Newspaper Page Text
■' T. V •: ~. ■
l lust Arrived
@00 dozen
To Go A
25 cts.
A Dozen
jgMiss Carrie Perham Sor.ia! Editor ❖
• <MK‘
! Mr. W. D. Creel 1b etlll quite side
! at his home on Penderzraat street.
j Mr. and Mrs. Leon Byrd, of He-
j merville, were guests of the Virdie
| Hotel yesterday.
J Mr. Josh Dinkins continues quite,
' sick with fever at his home in Gil*
| christ Park.
! Mr. C. R. Dickert. of Tifton, wt
• among the rue'ts at the Phoenix ye
I lerday.
j Mies Leila Paschal asd Mr. Tom
! Paschal s; ent yesterday in Black*
. shear with relatives.
Phone 62 Or 301
1 Miss Lois Shank, of Blackshear, Is
! spending several days in the city with
October 3rd, and 4th.
J. W. S. Hardy
Mrs. H. L. Shank returned to her
home at Blackshear yesterday, after
visiting several days with relatives
In the city.
C. A. DOWNEY, M. □. V.
19 Albany Avenue. Waycrosa, Ga.
Pay and Night Phone 693.
’Phone 288 for your fresh nfeuts,
native and weatern. Prompt deliver*
lea. TV. J. Parker. 27 it
Mr. Nelson Tift, one of Albany
most prominent citizens was a visitor
to Waycross today, and stopped at
, Our Millinery Opening of Fall and Winter
Pattern Hats will be on display Tuesday and
Wednesday, Oct 3rd and 4th. We will show
also a pretty line of Tailored Suits.
Olt! Folks Should Be Careful In Their
Selection of Regulative Medicine.
We have a safe, dependable and al
together ideal remedy that is particu
larly adapted to the requirements of
«o make and keep I. to patronize thla a8ed peopleand per>ons of weak coa .
Livery when you are m need of . , tltutlon , wh0 , affer from co netipa.
Sret da,, turn out tor any purpose. | tlon or other lloweI d | Mrdcr9 . We
We can .apply your want., prompt are ccrtaln u , at , t wl „ re „ eve
.nd moderately. Give u. an oppor- tho8c comp)a |nu and ,lve absolute
tunity to show you how well we can
please you.
McGregor Mayo
Boarding, Livery and Sale. Sublet.
Cabeau SL Waycro.s, Ga.
Discontinued J pat
terns haM regular
Teaspoon 65c per set
Jesert Spoon. $1.75 per set
Fort*. $1.75 per set
Tablespoons,.. $2.50 per set
satisfaction in every particular that
we offer It with our personal guaran*
tee that it shall cost you nothing It
It fails to substantiate our claims.
This remedp is called Rexall Order
Rexall Orderlies have a soothing,
healing, strengthening, tonic and reg
ulative action upon the bowels. They
remove all irritation, dryness, sore
ness and weakness. They restore
the bowels and associate organs to
more vigorous and healthy activity.
Tboy are eaten like candy, may be
taken at any time without lnconvenl
lence, do not cause any griping, nau
sea, diarrhoea, excessive looseness,
Mr. J. T. Wood, ticket agent for
the Coast Line at Tifton, was among
the visitors to Waycrosa yesterday.
He registered at the Virdie.
Mrs. Hutchins and children left to
day' for Brooksville, Fla., to join Mr.
Hutchins, to make that place tKelr
Mrs. D. L. Keene, of Waycross, ris
ked’ her sister, Mrs. B. F. Scott, last
Saturday, going on to attend the Sar
dis meeting Sunday.—Folkston Her
Mr. L. J. Walker, of Patterson, and
Misses Dora, Fannie and Minnie
Thomas, of Offerman, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thomas on Lott
Messrs. B. H. and O. K. Jones,
prominent merchants of Valdosta,
were In Waycrosa this morning, re
turning home from a visit to their
mother at Lulaton.
A Cordial Invitation is Ex
tended to all
Humphreys & Williamson
I FOR RENT—Boom at &1 Parallel SL
or pbone 462. 13 lm
One gray mare from C. H. Flcken’s
lot on Friday nlgbt. Sept. 29. Will
weigh about one thousand pounds;
FOR RENT—Seven room house, 43 tal1 slightly bobbed. Return to us at
Ollmore street. Apply W. B. Elllng. Waycross and get reward. J. M.
ton, LaGrande Building. 1 tl CaI Co. 2 tf
FOR SALE—Vapant lot on Folks St. | F0R RENT—October 4, 9-room
Apply to H. J. Sweat 19 tl house, $27.50 per minth In advance.
Apply S. T. Beaton, No. 4 Plant ave-
FOR RENT—Two story house on nue - ' 2 3t
Mary Street Apply G. R. Wolte, 35
Jane. 19 tf
WANTED—Board and room in good
■ private family, by a young man. Ad-
FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms dre3s " x ". care this office. 2 3t
Dr. nnd Mrs. A. Fleming have been
spending several days at St. Simon.
They will return home tomorrow
gentlemen, with hath, electric llgnts
and phone. Apply to F. A. Bates, CO Your orders for frosh meats will re-
Elizabeth street. 21 tf eel\e prompt attention. 'Phone 2SS.
W. J. Parker.
Wanted by .an established Arm In
flatulence, or other disagreeable ef-1 night accompanied by Mr. J. Morton J A ,i aIltai 0a _ man t0 take an actlve
Only limited quantity In
stock. See our window -for
Silverware Bargains!
Little & Odom
Phone 5. > _
feet. Price 50c, 25c and 10c. Sqld
only at cur store—The Rexall Store.
The Be?'.* Pharmacy.
8UI1 retain* its high place us the
beat household remedy for all coughs
and colds, either for children ot
* grown persona. Prevents serious re
mits from a cold. Take only the ger.
tine Foley's Honey and Tar 00m
pound, and refuse substitutes. Ocm
Pharmacy; T. 8. Paine.
Anyone desiring a "Monitor**; gss>
Rfit Iren, please eend order to Mrs. j
D. C. Young, ifctnt Box 554, Way-1
cross, Ga. 33 $t I
New York, Oct. 2.—Why did Italy
go to war?
DI San Guiliano, Italian minister ot
foreign affairs, answered the question
tn a 1,800-word cnble to G. Fara Fornl,
his consul general here.
Thfe statement recites In detail nu
merous alleged instances of Injustice,!
cruelty nnd barbarity by the Turks
toward Italian subjects, speaks
"Justice eternally involved;" tells of
alleged piratical acts by the Moslems
on the high seas against the Italian
hag; charges bloodsrod, cruelty, mue
dors and rape against the Ottoman
subjects and indicts the Sultan’s ad
ministration ns a “government either
withou authority or lncklngin ability
to impose obedience on Its dependents
—a government which has failed to
keep towards Italy its International
duties." |
Young, who ha3 been spending the
summer on the island.
L. E. nnd L. C. Miller went up to
Waycross Thursday afternoon. There
seems something on In business trans
actions up there with these gentle
men, and we hope to report results
soln.—Folkston Herald.
Mrs. Lillian Allen, of Waycross, ac
companied by her little sister. Pearl
Sasser, spent the flay in town Satur
day as guest of Miss Julia Belle and
A. deGraffenrled.—Folkston Her
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McAdara and
daughter have arrived in the city
from Montgomery, Ala., to make their
home in Waycross. They have rent
ed the house at 22 Gilmore street.
Mr. McAdams will be manager of
the Waycross Ice and Cold Storage
Interest in management. Must be re
liable and able to give best referenc
es. Salary $125.00 per month. Mod
erate Investment required. Young!
man preferred. If you are in a posi
tion to talk business, address G. H.,
500 Forsyth building, Atlanta, Ga.
WANTED—A machinist for saw
mill work. Regular Job to right man.
Hlckox Lumber Co., Waycross, Ga., R.
F. D. 5, or to Dr. R. H. Bush, Phone
531, Waycross, Ga. 29 tf
FOR RENT— Six room house, 51
Brewer street. Apply to J. T. Bea
ton, 7 Stephenson street. 29 3t
can b e secured uc 54 Reed street. 7 tf
Physician and Surgeon.
Special attention to chronic diseases
of women and children.
Office Third Floor Lott-Hitch Bldg.
Office hours: 9 to 11 a. m. 4 to 6 p. m.
Phone, office —— 393
Waycross. Georgia.
big Lot frying chickens just
Summer Colds
bad at they an, have about the earn*
chance with
Seals’ Cold Tablets
that a snowball does in——sunshine.
Try them on guarantee.
a* buxku stork
FOR RENT—New two-story house
on Reed street October 1st Apply
W. W. Ansley, 42 Brunei street. 29 tf
FOR RENT—1 ten-room house, No.
51 Folks street. Apply to Dr. Love
lace. 30 3t
FOR SAL 6 —Anyone destring a nice
fancy outfit It can be found for sale at
Sutton Grocery Co. Horse, rubber-tire
runabout and harness; all practically
new, can be bought reasonable. I
Haines avenue, Phone 7. 13 tf
Barnesville, Ga., Oct. 1.—From
present indications it is reasonably
certain that Ex-Governor Joseph M.
Brown will carry Pike county in the
present race. It has previously been
pretty strong for Gov. Smith, but in
the last race his big vote was greatly
reduced. Gov. Smith’s friends are
sticking to him and there have been
numerous expressions from his former
or 75 per cent, if that much, of the
help actually required to save their
staple. The production of lumber
and turpentine, two industries which
pay good wages the year around, has
been cut down fully 25 per cent each
because Of lack of labor. .
F. R. Nelli, a big planter ot States
boro, quoted in Savannah a few days
ago, declared that he does not remem
ber to have seen wrse labor Condi
tions. "The crop is suffering serious,
ly,’’ he said, "as the result of thp Xn.
ability of the farmers to get picLAk
Cotton that should have been picked
two weeks ago is falling out of the
At Augusta, Ga., the situation be
came so serious a few days ago that
the city was called upon to lend its
convicts to assist in handling cotton
from warehouses to the compresses.
The unusual spectacle of striped la
borers on "cotton row” has forcibly
directed the attention of the city au
thorities to the necessity for a prompt
and vigorous campaign against the
Vagrants of the city.
It has been stated that there are
from 3,000 to 4,000 idle negro men
and boys large enough to do the work
of men in Jacksonville and Its nevl-
rons. The same proportion of idle
ness prevails among the negroes of
other cities and towns throughout the
state. «
Monmouth, Ill., Oct. 1.—William E.
Dawson, his wife and one daughter
were found dead in their beds today,
the skull of each crushed In. Dawson
as the caretaker of the First Pres
byterian Church and when he failed
to open the building for servfces to-
opponents indicating that he is much I day, f ur men went to his home and
stronger throughout the county than found tbe bodies.
In any previous campaign. ^ There was no evidence of a -struggle
Judge Russell aroused some little! in the house and the murderer is be-
interest at first, but it has apparently
waned. Unless the signs fail Pike
i/lll be overwhelmingly for Ex-Gover-
nor Brown.
§ FOR RENT—Rooms near couri
JI house in Parker House, alto b*ac>
4 smith shop to be used as thepor fot
2 {storage on Parallel street Apply Mrs. i
• C. Parker, 19 Church street 13 U
Jacksonville, Fal., Oct. 2.—The
opening of the cotton season and the
fall revival In other lines of tndustry
have brought the states of Florida
and Georgia to the realization that
they must face the greatest labor fam-
Lie In history.
lieved to have killed each with
gle blow. The police have no clue.
New Orleans, Oct. 1.—Annie Craw
ford, charged wth killing her sister,
Elize, with poison, spent ah u^ent-
fttl Sunday In the parish prisodFbere
today. No one was allowed to see
her, and no relatives called to pay a
visit. The prison officials were bv
The farmers In *he northern part
of Florida and in Georgia are offering
higher prices for pickers than they
hive paid since the war. and yet they
sieged with crowds seeking a sight oi
the accused girl, but no one was a>
lowed to^enter.
It is probable that the case will t-
an unable to cat much mon then COfaasttniU thia week.