Newspaper Page Text
W. .fcii xwtty fr uif ;J • .'be- ¥ ftt GreSrt 0
j(\ cr chcr, ffuppofed to go 10 Savannah,
j\ fjqn'o Wench, pruned Cumb^,
; bout 4 rec t 6 inches high and 25 \ cars of age, of
a black cnmjfexion, and I peaks broken Engljh ;
carried her child, a girl about 3 .years old,
With her. Three dollars reward’ vviil be paid, on
her being delivered iir Savannah to Richard blnye
(hoemaker, or at Ogcchee to Absalom Cirr<e y.
WHEREAS the Pjrovdoi Mutlhai of the
province of Ge. rg.ia, by virtue of a
Writ of Attachmert *0 kin dlrt&ed in the
{eve al caufcs u nderin est tic tied,,did utt g!i tha
Jane’s and tenements, goods and chattels,
jnooiss, debts, and books of account, of the
several defendants in the frrid causes, who are
chfent frem and without the I'miti cf'the fai l
j'rcvifcc, at the Am of the fcveral plain iffs;
And whereas tl e Lid plaint:tts. have reflec
tively, agreeable to the diredtiens of the Aj
tjehmen t- - A fft-clata tien trt-tbe fxr- -
neral Court the several dtf.ndants in
C3ih of the fcllovvi- g causes, viz.
Ssrnuel DouglaO Sc al. v. John Green and
/ James Ros? ;
Samuel Doagl. fs S: rd. v . John Jamiefor. ;
John Ilenderfon y. John Jamiffon ;
Jol n Linder jun. <l/. Gideon ICirk.;
JLawrcnce Watfun and Wife v. Jcfcph Fa
berfham ;
in.l h sve obtained in each of the said causes a
juL to the following cffeS, vizi
Ordered, Flat the defendant and deferd
s .1 in the said several aftiens do appear a J
plead within a year and-a day, rkhcnvli,*
udgtnent will f?ats him or ths*m by
dsfault. By the Court,
John ftijaftfOrt, C
2 ‘4V ‘ ■*! 3, .;” ‘VrOS,W*. .-'XTT. tUi, S^SGSESSSSESSIES
■ Notice L therefore hereby given, That .
ud rru*nt will* be intftred, agreeable to the
fforefaid rule or order, aghiirft ev*rr of the
aid defend nts wlfo do net appear ar.d plead
ronformablc thereto,
Wm. Jones, P’aintiffs Attorney ia
the said feveial catiles.
tfff'HEREAS the Provost Alarjbal rs the pro
’ ‘Vince of Georgia, by virtue of u Writ of
Attachment to him dire that in the fewer cl
tubes undermentioned, did attuch the lands and
laments, goods and chattels, monies, out is and
oaks of account, of the fevered a feud ants in the
lid causes , who are aljent from and wilhouf.tbt
wits of the faid ’ province t at the suit cf the fever al
Win 1 iff s : And whereffs the Jaid plaintiffs ha ve
feiiivdy agreeable to the directions ij the //-
t c hr-yeni A St, hied a declaration in the Gayer (l
ourt againfl the f/t^jtr,Adefendants in each of tl t
dhtvjbrg cnujrs, mnxr. ; ~~
Sir Ja nes Wright, Bart, v, Ncb’e Wim
berly Jones ;
Grahanft, Ffq. v. NoMe Wimbe L f>res;
•George Walton, Lyman Hail, Ce. jnrnin
Andrew, Jq.Hb LI i >t, lofiah Cic.n, far
tr>ena3 Way, Qjdeon Dowse, And Jamei
Cochrsn ;
SaTifilk. Eli fhn Maxwell; tin D fh’r,
Cliriliian Oalh- /, Juhn Colper, aud Ro
bert HudfoM juh.
Same <. ■Wifiram Kolg* rd0rIF;
Be njaus Id S tiles y. E 1 i iha Maxwell ♦
Stc.r andTlied Peter Far j ;
Cowper aud 1 clfahr. a. Edward Telfair and
jarnes Ro'fs, w-ho, &c.
Houflcun and Graham v. lofeph Rtynollff”
A have ehtOintd in each of the said caffes a rule
the fellouving ff'id, viz.
Orderedj I hat the defendant and defendants in
e laid several adiio is do appear and plead within
year and a day, othervjJe jadornent will p *j <.
rinjl him err them by default.
By the Gour/,
1 John Simpson* P. id CSC.
7 o th November, j^Sq.
Notice is therefore here!y oiven, That judament
ill le entered, agreeable to the ffortjaid rule or
<tir-, ngahrfi tvtrpy vs the fetid defendant? who do\
t appear and pLad conformable thereto. <
Robertson, Plaintiffs Attorney
in the laid ftmx&i ca fes,
g _ n V |- r 1 “ .. - r*n
X/HFREAS the Pro.voll Marshal of the pro.
” vince of Georgia, by virtue of a Writ of
tUchmeiit to him direct'd in tiie c.iutes unJtr
-oot> r. ccl , did attach the . lands"arnT teiiemtnts,
>ods and chattels, monies, debts, and book3 of
c*unt, of :he .defendant wi the laid cauleJ, vViio
c ablcnt fioni and without the limit- of the faii
’ vince, at the suit of the (everal plaintiffs: And
Fereas rho Lid plajhtiif, have irfin dtivefv, t grte
fe to th- dirt'wlions of the Attachment AA, filed
ccclaratioirin the General Court the feve-
each. of die.*ftdknv.iag. .caafc: 7 . via._
Aj.tac Perry verius Freds, Iff Francis ;
Moore and Pantsn versus IPijliam Candler y
and have obtained in each of the said caufcs a rule
to the following cffefl, viz.
Ordered, ‘That the defendants do appear and
plead vvithin a year and a day, othervvife judumenr.
By the Court;
John Simpson, P. & C. C.
24 th J mtiary, 1 y 81.
Notice is therefore hereby given, That judgment
will be entered, agreeable to* the aforefaid rule or
order, aguinll the said defendants who do not Ap
pear and plead conformable thereto.
; FARLEY, Plaintiffs Attorney in the
said causes.
’YT7*HEREAS the Provost Marlhal of the pto-
* Vince of Georgia, by virtue of a Writ of
Attachment to him dirtdled in the several causes
undermentioned, did attach the lands and tene
ments, good', and chattels, monies* debts, and
books oi account, of the several defendants in the
likd Caufo, who are absent Torn and without the
limits oiTcKeAfaid province, at the suit of the seve
ral plaintiffs: A.nd whereas the said plaintiff, have
rdpeßiveiy, agreeable to the duedlions of the
t ichment Ail, filed a declaration in the General
Court agafnft the several defendants in each of the
following causes, viz.
‘John Charles Luiena versus Robert Walton ;
Keljall and Spalding versus John Bacon fen.
George Hovfloun versus Joseph) Abrahams ;
Keif all and another, ftrvivori, versus Phomas
Bacon ;
Keljall and Spalding versus Lemuel Lanier ;
Al'Coun and others ver/us John Tnuiggs ;.
and have obtained of the fard causes a rule
to the following effed, viz. v .
Ordered, That the defendant and 3efend'Rtf in
the laid feveral-adions do appear and. plead within *
iL yjJs aud assay...
Aft 1 CiTl' m iJy 1 u CTot u
O ’ ■ f p , ■■■
. - By the Court, - *
John. Simpson, P. Sc C. C.
‘'24-th January, .*7B^.
Notice is tnerefore’’ fierebv given, That judg
ment will be entered,’ agreeable to the idbrdaid
rule or order, again(l every of the said defendants
vyho do not appear and plead conformable thereto.
JIOJER 1 v'ON, Plaintiffs Attorney
in the laid several causes.
W HEREAS the Provoil Sffihvl of the pro
vince of Georgia, by virtue of a Writ of
Attachment to him directed, did attach the lands,
tenements, goods, chattels, monies,, debts, and
books of account, of William Watson, who is ab
fentTrorff and without the limit? of the said pro
vince, at the suit dT~shnou Pateribif&Td--AViliiam
I mg : And wiitrdas the said Simon Paterson and
William Lang have, agreeable to the directions of
the Attachment Aft, filed their declaration an the
General Court againff the said William Watson,
and have obtained the following ruL :
Puterfon & Al. | Ordered, That the defendant
again ii *r. dooip|)eai and plead 7 Willi In a
Willi am IVat ton. J year and a day, other wile judg
ment by default.
By the Court,
John Simpson, P. Sc C. C.
24th January, 1781.
Notice is therefore hereby given, That, irnlefs
the fiid William Watson do appear and pleid n
grerabie to che aforefaid rule or order, judgment
v/ili be entered him accordingly.
Wm. jO.\ES, Plaintiffs Attorney.
WHERE AS the Provost Marlhal of the provi nee- of-
GeorgL, by virtue of a Writ of Attachment to
him dire chid in the f-veral causes undermentioned, did a frs
tach the lands and tenements, goods and ©battels, monies-,
debts, and books of account, ofthe several defendants in
th? t.*;-l c.r'.jor, who -a/e absent fiv.m S3 wiilmut the Ir- :
mitsof tire said provfnte, at the suit. of the levetulpiaint
. .ins.c And -luive teipewUely; vr
giecable to the diixftiuns of the Attach rue it A6l, lilt'd i—
dt chrution i:i the General Ccu|t againli the fcveral ue
fci)darts in each of the following causes, vi?.
Juiie Grove, Executrix, and John Kean, Executor,’ of
-* Gjave, ‘u. John Hnoeriliaip ;
Kean, furvivor,,\s. Cjuries Starkly Myddictonj
S mie vs. fame; / -
ll‘rael Bird vs. SilVantis Robeson ;
ICeair* survi vor, va. David W-hcetcrp-ff' ——
and have-obtained in .cash of the laid causes a rule to the
following effecl, via.
. C.rdiTcJ, That th defendant and defendants in the said
Ift* veral actions do aopt n- and plead-within a \ ear and a day,
othervvife judgment will pals again ft them by default.
By the Courf,
John Sim?son, P. & C. C.
■ ‘ 24th January, ioSr. 4 7
” Novice is therefore herfby given, That judgment will
he entered, agreeable to the ?.fucfald rule'or order, againlF
every of the laid defendants who do not appeal and plead
conformable thereto.
ThoVas Gibbons, Plaintiffs Attorney
irt the said several Causes.
G E O R G 1, A. . jff 7 !
T Jt Tllßrens tlipProvoA Tferfhal of this province, by-vl r-
V V tue of a Writ ol Attachment to him directed, did
ana~,h -th© -lyndh* -tetrefneivtt, goods; Thatrets,“monies, ”
debts, and books 1 ol account, (in th? haads ac-d -pofcluon ‘
■ , W<*-y:'v- -•tf ■.-■■■■-j-* —-• •- .
r jcleph Box)or Tironvfvn dad.Eittabetli'hfs
late Eluaberh ftJ’Lean widow, who are absent from and
without the limits of the said province, at the suit of Sa ■
mftel fiovighis and Andrew Lord 1 An J whereas the fai‘l
Samuel Douglass and Andre have, agreeable to thfe
direction of the Attachment Adi, filed their; declaration ift
the General .Xhjuit of the said province againit the fail <r
Nathan Urounfon and Elizabeth his wife, and have ob
tained the fillowlr ’ -rule f ~ (■; -f., j. _ .
Sa.nuti Dcafftffs if u.. Ordered, the defendant*
Agiinlr /do appear and plead within a year
Nutb.m R ‘ourfoii ands and’ a day, othervvife judgment
fVf. - 3 will pass them by default.
* • - Py the Court,
” John Simpson, P. & C. C.‘
ajth April, 1781. ‘ ,
Notice is therefore hereby given,’ That, unless the said
Nathln Broiinfon and Elizabeth his wife do appearand
pldjd agreeable to the aforefaid rule or order, judgment
will be entered again ft them accordingly.’
Wm. Jones, Plaintiffs Attorney.
WHEREAS ihe P.ovoft.M.rft.n dt
i.-iJ . nuj niv.i-<l3 tilC IrtJU | M'UUli liaVC fdpet’
tivcly, agreeable to the chrecti ;n> of the Attach
ment: Adt, filed-thrtr’llei 1 a fat the General
Cou't again ft the ivverA defendants in each of the
following causes, \vl.
s*ubiy, Executor of ll zldburzte* V. Jofrth Clay ?
V.urly v. David Keall ;
bjofcs Nunes v. ‘John Haberjbnm ;
Hannah Gibbons, Executrix of Jofeth Gibbons , vd
Joseph Gibbons-? ;
lJ;e jame v. Ir'ihiam Gibbons ;
Ebe Executor of IVatfon v “Jonathan Bryan ;
and have obtained in each of the said causes a rule
‘to the following tfFed, viz.
Ordered; I Tut the defendant and defendants in
tlie iiiid* iever.u do appear and plead within
a year and a day, othenvife judgment will pass a
gainit him or them by default.
By the Court,
John Simpson, P. & C. C.
, May 17S1.
Notice is therefore hereby given, That judg
meat nvill be entered, agreeable to the aforefeid
ru'e or order, against every of the laid defendants
who do not appear and plead confo mable thereto.
FA R LRY. Plaintiffs Attorney.
WHercAS the Piovoft* Marflia) or the province oi
Georgia; by virtue of a Writ of Attachment to
him directed in the several causes undermentioned, did
attach the lands and tenements, goo is and chattels, mo
nies, debts, and books jpf account, of the several defend-*
ants in the said causes, who are absent from
tire limits of the fa ; d prrormce, at the filit of the ieveral
plaintiffs : And whereas the said plaintiffs have refpedive
-1;, agreeable to the direftlons of the Attachment A£f %
hied a declaration in the General Court against the fercrajf
defendants in each of the following causes, viz.
Robert Farquhar v. John Adam Treutlen $
Mary Magdalen Gignilliat v. James Grgnilliat;
Executrix and Executors-of Peter Lavien v, Rard and
j. Thompson;
and have obtained in each of the said causes a rule to the
following effett, viz.
Ordered, That the defendant and defendants in the faii
several add ions do app.cnf and plead within a vear and a day*
otherwise judgment will pass against them by default.
By the Court,
Johk Si Mr sox, P. & C. Cm
25th July, 1781.
Notice is therefore hergby given, That judgment will
he entered, agreeable to the eforefaid rule or order, against
every of the said defendants yvhd and not. appear and plead
conformable thereto. . . f . .
Gideons, riaintiiV* Attorney.