Newspaper Page Text
TANARUS“ \To Um Piiklte.
HR ben* leave of hisfiricnds, nd of 1
thosd who hold any of the few shin plas'ers,
that he Iras signed, t6~ien(l them to his store where J
he will pay bankable money for them. On putting :
those bills out, he i bought that it would afford in- >
mediate relief, In the way of change, to himsel I
and friends ; finding; however that it has not this I
effect, he decline* signing any more, but will take
for goads, Mr. IViltbergcr’s, the City Council’s, i
and Ice Mouse Company of Augusta, Macon. Co*
bimbos, Brunswick, Darien, or any other indivi
deal shin piasters in our city.
rosy 6 97
the addition of a few ot the many Certipf
ates which hare been received, proving its etfi.
eucy for complaints of the lungs. Mrs. M. N-
Gardner’s genuine Indian Balaam of Liverwort
•ml lloarhnund. Prepared from a receipt origi
nally procured from an Indian Family.
N. B. The public are particulary cautioned to
inquire for Mrs. M. N. Gardner’s Genuine Indian
Balaam of Liverwort and Hoarhottntl, aa there is
an article offered to the public that is not genuine,
likewise be particular that the white wrapper is
signed M. N. Gardner, anti the red label outside,
as a aecurity againat counterfeits, by the pro
It is, without any exaggeration or exception. One
of the greatest discoveries ever made in this part
of the country. It has saved, within two years,
hundreds from the grave. It has been- sent for
from all parts of the country-that lia'a the least
knowledge of its glorious effects for such a simple
vegetable compound. It has been found to be
extremely efficacious in the following diseases,
viz : Consumptions, common coughs, cold*, hoop
ing cough, difficulty of breathing, asthmas, liiHo
enza, quinsy, phthisic, spitting of blood, croup,
weakness, pain in ‘ihe side, want of sleep, Ac.
Likewise there tanothing existing so good for the
liver complaint as this medicine ; it lias been taken
with great success. This Balsam, fur all com
plaints of this kind, exceeds all preparations ever
offered to the public. In the country where ii
has been administered, it has had most wonderful
effects. There could be hundreds of Certificates
mentioned, where it has proved itself a perfect
and sale remedy for all these complaints. The
Physicians, instead ot recommending for then
patients to take a journey to the Springs, or some
titer country place, for their he dtli, they recom
mend this Balsamic Syrup, which liequently saves
them from their graves. It esn be relied upon,
thatthiv Compound is composed wholly of the
vegetable kingdom. In regard to any evil eff’eeir
received from taking it, there has never beei
known the slightest; therefore I can recommend
it with perfect safety. For spitting of blood,
there is nothing in this part of the country that
was ever offered, that lias such a wonderful effect
Hundreds have experienced such happy results
from this Healing Balsam, that they have ad
vised me by all means to do all the good with it
possible, therefore 1 recommend it with great con
fidence, its healing properties are so well known
m this part of the country, for all complaints above
mentioned. Yours with respect.
t, Amos Webster, of Boston, feel it a duty to
acquaint my friends and the public of the efficacy
•f the balsam of Liverwort. Having been troubled
With a very had cough, for (..great length of time,
and having resorted to most of the remedies which
are recommended for coughs and colds witlioiu
sny effect, I was induced to try the Balsam ot
Liverwort, and by taking two bottles, l was re
stored to perfect health.
L the subscriber, have taken Mrs. Gardner’s
Genuine Balsam of Liverwort, for a complain*
which my physician called consumptive, and by
Ihe use of two bottles 1 waa cured entirely.—
Therefore, I do with the utmost confidence recom
vend it to tlte public for complaints of that kind
Boston, Nov. 1, 1831.
It is with great pleasure 1 recommend the effi
cy of Mrs. Gardner’s Balsam of Liverwort, Itav
!• y made use of It myself, atul in my family, for t he
last two years, and have found it the best remedy
for the cure of Coughs and colds, and all complain, a
*f the breast, that I ever witnessed in my family.
1 consider (l one of the best articles ever invented,
•nd recommend it to all who may be afflicted.
Boston, Nov. 5, 1831,
To the Agent of Mrs- Gardner’s Indian Balsam ot
The bearer of this will pay you for the three
dozen of the Balsam of Liverwort 1 have retailed.
The ajjtscle I find gives moat perfect satisfaction
t “ev-r i j<'mplaints which it is recommended for.—
’ Von will please send me six dozen more .‘s soon as
ppafiblt, t
The undersigned does hereby certify that lu
bes liken Mrs. Gardner’s Liverwort Balsam f.u
t 1.5 cure of a very bad cough, which had troubled
him tor six months, and by taking tw v o holtlis ol
the Balsam, he was cured entirely. With confi
dence I recommend it to all.
Clerk to Joseph Sledman.
flostan, Oct. 1833.
Bristol, Me. Nov,’l7, 1831.
I, th race Gall, captain of the schooner Eliza
beth, about a month siure, was unloading at Front
Street Wharf, my wife was then on board,—she
ratste up for Iter health. She was very much
afflicted with the asthma, or phthisic, and liau
been troubled with it for a number of years. Some
one rccnmiqejtded to her Mrs. Gardner’s Balsam,
of which I purchased three bottles for her, and
•he commenced taking it ; by the time she had
liken two bottles she was completely restored In
health. She was so delighted with its effect, she
gave-the remaining bottle to a friend of bets,
which likewise proved effectual. In my estima
tioo i consider !t one of the greatest preparations
in the world, and do with the greatest confidence
recommend it to those who may >-* similarly
affected HORACE GALL.
Certificate of Mivs L. Upward,of West Bridgewater
About one y'ear since, I was troubled with a
very bad for three mumps; could not get
any rest at night. Hearing of the great efficacy of
Mr*. Gardner’* Balsam of Liverwort, I was induc
ed to try it. | had no’ taken but two bottles
before I was in perfect health. It is with greai
pleasure I recommend the above as being a supe
rior article for coughs and colds, atul complaints of
the lungs. MISS L. HOWARD.
Directions Tor using Mrs. M. N. Gardner’s Gen.
nine Indian Balsam of laverwort and lloarhouiul
Dose for an adult, sixty five drops, for a person’
twelve years old, forty drops; for s child one yesr
• Id. six drops, an Iso as the age vaiies. With so
. srlult, in urgent caves, ihh, dose may he increased
to one hundred and ten drops. The best time for
taking it is.* night, about half an hour before
ttomg to bed, znd as scum as you get up iu the
morning-and again about |1 o’clock. In ordinary
colds, twice a day will be sufficient tt> effect a core
in regard to'dlet, gentle eating preferable. Well
shaken when taken.
In case it causes sickness at the stomach, dimin
islt the dose. .
T3‘To be bad at the General Drug Store, and
•sney Verbs mery Warehouse, of the subscriber.
CoraerMf th: n,y It Whitaker-*!. Savsnsili.
sap *
THE 112 mile Si ‘.tV.-f-*y', j*’
UII.I die pasaensJH; .*
trom ii y-aViy. **a" .*’*’* -J i
station, s
forward goo<i|H
Bji \ - .* J !
.y ■.thufsl.l ee
o i < ‘•
a- offer, ‘''"flHfl
responsibility the
after goods are dtiP^^^^T^t'KOner.
/” ‘"'VAN!), Agent. W|
rjyljiJtF (City papers will copy.)
HAY’S LINIMENT. —This extruor.^E
ary chemical cuinposiiion; the
science snd the invention of a celebrated medical
mani the introduction of which to the public wiH
invested with the solemnity of a death-bed
quest, has since gained a reputation impai-alled,
hilly •maiaiiitng the correctness of the lamented
l)r. Gridlry’s last confession, that “he dared not
lie without giving to posterity ths benefit of his
knowledge on thi* subject,” and he therefore
bequeathed to Ins friend and attendant Solomon
Hays, the secret of his discovery. , >■
It is now used in the principal hospitals, and the
private practice in our country, first and most cer
tainly for t lie cure of the Piles, and also so exten
sively sml effectually aa to baffle credulity, unless
where its effects are witnessed. Externally in the
following complaints.
For Dropsy.—Creating extraordinary absorp
tion at once.
All swellings.—Reducing them in a few hours.
Rheumatism.—Acute or Chronic, giving quick
ease. -
Sore 1 liroai.— By cancers, ulcers or colds.
Croup and Whooping Cough.—Externally, and
over the chest.
All Bruises, Sprains, and Burns, curing in a few
Sore* ar.d Ulcers.—whether fresh or long stand
ing, and Fever sores.
Its operations upon adults and children in re
ducing rheumatic swelling!, and loosening coughs
and tightness of the cheat by relaxation of the
parts, has been surprising beyond conception.—
The common remark of those who have used it in
the Piles, is, “it acts like a charm.”
It is used only as an external application, and
its sovereign power in curing the shove named
complaints, is justified by scientific principles.
The following affidavit fixes beyond contradic
tioa the identity of the article.
State ot Massachusetts, >
Suffolk County, S S )
Solomon flays, now of Boston, Maas., being
duly sworn, doth depose and say s• That the
receipts attached is the one given by the late Dr.
Uridley, and that all the ingredients, quantities,
and proportions therein mentioned, are the same
as those contained in the Hays’ Liniment, sold by
Dr Comstock, of New York. And further that
the said l.ecipe or a copy thereof, or of its
component parts, have never been given or sold
to any individual, and according to my knowledge
and belief, it is unknown to any person but my
self. And further, that I will in no rase give or
sell this Recipe, or any f its essential parts to an)
person within the term of twenty years from this
date.’ Ami further, that 1 will not manufacture the
said Liniment, except only fur my own distrihutioi
gratuitously, and my own retail, and | will act ill
good faith with l)r. Comstock, in all the abort
obligtions anti conditions.”
Sworn before me litis day the t3lh day of March
Buston, 1833.
JOHN W. WHITMAN, Justice of the Peace.
Out of the many warm rerommendation* this re
medy has received, the following only are >sub
joined. They ire generally extracts from idler
from persons of the highest respectability whose
names are not published for obvious reasons,
though the writers have not objected to have then
shown to such as wish to see them.
Cinciniiatti, Oct. 9th, 1836.
“ Os all th remedies we seP, none gives so
decided satisfaction as Hays’ Liniment. We cai
procure, if you desire, the best recommendations
from some ofour most worthy citizens.”
Buffalo, April 10th, 1837.
“I have sold all the Hays’ Liniment and cuiil-i
have sold much more. Judge is cured by ii
and hua sent, at least twenty peisons here to bu>
Vicksburg, Jan. 3d, 1837.
“We sre in want of Hays’ Liniment and the
sales are uncommonly good, and the article thus
fur, unrivalled. It is used for a variety of coni
plaints, and apparently with great effect in all.
Mr. C , a planter now here, has written near
half* page about the cure he lias experienced by
and, not having before left his house fur months. He
was cured of Piles in forty eight hours; we will
send you his eulogies which may be of serrice to
Mr. Hays.”
J t.
Charleston, S. C., Dec. 28th, 1836.
1 l ,ave been distressed r or four years with the
Piles, inv sufferings have Been intense, and nry
physician had recommended an operation as tin
only means of relief. Hays* Liniment was advised,
and I have used one bo'ttle, and so far as 1 can
judge am mlly and entirely cured. 1 cannot
refrain from expressing my anxiety to have its
qualities more extensively known. * * • • • *
New Orleans. Nov. 3d, 1836.
“ Mr. Hays,—l have damned Quack Medicines,
Calomel Doctors, Lobelia Steamers, Vegetable
Doctors, and so on to tile end, last of all my self,
life and every thing besides; having all sorts of an
idea about a heap of comfort, in exchanging lit*
tor that place a right smart chance, hotter ihai
any about in these parts. 1 have had the Pile,
for eighteen months till I got your Liniment three
dsysago, and now Lam well and hive thrown
Phy sic to the dogs,”
St. Louis. May Jth, 1837.
“We donl know what the people do with Hats’
Liniment, sure they cannot all have the use we
reckon it is used for Rheumatism, and coughs
sores, swellings. We have sold a large quantity’
this year, as you may know by our last purchase*
winch is all gone. Please send us 3 gross more,
aud also the articles ordered last week, if not al
ready shipped.” Yours, kc.
We might multiply auch as the above to anv
indefinite length, but -eler that persons general!,
who sell the article should exhibit to their custo.
mers the original certificates they have on hand
& is for sale by all persons circulating the papers
in which this advertisement appears.
ZT T <> be bad t the General Drug Store, and
Fancy Perfumery Warehouse, of the subscriber
Corner of'he Hay St Whitaker st., Savannah
27 II- ly
WANTED— A young lad of respec'able
connexions, from 13 to 15 years of age
who can read and write well, as an apprentice .*,
the Printing Uu-iuess. He will be well instruct,
ed in the art, and will not be required to carry
papers. None need apply, but one of undoubted
moial character. Apply at this office.
Jan 15 1-ts
Now Landing.
FROM the brig 1.. Baldwin,
20 bbls of Rollin’s Cream Ale. a lunarian
article, and large bbls. For sale by *
‘P 7 73 , I’. HALLfGAN.
B; pared C.
:.i’ fC;-v-uf/’Lca.;’V.•? •}? 1 u •
■ to
-i s
it-tjf, t
ret■ mo
. < (; 11 > r 111 g
’ nir, | le
if he with it. n„
■urn to GerfIOBBMBLe s'-riee ot conse
quence of tine signal benefit he had derived Iron
ihe pills, he prescribed them for his brother, who
ad beriOtabonng under dyspepsia and liver com
plaint from the autumn ol 182.5, in consequence
of a severe sml protracted attack ol billions fever.
His health began immediately to improve, and hu
been restored by them in the maimer stated in
lyfs certificate. Ihe pills were prescribed to
.others laboring under chronic bMlious affections,
upon the confidence which inspired by their suc
cess in the loregoiog cases, until those cases be
came so numerous, that applications were annually
made to Dr. 11. from 1835 to 1838 inclusive, when
about to depart lor Washington, for liom twent\
to fifty dozen as a supply during his absence, by
persons who had tested their virtues. So far, m.
serious thought was entertained ot offering then
to the public at large, as the supply had been
united to the range of lus private practice. Noi
did l)r. H. consent to prepare and offer them foi
general use, until two or three years after he had
been urged to do so, by those who had been sig
nally bencfitird by them. When first used by
himself, he supposed ilieir application would be
confined to cases of chronic billious disease, and ii
was not until afier more than ten y ears experience
ol their use in many of the varieties of chronic, and
-rime of the more violent acute febrile diseases,
that he became convinced, as lie now is, that they
possess greater merit in ail cases requiring cithe'i
mild or vigorous action upon the howcls, than any
other known remedy. As an alternative or milu
aperient, they answer most effectively, the indiei
tinn stated by Dr, James Johnson in his admirable
work on the morbid irritability of the stomach amt
bowels, by productiug usually ■’ hilt one evacua
'ion daily, and that ofa solid, rather than a liquid
consistence.” Nor is it difficult to account fur
heir moduM operundi Mere evacuants operate
by stimulating the mucous membrane of the atom
ich and bowels, without affecting the organs cs
-ential to healthy digestion, and although they
procure temporary relief, the diseased secretion
grow worse instead of better. These pills com
Pina the moat gentle action upon ihe mticoos c,,„i
villi an efficient and healthy influence upon tin
Ii v. rand other organs of the apparatus,
and, consequently operate in the mildest manner,
and not only give present relief, but when steadi
ly persevered in, a permanent cure.
Nor are they less efficient in fv, *,-.j ...irei
acme diseases requiring active purgation, by in
creasing the dose as directed, causing the doubt,
operation of more vigorous action on the bowels,
and pioportionably stimulating the liver and othei
oYgans In more healthy secretions, justifying the
confident opinion, not only entertained by the in
ventor, but by many whofiave used them, that
they approach more nearly to the character ofa
iniversal remedy in the cases indicated, than any
other known medicine
It is not deemed necessary to specify the various
lisorders fur the relief ol which they are applies
hie,but ihe following are enumerated as some o
‘hem: Dyspepsia, sic-k head ache, liver complaint,
isthma, habitual or casual costiveness, Diarrhoea,
heart-burn, cholic, sour stomach, billions fever,
emale obstructions, &c. &c. In short, in every
disease requiring action on the bowels. Nor is it
the smallest recommendation, that in dyspepsia,
liver Complaints, am! other chronic diseases, -
single pill is. generally, a sufficient dose. Tliev
are peculiarly adapted to the Condition of all per
sons of sedentary habits, either male or female,
who, wi'h scarcely a solitary exception, suffer
from a sluggish state of the bowels. They an
also rerommended as particularly convenient to
the traveller in warm climates, or sea-ons. and I'm
the use of large families, the dose being so easily
adjusted, especially when residing at a distance
from the experienced physician.
The inventor asks Ills own fellow citizens to
give the pills a fair trial—pledging himself if they
will do to, that they will not fail io obtain the con
fidence, and preference ofiiinety nine out of a hun
dred, or nine hundred and ninety-nine ons of a
thousand. As an alternative, or nul I aperient, for
correcting habitual or casual terpidi'y of the bow
els, one pill taken at bed time is the proper dose,
without the necessity of changing ordinary habits
of living. If one to produce the desir
ed effect, it is belter to repeat it for two or three
successive nights, than to aid its operation by tak
ing any thing else.
For billious fever, or other acute disease requir
ing active purgation, one pill repeated every
hour or two, until tile desired effect is produced,
is the best mode ol administering hem.
Tile subjoined certificates sufficiently attest the
efficacy of these pills.
Sparta, 15th June, 1839.
I certify, that I have used Duct. C. K. Hay nes’
Anti-Dyspeptic Fills fur more than two years;
and pronounce them tube the best remedy, that
I have ever yet tried, for Dyspeysia and Asthma
I have Irietl Ghallaghan’a, Beckwith’s, Brand ret li’s
and Peter’s Fills, without success. I have also
found Haynes’ Fills to be tn excellent remedy for
inlermitent and billions fever in rsrly stages.
Sparta, June 15th. 1839.
Or. C. F.. Haynes : Dear Sir—My ■■ teuton wi s
directed to your Fills a little more than a year
since, by Col. Shivers. Since that time, i have
frequently taken them myself, and given them to
my tamily with the most happy results.
With me they have removed eoativeness, check,
ed effectually diarrhea, and take n off bile us fully
as calomel, without producing the unpleasant
effect that is usually produced by that valuable
medicine. | therefore believe ‘hem a valuable
medicine, and'would recommend a trial of them,
“1 bust. ftespeetfiillv,
mm will
’ * ‘iffS'’ ’’ u ■th
11 e ‘ c n
JS* .■ u
>0 h
fa I 9.
om- several years
obalinate rosiiveness ol
the bowels. oTleo going fiom six lu ten tlsvs with.
• ut any discharge from them. For several months,
I used Dr. Peters’ p.|U, and found them useful to’
tne. Early lasi Spring I wa. induced to try your
Anti-dy-peptic Pills, which I have continued i„
use as occasion required, and have derived more
benefit from them than from any other medicine I
have ever taken.
I lie operation is more easy, and the effect mure
permanent than front any other medicine 1 lia.e
.eretofore used, and I give them decided pie
‘erence to any other rt medv. ‘
Powelton, Juh 16. 1839.
Dr. C. R. Haynes:- It affords n.e pleasure to
state, that I have repeatedly used your Aiiti-d\s
peptic and Anti-bilhous pills, and ui every inaiuuce
found in.mrr.iate relief. I belie.e them i, r,e an
excellent remedy in various diseases, and especial
ly in cases of asthma.
\, Sparta, July 16, 1839.
Dear Sir— 1 bare uSfd in my practice some ol
your alternative Anti-dyspeptic pillg, and have
uniformly found benefit to my patient* from their
idminisi ration. I rantlterelbre cheerfully recom
mend them IO the afflicted, as a valuable purgative
medicine. Very respectfully,
A. S. BROWN, M. I).
Dr Charles E.Haynes
Hancock County, July 15, 1839.
I certify that my wife had suffered severely with
Dyspepsia, for i considerable time and had tried
the prescriptions of several pt.ysicii.trs wi:out
deriving any benefit from them, bile then com
“diced taking Dr. C K Hayne’a Anti-Dyspeptic
Fills about the fall of 1836. which r, lieve.t hint
entirely in the course ofa levy months.
Sparta, liny 16, 1839.
Dr. Haynes ; I have been selling Peters’ Pills
or the three years, and during the time Havi
occasiunally token them myself, (j believe then
‘"bra good medicine.) Some 12 or 15 clays post.
I had strong symptoms of bill cus fever. I tool
some of Peters’ Fills, and not receiving any hene
fit from them, I procured a box ol your piils, aim
am happy losay ihat they in a few day* removed
ill symptoms of approaching sickness, l conceive
hem to be an iny.diialde medicine.
Yours with respect,
Milledgev die, July 26, 1889.
Dr. Haynes, Sir: I take great pleasure"ii.
adding my testimonial to those you have ahead:
received, to the value of your anti-dyspeptic an’
■nil.billious pills.
At your instance, I commenced using them r.
my family about sii vears ago, and tocincl they
more uniformly efficacious than any other reined:
I have ever given Especially in a recent Case n
menstrual obstruction of long standing, inefl'eclti
adv treated by several distinguished physicians
which was entirely relieved in a very few day s
by the use of your pills.
More recently si ill, I have gnven them ,|„
early stage of billions lev. r, u ,tli entire success
Your friend,
Millegeville, 25<ti July, 1889.
Dr. fl. K. Havocs: 1 l.a-e been hitherto in
doced hy feelings of delicacy alone, to withhoh
Iron) the public, the expression of iny opinion in
regard to ihe merits of your Ami-Dyspeptic and
Ami-lldlious Pills; but the numerous leatiiuonials
which you have received from lespectahle and
intelligent citizens, of their Value in the cure oi
diseases for which they were intended, will, t
think, justify me in now add ng mv ot> n, liavino
experienced thrir beutfits fur a ‘longer ; emu!
hail any oilier individual, yourself only except,d
In the spring of 1829, of er having been afflicted
Ironi the autumn of 1823 with rfvspepsi., | MCI
complaint, heart-horn, and occasional severe
attacks'of cramp cholic, I was induced at vutir
instance, to use a pill which you had prepared at
Washington City, indie winter of 1828. I |,-ni
not taken them a w eek, lx fore their good effect
were so apparent as to imbue tlu-ir Continuance
mil at the end ofa month, I lound my sysun,
greatly relieved, and by their occasional n-e. fin
a few months, was ics'ored to an excellent s alt
ol health, tor which I have ever since enjoyed ii
a very high degree.
I have used them with great effect in mv own
auiily, in rases of billion* frier, dvvpep-ia and
‘lilic, and confidently recommend them as an
invaluable remedy. T. HAYNES.
Milledgeville, 30th July, 1839.
Dr. ( harles E. Haynes : About ten or twelvi
months since, 1 w:.s induced hy your brothel
to make a trial ol yuor Anti-Dyspeptic and Anti
Billious Pills, in a severe billions attack, and found
’ them most efficient in removing the disease.
I have used them with grrsl success, in several
similar attacks since, as well as for cholic and
disorders of the stomach ami bowels.
They have also been adminisiered to several
member* of my family, w ith like results, and
particularly in a case of billious fever, in the earl:
part of die present season.
From the very fair trial which I have made ol
these pills, and die signal benefits which mv
family and myself have derived from them, I am
fully warranted in recommending them as a medi.
’ nc of inestimable value i and confidently pre
d el, that they have only to he tried, tn find L r rra ,
favor with the public. JES-K COX.
To be had at the General Ding Store, and
Fancy Perfumery Warehouse, of the subscriber.
Corner of the nay 2; Whitaker-st., Sa>annah
jan 20 5-ly
s‘2s Reward.
BROKEN open on the uiglu us die 12-h inst.
the subscribers More, and dirce tubs \ a:
‘tuner stolen. The above reward will be givei
for t lie rernveiy ol the But'er, and thiel or thirve
witli pruuf to conviction,
june 13—150 THOMAS WOOD
EXCHANGE, O > New York, tor salebv
mav 29 M. DP LON.
14* LOUR —9O iris fresh and sweet pist rec’d
. and lor sale by M. DILLON,
pine 18-132
Castile Soap.
fy BOXES Castile Soap, g. nnine, for sale b:
■ nine 18 THOS. RYERSON. ‘
\GOOD COOK, Wa<lier, mul Ipiiiht, is I by a atnsl) fsmile. Apply at tbi-
Office. ’
aprd ‘J9 2: gi
v f • v ‘ ,r* - •
‘’ H ii ■ ‘3, ‘ s
Du . >.i\ aim. ▼ ‘
Ueri.. rift. I.“, ‘ • ■!
lie f the UoNU”
od ■-i nait under ‘* ‘Jjr, *
‘axatives, cc ruevived fur
spleen, pimp', J X
ate Ihe 111. \N< >I.I)S ’
prone lo the
taken ‘o have °
Hut healthy men have an antipathy to Ihe verv
name ut medicine * And no wonder, Jor nineteen.
’* entieilis of all ihe medicines in the world coin
“ operations by mak.ngthe people veiv
whom ,t was intended they should n,slavery
well, and thus in must cases the cure is consider--
.and rater wurse than the disease. But Dr. Pe.
ers Pills is the celebrated and particular exrep.
don to t 1.,. almost universal t itle. |„ rhem there
,s "l’ e ””■, no sickness of any kind
nay they are absolutely very pleasant t 0 them,
anti res. as on the s.umach us many con.
at e “ r .u ,d tn Pt T’ *V, “ W ' ,eU “' tir °pt rations
ate as Utldeti, and as effective, as if they Were a*
tsagreeable, and a* sickening as a„ „I<l fashioned
oohia. Thus the man who uses Peters’ piR,,
land where is the n.M that dues ~„t „ r „, fm ii
expels headaches,, blue eleviis blotches.,
pimples. Ac. Ac., -nd maxes his
limpid, and as get.tlv line, gl; bus :ett s u „
tarn rivulet, will., ot having . lin . ee |, * in tal.ingtle nedtcit.e- tltalr
he would have done in swill,’.wit gso tt atty biacx
currants. J
Should ladicft t ; *kc I jr. leN h’ P.|i> f Doubts
tney sltnnid t 0,., they not only assure them,
of heaTTTt, cefmph.cency of spirits, and every bodily
comloit, but. lltmtiglt tl-etr mirarul,.,,, k , emy in
•he purification of the blood, speedily remove*
every thing pertaining to barsline-s, pin.pies „r
casual scurvy, Itom Hie flesh, anintaifs-lie e’ve,
mid gives an elasticity, and a vigor to the limbs’
.nil the general carriage; ami hence when you , ce
a H cliri’k lve \ei softness, :i pure lily
■mil carna'i ‘ii rumple Ximi, ami an fu-v and graceful
bearing, Ihe gonersl inference to be drawn
I-, that site IS her Civv II physician, and Very pin ml.
arm the choiee of her n.edirine, andilie espe
cial one, that she is a patron of Friers’ Pills. *
Leaving health nut of the qtirslinn.shotild p< eta
novelists, editor, machinists, and men of genioa
ai <1 is general, patronise Feteis’ Fil's f
U"questionahly, |.,r l. r vigor wl.irh they .„, part
° ,he tcal ‘ e exercises a most ivhulesonte influence
upon the intellect ; and the writer ot this tee-la
iust fled in say ing that any person about to carry
out an ielea, whether of composition or invention
•nil havr a inure lucid understandi, g of his sob’,
pet. sml ii iuk better, and more to the point on
“• l,ller he has vivified lus system bv a dose of
trom nne to four I’, ters’ Pilis. p.rsoua in hi,si
uesa, merchants,store keepers, ele, kv, speculators,
Ac, will derive great advant ge from them on vhe*
k *'”e principle ; for if the mind is not Intoynnl no
Ulan can attend to tl-e usual pursuits ot fife with
due perspicuity, judgment, and pleasure aid
there is nothing in the world, at le as’ that has been
ever discovered, so efficient in brightening the
lac nliies, and tiering them ft on. participating i n
the languor, decay, and imp. rfectihiiity of tltcir
mortal abode as Dr. Frie rs’ Fill*.
l o what may be aunb.oed. thye singuar and
inevitidde action t.pon Hie chyle, and'tlmt’ p”i*ic'u.
lar region of the rys'etn w hence the living flui ,*
generated, for thus Hie: do Hot only pnri|\
liloml but create pure blood. Hie issue of winch i*
healthy veins, arteries, and other functions unnh
-cured vision, firm sue) pulpy flesh, smooth ami
clear skin, and the Consequent buoyancy of hra-t
feeling, :.|.d anion. In short, whether” we take
hem as a matter *f health, business, feeling, or
personal appearance, there is mine of ns <lu ul 1
leave our liouact without a regular supplvnf p e .
ters Fills.
I Ills cel. braf-al medicine is for sale bv all the
principal Drtiggis's ir Savannah, sml throughout
the Unite,l biatrs, ‘he Canadas, Mexico, and the
M est Indies. Price 50 cents per box wub full di
recl,"nß - jan |5
A NDLhS pt iitit hav, for sale bv
, n M. DILLON.
j'y 2 mb
r i’ l * > PKINTERS & I’l UMSHEUS..
A Ihe uiioersigiieil, agents for lan hiai) a. I lagar’s
lype Eouitdaiy . New York, will c.mract to sup.
|,,y anv quani tty nr variety ut Priming TANARUS: pe. to
H,e Printers of North and South L'aiolii.a ami
Georgia, on as advantageous t.r.nsaa they can he
liirinslted from the manufacturers. Ihe Tv pe
n.adeat this establishment is all ost by hand, ami
the metal equal, if not superior to ally m the
‘'nun try.
Wcare also agents for 11. Hoe A Co’s Machine
: * n ” y ai,< * ami s*lJ other urtielei* maitufaC*
in reel by Onm lor IViirei s >.ml Binders use.
\\ e !. k* ep on lihikl, and contract lor the re-
tiiupiy of Printing Paper, ot any quality or
Johnson A Durant’s Printing I„k, always on
hum!. For sale by ‘
Stationer’s Hall, 5 Fast Bay, Charleston, S.
OC7* l*riniers who intend dealing will* jis wt||4
publish the above once s week, till it s ,
amounts to five dollars. |j. & w,
jan 15
raff- low ,cr Cush, “y
mtv 14 104—St Indian street.
C&c SI a ilj Celegtapl).
f " r “ ,t ‘ 5 ,, y Eiper,|.sr.m,.,m,
imyahle .u-tHi-aiiuusll: in itUvam-e. No ,i,tiacri|iti„ will r
•llfculltllilifil mint u, n-aragt'S are aettlnl. 11l i-*l* of giici,
illlll.iivr, oiw week's „ u ,,ce, it. wri,ii, K , n, ~1 be iarsnilblv
given, prt vn.u, to the ex|,iriiioin ul siiliseriptiun.
ddeertiting.- Sevemy-ii recent, per.quare, lor the m itv
(ertioti. am! iiaJl ibai iirtee fur eucli subiiequem une; any a a
cerialaiu-'istna, from the nrigiiml silvertimnu nt will be chair
eg aa anew one. Twelve tinea, o, ivts, is a square,
Cmnniiitiicatums or Advertisenie nta nf any tieraimaf nature
when adiniuable, ahall Ut charged double, *ll4 ahauyt tn mdj
Adyertiwinenta not specified as to tin r will be publialied hv
month, .mil chanted accordingly.
*,* A treniinn ii requeued to ties above ndea, a in uo id
stance wilt they lie departed from,
CT The Cash System w ill guvern this establishment, jj)
Veally ad verii.iug on moderate terms—and culitracta entered
a: tit-- OlHitf.
TO COUU F.kPOVDENTS.— Kerry literary article of ml rit
devoid of presolialitjr, will lie inaeried in thi< paper, with
out Ihe name of the author.—Xu political article will tie ID
•cried, unless it e outlier ‘• name is left with tht editor.
trr Koeommuiiieatinn taken out of the Poat Offloo, ualooa
the poa ago is paid thereon.
TO ADVERT?! F.!t%sMs adv*.dwawnl a I . taaaoMea da
’ catpbon will ho inateied, valent! o pnta ta paid in o'Asanev