Newspaper Page Text
k lit* Country Newipaper. Published Every
Saturday Morning by
Ouo copy, one yeer *2.CO
One copy, tlx months 1.00
Ten copies, In clubs, ouo roar, each 160
Single copies Sole
All enbecripUons invariably in advance. No
name entered npou tho list until the aubecrip-
tion ia paid.
3 M. fi"M. | 12 »I.
1 Square... t 1.00$ 2 60
W Column. 5.001
W Column. 8 00 15.00 aa.oo
1 Column..! 18 00| 25.00
’ Professional and Bnalneoa Cards of one
inch or lees, $13 per annum, payable quarterly
In advance; six months, $8. All advertise*
aenta due after first insertion.
Baptist Ciicncn.—Regular Services, 1st
and 3d Sundays in each month, Rev. Court
ney Brown, Pastor. Sabbath-school at U
o’clock, a. u.
Methodist CmntOH.—Services at 11
o’clock, a. »r and R o’clock. *•. m. every
Sabbath; Rev. Wm. II. LaPrndo, Pastor,
gabbath-school at 0 o’clock, a. m.
Pbksiittkkiam Church.—Services 1st
and 3d Sabbath every month, Rev. R. F.
Taylor, Pastor, Sabbath-school at 9 o'clock,
Caledonia Lodoe, No. 121, F- A A. M.—
Regular communication, the 3d Friday
night in each month.
J. S. Sunns, W. M.
N. M. WnmiiT, Secretary.
Good Templars.
Cedar Vallet Lodoe, No, 303. 1. 0. 0.
T.--Meets every Friday night (oxccpt 8d
J. E. HOU8EAO, W C. T.
J. A. Liddell, Secretory.
CoiqutTT OnAKOE, No, 20-Regular meet
ings Saturday before tho third Sabbnth In
each month.
Our Agents.
John 8. Vann, Priors Station.
E. P. Fcalherston, Lime Branch.
R. S. l'attillo, Taylorsville.
W. P. West, Ksoro Hill.
W. J. Noyes, bod of our worthy
townsman, J. 8. Noyes, loft hero on
yesterday on his rotttru to Dartmouth
College, N. H., whero ho has boon
•Rending school for somo tiino past.
Wo wish him success in his studios. •
Painting.—Those of our readers
having Ik usoa or anything olso to
paint, aro refored to tho curd of Mr.
Mauck. Ho ia a good workman, and
a clovor, sober, industrious gontlomau
—one that desorvoa to bo liberally
patronized, and wo ask fur him a lib
eral patronage.
Soo ndvortisoment in another col
umn of E. Cloavoland, tailor. Cedar-
town has long felt t ho nood of a good ous >
tailor, and Mr. Cloavoland has como " 1
local items.
NtEDioKH for all kinds of Sewing
machine; Singer, 76 ds per iloion-.U Dili-
era 1)0 cent*. Will scud
receipt of pr
odlcs by mail o
Cnrleraville, On.
New Film.—Tho firm of T. F. Fur-
bank & C . has boon dissolved, and
A. R. Jonoa has taken an interest in
tho Drug Store. Mr. Jones is uu old
citizen—-a "nativo,” wo believe—ami
known by everybody, and needs no Clici k
recommendation from us. Ilio now Ciul b i
firm aro constantly receiving fresh
goods. Mr. Fill bank, who iH a No. 1
druggist and clovor, accommodating
gentleman, is always at his post--
when not absent—ready to wait on
customers, and ho does it in such a
pleasant mauner lli\t it ia really a
plcasuro to trade with him. They
now keep tho different grades of Hour
iu store.
Faiuuinh in Real Estate.—Wo call
tho especial attention of those wishing
to purchase lleid estate to tho adver
tisement of Thompson and Wiklo,
real estate ageuIs. They are offering
gome very desirable proporty, and will
gell bargains.
Wokmb.—James R. Barber, Esq,
brought into our office, on yestesduy
morning a “pair” of the largest speci
men of worms—of tho grub variety—
wo have seen this season. One of tho
newly elected senrgents of tho Polk
county Guards, appreciating tho hon
or confercd, proposed to treat the
whole company to 'worm candy,” and
wo accused Esq. Barbor of having
been so treated, but he denies it, and
£dyg bo is not a member of the coin-
p an y*
Flint Prarb.—We have been presented,
by Mrs. Hand, with n basket of fine preserv-
ing pears, for which we return our thunks.
Court week in generally considred ‘•hard’
on town people, but not bo with us, bovrev
er, the country people nnd some in town
kept ua Bupplid with vegetables and fruit.
Henry McJunkin brought us a large
basket of fine tomatoes, peaches and sweet
potatoes, and E. II. McJunkin supplied us
part of the first week of court with beans
and apples. Mrs. J. A. Peck sent in a bas
ket of a very fine variety of vegetables, ex
actly suited to our taste. For all of these
favors we return our Binsere thanks, and
wish the dons all happiness and prosperity.
The now spire on the Methodist
church is nearly completed, and it is
one of the prettiest to bo found any
where—regular city stylo. It ruus
up fifty-one feet from roof of building.
It reflects credit on the workmen and
all concerned. Mr. Muuck is doing
the paiuting, and making a first-chf-s
job, as ho always does.
We had a call on last Thursday
from Rev. Y. A. Brewster, oi tho 17th
district He has been holding a pro
tracted meeting at Cedar Creek Bap
tist church, near Thomas’ mil). Du
ring the meeting nineteen were add
ed to the church, one of whom wn«
a distiller and grog-shop keeper. He
ha3 quit the business, and says he is
forever done with tho accursed thing.
May tho good work continue until tho
last ono of them are closed
to supply that want, aud wo hopo tho
citizens will givo him sufficient on-
courngemont to muko him glad that
ho has cast his lot with us.
The Spring.—It is a matter of groat
concern to tho people of Codart own
that tho town authorities solve this
problem. Tlioy no doubt havo made
honest ondoavor to so protect tho
spring as to havo tho water fit for uso,
yet they aro awnro that whon it rains
the water is unfit for use, and if it bo
a long wet spell, probably u hundred
of our population aro forced to uso it
or go a great dislauco for bettor. A
continuation of this slate of nffains
will necessarily cause sickness. The
winter will soon bo boro, whon our
spring will bo muddy perhaps half tho
time if uot romodied. We do uot
scnsure tho authorities, but bosoooh
them, iu bohttlf of our Buffeting citi
zens, to make ono more manly effort
to give us clear water to driuk, aud
wo will ever hold them in grateful re
Public Jm rio v em r ntf. —Notwith
standing tho scarcity of money, aud
tho general complaint of hard times,
several new buildings aro going up in
our town. Wo boo that J. P. McCor-
uoll, of tho firm of Lumpkin and
McConnell, ia finishing up his now
bouso on Main stroot near iho branch.
Wm. Summers is building a very neat
cottago of four rooms on tho same
street, near MoConnolls. Dock
Dougherty is also building a a beau ’-
ful little dwel’iug a little nearer town
than Summers, on same stroot. Jhh.
Dunn and Starling Carrol, cnrpoulmv,
nro putting somo “extra louchca’’ on
Doughorlys house. They are good
workmen and aro doing a neat job.
Mr. J. R. Edwards is piuii' g up a
Tho Toritorial Enterprise thus do-
scribes tho Pintos of Nevada; "What
ever may bo tho case with other tribes
tho Pintos tins no notion of passing
away. They aro a remark ably heal
thy people. They aro seldom sick, and
there i
died b
sixty y
h is nc
pie? w
tion tl
way, a
hoed c
About ono huu-
3ath. Hardly n
Jeon and under
n ho seen who
ung to her back,
with those poo-
days bo a quoR-
Kverod in .somo
o bo no likeli-
>ff. Among tho
sidored uo dis-
3bravo is not
a lulling an n x or
j quite indiiBtri-
nlways ready to
shown them,
md their ruling
They play
and whon they
l'o never out of
havo i:
thoir hands.”
Alec and Simon, two of the host ne
groes on Colouol W. S. Shepherd’s
plantation in Stewart county, wero
drowned iu tho river near Shepherd’a
landing. They wore fishing, and
while busily employed, tho battoau
was upset aud both sunk to riso uo
Ml*. Judso
jco, which, when comp
> one of tho best in that pi
n. Givo us a Railroad, au
vill thou glow rapidly.
Oedai row m, CTa* Aug i 1
Gin ml Jury Presentments.
Wo, the Grand Jurors ompanolod
for tho soooud week of August torm
of Polk Superior court for 1874, ask
leave to make tho following present
ment s:
Wo havo duly considered tho pre
sentments and recommendations of
tho jury of tho first week of present
that, i
inure in stating
concur in thorn
hereinafter man
n all they com-
1 in regard to tho
>sod fixtures for
its improvement by tho authorities of
Oodnrtowu; in what they report of
Iho public buildings, the neatness and
oorrootueas of tho books of tho Clerk
<»f tho Superior court, Ordinary and
Treasurer. Wo wish to omphaai/.o, if
possible, what tlioy bring to view
about tho important papers still unre
corded by the former Ordinary.
Oo examination of tho Sheriff's
book of records, wo find some dofwets
which may bo easily romodied by
more c ue in penmanship, by allowing
more space between Iho entries, and
by properly fixing tho dates. Wo see
by the latest entries nomo improve
ment in those l’UBpeots from tho
la the mutter of the roads and
bridges of tho county, wo differ aome-
uh.n from Iho former grand jury.
Wo son!. » competent coin mil loo to ex-
amino I ho bridge over Cedar Crook
on the Prior’i* Station road, and from
tln ir report wo pronounce the bridge
lot.dly unliit for tho uses for which it
\\ • Imi’d, and the othor at tho IViltlc
f.ird wo kfiow lobe little better. By
nil means a new and Hubstftptinl bridgo
should l)o put up at once at ho im
portant a mossing, and tho contract-
id th
able f.>
in il.ii.-s should bo held
heir failures in tho
In for both bridges.
K*nds should bo
l compliance forced
For county purposes, -
Jury, -
Bridge, -
Road, -
New jail, overpaid,
- lffd (10
710 08
• 208 0(1
855 1)0
14 1)5
1022 (15
18 G7
1000 08
Bal. on hand, •
Tho report hereto appended, wo
lmvo considered nnd approve, and
agree to make it a part of our pro-
Hent mont. It speaks for itself.
To tho Superior Court of Polk
County, August tonu, 1871.
Tho committee appointed at tho
last court to ox amino tho minutes of
the superior court looking after linos
and forfeitures, beg leave to report:—
That wo havo oxaiuined tho minutes
so far ns our time would permit. To
make such a full itemised report as
our appoiutmont soemod to imply,
would take moro time than wo havo
given ourselves, or than wo doomed
necessary after loarning such facts as
a partial examination disclosed. There
aro a groat many forfeitures ontornd
on the rocords, that wero afterwards
remitted by securities delivering up
tlm offenders. In ono important case
tho officers report that tho securities
wero insolvent. Wo rofor to tho Na
tions case. Collections seem to havo
boon irregularly made, and no ac
count taken of such collections until
a fow years back. Wo And no ac
count of tho Solicitors having nmdo
annual settlements with tho treasurer,
ns tho law requires. Tho following
flues amt forfeitures havo boon impo
sed, but no showing mado of thoir
It Chisolm, Fob. 1872, $15 50, Wm.
Meeks, 1874, $5 00, R & Ed Wohstor,
(claim ontored) $200 00, Byrd Battle,
found guilty but no furthor entry
found oxept $20 00 on tho back of ttio
bill. J«a. H. Price, Feb. 1871, $50,00,
on this last Iho coat, $17 10, has boon
paid but wo Hud nothing else.
Tho following tho Clerk thinks woro
collected and applied to tho insolvent
D F< Elmore, July 1S(»7,
J S Lovetto, Fob. 1871,
Ben Dyer, "
V W Davis, Aug. " -
O Gidion, “ “
S Russel, “ "
Legal Advertisements.
I Itorohy givo aoUoo tlmt from and
this date, my official advertising is oh an god
from tho Rookmart. Honor!or to tho Oodivr-
,vn Record. E. W, CLEMENTS,
July ll. Shorill'Folk county.
Marshal’s Sales for October.
W ILL ho Bold boforo tho Court Houbo
door, in (’odnrtown, Polk county,
between tho legal hours of sale, on the
first Tuesday in October next, the following
property, levied on for town tux:
n lot, in t'edartown, No not known,
lying East of llrond street, botwaon Liddell
& lUolmrdson’B ofiioo, and brick more, as
tho property of llvowning A Tracy, to sat-
y a ll fn for to'wn lux f r 1872, Mayor and
vn council, vs. tmid Browning \* Tracy.
Also, town lot in Codartown, No not
known, lies North of Noyes blacksmith simp
and WuhI. of llroad street, as the properly
f \V H Shell It, to satisfy a tl fa for town
x for the year 1873, Mayor and Counoll
said Shellit.
Also, town lot In Codartown, No. not
known, but known ns Iho old brick store.
corner of street opposite Cherokee Iron
Company’)) Store, as tho properly of M A
hisolm, to satisfy a tax ti fa for town tax,
Mayor and Council, vs said Chisolm,
James F. IlilolumoU, Wm.
M. Tripp and others, havo applied to tho
Court of Ordinary of said county, for an
Jublishinga private way as a Public
Road of second grade, or 20 feet wide, leav
ing the Van Wort ami Ourtorsvlllo Rond
Andy Davis’ residence, In tho ll)73d
district, ll. M., and running a South-East
ion to tho lino of Paulding county, and
said road having been worked out and re
turned under oath according to law, by Jae
Hitchcock, Wm. L. Crow and J. N.
Brock, and that tho same was of great pub
lic utility, etc. Therefore all persons hav
ing objections to said private wav bclug
siablishcd as a Public Road, second grade,
twenty feet wide, will file the sumo ns
tho law directs, at tho next term of the
of Ordinary for said county for coun
ty purposes, to be held on the third Mon-
lay in September next, or forever after bo
’ my hand aud
me”* * *
$25 00
- 50 00
25 00
100 00
25 00
-100 00
40 00
- 1.00 00
100 00
record of
As ordered by tho Gc
Polk County Guards met at the
court-houso at 11 o’clock n. tu., aud
elootd tho following officers: Captain,
J. A. Peek; 1st Lieutenant, J. O. Wad
dell; *2d Lieut., A. J. Tomlinson; 3d
Llonl., E. Paco. Son 1 gents, 1st, J. P.
McConnell; 2d, J. A. Wynn; 3d, T. F
But bank; 4th, W. Ed. Wood; 5tb,
J. G. Janes.
The committee, through their ebai:-
mnn, {?. M. H. Byrd, presented a num
ber of samples of goods for uniforms,
whoa the company adopted that of
Cadet gray. On motion of W. N.
Griffelh tho double-breasted frock
coat with blue silk cord for trimming
for officers aud privates was adopted.
The eommilloo also reooraraondod
tho black slouch bat, which, on motion,
was adopted. W. Ed. Wood was ap
pointed a committee of odo to order
tho material for tho uniform.
T. F. Burbank and W. N. Griffelh
wero appointed ncommitteo to make
orangeraeuts for culling and making
uniform. On motion a committee of
three was appointed to select by-law
for tho company* C. (J. Janes, It. T.
Pool, and L. B. Stone, committee.
It was o retard that the company
every 1st and 3d Saturday morning at
eight o’clock for the purposo of dt illiug
On motion of S. M. H. Byrd, it was
ordered that Mr. Wiklo bo furnished
a copy of the proceedings of this meet
ing, and ho be requested to publ ish the
sumo in tho Record. There bein'
further business, tho mooting adjo
ed till tho 1st Saturday in September
at 8 o’clock o. in.
Julius A. Pkek, Copt.
J, P. McConnell, Ord. Seargt.
Curing Clover.
Clover is uot a grass ut all. It be.
longs to the same order of plants
the pea, but, nevertheless, it is used
as a forage crop and in treated r/-:
grass crops' are; it is fed c.ff, nnd
ouL for hay to be stored ns food for
live slock iu the winter season. Owing
to its nature il is one of ihe most ten-
dor plants to handle in curin r for hay.
It needs to bo dried rather in the
shade than in tho sun, nnd the tex
ture of tho hay should show a ccrf tin
toughness rath nr than crispnr-.vo.
Then, again, it should bo so cured
that even lis color may bo retaiiK l. f
possible. T< to this it is import:)’.',
that it should be cut before tho bloi-
som has formed the seed pods.
with all i
slops at once
to have the three bridge long since
recount)! tided by several grand juries,
and, wo think, ut gently domnndod by
Iho public interest, namely, the two
jm,t mentioned and the one over Ku-
fiarlio crook, on the road from Van-
wort It' Rome, rebuilt and put in a
rviciblo condition.
We are constrained to present tho
Commissioners of Codartown district
for failing to lmvo tho toads loading to
tho coiinly Boat iu proper order. The
road loading towards Cave Spring,
those leading south nud west, and
also those within tho corporate limits
of Cudni’towi), have obstructions that
abaulji lio removed, and uuovon pla
ces which need work to put them ill
proper order.
Is the hill on the road to Rockinart,
between tho residences of Mr. Godard
and Mr. Lovell, never to cease to bo a
bone of contention and a ground of
complaint by our people? Wo ask
our Ordinary to see to these past
plaints and apply tho legal reme
dies, in all theso cases. We also call
his attention to the ‘‘loafc road” on tho
way from It ickmart to Romo, and
hopo ho will at once see to what dis
trict it belongs, and lmvo it put in
good order.
Wc do uot concur with (ho former
jury in recoinmond’ng that tho old mi
ni accounts and the balance
of the school commissioners uecount
bo paid out of tho surplus funds col
lected for county purposes.
Wo do concur with tho former pan
ne), in the opinion tlmt tho Etna Iron
Co. should by law, bo couip* lied to
pay taxes in Hu;/, on all prop
erly lying and operated and protected
iu ihiH county, and reiteralo the hope
that our members in I lie legislature
will see to our rights in this matter.
In relation to tho account of J. H.
Price, wo concur with tho former
jury in declining to approve its pay
Brought up to the present week.
Amounts of the various funds
Ghnrtos Foster, An
Ennis Whitohoad “ “
Tho Clerk Ural made
the flues aud forfoturos received and
paid out iu 1872.
Received that your, - $810 00
Paid out " “ - - 81.0 00
Itecoivod 1873, - - 401 80
Paid out “ - - 482 30
Received 1874, - - 215 10
Paid out “ - - 185 70
leaving a balance of $20 40, iu the
hands of tho Clerk to ho ontorod tip
whon ho makes a settlement with the
other officers. We find each year an
insolvent, list allowed, largely in exftesH
of tho collect ions mado from lines aud
foifo urs Wo n tieo at our court
two insolvent lisls wore allowed, one
of the Sheriff and ono of his deputy,
both representing several of tho satin
oases. There has boon some ii iogu
larjfcy or neglect in this matter, thougl
we do not find evidence of fuiil.. Wo
licitors and sheriffs should collect nnt
sol tie promptly, keeping a record <>
tho same, and dofendoulH should not
bo permitled to go until they havo
paid the full penalties imposed.
Hospectfully reported.
t S. M. II. Byrd
J. A. Peek,
S. A. Bordus,
In taking a ralrospcol of n low yeavs, In
tlio oonoons of public order and justice, wi
aro oncour.igod to buliovo that Homo ad
vancomoiil lias boon inado, and to hopo fi
still great or progress toward law and order
Onr iJourtM aro soil onouinlioroil with far
too many cases of crimes and malic
•rati (him.
t Imi fewer
mor years.
By a vote taken in our body on iliiH snb
loot, wc declin e our unanimous concurrence
in llio views of Judge Mot'll.olio
dared in bis charge in Ihe opening of Iho
'Jcuri for Ibis week, in regard to Iho prime
cunse of most of the crimes dial (listin b Iho
peace of society and oiieumber
and Iho moHl oH'col.ual romod’os to bo ap
plied to suppress these crimes and IroubI
He tells us that the use of inioxiealing
liquors is at Iho hottoi
troubles of tliin sort.. Thai our laws should
bold tho liquor-ncllor to stricter ncaounla-
bilily for I bo consequences of bis
and all drunkenoss (except on one
promises), should ho declared a crime nnd
liable to punishment. Not that (bo sale
uso of intoxicat ing liquor should be probili
iled by law; lmt Hu t the selling and buying
at retail should both lie punished* And
that the people of every county, a
(riot Dfn county, and of every incorporated
town should havo ihe priviligo of veiling on
tho question of totally excluding the sale
within Hi Jr l iniis, die law making
high misdemeanor severely to bo punished
when anyone violates the express will of
majority of such community, district (
town, Wo Hay Clod speed Iho day when such
laws‘can he passed and executed, and long
and happily live tho Judge who boldly ad
vocate such wholesome measures, and pro
poses such good laws.
In taking leave of bis Honor, Judge Mo-
Cutcbcris, who has so ably conducted tli6
business of our Court, and of Solicitor
Clements who has been so prompt in busi
ness, nnd polite to our body, wo present
them our thanks and best wishes for their
continued health and usefulness.
J We request that these l’resentmcnls be
hand as reported by the grand jury published in the Codartown Record and
A Twenty-Eight Column Taper,
N E WfJ8
August 17, 1871.
Wm. MELK8, Marshal.
i.ped, &o.
■till signature
JOEI. BREWER, Ordinary.
Jtoad IVotlco.
vU John T Prior, J. M. Prior, L- B. Slone
P. Vaadovomlor and others, havo applied to
tho Court of Ordinary of said county, for
order establishing ns a Public Ruud tho
private way rmmiifk along the right of way
■' I ho Polmn, Rome and Dalton Railroad,
■m where tho public road leading from
slartown to Jacksonville crosses said
tu Broad, to Priors Station In said oonnty.
Therefore, all persons concerned uro
hereby notified to ho and appear at. Iho
next term of tho Court of Ordinary, of said
county, to bo held on tho third Monday in
ptoutlier next, to show cause, If any they
ve, why said private way should not lie
mado a Public Road, or forovor after bo
estopped, &o.
liven under my hand and ollioial slgna-
i), this August 171 li, 1871.
Rond Notice.
.1 M Prior, W F Handers, P. BLinkin-
(i ami many oilier aili/uns, have applied
lie Court of Ordinary of said county for
ordor discoid liming the public road of
t wenty foot wide, or second grade, loading
Pledgors & MI/.o’h mill, intersecting
tlic Uedarlowu aud Prior Station road near
■sidenco of W F Sanders, in said ooun-
riioreforo all porsons oonooruod are
liorohy required to ho mid appear at the
ixt term of llio Court of Ordinary for said
unly, toy county purposes, to bo bold on
I lie third Monday iu September next, to
cause, if any they havo, why said pub-
lio road should not bo discontinued assuol),
terms of (lie law, and iu default to
ter lio estopped, &o.
(Jivoli under my hand nnd ollioial signa
ture, lids August the 17th, 187-1.
vJT \y. N. Hugo, executor of It. W. Huge,
deceased, has mado application, In duo
form of law, for letters of dismission from
xooutorship, representing ill his poll
lion that ho has fully e . in.od his trust.
Therefore all porn s oo <o ,rnod will ho
d appear at a Court of Ordinary to lie
bold In and for said county, ou Iho first
day in November next, to show cause,
y they lmvo, why letters of dismission
should not ho granted to said applicant, and
he ho folly dlsohaigod from his said trust,
(iiven under my hand and ollioial signa
l's, this 171 It day of July, IH7-I.
Inovl JOEL BREWER, Ord’y.
Tho Hkooui) will labor for tho develop
ment of tho houndloss resources, both min-
oral and Agricultural, of this highly favor
ed Bootlon. It will labor for the good of
The Whole People-
And will ondoavor to dlssomlimto aknowl -
edge which will invito capital and labor to
assist In oonstruoting an Independent fu
G Holst ia A. Adams, Administratrix
tho estate of Tomporanoo Silvy, doo’d, has
mado application, in duo form of law, for
distni-.Blou f cm said administration, repre
senting in her petition tlmt slio has fully
administered said estate.
This is, therefore to oilo and admon
ish nil persons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to appear at my office as required
by law, to show cause if any they have, why
said administratrix should not receive let
tors of dismission, on tho first Monday ii
October next. Given under my hand, this
•Itli day of July, 1871
July 11
of lust week:
Fund for count;
Pauper, -
New jaii. -
Overpaid on jad,
Bal. on band,
A mot; ot received
Ilockmart Reporter, and that each bo p
nurnoeep $128 11 i Ove dollars for pubfishing,
purpose., wo u ISAAC N. JONES, Foreman.
Lsoius Q. Wkst, Clerk.
Ordered by the Court that the above pro.
sent merits bo published in accordance with
the K.-ime, in tho (Jboautown Rkoohd and
Rockinart Reporter.
J. 8. (!. 0. Presiding.
A true extract from the minutes of the
Court, this August 21, 1871.
W. C. KNIGHT, Clerk.
14 35
2694 43
- 18 67
- 267f.
| Total paid out,
In Canada, this summer, a pony
291 57 wah driven on a wager oighty-ono
miles in eleven hours ana twenty min
.! 87 j utesiu one conlimvjuH ulraighl h"xit. And
i yet rlir.y say I bore ia no cruelty
826 83 i race-courses 1
V.JT M VV Gray having made application for
loiters of administration on tho ostato of
Euclllus Marbil, late of said county, doo’d,
Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish
all persons concerned, to be and appear
my ofiioo on the first Monday in September
next, to show cause, if any they have, why
said letters should not. be granted to appli
cant in said case. Given under my band
and official signature, this tho tilli day of
August, 1874. JOEL BREWER, Ord’y
Slierifr SalcH for Septenlic
W sold before the Court House
door, in Codartown, Polk county, Gi
on the first Tuesday in Hoptombor next,
within tlie legal hours of snle. the following
property, to-wil:
Lot of land No. 804, in the 2d district and
4th section of Polk county, as the property
of A. Morion, by virtue of one Justice Court
(i fa iu favor of A. Huntington, vs said
Morton. Levy made and returned to
by Constable.
Also, at same time and place, lots of lam)
No. 1240 in fid (list, and -lib section of Polk
county, as the property of B Gravley,
satisfy two Justice Court li fas issued from
the 1075th district, G. M., in favor of Simon
Marks, vs said Gravley. Levy mado ami
returned to mo by a Constable.
Sheriff Salt* for Sepicmbor
* sol 1, before the Court House
W ILL be h
door, in
Codartown, Polk County, Ga,
. the first Tuesday in September next,
within t he legal hours of sale, tho following
One portable Steam Haw Mill, with
gine, boiler ami fixtures complete, by
toe of two mortgage li fa-', issued from Polk
Superior Court., in favor of David Garrison,
vs John II Ru'shoU, as proporty
Russell. July 11-81
Real Estate Agenoy.
JlIIK undersigned rospootfully announce
to tho public that tlioy havo fonnod a co
partnership under the firm name and stylo of
For tlio purposo of transacting a general
business in Real Estate in Polk nnd adjoin
ing oountlos.
Wo will Buy, Soil nnd Rent Farm?.
Wild Lands, RoBldoucos, Stores nnd nil
kinds of Ronlty.
Property placed in our hands will bo lib
erally advertised, and no ohargo will bo
mado If wo fall to disposo of It as stipulated
but if tho party plaolng property in our
hands disposes of tho satno hoforo tho oxp'-
ration of tho stipulated time, wo shall
ohargo tho samo as if wo hod disposed of
tho proporty.
Every ono having ronlty to soil or ront,
and all desiring to buy or ront ronlty is re
quested to call upon or write to us and learn
our terms IVY F. THOMPSON£■
T. M. ANDERSON, Into of Romo, Ga. with
Corner Loyd and Wall sts. near Union Pas-
sbngor Depot,
|\ /TEALS and Lodging per Day $2 00; sln-
1VX glo meal, 60 cents, First-class tablo
W. H. Wiklo & Oo.,
C'lirtorHvftllc, - - Georgia,
TS O I ll O U Ij A T I O N
Will 1.0 Blon.lily nml pormammlly pushed
forward until it roiiohufl ail parts of tho
_imntry, and ilH subscription list, in point
of numhor, will hoar a favorablo comparison
with that of any weekly nowspapor In this
section] It will look after tho interests of
Advertising Patrons
and ondoavor to make thoir favors profita
To Us subscribers it will seek to ho
A1CE Subsoripllon for any Rook or Pe
riodical published In tho United Statos, at
Publishers lowost prices.J J
For all kinds of Sowing Machines, also fur
nish Attachments, Oils, oto. Will send
NooiUob by mall, to any addross, on roooipt
of prloo. Singer, 76 cents por dozen; all
others 00 cents. Parlies would do well to
consult us boforo buying goods from ped
dlers, or sending North to tho various
swindlers and humbugs. Any goods not III
stock will bo furnished at short nolioo.
juno 20-1 f
furnishing thorn with tho latost and fresh
ows, choice miscellaneous articles and
general intelligence.
Soliciting tho favors and confiding its
interests to tho pnlronago of a generous
public, Tiib Rkooud fools assured of a lib.
nil support and an enduring prosperity.
Ono Gopy, ono year
One Copy, six months,
To Clubs of Ton, ono year
Invariably in Advance,
.. J|2 00
.. $1 00
Romo Railroad Company.
O N and after Monday, Juno 1st, 1874
double dally trains will bo resumed on
this road and run ns follows:
) at 8.16ai
Arrivo at Romo 1.15 p.
Loaves Romo at 6 80 p. m. ) R vnpv n ftVi
Arrivo at Romo at 10.10 p m } *" vory fty *
Each trnln will mnko oloso oonnootlon
at Kingston with Western and Atlantia
Railroad trains bound for Chattanooga and
Atlanta. W. 8. COTHRAN, Pros.
JOHN C. PRINTUP, Ticket Agent.
Western & Atlantic Railroad
and Connections.
Address all Communications lo Tub
Rbcoud, CoJartown, Ga.
W. 8. D. WIKLE & CO.,
t Publishers & Prop’rs.
June!/' .
Arrivo at Cartorsvillo
Arrivo at Kingston
Arrivo at Dalton
Arrives at Cartorsvillo
Arrives at Kingston
Arrives nt Dalton
Arrives at Cartorsvillo
Arrives nt Kingston
Arrives at DALTON
Arrives at Dalton,
Arrives nt Kingston
Arrives at Cai’tcrsvillo
Arrives at. ATLANTA
numder 6.
Arrives at Dalton
Arrives at Kingston
Arrives at Cartersville
Arrives at ATLANTA
10.80 p. i
12 80 a. i
1.03 a. r
8.00 a. r
5.00 a. r
8.30 a. n
11.00 a. a
11.46 o. r
2.01 p. i:
4.28 p. r
0.00 p. t
8; 16 p. ii
8.43 p. r
10.30 p. t
3.46 p.
1*6.85 p.
7.41 p. !
8.10 p. ;
19.46 p.
3.45 a a
8.00 a r
10.12 a t
10.51 a ii
1.43 p a