Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, May 18,1994 "Houston Ttnes-Journa!
Page 2A
Buckle up, from 1A —
While admitting that it has been
an extremely difficult six months
without Rad, Joan Dorsett said she
has been excited about this cam
paign since it was first presented to
her several weeks ago.
She also admits to being a little
nervous about going on camera
Monday, but did quite well when it
was her turn to speak. She turned in
a convincing, touching performance
without rehearsal ... she didn’t
have to rehearse, because she wasn’t
acting .. .living her life and living
it without Rad-her only son-is as
real as it gets.
“If Rad’s death brings about any
good in any way; if just one kid can
profit from what happened to him;
if just one life can be saved, then
this tragedy will finally seem to
have a reason,” Mrs. Dorsett said
following the commercial taping.
Hot rods, from 1A
Additionally, there will be an
arts and crafts fair, a car modelers
contest, a swap meet, a car corral
where cars will be for sale and a
“Manufacturer’s Midway” featuring
the latest in rod ready equipment
and custom auto accessories.
Live entertainment will be pro
vided both days by “Endless Sum
mer”, a five-person, high-energy
band specializing in rock and roll
music from the decades of the 50’s
Honors, from 1A
by Rogers to William Chestnut,
Jamie J. Dortch, Amelia A. Greene,
Holly A. Hartley, Ashley E.
McCord, Courtney B. Nuss, Todd
S. Rigdon, David G. Walker and
Autumn L. West.
•Kellie Harold and Schyler West
received Presidential Academic
Fitness Awards from Rogers.
•Kelli Harold, Rocky Swift and
Schyler West received Governor's
Scholarship Awards from Rogers.
•Rocky Swift was the recipient of
the National Merit Program Award
presented by Rogers.
•Kelli Harold received the
Principal’s Leadership Award pre
sented by Arrington.
•Literary Awards were presented
by Janette Anderson to the follow
ing students in specific categories:
Martha Drake for Girls
Extemporaneous Speaking; Lawton
Pearson for Boys Extemporaneous
Speaking; Holly Hartley for Girls
Oral Interpretation; Alan Hamilton
for Personal Essay and Boys Oral
Interpretation; Susanna Turner for
Piano; Justin Blocker, Jake Walls,
Travis Watson and Schyler West for
Boys Quartet; Schyler West for
Boys Solo; Mary Margaret Brannen
for Girls Solo; Autumn West for
Spelling; Sean Christy for Boys
Essay; Amy Anderson for Girls
Essay; Amy Anderson, Lea Brannen
and Anna Greene for Girls Trio;
Scott Christy, Sean Christy, Lane
Coffee, Martha Drake, Kim Kelly,
Lawton Pearson, David Walker and
Schyler West for Debate; Amy
Anderson, Katie Arnold, Becky
Bledsoe, Mary Margaret Brannen,
Kelly Coleman, Leslie Davis, Anna
Greene, Nathan Greer, Holly
Hartley, Andrea Kirk, Lawton
Pearson, Susanna Turner, Travis
Watson, Autumn West and Schyler
West for One-Act Play.
•Academic Bowl Team Awards
were presented to Mary Margaret
Brannen, Alex Gambill, Kim
Kelly, Lawton Pearson, Rocky
Larry Harvey
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The “Be R.A.D.Ical” Campaign bumper stickers will look like this,
except In color.
“If it will help someone else in any
way, it will be wonderful.”
In addition to the commercial
and the bumper stickers, the latter
of which as been funded by a num
ber of corporate and individual
sponsors and should be distributed
starting late this week, Sgt. Parker
added that he is also presently
looking for corporate sponsors to
fund a proposed “Buckle-Up” t
If sponsored, the sponsoring
For the novice fan, a street rod is
described as a modified car or truck
manufactured through 1948, while
modified and customized cars and
trucks of 1949-1962 vintage are
commonly referred to as early
Classics include the 1955-1957
Chevies, T-Birds, Corvettes and
others, while muscle cars were the
“in” vehicles form 1962 through
Swift and Schyler West by Doug
•Martha Drake, Alex Gambill,
Kim Kelly and Rocky Swift re
ceived Southeastern Academic
Challenge Awards from Crosby.
•Ninth Grade Subject Awards were
presented to the following students
in specific categories by Ruth
Cross: Jill Dortch, Amy Harold and
Claire Hart for Algebra I; Rosemary
Mathias for Algebra II; Michael
Bowden, Margaret Dudley and Mary
Katherine Walker for Computer I;
Alan Hamilton, Jennifer Jones and
Mary Katherine Walker for English
I; Alan Hamilton, Jennifer Jones
and Matthew Watson for French I;
Bryant Bledsoe, Rosemary Mathias
and Matthew Watson for Physical
Science; Chip Davis, Rosemary
Mathias and Mary Katherine Walker
for Spanish I.
•Tenth Grade Subject Awards were
presented to the following students
in specific categories by Jean
Floyd: Jamie Dortch, Anna Greene,
Holly Hartley and Todd Rigdon for
Biology; Holly Hartley, Todd
Rigdon and Autumn West for
English II; Anna Greene, Courtney
Nuss and Todd Rigdon for
Geometry; Anna Greene, Holly
Hartley and Todd Rigdon for
Spanish II; Jamie Dortch, Holly
Hartley and Todd Rigdon for World
•Eleventh Grade Subject Awards
were presented to the following stu
dents in specific categories by
Deborah Thompson: Martha Drake
and Michael Williams for Algebra
II; Amy Anderson, Sean Christy
Jwniors'/Misses & Plus Sizes
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company could, if desired, have
their logo, printed on the back. The
t-shirts would then be sold for $8 or
$9 each with all proceeds being
used to defray printing costs and to
continue the “Buckle Up” program
throughout the year.
For more information or to
become a sponsor, contact Sgt.
Parker at 987-1100 or Melanie
Elliott at the Houston County
Extension Agency, 987-2028.
The Goodguys Rod and Custom
Association, presenters of this
weekends show, produce similar
events in 11 states from
Washington to Georgia and from
California to New York year-round.
They are headquartered in Alamo,
For more information on the
show, call the Georgia National
Fairgrounds and Agricenter at 987-
and Lawton Pearson for Algebra
111/Trigonometry; Scott Christy,
Lawton Pearson and Susanna
Turner for Chemistry; Keith Davis
and Leslie Davis for Computer II;
Lawton Pearson for Creative
Writing; Becky Bledsoe, Leslie
Davis and Lawton Pearson for
French IV; Amy Anderson for
Journalism; Becky Bledsoe for
Sociology; Scott Christy, Keith
Davis and Martha Drake for U.S.
•Twelfth Grade Subject Awards
were presented to the following stu
dents in specific categories by
Janette Anderson: Lee Talton and
Lon Talton for Algebra
111/Statistics; Kelli Harold, Troy
Nuss and Laurie Thompson for
Advanced Math/Calculus; Kelli
Harold, Kim Sparrow, Travis
Watson and Schyler West for
English IV; Lawton Pearson, John
Shipley and Schyler West for
Government; Rachel Slappey,
Rocky Swift and Schyler West for
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Kelli Harold and Tori DeLoach for
Journalism; Kim Sparrow, Rocky
Swift and Schyler West for Modem
European History; Miles Lancaster,
Troy Nuss and Rachel Slappey for
Physics; Tori DeLoach and Kim
Sparrow for Sociology.
Legal Deadline
Is Monday
At 12 Noon
Carter, from ia
Washington and holds a Bachelor of
Arts degree in Sociology.
After joining the Army in 1965
and enjoying a very distinguished
and decorated military career which
spanned two decades, he retired in
1985 and embarked on an equally
impressive civilian career which
started with the Boeing Corp. in
Seattle, Washington. In 1987, he
joined the Northrop Corp. in
He transferred from California to
Perry in the summer of 1988 and
has been applauded for his signifi
cant enhancement of organizational
effectiveness and has even received
the company’s “Special Program
Excellence Award” since coming
While in the Army, Carter re
ceived a direct commission in Intel
ligence in 1970 and served with the
U.S. Special Forces as a green
beret. He tompleted multiple com
bat tours of duty to places like
Vietnam and Okinawa; served in a
myriad of command and staff posi
tions in the intelligence and law en
forcement communities with
proven leadership, fiscal responsi
bility and oversight of multi-mil
li<?n dollar operating budgets and
hundreds of personnel; and was
also the recipient of numerous
future of our county. Do I think I
can change everything? No, cer
tainly not! Will I work with and for
all the citizens of Houston County?
Most definitely. I think I can offer
some leadership for the county in
this position and feel very strongly
about becoming more involved.”
Currently a site security manager
for the Northrop Plant in Perry,
Carter was bom in California and
grew up in Coos Bay, Oregon. He
is an honor graduate from Saint
Martin’s College in Olympia,
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combat and meritorious service
awards including the Legion of
Outside of work, Carter , who
says he has always been a firm be
liever in community involvement,
has served as a both a member of
the architectural standards commit
tee and a director for a local home
owners association, is a past vice
president and the current president
elect for the Perry Lions Club and
is a member of the Perry Area
Chamber of Commerce.
He says he has sat in on
numerous Houston County
Commission meetings over the
past two years; has researched the
county budget line by line; and
made it a personal practice to keep
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tip with local concerns even before
he decided to run for the Post 2
He and his wife of 23 years,
Irene, have one daughter, Kathryn,
21, a graduate of Perry High School
and a current graduate student at
Middle Georgia College in
They have built a home in the
Houston Lake Country Club area
and enjoy playing golf together in
their spare time.
“Bottom line is that I believe in
-being involved,” Carter said, con
cluding the interview. “I am not
here to buck the establishment I
realize the county commission is a
team and would love to become a
part of that team.”
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