Newspaper Page Text
ft,on soura akrioa.
Li Ten Days, Use ,
Satin oIh.
Or1»r« served .prompt gisd wal ont
when desired. .
ji‘t PHONE.frr, il
This Cafe is now supplied will oil ct
the .telbacie* tf.Vt can I. fVoeanvl
at this season .'including Oystcra
serted ini any. s'yl*.f -Fithw
Lamb, Veal,. Tomatcr*„
'Celery.;- Kansas City •
. Meat* #‘fi eoialty. „ JB
For City Mars n.
I hereby announce myEojf hb a candl
date for re-aieotioa to tne office ofOlh
Alarghat subject To the action of th*
white/primary. If X aru rf-elqcted, I
will in the future ms I have dt-ne iu th<
j/ast, give mv, best attention to the
luties of the office
Y Co; tricfor and Builder.;» ,
j WdrK oxoHnVi.Vsfir ro'l^tc'its
'v ’’a it;l fti't-d. lilfi hurts.-; i
iBbx TtS. f* ,•>?» SyhmwitSb'is
. ,n.H AThojhaesUtep iii..'.*: :
P.ttUi, uflcatviu--id i estilni.e
' .. , fnrqi,hu 1 j
.|ftronh|.jd.^t7» iwe.^l, diw.tiim ttty
Cl.umterbviji's S'oniac t iti^ .Livv r I.a,
litfiney willtfj joa g-ssl Ipor sale jy.
For City Clerk
hereby anVoynee mvself as a Candi
date for r^*M»ectioii to the. office of Oit>
Olerb, subject to the action of the white
primary, -If I sttk re*bleetod I will iu
the future as I, bare dope in thepast give
my best attention to tl.e duties of;the
office, I* : ‘ iK i
l^spectfully.. ■■•-I u
, K. T. MaoJebp. .
’ f}$l$x: ANp LABOR EXORniNGE
• M iv XK.'t V UK jUEO A for a, tern of
df^y (50 j.yean with .ihe privilege of re
I ^^>1*: : 1 »-*:<’ T j ‘ t* * *&.' '»«>-: ~
t 2nd. The- they desire; to tiausaot
, bfisiuet* iu the state.of Getaigia olid
' ^Isuwhtiie in the IJuited'States a§i they,
shall, deem, advisable, with their princi-
and ptmw ot busiuessin Thom-
asvilie in the, county.of Ihoma^. ;Mute
ot UeotfcUi, .
•8r 1. .That here WiU be' no- danitai
*»Unia m association, the otjeut of
tlie same being to organise olid cany on
( amntpul cb-operntive labor es haoge
• Oussiin-MS - according to tlnr terms of thin
charter aud the rules aud by-lasvs that
they may hemilter adopt tf »at siiail not
: it! uuy mauuer conflict v.ith tlie Con-
AUtuuou unu latv&of u.e United Staler
or With iho iituie of tioorgh*.
4th. That ttit-y propose to go for*,
wain without delay ana organive ttno
i sjocuiiioth with the right to estabis •
: brs uiii oUu-es or subordinate loJg. a uj»-
bu iciiui Ufeiced uixj'u by V.-etitiouo.‘s huu
lnsu desiring to tlur*er suboidihato
•• l llgvs. t ' '
itli. Petitii/iiers de*i|e the right to
Ova newspapbra to ui
your o«-p«ts; 8uy thorn at the;
joi tl .a j on iBfto i c r* j ’j o; ;r ■»
'} )*>J®**Jgflt &^«Un>4>f/grantAa fd<i loaf
hji^u^l/f^ti^,;,jpuK^ufa['(ur'e of
- tl Roujpdy,-^ the
yef^ts jU8e^ rjm^MiiratiQii gi^p ir a :
t * *' flkvor^iuii'ar r.o mape synijpj matting it
' - i3raice.'^Slr ’ L.' K<v
t r iA6htii&l 6f Poole&afie, ^d /im ppraklug
6 n ihife ■*ed»£lr," 4h.Is; - I 'r.,Ve‘ p-n f
.££ Qnlmterlaiu’^Ucugl HmriMy With mv
• v chidrff for feverP' yvat^/iud ohn iratIi-
g fni^ say it ia.ihe bestj r. tion of v liV«
jtimlJ knov yjfv TIjv chiht nu like 16
tkmt and it Has pb ipja i ius after of*
*{■-. feet. *Torfcele by W. Ptaioclt!
For .City treasurer.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for,the i ffice of City Treasurer, subject
to the aotiou of the white priniar^ auo.
solicit the support of the voters. Should
I be elected I will give uiy time andj best
attention to the fa thful discharge! oir
the duties of the office. •
Respectfully i
Satinolu U a newl discovery 'gnbmntred
liim iii Iw\ U ||. Of ivfi.Hdect it iMiiil* »o re-
hmv* \i*r .~im»ik "tiVrfck-
lip.|il u . Tin*, I»• »u«* m : d LH figuring
K^uptlHii-loTiMtmrv (siims* In lOrtayM.ihe worst
it*. Hinit-r in.w .-minilug, In I5 lovOdnys.
Xtifi U oil'll. Hi t*>i»emoved iheSlilnwitI
lx Mill. « ticiillliv iiml bfflutltul. Prtoe oO
i-e t< ul mtu.idslVw by irrttll. ThmiMtilds of
Iu cl »**x testify lo flit* meiliMif Hulltn l , !
AIIA'h-• l.liotit*- 'W.ClUvj—ThJb dfiiux,
I*n.. Qct, :l% ’fit. dii -yfin h my fneo wn«
coujp»Hety itixerid with treekUs nud ipliii-
t-Us. A'l rcmcdlvM-tm e;l u- * 11 nud- t\\o
"wlitl'li'‘e n j li tely reniov-
(tl i»i> lieckle* iind |» inpii H, .\,y ei»mpl«‘Xton
h i.* w j et :i«r,i iurl »-i n iViij ii d> huMi-g
I reel I'M in-. in* Ion win fy. -*.» |n«*l»»
|0» Toilet Co , P'mik.Ten*i.j
m» d iu Tho maul lie by 1%. .Thulium, Jr.‘ and
“’I dr.a*«.M«. |‘
For City Sexton
Id oreby anuounce,myself a candidate
for the office if city .sexrou. If I am
elected I Will give the duties 6f tlie
office my eliliie time and undivided at
teitrioi). I JCMj.fctiully fiolirit the !sup
port of the voters ip the white primary*
, .1 A. J Hagau
i».QHoieoleono»soHonon<Jltond»|ioi*o Ko^oHoitoitoatoitoitoitoitoitoIttMCO
tf, r\.irv 't^Alk T*iii*niUa>An 4-A . o
; [ . For S.a)^- -^ewiy^DTyrhaultxiL <
0«e -.fubuhir Hotlff -
.* , 0 ' ntf " * T . ' ** J
a i’ -ih'B ‘•'" Veritcal '•*’ ^ :
8 “ ' Lo. ompttfe ** . »V W*
wheels. - -j‘
‘Ortc Vo. HJ'P: 'Vertical ogjler u^id !«f.
X; ; . T , _ /• : £‘-
l.Np. i L) -Lo’ju> Sa\W $imph>
Feed. ’ •’ f : \l . •-.
1—1* in h .'nsvrt'd tbvit-WiW.
vVOS^l* •; f*\ >
i ^ Scu^-tcam ferd ropb lccd-4^ goth
^ii3j : 5 tf'fe ceiilercrask
il I*.:-,:4? -. ' • \r a-
good as ne^, . , ,
l—Bi t’on saw mantle.; * • ‘ \ »
i—Set. 3^ stringer'osgirtg jtu.clw.njcv -
a—Sets 36 pole „ „
nj Steam pump, new.
‘ t^-p|.\2r|;ardner goyei nor.
T—2 1-3 „ good,a»
That * many hoirn
(s are whited sepulchres
jjF ; eautjfRj to lock |up<n from life outside, 'bn# 1
’aidly ifull of ‘’s 1'rfnii.liiuKsV old sinff, 1 '
>d cno.ngli in its tiRie frit' our of 'fix. ! Stoves M
it Ik at, Macbmefi ihat wci'i stir, China .hat
For City Sexton. j
' I licrebr anuoritice myself a* a can
didaite'for the office of city .sexton
subject to tho white primary. !.Jf I
shojijd be fortuuAio opopgli to be elected
1 will give my entire time and attention
to the duties tf the office I j :
* ‘ ' Respebtfully |
buv und uo bueu, lo Imye u cumuiuu hetx
o; utliiv, to buy uud t'e.l ie*i uud pm*
sojttt property gud 10 do any, uthor
Does your interior match your exteror? If it |
Sn'tj cbmri ' tc-l’ me yririr troiib’e-. 5 Here Site g
use Furnjsfiijigs to ijiatch an exterior. '' ■ ( ^ ^ 2
' C- Q,-U-irL2a ?
USe.jFurainjss, Cioc.kejry. Broad St. Thomasyill.e^
For City Treasurer. , T
1 hcrebc annonnee myself as » caidl-
(ia'e for the office of city trbasnrer, qob-
Joqt lo ;ttie ii action ' * "
»i.«o, niiffiamj end s licit.
A.Li^iU AdHCv Abau: Diamonds
. AYiieh a person''"buys Dja-
•uonds, ha wants nothing but
of the voter* or tlie city. 'If. electee,
will jribe ll'o ddiio* 61 the rifllce hi
it,he,,best. Tniy are one of tlie
things that : aOnb- permit iof
shocUliue.-s. : Diamonds tire
emblems of purity. and silicer- 1
jijn , .Youi?aa’t afford toriate
Lue, embleijti faulty: our Dja-
mppds ■ are-beautifub C.iud
,and >ee, ■: c »vi5i-->w 1 •<«•• 1 ' " j ”
- L H, JERDHR, i
T E\yEfeEHiT |
lists' of tile iiuouLiioii uud tiiai ill's
ooiniuiliee fur tlie £
Plplteriilg'g vernor, , " |
Ij^Sets is ’Pickeri. g Qarriagc truek.
-*• newAbebest made. ’
Prompt attention upon work. IVc
wan ^p.prbpfired.*0 femisB^tane'rmiilcin
-30 day*.
"*’j ’
TjgJbiQfHOe.'TMiepripnft USi anB : 3jb
eodtivo ... .
twO''years arid null! ‘iliotr sobdew^A.
are bluctcd aiid quuli&'e l shall consist;ul
0. ill. Sheppard, A, S. iales and A. IV
RheppaCd, bud ilial aaitl excodtive copi-
mittce 1 shall hi eleciad by tile bjard of
directors every two years. !
Tim^ Table I iffective Septl tItfi
Trains Arrive ii .. v WidestVad
reh- That all vacancies in said eitoe*
Atlarita.Bf.'Loutsahd iilpdiuisWtiS."
dX. 1. nt.regctminittoB or sold board of dlrec-
Eihest eqo'ipBiBiitein theRonIti/Coaciiei"' 1 I
tors shall be filled at any reguiar-fcoet.
electric lighted, with fans Th ratnewr 1 I
knd steaih heat in winter, mttUng trarid I I
oomfortablc and easy. I " 1 1 111 1 •
Ticletsoti sitle to all points lit lhs>'
1 Culled States; ' ...t* " l(
, 1 '■ If yon Ah contcmpliiticg a trip, j
Contractor find Builder, j
- TliomssiilR,-0.1'
.Worjt eiveatbd, according to t.j
prt.ved plan*. ,Rt*w|aoatioi
' ' ;Mid Mriihatck fUH1W1M. 1
.■-Cftlljlt It UDwWino Street
ngjof tlie exedative cotnmittoe aud by
chtrlct U .vi.
"J, M : kt>SJEY l ,
Pence for"
theexecntire cotnluittce. la •••■, '-
| ■ 8(h. Tliat said I executive cominiitse'
shell have abthoriiy to elect sncli otiicf
•' offioers.lmd prc*crfbe*ach other iiy'-law «
.andMiesaud'inaku Vnejy coustitntiiti.
Trains Leave
,, *Thpinasville
(d a.m.,4:t5'p.
, Daily. ’,
Why not 0ot that Cooking Range
(ttpall'a?,.;. 2 _tt -IC> '-.a-
THE BEdt'tiSt .iENL'.
" Cht.inpJi^mtsOPMBltli.i i* COI rib
ere l vlte b vtt 4iRij»,ayA.t Mm t# trite-., ’
Write i’Pjtf H )*|g or | ^ejjrgi/i. yr.
No jjitlwt liljiajent ,y;lU .heal a cot ,pr
braise so promptly, lfo other affords
such qnielt relief tron^jhenmntto pain,.
No orhe;; is *6 valuable tor liee;, seated
fip|nit .flite * lame back aqd, jqipt4u,.t|.p
hfsh. Give thejiijiippMtatrihlAndyfm'
.wii*' pe er. .wish' to bwwithtmttit. •'Stkil
pjJ. W. Peacoek,,i.T AiiAtWV
onr Agent for information;
as sliall teem to them propor iit tie
mansgemedtiof ibo inttitn ton ’ > l J
■ i WHEREFORE; 1 Pet<ticher»pt_y'4,r
6temtelres>hau,elr legal •'socceasors ft,
bo made'a bodr 'etrpdratc and •'politic,
with aU tlio rights, privileges, itutuuni
ties and reslrlotions fixed by law.. 1
able to save yon money and tlpi*.
"‘ A 1 ; E. : Clover,_
,y.,,, h .-. 11
Agenl'j iFitagernldi" 1 "■ 1,1
H. ,Gt McFaddisn,' ' :I
1 r CfiiteriaTPiVssenger _'
. , r 1, G. Knapp, Co
H ww ^Sr'V'"W u 18 p
rorili "original tjpw of file. il.
f J W; GROttVER,
bnfi. elylc o. s. o.
si jIsi.pha.'tSr.'-ntod^R&S
,-6s i-iiu buiw.laifui**
good qualities can bo snrprisod_at_^Uie,
gtoaT”popularity of Gl.ntnlutluiu i,
Cough Remedy. It.notonly cores cold '
and grip etfootaally and p trmauently.
bat prorentstliese diseases from result
iggrRupnetiipSblq^ It is also a certai
coogh is no
ly is given.
ilk ctlt no 6iri;i,|!t'p s'eTCut lid
-so So many peoplferwho have apparently rect
with Pne«po/ita.‘ tThis is due to the fact that
fipd unalxie resii disease. : ' iT
t k'jJooj si
iktbetance autf nuiy*be^Rjjsa'i^ajtonfl
dently to a baby as to an nUtilt. ’jt
also pleasant to Jake. When an ot
these facie are taken into oorsideratior
Riant*tnppiMnUlMR. fepiRfilti for
ei£h lanirt. aa well as at home, e. tec a
MiRI and .<ery; ie^|
are willing to lake any Other after hav- i
lag,0«u» iis«til«>: tir te«,'by - I
Peaoook. „ . , . w | t
mV ,6'ld. Mill 37. il
^JWOSriyra, BOC A«0 B1.00.
if you have never tried this-
great renfrdy „j .... xp.fal
. )Vr . . SEND TO-f)AY. ,, :
for a free sample and statt
your symptouis. f -y'-f n -yon
n'e simply auk you to ,try it
Woiiir eaipieneS iFe knead'what
it will do.
Tbacher Mefficine,Co.
Ohamberlains Stomach and Liver
fableu a» becoming a favorite for!
womachtnmblea and constipation. For Signature of
•ale by J. W. I eacock. D. & Wj
nljrctires Ltf Grippe .Coughs, and prevents Pneumonia, bnt strengthei s the: Lungs so they
t--T / “vy —»v.v.w r -.v«* v. uiwMwt rusQ tauuuiEw, tav ui|u taao IUHWU.CB with*.
unknown preparation thaVraarcontain soi j^kannful drag when FOLEY’S HONEY AND
fit the developmettt^oF 1 ifi qonsi lung tooablesp Bo w t take chances -
r soixiq t i*T- 7 A ~ * * _ A '~*~ m \~j _ „ 1 """ * "**”**
iiiuT'ARico^'yolj'Ap'hJprt an'd 'is safe antf sdM' Tl t5nbains^tio ) '6pii5fea tu ' ir ;,i l 1 \' " J) ,,lT •* il ' l “ ’''
, mlooJ edi x<SMV0d* M Jard tin fauonUj i s070 ioui i ./*>% !*.• *'
i o.-1-WM caae‘‘jft!a^ipiy about tea yesfs ago which lefrmyLunn O. VACMER. ISTOsgooa St., Chicakdv 0 saVi: 1 "iijy k ife had
l.ftfwefekfbtildlavebeen troubled inoreor Icaevsn,winterahm.owdtLosXd • ' - »»d ir*tell» w tft*very,6ad ciilgb. Sh
v For Infanta and Children.
■awisci 0 nvnci Anu I Alf> wuicii cureu rac co
.IC-O! -,p *.. j/bklj TBMs’dxea—be, 50c, $1.00. 1 .A, f i ,V tte$1.00bot
indistinct PRINT