Newspaper Page Text
Ward, premier of
rho points out the
municipal owner-
and hie deugh-
r Hr* Rlrhird Wm autl family are rfs-
JL is Moultrie.
and Mrs. William Wood in* spend
,-7* frnr days on Cumhrrland Island.
"Rim Dora Spann, of Snrannab, Is via-
•tine Mrs. C. Plncknoy.
ufrt lUddle Mct’uIJonfb and Miss Iron/*
ffrtml are spending several days on St.
flniors Islaud, ss guests of the Misses
} ‘Fronds Mason has cone to Ken
Hfkr, where she will spend aomo weeks
Mrs. A. V. McCroSne, who has been the
E * of Dr. snd Mrs. W. C. Hatcher,
returned to her home in *Wnynes-
I urs Edwin Fleming and son are the
Jests of Mrs. Fleming's father. Dr. J. A.
sir*’Frank Fox and Miss Marguerlto Fox
lire’ returned home, after a visit to
friends in Jacksonville,!^.
]|r and Mrs. 8. T. Wingfield snd (laugh-
m nass^l through the city this week, en
r«ste to Cumberland Island, where they
r m spend some days.
w %t Nat Tilton and Master John Til*
(o#t 'of Savannah, are visiting friends In
,h tfr niid Mrs. Thomas Wilson and chi!
Arm., and Mrs. T. H. Wilson, of Atlontn,
visiting friends In tho city. They will
'ndt St. Simons Island before returning
W. B. Cook, Miss Francis Cook and
Hit A. A. Gaddis are spending several
in Allentown. N. J.
Mrs. A. A. Knight and son ftre visiting
relative* In Quitman. * ' _
jlr. and Mrs. J. W. Dillon, of Thomas-
tine, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, 13.
Mr.’ and Mrs. F. 11. Mallard hare return-
nl front Mobile, Ala.f where they have beeu
tor sevornl weeks. . #
Mr. Wllhur Coney, of 8srapnSh. mitt-
tamed home after a visit to Mr. arid Mrs.
I F. Coney.
'Ml** .Mattie Delle Fope snd Jennie WII-
ros. of Macon, are visiting Mrs. B. H.
Houseman, In this city.
Mrs. K. U. * ““
ire visiting 1
Miss I-anrt
yMfinff relatives in mis nry.
Mrs. George l’almer .Smith hns returned
from a visit to relatives In Jacksonville*
'Miss Katie Rutter, of Cochran, Is visiting
friends In Ilrunswlck.
Mrs. L. C. carter amt little son, of Jesnp,
ire Visiting Mrs. J. It. Ilohlnsou.
Miss Estelle Miller hns returned from h
visit to friends in Macon and other points
Id middle Georgia.
Mr. and Mrs. Curry, of Pelham, arc
visiting Mr. B. V. Twltty, In this city.
Mr. J. A. iJnvls, of Nichols. Is a visitor
fa the city.
Mr. E. 0. Bagwell, of Savannah, was In
Imnswlck one day this Week.
Mr. It. T. McDonald, of Atlanta, spent
I day or two In the city this week.
Miss Klorrfe Slav Heath, of ThomaivIHe,
U the guest of Mrs. F.‘ II. Mallard.
Mrs. Edward Bnrdett and son are visit*
relatives In Tampa, Fla.
From there they go to Blue Itldge for
-Ml* 8 Nnnn!<» Little la spending the sum.
tner at Albany and Cordele.
Mr. It. C. lverflon I, on a badntM trip
^ hlalln. *
\tinntn Wlmb * rtr fetornwl Saturday from
Mli* Tamale roll,art. of Fitzgerald.
Timing Miss Claud, Doherty. *
Mrs. S. y. Lasuter baa releroed ft
< umi'erlnnd.-
fnjoyc _ _
Miss Claudia Seott. of Atlanta. Is the
gucHt of Mrs. Otto Declaim.
Mr. J. A. Beekmn Is vlstlng friends
Montgomery and Auburn. Ala., this week.
Miss Mary I’owHl is the guest of Miss
Lcssle Heaves at Rhine.
Mr. G. I*. McCord, of TnllAhassee, Fla.
made s business trip here Wednesday.
Mr*. Fannie 8bon Iy and Miss C. A. Shealy
have returned home from a vialt to Gaines
ville, Go.
* IT““ * I' lurmii IU ineir nonin in
Atlanta Monday, after spending several
weeks with Dr. J. H. Horsley's family, .
Messrs. Banks and Mntthewson, of Ope*
life were here ednesdny.
visit to .Monfromenr Monday.
Miss 8ara Callaway Isi In AtlanU, tho
guest of Mias Litclle Oslln.
31fs. It. B. IMxon, of Athens, la hero
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Miss Mary Jack Moss Jiaa returned
after n vialt to relatives In Kenola.
Mrs. L. Strong la vlaltlng her daughter,
Ira. G. \\. Shenly, In Opelika.
Master Gene Randall entertained hla U
tie friends at Rnhlnsona Park Thursday.
Mrs. Mark McCullah entertained delight
fully Saturday morning In honor of the
Misses Frame, of Virginia, and Mias Whita
ker, of Columbus, Gn. Bid dondno was the
game plnyed, Mias Bess Hmltli winning
prize, a lace handkerchief. The
Frame were presented with lovely fans
and Miss Whitaker with prety plus. After
the game a luncheon was served. 'M
A bevy of bright, entertaining young lady
visitors ate enlivening society this week.
Misses Beulah Glhaon and Mary Unicom, at
Macon, aro with Miss Martha Mathis on
Bast Hill. Misses LUy Ashe of Athens,
Hadle Thorpe of Crystal City, Fla., and
Marie Boatwright of lemtille are gueata of
Mrs. Joseph Ilerrlngdluo In Langdon.
Miss Huth Klnnarfl, of Atlanta, is visiting
Mias Maiule Hpnrka. nmi Miss Julia Todd!
of Mcliityre, la with her cousin, Mrs. Isa*
Mia« Flora Qullllan la visiting her sister,
Hr*. W. H. Ashford.
MIm Huth Aliercrombla returned Thurs
day from a visit to A taints.
Mrs. Donnldson, of Atlanta, Is the guest
of the Misses Jackson this week.
Miss Nolle Cocroft Is visiting friends In
Madison and Social Circle.
Kev. E. It. Jennings Is conducting
meeting at Farmington this week.
Miss Amanda Hutcheson, of Athens, was
I visitor to Wntklimvllle last week.
Miss Cornelia Dunn, of Atlanta, Is the
asst of Misses Bath and Louise A1>er*
. Mrs. A. W. Ashford and Miss Julia Ash
ifonl left Tuesday for n visit to Btnnton,
Dr. Thomas Saxon, of Melvins, was In
town Tuesday.
Ur, Oran F, Vtal* spent' Monday In
Misses Alice, Nina and Fannie Arthur,
of Athens, spent Sunday with their sister,
Mrs. Andrews. • •
Miss Mnliel Thompson, who hns been the
pretty guest of Miss Bn Thompson for the
B ut week, leavea Frldny for a visit to
rtenshoro. • • •
Mr. and Mrs. Jnhn W. Hinton, of High
Ihonls, were In town Thursday.
Miss Daisy Ashford Is spending several
days in Atlanta. • •
A delightful affair gDen In honor of
Miss Rea Thompson's attractive guests,
Mu«cs !.num ami Mabel Thompson, of
uttliiesrllle, .wna the picnic In the beaut!*
N Wllan grove Inst Tuesday afternoon.
Those present on this occasion were:
Laura, Mabel and Itee Thompson.
BUncho Grogan, Zllbth Hutcheson, Mary
•ad Willie Hue Gwyn. Julia Ashford, An-
. Uul-v. 1 .t III*- jind Annie Mil*-
Arkson, Mrs. Donaldson of Atlanta and
Mrs. G. R. Thompson. Messrs. Robert 1*11-
W». Henry Harr 1*. Hor Thrn«*ber. Fred
arswh. Jesse Maxey, Oth*» Branch. 1M-
jnnd Anderson, Oran Veale, Clinton Ash
ford and Addison Price.
Ur. ami Mr*. John Hotfmaa,' of Atlanta,
•pent Sunday here. •
Mrs. Bruce Green nml Miss Nora Green
•pent Thursday lit Attnirtn.
Mrs. s. i). Fielder nml children are at
Austell for a few week*.' •
Me«r«. Hearn and Deri n I#, of Eaton ton,,
u 0 f j||a« Locy whidfor.
Miss Florence Green, of Dallas, li hero
tor the summer. • * •
Mrs, a. B. Daves Is here from Ann
Messrs. Iverson Perryman. Grady L
trti md Claude Griffin, of Temple; Misses
MiHykes, Nettie Ixiti Bagwell, and Grace
einlth «iM*nt Wednesday at Llthla Springs.
Kba Griffin nml >lr. Claude Griffin,
Temple, wore recent visitors to Villa
Mr. and Mrs, John Duncan, of Douglass-
JM*. spent Sunday here with Mr, and Mrs,
*•11- Avers.
}||»» Karl Pritchett la III with fever.
Jllss Ruby Rrbry and Mias Renfroe Km-
•p' will go up to Llthla Springs the last
°f tie week. K '
Miss Conyeta ITitchcft, of Griffin, If
{nr a few days.
•Mr. ai \ pshaw, of Piedmont, Ala., spent
"feral days hero this week.
Me»lnmes A. o. Taxson, .T. W. Doherty.
•'v Harof* and II. B. Vlsscber, Misses
«nd t|ossI«e Barnes spent a most
uw nt Ilow,n» MU1 TttMd»y.„
Mis* Myrtiw Haynurd has returftetl after
Pleasant vltlt to friends at Fitzgerald.
I Colonel nnd Jlrs. Hal Lawson left Mon-
*1 fw Blue Itldge Mountains.
J- D. Girardeau and little daughter
r,| dGnf relatives at Vienna this week.
(lore Newman.
Ufon was' given by Mrs. Joaepl
no Inst evening at her home li
. • Misses Ashe, Thorpe and Mr
■■itwrlght, with Mrs. Herrlngdlnl
fornuHl the receiving party. Meadames
Lee Joyner, Isador Newman, and Uoraco
da this greeted the guests In the 'im '
Misses Nenple Davl
iiensed fruit nuhcli. .
on hall and stairway were decorated
t hall, where
room, where at a late hour refreshments
were served. Those present were: Miss
Klnnurd with C. A. Adams. Miss Bnlcotn
with It. J. Tnrhutton, Miss Gibson with J.
II. Quinn, Miss Arerett with Theo Cty>Iey,
Miss Sparks with T. A. IUchbourc, Miss
Katie Harris with Mark Newman, Miss Sul
livan with 11. It. Brown, Miss Mntlils with
T. Y. McCarthy, Miss Maitland Tanner
with Itrevnrd Cooley, Miss Sadie Tarbut-
ton with W. II. Wood. Mlsa AUIe Jones
with Battle Hpnrka, Mlsa Lena Robison
with 8am May, Miss Mary Bnuas Robison
wltn Alex Cnatnbfee. T. A. Wicker, J. J.
Lovett, Bob Davis, Frank Boatright, Moae
Herman, Owen and Darla Adams of Teu-
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schaefer and tho
Misses Schaefer entertnlned about fifty of
the young people at n house party last
Tuesday night. In spite of the threat!
‘ m\— -
The dining room waa attractively
the color scheme being green ami warn,
which was also carried out In the refresh
ments, consisting of Ices, cake and confec
tionery. Master Edward Gilmer presided
nt the. punch bowl. After refreshments had
been served the young people enjoyed danc-
' ig In the spacious dining room. r
Miss Bufaula Gregory has returned from
visit to Atlanta.
Mr. Thomas M. Seawall, of Anderson,
S. L\, visited Mr. F. Clifton Bell at the
Albemarle recently.
Hips of
J. W.
BROADWAY «t54thSfc
.The meet luxurloualy appointed
■otel la New York. Its furnishings
ntfS,. rich and to g<**l in*te.
; • . I«th rooms ventilating Into
opea alr a feature. Telephone In
•fry suite.
.This hotel offers to permanent and
transient guests superior accommod.1*
« nl FJ" 1 ?'”*. etc., at tempting rates,
for fllastrated booklet.
Mr. Mallory, of Macon, hn, Iwn rlaltln,
Mr. l-alnier Hlmpaon. Jr., nt Haddock Inn.
Mr. Alox Crald, of Ctaarlott,, N. c.. la rlx-
ttlna relative, here.
Mra. Claude Edward, and little dauahtor,
Martha, are vlaltlOE relative, at Mny.vllle.
Mlu Myrtle Kell hn» returned to her
home In Blnoflold. W. Va., after a vialt to
her brother, Mr. Frank Clifton Bell, af tho
^Drfnobert Kowlea, of Mlaalaalppl, vt.lted
hla brother, Mr. W. A. Kowle., recently.
ilr. Otl. Cooke, of Atlanta, I, vliltlng
relative, thla week.
Ml., Maude Swift, of Atlanta, baa been
vMtln? home toIka aereral daya at tba
Swift Hotel.
Mr. Edward Ilarrlaon. of Atlanta,.la via.
ItiiiK bla grandmother, Mra. Beb«ca Ilar
Mra. william II. ZleeW, of Albmy. la
with her alater, Mlaa Lula Pond, for the
Mra. J. M. Danuta, of Boa well, la vialt
lne Ml,a Pond.
Mlaa Klolie SI«PPT. of Alban/, la vlalt-
Ing Mlaa Lula T. Pond.
O. 1'. White returned to Atlanta Mon
day after a vialt with bla non, Dr. O. T.
"Mra'’ k' - D. Stalling, and her non, White
Stalling*, returned to Atlanta Monday after
i vtatt ot aereral week, at the Monterey.
D. C. Pont, I, vial ting relative. In Frank-
Mra. Barrett 1
neadny for Aaherllle. where they will apend
the aummer » t _ B - ,t l- r J r ,I5 ir !L ,10,,l ' J .
Mlaa Maude Kennedy left Wedaeaday for
Tamna. Fla., after (pending aereral week,
with nor grandmother, Mra. J, I-, Crlch.
t. Waller, of Atlanta, la vlalUag hla
mother. Sira. B.II. Waller.
By Private Leeaed wire.
New York, July 11.—Mlaa Ltnlo An-
krln and Curtla Pay, both of Ken
tucky, awora they would get mnrrled
deaplte family oppoaltlon, and they
The If-year-old Kentucky beauty
had been Imprlioned In the hnuae of
her aunt, at Btelnway, L. I., but ehe
eluded the vigilance of her guard*,
climbed out a window and down a rain
pipe, sprinted nrr--** a lawn to a wait
ing « ab. which hor aweotheart had con
veniently posted. Hor alufcr, Mlsa Ha
zel. accompanied her.
Not more than an hour after the pair
had departed Mme. Mayes, her aunt,
returned to the house. While she waa
hurrying Around and trying to find
some trace of the rlrl, the 'phone rang.
"Hello," said a man’a voice. “This is
Curtla Day. Luda and her Ulster are
with me. We ere going home. Good by,
As the result of a alight archtent near
Cedar town, on the Birmingham division of
Neabnard Air Une railway, early
Wednesday avoning. In which one freight
car waa derailed, damage to the amount of
aevernt thousand (lollors was done to the
property of the company and traffic delayed
many hours In-muse of the after-effect of
tho simple occurrence.
liimo-dlatcly niter the accident the wreck
train mid crew from Atlanta waa summon
ed to the scene of the aeeldetit, which hsd
occurred near a trestle a few miles from
Pedartown. While arranging the bulky
ror use in replacing the •——
crane for tire in replacing
*hc Iron tho wrecked ca.
trestle, carrying a way
derailed ear
rturnml on
.. portion of
bridge and doing a great deal of dam-
Injured, ample naming having
'f the tag- " * —
The paw
•■living Blrinlnghn
'—“noon and due
. a evening wi
mily n fi-w mll*a w*al of lb* wr,-<-k ul tl
tlnu* of thr ai-rlili>ut to tha arivvker. Aa
n-ault of th* ilolay. tba train
- - - ^.--. tumr IfrnL.
at 4:* oVIork In tha afti
Atlanta, at »:a o'clock
'll-. «
mack thla city ont'l 4 o'clock Tht
mornltur, anil, laavtuu eleven
porttPliatteil In ntiother wrc<
Inianl at Howell. Station,
ha Brat train taiatfl
nlnjrham t
atroyaia In Wi
treatla partially tie.
J ‘Cant nr-
kontheru track!.
etlneailNy nlaht'a arrlilar
Thuratlay. Tha earlier I
I orer the Southern tra
By Private Lraaatl Wire.
Victoria, B. C., July M.—According
to natva recalved here, n Jnpanaaa wo
man haa bean arreated at Onakl for
the wholeaale murder of jnfnnta. More
than twenty bablra were killed by the
woman, who narrowly eacaped lynchln*
after Bain* arreated.
The naval prtgram of tht aovern-
ment haa Iren arrnnaed whereby the
atrenffth of the Japaneaa navy will
ranch 520.000 ton. In 1101, b t'. It la not
believed thla etrenath will be pertna-
nontty retained.
Advice* were received from Korea
that conaequent to tha aurrmindlntc of
the palace with Japaneae troopa on
July 4, the aeal of the Korean ainperot
wna aecured to a new mining treaty,
effective on September 1, whim will af
fect Amettcun mining Interests In Ko-
- Inaamuch aa conceaalona now held
muet not be Hold or mortgaged without
the content of -.he Japaneae govern,,
nient, foreigner, will be bound by thu
rrgulntlona of thla treaty.
A Japaneae eomniteilnn of 700 mem
ber* lute been Inveetlgatlnr the en-
■ourcea of Manchuria, and will leave In
Filipino Rebels Use Ameri
can Tactics in At
illnaou Fort returned from Athena
I?. b[‘ Hwlft and non.' B. b. Swift, Jr.,
" are vialt
w. m .hm and*
•lay for Aatn
fe Mr«* P A. , f. Walker and daughter. Mlaa
Lizzie Walker, are vlaitlng relative* In
AjefrrtlfiejSj.^, of Richmond, Va., It at
"UOffl. .Hopblaa
haul area trio to Atlanta
Il-rl-rt Codington la i
Ingtnu la at home with bla
nil Mra. A. Codington, on a
vacation fmta Merrer anlveralty. Macon.
Jlr and Mra. K, J. Donter and children,
of Birmingham. Ala., are among the gueeta
atJMrw KSjSff-
Mra. W. II. Brigham entertained on Mon
day afternoon la honor of bar goeOt, Mlaa
Maude **SnA'k.**Mrii 82®,^
MeDiine and Mae CaWwtlL
By Prirate Tstaaed Wire.
I Manila, July 20.—Later reporta from
the ncene of yeaterday'a battle In Leyte
placea the killed and wounded among
the Pulajanea at 150. After the flrat
rcpulae of tho banillta they attacked
and charged the Americana three tlmea,
being repeatedly driven back until they
finally moved aouth with aome of their
Major Neville, commanding the do-
tachment of constabulary, haa reported
that the Pulajanea ware draaaed In
khaki unlforma, probably cant off
clothing of the native aoldlery, and that
they numbered more than 500 and were
armed with Springfield rlflea, aome
Mauaera and, he thlnka, a few Krag-
Jnrgenaena, almllar to the weapone In
uae In the regular army, and boloe.
More Trouble In 8lght.
Army ofllcera are at a loss to account
for the many uniformed men among
the Pulajanea, and think It la an In
dication that tha uprtalng la of a more
general nature than waa at flrat
thought. Whether there In any defi
nite organization among them la not
known, but there U considerable talk
to the effect that chiefs of marauding
bands prefer to light in native dreee.
The persistency displayed In the re
peated attacks, after meeting with such
a severe loea In the first engagement,
la considered by army officers to be
proof that the reinforcements will find
they have a more serious task on thalr
hands than keeping a few outlawe on
the quiet.
Use American Tactics,
Since the cloee of the Philippine In
surrection the native* have never re
turned to the attack aa they did In the
light yeeterday. The sending of troops
to disaffected districts, where ladronec
and email band* of outlaw* were caus
ing trouble, generally ended the trou
ble, aa these bands always tried to
avoid meeting regular troop*.
After an attack on their own Inltla.
tive yeeterday, resulting In a heavy
loss, the Pulajanea charged three
tlmea Prom the small amount of news
received from Major Neville It has
'earned that the supposed Pula-
jane* used American tactic* In their
nting. This fact has given rise to the
theory that among th* fanatics there
are men who have served In th* native
ecout* or constabulary.
o o
By Private Leased Wire. O
B Columbus, Ohio, July *5.—Cel- O
O ebretlng the arrtval at hla home O
O of a baby girl, ex-Mayor Robert O
O H. Jeffrey, vice president of th* O
O Jeffrey Manufacturing Company, O
O gave to each of the pickets of the o
S striking molders a line cigar. The O
striker* Immediately held a .nuts* O
O meeting and resolution* of thanks O
a were adopted. Mr. Jeffrey’s gen- O
O eroslty was not confined to strfk- O
a era alone. All of the employee* at O
O the shop*. 1.400, received elmllar O
O remembrance. O
O 0
By Prlvttc Leaaed Wire.
New York, July 20.—A light of
twenty-two hours to save th* life of
Walter K. Freeman, a chemist, charged
with embeaallng 12,600 from Clark*
Davis & Co., after he had tried to
commit suicide, ended In victory at 4
o'clock this morning, but the struggle
was the most strenuous ever resorted
to by the police and physicians and
nurse* at St. Vlncent'a hotpltal.
Freeman had swallowed morphine
while In a cell at police headquarter*.
He was found unconscious yesterday
and then began the heroic efforts to
hoapltl yard and tfompelled to walk
constantly, to work off th* polaon.
While he was being put through the
humane torture hla wife stood
encouraging him. Then he waa ;
bed, and It la believed he will recover.
A previous charge, preferred against
Freeman by a girl who swore she waa
15, waa proved false, after he had been
In Sing Sing prison for a year on seep
tence of seven and a half years, given
by Recorder Smyth, In till. At tha
time be had a suit against tha West
Inghouse Air Brake Company for in
fringement of hla patent of -
Special to The Georgian. ,
Chattanooga, Tenn., July 2*.—Th#
story of industrial progress In the
Southern states for on* week reflect#
considerable light on the momentous
movements which are taking plsca In
till* section. The accompanying Hat
of new Industries established In soma
of the Southern states during tha week
li taken from the reports made to Th*
Tradesman and fully verified. It In
clude* only the more Important new
Oklahoma reports a lead and nine
Insures Against
Any Sickness, 6 Months
Any Accident, 24 Months
Accidental Death.
703 Prudential Building,
» Phone 5330.
company capHallstd at 21,600,000, and
a mining company capltalfssd at fl,-
000,000, besides othar large concerns.
Alabama adds to the llet a 2600,000
coal and coke company.
Arkansas presents a 5100,000 mining
company and a 2100,000 truat company.
Georgia reports a 2100,000 clothing
Kentucky comes to the front with a
2500,000 steel company.
Louisiana swell* th* list with a 1300,
000 foundry.
Fort Depoalt—15,000 warehouse com-
pany; water-works.
Birmingham—Coal mining company.
Decatur—Quarry (near).
Talladega—260,000 oil mill and grist
Scottaboro—26,000 cotton gin and
Cullman—1500,000 coal and coke com'
Montgomery — 217,100 development
Gainesville—Canning factory.
Atlanta—250,000 brick works; $100,-
000 clothing factory.
Nashville—Water-works and elactrlo
light plant.
Cash—Planing mill and shingle mUt.
Brunswick—240,004 tla and timber
Clinton—Building and loan company.
Greenwood—Concrete block factory.
McHenry—225,000 lumber company.
Osyka—126,000 water-worka.
North Carolina.
Henderson—Buggy factory.
Plymouth—150,000 lumber company,
Wendell—$100,000 lumber company.
Raleigh—126,000 land company.
High Point—Planing mill.
Cornelius—Clothing factory.
Llledoun—560,000 cotton mill.
Winston-Salem—Woolen mills.
Rocky Mount—225,000 lumber com
Durham—Clothing factory.
South Carolina.
Greenville—Land company.
Lauren*—Drug manufacturing com
• Tannesie*.
Nashville—220.000 land company.
Tlftonvllle—Electric light plant.
By Private Leased Wire.
London, July 25.—The delegate* to
th* Inter-parliamentary peace confer
ence were visitors thla morning to
Buckingham palace, where the distin
guished foreigners who make up the
conference were received by King Ed
By Prirate l*eaed Wire.
Washington, July 27.—Thomas Tra
cey, of Boston, Maas., la to be the cam
paign manager of the American Feder
ation of Labor, acting under the In
structions of President Samuel aomp-
era. - ,
Mr. Tracey Is a clgarmaker by call-
Ing, although ha has not worked at hi*
trade for rrfnny year#. For the last
(even years he has boon a member of
the legislative wuttMa ea the Fad-
(ration, and aa auch hna frequently ap
peared before houso and aennto com
mittees, urging the paaango of the
bills, the failure of which haa aroused
tho antagonism of organised labor
leaden to many of th* members who
seek re-election to the next congress.
He knows personally moat of the mem
ber# to whom labor has found It nec
essary to appeal In the post, and hla
judgment will be pptent In th* prepa
ration of the "black Hat" soon to bo
Mr. Tracey will take up the work no
soon aa he return* from bla vucnilnn
and the tint thing he will do will prob
ably be to perfect th* “black Hat" In
queatlon. It will contain tho ——Tty of
many Republican member, whoa- op
position In tho pnet to tho elaht-h'iur
and antl-lnjunetlon bills lias been cltlt-
cr active or tacit, and whoao oourao
haa given rise to the existing dissat
By Prirate Leased Wire.
Marlon. Ind., July 21.—While attend
ing Mrs. John Trimble, during her
death sickness, Dr. B. F. William* and
a daughter of Mr*. Trimble, Mrs. Syl
vester Newhrant, are said to have be-
votne Infatuated with each other. While
the mother of Mr*. Newbrent lay a
corpse, the doctor and Mrs. Newbrant,
It I* alleged, deserted their ttmllle*
and eloped.
Tl" 1 I"|"I,!|n'I of Mi s. .NVwlirnnt snld
111* I •'' olVo.l ll lotlor ft "O' Ills w If,,
postmarked Dayton, Ohio, In which she
"'U''l f.ociv.oioss mol ploiotfol with
him to allow her to return home. N'c»-
brant and Mr». Williams filed chargee
against tho nlol do, hue they will
prosecute them.
Special to The Georgian.
Bristol, Tenn., July I*.—Th* South
and Western railway, now being corn
atructed between the Virginia coal
Held# and the Carolines, In order to
make a direct outlet to th* Atlantic
seaboard, has Issued 215,000,000 lit 6
par cant notes, It Is stated, which were
sold, to Blair * Co., Speyer 4k Co. and
the Old Colony Trust Company. This
mean* that work Is to be rushed on th*
road with all possible speed. George
Carter, chief of the construction
completion of the road Is tl
In securing sufficient labor. At prea
ent the company la . working about
" 000 men.
ity In th* way of prompt
the road !■ the difficulty
gperlat to The Georgian.
Dallas. Texas, July 25.—While Laura
Oliver, a negreso, waa Ironing at har
home In thla city last night about 10
o'clock, an unknown negro man allpped
up bahlnd har and sent a bullet fr..m
a revolver through her brain, killing
her Instantly. No cause la known (or
the dead.
Bond lasua Loses.
■pedal to Tba Georglao.
Macon, Oa., July 20.—When the vote#
can tn the recent election wero count
ed It developed that the proposed bond
Issue of 1100,000 for street paving pur-.
|poa*a failed by 71 vote*. The r. ault 1
waa a great disappointment to many
Atlanta to Washington, D. C.
Southern Railway.
Tickets good on Washington and South
western Limited as well as other trains.
On sale July 27th, 30th and 31 st. Good
until August 8th to return. Also by de
positing tickets with joint agent prior to
August 8th and payment of 50 cents same
can be extended until September 8th to re
turn. Call at City Ticket Office, No. 1
PeachtrccSt, or Terminal Station for tick
ets and Pullman reservations.
Jt C. Beam, District Passenger Agent