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Talton receives scholarship
Westfield senior Lee Talton, center, was awarded the Rotary Club Hugh Hill Scholarship
recently. Talton (who is Hill's grandson) and Westfield Headmaster Michael Drake, right,
were guests of the club at their regular meeting Monday, May 16. Also pictured is Rotary
President Skip Dawkins.
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PES Braves All-A’s team members
The following Perry Elementary students were recently named to the school's Braves
All-A's team for making all A’s on their report card during the latest grading period:
Cory Emerson, front row left, Sammy Calloway, Kellan Graham and Jessica Green from
Mrs. Di Lanier's class; Ramon Foster and Vivian Slu from Mrs. Ethelyn Ekorlkoh's
class; Josh Crockett, back row left, Philip Gentry, Erik Shlpes, Courtney Thrift and
Coby Willard from Mrs. Rose McKinney's class.
PHS graduate announces
opening of local law office
Pamela Canady Richardson, a
1984 graduate of Perry High
School, and Barbara Renee'
Edwards, announce the opening of
the legal firm of Richardson and
Edwards. The firm is located at 901
Northside Drive in Perry, and
opened its doors to the public on
May 3, 1994.
Ms. Richadson received her B.A.
from the University of North
Carolina, and her Juris Doctor from
Walter F. George School of Law.
During her law school years Ms.
Richardson was employed as a law
clerk at the U.S. Attorney's Office
in Macon and as a research assistant
for a Mercer University Law School
Professor. After successfully
completing law school and passing
the Georgia Bar Exam, Ms.
Richardson joined a Macon based
law firm.
Ms. Edwards received her B.A.
from Mercer University and her
Juris Doctor from Walter F. George
School of Law. Ms. Edwards was
formerly employed as a legal
assistant at Georgia Legal Services
and Macon's City Attorney's Office.
After graduating from law school
May 21 & 22
sth Dixie Rod &
Custom Classic
Georgia National
Fairgrounds, Perry-GA
100’s & 100’s of Rods,
Customs, Classics &
Muscle Cars thru’72!
l, V. llm^rtC he >
so2* Swap Meet^~~
Manufacturer Exhibits
Model/Pedal Cars
Arts & Crafts
Friday Night Drags at
Warner Robins Dragway Too!
Qatas Open: Saturday 6-5 • Sunday B-3
Admission: General $6 • Over 60 $4 '
Under 12 FREE
Event Info: 912-923-3714
she joined a small general practice
firm in Macon.
Both attorneys bring to Perry
experience in several areas of civil
and criminal practice, including
personal injury, family law, wills
and estates, corporate law and
criminal defense. Their goal is to
provide quality services at affordable
Plans for a Grand Opening are
underway and the date will be
announced. The firm cordially
invites the public to come in to
meet them
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May Thyme lunceon to be held on May 21
May Thyme, the annual lun
cheon gala sponsored by the
women of All Saints Episcopal
Church, Warner Robins, will take
place Saturday, May 21 at the
Cranshaw's One Horse Farm and
Be sure and partake of the won
derful food, beautiful flowers, pea
cocks, music and gorgeous fash
ions from Welde's, Evelyn's, Oc
casions, Toggery, Strato and
Rodeo Drive. Fine artists will
show their talents including potter
Joy Raynor, soft-sculptor Terry
huddle, portrait artist Alis Jones,
floral designer Barbara Griffin and
antique dealer and designer Kitty
Barfield to name a few.
In addition to a delicious lunch
of a variety of salads and home
made breads with tea and other
beverages, guests will enjoy a
bake shop and herb tent on the
grounds. There will be door prizes
and the promise of a special after
noon well spent.
Tickets are available by calling
Linda Christie at 923-1791. No
tickets will be sold at the door.
May 20-21: Southern
National Spring Horse &
Tack Sale: Friday, 6:30 p.m.,
tack for sale; Saturday, 12 p.m.,
Quarter and Paint horse auction.
Free admission to the general
public. For more information call
May 20-22: SE Antiques
& Collectibles Market 2 p.m.
to 6 p.m., Friday; 9 a.m. to 6
p.m., Saturday; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
Sunday. Admission $2. For more
information call 912/994-9882.
May 21-22: sth Dixie Rod
and Custom Classic Saturday,
8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sunday, 8 a.m.
to 3 p.m. Admission: $6/adults,
$4/senior citizens, free/under 12.
Car show and swap meet. For
more information call 510/838-
Please Note items on urn
calendar are subject to
change. Call 987-3247 to
confirm each event.
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The May Thyme Luncheon Is an annual event held at the
Cranshaw's One Horse Farm and Gardens
Price is $12.50 per person with
proceeds benefiting church pro
jects and outreach efforts in Mid-
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The luncheon will be served
from 11:30 a.m. until 2 p.m.
m> Yffll
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