Newspaper Page Text
Under and by virtue of the Power of
Sale contained in a Security Deed given
by John N. Clark to Collateral Investment
Company, dated September 30, 1986,
recorded in Deed Book 737, Page 510,
Houston County, Georgia Records, as last
transferred to AmSouth Mortgage
Company, Inc. by assignment to be
recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the
Superior Court of Houston County,
Georgia, conveying the after-described
property to secure a Note in the original
principal amount of FORTY FIVE
FIVE & NO/100 DOLLARS ($45,955.00),
with interest thereon as set forth therein,
there will be sold at public outcry to the
highest bidder for cash before the
courthouse door of Houston County,
Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on
the first Tuesday in September, 1994, the
following described property:
All that tract or parcel of land, lying and
being in Land Lot 171, Fifth District of
Houston County, Georgia, and being
Apartment No. 201-D, Building 24 of
Featherstone Condaminium, Phase 1,
Section 1, as shown on a plot plan prepared
by Waddle & Co., dated September 4,
1974, and numbered Page 2, which said
plot plan together with sheets 1 through 25
inclusive are on file with the office of the
Clerk of the Superior Court of Houston
County, Georgia, having been filed with
the Declaration of Featherstone
Condominium, as amended, which if of
record in Deed Book 414, Pages 179-271,
Clerk’s Office, Houston Superior Court.
Said plot plan and drawings on file with
said Clerk are incorporated herein and
made a part of this description.
Also includes: range/oven, dishwasher,
garbage disposal, vent fan, wall to wall
carpet and trash oompactor.
Thedebt secured by said Security Deed
has been and is hereby declared due
because of, among other possible events
of default, failure to pay the indebtedness
as and when due and in the manner
provided in the Note and Security Deed.
The debt remaining in default, this sale will
be made for the purpose of paying the
same and all expenses of this sale, as
provided in the Security Deed and by law,
including attorney's fees (notice of intent
to Collect attorney’s fees having been
Said property will be sold subject to
any outstanding ad valorem taxes
(including taxes which are a lien, but not
yet due and payable), any matters which
might be disclosed by an accurate survey
and inspection of the property, any
assessments, liens, encumbrances,
zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants,
and matters of reoord superior to the
Security Deed first set out above.
To the best knowledge and belief of the
undersigned, the party in possession of
the property is John N. Clark or a tenant or
tenants and said property is more
commonly known as 201 Featherstone
Drive, Warner Robins, GA 31088.
AmSouth Mortgage Company, Inc.
as Attorney in Fact for
John N. Clark
S. H. McCalla
McCalla, Raymer, Padrick, Cobb,
Nichols - Clark
56 Perimeter Center East, N.E., Fifth
Atlanta, Georgia 30346
SHM/mdd 9/ 6/94
Our file no. KIBB2-1 -6693
8-46 8/10-8/31
Under and by virtue of the Power of
Sale contained in a Security Deed given
by Hawaii Thorpe and Marion Thorpe to
Georgia Federal Bank, FSB, dated July 1,
1985, recorded in Deed Book 688, Page
441, Houston County, Georgia Records,
conveying the after-descnbed property to
secure a Note in the original principal
($23,600.00), with interest thereon as set
forth therein, there will be sold at public
outcry to the highest bidder for cash before
the courthouse door of Houston County,
Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on
the first Tuesday in September, 1994, the
following described property:
All that tract or parcel of land situate,
lying and being in Land Lot 219 of the sth
Land District of Houston County, Georgia,
known as Parcel 99 consisting of. 15 acres
according to a survey for the Department
of Community Developnent of the City of
Warner Robins, a copy of which is recorded
in Plat Book 26, Page 104-107, Clerk's
Office, Houston Superior Court
Said plat and the record thereof are
made a part here of by reference.
The above described property is the
same as that which is shown on Plat Book
6, Page 149, said Clerk’s Office. The
property Is the same as that conveyed
from Woodrow W. Colbert to E. Williams
by warranty deed recorded in Deed Book
294, Page 501, said Clerk’s Office, wherein
said tract was designated Lot 10 consisting
of .15 acres.
The debt secured by said Security Deed
has been and is hereby declared due
because cf, among other possible events
of default, failure to pay the indebtedness
as and when due and in the manner
provided in the Note and Security Deed.
The debt remaining in default, this sale will
be made for the purpose of paying the
same and all expenses of this sale, as
provided in the Security Deed and by law,
including attorney's fees (notice of intent
to collect attorney’s fees having been
Said property will be sold subject to
any outstanding ad valorem taxes
(including taxes which are a lien, but not
yet due and payable), any matters which
might be disclosed by an accurate survey
and inspection of the property, any
assessments, liens, encumbrances,
zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants,
and matters of record superior to the
Security Deed first set out above.
To the best knowledge and belief of the
undersigned, the party in possession of
the property is Hawaii Thorpe and Marion
Thorpe or a tenant or tenants and said
property is more commonly known as 100
Wall Street, Warner Robins, GA 31093.
First Union National Bank of GA sbm
Georgia Federal Bank, FSB
as Attorney in Fact for
Hawaii Thorpe and Marion Thorpe
S. H. McCalla
McCalla, Raymer, Padrick, Cobb,
Nichols & Clark
56 Perimeter Center East, N.E., Fifth
Atlanta, Georgia 30346
SHM/dcm 9/ 6/94
Our file no. 4-K2056-6879
8-47 8/10-8/31
Underand by virtue of the Powerof Sale
contained in a Security Deed given by
Howard T. Hubbard and Alma J. Hubbard to
Sun Trust Mortgage, Inc., dated September
20,1990, recorded in Deed 800k893, Page
673, Houston County, Georgia Records,
conveying the after-described property to
secure a Note in the original principal amount
DOLLARS ($89,169.00), with interest
thereon as set forth therein, there will be
soldat public outcry to the highest bidderfor
cash before thecourthousedoorof Houston
County, Georgia, within the legal hours of
sale on the first Tuesday in September,
1994, the following described property:
All that tract or parcel of land situate,
lying and being in Land Lot 50 of the Tenth
Land District of Houston County, Georgia,
and in the City of Perry, being known and
designated as Lot 17, Block“A", of Oak Hill
Subdivision and being more particularly
shown on a plat of survey dated November
16, 1984, prepared by Richard L. Jones,
Registed Surveyor No. 1591, said plat of
survey recorded in Plat 800k27, Page 180,
Clerk’s Office, Houston Superior Court. Said
plat and the recorded copy thereof are
incorporated herein by reference thereto.
The debt secured by said Security Deed
has been and is hereby declared due
because of, among otherpossible events of
default, failure to pay the indebtedness as
and when due and in the manner provided
in the Note and Security Deed. The debt
remaining in default, this sale will be made
for the purpose of paying the same and all
expenses of this sale, as provided in the
Security Deed and by law, including
attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect
attorney’s fees having been given).
Said property will be sold subject to any
outstanding ad valorem taxes (including
taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and
payable), any matters which might be
disclosed by an accurate survey and
inspection of the property, any assessments,
liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances,
restrictions, covenants, and matters of
record superior to the Security Deed first set
out above.
To the best knowledge and belief of the
undersigned, the party in possession of the
property is Howard T. Hubbard and Alma J.
Hubbard or a tenant or tenants and said
property is more commonly known as 1225
Oak Hill Circle, Perry, GA 31069.
Sun Trust Mortgage, Inc.
as Attorney in Fact for
Howard T. Hub-ard and Alma J.
S. H. McCalla
McCalla, Raymer, Padrick, Cobb,
Nichols & Clark
56 Perimeter Center East, N.E., Fifth
Atlanta, Georgia 30346
SHMymdd 9/ 6/94
Ourfile no. K 0313-1-12347
8-48 8/10-8/31
City of Perry:
Houston County, Georgia
There will be sold at public outcry before
the Court House door in Perry, Houston
County, Georgia, during the legal hours of
sale, to the highest bidder for cash, on the
First Tuesday in September, 1994, the
following real estate, to-wit:
Those certain lots or parcels of land
situate, lying & being in the City of Perry,
Houston County, GA, known & designated
as Lots Nos. 7 & 8 in Hilltop Subdivision
therein,having such shape, metes, bounds,
courses & distances as are shown on a plat
of survey of said subdivision prepared by
Rhodes Sewell, Surveyor, on June 1,1954,
a copy of said plat being of record in Map
Book 3, page 262, Clerk’s Office, Houston
Superior Court.
Said property levied upon as the property
of Lasseter, Ida Lee, Defendant in Fi. Fa. to
satisfy tax fi. fa. for the year (s) 1993, issued
by City of Perry, against said Defendant in
Fi. Fa. Tenant in possession of said premises
notified: January 21 1994 This 7th day of
City Marshall, City of Perry
8-49 8/10-8/31
Owner Mailing Address: c/o Bernard
Lasseter, 114 Dyches Dr, Savannah, GA
P 36-49
City of Perry:
Houston County, Georgia
There will be sold at public outcry before
the Court House door in Perry, Houston
County, Georgia, during the legal hours of
sale, to the highest bidder for cash, on the
First TuesdaY in September 1994, the
following real estate, to-wit:
All that tract or parcel of land lying &
being in Land Lot 48 of the Tenth Land
District, City of Perry, GA, & being Lot 4,
Block C, Creekwood Estates Subdivision
as shown on plat of survey by Milton
Beckham, Surveyor, dated December 1,
1965, revised Septem be r 21,1966 & e copy
of which is recorded in Map Book 13, page
105 in the Clerk's Office, Houston Superior
Court. j
Said property levied upon as the property
of Lasseter, Unice&lda Lee Defendant in Fi.
Fa. to satisfy tax fi. fa. for the year (s) 1993,
issued by City of Perry, against said
Defendant in Fi. Fa. Tenant in possession
of said premises notified: January2l,l994.
This 7th day of April, 1994
City Marshall, City of Perry
8-50 8/10-8/31
There will be sold at public outcry to the
highest and best bidder for cash, between
the legal hours of sale before the County
Courthouse door in Houston County,
Georgia On the First (Ist) Tuesday in
Septemberin 1994, thefollowingdescribod
property to wit.
All that tract or parcel of land lying and
being in the Fifth Land District of Houston
County, Georgia, and in the City of Warner
Robins, being the southeast half of Lot 5 in
Block V of Warner Robins Manor
Subdivision, according to a plat of survey of
Blocks A, U and V of said subdivision made
by E. L. Gostin, C.E., on October 30,1947,
revised on January 26,1948, a copy of said
revised plat being of record in Map Book 2,
page 192, Clerk's Office, Houston Suprioer
Court. Reference is also made to a plat of
record in Plat Book 5, page 272, said
Clerk’s office. Said plats and the recorded
copies thereof are hereby made a part of
this description by reference thereto. Said
lan d is further described back in a
northwesterly direction for a distance of
83.8 feet on the southeast line, a distance
of 92 feet on the northwest line, and being
21.65 feet along the northeast line.
Said property levied upon as the
property of Jack 0 Davis, Defendant in Fi
Fa to satisfy fi fa for the years 1992 and
1993 by Sheriff Ex-Officio of Houston
County against said defendant in fi fa.
Tenant in possession of said premises
Map # W-26-A-12
This 12 day of July, 1994.
Juanita Mason, Sheriff Ex-Officio
Houston County, Georgia
8-52 8/10-8/31
There will be sold at public outcry to the
highest and best bidder for cash, between
the legal hours of sale before the County
Courthouse door in Houston County,
Georgia On the First (Ist) Tuesday in
Septemberin 1994, the following described
property to wit:
All that tract or parcel of land lying and
being in the Lower Fifth District of Houston
County, Georgia, and being known as Lot
12, Block “F, of Section II of United Estates
Subdivisions, according to a plat of said
subdivision prepared by S. J. Gostin
Company, Inc., dated October 28, 1960,
revised March 15, 1961, and rerevised
October 27, 1961, and recorded in Map
Book 7, Page 95, Clerk’s Office, Houston
Superior Court. Reference to which plat is
hereby made in aid of a more complete and
accurate description.
A dwelling house and other
improvements are located on said lot.
Said property levied upon as the
property of MARTIE E. AND BETTY
MCINTOSH,, Defendant in Fi Fa to satisfy
fi fa forthe years 1992 and 1993 by Sheriff
Ex-Officio of Houston County against said
defendant in fi fa.
Tenant in possession of said premises
Map# Wl-41-E-6
This 14 day of July, 1994.
Juanita Mason, Sheriff Ex-Officio
Houston County, Georgia
8-53 8/10-8/31
There will be sold at public outcry to the
highest and best bidder for cash, between
the legal hours of sale before the County
Courthouse door in Houston County,
Georgia On the First (Ist) Tuesday in
Septemberin 1994, thefollowingdescribod
property to wit:
Ah that tract or parcel of land lying and
being in the Lower Fifth District of Houston
County, Georgia, and being known as Lot
175, Fifth Land District, Houston County,
Georgia being known and designated as
Lot 3 Block F, Phase No. 2, Section 3,
Briardale Estates Subdivision, according
to a plat thereof of record in Plat Book 6,
page 105, Clerk’s Office, Houston Superior
Court. Said lot has the metes, bounds and
dimensions as shown on said plat which by
this reference is made a part hereof in said
of a more complete and accuirate
Said property levied upon as the
property of Deloris M. Thompson,
Defendant in Fi Fa to satisfy fi fa for the
years 1992 and 1993 by Sheriff Ex-Officio
of Houston County against said defendant
in fi fa.
Tenant in possession of said premises
Map# W-46-K-15
This 12 day of July, 1994.
Juanita Mason, Sheriff Ex-Officio
Houston County, Georgia
8-54 8/10-8/31
There will, be soldat public outcry to the
highest and best bidder for cash, between
the legal hours of sale before the County
Courthouse door in Houston County,
Georgia on the First (Ist) Tuesday in
September 1994, the following described
property to wit:
All those certai.n tracts or parcels of
land situate, lying and being in land Lot 194
of the Fifth Land District of Houston County,
Georgia commonly known and referred to
as the “Sunset naza onupping center,
located at 500-512 Richard B. Russell
Parkway in the City of Warner Robins,
more particularly described as follows:
Parcel No 1
All that tract or parcel of land situate,
lying and being in Land Lot 194 of the Fifth
land Di.strict of Houston County, Georgia,
and being the property heretofore
designated as Lots 1 and 2, Block B, Section
No 1, of a subdivision known as Karen Villa
Estates, as shown on a certain map or plat
of survey of said property prepared by
Waddle Surveying Co., Inc., Surveyor,
certified by Theodore W. Waddle, Georgia
Registered Land Surveyor No 924, dated
Feb 11, 1965, entitled “Property plat for
Eugene Williams", a copy of which is of
record in Map Book 9, Page 211, Clerk’s
Office, Houston Superior Court. Said plat
and the recorded copy thereof are hereby
made a part of this description by reference
thereto for all purposes.
Said property levied upon as the
property of Sunset Plaza Partners, LTD, a
Georgia limited Partnership, Defendant in
Fi Fa to satisfy fi fa for the years 1992 and
1993 issued by Sheriff Ex-Officio of Houston
County against sa:id defendant i.n Fi Fa.
Tenant in possession of said premises
Map # W-33-25
This 11 day of 1994
Juanita Mason
Sheriff Ex-Officio
Houston County, Georgia
8-55 8/10-8/31
There will be sold at public outcry to the
highest and best bidder for cash, between
the legal hours of sale before the County
Courthouse door in Houston County,
Georgia On the First (Ist) Tuesday in
Septemberin 1994, the following described
property to wit
All that tract or parcel of land lying and
being in Land Lot 139 of the Fifth Land
district of Houston County, Georgia, being
known and designated as Lot 7, Dogwood
Park Subdivision, accoridng to a plat of
survey prepared by Rhodes Sewell, dated
March 10,1954 and recorded in Plat Book
Houston Times-Jouma l
3, Page 115, Cleric’s Office, Houston
Suprioer Court. The said plat and the
recorded copy thereof are hereby made a
part of this description by refdrence thereto
for all purposes.
Said property levied upon as the property
of L. A. Reeves, Defendant in Fi Fa to
satisfy fi fa for the years 1992 and 1993 by
Sheriff Ex-Officio of Houston County against
said defendant in fi fa.
Tenant in possession of said premises
Map # 73-H-11
This 12 day of July, 1994.
Juanita Mason, Sheriff Ex-Officio
Houston County, Georgia
8-56 8/10-8/31
There will be sold at public outcry to the
highest and best bidder for cash, between
the legal hours of sale before the County
Courthouse door in Houston County,
Georgia On the First (Ist) Tuesday in
Septemberin 1994, the following described
property to wit:
Ah that tract or parcel of land lying and
being in Land Lot 220, Fifth Land District,
Houston County, Georgia, known and
designated as Lot 17, Block C, Jefferson
Hills subdivision, Extension No 2, according
to a plat of survey made by Waddle
Surveying Company, Inc., and recorded in
Plat Book 7, Page 234, Clerk’s Office,
Houston Superior Court. Said plat and the
recorded copy thereof are hereby made a
part of this description by reference thereto.
Said property levied upon as the property
of Rowena D. Scott, Defendant in Fi Fa to
satisfy fi fa forthe years 1992 and 1993 by
Sheriff Ex-Officio of Houston County against
said defendant in fi fa.
Tenant in possession of said premises
Map # W-9-G-3
This 12 day of July, 1994.
Juanita Mason, Sheriff Ex-Officio
Houston County, Georgia
8-57 8/10-8/31
There will be sold at public outcry to the
highest and best bidder fo cash, between
the legal hours of sale before the County
Courthouse door in Houston County,
Georgia on the First (Ist) Tuesday in
September 1994, the following described
property to wit:
Ah of the land known as lot 9 of a map of
a proposed subdivision of the property of
the Heirs of Isom Stephens Estate located
in L. L. 153 and 154 in the Fifth District of
Houston County Georgia. Said map was
prepared by Robert G. Clements Registered
Land Surveyor and said survey and plat are
a part of this conveyance.
Said property levied upon as the property
of Hubert Stephens, Defendant in Fi Fa to
.satisfy fi fa for the years 1992 and 1993
issued by Sheriff Ex-Officio of Houston
County against said defendant in Fi Fa.
Tenant in possession of said premises
Map # 70-26
This 12 day of July, 1994
Juanita Mason, Sheriff ex-Officio
Houston County, Georgia
8-58 8/10-8/31
There will be sold at public outcry to the
highest and best bidder for cash, between
the legal hours of sale before the County
Courthouse door in Houston County,
Georgia On the First (Ist) Tuesday in
Septemberin 1994, thefollowing described
property to wit:
Ah that tract or parcel of land lying and
being in the Fifth Land District of Houston
County, Georgia, Land Lot 204 and being
more fully described as follows: Beginning
at a point on the west line of Land Lot 204
which is 520 feet south from the point on the
Elberta to Centerville Road where said
road is intersected by the west line of Land
Lot 204 and marked on a plat of survey of
record in Map Book 2, Page2l4, of the Alex
Ferguson landsas“beginning poif. Thence
run south along said westerly line of said
Lot 204 fora fistance of 105 feet to a stake
on sid lot line; thence at left angle in an
easterly direction 210 feet to a stake; thence
at left angle in a northerly direction for a
distance of 105 feet to a stake; thence at left
angle in a westerly direction fora distance
of 210 feet to the point of beginning. Said
tract of land is bounded on the north by
landsof Andrew Ferguson, Sr.,asdescribed
in a deed recorded in Deed Book 70, Page
185, Clerk’s Office, Houston Suprioer Court;
on the west side Dy onginai lana lornne; ana
on south and east by lands now owned by
Jesse Ferguson.
Said property levied upon as the property
of JIMMIE LEE SMITH, Defendant in Fi Fa
to satisfy fi fa for the years 1992 and 1993
by Sheriff Ex-Officio of Houston County
against said defendant in fi fa.
Tenant in possession of said premises
Map # 95-G-9
This 11 day of July, 1994.
Juanita Mason, Sheriff Ex-Officio
Houston County, Georgia
8-59 8/10-8/31
There will be sold at public outcry to the
highest and best bidder for cash, between
the legal hours of sale before the County
Courthouse door in Houston County,
Georgia, on the First (Ist) Tuesday in
September, 1994, the following described
property to wit:
Land Lot 187 in District 205 of Houston
County, Georgia and being in a part of the
Mary Ferguson Estate and known as Lot
No. 10 in the Mary Ferguson Subdivision.
Beginning at a point on South comer of lot
where Evans Drive intersects with Ridge
Drive at an iron marker. Thence 135 feet
West along Evans Drive to iron marker
thence 70 feet north to iron marker thence
122 feet East to iron markeron Ridge Drive,
thence south along Ridge Drive 70 feet to
beginning point, where Evans Drive
intersects with Ridge Drive. This lot is
bounded on South by Evans Drive, and on
West by land of Thomas Anderson, on the
North by land of Mary Ferguson Estate and
on East by Ridge Drive.
Said p roperty levied upon as the property
Defendant in Fi Fa to satisfy fi fa for the
years 1991, 1992, and 1993 issued by
Sheriff Ex-Officio of Houston County against
said defendant in Fi Fa. Tenant in
possession of said premises notified. Map
This 11 day of 1994
Juanita Mason, Sheriff F.x-Officio
Houston County, Georgia
8-60 8/10-8/31
Because of default in the payment of the
indebtedness, secured by a Security Deed
executed by Jerry W. Gilesand CharleneC.
Giles to Fairfield Financial Associates of
Macon, dated the 16th day of November,
1990, and recorded in Deed Book 900,
Page 548, Houston County, Georgia
Records, and lastly assigned to Federal
Home Loan Mortgage Corporation by
Assignment of Note and Security Deed, the
undersigned, Federal Home Loan Mortgage
Corporation, pursuant to said deed and the
note thereby secured, has declared the
entire amount of said indebtedness due
and payable and pursuant to the power of
sale contained in said deed, will on the first
Tuesday in September, 1994, during the
legal hours of sale, at the Courthouse door
in Houston County, sell at public outcry to
the highest bidder for cash, the property
described in said deed to-wit:
All that tract or parcel of land situate,
lying and being in the Wellston Township
within the City limits of Warner Robins,
Georgia, in Land Lot 217, Fifth Land District,
Houston County, Georgia, known and
designated as a portion of Lot 148, Block
“22”, as shown on plat of survey a copy of
thich is of record in Plat Book 1, Page 283,
Clerk’s Office, Houston Superior Court. Said
portion of Lot 148, Block “22”, Wellston
Township, is more fully shown on plat of
survey prepared by Theodore W. Waddle,
Georgia Registered Surveyor No. 924, dated
November 19, 1975, a copy of said plat
being of record in Map Book 18, page 223,
Clerk’s Office, Houston Superior Court. Said
plats and the recorded copies thereof are
hereby made a part of this description by
reference thereto.
which has the property address of 402
Marshall Avenue, Warner Robins, G A 31093
together with all fixtures and other personal
property conveyed by said deed.
The sale will be held subject to any
unpaid taxes, assessments, rights-of-way,
easements, protective covenants or
restrictions, liens, and othersuperior matters
of record which may affect said properly.
Notice has been given of intention to
collect attorneys’ fees in accordance with
the terms of the note secured by said deed.
Said property will be sold as the property
of Jerry W. Giles and Charlene C. Giles and
the proceeds of said sale will be applied to
the payment of said indebtedness, the
expense of said sale, all as provided in said
deed, and the undersigned will execute a
deed to the purchaser as provided in the
aforementioned Security Deed.
Federal Home Loan Mortgage
Corporation, Attorney in Fact for
Jerry W. Giles and Charlene C. Giles
McCurdy & Candler
By Anthony DeMario, Attorney
(404) 373-1612
8-61 8/10-8/31
Because of default in the payment of the
indebtedness, secured by a Security Deed
executed by Douglas Turner and Marva G.
Tumerto Georgia Federal Bank, FSB, dated
the 26th day of August, 1988, and recorded
in Deed Book 817, Page 413, Houston
County, Georgia Records, the undersigned,
First Union National Bank of Georgia,
successor in interest to Georgia Federal
Bank, FSB, pursuant to said deed and the
note thereby secured, has declared the
entire amount of said indebtedness due
and payable and pursuant to the power of
sale contained in said deed, will on the first
Tuesday in September, 1994, during the
legal hours of sale, at the Courthouse door
in Houston County, sell at public outcry to
the highest bidder for cash, the property
described in said deed to-wit:
All that tract or parcel of land situate,
lying and being in Land Lot 228 of the Tenth
Land District of Houston County, Georgia
being known and designated a- Lot 13,
Block “G”, Section N 0.4, Mooreland Acres
Subdivision, according to a plat of survey
prepared by Robert L. Story, dated April 8,
1975, and recorded in Map Book 18, page
97, Clerk’s Office, Houston Superior Court.
Said plat and the recorded copy thereof are
hereby made a part of this description by
reference thereto for all purposes.
which has the property address of 224
Lake Placid Drive, Bonaire, GA 31005
together with all fixtures and other personal
property conyeyed by said deed.
The sale will be held subject to any
unpaid taxes, assessments, rights-of-way,
easements, protective covenants or
restrictions, liens, and other superior
matters of record which may affect said
Notice has been given of intention to
collect attorneys’ fees in accordance with
the terms of the note secured by said
Said property will be sold as the
property of Douglas Tu mer and Man/a G.
Turner and the proceeds of said sale will
be applied to the payment of said
indebtedness, the expense of said sale,
all as provided in said deed, and the
undersigned will execute a deed to the
purchaser as provided in the
aforementioned Security Deed.
First Union National Bank of Georgia,
successor in interest to Georgia Federal
Bank, FSB, Attorney in Fact for
Douglas Turner and Marva G. Turner
McCurdy & Candler
(404) 373-1612
8-62 8/10-8/31
on the 18 day of August, 1994, at 11:30 A.
,M., at the Houston County Courthouse in
Houston County, Georgia, the presiding
Judge of the Superior Court of Houston
County will hear the case of the STATE
OF GEORGIA, Plaintiff, v.
FRITO-LAY, INC., Defendants, Civil Action
File No. 94-V-50929-N in the Superior
Court of Houston County, the same being
a proceeding to confirm and validate an
issue of Development Authority of Houston
County (Georgia) Taxable Revenue Bonds
(Frito Lay, Inc. Project), Series 1994 (the
“Bonds”), in an aggregate principal amount
of $28,970,000. The Bonds are to be
issued by the Development Authority of
Houston County (the “Issuer") for the
purpose of financing, in whole or in part,
the cost of acquiring existing facilities and
acquiring, constructing or installing
additions thereto (the “Project") in Houston
County, Georgia, in order to develop and
promote for the public good and general
welfare trade, commerce, industry and
empioymentopportunitiesand to promote
the general welfa re of the State of Georgia.
Said Project will be financed by the Issuer
forthe benefit of Frito Lay, Inc., a Delaware
corporation qualified to do business in the
State of Georgia, pursuant to a Lease
Agreement, dated as of August 1,1994. In
said proceeding the Court will also pass
upon the validity of said Lease Agreement
and a Trust Indenture in connection
Any citizen of the State of Georgia
residing in Houston County, Georgia, or
any other person wherever residing who
has a right to object, may intervene and
become a party to this proceeding.
This sth day of August, 1994.
8-63 8/10-8/17
The application of Queen Evelyn
Kinchen, widow of JOHNNY JAMES
KINCHEN, deceased, fora Twelve Months
Support for applicant, having been duly
filed, all persons are hereby cited to show
cause, if any they have, on orbefore 10:00
A.M. on the first Tuesday in September,
next, why said application should not be
granted. All objections to the petition must
be in writing, setting forth the grounds of
any such objections, and must be filed at
or before the time stated in the preceding
WITNESS, the Honorable FRANCES
V. ANNIS, Judge
By Betty J. Kees, Chief Clerk, Probate
M. Kirby Wood
415 N. Jefferson Street
Albany, Georgia 31702
8-64 8/10-8/31