Newspaper Page Text
Jfdvqfiser and
t. 0. met. Ultw and l*ro).riflor.
liTOimt xioaxixo, Mar t.WM."
Tba new railroad from Waycruoa to
JackaooviUe U provided with elegant
amokiog can and dining room can,
liaaidt* the regular passenger coaches,
which an also very elegant
The cotton taken off the ill-fated
steamship Citjr of Austin, at Fernan-
dtna, waa on board a Swedish bark
that waa wrecked at Naaaan about
eighteen months ago. The cotton
waa taken from the wrecked bark nud
transferred to lifts City of Austin.
In speaking of thedniningof hake
Ukcecbobee, Florida, the Quitman
/'me I'm* says: •• We do not eipcet
to reap any pecuniary profit out of
this enterprise, hat are puckering our j c i lnni .,
uiouth for a good laugh at the 'abre- \ ; n ; t „ jtfiout the couacnt of the State,
tors' when the pond runs dry." jtlirough the legislature. I think,
A seriouT accident bef. il the Jack-: 51 r K ' litor . ,hn * vi,l ' n “ *®
eonrillo fast train on the S., K. A W. b ’ xrc - in the al.ape of recent railroad
ltuilway on Monthly last, at the junc-, legislation,^ that «e
lion, near Savannah, with the Snvnn
XVK Alt!-: AllllAiaNEP.
Baranncc, May 2d, 1881
Ur. Aa/i/or; I notice in yonr ieene
of the noth an article beaded "The
Cumberland Route," in which the
whisperings of Mr. J. If. James, of
Atlanta, are given, in regard to the
non-extension of the M. A Ik II It
from Macon to Atlanta. This is sal'
rotated to make onr |>eoplc et least
uneasy as to the fulfillment of the
contract Iwtween the purchasers of
the St. A II It It and the State, par
ticularly a* to the extension. In a bus
iness sense, Ihi ro is nothing more sa
cred to the law than a contract. The
purchaser! of the road havo contract*
cl with the State to build the road
from Macon to Atlanta, and it re
mains only for our legislature to see
that the contract is carried out So
or modification can he made
uah A Charleston Railroad. The cn-
gino was thrown from the track, drag
ging the haggsge, express ami amok
safely trust
(this matter to onr representatives
without tho least fear of their allow
ing so grievous a wrong lining dono,
not only to llrunswick, hut to tho cn-
mg ear. afteHt When foumMhe! tir0 St,,U '' "" 1,18 !" ,nre,n l "' iM lbe
engineer, Jo*. K. Nelson, was lying! "tension trom Macon to Atl.uU-
uuaconscious, with one hand on the Further, we have no evidence thatthe
valve break and tho other on tho re- 0K0<:r3 ,ho M * U K 11 ronlcm '
verse lever, lbs injuries are consul- P Ut « "“*“»* *'■" " x,rn "' on - (>n
ercil fatal t,ic eontrary, tho surveya have been
made, and we have lieen assured by
tho owners that they not only recog
nizc the fact of thin extension lieing
From tho Darien Tunt#r Otmitr of
the 29th: "It is said that there are
more buildings nowr going up in
Urunswick than over -as known bo-
foro. Ilrunnni i .rrm* to have a loom."
Mr. Johnston, the representative of
the M. A Ik H. It, wss here some
time since, and asked to bars the
privilege of getting to our water-front,
ae his road wished to put up wharves,
wtreboosee, etc., end said, ss did Mr.
Wilson, that they pn-jsised to make
improvements to the extent of $o0,-
000. Certainly these facts do not
point to had railroad management,
hut, on the contrary. Hist our roadi
are doing all in their power to help
the place, and certainly it does not
argue had faith on the part of the
M. k Ik when they promise to spend
money here.
Whet has brought i.boiit this on-
wonted activity in our business cir
cles? It is certainly tno facilites
which are afforded by onr railroads to
live men to transact their business
here. There am no other inducements
being offered that I am aware of, yet
one in reading yonr paper would think
The (icorgia Coast Truck Associa
tion, of Liberty county, is rising in its
might and asserting its strength.— ' a part of their contract with the State,
Their chief aims are to give promi- but actually look upon it aa a privi-
nonce to track farming, secure steam- I lege to lie allowed to make the At-
boat facilities for shipments and to rn- 1 Isnta connection,
courage immigration. A now ora, cv-1 You will find upon examination that
idontly, is about to dawn on that once
favored land, and tho past prosperity
seems ready to repeat itself, verifying
tho motto of the Ilinesvilte (Imrttr, of
that county
laud vet."
the hill tor tho sale of (he M. A Ik lk
lk gives the purchasers tho privilege
of extending from Sterling station on
, the M. A Ik to Jacks..indie. This
11 There’i life in the old c ) aaM wa a deemed important aa giv
1 ing greater prns|iective value to the
property. I take it that if that con
nectiou hail been made, llriluawiek
Aa the time for tho approaching i would occupy much the same position
session of the Oeorgia Legislature | that it does at this time with the Jos
draws nigb, the discussion of IboBail-j up and Wnycross connection. In
road Commission waxeth warm, and ot |, cr words, it would uinke lint little
advocates pro anil con spring up on j difference whether the train diverged
all aide*. Wo rciterato what wo have j „t j CT „p or Sterling, it would not
said before, Hint we consider the come here under either arrangement
Commission a flml-een.l to tho|itsi|ilo
of Georgia. Its workings havo been
for good, anil wo feel it ie so under
stood hy tho iwople of Georgia, whose
representative! in tbo Legislature will
and liruiiawiek could derive no lienc
lit from tho through trnfllc.
It ie regretted that tlio Cuudinrlnnd
ltmite should he given up hy tho M
A lk Railroad aa part of their eununr-
perpetuatc the institution ,*,longs, i|o but k „ ol illlrrt .„ t o( the
rmlremd comb,n.I.on. continue Mo Jf nua udina A Jacluonville Railrrod,
couudtr tome tnoJiftrntiona of tho .. ... , „ ... . , .....
. . . . , - . I the rjbc* of rt riiAuiliii i mul Brum*
law ucccaaary, but only tnodifiruttumt. . , n . . . . ..
. . .» » r ! wick iiufilcicntly (trout to mauro tho
Wc thiuk, for iuataucc, tlmt tho Com-
minaiouen fthouhl have* homo reatne-
tioUB tbrowu around them, tor wc
uiuy uot alwaya lmv« a* cotiacivntioua
a trio aa at preaent. Wc cnii*iilcr,
further, |*owcrful h««U ami com*
bivntionn can !*c keyed down n little
lighter than ucuker onca -that the
tariff cannot U* made tho naiuo in nil
cnaca. Hut wc holt that tin- Com hum-
mi >u ia right in the main, mul wc
lilAW UlRllLLTI llll* 11111!
If runawick. Georgia,
June rill, nth and 0th, 1881.
0, T. DUNN,
axtt: sPJ^==jlzz: 9
w. b. c. com & co.
We, tho undersigned, hereby agree
to (janrantec the aucc*** of the ilwve
Fair financially to the amount feet o[»-
povito our names aa follows:
50 nor cout of our aubacriptum to
bo paid, it called for by tho Secretary,
at any time before the Fair, and the
balance aftor the Fair, if required by
tho Financo Committee.
All or inch proportion oh wo may
havo paid tiefore the Fair to l>e r«-
imtmrncd to us out of tho uot profit*
of aaid Fair after ull cxpcUHi-fe have
been paid:
D T l)«»nu
A T Putnuin anti Urotlior.
L 1> Hoyt AO
C Schlatter, Jr
T \V Uinli
H C Taylor
Atirf 1-’ Franklin A Co.
acre* fowl, tai
flrcf*. yvnerrerlctred. 0<k«! tor* Unry dwrfllnff
New House, New Furniture & Kept iu Elegant Style.
rub. Uual | >, story I otue, villi utu-buttw*.
Al«°. tJ.r D.4|n 1*< **
bluff Ulitl In rillt.\»!n
rtMtua. Ul ff*» I Us k rush Biir-h.
i loth »b* mho%,
a bjr w*|rr fr<nii UrtjUfvl k. tit.
era Uupror. .1 Ul 1 ou fti.l imbill
i 333r TXT- C. HETOT dz, CO.
lt> . 'U. llil-X.
»:. ln-l., ir iil tfve. rt. ,
Al» <. A *Tf* •ellsHlilT!^ tlic «Wr. atnl « tl Mllfl.
Ainu thsi folluwlftK I t. It* tbv clljr «.f HniH-»lrk
4'» lotn In HivlUh. trontlnir tlo I'ormui 1-lac*.*, un. I
Wl»ru»*»d - It* bv»t | *rt ot I'lwtllw.
Dl l Tuwu lot art. tww A'OCsI *JATuuTO UutlMf riivl ,
t.*-bo«w,«. fwX- a, r|e., t« it.
Littlefield A Tison..
Nreme A McCrary.
Cook Brow. A Co..
W A Fuller
A Kaiser Bro
J Miclielhon
J T lllain.
.50 (H)
,.:pi iio
.30 n'i
:tt» (K)
.’Mi 00
:io oo
’Mi oo
.jo oo
.25 00
.25 00
.25 00
25 00
.25 00
muubwr it*;.
Tb* tlfiw "Tj< r” buu
Oow-eut!, ollut llrt. «•
•l«»rc bona*. T*ii*t
25 00
25 (Mi
25 00
25 00
20 (Ml
20 oo
20 1K»
20 00
20 Oo
1" 1*0
15 IK*
15 00
10 00
10 (K* 1
10 00
l«l 00
10 (MI
.10 oo
.10 tHl
, lo (Hi!
.10 (H*
10 IK),
.10 00
lo oo
lo on
continuance of a Inmt Is twecn thin
place and our nintrr city iu Florida,
oven if wo do have to nvrt oiinelvea
a little? The f.n-t that tho M. A* B
lUilroad doca not fiud it to be tothrir
iutercMt to have a l»ont, ia no roaMin
why tluro hliould not bo u fowl l»c-
tween thiN place and Florida, and it
; only remain* for un to ace tlmt there
in. Iu thin connection, further, 1 call
. , .. , « your attention to the inducement*
hope Hour to *oo the «| N y when it ; .. .... . #.* • . »
, * , luld out in tin* direction of lLricu and
chall be abolihltcel fo i cli;uigra and
modification* U* nnole a* * \|»cricnc«
may dicUte, but never give up the . . . , „ „ . , ,
. . , .. . . river, bmchiug at the High I omt of
Loiuiuiuuou —litiei : Some claim , , , n M ,
, , ( iiiuIh rutid. I Ik mo we in to me to be
the rice tichU of the Altnmalia, for n
hue of atcaiucr*; nlao, to tlm S.ttilln
tlmt tho Cuututi»*nm Im* cripphnl
railroad ontcrpriM * in Georgia We
foil to »co it, atel’i balieve it *«•
Lug a* railroad utock m IU fifty p* r
uht. above par.
♦ •
Mil, llllt SHWU K I XTl.NHlttV
inviting field* o|»eu to llriluawiek an-
Another article in vour i-*ue of the
that ovory obstacle i* lieing thrown iu
the way of doing butineaa here, by our
railroads, notably, tho Macon A
Brannwick. Tbo argument is ad*
tranced that theoo facilities would not
bt granted but for tho railroad com
munion. Very good. If tho Logiala-1 Cl Friedlandcr Co.
taro baa ba«l tho wriadom to creait j ^ ^•
each a board, wo havo the evidence ^ y \v,',r!,] * '
which ahonld asanre ua that thero it 1 \ j)j vm
no fear that the great trana|>ortation i J Wilder A Co
interest of onr State will l»o regulated W 11 Bnrrongh*, M 1)
in tho fotnreor auffor at their lunda. i ' ilUchei .
If they have hod the wisdom to foster ^ j 0 nVs • V -
and protect as in the pant, wo can! Mabry A Crovatt
safely look to them iu the future. The' A Horchardt
Macon A Brunswick will be built tojKAHoins
Atlanta, or revert to tho State, if tho ''
past ia any guarantee for the futuro; I j j ^ *piaon
and in cithor event, BrnuHwick'a fu-. M Sdunnon
ture is assured. * A M Matthews
I have not mentioned tho 11. A A.! }*;>"
Railroad, aa is apparent to tho moat / 5t,. r ^|,„ n
casual looker on that what can ho, ,SM Gloganer
has and will l>« clone (or onr place.— Sapp A Co
Aa jot, they think themaolvea weak, |CG Moore
bat the <laj ia not distant when tbej I *} *‘ ** :lrr ‘“
will learn that the boy baa reached J m DrnryV V...’.’.V.
mail's estate and is capable of a mau's g (> Meadc-r
work. Some of ns think that even IG \V Wimberly
now they underrate their own prow- j j k'arlo
V | T i*'Gale
W l* < lolden. . .
Wo choorfully give plu«M to thoh)(j Ui.-aLy
nhovo ns it roproHontM tho other *ido (||ol/oiulorf A Bro
of tho picture, nud wo nro more tlmn j C J Hoorllingcr -5 (Ml
gratified to know tlmt our fours h^^O* ood J; (hi
\hs gnmndlcHH, lull mcro lumertions ky || ||5 rr im>»r. 500
avail nothing Our |M-oph? demand John It Uoertlingor .5 IMI
tho proof. So fur, nothing baa been | J It Boat wick. 5 (HI
done at thin end of the line. On the j ^ ii„.»
contrary, tho Cumberland route baa j
been taken off— thi* loots like going i.uoi Nr^.
backwards inatenil of forward. l*ct' ^ ^ Watkin*, burr \\ iiiton. .1 i
„ „ ... * , , Collins, T W Ifovtrr >1. Mirliclson. A
tbo 31. A B. authorities go nhoud ami « '
, . n , T Butunm.
make |»crmaueut arraugeuicuU boro. KXI ., |;|rK
and thus restore eonfidenee. As toj w l( i; arro ugh.-. )l, D., J X Walk-
our putting on a Iwat Udwccn this' or, J 1* Lamb, I>:wid Scarlett, .1 M
|M>int and Fcrnatidina, wo would aav ( ConpiT, B (• U:*’ , 11* I\**»tc*ll, K S
that aucb a thing wouhl l»oof no avail Club!*,
in continuing tho travel through our
place, UN it tuiiNthftVothec
of tho M. A H. lUilroad t«
nuccihm—giving the llirtuigh trawl n
pleasant and cloao-eonncctiou mub*.
In tho aU>vo article, *1’” ii*k* Mime
pertinent tpindion*. toiirhing the vast
increase of our trade and ipiobti large-
i jy from our lo*t laaiie to prow th it we
■arc moving right attend, ite. !(•
' snawera his own «|ii# **t ion•*. however,
by intimating tlmt the whole V
tnrgktx «*cG0it
.Uf-1*-. « U*f
1, ml! tV M o wtut*
Xesc*«tlv Omt. OuikI j
IS- br*t Tuws CoUlttivSI* lTOJUrrtj II
, lot IV* Mi l ut«
H»U CGUlIombl" ll-iuw* .
. ttiv klrlbl ur ri L .uw. i
«.f Tuvan
til l»t u«
•van *n<t n,» th - t l
>iit',-««»t tl
• U -va Ui-l.'Mi mi
»-v«r * j.|-»rtuLify t
BSriifliMtick 9 Georgia*
\V 1! C. COKER A CO..
»: MHimii.iiT,
SAP? k
Greou Grocers,
Country Produce
. rrrj. am* w lll v
sit* k or
(i HOC KIM I’.^
fit: Alts.
Paint and Oil Store!
Stiiiiiilioiit and II Supplies,
Pure White Lead, Zinc & Colors,
KS'llioy K(an Eusinoss! Glass, Putty, Varnishes & Brushes
r, 110 mtr.\SVi'I( K, CEOlK.fA.
orner \eWC4 tl<‘ III 1 *
A 'f I’lUnani, .1 A Sapp, h. \V.
-ojmuuIjom z|,-||ui\tt. Sr.
make it n ivi i.rnv.
F V Brcwratcr, >1 K l>ul*ig^i>t
L Hi:ic, A 31 H* ' I
Burr Wmtoi.. Ilenrv (irav,
3fcC*ai.ilIcivs, Jr, \\ H Amh rMMi,
A. li. REINS. - I*rn|*rf«-t«ir.
iiiii;i!), rm m. bit..
PI,iii ind Decorative Wall Paper
Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Eto.,
loch, Sash-Weignls, tori. Hingu, Scrtwi, lit,
Lino, Plaster, Hair & Cement.
- GhmAm
l III.-II 1 Tin:4
! remilt of tho w«iiling4 of tho
iiimniaftiou. Iu thi* «
\ Wl.lJarl,
1 lor, NV U (S*
’•••tl» 1 miiHt notice at the ri*k ul blit wliiUt wo look eonthleiitlv t
tri MpuMiing ii|miii ynlir valuabloMpaci*:
•* Wc told von *0." "Here i* the proof,
the 3f. \ B. B ulnnd iiuthoritiea have
come right Mpiaro up and *uid they
wanted to run a track right through
railroad hav# purcha*p«l'one bondird tho hau.Iooment Mrcrt in town, aplit
and ten mile* of hteel rail with which often the park tint ia to ileiuol-
to i-\teiiil the road It i* not yet i-*h the Citv Hall, »tomato four feet
lnown ' hl - h v»II« l*>P« - lr4.Lt iu front
We arc gratified t«• !•«• able to stub
that the authentic* «.f the Bruuawick
They h»\e th** option. »cnndeotahd,
of departing from th« Mtc«*ii ami An
gu»ta rude at Jb*l«rf
running actum to So
Covington, ami over thetb-orgia rbad
from Maon t*» Atlantn, or they may
build a direct line from Mneon'to At
lanta. But thi* one thing we do know
ul*ovo Noiirce for future gr**
pn»*|wwity. Mill we would lik*-
thoae $50,000planted here in tin
of wlmrve*, warchou** *, otllec**,
run 0/ \it 1*1:1 11 t»
A MltUlfo-taa I'1-..IM l||«. \
Kswullvi* Comimihv
B1.1t1.iK. 31 ay 2.—Intelligence
St. IVtcrivburg rei»«*rt* that the
.1 M Collpa I, J
lluruwiTj, Wi-aley 1
rnilroad halt. J K Nighleug:
igreeal, NVV\J.-r*»!;» •».
A V W.hhI. .1 Wtl.ler, W I
tli rind bage. 1> B McKinnon, (i S |).a
e i.rviiiu, miin'.i-is, t.vTua %M* :
Prices as Low os the Lowest
\V A Full.-
II Tift
S II C,,„k, N l>
I llir I'ri-abyt.i i»u
church. <U\. nml Ibis, b.>, right ill tlir fcb. of the Sihilist Executive «
- - ... 1 .. 1 uiittec, printevl on the 1 «tli of April,
Matiuu .ml face of the fact that they are about .. *n, e vcr.lict a^aiuat Ihc N,l„.
il Circle or di*ov»ntinuo the Ciuularland Honte, (w |, 0 | iave nyctivvil the mar-
‘ J and aw itch off the travel to Jackson- 1 tyr* crown, wn* dietate«l a** w« 11
ville at Jo.up." This and luanv other | confirmcHl by the I'wr. 1 he tb>t act
of your article* wftihl lea.l a stranger, I of l,U • ntocr * tic
i«! even Nome of *>ur
«ill thu* ha* In-t-n
' j the hanging of woiueu without wait-
an people, to j 0j , ( or bja coronation, fIt* ha* *prik
1 ,1 M t'oiiiM-r. W T Jom*, It Till. 1
T Bent, J I*. Part, J H McCulh ugh.
J 31 Tiaon, Jr.
T W Limb. A T IVitn im, It M T»-
sou. J A l*lnl!ip«, Wiu Turner.
A J Crovatt, Henry Taylor. (• W
Wright. Jr., \V (> Moore, W Turner,
<1 It 3f ibry.
SYwnk o*r\TY. WMWiggin*. with
|M>\ver t»* till on*.
\» I\u*vu * otmv.— iX'iiii Wing. (V-
< IIIU-* * lil-RKV.
mi: *wirr am ine company. h»rfMun, .1
1 v .11 .IrucKi-ti CaII in , .,t » . f • y. Hb
.-» p-r-i-iimbrbiiNMMM. lb.i.ii..|.rik■
„i.i,r ■ ' Hl »»*“**.l that Ihc M. .V II waa actually |„| his with the hi,sal ihc.tuviuv ll.^iuu
firifil* iVtVn'r I?t ' •n ,MK " 1 ii’i i '! doing all in it* imwer to injure the, champion* of national right Over C'iviiun
M. Ti»on. Chairman
(Iroreix mTi'i'" 11 ! "" ! h ’ , £?' hou ! 1, > •“ cmirttTr'lhrhUrathm
X mlb i U,,U ,“ J »,«» la»! ,.»uc k„u make incutlou \V„ will no more bo Jctcrnsl hy th.
ha. ,.uhli.l«l from Lo'Z ,U UU " n * ite “ ,: °Jh'‘ r
time th« ntU-ranca .,( iuiiu. „( their " Mr * ,rl,r > l>»» |-ul hi. »harf in ,l "' 1
veil known c.ti/cu- •h..-,ab,| fine orJ. r. for th. lu.iuc-.' T V w f ! l’’ H ”
lively that the Rrun.«..k .xteUMon that ».111« .lone l.v i'i i..f.,rn,. l
etouhl tiever be built. 'A . ( . ' .? 1 •«-. t arley A Imiperor that tbe of n-
j to. over the same. ,ct1;t.o the path ..f |a :u,fnl .I,-
'.. I'r.. t' Messrs. Littl. fi, hi A Ti~,u a. ala.) *“ H *'> »" *DI H »• ,u
I-«,>|>le. .In ljn.k' by the exeentiot..
T M llui riM.t,
xitiL-, L TM. Kii.
Bool A. Shot
STEAM ENGINES, ‘‘Portable & Stationary,”
STEAM ENGINES, For large Saw Mills,
STEAM BOILERS, All kinds and Sizes.
•UliTitN iVilUJil, UETU11S FLUE,
,r V,';t,r “ UtrL ' , ‘ ‘' i, • , I. s. S( II0FIELI), I’rop’r.
Iliiilroiid, SteuM, 11 Supplies
louruumcnt Co
id tec
at being al*l« to m
mvuU. Th*' rail ha* Utn 11
and at an inrlv day, M*« --it
LoU will U' c.-nnectoxl by
road, which will do much to
the prosperity of Uth citie*
12. 1ST
tlmt i
... | B • . . , t*c«>ple. Jmlguig by trie eMcutiot..
1 ^ ^ *’ ,4 '*‘ w * ttie Supreme Bower ha* elected t<» t»p
*inib* ba*y thi* wet k. • • good* |nal to the hangman. So l.e it.*’
for the interior, • unu.mda. r,*i/,/. M The ciunuuttco defer* proii 'iinciu
* Mr. F. P. Carfoy, of Clu**, Carlcv »*»> judgment on the general p«.iu
a i • .* of the Ktnpcror, but it dccl u*
A ( o , oi i»m*viite, wiu in (*ur o»t% »• 1 , ,, , ,
ck” B i ,!!“" 7 l f“7 7 t ” , " h *' 'l««re.’NLre AA !:
M*ud me another |*ack*K«-'of u^tlnna.— *^’ ,hl headway. • We'event which took place in M..i
Tl»« finit package had *u« L a happy re- cou*id« i ll.i* branch bow* here *inite* manifeato concl|ideil b
an aiblition b» the mercantile lutvreat
of our |Htrt."
*ult that 1 heartily roxm>Hr.„t u
molim, am k, N; , 0,ai a *«.rfA<r *«<**/«
/■jT a trri/i i hj Li hr. Mjf ImI*v Hu« one of
•'turea —never
all wIk* would *tiale • *fTnlavcry to
|Oi•crate iu the *truggfo for hi*
tht*e little
alcepiug mote than fifteen
laiuiitc* *t a tim* After gmng the |*ow- °* it *
it «fuiet4*«| hi* nerve*, and now he |**rt >\'e I.
feuvoaps Hmm »nJ a. lc knMInJ u „„ k|w
*4t L Waw>^>. | Ihc world ttlll lgoU> ’
JAS * u - vincbnt,
1 .ITTrtKNH tN|, C.i| VVKU!'! IT IVW
CL*C Rat A
i Ft Kr*i u -ri»
viKT. %ui pea.
Mrs. J M Dcxt.r. Mr- T 1’ M.,s:l..
Mrs It M t'anjvl.*, Mrs \\ \v
Mrs LcUarou Draw. >lr». Wiu ILtrka.
• U), Mr* \V \ Fuller Mr. \ M ll.x
Sira John T Collins. Mrs .1 11 M.-
< ullun-Hi. •' «' Xuimali. M-s F ,«
lilt»»t.-r, Mrs .1 S .Marlin, .Mi- A X
l’lltnam, Mrs M Shaiitum, Mrs I,:. 1.
•Sinial , Mrs ri il Atkiiis,..., Mi-* .
r.N.-u H.-as
Mrs T IV Dexter, Jfra M C R.,«c,
Mrs H T Dunn, Xbs M ,1 Colson. Mrs
.la,-oh Mich.'lsou, Mrs \V 1* Minor,
Mias Rebecca C’-,u|H-r. Misa Malls
lllain, MiaaKntt- D.llon, Miss Mau-fn-
Moore, Miss Harry Coi.-ah.riy, Miss
Katie Dart.
ll, nix 1' Dunn, »i.h a.r to fill.
J F Xclaon, IV (' II,-wilt, C G
Moure, Jo.- WaUatv. XV ]' llairi-On
I'll WHITi: 1.1 AD, ZINt A (OLOItri,
" "v ,‘v*.a Glass, Putty. Varnishes, Brushos,Plain&decorative wall Paper
l ily Tax Noliiv,
I O.V, j|.| 0a» ■{ !
-".CIS Sasn-rfeigku. Card, Strews. Eh, Lin, Piaster, Hair aid Ctaeat,
- Wai'ii r ml IT* r..» Srocfa.
SaivaimaU, - - Georgia.
A_,pA.‘ insurance!
W. B. C. Coker ie Co.,
Hi * I I*. Vli. Li:oKUW*,»..N\LYVNCKiy».
k«rHi. Lessons, m in Hairuas
o*-.m \m»f**iml: 1 .sin.aijsi
\KtMrt*r* <4i*t Kxvmiit^r* -i lm>l Title.
rut., »ii 1) |.-iiarsnt<-x
103. Wart.*« *tr«- •.. W
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'c^urLl 4 **^ K*! T,l,ja: rilWT-t L4*t OOMYAMMI
• *|.» ll -l-.y are* 1 13* IV DftUXaWK’E BT
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