Newspaper Page Text
charlotte stewart.
Wednesday afternoon at tha home
of Mn. Charles L. Pettigrew, on the
Boulevard, M r«. Harrison entertained
the Bridge Club In honor of Mlae Mar
garet Bryan, of Newbern, N, C, who
U the guest of Mrs. Pettigrew,
The home was decorated with plum
bago blooms and quantities of summer
Delightful refreshments were served
at small tables after the game of
Mrs. Harrison wore a smart white
linen suit with lingerie waist.
Miss Bryan's toilet was of white
China silk, lace trimmed.
To the regret of her friends, Mrs.
Tottlgrew was not present, being out
of the city for a few days.
Invited to meet Miss Bryan were
Mrs. Chesley B. Howard, Mrs. Harry
Harman, Mrs. James Thomas, Mrs.
Lopez, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Molse De
Leon, Mrs. B. C. DeLeon. Mrs. Peter
Erwin, Mrs. William Bailey Lamar,
Mrs. Louis Phillips, Mrs. Samuel Mor
row, Jr., Mies Luclle Hitt, Miss Julia
Orme, Miss Jennie Sue Bell, Miss Sa
rah Hawkes and Miss Ellen Peters.
Mrs. William D. Jelks, wife of Gov
ernor Jelks, of Alabama, will arrive In
the city Thursday night to be the guest
for several days of her sister, Mrs.
Charles C. Hanson, at her home, cor
ner of Sixth and Juniper streets.
Mrs. Jelks Is one of the most charm
ing and attractive women In Southern
society, of peculiarly unaffected and
magnetic personality. As Miss Alice
Shorter, of Eufaula, Ala., previous to
her marriage, together with her sister,
Mrs. Hanson (Miss Adele Shorter),
they dispensed the most beautiful and
delightful hospitality at the handsome
home of their parents, Hon. and Mrs.
Henry R. Shorter, at Eufaula. The
slaters were 'among the most popular
and best beloved belles of Alabama
As the wife of Alabama’s chief ex
ecutive, Mrs. Jelks has added greatly
to the charm of the social side of hts
administration and at the same time
she has retained every friend of her
Governor Jelks will probably Join
his wife and daughter, Miss Katherine
Jelks, Saturday, and together they will
go to the mountains of North Carolina
early next week.
Mrs. Hanson will entertain Saturday
from 6 to 7 o'clock In honor of Mrs.
Jelks, Miss Jelks and Mrs. Edward H.
Cabanlss, of Birmingham.
The Bridge Club met Thursday
morning with'Miss Laura Hill Payne
at her home on Peachtree.
After an Interesting game a delight
ful luncheon was served in the dining
Those present were Miss Martha
Woodward, Mias Nannie Nlcolson, Miss
Katharine Gholstln, Mias Bessie Wood
ward, Miss Mary Deas Tupper, Mias
Ethel Gay. Mrs. Robert Weasels.
Mrs. M. C. Barlow, of Columbus,
president of the Rebekah assembly of
Georgia, arrived In the city Wednesday
to be a guest of the Rebekah lodges
of Atlanta. She Installed the officers
of Fulton lodge Wednesday night and
addressed the meeting In an entertain
lng talk upon the work of the order.
Mrs. Barlow will be a guest of Pied
mont lodge Thursday night.
A delightful event will be the auto
mobile party which will be given on
Friday afternoon for Misses Nan Con
nelly and Adeline Lewis, the guests of
Mrs. C. D. Maddox, and Miss Flanders,
who is visiting Mrs. Clayton. The par
ty will be chaperoned by Mr. and
Mrs. C. D. Maddox and will number
IS or SO young people. The automo
biles will start from the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Maddox In Inman park, at <
o’clock, and the party will go to Llthla
Springs for supper.
Miss Emma Lee Gibbs entertained
a few friends Informally Tuesday even
ing In honor of Miss Belle Wood tin.
Games wer played and refreshments
were served on the veranda.
Those present were Mtses Pattle An
drews, Eunice Dews, Pauline Adams,
Jennie Ellis, Blanche Orgatn, Allle
Boyd Rives, Bertha Heins, Rubye Mc
Lain, 8adye Henley, Belle Woodfln,
Messrs. Carlisle McCoy, Grady Burgess,
Lee Kilpatrick. Charley Fisher, Jesse
Tate, Joe Poole, Morton Rawlston, T.
F, Hatchcock.
Misses Julia and Lois Mclntyre'wtlt
give a pretty party Friday afternoon
In honor of their little cousin, Miss
Marie Whitehead, of Albany.
The entertainment will be In the na-
McIntyre, in West
On Saturday last. In Ocala. Mrs. Car
rie Barco Long and Dr. J. Walter Hood
were united In marriage by Rev. L. W.
Moore, of the Methodist church.
The wedding took place at the home
of Dr. and Mrs. T. Van Hood, on Fort
King avenue, and was witnessed only
by the Immediate relatives of Dr. Hood
and Mrs. Long.
Whan the news of this marriage was
heard a short while after the ceremony
was performed It came as a complete
surprise to every one, as not the slight
est Intimation of the marriage had got
ten out beforehand, and the friends
of the bride all thought that she ex
pected to leave yesterday for Illinois to
make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Ze-
wad Ski
Mrs. Hood is a sister of Hon. J. M
Barco and of Mrs. W. K. Zewadskl, and
for some years she has made her home
In Ocala with the Zewadskl family.
She Is a very charming and cultured
woman, and It Is a matter of great
delight to her many friends there to
know that she will still make Ocala her
Dr. Hood went to Ocala from Atlanta
six years ago. He Is a brother of Dr.
E. Van Hood and la very popular and
liked by everybody. He is a hale fel
low well met and Is genial and pleas
ant to all, and Is being warmly llin-
gratulated on the wife he has won. Dr.
Hood has built up an admirable prac
tice In Ocala, and Is cne of the city's
most progressive and prominent citi
zens, He and Mrs. Hood have the good
wishes of the entire community. For
the present they will reside with Dr.
and Mrs. Van Hood,—Jacksonville
(Fla.) Metropolis,
At all summer resort hotels one will
And the growler—the man or woman
who circulates among the guests with
his or her uncomfortable and boring
talk about the things that do not suit
them, not even sparing the weather.
Equally sure Is to be found the die
penser of sunshine—the man or wom
an who has nothing to talk of except
something pleasant—whose own lives
are full of cheerfulness to others.
Is to be noticed that the dispensers of
sunshine always have the largest
groups around them. They become
known at the hotel. People Aock to
them as for on antidote. The Chroni
cle has observed this peculiarity for a
couple of days past at the Tarrymoore
Hotel, on Wrightavllle Beach, where
an unassuming man from Atlanta Is
always trailed by a crowd or cornered
by'a party. He Is Colonel John Tem
ple Graves, editor of The Atlanta Geor
gian, who is there for a few days seek
ing Inspiration from the touch of the
sea breese and the'sound of the pound
ing surf. Life Is always pleasant
about him. He Is the essence of hap
piness. Many Charlotte people have
met him and all of them will art as
advance agent for hts lecture to he
delivered here In September.—Char
lotte Chronicle.
One of the largest social events of
the week In Inman Park wilt be the
lawn party at which Miss Luclle Daley
will entertain Thursday evening In
honor of her attractive guest. Miss
Madeline Arllne, of Savannah. The
beautiful lawn which surrounds the
Daley home will be decorated with
Japanese lanterns, and refreshments
will be served out of doors.
Miss Luclle Daley will be assisted In
entertaining her friends by her moth
er, who will wear a handsome gown of
voile. Miss Daley will wear pink silk
and Miss Arllne will be gowned In
white organdie over blue silk.
Miss Daley's guest list Includes Afty
of the young people of Inman Park. .
One of the prettiest of summer wed
dings was that of Miss Rosa Dibble
and Mr. Walter Hunt Grant, which
took place Wednesday morning at 8t.
Philips Cathedral, Rev. C. B. Wllmer
Miss Louise Dibble and Miss Eva
Grant acted as bridesmaids. They wore
attractive gowns of white batiste trim
med with lace, and their shower bou
quets were of maiden hair fern.
Mr. Robert Grant, brother of the
groom, waa best man.
The bride entered the church with
her father, Mr. W. J. Dibble, who gave
her away.
The bride was attractive In a smart
gown of blue taffeta, with which she
wore a hat of blue chip. She carried
an armful of bride roses.
Immediately after the ceremony Mr.
and Mrs. arant left for a visit to
Washington City. They will return
to Atlanta early In August and will be
Our liberal plan of selling diamonds demonstrates that we have
explicit confidence In the public, and that their trust In us is
sustained by the fact that we do not want all the proAt, thereby
maintaining that high standard of principles which has given our
house that enviable reputation we enjoy.
37 Whitehall St.
Recent photograph of Miss Mildred Sherman, and diagram showing
how she wears her veil In the Oriental fashion.
at home to their friends at 10 Augusta
Miss Dibble Is the daughter of Mr.
W. J. Dibble, and has In Atlanta a host
of friends. Bhe Is a young woman of
winning personality and lovable tralta
of character,
Mr. Grant holds a responsible posi
tion with the Franklin Printing Com-
K ny, and ts esteemed by a large nurn-
r of friends here and throughout the
A delightfully Informal occasion was
the bridge at which Mrs. James
Miller entertained Thursday morning
In honor of Miss Leonora Balsley, the
guest of Mrs. John Barry. Mrs. MU
ler's guests tncuded only the members
of bor bridge club.
After the game a course luncheon
was served at the card tables.
Mrs. Miller received her guests In a
dainty lingerie gown of pink muslin,
and Mrs. Barry and Miss Balsley wore
smart suits of white linen.
The prize was a box of pretty hand
Mrs. Miller's guests were Mlsa Bals
ley, Mrs. John Burry, Mrs. J. F. Van
Rcnnselaer, Mrs. Albert Collier, Mrs.
Flunk Holland, Mrs. George Brooke,
Mrs. Samuel Smith and Miss Kath
leen Brown.
The famous Gridiron Club, compos
ed of the heads of the country. Is be
ing royally entertained at Kenilworth
Inn, In Asheville, by Mr. Edgar B. t
Moore. The annual banquets of this
club, held at the New Willard In
Washington, are always attended by the
most distinguished Judges, senators,
governors, railroad presidents and am
bassadors of the times. Quite a rep
resentative party of Georgians and oth
ers are the guests this week. They
are Messrs. J. M. Culp. Brooks Morgan,
8. H. Hardwick, W. H. Tayloe, Georgo
8. Brown, John F. Hayes. George 8.
Loyal, W. F. Randolph and George 8.
Powell.—Montgomery Advertiser.
Miss Ada Wallace and Mr. John
Steinichen were married Wednesday
evening at 8 o'clock at the home of the
bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Wallace, which was artistically deco
rated with ferns, palms and cut (low
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Dr. Bennett of the Jackson Hill Bap
tist church.
The bride wore a handsome travel
ing suit of dark green bilk, .with pret
ty lingerie waist and hat en suite. Her
bouquet wa* of white roses.
Early Thursday morning Mr. and
Mrs. Steinichen left for a short trip to
Warm Springs, after which they will
be at home at 111 Highland avenue.
Many valuable and useful presents
were received by the young couple.
The bride Is a very attractive young
girl, the daughter of Mr. J. B. Wallace,
who Is one of tho very prominent se
cret ..order men df the city, being sec
retary of the National Union.
A delightful entertainment for chil
dren will be held Friday afternoon at
the residence of Father Basin on East
Hunter street, ladles of the ImmacU'
late Conception church in charge.
A unique feature will be a voting
contest for the most popular baby, 3
years- tho age limit, and a general In
vitation Is extended for the entry of
babies whose parents are Interested in
the affairs of the church.' There will
be amusements and refreshments, for
all the children.
In the evening enjoyable musle will
be afforded by a Victor talking ma
chine, and there will be other enter
tainment and dainty refreshments.
The out-of-town guests who have
already arrived for the Dure-McGregor
wedding are: Miss Lucy Ntsbet, of A1
bany; 'Mrs. Frank Tlcknor and Mlsa
Ruth Tlcknor, of Albany, who are with
Mrs. C. H. Humphreys.
Miss Alberta Rankin, of Atlanta, who
Is with Mrs. Walter Lamar.
Miss Pearl Lewis, of Valdosta, and
Miss Mary Lou Berkeley, of Atlanta,
who are the guests-of Mias Eula Wil
Mrs. Harry Grant Feree, who Is with
Mrs. Dure, on Orange street.
The cnmpleto list of attendants are:
Miss Eula Felton Willingham, maid of
honor, nnd the bridesmaids: Miss Rose
CrutchAeld, Mtss Sara Wadley. Mlsa
Waldron Roberts, Miss Sarah Tinsley,'
Miss Fannie Plant, Miss Clare Botfeull-
let, Miss Alberta Rankin, Miss Pearl
Perpetual Values.
Diamonds are not fads of recurring
periods. They are a standard and a
lasting mode, and the quality' of our
stones Is as constantly tu» beat
Davis & Freemari,
Lewis, Mips Mary Lou Berkeley, Miss
Lucy NIsbet.
The best man will be Mr. John Curd,
of Lynchburg. Va.. nnd the groomsmen
are Mr. Bryce Jennings Robinson, Mr.
Prentice Huff, Mr. Pate Stetson, Mr.
Pit Glover, Mr. Robert Curd. Mr. Chas.
Caldwell. Mr. Ed Hallam. Mr. Winshlp
Cabanlss, Mr. Howard Smith and Judge
Robert Hughes.
The ushere are: Mr. Richard
Hines, Mr. Merrell Price Callaway. Mr.
MCEIvey Lawton Corbett, Mr. Charles
P. Bannnn, .Mr. Fontaine Barden, Mr.
Roland EHIa, Mr. Ben L. Jones, Mr.
Walter Lamar.
This will be the moat notably bril
llant wedding that has occurred In Ma
con this season.—Macon News.
The card party which the Misses
Morris gave Thursday afternoon
their home In Edgewood was a pretty
compliment to Miss Elizabeth Flan
ders, of New York, the guest of Mrs
Larendon; Miss Johnson, the guest of
Misses Miller; Miss Nan Connelly and
Mlsa Adeline Lewie, the guesta of Mrs.
C. D. Maddox.
The house was prettily decorated
with cut flowers and palms. After an
enjoyable game delicious refreshments
were served. ■
Miss Morris received her quests In
pretty gown of white mull and lace.
Mias Ruth Morris wore a cream em
broidered mull, trimmed with lace. Miss
Flanders wore blue mull fashioned
with lace. Mias Johnson was gowned
In pale pink flowered organdie. Miss
Connelly’s toilet was of white em
broidered.batiste, and Mlsa Lewis wore
a gown of whlta organdie, trimmed
with lace.
At this week’s'meeting of the Inman
Park “500’’ Club, Mrs. C. B. Bldwell
was hostess. The occasion was infor
mal, Mrs. Bldwell'* guests Including
only two er three visiting girls and the
members of the club, but waa marked
by the enjoyment which characterizes
the hospitality of so gracious a hostess
as Is Mrs. Bldwell.
Mrs. C. J. Maddox won the flrst
prise, a dainty water color,-and the
consolation, a beer stein, went to Mrs.
McMillan. Miss Flanders, of New
Tork, was presented with a handsome
deck of cards.
The members of the "100" Club are
Mrs. C. J. Maddox, Mrs. C. B. Bldwell,
,dra, C. D. Maddox, Mrs. Robert Clay-
:on, Mrs. W. F.. Denny. Mis. Sam
Findley, Miss Katherine Dennis^ Miss
Cleveland Zahner, Mrs. Virgil Maddox.
Mrs. Larendon, Mrs. George W. Chap
man, Mrs. Harry Schults, Mrs. Tate,
Mrs. Pelham, ‘Mrs. Ernest Henderson,
Mrs. Pierre M. ghelan, Miss Adeline
Lewis, Miss Nan Connelly and Mrs.
Robert Parker.
Mary Nlcolson Thompson, -the In
fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Living
ston M. Thompson, was christened on
Wednesday afternoon In the presence
of the Immediate family. Bishop Nel
son performed the ceremony. Mr. John
M. Goddard and Miss Nannie Nlcolson
were the sponsors and In the absence
of Miss Mae Scott, Mrs. John Goddard
stood proxy. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Nlcolson, Mrs.
Livingston Mima, Mr. Joseph Thomp
son and Mr. Andrew Nlcolson.
An Important social event of Thurs
day afternoon will be the tea at which
Mrs. Charles Booker Walker will en
tertain a large number of her married
and unmarried friends, In honor of
Mrs. Edward J. Walker.
Mrs. Walker's charming home on
Forrest avenue will be particularly at
tractive In its decorations of daisies
and ferns, white and green being the
color motif, and these flowers being
placed In great bowls and Jars through
out the entire lower floor.
Mrs. Walker will be assisted In re
celvlng by Mrs. Edward J. Walker and
by Mtss Sallle Walker, and will be a
charming hostess in a dainty white
lingerie frock with trimmings of val
Mrs. Edward J. Walker will wear her
wedding gown of white radium silk,
hand-embroidered In roses and trimmed
with lace, and Miss Sallle Walker wilt
be gowned In a pretty batiste.
Miss Cecil Love and Miss Annie
Candler will serve punch, and will wear
charming white frocks of mull and
Primary Union.
Primary Union meets at the First
Methodist church Friday at 5 p. m.
Devotional exercises by Mrs. Jackson,
Primary lesson by Mrs. William King.
Round table by Mrs. Roger Williams.
Blackboard Illustrations by Miss Ma
rie Chlpley. All primary and Junior
teachers are cordially Invited to at
Personal Mention
Just Received. Look at Them.
Charles W. Crankshaw,
Diamond Merchant and Jeweler.
Century Building. Whitehall SL
Mrs. Morton Smith and Miss Flor
ence Harris, who have been a
Wrightevllle Beach, were called home
Thursday on account of the serloue 111-
nese of their brother, Mr. Lewie Har
ris. The many friends of Mr. Harris
will be glad to know thst he Is some
what better.
Miss Alice Goodwin, of Nashville,
who Is spending the summer at Llthla
Springs, spent Thursday In Atlanta,
returning to Llthla In the afternoon.
Mlae Goodwin was accompanied by
Mlsa Flortne Jones, of Atlanta, who la
also at Llthla for several weeks.
Mrs. Edward Cabanlss, of Birming
ham, Is the guest of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. G. A. Cabanlss, and her sis
ter, Mrs. Georgia Cabanlss, at (2 Mer
ritt* avenue. Mrs. Cabanlss has. a
number of friends in the city.
Mrs. F. L. Seely and children will
leave Friday night for Asheville, where
they will be the guests of Mrs. Seely’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Grove, who
have a summer home at Asheville.
Mrs. Joseph Regensteln and Joseph,
Jr„ after spending two weeks at Bor
den Wheeler Springs, Ala., have gone
to Atlantic City and New York for
the rest of the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Beam will leave
Thursday night for St. Louis, where, to
the regret of their many Atlanta
friends, they will make their borne In
Mlsa Mildred Cannon, of Macon, and
Mlsa Elisabeth Flanders, of New
York, are the guesta ot Mrs. Flanders
at her home, (1 Moreland avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Peters, Mr.
and Mrs. Milton Dargan and Mr. and
Mrs. F. M. Mlkle return Monday from
Warm Springy
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Woodruff
have leased »• Ea*t Linden street and
are now comfortably eettled In their
new home.
The Best In Ice Cream
^AN only be obtained where skill experience and
up-to-date equipment are all used in its making.
In other words, it is an applied science; one that has taken
years t6 develop and understind.
In the making of Nunnally's Ice Cream, every possible’
precaution is taken for purity; and the quality is guaranteed
by the fact that only cream testing twenty-five pet cent
butterfat is used.
Our men in charge of this department are experts,
trained in the schools of experience and science to make
only the best that can be made.
Mis* Susie White, of Birmingham, and
MIbb Margaret Frier, of Charleston,
Mrs. James Thomas and Miss Isa
belle Thomas are now at Porter
Springs for a stay of several weeks.
After August 1 Mr.'and Mrs. James
G. Miller will be at home to their
friends at the Savoy apartments.
Mrs. Peter Erwin and her little son
have returned from an extended vlslL
to relatives In South Carolina.
Dr. and Mrs. Stewart R. Roberts will
be at home to their friends after Au
gust 1, at 207 Forrest avenue.
Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Stirling left on
the 2tth to spend ten days In the
mountains of North Carolina.
Miss Harriett Bloodworth and Miss
Haxel Alexander, of Forsyth, are the
guests of Mrs. L. C. Dunn.
Mrs. William R. Heston and Muter
William Manry Heston are spending
the summer In Asheville.
Mrs. G. C. Drummond and Mlu Wll-
helmlna Drummond are spending the
summer at Winslow, Me.
Miss Jeannette McLeod Is the guest
of her cousin. Miss Lillian Warnock,
at 268 West Peachtree.
Miss Anne Thornton Spence, after
an extended stay at Wrightavllle Beach,
ha* returned to Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Inman are at
Southwest Harbor, Me.
Dr. and Mrs. Haywood Hansell and
young son are exppeted In the city next
week from China. ,
Mrs. K. B. Stallings and her son,
White Stallings, have returned from a
visit to ML Airy.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Perry have re
turned from a visit to relatives a
Mlu Gregory hu returned to her
home at Toccoa, after visiting friends
at Atlanta.
Mlu Annte Manry left yesterday for
Asheville, where she will spend the
Miss Edith Van Hook left Wednea-
day night tor a visit to relatives In
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Phillips and
young son have returned from New
York city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hunter are spend
lng soma time at Battery Park Hotel.
Mrs. William J. Speer and Mlu dll
vey Speer will return thte week from
Mrs. Ellen Meade Clarke Is visiting
friends at Amherst, Va., for several
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Poole will leave
Friday for a two-weeke stay In New
Mrs. L. . Rosser, Miss Ruth Rosser
and Mlu Emma Connally are at Tal
Mlu Marguerite Carter hu returned
from a visit to relatives at Montgom
Mrs. Guy Holcombe and her llttlo
son are visiting friends at Hephslbah.
Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Phlnlzy are
now at Battery Park Hotel, Asheville.
Mrs. B. F. Abbott and Miss Stanley
have returned from New York city.
Mr. J. T. Waller Is ylsltlng his moth
er, Mrs. B. H. Waller, at ML Airy.
Mrs. Joeeph Moody hu returned
from Atlantic City and New York.
Mr. Hlllyer Smith has returned from
week's visit to Tallulah Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Richardson and
children are at Hot Springe, Va.
Mlu Ruth Klnnard Is visiting Miss
Mamie Sparks at Sandersvllle.
tho guest of Mrs. John Prather.
Sir. and Mrs. Barbour Thompson
leave soon for a trip to Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Scott and chil
dren are In New York city.
Mr. and Mrs. W~S. Byck returned
Thursday from Atlantic City.
Mrs. W. J. Dunn and children hart
returned from Mlulsslppi.
Mrs. Fred Law leavea this week for
a visit to Northern resorts.
Mrs. Tinsley Rucker hu returned
from Borden-Wheeler.
Mr. B. R. Flemlster, of New York
city, is at the Leland.
Miss lama Dooly returned Mondty
from Warm Springs.
Mr. S. Aronson hu returned from
New York C(ty.
Mr. James Robinson la In Nsw York
on business.
Mrs. W. p. Pattlllo Is at Toxtwsy.
Miss Louise Verdery, of Augusta, is
(By ABE K APLAN, aged 11 years.)
A summer day—
The water blue—
There'* Joy, Indeed,
For me and you.
To wade and spluh.
From morn till night—
It's my Idea ;
Of pura delight
Hayden "In Bad" Again.
J. J. Hayden, an old miner from
South Carolina, had another cue of
hard luck Wednesday night. He ha*
already had hie right ear chewed oIt
by a horse, his forehead deeply cut by
an exploalon. his collarbone broken by
a fall, and several other accidents dur
ing his sixty-three years of life. On
Wednesday night he absorbed too much
whisky and morphine and wu arrested
for cursing soms people he met on the
street. The old man explained that be
came to Atlanta to have his collarbone
repotted and when It wu nearly wel.
he strolled out on the street and got
drunk. Judge Broyles lined him 110. <5.
(nee Evstyn Nesblt)
The Original Picture Tbit itlrred
Pittsburg Society.
U cents.
717 Fourth Nstionsl Bank Bldg