Newspaper Page Text
-■-r1 ‘ . ■ **
ANY persons willing ti bontraft with the *
Commissary General Department to fupplv
lis Majesty’s Stores with new Corn Blades, Indian
Corn, and Rough Rice, are desired to Tend their
I tyopofals In writing to the Commiflary General’s
Office. ‘ /
N. B. Cash will be paid, as usual , for any
quantity delivered, on the receipt or certificate or
the Storekeeper, without any delay.
Savannah, ill Augalt,4i7Bi/'‘
ALL persons are hereby forewarned crediting
any person or persons in the fubferiber’s
name, without a written order from under his
hand, on any pretence whatsoever, as he will pay
no such accounts after this date.
4. fold by CROOKS HANKS and SIEIRS, a general
AlTbrtment of Goods, amongst which are a number of ar
ticles suitable for the Army.
AN away frem the fubferiber
on the ift inst. A NEGRO
~— ’ RDY, named POMPEY, between
18 and 20 years of age, likely, dim
ads, well known in and about the
town, and was only employed as a
waiting boy ; he had on when he went away a
check shirt and a pair old Rocking breeches. Who
ever will apprehend said boy, and deliver him to
me in Savannah, dull be paid four guineas reward.
If he returns of his own accord he (hall be forgiven.
THE fubferiber intending to leave the province
in a few weeks, returns his thanks
gentlemen who favoured him with their custom,
and requests those that are indebted to call and
fettle, that he may be enabled to latisfy the pres
sing demands of his creditors. He hath still for
sale, fome Dozens Parker’s London Bottled Por
ter, Sherry and Port Wine, which he will fell cheap
for cash only. JN o . HENDERSON.
Savannah, Augufl g, 1781.
~Yo~hn~ ~f o x
HAS just opened, at the store near the Main
Guard lately occupied by Mr. Duncan Ven
due-Mailer, a fmaiLAffortnient of DRY GOODS,
imported in the ktft vcfiels from London, which
will be disposed of the moll reasonable tetms.
Also, Loaf and Muk-wado Sugar ; Hyfon,
Greenland Bohea Teas; Jamaica and Weft Indian
-Rum, Port Wine, Pickles, Jar Raiftns, See.
WHereas sundry Marts snd Spars have been
lately stolen front below the Bluff, any
person who will give information of the thief or
thieves shall receive y
A Reward of fifteen l Guineas,
f 10 be paid on conviftion of the offenders,
INTENDING to engage in the Practice ot
Phviick, will be obliged to his friends and otn -
ers for the;* employment in that way, and will
endeavour to give them every fatisfaftion.
Su-vannah, Avgujl cj, 1781.
To be fold for Cash.
GEORGIA, IT. T tTI-E Honourable Anthony
J| Stokes, Esquire, Chief Justice
A. Stokes. of his Majesty’s Province of Georgia,
/ in America, in pursuance of an adl ot
*he General Aftembly of the said province, entitled, “An
* Afl for the Relief of such of his Majtfty’s loyal Sub
* jedts as have any real or personal Property in the Pro
* vince of Georgia, and whole, Titles* Deeds, Bonds,
* * Notes, Specialties, and other Evidences, Vouchers,
* and Writings, have been either loft, deft rayed, or car
* ried off, during the Time herein aftennentioned,” DO
CERTIFY- That John Foulis, of Savannah, Merchant,
lath made t deposition before me, touching his bonds,
lotes, and a walte-book for the year 1775* sent hy h;ru
o the Iflartd of Jamaicaj trrthe Weft Indies, and hat-r
iot received the fame : Til at an exa£t date of ail the fuins
ts money due to the Did John Foulis upon the fa id bonds,
Kites, and orders, has been taken before a Notary Publick
n the fai l Ijland of Jamaica,’ is uow filed in the Protho
aotary’s Office, annexed to the petition and affidavit of
he said John Foulis, which deposition and state of the
jondr, notes, and orders, remain in the Piothotiotary’s
Dffice open t the intpe£U<m of all peifons wiiatfoevcr;
md, unless good caufe'is fliewn on oath to the contrary,
vithin four-calendar, months after the publication of this
notice in the Georgia Gazette, I shall declare, by certifi- .
:—.ate under my hand, fubferibed under such depofitlou, that
he fame (lauds uncontroverteJ, f
Given under my hand, at Sivar nii,.in tin Pro
vince aforefaid,-the thirtieth dav-ot’June,, in -
Bs it* ifiH.'aAd eighty-- and in # thc
year of hi3 Majesty’s reign’. *0
■’ - -- * - \-•
In Chancery ovince of'Georgia.
Charles Yoiuige and W*ifiE,s.For the purpofc of
and others, by .their iiext ] eflabliftiirg the Jiaft
Friend, / Will and Teftametit
Against 1 of Joseph Butler, late
jhem Butler, Thomas Chis-/ of the Parifli ofCLrill
olm, and Mary his Wife,! Church, in this Pro
late Mary Spencer, and\ vince, K (quire* de- „
others. / ccafcd. &c.
At Lii Excellency the Chancellor s Ifoufe, on Erect
hefday the \t,th of Auguji, 178 I.
ON reading the proceedings had in this cause
on Saturday the 28th day of April Jail, and
the affidavit made of the due publication thereof
n the Georgia Gazette for three calendar months
successively, pursuant to the directions of an ad of
the General Affemhly of this province in such case
lately made and provided, and no person appearing
or (hewing any lawful objeftion to the contrary,
his Excellency the Chancellor, at the instance of
the complainants Counfd, was this day pleased to
adjudge and order, that the complainants bill of
.jTompJhdntjiiAJda cause filed, fofar as regards the
raid Shem Butler, Thomas Chifoim, and his Wife
Mary, (formerly the Wife of Thomas Spencer)
Ihouid hand and be taken pro eenfejfe ; and that,
ou Friday the 24th day ofAuguft instant, he would
pioceed to make such decree thereupon as fhati be
just and equitable, unless they the said Shcm But
ler, Thomas Chifoim, and his Wife Mary, or
feme-or one of them, shall, on or before that day,
shew unto this. Court good caufc to the contrary ;
and that publick notice* hereof be given in the next
Gazette, pursuant to the direftions of the said ad
: of tfie General AlTembly of the province aforefaid.
By Order of his Excellency the Chancellor,
The Parsonage House and Garden*
. Inquire on the premie*.
ALL persons having dennnds again ft the Eltate
of the lion.’James Read, Esq. deefeafed,
are requested to deliver them in, properly attested,
to the fubferibers ;and those indebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate p yment to
Rebecca Read, Executrix.
Geo. Hol’stoun, Executor.
RAN Alf AT from the Plantation of the said
dec ea fed,
Cupid, a carperiter, a very likely young fellow,
with fifed teeth. Frank, a very artful young fel
low, country born, remarkably thick lipped. And
July. - A suitable reward will be given to any per
son who will deliver them, or either of them, at
the said plantation, or to the gaoler in Savannah.
All mailers of v&ffels and others are cautioned a
gainst carrying away the said negroes; if detected
in so iniquitous a pra&ice they may depend on be
~ing profecuied wirh the utmost severity of the Jaw.
File iVUM4\A LAW may.&e hud aune-
Pfjftiins Office., price 11. 1 ,
HAS removed to the store ou the Bay
occupied by MelTrs. Owens, Thomson, a J,
* Cos. where he Has fe r falc, on molt reafohbb
tercia, che fcKowing Article? ,’ vz,
Superfine broadcloths, White and brown .backryft
L M/ :i v. r oollens, Blarl: princes duff’,
F‘ jr. * r ui red duifiis, Black veiverct,
-T-‘h .. ■. . ■ Calamancoes and durantt
ualccloths, Mclfinets and burliiu, *
j diaper, Cotton counterpanes,
Marfeilleg quilting, Pl iin and diaper tapes.
Corded and India dimity, Whitechapel needles/
White and dyed jeans,’ Pins aiiorted, *
Corduroys and thickiets, Fjlhing lines and kooks,
Printed linens,. Seine twine and Ihoe tluej^
Calicoes ar.d chintzes, Inkpowder; *
Womens Hays, Brass, iron, and tin cadlr
Womens cli p hats, \ flicks;
Womens calamanco and lea- Afihrtcd tin, a*4
•ther glafswarej
Youths and childrens Ihoes; Rice hooks,
Pound and ounce thread af Stock locks,
sorted, from N 0 .4 to 20', Hinges,
Mens fiik hose, Padlocks, w
Men& white and brown Hair brooms',
thread ditto, Scrubbing brushes,
Mens and womens gloves, Shoe dittos
Plain and ifpotted lav/ns, Firmer*,
Cambricks and lon<; lawns, Cbif-ia
BaitdoDa liiindker- Socket dittos
c^ie, ' s Claw hammers,
Flowered lawn ditto, Coopers adzes,
Muslin ditcA, Howe!.*,
Piain and book muftin, 7!. 6d. iod. and zed. r,A,
4 and apron wade check, Handiawt,
Browa hollanJ, Augers,
Brown Russia drab, Gu.jpowJer and Diot,
Whitcdi cto, B.irjead,
Mens fine and coarfa hats, C.-ftce,
Check shirts, Hvlon tea,
Trowfcrs and jackets, for t wine, Ssc. Set*
Shall Tons aad"fagathiesi ■
0f H X f n
:^a “"fcfcgria t(lTi'iS to"'m'ect, s’
. U )e boufe ot John jn Savannah, oa
Saturday the 8:h day of Septeinber next, at u
©’dock ptedfeiy, in order that a Hate of the a&jn
of the said Adam Ilenderfon may be laid befwe
them by: WILLIAM STRUTHERS, 1 .. ,
Savannah, Augufl 15, 1781.
WHEREAS the Provost Marfca7of~i
province of (ocorgi*, by virtue.ol
® it bf AUachmeßt to him dijTied in tlf
fevera! caufcs undermentioned, did a;tach tie
lands and tenements, goods and chaieli,
monies, debts, acd books of account, cftic,
several defendants in the said caules, who in
absent from and without the lim its of the laid
province, at the suit of the leveral plaintiffs:
And whereas the said plaintiffs have refpec
lively, agreeable to the diredions cf the At.
tachmen: Adi, filed a declaration in the 6t
nera! Court against the several defendants it
each of the following caufcs, viz.
Kelfail and Spalding James Maxwcllj
son of Audley;
Kelull and others ‘v fa.m? ;
Kelfail and another, fu*vivora, <v. fame y
Kelfa 1 and others v. Palmer Gouluing;
Kelfail and Spalding nj. Tame ; 7
K Ifall and another, furvivorsl, nt. fame,
Kelfail and others v. John Goulding;
James Spalding <u. Lachlan M‘lnttih;
Ke tall and Spaldirg <v. Gideon Dowfej
Ke fall and her, survivors, v. fame;
Graham and Kelfail, Efqrs. <v, Rcderick
Williamfon T Rfq, /■
Sir lames Wrrght, Bart. <u. Joseph Clay;
’ Basis Cowper v. Joseph Clay •
WilLam Telfair, Esq. v. Joleph Ciaywi
Joseph Haberffiam;
lohn Bond Randell <v. Joseph Haberfhai
Same <v. John Kean, survivor cf PeterU
Vien and Cos.
John Nutt <v, James Haberffiam;
Eles nor Patton <u. Matthew Griffiiry 1
Sir James Wright, Bart. lbhn Houf
Same v. Thomas Stone ;
Same <v. William O’Bryen ;
and hav* obtained in each rs the said cadh
a rule to the following effied, viz. I
Ordered, That the defendant and defend
ants in the said several edions do appear sdl
plead within a year and a day, otherwifejodp
mem will pass against him, her, or
default* By the Court,
John Simpson, P. & C.G
27th Oft. 1780.
Notice is therefore hereby given, Tty
judgment will be entered agreiablc to the>-
forcfiiid rule or order againft’every cf the Ail
defendants who do net
form able thereto.
Robertson, Plaintiffs Attorney!*
- l v c said ‘cveral caufrs. .
*4* AU:INR FORMS ts different forte ft fa
at the Printing Ojfct i%