000,673
War depart
ment .. .. 234,093,150 193,328,116
Navy depart- i
ment .. ~ 137,510,388 133,160,401
Interior de
partment 200,532,157 212,390.745|
Postoffice de
partment ~ 1,711,040 1,787,450
of Agricul-
Nure ... o, 18,817.626 15,786,249
of labor
and com
merce: .. . 13,043,845 11,344,105
of Justice 9,890,020 10,903,087‘
Totals ..$824,408,020 $832,629,087
The estimates for 1910 exceed the
estimates for 1909 by $57,900,676. ‘
J. J. Hill Says All Future Advance
ment Rests on Agriculture.
Peoria, Ill.—Surrounded by more
prominent railroad officials than ever
before visited this city at one time,
Jas. J, Hill of St. Paul addressed five
hundred persons at a banquet given
in his honor by the Commercial and
Creve Couer clubs. In the course of
his remarks, Mr. Hill advocated the
‘development of the agricultural inter
ests of the country as its future salva
tion. -He said no country ever pros
pered unless its prosperity were based
| upon its agricultural industry.
In another century, he predicted the
population of this country would be
200,000,000 and that the present meth
ods of agriculture would be inade
’quate. He favored the amendment of
' the present tariffs by saying that it
' was an utter impossibility at the pres
l ent prices of things to build and equip
'a railroad from Chicago to New York
city which would pay a dividend of 2
t per cent per annum,
Predicts Failure In Canal Work,
Paris, France.—That the Panama
canal will cost $280,000,000, double
the estimate, is the gloomy view tak
en by Beuna-Varilla, former Panama
minister to the United States.
He says that destruction is sure to
overtake Gatun dam. The recent ac
cident there confirms this view, he de
clares, He says the plans now under
way will result in the greatest disas
ter in the history of this country.
“Adam God” Pleads Not Gullty.
Kansas City, Mo.—Trembling with
fear, their spirit broken with the re
nunciation of their faith, James
Sharpe, “Adam God,” and three of
his followers, almost without a word
in their own behalf, entered pleas of
not guilty when arraigned before
Justice Hemley on charges of first de
gree murder, growing oul of the kill
ing of the five people in the street riot
in which the police and the Holy Rol
lers took part.
Republicans Plan Far Ahead.
Chicago,. Ill.—Fred W. Upman
makes the announcement that perma
nent national headquarters for the!
republican national commission will
be established in the First National‘
bank building, Chicago, for the pur
pose of perfecting the most compre-!
hensive national organization ever
known in American politics, |
Bonaparte Not in Cabinet, i
Baltimore, Md.—That Atorney Gen
eral Charles J. Bonaparte will not be
a member of President Taft's cabinet
was the definite statement made here
by Mr. Bonaparte,
“After March 4th, 1 shall retire
from public life. That is perhaps the
best way to put it,” said Mr. Bona
Big Steamship Aground.
New York City.—ln a dense fog off
Belleport, L. 1., the German SBS. Ham
burg ‘ran aground. The boat, com
manded by Captain Schur, has a crew
of forty men, who refused to disem
bark when the Belleport life-savers
went out to rescue them. The Har
burg is in no danger of destruction
unless a storm breaks,
‘ Good Job For Bryan.
Minneapolis, Minn.—A campaign to
obtain William Jennings Bryan as
president of the University of Minne
sota in the event that the resignation
of President Cyrus Northrop is ac
cepted, has been started by the Uni
versity Press Club, which passed a
resolution asking the board of regents
to extend a call to the commoner,
Rues Guilty of Bribery.
San Francigco, Cal.—After deliber
ating twenty-four hours, the jury re
turned a verdict of guilty ot bribery
charges against Abraham Rues, form
er political boss of San Francisco,
Under the conviction Rues is liable
to a maximum penalty of fourteen
vears in the penitentiary,
Plan $1,000,000 Home.
Washington, D, C.—One result of
the meeting here of the Southern Com
mercial Congress is a project an
nounced to erect a $1,000,000 home for
the congress s this city,
President Parker announced the
plan which is to secure 1,000 subscrip
tions of SI,OOO each from southern
husiness men. Two hundred and thir
ty-seven thousand dollars was pledged.
Is is proposed to erect a skyscraper
office building for the headquarters of
‘the Souhtern Commercial Congress,
Have Promulgated Styles for
Women's Wearing Apparel. |
Features of New Styles Will Be the Ver
tical Effect Given the Wearers and
Reduced Sizs at Bottom of Skirts.
Toledo, Ohio.—The convention of
the Cloak, Suit and Shirt Manufactus
ers’ association, which has been in
session here, has promulgated ' the
styles of wearing apparel next spring.
The feature of the new styles for
women will be the vertical effect giv
en the wearers. The suits will come
in one, two and three pieces, all hip
less, and one of the strongest features
in the change will be the reduced size
at the bottom of both separate and
suit skirts, .
" The official decree of styles is as
follows: :
Two-plece Tailored Suits—Hipless
and half-fitted jackets; cutaway and
straight fronts 34 to 42 inches long
and 30 to 36 inches long for misses.
Long, narrow coat sleeves, Skirts
to be gored and of diminished full
ness, with a tendency to high-waisted
Three-Piece Suits—Without sleeves,
with net or lace yokes, or made to be
worn over waists with hipless jackets.
Cutaway fronts predominating, Long,
small sleeves,
Tailored Dresses — One-piece coul
plete dresses in hoth prinsess and
raised waist effects. Guimpe dresses
more particularly for misses and ju
Separate Coats—Hipless and semi
fitted cloth jackets with some ten
dency toward cutaway effects, 32 to
42 inches long for ladies and 30 to 36
inches long for misses, Coat sleeves.
‘Tailoring or Touring <Coats—Half
fitted empire or hipless effects 52 to
54 inches long, Silk and satin coats
—all lengths,
Separate skirts similar to suit
skirts, but show more trimming, main
ly in vertical effects, &
Fourteen Killed and 50 Injured at Bas
Obispo Cut,
Colon, Panama.—A ; giant blast of
dynamite, already prepared for firing,
was prematurely exploded in the
workings at Bas Obispo. Fourteen men
were killed and fifty mjured.
It may be that others have been
killed, for the debris is piled up in all
directions, Bas Obispo cut is about
thirty miles from Colon, and the
shock of the explosion was distinctly
felt here,
Numerous reports are current as to
the cause of the accident, but the of
ficial version from Culebra, whicn
gives an estimate of 14 killed and
fifty wounded, states that during the
loading of the last hole of the blast,
the dynamite in this cutting was dis
charged, and the remaining twenty
two were exploded by concussion,
Two Americans were Kkilled in the
explosion... They were John J, Rey]
of Indianapolis, Ind. and James ‘éL
Hummer of Dunnellon, N, J.
Figures Compiled By the New York
Times on National Election. |
New York City,—According to fig
ures compiled hy the New York
Times, the vote for Taft in the recent
election was 7,659,688, as - compared
with 7,623,486 for Roosevelt in 1904.
The democratic vote is given as 6,450,
690, as against 5,077,971 four years
~ According to the Times, the social
ist vole was less this year than in
1904, the respective figures being 401,-
506 and 402,288, Fewer votes were
‘cast for the prohibition candidates,
l the count standing 228,014 last fall, as
compared with 258,636 in the last
presidential year,
In a few instances, gays the Times
these figures are not final. But in
every instance, it is declared, they are
the best that can be obtained prior to
the publication of the official canvass
and will differ from the original fig
ures very slightly, if at all, |
| Decrease in Internal Revenues Shown
’ in Capers’ Report,
| Washington, D. C.—Commissioner
| John G. Capers of the internal reve
nue burean, in his annual report,
states that for the last fiscal year
there was a decrease in the receipts
of $17,998,072, as compared with the
| previous year, and that for the first
three months of the current Yyear
| there has been a decrease of 7,262,
238, Sy
The revenues for the full current
year are estimated at $250,000,000,
which is $1,655,000 less than for last
| year. '
Attempt on Life of [talian Priest in
Ohio City.
Youngstown, Ohio.—Poisoned ashe
drank the communion wine at the al
tar of the Italian Catholic Church here,
Father Lops nearly succumbed to the
second attempt at assassination, be
lieved to have been made by mem
bers of his congregzation,
It was learned that strychnine had
been placed in the altar wine which
Father Lops drank before admlinister
ing communion to his flock. The
priest is in a dangerous condition, but
he will recover,
A short time ago a shot was fired
through a window, which burfed itself
in the wall clese to his head,
Dr. Wiley Says Separate Cars Should
Be Provided,
Washington, D, C.—lsolation of con
sumptives on railroad journeys, partic
ularly on sleeping car trips across the
continent wasg urged by Dr. Harvey
W. Wiley, chief of the chemistry bu
reau of the department of agriculture.
in an interview, in which he pointed
out that separate cars for those af
fiicted with tuberculosis were as ne
sessary as detention reamps,
Matters of Importance Before tle
National Lawmakers.
Tuesday, after the completion of
preliminary routine business the
president’s message was read in both
houses, adjournment was then taken
until noon Wednesday,
An emergency volunteer army moas
ure was advocated Tuesday by Pres
ident Roosevelt in a special’ message
sent to congress, and the draft of the
bill accompanying the message was
introduced in the senate by Mr. Cul
lom. The president says the bill s
intended to replace the present law,
which was placed on the statute books
“plecemeal and hurriedly, partly on
the eve of the war with Spain and
partly after hostilities had actually
commenced.” After declaring that
the present law is faulty and wholly
inadequate to a speedy and proper
organization of a volunteer force, the
president says the bill proposed,which
was drawn under the supervision of
the chief of staff of the army, has the
hearty approval of the war depart
ment. The proposed bill is elastic: un
der its provisions a force of 2,000,000
men could be raised, as well as one
of 50,000.
- For nearly five hours the house of
representatives considered the bill
providing for the taking of the thir
teenth and subsequent decennial cen
suses, and passed it without material
e session of the senate Wednes
day was chiefly devoted to the for
mal presentation of departmental re
ports and the introduction of Dbills,
The reports have been made public
from time to time, and the bills, num
bering 352, were chiefly for the grant
ing of pensions. Senator Johnston of
Alabama introduced a bill to reinstats
former Cadets Rossell and Weaver,
dismissed from the military academy
for hazing. He, declared that their
punishment was excessive, and sald
that every new senator was hazed by
being given unimportant assignments
and being restricted in his privileges.
He did not wish to have the idea go
forth that the boys’ mothers have to
look after them after they enter the
military academy,
- In the senate Thursday Senator
Lodge gave notice that he would
‘speak on the Brownsville question
- Wednesday. The sengte, after an ex
‘ecutive sessicn, adjourned until Mon
day. The house received the report
of legislative, judicial and executive
appropriation bills. The house Thurs
day passed an amendment to the pres
ent army and navy desertion act, A
bill to appropriate sum to reinburse
the Island of Hawaii for its light
house service immediately preceding
federal control of the island was pass
ed. Proceedings were interriupted
‘when Henry G. Worthington, a form
er member, was stricken with apo
plexy. Mr. Townsend of Michigan
called up a bill authorizing the pres
ident to appoint a commission to in
vestigate commerce and labor dis
putes. -
A resolution was presented in the
house Friday calling for investigation
Télative to charges in president’s mes
sage on secret service, The house be
gan reading and debate on the legis
lative, judicial and executive appropri
ation bill. The committee on com
‘merce made tentative plans for inves
tigating a trip to the Isthmus of Pan
ama, The senate was not in session
The house of representatives Satur
day was in its oid time form, Parlia
mentary tactics were freely resorted
to, with the result that five times the
roll was called, The first wrangle oc
curred on a resolution, fixing the
boundary liné between the states of
Colorado, Oklahoma and New Mexico,
which was adopted by a good majori
ty, but not without two roli calls, The
house, then by a decisive vote, refus
‘ed to further consider the bill provid
ing for arbitrary settlement of dis
‘putes between employers and em
‘ployees next turning attention to the
‘bill providing for the protection of
‘aliens in the United States, the sub
ject was threshed out at length., The
‘measure had rough sailing, and it was
passed by a slim majority, after the
roil had been called twice,
The senate was not in session Sat
‘urday. B
A remarkable hunt for “needles in
a haystack” has been inaugurated in
Michigan by men of science in the
employment of Uncle Sam. This “nee
dle” is known as the michococcus ap
tha bovinalis, This is the germ of the
cattle plague, known among farmers
as the foot and mouth disease, It is
prevalent now’in Michigan and the
federal authorities have imposed a
quarantine not only against the Mich.
igan herds but against the Michigan
hay, Not a-pound of Michigan hay
will be permitted to be shipped out
of the state, The quarantine is ex
pected to last for nine months,
The British government’s experi
ment in introducing American cotton
into India has met with encouraging
success, Tke first auction of the
American cotton was held recently,
and the entire product was bought by
one firm at a price 25 per c¢ent higher
than Ondiap cotton,
Prominent women of New York,
forming the association opposed to*
woman suffrage, are quietly conduct
ing their campaign and digtributing
Hterature, A secret meeting of the
organization was held at which offi
cers were elected, Mrs. Elihu Root,
wife cf the secrctary of state, was
chosen as one of the vice presidents,
Safe robbers at Maize, Kan., blew
open the state bank vault and escap
ed with nearly $6,000 in currency.
A resolutlon providing that public
gschools be closed one afternoon a
week to allow children to attend re
ligious services and to receive in
struction in their own church, precip
ftated a lively debate in the conven
tion of the Federal Counci] of Church
es~oi Christ in America in session at
Philadelphia, The resolution was de
feated, A resolution was adopted in
which it was declared that it was the
duty of the church to provide relig
fous instruction for their children as
well as the duty of parents to see
that such instruction is given
N r
i ?
Venezuelan Rater Ufficially In.
formed How He Must Act.
g ) ™ Y
President Castro Says He is in France as
Private Citizen, and Agrees Not
to Make Trouble.
Paris, France, — President Castro
Bordeaux, President Castor is being
of Venezual has arrived here from
reated as a private citizen, and not
as. chief of state. :
The president’s physicians are anx
ious that he reach Berlin as soon as
possible, in order to undergo his op
eration, should specialists consider
this necessary, with the least loss of
time; ccnsequently Castros ’'stay in
Paris will be short.
Willemstad, Curacao.—The govern
ment of the Netherlands has no in
tention of being negligent in the mat
ter of the blockade of the Venezuelan
coast, inaugurated by three of its war
ships last week, The battleship Ja
cob Van Heemskork and the cruiser
Gelderland left here for Venezuelan
waters, They have been cleared for
action. It is believed that they will
demonstrate off LaGuira, Further
mare, they will probably begin seizing
Venezuelan merchant vessels, thus
putting a stop to the trade between
Venezuelan ports.
A clash between the warships and
the coastal forts of Venezuela is liable
to follow any radical action, because
the government at “Caracas has ex
pressed its intention of firing on the
Dutch ships at the first “unfriendly
Paris, France—lJt was officially an
nounced that the French government
has informed President Castro that
he would be expelled from the coun
try in case he made any “manifesta
tion calculated to disturb the public
order,” give interviews to journals or
in any manner inaugurate a press
campaign against France or in justi
fication of his own attitude
Catsro gave assurances that he
came to France te undergo an opera
tion, and he promised to adhere to
the wishes of the government,
Goverenment Will Be Asked to Issue
$500,000,000 in Bonds,
Washington, D. C.—Sentiment in
favor of the issuance of government
bonds for a comprehensive improve
ment of the rivers, harbors and ca
nals of the country to the end that
this nation shall have the greattst
system of waterways in the world,
'gained‘ considerable headway at the
annual meeting of the rivers and har
bors congress here,
The scheme conte®iplates the issu
ance of $500,000,000 worth of federal
bonds for internal water courses, to
be distributed over a ten-year period,
or $50.000,000 annually, Following the
lead of Prerident Roosevelt and Pres.
ident-elect Taft, both of whom, before
‘the joint conservation meeting advo
cated the issuance of government
bonds for the construction of perma
nent public improvements, enthusias
tic endorsement was given the propo
sition at the rivers and harbors con
gress by such leading figures as Vice
President Falrbanks, Andrew Carne
gie, Joseph K, Ransdell, president ot
the congress, and other speakers.
This session witnessed one of the
most notable gatherings in the his
tory of congress, The list of speak
ers included Vice President Fair
banks, Andrew Carntgie, James Bryce,
the British ambassador; Former May
or Seth Lowe of New York; Represen
tative John E. Ransdell; Champ Clark
of Missouri, minority leader of the
house of representatives; Governor
George E. Chamberlain of Oregon;
Governor J, Y. Sanders of Louisiana;
Samuel Gompers, president of the
American Federation of Labor; Judge
George Hillyer, a member of the Geor
lgia railroad commission, and Profes
[ sor W, D, Lyman of Whitman College
| of Washington,
Appointed on Chickamauga National
Park Commision,
Washington, D. C.—President Roose.
velt named Major Jogeph B. Cumming
of Augusta, Ga.,, a member of the
Chickamauga National Park Commis
sion to succeed General A. P, Stewart
of Mississippi, deceased,
It has been understood for several
days that the president would name a
Georgian for the place and the con
test was between Judge John W. Mad
dox of Rome and Major Cumming. A
delegation friendly to Judge Maddox
called at the white house to urge his
nomination, but they were too late,
Judge Maddox was in the battle of
Chickamauga, and was sirongly hack
ed for the appointment, but Major
Cumming was the successful man,
John Hegeman Charged With Perjury
Was Acquitted,
New York City~—~John R. Hege
man, president of the Metropolitan
Life Insurance Company, was freed
by the court in a decislon that sis
it stands will serve to guash all in
dictments now standingz against in
surance officials, according to District
Attorney Jerome, who, however, ex
pects to take the present case to the
court of appeals
There are six indictments for for
gery against George W, Perkins, for
merly vice president of the New York
Life Insurance company, and several
against Charles 8. Fairchild, of the
game company, 3
Physician Will Attempt to Disprove
Theory That Chair Is Not Fatal,
Trenton, N, J.—County Physician
Frank (. Seammell announces that he
will make an effort to resuscitate the
next man electrocuted in the New Jer
sey state pricon in order to digprove
the claim of a New York physician
recently put forth that electricity does
not kill, but -that electrocuted crimi
nals die under the surgeon’s knife in
the autopsy or in the quicklime 'in
which they are buried.
Twenty-seven were killed in an
avalanche at San Lucane, Italy, The
result of the avalanche left a large
opened for these unfortunate vicums.
enormous flood of water is flowiug.
Hundreds of familes are without food
and homes, Subscriptions have been
ope_ned so rthese unfortunate victims.
Nine persons were badly iajured
and more than a score of others were
cut and bruised by falling walls and
shattered glass when an agent of the
“Black Hand” gr-, slipped over
the roof to the airshaft' of the tene
ment at 330 East Sixty-third slr@&
New York City, and dropped a bom
After two trials, George W. Sulper,
a Brooklyn commission merchant,
shet and killed himself, His 13-year
old daughter was with him when he
fired the fatal shot,
Rev, Francis A, Pools, pastor of the
First Congregational church, at Barre,
Vt., says he has quadrupled the atten
dance at his church in three years
by advertising in the papers.
Cablegrams received at Shanghai
China, by private sources from Wasi
ington announcing that Judge L. R.
Wilfley of the Uuited States court
had been removed, created a tremen
dous sensation. The American colo
ny believes the methods adopted by
Judge Wilfley have operated to nulli
fy his efforts and have discredited
the American court,
Dr. Sarah Hackett Stevenson, one
of the best known women physicians
in Chicago and the first woman to be
honored with membership in the
American Medical association, died of
cerebral hemorrhage, brought on by
overwork at St, Elizabeths’ hospital.
The pope at Rome Dblessed Presi
dent-elect Taft and his family. The
blessing was declared in the presence
of Archbishop J. J. Glennon of St.
Louis who was one of the first per
sons received in audience,
William Burke of New Bedford,
Mass., took the oath of allegiance to
his county and was enrolled in the
navy here after having walked nearly
one hundred miles to carry out his
purpose., He reached here at day
break, after tramping all night from
Providence, weary, cold and hungry.
Dave Edwards, under sentence to
hang at Chattanooga, Tenn., Decem
ber 10 for the murder of J, W. Davis
on March 20, 1908, has been granted
a respite of thirty days by Governor
Patterscn. Davis, the man who was
killed, was supreintendent of a rall
road construction oang working on a
contract held by W, J, Oliver & Co.
Edwards was an employe under Davis,
Frederick A. Hyde of San Francisco
recently convicted of conspiracy to
defraud the United States of large
tracts of land in Oregon and Washing
ton, was sentenced in the criminal
court to pay a fihe of SIO,OOO and to
sérve two years in the penitentiary at
Moundsville, W, Va., the maximum
penalty under the law, Joost H,
Schneider of Tuscon, Ariz, an em
g\oye of Hyde, and convicted with
im, was fnndd.imw,xmmf
to one year and two months in the
‘penitentiary. e
The supreme court of the United
states decided in favor of the. plain
tiff in the case of Mrs. Eva A. Inger
goll, widow of the late Robert G, In
gersoll, against Joseph Coram annd
others, involving a claim of SIOO,OOO
by Mrs. Ingersoll on account of ser
vices rendered .by her husband in
breaking the will of the late Andrew
J. Davis, a Montana mililonaire, A
verdict of the circuit court gave Mrs,
Ingersoll $138,000, principal and inter
The steamers Shawnut and Tre
mont, now at Seattle, Wash, have
been purchased by the isthmian canal
commission from the Boston Naviga
tion company, to be used, in transport
ing supplies for the Panama canal.
Fer the purchase of two steamers for
the isthmian canal, congress last win
ter appropriated $1,500,000, The own
ers of the Shawnut and Tremont at
first asked exactly this amount for
the vessels, but finally agreed to ac
cept for the two $1,157,301.
Because of unsettled conditiong at
Gonnoives, Hayti, the dispatch boat
Dolphin, now in Central American
waters, has been ordered to that place
to protect American interests, The
cruiser Des Moines, which for some
davs has been stationed at Port au
Prince, has left that place for a cruise
and will stop at Gonnaives and St.
A change has taken place in the
program of the administration for the
withdrawal of the American troops
from Cuba, Instead of the movement
terminating January 28, when the new
president is to be inaugurated, as
heretofore, announced by Secretary
Wright, the withdrawal will be more
gradual, and according to the present
program will run into April,
President-elect Taft, when he 1s In
augurated next March, will occupy the
unique position of being the only pres
ident of the United States to hold at
the same time he occupied that posi
tion, ancther office at the head of one
of the country’s great national inde
pendent organizations, At the annual
meeting of the American National
Red Cross society Mr, Taft was unan.
imously re-elected president of that
organization, Mrs, Rusgell Sage, in
recognition of her services and the
gift of $25,000 to the secretary, and
Dr. Louis Klopsch of the Christian
Herald for his work in organizing the
China flood relief and executing it in
<he name of the society, were unani
mously elected honorary members.
President Roosevelt is the only other
honorary member,
With the honors due to his rank,
the body of Rear Admiral Joseph B.
Coghlan was laid to rest in Arling
ton cemetery, Many distinguished na.
val men were in attendance, including
Secretary of the Navy Newberry
Senor Don Louis Toledo Herrarte,
Guatemalan minister to the United
States; Senor don Juan Barrior, min
ister of foreign affairs, who is in
Washington on special mission; Gen
eral Joseph Drummond, a wealthy cof
fee planter of Guatemala, and Georgo
Starling, chauffeur, were thrown from
an automobile and badly injured,