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Wednesday, May 18,1994 " Houston Time&Journal
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On May 7, under the direction of Debbie Fowler, the Perry
Middle School Chorus received a Silver Award for their
performance In the Six Flags Musical Festival held at the
Marriott West In Atlanta. The PMS Chorus performed along
with 36 other middle school chorus groups from as far as
Are drugs the best way to spell R-E-L-l-E-F?
How do you spell relief? Do
you spell it A-S-P-I-R-I-N? Or
M-O-T-R-I-N? Or T-Y-L-E-N-O-L?
there are literally thousands of ways
to spell relief and it's spelled:
We swallow a lot of pills in this
society. Why shouldn't we? We
and our children are exposed to
thousands of drug commercials all
saying the same thing: it's good to
take medicines. T.V. and radio
commercials, newspaper and
magazine advertisements, soap
operas and prime time shows all
say it's O.K. to take drugs because
"relief is just a swallow away."
Is relief important? Of course it
is. If you're in pain, or suffering,
that’s all you can think of: "Let me
get rid of this headache", "If only
the pain would go away", "I wish I
could find a position that's
comfortable", "If only the fever
would break", "If only I could
breathe freely"...none of us enjoy
being uncomfortable. We want
case, not disease. Medicines are
sometimes seen as little gems to
those who know only agony and
distress without them.
Gov. Miller awards grant to Houston County
Governor Zell Miller today
announced grants for Houston
County for the creation and
maintanence of alternative school
"We all want to improve
education," Governor Miller said.
"But we all also know that all the
new programs and ideas in the
world will never be enough if we
fail to give our children and our
teachers a safe environment that
fosters teaching and learning."
With that in mind. Governor
Miller introduced the state’s plan to
create "a school environment where
teachers can concentrate on teaching
rather than class control and
students can learn, free from
discipline." The alternative schools
in Houston County would serve to
provide a special learning
environment for those students who
disrupt classes or do not function
well in a normal school setting.
This year, alternative school
programs in Houston County will
receive $265,700 in funds to create
Applications being
accepted for program
Science-By-Mail, a national pen
pal/mcntor program for children in
grades 4-9, is now accepting
applications through November 1,
1994. Topics for the 1994-95 year
are weather, magic and garbage.
During the course of the school
year, Science-By-Mail members
receive three hands-on, theme
oriented packets are assigned a
volunteer scientist who corresponds
with the children about their
experiments. Developed by a team
of science and educational
professionals, the packets contain a
fun Big Challenge, experiments to
test and explore the Challenge and
materials to conduct those
The non-competitive and open
ended nature of the program allows
children to participate at their
individual level of abilities and
supported by the National
Science Foundation, Science-By-
Mail was developed by the Museum
of Science, Boston and is offered by
18 state chapters nationwide.
The membership fee for the
1994-95 year is $56. For more
information on becoming a
Science-By-Mail member call the
National Science Center at (706)
791-7862, ask for Ms. Brown or
Mr. Moak. Or write to: The
National Science Center, P.O. Box
15577, Augusta, Ga. 30919-1577.
PMS Chorus receives award for performance
No one can question that there
are times when medication is
necessary and desirable. The
accident victim, the bum victim,
the terminally ill, the acute patient
and others should receive the
medication they need.
But what of the housewife who
swallows painkillers for the
headaches she's always getting. Or
the friend, relative, co-worker,
neighbor or classmate who cannot
stand daily stress without valium,
librium or alcohol?
According the the
Pharmaceutical Society, every
twenty-four to thirty-six hours,
from fifty to eighty percent of
adults in the United States
swallows a prescribed drug.
Does that spell health to you? It
might spell relief but are drugs
making people healthier? Do drugs
correct the cause of a person's
problems or do they merely
temporarily relieve symptoms?
The symptoms the drugs are
covering up are often warning
signals telling you that something
is wrong with your body. By
or maintain already existing
alternative school projects. This
comes after the Georgia legislature
in 1994 allocated up to sl6
million, with $8.5 million from
lottery funds and $7.5 million from
general funds, to local school
systems for the establishment or
augmentation of alternative school
programs for students in grades 6-
Funding from the lottery has
been directed for the purchase of
technological equipment and
instructional materials, while
general funds will be allocated for
personnel; the program grants will
be available for the 1994-95 school
The projects differ widely,
ranging from those held in schools
on weekdays to those in
community buildings on Saturdays
and in the evenings. Since
December of last year, a state
consortium, which included
members from the Office of
c pyiawncLCty
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BUI Moss
New York to Florida. The students would like to thank their
sponsors for allowing them the opportunity to attend the
festival: Tolleson Lumber, Trading Tim's, Rainbow's End,
Longhorn Butcher Shop, Northrop, Georgia Production Site
and Advanced Security Systems.
constantly covering up the
symptoms with medicines to feel
better our health may continue to
deteriorate; and if it does we may
start to take more powerful
medicines to continue to hide the
warning symptoms our body is
giving us.
Is there an alternative to drug
use? The greatest drug store in the
world is your own body. If your
body is working right, it
manufactures every medicine you
need: chemicals to alter your blood
pressure, heartbeat, moods,
hormones to regulate your
digestion, blood chemistry,
painkillers and hundreds of other
drugs, many of which science has
yet to discover.
What does a Chiropractic have to
do with any of the above?
Chiropractors correct a very
common condition that interferes
with out body function causing it
to weaken and become susceptible
to disease and malfunction. That
condition is called a vertebral
(spinal) subluxation. When
Chiropractors correct subluxia they
Planning and Budget, the
Department of Education, the
Department of Human Resources
and the Partnership for Excellence
in Education, has been working to
determine the guidelines for each of
the alternative schooling programs.
"Government can never take the
place of parents in raising children,"
Governor Miller said.
"Government can never take the
place of families and churches and
synagogues in teaching values. But
what I believe government must do
is provide opportunities and
encouragement for families and
communities to work together, and
strengthen and renew the ties that
"That is what we are doing with
alternative schools," he continued.
"We are encouraging local
communities to take the initiative
and work together to help their
children with special needs, and we
are providing the resources they
need to do it."
Vour Family Independent Pharmacist
is a trained professional. He will fill
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every day.
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help turn on your natural healing
ability without side effects, adverse
reactions or drug dependency. The
next time you see someone living
on medication tell them about their
internal drug store.
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