Newspaper Page Text
JH..S lilitdy* Levin - * brid K ,>
■'!'Tr. -day tnornlnu will be a pretty
tt) Mies Emma Williams,
| Nina Gentry.
... j 0 hn Ellis Phelan anti Miss
y \_ le Turbervllle were married
1 V night at 8:30 o’cloclc at Grace
Mtatecopa! church, Wnycross. The cere-
tvus performed by Rev. S. J
icrrnch In the presence of a large con
[TLp of friend* of both parties. The
hurch was beautifully decorated with
‘ palm* and cut dowers. It was one
, ,|,p prettiest weddings that has nc-
orreil in Waycross In some time. The
bride an accomplished young lndy
i ml has many friends In Wnycross.
,< r phelan is a valued employee of the
ttlsnta. Birmingham and Atlantic
' li r „.,d and Is quite popular, with the
un- people In Waycross. Mr. and
L, Phelan left last night for a few
Jays’ trip to Atlanta, after which they
1 in In’ at home to their friends at
R? bride's mother, Jlrs. S. A. Tur-
hlrvilh- on Teheau street. Mr. Phelan
£ a nephew of Mr. S. II. Phelan, of
Mr, and Mrs. B. W. Ellis, of Cilth-
bert announce the engagement of their
daughter, Alice Brown, to Mr. Robert
Hem-v Hurt, of New York, the wed-
to take place on Wednesday, De
cember 19th at the Baptist church.
The first public meeting of the Geor
gia Mother*’ Congress will be held
Mondnv afternoon at 3:10 o'clock In
the Wtmday »chool room of the First
Methodist church. . ,
Mr Theodore Blrney, founder of
the National Mother*’ Congre**, will bo
nresent and will speak upon the or
ganization of .Mothers’ Circles
\ cordial Invitation Is extended to all
Georgia women to attend thl* Impor
tant meeting on Monday afternoon.
There will bo a regular meeting of
St. Anthony’* Guild at the residence of
Mrs. Joel Chandler Harris. 312 Gordon
street Tuesday, November 20th, at 3
p m. Lillian Harris, secretary.
The Daughter* of America will glvo
an entertainment- Monday night, No
vember 19th, at the Junior Order hall.
S3 1-3 Hunter street. Rev. 8. J. Parish,
the mocking bird of North Alabama,
will deliver one of hie Interesting lec
tures on ’’Courtship and 'Morrlaco.
Trinity Methodist Church.
Voluntary—”1 Will Extol ‘Thee, O,
Lord.” Casta,
Offertory—'"Save Me, O Lord,” Ran-
degger, Mrs. W. F. Russell.
Voluntary—"The King of Love My
Shepherd Is,” Shelley.
Offertory—"Rejoice In the laird,
Katzst hmar.
Regular organ recital at 7 p. m. r
Charles A. Sheldon, organist.
Prelude and Fugue—E Minor, Bnch.
Funeral March—Gutlmant.
Second Baptist Church.
Organ Prelude—"Largo," Handell.
Anthem—’’All Praise to God,” Wag
ner, Mr. Frank M. Pearson and choir.
Offertory—“Calvary,’’ Rodney, MV.
Frank M. Pearson.
Orgnn Prelude—Bach.
Organ Prelude—“Adoration” Gaul.
Anthem—"The Good Shepherd,"
Barri. '
Offertory—"Beyond the Smiling,”
Marston, Mr. o. S. Cook and choir,
t'rgan Postlude—Gullmant.
First Christian Church.
The following musical program will
be rendered under the direction of Mr.
William M. Bearden, Sir*. LeRoy Rog
ers, organist:
Anthem—“I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes.”
offertory—Contralto solo, "In An-
Beginning Monday
Mrs. Dean will Demonsh-at"?
Ths Msrits ef the
^La Vida and
W;B. Corsets
2nd Floor in the Corset Dept.
Chamberlin- Johnsen-
DuBos? Company.
The above Illustration shows a stylish dress and snit for a young miss. The dress Is made of goods
that has a tiny pin stripe and Is trimmed with braid. The coat eult Is made cf dark red cheviot. Tho pony coat
Is fashioned with braid and buttons and the suit Is pretty and stylish qs welt as serviceable.
them Old,” Mrs. C. H. Loyd.
Offertory—"Sweet the Moments."
Prelude Leoncavallo
Comet Mascagni
Voluntary, "It Is a Great Thing
to Give Thanks” Buck
Offertory, "Like ns n Father”
.’ Marston
Miss Laura Gilbert and Choir.
Anthem, “Rock of Ages” Reed
Postlude '.Wagner
Prelude Lemnlgre
Comet Schubert
Voluntary, "Unto Thee, 6 God”
'. Shelley
Offertory, "Still, Still with
Thee” Burdett
Anthem. “Lord, God Almighty"
Sir. John S. Scott and Choir.
Postlude Widor
Mr*. Peyton H. Todd, soprano.
Miss Laura Gilbert, alto.
Mr. ThomH* B. Davies, tenor.
Mr. John S. Scott, bass.
Sir. C. T. Wumt, cometlst.
Sir. J. P. O’Donnelly, organist and di
Organ Prelude. Marche Ponti-
Hrale .Leminens
Te Deum. In B flat
Hark, Hark, My Soul" Shelley
Organ Postlude Gullmant
Organ Prelude, Flat Lux Dubois
Chopjs, "Mighty Jehovah" Bellini
"The Day I* Past and Over”.... Marks
"ThouVt With Sle" Sulllvuo-Scott
Organ Postlude, Marche Pit-
toresque Kroeger
Miss Grace Lee Brown, soprano and |
Sirs. J. E- Lee, contralto.
Mr. J. L. Dale, tenor.
Sir. W. P. Huntef, bass.
Silas Kda Bartholomew, organist.
first of tho month for a two weeks' visit
to New York city.
Miss. Bertha Miles Is the guest of
friends at Eatonton.
Mrs. Slary D. Thomas and Mis* Ber
tha Thomas, of Eatonton, are spending
several week* In Atlanta.
Personal Mention
Sirs. C. C. Hanson will leave Sun
day to Join Sir. Hnnsun nt .Memphis for
a short visit to that city.
Sits* Clara Coggins, of Sladlson, Fla.,
is the guest of Mlffff Frank Haltlwan-
ger, at her- home, 7S East Linden
Sir*. Charlotte Toiler Johnson, of
New York, Is the guest of Sirs, Frank
I,. Woodruff, 9# East Linden street.
Sirs. Johnson Is one of the brilliant
literary women of the metropolis whoso
excellent work Is receiving tho most „„„„ ... , ur „
cordial recognition, both South and of M „ yor und Mr*. W. T. Coles, has re
North. | turned home.
Miss Annie Paine Is visiting friends
In Providence, R. I.
Sirs. M. A. Crane has returned t»
iter home In Savannah after a visit to
Sirs. J. P. Stewart.
Mr. A, P. Parham, Hr., and daugh
ter, Silas Carrie, after a vlsjt to rela
tives In Indian River, have returned
Mr. and Sir*. Owen Phelan, of At
lanta, are In the city to attend the
Tubenille-Phelan marriage on Thura
On Thursday evening Silas Dixie
Hilliard and Sir. Herman Remington
Smith were married at the rexldence
of Rev. h^B. Whittington, pastor of
Trinity chlrcli.
Mrs. J. P. Stewart entertained at
a euchre parly Thursday afternoon In
honor of Mrs. H. A. Crane and Sirs.
Stelnhelmer, of Savannah. Mis* Anne
Sfay Phelan won both the first and
ten-hand prises, a Japanese cake plate
and a cuff and collar set. Sir*, ft. L.
Branham drew the booby, a tsickage
of gold dust. The guests' prises were
Japanese cups.
Silas Mar>’ Stanton, who spent car'
nival week In Jacksonville the gueet
Try a Singer on the ‘Rental Plan
<] The purchase of a sewing machine is altogether too im
portant a transaction to be decided off-hand because it soon
becomes a family institution.
When you rent a
Singer Sewing' Machine
even for so short a time as one week you give yourself an
opportunity to test a machine that will do its daily work so <
perfectly and noiselessly from the start, that you will hesitate
before you let it go out of the house again,
f No reason why it should go out cither; for your rental
Toy mints may be applied to the purchase of the machine if
vou decide to keep it.
<] The best is the cheapest. No housewife ever made a
bigger mistake than to tie herself down to using one of the
machines made up in job lojs to be sold through department
stores. When you decide to keep your Singer you know quite «
well you are in touch with a Singer Store, wherever you may be
—and that these conditions of convenience will never change.
smarts stores every-
79 Whitehall
Mrs. John J. Martin, who has been
the gui-Ht recently of relative* ut Elber-
ton, will return to Atlanta Sunday
Mrs. William K. Riddle has Joined
her husband. Lieutenant Riddle, U. 8.
N„ at Nashville, where she will spend
a week with Lieutenant Riddle's pa
Miss Inabel Graham, of Augustu, Is
the guest of Atlanta friends.
Miss Flortne Waits has returned tg
Lucy Cobb.
Colonel and Mrs. R. J. Lowry are In
New York city.
hiss Annie Vic Coxart. who In the
guest of Mias May Belle Harrison,
leaves Mondny for her home In Wash
ington. \
Miss Bessie Dobbs wilt return Mon
day from Columbia, S. C, where sic
has been the guest of the Missis
Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Engman, of
Lexington. Ky., are the guests of Mr.
and Mr*. Jefferson Dobbs at their home
on North Boulevard.
Mr. Churles Crankshaw I* expected
home from New York next week.
Mrs. Mattie Montgomery, after an
extended visit to Atlanta. ha« returned
to her home at Greansboro,
Alias Lillie Goldsmith Is the guest of
Mi’s. Edward Hawthorn, In New York.
Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Walker have gone
to Davidson, N. C„ In 'response to a
telegram announcing the Illness of their
son, John, who Is attending college at
that place.
Alls* Mamie TubervlUe has been the
guest of honor at several entertain
ment* this week. Among them was a
stocking shower by Miss Jennie Ket-
terer Monday afternoon, at her home
«.n Pendleton street. Tuesday afternoon
Mrs. McGregor Alayo entertained with
a handkerchief shower Wednesday aft
ernoon Mrs. Phelan and Miss Phelan
were hostesses at a china shower and
reception In the parlors of the South
ern hoteL The game, “The Bride's Ban
quet," was played snd the prise, a beau
tiful hand-pointed picture of a bride,
was won by Mias Virginia Lyon. Dain
ty refreshments were served, the color
scheme of white and green being car
ried out In the lees. Those present
were Mrs.'French. Mr*. Ost, Mr*. Bran-
han. Airs. Hitch, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs.
Sinclair, Airs. Aluyo, Ur*. II. S. Red
ding. Mrs. Bowden, Airs. Stelnhelmer,
Mrs. Findlay, Airs. Gun-, Mr*. Davis.
All's. Joiner, Airs. Held! Albertson. Mrs.
Wsdley, Allas Mason. .Miss Wilson,
Miss Mary Young, Alts* Virginia Lyon,
Alls* Vay Harris, Miss Anna Wadley.
of Bollnbroke, and AIlss Harrison, of
Mrs. T. J. Jelks and Jlttle Alisa Alary
Jelks, of Ataron, have been the guests
of Captain and Air*. T. H. Paine,
Airs. Thouuis Jelks anil llllh’ AIlss liny
Jelks. who Imre lieen visiting st the home
of Captain and Air*. T. k. Paine, have
returned to llielr homo In Maeon.
Miss lUsiK'h IVhltMon. ef Thomasvflte, Is
In the city, tbe guest of Mrs. II. P,
Hubert. «o» Hterenaos street.
Miss Annie Paine left Wednesday worn
lug for Providence, It. I., where she irlll
spend some time visiting relatives ami
delightful refreshments were served.
Air. and Airs. Given Phelan,’ of Atlanta,
arrived In the city .Thnradny morning, to
attend the Phelati.Tdrhervllle wedding.
You are in touch with the
world if you are a Bell Tele
phone subscriber. Directory
listings close December 1
Call Contract Dept., Main
Should examine John L. Moor* & Son*’
Kryptok Invisible bifocal* tnude Into
one solid piece, yet giving double vis
ion. They are Abend of everything In
the eyeglass line. Made exclusively In
Georgia by John L. Moore & Sons, 42
N. Broad st., Prudential building. •••
Mr*. George Welsh cuter tit tued n uuui
Iwr of frleudM with n delightful Inucbctm
on Friday In honor of Bill* Ham Brumby.
Tho table eon tod eight. At cuMt pinto was
a charming little place card with pink pen-
ell. and each gueet mn rciae*^! to trrlt-j
n toast to the bride. After nil hnd finish-
id. n tiny salt caae, tied irltli white mile;
was parsed uround tiud the tonet* placed
JualUe am) presented to the guest of honor.
is open. So la Old Felt Hat Season.
Bussey will clean and shape yours
like new.
HIMMIm Isaltel Brumby was tl
lone, and received a Ixtok as a prise.Mm
Brumby was presented with a beautiful
gift. The decorations for the table were
In pink. A enf flower rose filled with pink
roses wss the centerpiece, nod caudles
with pink shades and pink ItonYwns com
pleted tbe pleaslug Idea. Those present
on this oecsslon were Miss Karo Brumby,
Mrs. T. M. Brumby, Mrs. I*. t\ Trammell.
Jfij* lijjibe^irumbrj
Miss Uds Welsh and
Kara Brumby with a — T
day afternoon prior to Miss BrumbyV
marriage »t the residence of her sister, j from an extended visit to
The Shirtwaist Club was delightfully
entertained on Wednesday afternoon
by Mrs. Richmond. Progressive 42 was
played, after which a delicious and ap
propriate menu was served. The home
was prettily decorated with bamboo,
palms and cut dowers. In addition to
the dub members, the following ladles
were present: Mesdatnea Smith, of I Thursday evening.
Cordele; Dubose. Cranford. Breedlove, * "• '' *J? an ,
Carroll. Roberts. Oliver. McRee, DO-ISSSt fl spending some weeks
rant and Dalton. Misses Ferrell, Fend- K y l,n -
er. Staten. Jones and Thigpen. | The brilliant wedding of Dr. Alfr
Mrs. A. Converse add Miss Ruth | A. Walker ami AIlss Dora Worthlngt*
dozen of the younger set In serving.
t Mrs. Henry Crameffn has returned
from New York, after a stay of several
Miss Minnie Watts Is visiting her sin
ter, Mrs. Charles Halls.
Mrs. J. L. Hall lias returned from
Nashville, where she acted us matron
of honor to her niece, Miss Annie T.
Williamson, who was married to Mr.
Alexander M. Martin on Tuesday
evening. The bride has visited Mrs.
Hall n number of times and is a great
favorite here.
Misses Ethel and Anna Peizer spent
the week In Prattville, where they wei «
In attendance on the Walker-Worth
ington wedding, which tool; place «>n
Converse. Mrs. M. C. Willis and Miss
Martha Willis attended the marriage
of Miss May Clarke and Mr. J. J.
Harber at Macon on Wednesday after
noon. Miasejj Converse and WIHIa were
attendants nt the marriage.
Among tho VaMofitann who attended
the carnival at Jacksonville this week
were: Air. and Mrs. O. K. Jones, MIsm
Hattie'Bamberg,‘Alias Caroline Row
ell. Afiss Bessie Pendleton and Mrs.
Philip Pendleton.
The Aliases Carson, of Commerce,
Go., are the guests of Mlsa Emma Grif
fin in this city, and have been the re
cipients of many social attentions. Ali*s
Griffin will entertain «t tea In their
honor on Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Dr. A. L. Smith, of Cordele. has
been the guest here this week of her
sister, Mrs. 8. 8. Breedlove.
Miss Ruby Fleming, of Blakely, is
of Prattville, took pluce at the
of Mr. and Airs. W. A. Worthington,
on Wednesday evening. Promptly ut
7:30 o'clock the wedding march sound
ed anil amid lovely palms, ferns anti
flowers the bridal party descended the
stnlm and formed an nhde to the altar
In the drawing room, through which
passed the beautiful young bride on the
arm of her brother, Mr. Allan Worth
ington. meeting Dr. Walker, who stood
with Ids best man, Mr. Frank Smith.
The maids who led tho way were:
.Misses Pelrer. Anna Peizer, of Mont
gomery; Annie Eatl, Louise Walker.
Belle I/eBnrdlaben. of Birmingham, ami
Luclle Wllkerson, of Prattville. The
niatroa of honor was Mrs. J. D. Mc
Queen, of Euluw, and AIlss Julia
Worthington was maid of honor, both
sister of the bride. The ceremony
3Ir*. I^bwIs Hoppe. The ktralr borne trns j Kentucky and North Georgia,
tuetef’illy deoorsled with potted plants an*’ Mr and Mrs J C Fullwood of Mu-
chrysanthemums. The dining room was In r ‘visitors to Valdosta ths
pink. The table wss gleam*”* **•♦»* *•••». I con * " e i® to vamosta tnis
dies and silver. Mrs. T. 31
presided over tho tea table.
Wi '
miss uuu; rmiiuiiB. m umncij, i« .followed by s large reception and n
the guest of MIbh Nannie Lou Davis several course supper wufc served, to-
In Vuldoatn. gethej with clunupagiie punch, which
Miss Camilla Stefens has returned I was served throughout the evening.
hits in Tin* young coupb* left for Montgomery
dies and silver. Jlrs, T. Al. Brumby. 1
estdrd over tho tea table. Jlra. George
.>Ish, 3Irs. Mungeon Brumby nnd 3!I%««
Eleanor George assisted In -serving tbe
dainty refreshments. Miss Lois Welsh pre
sided over the punch howl. Miss Brumby
was assisted In receiving by Alls* Haru
Brumby, Mrs Bolin Brumby and Mrs. Ag-
pw tiitsuinn, of Albauy,
Mrs. D. W. Blair entertained about one
hundred and fifty guests on Thursday
afternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock. The callers
wore ushered Into tbe parlor by Mrs, Co*
hen and Mrs. Dunklin Reynolds. The par
In receiving by her sister. Airs. McKensic,
Mrs. 11111 Bull and Mrs. Albert Dobbs. 1
The gnests were taken Into the tlhihig
Bill) U IITIILIIIUR Ml«<l muiit: JUS, t.
Iteade. Jlrs. George Montgomery and Mlsa
I.outse Auderson. The color scheme In the
dining room wss pink. The centerpiece «u
the (lining tnblu was of piuk chrysanthe
mums and Inu^ plpk streamers reached from
Airs. Joseph Ralne returned Satur- I Jlrs. J. 8. Gattford lisa returned from
day from Phltndslphln. j» rf»« "t •* Whit* Hprings,
■Sir, Httmllton Dongles, Jr.. Is In th<’ job™Walker.Kllrgo^X.
Tlie many Grand* of Mr. and ilrs.
Derltt Pinson trill be grieved to know
of the crtticel Illness of Mr. Pinson’s
father, Dr. J. L. Pinion.
Mrs. Charles Sciplt has returned from
New York. Mr. and Mrs. Ho I pie are
occupying their home on Kimball
Mra. Boykin Robinson Is still quits
ill at the Astor hotel In New York.
Mra. \V. L. Peel and Mis. Marlon
Peel left Friday for New York.
Mrs. Robert Alston Is spending a few
days in Savannah, t
Mr. John J. Woodslde. Jr., who Is
attending a university, will spend Sun
day In the city.
Iter, mid Mr-. J. \V. (Josrtermsn. who
n siisklnK
nwwrr .>iuuuny a*icrnmiii, jit*. AleGrcgor
Jlayo a handkerchief shower on Tuesday
afternoon, and Mra, Phelan a nveptlon and
chlnn shower on Wednesday afternoon, In
honor of JIUs Jlamle Turberrme.
Alias Julia Whitehead returned to her
home In this dty Tuesday morning, after
a pleasant visit of a few; day In Jacksonf
A#*, w.mmmmm
at Tarboro, X. where
the pink
tiers of l_
iisshI over pink, and ....
spouded with the eolor scheme. Airs. F.
L. l*reyer nnd Jlrs. George Keeler pre
sided over the coffcj* table, which wss
placed In the library, nnd In here the color
carried' out lu detail was yellow. Little
Misses liobba nnd Kara Anderson assisted
In this room. Jlrt. Jlorgnn McXeel pre*
sided over the punch bowl, assistetl by
for tbe ocenslnti.
Mrs, Fred 31 orris wss at borne to about
one hundred ladles on Katurdsy afternoon,
the occasion l*elug Iter tenth oiudversary.
Her lovely little borne was profusely d
oruteiLwlrh % '* ‘ * - - -
potted plants and ent flowers/
goiues>‘, Jlrs. W. A. DnPre an<l
comb, of Atlanta. The dining ruimruii»
lu green and white. Tbe centerpiece was n
tall silver dish, banked with green tiud
white spun candy balls. Tbe candle shades
[were gieen arid the bonbon* wer»» green
ami wnlte. Cluuy lace pieces over green
adorned the table. A delirious salad eourse
|was served. Those assisting lu the dhilugr
sud Miss Willie jean . .... ...
punch. lu the saute room were placed the
many useful and unique articles In tin re
ceived by the hostess In memory of tbe
sttend the wedding of her niece.
It. 0. Black I-ft Wednesday areulug for
Perry. Gs., where he will spend s few dsyg.
J. F. Rrerett. Jr., of Fort Valley, (fa.,
s spending s few dsys in the city with
ds sister, Mrs. J. W. Daslel* on MlUer
treet. *
Little AJlss Margaret Res roan delightfully
mnl9cr of her friends at her
or ner son, nor uewrnr.
Mrs. Agncw llilsinau, of Allmny, Is tbe
guest of Jlrs. W. I. Heyward.
Mr*, f. L. Met'andllsli. Miss KImi nnd
Miss Jlsry Mcraudllsb lire visiting frletids
In the city.
Jlrs, George L, Pescbaw, 4 of Wilmington,
X. G., Is visiting her porentV. Mr. nnd Jlrs.
Charles Wllllnslmiu.
Miss JIary Ktroug. of Atlsnta, la tbe
guest of Miss Mary <:<Wy.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Ilalre spent several
days In tbe eity last «week.
Mrs. Morgan McXeel fare a delightful
bridge party on Frtdsv commemorative of
bee birthday. After thejrame, a delicious
limcbeoti was served. Tboa*. present on
this delightful occasion wen* Jlrs. C. W.
DuPre, Mr*. Ralph Xorthcutt. Jlrs. W. A.
DnPre, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Fred Jlorris, Jlrs.
E. B. rreytr. Mrs. George Jloutgoutery
snd Jim. McXeel.
Airs. 8adie Webb pe CampL of De-
moiMdls. Is visiting Airs. Jame* Ferrall
at her hom£ on Alonroe street.
Among those from Montgomery who
attended the Fumlaa-Hooper wedding
In Selma Tuesday evening, were: Mr.
anil Mre. David Whetstone, Mesdames
Walls, Efsbury, Little and Whaley,
Misses Fannie Mathews and Eftle May
The Tuesday Card Club was delight
fully entertained by Mra. W. 8. Wafts I
this week at her home, onjjprry street,
Allas Marj’ Johnson wlnnmg the dub
price, a vanltay box, the guest prise, a
plate, falling to Air*. Alason Posey, of
Washington, a former member of the
club. i 1
FTIends of Miss Ilettle Marks will be
glad to Hnow she Is much better. .She?
Is In Texas visiting friends.
Mrs. J. B. Danfuth, of Birmingham.;
Is visiting her mother. Airs. *D. C.
The w edding of Air. Walker Wlllla,
and Mins Annie Lowe was solemnized j
at the home of the bride's parents. Air. I
and Mrs. Dave Lowe, on Wednesday f
evening. A profusion of fem* nnd
white carnations formed a temporary
altar, while around the bride were
gathered the close friends of her girl
hood, all In tfhlte, each carrying bou
quets of white chrysanthemum*. AIlss
Balife Grace Beale with Afiss Roberta
Roberts. Miss Lottie Wyley, of Atlantn.
and AIlss Effie Alay Wagner. Next to
the bride stood AIlss Ault* Willis, sis
ter to the groom and maid of honor.
The groom was accompanied by Air.
A. M. Avery, Jr., of Pensacola. The
bride Is one of Montgomery'* most at
tractive young women, beloved by ut!
who know her, and Air. Willis Is a very
popular man in the soefa! and business
world of this city.
On the 13th the Alisses Norwood will
entertain In honor of Miss Luclle Lalx y
at a linen shower.
Miss Roberta Roberts left Thursday I
for Washington to visit AIlss JRgfe i
Miss Katherine Jordan is In the city. >
the guest of Miss Clement Alack*.
Mrs. Mason Poeey, of Washington.;
formerly Miss Janie Bee), Is visiting I
her sistfir, Mrs. Lucius Gaston.
One of the pretty affairs of the week
was a linen shower which Alls* Hallle)
G. Beale gave Miss Annie Lowe on
Monday afternoon. The color schema. I
green and white, was carried out In
decorating the home, nnd in the re-1
freshment*. The wedding hell, made
of w’hlte carnations, contained the
dainty gifts which were showered upon •
the youthful bride, when the ribbon*!
were pulled by little AIlss Beale. AIlss
Beale had to assist her. Misses Met- i
calf Halls. Mrs. Wyley. of Atluntj; 1
Mrs. Willis, of Pensacola, afld half a
on a special train, and then for North
ern points, where they will bo for sev
eral weeks. After December 1 they
will be at home, 1730 Eighth avenue,
Mr. Bolfsuillet to 8pesk.
Special to The Georgian.
Macon, Ga^ Nov. 17.—Preparations
for the annual lodge of sorrow of the
Elk% to be held on Hunday afternoon,
December 2. In Alacon, have been com
pleted and the orator of the occasion
will be Hon. John T. Bolfeuillet. An
excellent musical program will be s
feature of the exerclso.