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Perry to audit businesses
News Editor
Nearly 120 businesses will be
audited within the next year, with
Houston County looking to check
its personal tax records, said Sher
rill Stafford, Chairman of the Hous
ton County Commission.
In a presentation earlier to the
county commissioners, John Wing
field, vice-chairman of the Houston
County Tax Assessors' Board, told
the commission that the audit was
needed to ensure that the county's
digest was not out of line. If the
county’s digest was out of line,
Wingfield said the state could penal
ize the county.
Wingfield added that the county
could also be losing money from
Hornets, from 5A
Stratford. Westfield defeated the
Cavaliers to start the season. Strat
ford holds the only win this season
over the Hornets, a 17-14 win at
the Hornets nets midway through
the season.
The War Eagles feature David
Coffman at runningback. Coffman
has rewritten the Brentwood record
book this year, accounting for over
2,000 yards on the ground and 27
Hornet coach Ronnie Jones said
that the War Eagle defense was
noted for their physical style of
play. However, he added that the
Hornets were not going to change
anything to play with the War Ea
gles. "Nobody has stopped us," he
Sandersville is located southeast
Westfield, from 5A
down run also gives him ten for the
year, which ties him with MOrton
for the team lead. Going into the
Brookwood game, Allen had carried
the ball 37 times with nine touch
downs, meaning he had scored on
an average of every fourth carry.
Shepley hit Brian Nash with
three crucial passes to keep WEst
ficld drives alive. Nash has now
caught a dozen passes for 216 yards.
The HOmets 34-0 victory was one
of three shutouts in the opening
round of playoffs. Mount de Sales
Ad, from 1A
crous. As a career military officer,
an honor to serve and, when
necessary, defend people like you
who exhibit the values in their
daily lives that this country was
founded on.”
David Dupont is attending
classes at Maryville College outside
of Knoxville, Tenn. He is a sopho-
Chief, from 1A
"I am responsible for everything
that happens within those four
walls," Woods told the club.
Woods said that the Kroger store
had sales of $1.5 million per
month, and employed over 150
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1036-A Macon Street, Perry, GA
uncollected personal taxes. He told
the commissioners that the audit
would enable the county to better
able collect personal taxes.
The audit will cost the county
$75,000, and will be done by out
side C.P.A.s. County Commis
sioner Larry Snellgrove had some
problems during the presentation
about outside contractors doing
what the county could do with its
won personnel.
The auditors will randomly se
lect 119 Houston County personal
tax accounts, and go on-site to ver
ify the personal property and worth
of the property on site. The ac
counts will include samples from
every sized business in the county.
of Milledgeville. To get to Brent
wood, take Interstate 75 to Macon
Take Highway 49 to Milledgeville:
(following the signs to Gray, and
the Gray Highway).
At Milledgeville, take Highway
22 east. After a few miles, the road
will fork off to the right. Take
Highway 24 to Sandersville.
Just before the Sandersville city
limits, the road four-lanes and joins
with Highway 88. Stay with
Highway 88. Take a right at the
second blinking traffic light onto
Linton Road.
Brentwood is located off Linton
The winner of the Brentwood-
Weslfield game will play the win
ner of the Tattnall Square-S.W.
Georgia game.
beat John Milledge 35-0, while
Deerfield dropped FPD 16-0. South
land lost to Southwest Georgia 8-7.
The two teams played to a 7-7 tie
in the regular season. I suppose one
could say the two teams are evenly
Round two of the playoffs Fri
day night sends the Hornets on the
road as they play Brentwood in
Sandersville. Brentwood, the region
four champion, beat Athens Chris
tian 34-8 Friday night.
more at the college and plans to
major in international business and
obtain a minor in French.
David plans on visiting his fa
ther in Washington D.C. for
Thanksgiving. The family has
much to be thankful for and die
McDowells “are a major reason
why,” according to David’s father.
workers, 20 of which were full-time
Woods is a graduate of the Uni
versity of Florida, and has com
pleted some post-graduate work at
the University of Georgia.
Hubert Bennett
Clark, from 6A
dio play by play. I would also love
to be in Warner Robin* for the re
match between the Demons and
Baldwin County, the only team to
beat Warner Robins this year. I
would like to see the shootout at
Lakeside-Evans between the Pan
thers and (he NOrthside Eagles.
Lakeside won the regular season
matchup between the two 44-38,
Panthers, from 5A
John Stephens. "It looks good, and
they came up to try to nail the guy.
"I thought we had it," continued
Stephens. "But, it is never over un
til that last whistle blows. There is
always some semblance of hope."
Perry scored first in a game that
saw the two teams battle equally all
night long.
Early in the first period, the Pan
ther offense struck quickly, as it had
been doing all year long. After ap
pearing to be content to drive the
ball down the Tigers' throat, Perry
put away all pretenses on the fifth
play of the game, with Dexter
Kendrick going 38. yards for the
first of three touchdowns on the
Harris would answer right back,
with Hamler hitting Johnson on a
15 yard touchdown strike. Johnson
would be one of two heroes on the
night for Harris County, rushing
the ball 27 times for 201 yards,
/ thand co/to tooted ftor me ando
"speciadthands''to those coho wordedhard to
hedp me win the Houston Coantcp Boardoft
Bdaeation, Post 6. dJow t / ur<pe ev-ercpone to
word together to improve oar schoodsystem.
Shir deep dower if
Paid for by the candidate.
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thus earning the home field advan
tage this weekend.
One of the best gtunes on the
agenda will be Peach County at
Appling County. The surprising
Appling Pirates were 1-9 last year
but challenged for the regular sea
son region title until the last week,
losing to Dublin Friday night to
give the Irish tire title.
catching the ball three times for 17
yards and completing two of three
passes for 56 yards.
The other thorn in the Panthers
back would be wide receiver Ruall,
who caught seven passes on the
night for 180 yards. Although Ru
all was on the end of only one
touchdown, many of his catches set
up short touchdowns by his Tiger
from 5A
told his team that he might not be
coaching at Thanksgiving.
"The point that I was trying to
make was that we need to play to
day like there was no tomorrow,"
said Stephens.
Stephens did say that he had not
made any plans to step down as
head coach at Perry.
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