Newspaper Page Text
Writer challenges Johnson's
opinions on Spreweil s penal
See page 4A
Volume 127,
No. 12
2 Sections,
20 Pages
March 25, 1998
50 Cents
At the
This Week
Agricenter host to
Education conference
The Georgia Ag Education
Conlcrcncc continues through
March 25 at the Georgia
National Fairground and
Also scheduled this week is
the Georgia State WBt’CI
Airstrcam Kalis. March 2 s 2 l (
Almost 2.000 teen-agers
will descend on the
Fairgrounds March 26 lor the
annual Houston Counts Board
of Education Teen Health
Scheduled h>r March 28 is
the Frito l.a> Truck Driving
Planned for March 28-29 is
a miniature horse show
Food offered
Two area civic clubs are
preparing tor feeding residents
of Perry
Members of the Perry
Rotary Club will offer Boston
butts for Faster The hams w ill
be available for pickup April
11 from 9 am I pm. ai the
Perry Shrine Club barbecue
pit next to the Sandman Motel
along Courtney Hodges
Tickets are SIS each and
can be obtained from anv
Rotary member.
Members of the Perry
Shrine Club will host their
spring barbecue April IS at the
club pits Plates. S 5 each, will
include barbecue and the trim
mings and will be available
from noon-6 p.m
Pizza , spaghetti on
school menu
Here are menus lor the
Houston County public
schools for lunch and break
last Milk is served with all
March 25 Breakfast
Breakfast pi//a or cereal and
toast, fruit or fruit juice, milk.
Lunch: hot dog or hamburger
or PBJ sandwich, two vegeta
bles. two fruits, shortcake with
fruit topping.
March 26 Breakfast
Sausage biscuit or cereal and
toast, fresh fruit or fruit juice;
Lunch: Submarine sandwich
or Southern chicken w/roll or
PBJ sandwich, two vegeta
bles. two fruits, manager s
choice dessert
March 27 Breakfast:
Manager s choice or cereal
and toast, fruit or fruit Juice
Lunch:- Piz/a or manager's
choice or PBJ sandwich, two
vegetables, two fruits oatmeal
March 30 Breakfast
Manager's choice or cereal
and toast, fresh fruit or fruit
juice; Lunch: Hamburger or
manager's choice or PBJ
sandwich, two vegetables, two
fruits, peanut butter bar
March 31 Breakfast:
Sausage biscuit or cereal and
toast, fruit or fruit juice;
Lunch: Chicken sandwich or
spaghetti with Texas toast or
PBJ sandwich, two vegeta
bles. two fruits, chocolate
April I Breakfast:
Cheese croissant or cereal and
toast, fresh fruit or fruit juice;
Lunch Com dog or grilled
cheese sandwich w/fruit
yogurt or PBJ sandwich or
baked potato with hot top
<See FOOD. Page 5A>
Houston rimes-Journal
Official legal Organ for Houston C ounty, the City of Perry and the State of Georgia
Local industries face changes in ownership
Medusa merging with Southdown of Texas
Cl INCHFIFI.D The Medusa Cement
plant located in Clinchfield is included in a
proposed meiger between Medusa Corp
and Southdown. Inc
Plant Manager Jim Daniel said March 2 1
that "we expect to see very little, it any
change in personnel at the plant' .o a result
of the merger which will cause the Medusa
name to be changed to Southdown
The Clinchfield plant employs about 140
The two companies announced March
IS they will merge in a slock-l'or-slock
transaction that will make Southdown the
No-toll calls to
Macon get OK
lisirs.Joi ksu Sun
It you call Macon frequently
from your home or business in
Perry, you’re in for some sav
ings The red (ape has all been
untangled and toil-tree * alls
between the two cities will deli
nitelv be a reality by this sum
mer. according to a spokesman
tor the Georgia Public Service
Commission (PSC )
The PSC put its stamp of
approval on the new toll-free
route between Perry and Macon
on Friday. March 20. according
to Public Information Officer
Shawn Davis
Under the new system, which
won majority approval in a vote
by telephone customers in both
Macon and Perry, a small addi
tional monthly tee will be 1 added
to customers' bills
Other new routes approved
were Albany to Axhburn. Albany
to Parrot. Ashburn to Fitzgerald.
Ashburn to Ocilla. Nashville to
Tiflon and Nashville to Valdosta
(See PHONE. Page s\>
Walker wants
local airport
1 ISUs-Jol KSAI Srxo
Rep Larry Walker D-Perry.
is home from the 1998 session of
the Georgia General Assembly,
and reads to
tackle a
problem at
getting some
paid to the
“O n e
thing I'm
going to focus on is our little air
port." Walker said March 23.
“They've ithe Airport Authority)
shown they re committed, and
it's time to quit nickel and dime
ing. I've asked Commissioner
Wayne Shackelford of the
Department of Transportation to
meet with the Airport Authority
to see what can he - done."
Walker said some additional
funding tor Houston County pr«r
(See WAI kKK. Page 5A>
School sponsors banquet to
honor state runners-up in bas
see page 6A
second-largest producer of cement in the
United States with 10 K million tons of
capacity." according to a company press
Company officials said undei terms of
the agreement. Medusa shareholders will
receive 0 88 shares ol Southdown tor each
Medusa share
Southdown President Clarence <
Comei said. Fhe mergei with Med a tur
thei establishes Southdown as the large - 1
domestically owned cement manufacture!
in the l nited States
This transaction provides increased
i v l i >
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"K ,-t tr: ■
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Hp Ml m jHomt JHV aB
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Sgt. Earl Nelson and Sgt. Doug Shraka sift through
debris left from a fire that occurred at an overnight
park located at 800 Perimeter Road the morning of
March 23. According to Chief Gary Hamlin, a resi
dent of the park, Jim Varnadore, was charging a
Milestone 10th Perry
Dogwood Festival is April 4
K»om Srao nrmirrs
Final preparations are under
way for the 10th annual Perry
Dogwood Festival SJC/I Mile
Health Walk to be held April 4
at 8 a m.
The event is sponsored by
PPG Industries. Inc. and Perry-
Hospital and is a part of the
1998 Run & See Georgia Grand
Prix Series. The event is also
one of the major events of the
10th annual Dogwood Festival
in Perry.
“Being a part of the Grand
Prix brings a quality, competi
tive atmosphere for the runners
participating in our Dogwood
5K.“ said Ty Sturgeon of PPG
Industries, Inc. “We also offer a
one mile Health Walk in addi
tion to this year’s 5K race.”
Both the 5K and one mile
courses begin at the comer of
Car Toll and Ball streets, adja
cent to the Houston County
Courthouse in downtown Perry.
The 5K course continues
through the residential areas of
Ball and Duncan streets. Forest
Avenue and Tucker Road, then
back to the downtown area.
Serving Houston County Since Dec. 17, 1370
Lockheed-Northrop merger heads to federal court
It appears a federal judge will decide the
late of the proposed merger of I ockheed-
Maitin and Northrop Grumman, two giants
in the aerospace industry
I Hiring a March 24 inters iew I ockheed
Martin spokesman Charles Manor said the
two companies plan to respond to a recent
Department of Justice stance ol opposition
to the merger and will soon go into a ' dis
covers phase to prepare tor a federal court
Justice officials said that department is
fundamentally opposed to the proposed
combination" because of antmust concerns
runes journal Photo bv Inulv johiutonr
battery in a storage shed next to his trailer when
the battery exploded. Varnadore was not injured
during the incident, said Hamlin. The storage shed
was totally destroyed and some damage occurred
to the resident's trailer that was located nearby.
Many sports activities are planned for 1998.
Sturgeon said.
Awards for the 5K race will
include overall male* and
female, overall male and female
masters, as well as the top three
finishers in different age cate
An award will be presented
to the organization or business
with the greatest number of race
registrants. Ribbons will be
given to ail participants in the
Health Walk
Registration for this year’s
Perry Dogwood 5K Run/W'alk.
1 Mile Walk RAce is $lO (post
marked by March 31) and sl2
the day of the race. T-shirts are
guaranteed for the first 200
For more information or to
request a registration form, call
Ty Sturgeon, PPG Industries at
987-2459 or Faith Stewart.
Perry Hospital at 988-1729.
Other athletic events planned
for the Festival include the
Dogwood Festival Softball
Along the trail
Perry Boy Scouts hear story of
Eugene Espy who hiked the
Appalachian Trail 40 years ago.
See page 8B
Tournament that will be held
April 4 at J. Frank Rozar Park
located at 1060 Keith Drive.
Times will be from 8 a.m.
until completion.
There will be three classifi
cations Men s Class C,
Men’s Class D and Co-Ed.
For more information, con
tact Jim Jones at 926-1274 or
Also the Dogwood Festival
Golf Tournament is set for April
3 at the Perry Country Club.
Entry forms are available at
the Club or Chamber of
Commerce offices located at
101 Courtney Hodges Blvd.
For more information, con
tact Butch Wilhelm at 987-1033
Other activities during the
day of the festival include a
parade and the annual arts and
crafts show downtown.
Entertainment and food will
he available in the 800 and 900
blocks of Camdl Street during
the day.
Both companies said they have been
working to alleviate these concerns, but
the government's demands for divestitures,
which are unprecedented in si/e and scope,
undermine the economic viability of the
tiansaction "
Houston County Development Authority
Executive Director Tim Martin said he is
watching developments regarding the
merger with interest, as the outcome will
effect Northrop Grumman facilities in both
Warner Robins and Perry
I specially Warner Robins." said
Martin The Warner Robins plant is one of
Residents seek
tennis court
I IMlis-JiM KS\I Slot
Several Pern, residents attend
■d ihe March 1 n meeting of tfv
Perry Cits Council to express
their support tor having the ten
ills courts at Ro/ar Park resur
f aced.
Catesby Dotson spoke to
council of his concerns regarding
the deterioration ol the courts
I get a little emotional about
those courts." said Dotson.
Myself and a few other people
lound the money in 1983 to gel
those courts."
Last summer, a tennis clinic
was held at the Park which
attracted more than 60 youths, he
And \se want to do this
again." said Dotson. 'I hope you
are going to have the courts
refurbished "
Dotson said two courts are vir
tually not usable after hard rains
lor several days
Perry resident Paul Cosey
added that since school tennis
teams utih/e the tennis courts
they need to he kept in good con
This is a reflection on Perry,"
he said
Councilman James Moore
responded by saying that council
was presented with a proposal of
Y 14.000 a few months ago and
declined approval pending
receiving more bids than just that
Tom Morris, recreation direc
tor. has been working on a more
feasible bid. added city manager
Skip Nallcy
Another Perry resident. E.L.
Lewis, expressed concern to
council about a possible health
hazard coming from what he
described as chemicals being dis
tributed from the building that
formerly housed Trendline.
Lewis said he wants to be sure
the citizens of Perry will not have
their health affected by the prod
Moore said he is familiar with
the company that is presently
using the building. Sureco
The location is being used for
warehousing only, said Moore.
Lewis said he also hopes traf
fic lights can be installed at both
ends ol W I Ragin Drive in the
near future
Councilman Phyllis Flowers
also expressed some concern
regarding traffic hazards along
W F Ragin Drive, noting she has
received complaints about a new
(See (TTY. P«*e SA)
Home of the Georgia
National lair and
Agric enter